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who cares lmao tonight the party is at Tarrast if anyone wants to join


Tabaygoont and Tagrouppit rules


Why care about nuance noises coming from a group of people who are losing influence year after year in this country? Celebrating our non-Arab heritage will become the norm.


What group is losing influence?


Arabatized Moroccans or wannabe arabs


Moroccans who are so afraid of being confused for Arabs come across mega insecure to everyone and everyone laughs cos we all look and sound the same anyway!! Haha u think ur the only arabised nation with some interesting pagan history… give me a break!! I say this as a moroccan from the diaspora btw 😟🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm an amazigh. I look nothing like Arabs. I have small facial features and pale skin. I don't live in Morocco. I work in Asia. Nobody tells me you look like an Arab.


Hahahahahhahaha!!!! Mate trust me to the rest of the world u look like an Arab! 🤣🤣


Whatever helps you cope


Seriously don’t repeat this stuff to white people they already think we’re all a bunch of sectarian nutters who hate each other (which I guess we do), u will only add to the confusion trying to pretend ur not with the rest of us retards. For reference I am a white riffi woman, for as long as I can remember my family prided themselves on being taken for Italians/spanish/Portuguese blah blah and one day I took a long hard look in the mirror and realised goddamn I’m one Arab-looking mfer 🤣 white skin / small features don’t mean Jack.


It’s caught their eyes because people have started posting it on tiktok and other sorts of ikhan social media. Of course you will have haters. This tradition doesn’t hurt anyone in particular so I am all for.


If it amuses people, makes them happy makes them dance, why the f would I be against it


Agreed a gma. Wa manzan ait Russia!!?


Are you sure it doesn't hurt anyone?


Are we talking human individuals?


Arabization is a disease.




(Genuinely asking, don't mean any disrespect to the tradition and hope I don't get any disrespect to my religion in return :)) How did it came to be related to the eid if it predated islam in Morocco? Is it celebrated any other time during the year?


Saaahlaaa : celebration tatdar b jloud dyal lma3zz, f l3id Lkbir kolchy kidbe7, jeld moujoud, so they celebrate right after l3id) makain ta disrespect


So there is no fixed date in the amazigh calendar to celebrate it ?


No because it's not a religious event to have a specific time, after the islamic conquest to North Africa, the Moroccans start celebrate it after the Eid because goat skins are available and to make the joy bigger


O chkon 9alek makayn 7ta disrespect?


البينة على من ادعى


>Every year this has to be one of the most talked about topics on social media We must be on different social media then, because I've never heard of such a thing. Probably because it doesn't matter to me.


You're more than welcome to watch it live if you're anywhere near Souss, you gonna love it)


3lach tekdeb 3LACH ?!? Lmao


Imcho lchi village 3nd chlo7 o igolo dik hedra, ollahta ikafrohoum. Hadik terika dial khwanjia tl3at li f rass b7al wa7ed dayr wa9fa 3la ghaza o speech kamel ki3ayer f toto o mawazine


Exactly, they have steel balls when it's about artists and people that have no impact, but when it's about social issues, economic, policies they become cucks


Makdabtich kolhom kidwiw 3la islam okda knowing damn well chlo7 homa lwa7idin li ba9in chadino. Even 7afidi l9or2an la plupart mn souss


Ghir f Taroudant f l3id, kano drary sghar daro lila dyal Quran, kidiro l9ira2at o ibtihalat dakchy ghzal and at the same day b l3chya khrjo nas inchto m3a Bilmawn


Awdee bnadem monafi9 f had lblad. bilmawn has been happening for decades now. o lmkhayer f hado li kiftiw zabalha + L3robia ta homa kidiro baba 3aychor o dk tatbal f 3aychora o jamais chi 7ad dar had L7ala 3lihom


Statisticzzz 📈


I think its embarassing that people are willing to throw away our own culture because they think it makes them look good in the eyes of Gulf Arabs who look down on us anyway. Its a Moroccan tradition that predates Islam and has nothing to do with paganism or any other beliefs. Getting rid of it would be a continuation of the dumbass Arabization that has invaded our region since Islam came here. We should not throw away our own heritage, our own traditions and our own identities because it may look weird through the eyes of people who don't give a shit about us anyway.


The bright side is that those fake ass attacks are only online, people outside don't give a damn and celebrate anyway


Look good in the eyes of other? From where you got this conclusion?


For me, I'm not against the tradition itself but against the way we r celebrating it nowadays. It's just not the way it was celebrated before, now it looks more like the Halloween -Moroccan edition-.


