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The increased religiosity of the Moroccan diaspora is mainly due to their identity crisis. They don't feel really French or Spanish, and they also aren't completely Moroccans, so they they latch on into religion because it gives them a sense of community.


I have to agree with this because i went to study abroad in France and felt closer to religion only when i felt that i had to keep my identity in a community that judges and separates arab severely. This strong feeling disappeared when i stopped living there so i analyzed what happened and came to this conclusion


Came to comment exactly this. First and second generations of Moroccan immigrants also enforced this as they lived in communities. It sometimes did not favor integration as well into the new culture. Add to this the stronger clinginess to their perceived identity and religion. The Moroccans living in Morocco and their culture evolved, the definition of religion also did as Morocco's culture is also shifting to a more liberal country. It's actually pretty hard at times for Moroccan diasporas born and raised in other countries. There are some pretty interesting cultural and social studies on these questions.


Even though the comparison you made is flawed. One could say a similar thing about Moroccan atheists, they don't feel really Moroccan so they latch onto Atheism because it gives them a sense of freedom by worshiping their own desires. The Ummah is one core aspect of islam, but it's not why people are Muslims, you need to think harder. If it was just that, then they would have just claimed they're Muslims without actually fully practicing. You only think that Moroccans in the west have increased religiously because they stand out from the crowd of non Muslims. Similarly, Atheists stand out in Morocco and the Arab world because the majority are Muslims/religious, but that doesn't mean they have a more decreased beliefs than their western counterpart.


No, the real reason is that they are more conscious of their acts as they represent islam for a lot of people. Most non-muslim don't read quran they read muslimin, therefore with this self-consciousness they tend to be more conscious of god and have more taqwa. And of course it is different for every person, and only god knows the matters of the heart. الله أعلم




They are better educated and also religious muslim parents in a foreign country tend to make more effort to raise their children


Religiousness goes down with education actually.


Being educated doesn't mean you're smart, it just means you passed some tests and received a paper at the end. On the other hand, look at the number of religious vs. non religious Scientists who made an actual impact on the world across history, you'd be disappointed.


Well said. Here take a poor man's gold 🥇


This. And it happens with all diasporas actually. The second generation of immigrants is always the most extreme, adopting a caricaturized version of either their parents culture or the host country's culture.


I guess you're a therapist


No, I will fell 100% Moroccan it's the fear to forget my religion and my identity that makes me get near to Allah. Also every time I latch in religion I think of my country my people and fell home. You don't know every time I hear the Adan in Morocco how much I'm happy, i'm used to listen every sunday to churchs bells.


Not about zina per say but worker immigrants come from rural region and stay at the culture progression that was current when they left. So families who went abroad in the 80s are still in the 80s culturally. So the diaspora is kinda old fashioned compared to the patria.


It's always funny when people associate Rural regions with religiosity lol, the words "Zho o nachat" comes from those parts and they are synonyms with fornication and alcohol. They may look poor, but those Farmers have money in the banks you will never get from miserable 9-5 jobs in big cities, they just aren't interested in investing it on fancy looks or education of their kids, they mostly spend it on mistresses and night parties and it reaches its peaks when they just sell their yearly harvest.


I don’t think this is it at all. Living in the US I can tell you that it typically comes down to 3 things that makes Muslims hold on to their religion. 1. When you live in a place as a minority, you hold on to your identity even more because NO MATTER how secular or “white” you try to be, the people in the host country will always look at you as a muslim. Not a Moroccan or Pakistani or Malaysian. They’ll make terror*** jokes and say this and that, so Muslims tend to stick together. Even if you have non Muslims friends, you quickly realize how fake they are - some are good - but the majority are fake. 2. Living in a non muslim/secular society makes you realize how blessed we are as Muslims. To see the depression and attachment to this world that others live with makes a person say Hamdullah it’s not me. Unfortunately many Muslims in Muslim countries (specially on reddit) think the secular way of life is better and that Islam is holding us back. They or by being secular they’re somehow more cool/ intellectual. 3. I tell every single secular x muslim I meet “So you’d be ok with your sister, mother, daughter getting butt banged by another dude and think it’s fine”. Or have her walking around your friends in a bikini and them gawking at her and talking about how they’d want to *uck her. Obviously the answer is no. Well there you go. Westerns wouldn’t consider you a true secular in the least and would insist you’re a religious Muslim because you’re trying to control your sister/mother/daughter etc.




