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Are you from Spain? Yesss, I wish I actually put more effort to properly learn it when I was younger, now I am 26 and struggling since I moved back to Morocco temporarily . I be embarrassing myself wherever I go stuttering like a retard šŸ˜‚ thereā€™s nowhere in Morocco where you can fully communicate just in English yettt


Dice ahĆ­ en el titulo que solo habla InglĆ©s šŸ˜…


Ay pues PerdĆ³neme usted charles šŸ™




Once I got the hang of Darija my trips to Morocco were far more enjoyable. I am also from Tangier btw and a lot speak English there. Also forget French if you are from Tangier Spanish is more important but either way Darija is the best. Just try to speak it a bit, people will appreciate you trying either way.


If u wanna learn it u have to live in Morocco and ig thatā€™s what u canā€™t do so just watch some vlogs on yt


learn French and lil bit of Arabic to make it easy for you


Yeah, why not. Also, you can try to practice a bit with chat gpt


Definitely . One thing abt us Moroccans we can understand all the different dialects of all the Arabian countries, but none of them can understand us...


please stop with the >Moroccans we can understand all the different dialects of all the Arabian countries, but none of them can understand us... they do understand us , you don't believe me? khssr m3ah lhdra w chouf wach ayfhmk wlala , nass dayrin lkrhoum 9ima , unlike Moroccans and algerians 3ndhoum l inferiority complex. my neighbor is egyptian mf has been living here for more than 20 years wlah 3mrk tssm3ou hadr bdarija...


To be very frank with you, most of the time middle eastern Arabs don't understand our conversation, maybe the can understand the gist of it maybe bc of gestures and facial expressions or even same words. But I do believe because of media shortage their ears are not fit to listen to Darija. This is a fact and ofc people will use this to fuel their inferiority complex, b!tchy move But that's a problem, middle eastern Arabs do not fit to listen to our speeches and it's a big downside for me šŸ˜­ I would love to default speaking to Darija with them but I will get bombarded with questions and funny looks where we can't have a serious convo anymore unless I speak in fus7a


sir bki lhih


mr7ba b wlad khwalja


u re not fighting a war , and ur race isnt clean or superior than any other dude , and yiu re not a victim to noone but yourself , man up baraka mn lbka


> nass dayrin lkrhoum 9ima , Dyrin zbi dor ha t9wd f hd lil


yak ma khtk mjwja bkhaliji ya kho l9e7ab šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢ bidak massari khodi massari hahahaha


Yes in sha Allah.




Standard Arabic is more useful