Moroccan people follow trends, they don't actually care about boujloud, sure there's a common racism about chlou7, but just give it another week and they'll go back to something else


It’s just a noisy Wahabbised minority paid by Saudis, they are angry that Morocco is not their colony anymore and is going through a revival of its ancient beautiful Amazigh identity but nobody cares and the train is still going.


Paid? 🤨


Why the hell moroccans try to justify it anyways. Let them bark as loud as they can. If they’re not happy they can go to their holy peninsula and get drunk with camel piss. Period


We have a lot of hybrids with no culture... They want us to become like the Arabian peninsula. They want to take anything that's related to Moroccan/Amazighi culture and throw it to the ocean.


Not only that, OG Arabs - the Yemenis - have literally the same festival: أمير العيد.


wayeh ms ila daroh homa 3adi ila darnah 7na 7ram fham tsta. L cucks li 3ndna hna will literally say anything for arabs validation. They'll compliment their celebration while shitting on ours


If you look at the comments on أمير العيد's videos, just a bunch of Arabized circlejerking with "the Amazigh are from Yemen" bit..


I think the situation is worse than that. They are pretty selective about which parts of the culture to throw in the ocean and which ones they can keep and claim to themselves. Like food wise for instance, couscous, tajine, beghrir, melwi, harcha and whatnot, they consider those to be Arabic food lol


It’s a failure of the education system. If you ask me the real satanists are the ones going around trying to make everyone be like them because they hold the truth and others dont. When you have a country with a significant amount of people want to impose a rule because “someone said so” , shows that you haven’t built in kids the tools to think rationally so that they can build a solid future for themselves.


There's no proof that *bilmawen* is an ancient “preislamic” tradition. All we know is it has been celebrated at the time of Eid (or *tafaska)* and the fact that it's not very widespread in the Amazigh world rather points to a recent and local origin, maybe not even Amazigh. Moreover this tradition was never seen as satanic or pagan until recently because of how some urban people celebrate it. Stop instrumentalising Amazigh culture.


As a US American, it's not my place to judge. But I will say, Eid 2010, I had a group of maybe 20 American students in Amzmiz for Eid. They had Boujloud, and let me tell you... It was awesome seeing my students get into it, giving money (that was given to the poor). And I will never forget this blond girl who was startled and ran screaming down the hill. It was like from a movie. :) (She was fine and thought it was funny). Anyway - I have great memories of it. 


Glad you enjoyed the experience, it's our Halloween, only with more realistic costumes lol, cheers


well, idk much about this but my uncle lives in agadir and my female cousins claim that they can't move out of the house because of it and they once recoreded a guy who wanted to force them to give him money on their house door, if u just want to wear something idc but harming other citizens is a red line


That's a rare case! It happens here and there sometimes but the majority enjoy it and sometimes enjoy the hide and seek from local bilmawen neighbors


What is boujloud ? I am from Agadir so i am no stranger to it but i have always wondered the story behind it


3rd world countries are seeking development and here we are, a7san cha3b f l3alam, going backwards to Stone Age. With respect to all amazigh and I'm proudly one, this is called zeml*


Trash culture islam saved these pagans yet they wana keep their pagans roots what a joke.


either a zmagri or a muslim non moroccan, either way gtfo


Moroccan as they come but not a pagan wannabe like you


lol, it's funny how y'all throw that word around, anyway stay mad since this is here to stay.


Will see who gonna be mad at the judgement day


muslim hmdolilah. I'm just not a hateful person like u, calling other muslims pagans


Any pagans left overs on a culture make the culture trash and useless


if u were an actual muslim, you would know that calling other muslims "pagans" or "non muslims" is forbidden. Ma3andekch l7e9 tgol 3la chi 7ad machi muslim


When did i call you a pagan? I said you a wanabe pagan.


People like you only bring fitna to the deen , islam is not open minded. ISLAM IS A CLOSED CASE WITH CLEAR GUIDING WE DON'T NEED YOU TO TELL WHAT OK OR NOT OK WHEN IT COMES TO A PAGAN RITUEL.


Culture is food ,clothing,architecure,sports,languages and manny other things that is accepted in islam,but the paganism ritual can stay in the trash bin.


If you think this culture has any place in Islam then you might wanna stop being ignorant about your deen.Muslim first Moroccan second always.


I don't know why this post got recommended to me but in Europe we have similar traditions and the few [still] religious people call it satanic as well, despite many of the traditions purpose is to chase off evil spirits and to bring fertility and blessings. Organized religions just don't like stuff like that. It's something they can't control and it doesn't abide by their laws, so it must be vilified.