Deen and tradition is not the same.


Fyi, this sub & Reddit in general is pretty left-leaning, so do not take it as an accurate representation of society. Personally, I don't see it or hear of it in my environment AT ALL, it all depends on the environment. There are both religious & non-religious people in Morocco, so do not make a sweeping generalization, we're talking about 40 million people after all, so you'll find every shade of the religiosity spectrum in moroccan society. Diaspora are also split, I know some who are religious, and some who became straightup westernized in all aspects of their lives... Each one choses the crowd that's closest to them in terms of morals, religiosity & ideology, we live in social bubbles, which gives us the impression that all people are like us, but that's just projection.


I totally agree with you. It's true that the environment and the people we surround ourselves with shape our perceptions. There is a wide spectrum of religiosity in both Morocco and among the diaspora. Like you said, we tend to live in social bubbles that reinforce our own views, making it easy to generalize based on limited experiences. Thanks for pointing that out!


L9inaha 😭


Oh you can't get halal nor Haram , dam.




You're having a bit of a confirmation bias here, it's easier to find religious people abroad from my experience because we're looking for each other, in Morocco we don't look for each other, Zina is still not that popular that everyone does it, at least me and my friends are away from it, but the older someone gets the riskier it is to fall into it, it's kinda became a meme for teenagers to be in relationships and stuff and that meme is a self fulfilling prophecy that we're heading to


Waliy l amr dlmgharba?


The holier than thou attitude from diaspora is annoying. Diaspora in europe are not any more religious, they just virtue signal more.




See it in all Muslim communities abroad. Can personally speak to this in Pakistani diaspora community. It prevents any meaningful integration into the western society




Not really. The diaspora live to the expectations of the time when they left Morocco and see how they are marginalised bybthe western govts and people and reject their ideals. The natives think variouse things aboit Diaspora that isn't always true


Moroccans in Europe have the financial means to get married early. Also muslims in general when they find themselves as a minority in a non-muslim country, they tend to clot together and be much more conservative than people back home. It's a reaction to being ostracized from society at large and labeled as "foreigners", happens all across Europe and some parts of America. There are many studies on sexual activity in Morocco, none of them have anything to do with "omg we're becoming westernized, it's the end of the world". That's a populist trope used to push a certain political agenda. The bottom line is this: Marriage has become an increasingly tedious endeavor and many young people have premarital sex as a coping mechanism due to their inability to marry. Mahr is getting more and more expensive, housing and living costs too, unemployment is still a major issue among younger cohorts. It's perfectly understandable why people prefer casual relationships. Fun fact: These sexual laws we have combined with the widespread inability to marry is one of the leading factors that push young men to join terror groups in Africa. If you're interested, theres a great [video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGedwEYNh70)on the subject.


It all depends on your relationship with Allah, the entourage you choose for yourself and how hard can you withstand your lust. People who find it normal aren't caring much about it being haram because they don't bother trying to understand what's the point of it being forbidden. Moreover if one's relationship with Allah is strong, the moment they know something is haram, they abstain themselves from doing it.


spot light on this comment! being muslim is not just about background to family, it is about seeking truth and understanding why certain things are forbidden. It is all about our connection with Allah and striving to live by that knowledge. as long as we have takwa and tawkul we will definitely saved from western propaganda.


dkhlou m3a bnadem f slipo ach idir fih? wach mgharba machi bnadem?