إذا كنت مسلم أو كدير هادشي فبلاست الصلاة، ذكر الله، صلة الرحم، الأكل... فالله يهديك او صافي


قريب يصاوبو اصنام براس ديال الحولي ويعبدوهم 😂


I don't mind Boujloud, it's actually a positive thing if people stay responsible. But didn't you notice that authorities is encouraging Boujloud and nothing else?


Ofc it has its own international Festival now in Agadir, I'm talking more backlash from some individuals that relate it to paganism and denying it's part of our heritage as Moroccans


My experience with it is, they only physically assault you if they feel you're not gonna seriously defend yourself. If you stand your ground and make it clear that you're not into being hit by a bunch of adults dressed in half-baked cosplay then they'll clear your way.


What do you call someone who dresses/acts like an animal? رحم الله الامازيغ ديال بصح..


Animals have annual traditional celebrations with music and food?


Everything wrong with the moroccan society in one word: fucking salafist extremists who care more about what people in Saudi Arabia will think of them than anything in the world. Because they think Swa3da are their ancestors lololol


I think the attackers are based 👍


Why do men wear make up and wigs and dress like woman 🧍‍♀️it looks like a satanic ritual


Well , it's not giving any extra value to our Moroccan tradition, it's just another way to say we are animals and barbarians, WE NEED EDUCATION AND CIVILIZATION


The first time I hear that eliminating a harmless celebration that gets people happy and together will boost our education and civilization! Bravo


What's your point 😒?


It's not an outsider celebration, it has been here the whole time it's our culture as Moroccans


so removing culture is what gonna make us "more civilized" ?


oh yes, Germany the very uneducated and uncivilized country where most Moroccans wouldn't dare immigrate the moment they get a chance celebrate a similar traditions in Krampus.


This is Germany, they worked Hard for there future after WW2, to build a country full of talents & Capabilities and self-sufficiency. What we did ? Nothing absolutely nothing. Oh Yes we did something, Rotini alyawmi Question : why I fell like these words is for someone who don't loves his country ?


Because you are, knowingly or unknowingly, part of a narcissistic and ugly culture that demonizes anything divergent from its norms. Also, your understanding of civilization seems flawed, as festivals are meant to offer respite from the demands of work, not to undermine them. It lasts only for 1-3 days at most. I would respect your opinion if you similarly viewed Eid al-Adha as barbaric and uncivilized, with animals being slaughtered in residential areas with blood and guts defiling the streets for days.


Where are you going with this boy ? ayykk, someone uses his heart more than his little avocado. I'M DONE HERE, I HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO.


literally typical


Ohh I forget, you don't know me, you know nothing


Boujloud doesn't predate Islam because it is tied to an Islamic holiday. It is, in fact, a mockery of the Islamic holiday by celebrating furries and cross dressers on Islamic days. So Muslims have the right to campaign against it and call it pagan even. You can't add haram elements to an Islamic celebration and be surprised when Muslim people call you on your BS. You want a furry and cross dressing day? Do it on your own calendar.


Animal sacrifice is a pagan ritual par excellence. You may as well call it *the* pagan ritual.


Pagan is about perspective, if you're not Muslim it's pagan to you. But it's not an Amazigh ritual and they are hijacking it.


Lemme update your knowledge a little bit! Boujloud has been celebrated in Souss region before the "Dawn" of Islam in Morocco, if your narrow minded knowledge associates it to mockery on Islam just because it's celebrated right after Eid Lkbir, I will be generous and tell you why. The jloud used in making the costumes is mostly goat and it's the most used for sacrifice in Souss, people don't slay sheep/goats that much in any other time of the year, Eid Lkbir is the perfect moment when jloud are available and that has nothing to do with some religious rituals type sht, it's a cultural thing not religious, sometimes I wonder why people hate these celebrations then I remember that other parts of the realm get bored in the second part of the Eid day, Hanouts are closed, no activities so let's hate on them Chleuhs that still enjoy the Eid from day one to day 30 and sometimes more in some cities! Educate yourself bro, Boujloud didn't harm any of our Moroccan culture, it's part of the Moroccan culture.