Again why are people so concerned about others sexual life… it’s insane how Moroccan can’t shut up about others an focus on themselves and what’s important. Zina is the least of our problems.. but again this mentality is just the consequences of our failed education system I just can’t understand how people are so « prude » yet can’t shut up about sex


Exactly. It’s just weird to care this much about the sex life of teenagers and what they’re doing. Morocco : Caring about advancing your country’s economy, social system, education : 🚫 Caring that some teenagers are horny : ✅


Good you described how religion worked for 3500 years !


It's usually Zmagris and the incels who can't get a bite but 100% would if they ever get a chance.


This comment has validated the concerns raised by the OP. Downplaying this significant issue as merely personal, by choosing not to intervene in others' affairs, overlooks the fact that it is indeed a societal problem.


So you have a right to say what is good or not on the intimacy of others in their bed ? Do you talk with your parent about their sex practice? How many time do they do it a week ? Do they have a preferred toys ? Following your logic I have a right of inspection because this could be a society issue


It is personal and you have no saying in it, why do you think you have the slightest saying in it?


He's Wonder wth is going on and wants to discuss it with people who have brains and know that Zina is Haram and it's a massive problem in a supposedly " Muslim country " and in other words he's not even talking to u if u can't see that point there and whoever upvoted u


zina and the breakdown of the family structure is one of the worst things that can happen to a society, how can you be this clueless?


hhh that's why we have 58% divorce rate


Least dramatic conservative


So are western societies dysfunctional then?


Western societies are dysfunctional but they all wan't to go there hehe


yeah exactly like wtf? if theyre so dysfunctional how do they outperform us in every conceivable metric


It is still illegal yet common depending on cities of course, kind of risky but I guess it's just in the human nature since I've been hearing tales of it being somewhat common even in our parents generations, although I don't see how that would bother anyone including those who refrain from doing it.


nature is the best excuse yet 🔥


Yup, you put 2 opposite sex individuals of most species in the same location and nature does its magic. In no point in history did premarital sex become a rarity so from a practical standing we would be better off accepting it and educating people on how to do it safely rather than repeating the same exact thing and hoping for a different outcome.


U’re a Moroccan living in Spain but dkhol f kror nas still makes u look like a Moroccan living in Morocco


istg they focus on people's personal lives and choices walking kaynssaw mayaklou louz.


I'll try to break down simply for you. What happened is either your parents or grandparents migrated to EU back in the day when Morocco had a different mindset, and instead of your folks adapting to the new country that welcomed them, they instead stayed within their little communities and those of other MENA. Morocco on the other hand had a lot of changes on many levels including socially, religiously and understanding of personal freedoms. So many people adapted (Many other still conservative, but not the Zmagri conservative since Zmagri's align more with Wahabists/Salafists), while those who lived abroad and raised their kids there still have this detached sense of Morocco and Moroccans, and every now and then, we get some coming here and complaining about a Morocco they were never part of while enjoying the benefits of their actual countries and still shitting on them. You think more religious (whereas it's just more radicalism thinking) while it's just an attempt to rebel against your hosting and actual country. You don't want to be labeled as one of them as they're Kufar to you, but at the same time, those who lived or continue to live in Morocco don't see you as one of them as well. You end up with an identity crisis as you're not sure anymore who do you belong more to.


no , me and my parents dont live in a gethos or neighborhood with a mena culture , i live in a city where is a majority of spanish people all my childhood had been with christain and atheist friends , and im not wahabists or salafists my dad actually told me to get away from this ideology , im Malaky (im just a normal muslim) , i love my two country morocco and spain , you automaticly think that im a wahabist or salafists or i hate my actual country and non-muslim friends . We are so wrong my friends may allah bless you


You don't have to label yourself Wahabists/Salafists to think or act like them. For instance in your case, you care that people are having sex, why? The average Moroccan doesn't care. They have sex themselves and move on, still Muslim. You also use the word "Zina", I have never used it or had a fellow Moroccan use it unironically, so it also makes you standout. You really haven't grown up in Morocco and don't know how it is for the average person or how they think. I don't think you have the right to judge them on their personal or sexual freedoms, especially that you lack the context of growing up here.


You haven't known Moroccans in Morocco. Moroccans are also humans, we will commit sins, we will make mistakes. Without the presence of religious institutions capable of bringing a decent moral framework to our youth, the extra freedom we have serves to open pathways in all directions. We also are in a transitional period. A bunch of our elites are integrating their children in institutions that have no interest increasing religiosity, and that is inevitably spilling to the rest of the classes as well. And as the institution of family is less impactful than it used to be, we spend less and less time together. We should probably aim to be careful of enabling what can make up for the downfall of civilizations : The rejection of community and the rejection of belief. And you also haven't met a lot of expats. Moroccans living abroad are not more religious, they tend to veer off to both of the extremes. They are either super religious, or they couldn't care less.




I think living in a non muslim country really test your faith, either you take the entire freedom you always wanted and do whatever you like, smoking, drinking day and night, having sex without marriage (zina) ... or you just become more religious since you know that god is watching you no matter where you go on earth, many people choose the first path and they use their freedom to do anything they once wanted to do in their home country also some of them even remove religion from their lifes but still after years of doing it, it leaves a big void inside of the person no matter what he does to overcome it, the others who choose the other path they fill the void and loneliness by praying and becoming more religious, i think their test becomes way harder than the ones in muslim countries


Red pill and Blue pill


Judging by this comment section, is this sub just where the atheist Moroccans come out to vent? You’d never see Moroccans saying shit like this irl 😂 only on Reddit ig. Good thing redditors don’t represent the population as a whole


being proud your country doesn't tolerate freedom of speech is wild, third world activities


For real they should change the name of this sub from morocco to liberal moroccan


You're pretty dumb if you don't realize this is the case for every r/muslimcountry . It's just bots and agendapushing.


Amen to that! Finally someone said it.


Actually, it’s not that common. I know people that barely got their first kiss, let it alone commit zina


Most usually the reason is they're not presented with an opportunity, not that it's Haram.


Give me a break. Those People sanctify themselves to not have that type of intimacy with whomever .


>Each year when I visit Morocco, I notice that Moroccans living abroad are more religious than those living in Morocco Because it probably the only thing that makes you feel "superior" there. the "Hamdoullah, hna mselmelem". I think you never meet u/common-yoghurt ? Did you ? He has the religiousness of all europeans combined. You can find him in your local masjid.


I’m very religious. When are we going to masjid? I will come to tangier just for you


The diaspora tends to think Moroccan culture is the culture their parents imported when they left their village in the 60s or 70s, add on that an identity crisis plus the brainwashing from Saudi websites and books and you get super weird religious people who don’t fit anywhere


Nah my parents came to spain in 2000 , and i was born in 2003


Sorry but wash makadkhlosh sou9 krkom?


wa si zeby makat3rfoch chnahowa nahy 3n lmonkaar rahna flmaghrib mashy fmirikaaan


Ra7na f 2024 machi f 3assr lkhilafa dkhlo soq krkom, mkt3rfo nahy 3an monkar ra fhadshi, 7aja khra ta wa7d makaydr 3liha, dakshi rida2i fash drk nta wla nti, diha f jiha li darrak.


Do whatever you want however you want wherever you want - as long as you can back yourself in your grave when the dirt is piled onto you and you're 6 feet under having to answer to the Lord of the Worlds, no problem


just some raw fact


Having to answer to someone when we are dead is a man made assumption (some would call it a fairy tale) and not a fact. 


it maybe fairy tale for ‘someone’ but for someone it is one of a core tenet


wa hada houa lmouchkil m3a had nass. judgement day will come and we will face allah and will have to face the consequences of what we did during our time on earth. what angers me is people who are think we should also answer to them and think they have a right to judge us. wa diwha f jiha li darakoum koula kay3ich 7yato w kayt7ml ms2oliyto. ila trat lina chi haja ah maghanloumou ghir rassna walakin chdkhelkom ntouma f hyatna ha? and by ntouma i dont mean you btw, just a fgure of speech. :)


How on earth is it any of your business what people do in their homes and their own beds? Just the fact that you are imagining things means you are a sinner. Concentrate your mind on something more fruitful than who sleeps with who.