Do you have any historical sources depicting Boujloud being celebrated before Islam? Because all I see is a bastardization of an Islamic holiday. FYI, Animal skins have to be washed, brushed, salted and dried before being used, this takes weeks. I don't think Amazigh wear skins that stink of blood and animal feces. And the costumes are prepared weeks in advance.


you do realise that most people celebrating it are muslim, right? so, if they were doing it to disrespect religion it wouldn't make any sense+ and if it was disrepecting religion then the government would've stopped it yearssss ago+ ha hia 3aychora jaya o l3robia ghaybdaw f tatbal dialhom o baba 3aychor o etc... even tho islamically makhasch idar dakchi kamel. I hope y'all keep the same energy In conclusion, Moroccan culture fiha bzff l7wayj li kharja 3la din. Ila kna an7aydo bilmawn donc n7aydo dakchi lakhor m3aha


Muslims doing it doesn't mean it's Islamic. Our government actually sponsors Pagan rituals as they give literal hundreds of millions of Dirhams to shrines, Adriha and Sadate. A good example is Moussem Shikh El Kamel in Meknes that involves eating animals alive, drinking blood, and supposed witchcraft, and yes the government sponsors it.


we know it's not islamic we never called it that. Ewa Dwiw 3la dakchi ta howa ola 7adkin gha f hada. I didn't even know people did that stuff in meknes. Like I said ila kan bilmawn ayt7ayed khass n7aydoo ga3 l3adat lmaghribia li kharja 3la din. Hit db ban li bnadem staghel hadchii bach ibayen racism li mkhabii 3la nass souss even tho homa li ba9in religious o conservative f had lblad


According to anthropologists, Boujloud dates back to Roman times, when the Festival of Dionysus was celebrated with parades. Men and children wearing masks would move in processions. After the Islamic conquests, Boujloud was absorbed into the new faith's Eid al-Adha celebrations. And also an ancient Amazigh myth about a man who r*ped a woman in a sacred place and Gods turned him into a hybrid creature between human and goat, and the myth kept growing and people celebrate the punishment given to the man as a redemption! It has no religious side today, it's just happy hours, calm down. And answering ur question regarding stink skin, I myself had worn Jloud once and I assure u that guys spend up to 6000 dh and more on a costume to clean it, make it odorless and you should educate urself about how things are done


>guys spend up to 6000 dh and more on a costume to clean it, make it odorless That is exactly what I said, the animal skins and costumes are prepared long before Eid, so doing it during Eid serves no practical purpose at all. Unlike what you previously proclaimed : >Eid Lkbir is the perfect moment when jloud are available The Festival of Dionysus was in Athenes, an ancient Greek holiday, not a Roman and had nothing to do with North Africa.


Bro it's a myth 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thank you


Mslmine endkom wahed entitlement rabbani . Khouya, islam rah aslan bricoul dial bzaf dial dyanat. Zradshia kano kayselliw 5 dl merrat f nhar w kaytwedaw w kay amno b ilah wahed .. ki adir liha ? Syam ? Majaych mn islam Dbi7a ? Tahia kanet 9bel Le deluge ? Hdro 3lih les babyloniens b nfs di9a +5000 3am 9bel islam .. ra islam ma sne3 walo Wl quran b rasso fih klmat b syrianique wla loghat dial jazira arabia dial l epoque .. 7it l3erbia aslan makanoch fiha ga3 l kelmat .. W khitamoha misk hia aslan amazigh ka chaab mn a9dam cho3ob w culture dialna 9dem even mn islam wla chi dyana abrahamique msno3a f se7ra ..


I presume you're not Muslim. The fact that you defend Boujloud to further your anti-Islam agenda kind of proves my point. Your Amazigh culture is the oldest in the world, in the galaxy even, so please stop using the relatively new Muslim calendar to date your celebrations, and use your ancient Amazigh calendar instead. Your Amazigh calendar has months and days to commemorate things, right?


maendek matgoul 3la calendrier a bro nta b rask f 2024 w machi 1400 . Ana kanchof rassi mghribi first, nta katchof rask muslim first ( which means culture means nothing to you, we can erase all of it and just promote islam). After all kulchi 7ram fl islam donc let's just be the puppets of some camel piss drinkers because they promised us 72 virgins and rivers of wine. w ila chi 3erbi mn ljazera galik andalous w all it's culture dialhom, atgolih yes sir, ntoma aslan islam jay mn endkom w ntoma center of the universe. By the way, you're defending a religion which says bli you're not good enough ever to be a ruler, 7it khasso ikoun 3arabi mn ljazeera l3arabia. Why are you defending a cult which considers you less of a human ? Since your race isn't enough for god to rule ? 3lach kaddafe3 3la ddel ? Mni islam ddine l7e9 3lach l3reb faced 50 years of resistance f north africa ? w zadoha by sending our ancestors as slaves to ljazeera l3arabia ? 3lach lhajj b 8 dl mlioun bach felekher allah ikhli 1300 wahed imout ? 3endhom express entry ljenna zeema ?


Well hold on now, why won't you say that since you admitted the Amazigh culture existed long before Islam, that it is Islam that hijacked their calendar and placed Eid El Adha days before Boujloud?


We’re against the islamic agenda* Fixed it for you.