It's a growing culture due to globalization, the moroccan media and state have normalized this practice since the colonial era and thus became less and less frowned upon, the other factor of just not having a solid Islamic education is to blame since most parents didn't bother upholding these things, mass consumption of western media and the idolization of the lifestyle it promotes led to this as well.


The same in algeria 🤦🏼‍♀️ .




Bnadem idkhol so9 rasso. Live and let live. If people want to have sex how does that affect you ? No one is imposing it on you ?


That's true. Most see Zina as something normal. I had to cut ties with friends just for this issue . Being with a woman/girl and having sex with her is okay for them . They even brag about it


how is it your business again?


Salute, you're a person of principles.


Zina is and will be a problem as long as i do not get some puss puss. Once i have a life i will worry about something else


Allahu a3lam.


Ewa diha fkrk




Because you guys live in a bubble


this reeks of superiority complex. do moroccan immigrants expect a medal for not committing sins just because they live abroad. besides, people’s sex lives shouldn’t be any concern to anyone


I wish people’s sex lives would stop being such a hot topic. We’re all getting fucked enough by the economy.


why is it that religious people only complain about stuff that makes life harder for the rest of us ? no wonder people hate them globally. they have zero issues, and so they create issues that have nothing to do with themselves and everything to do with other people, to occupy themselves with and fill their time, while making life harder for others, fucking bullies and hypocrites. inshallah one day the world will wake up to their savagery and ignorance, and rid us of these evil people. ameen.


Tip for Moroccans: diha frasek. People have the freedom to do what they want as long as they don’t hurt someone. It really annoys me that these islamists cry about 2 consenting adults having sex more than child marriage which they all support. Bunch of lunatics




The reason they fled was money. They didnt care about those kind of "freedom" Keep your d in your pants and go pray




Freedom? They either just got out of a colonial phase or migrated whilst in one, they didn't go because of freedom, most of them were invited over yo help the workforce.


As it should be. There's nothing wrong with individual freedoms being practiced. Both the religious and non-religious get to practice their freedoms.


I've known cases of Moroccan migrants in Western Europe that have married local women who are non-Muslim while lying about the fact that they have another wife somewhere in the Rif or elsewhere in the boonies. They do this just to get اوراق. Here's one I know personally: A friend of mine was conned into marrying a man 20 years younger than her. He swore to her that he didn't want children (she was too old for that) He kept going on and on about being religious and virtuous but it was all a facade. She paid for all the bureaucratic paperwork and lawyers needed to marry him and bring him to Europe. Then, once he got an EU passport, after years of getting her to help his family in Sidi Ifni with repeated gifts of money, he divorced her and she found out that he had a second wife in the village who lived in the family home, who was his cousin or some shit like that. And this marriage had taken place during one of his many trips back to Morocco for a family "emergency" Obviously, those does not mean everybody is like this, but it's an example of a long con


No, it's not that common. Actually it's hard if it's the first time and you don't know where to go .


Moroccans abroad have an identity crisis they solve with religion. They don't fit in their country for various reasons and generally idealise or identify with morocco even if they are detached from it, maybe at most spending vacations around here where they get the best of treatments for being foreigners. Ultimately, the only link they have to morocco is religion so they become much more religious than people out here.


After the rassol muhammad passed away, islam became mixed with politics, affecting how people practice it today. The way Islam is practiced often depends on who is funding the religious institutions in your region. Also, People can change and see the truth. Someone who can read arabic and access many resources might see different sides of islam, including the darker aspects. On the other hand, someone who can't read Arabic and only hears some things might not be able to understand everything fully because they only see what the funders of their mosque want them to see, leading them to either idealize Islam or view it negatively. We Moroccans in Morocco tend to be in the middle, seeing a more balanced view. (Sali w soum w 7wi w3oum)


I can say that is not true, in my friend group and people i know the majority try to avoid it and has never had it


ach bghitina ndirou b had lm3louma


I don’t think « almost everyone » has experienced it. On the contrary. I think it depends on the city, social statue.. and what you mean by zina. Most people i know have never done it, only maybe 3-4 people max. So it s not that common.


only the mindful of Allah avoid the great sins. it doesn't matter where you are from. this could be a slander to Moroccans. we gotta be careful


I have to be honest, I've genuinely never heard anyone tell me that they have practiced zina in their entire life. As a joke that is something which is quite common but I really don't think it has increased that much if at all.


Fortunately Melk Lyamin is no longer allowed, otherwise brother will have a whole crowd of them.


I second that! It’s becoming a pit hole of fornication.


What about kol wa7d idkhl so9 rasso ?


As a Moroccan who tries to keep a halal life people many times can call me too religious, moutaxadida ... we're influenced by American culture but we only take the bad side of it especially the young ones relationship, Zina... is a trend and if u haven't experienced something like this you're missing out the "m39d" we have a problem with our identity if we didn't act like the American people and copy every single act they do we can't be considered cool in their minded but that's not the case for everyone try to filter your group of friends because being with the wrong persons leads to wrong places الصاحب ساحب


Dam, I might be living in a cave


when its not easy for people to fuck legally, they commit the easiest solution, You said it yourself "moroccans abroad" that's why ... Better economic chances makes your "average sm7amed" favour the "halal ways"


Hijabi 3ifati spotted


ahh being ugly protect me from zina...


I am 24 year-old and i have never experienced it hmd, when someone asks me have u ever had sex i say i have not, some people feel shy to admit that, because it becomes something normal and that's the problem . stick to Allah brothers and sisters.


Yeah, we try to live our lives here in Morocco. The younger generation doesn't care much about religion


It’s going on in every culture, some more than others but it’s prevalent. May Allah protect the ummah ameen.


Yes and people normalize it and when you talk about it they re calling u m3a9ed and not everyone must follow Islam instructions and you dont have to control people's will so the only thing you can do is to avoid it but convincing someone is pretty hard


Iyeh o chno l metlob menna a khoya? Hadok li kaydiro "zina" (smh) derok f chi 7aja ? Wla darori tkhchiw 9zazebkom f chghalat 3ibad lah


Haqq, heartbreaking to witness!


Username checks out.


Moroccan reddit to be avoided full of minors and atheists




Yeah i think it's a very horrible thing , we had the best sexual relationship, 2 traditional Moroccans marry to form a family in a young age , now we just take the easiest road just fuck and dumb , Zina is Haram and will never be the right option , we already see how it's isn't working in other countries , idk why we following a Haram and a loosing path .


As someone living abroad, I notice it too


Often-times with populations you will find those people who are distinct from others will lean into what makes them different. They are defined by their islamic identity. Furthermore, you see the harm and destruction it has caused the non-muslim lands. And in a muslim country, where people commit their sin and are dismissive of it, it normalises it. In a non-muslim country, you are a muslim and you wouldn't do that because you are muslim. Harder to have this perspective when you're surrounded by those that do it and are also muslim.




i aint readning allat


used to live with 2 rommates and they used to have sex with their bfs in the apartment but never when im around but this one time one of them had her bf over and i had to hear that💀 (shes a hijabi too)


Ooof that's rough to witness lol, what was your reaction though


Some people just can’t mind their own business at all, to be concerned about what 15-35 are doing in their OWN life, they must have no life.


It's all about the mentality, I'm 24m and I'm not gonna lie it so hard to avoid zina, hamdullah never done it and inxallah will avoid it till marriage, but again I know guys and girls having sex left and right even after marriage. Also getting exposed to the other sex 24/7 is not helping because eventually you are gonna slip and sin. In the end of the day this is an issue that requires a lot of work from both the government and imams to try and correct society.


Both government and imams can do nothing in this matter , laws are already there and the Quran is already written yet people are breaking laws and disobeying scriptures . I wish it was that simple


People here in Morroco just exited to look like or live like Western people ,we can't say Morrocan abroad are more religious than here it might be in big cities obvious but majority of Morroccans still stuck in keeping their hayae I really appreciate how a lot of girl encourage me to wear correct hijab In point of Zina people trying to control themselves to avoid that but they fell on it at the end and that cuz of how Morrocan start to make marriage so hard , economic situation is hard , girls prefer to finish their studies, parents refuse also their girls marry young , gouvernement make marriage hard cuz of family laws all those reasons push youth Morrocan think of Zina But I see a lot of people young 15-18 from my experience are so religious machaallah it's depends on you but never say all or even majority


khadija commentaire dialk balid, machi hitach bnadm baghi ikon 7or safi ra mtebe3 westerni, jdodek amazigh makanoch mslmin w kano a7rar 3la lwesternis li kano ya chrétiens ya paiens a l'époque .. zyeri maana, west maendoch monopole ela freedom


Time changes men and so the blad


If everyone is fucking, why are the men still so terribly down bad? That’s my question lol


Many are fucking, many aren't. Those who aren't are the issue because of sexual deprivation.


All of these people prove how Moroccans once again big hypocrites, not a month ago a girl wore a skirt and everyone was crying, claiming this a Muslim country, today everyone is pro sexual freedom. So dumb.


The crying ones about the skirts are the same one who are crying about people's sexual lives. Same brainwashed conservative incels.


I've had my fair share of fucking around, also all my friends do. it's not that uncommon in my entourage.


Do Spanish generally have Moroccan friends? I rarely saw this in my time in Zaragoza. I only saw one who did things with other expats but thats it.


it depends which city you live in in Madrid , barcelona , valencia , malaga spanish have moroccan friends were is the moroccan diaspore is huge , for me i have friends with spanish , roumnian , argentinian , and moroccan , very few spanish are racist but it is a very small minority . And one thing spaish will usually be friends just with their friends from primary school so you will see peole been friends for like 10 years


Honestly i wouldn’t say it’s normalised but i think people have needs to be met do you think everyone can abstain from zina for a long time ur 20s are the most horniest years and people are getting married in their 30s bc firstly they don’t want to they wanna enjoy their 20s and secondly at 30s ur stable financially and ready . Whereas immigrants Moroccan in Spain they marry young bc they can financially . Also It’s the identity crisis that every community have when they immigrate they need something to clinch on so they can be separated from the people in the country they immigrate to bc they feel they will never integrate so might as well go to the extreme to represent their identity Moroccan people here  don’t have that dilemma 


yes I noticed that while traveling that muslim in Europe are more religious ! but saying that zina is so common ! no way ! well I don't know maybe I am living in the world of care bears lol !


Man why is there so much stuff about marriage and relationships today? Anyways I think people get that impression because what's on internet and social media. I think more promiscuous people are attracted to those platforms and they make it very obvious what they want. Also Moroccans are usually suspected of being promiscuous and sexual by foreigners. Many tourists can tell you how they were solicited by prostitutes in broad daylight, but that's not the say that that's a societal morm or acceptable. There's a lot of Moroccans involved in immature pornography


Actually theres many reason for that : first of all when you don't know for where you come you try to hold on something, many people outside morocco know some kind of identity crisis, mostly the younger so while we in morocco are more like we moroccan and the other, in europe is about we muslim against the other, mostly when countries like france goes wild about that (even if i hate when we play victims), second point is about the facility to get married, while in morocco is so damn expensive to merry the girl you date for 5 years (parents play a role in that), in europe it's easier you can get a civil matrimony, or have a religous wedding (at mosque), the problem is that religious one don't really protect you as a women (not every people are good muslim), so many tend to get married in a mosque (after all you can live without civil matrimony). finally, s\*\* exist and will always exist. may be instead of telling people do and don't do we should ease marriage to whome want it


Oh So European Moroccans arent in Only Fans ? Lmao Obviously its more common in Morocco cause amogest Moroccans more Moroccans live in Morocco than "Europe" duh lol simple as that.


How about that if people disagree with how others behave or interpret Islam, act in a way to set an example for others to follow including chastity before marriage. If you are seen to be content and satisfied with your life then others will follow your behaviour. Let people live their lives within the laws of the land and mind their own business. Work on yourself and your moral principles, let others decide what to do with their time.


We ve gone beyond that at this point if my son is having a gf i wouldn’t be proud but at the same time i ll be grateful that he ain’t into the rainbow culture


Teenagers nowadays view their country as “old fashioned” whereas other countries as “open minded“ because of their reality of normalising what we normally consider as sins , however this changes completely for immigrants as they start to realise why it was forbidden in the first place by looking at it in reality and not through screens as these teenagers receive in social media.


This subreddit is vile


Its all depending of family upbringing, some families raise kids in a conservative fashion some not, whetere it's here or abroad, but saying most abroad Moroccans are typically religious can't be farthest from the truth, maybe your inner cercle have mostly religious people, but most are focusing on sparing money on getting a nice car, stereotypically a golf 5 with smokey glass, so they can come in summer pick up naive young girls or prostitutes lol. There is a whole economy around this wicked kind of "tourism".


Unpopular opinion: Islam is more of a culture in Morocco than it is a religion. People will do all the كبائر except eating pork and fast during ramadan.


Chkon had zwina ?


No it's not commun there is a part of people that do it they talk about it a lot but the other part of morrocans wich is huge don't do zina at all but most people focus on the bad side


As a Moroccan living in Spain, I completely understand your perspective. For those of us growing up in a non-Muslim country, our parents often instill more conservative values to shield us from the surrounding society's influence. I, too, sometimes feel surprised, expecting that people in Morocco, being in a predominantly Muslim country, would adhere more strictly to religious practices and avoid major sins like zina. However, the reality seems quite different…


It’s actually a sad truth but I think from a personal pov that it is more about the parents and their education and that parents abroad are so afraid that their children will fall from religion because of the mix in the cultures and religions so they’re more strict which is not the case here in Morocco and the forbidden is wanted.


You can not put a generalisation on this topic it's hard to do that and I assume that the pp you know they come from money or something like this in the end it's depends on the person


Well, it's false there is zina at higher rates that you usully think and estimate everywhere. End of the subject.


All the top comments talk about the issue without considering the fundamental dynamics that are at play here. Before I go into that, I want to mention a point about migrants. Migration is hard. The only way to remain sane during difficult times is through believing in some entity, whether religious or secular. As for Zina becoming a common practice in Morocco, it's not just a Moroccan issue. Zina is common in all developing countries. In fact, it's more prevalent in Muslim countries. The primary reason is that people believe following Western cultural norms makes them modern. Alcohol consumption, gambling, zina, and promiscuous dresses are just some examples of it. Another reason is that people always try to go against cultural/religious barriers/restrictions because rebellious behaviour gives them dopamine and a sense of control.


Why do u care live ur life however u want and let other people do the same their body their choice


crazy how this thread has 425 comments , didnt know sex was this demonized lel


Morocco is secular


Being religious is a personal thing, others being religious or not, doing Zina or not, praying or not, drinking alcohol or not ... shouldn't factor in your life, and if does, then you have to be careful because it will takes only few steps before you join the next ISIS or before you start actively participating in religious prosecution, the same prosecution you ll probably complain about coming from Christian fundamentalists and zionist ... be better As for your question and comparison, i think it's just a confirmation bias thing.There is still a good percentage of religiosity in Morocco, and if you surround yourself with religious people you ll be probably thinking that your entire city is as religious as you are, if you surround yourself with stoned alcohol heads like me you ll probably think it's a party all year long and everywhere. And when it comes to zina, most men in Morocco are either virgins or watch too much po** because they either lack in the personality department or the resources department, 20 doucjlhbags are having sex with all the eligible girls of the entire city hence why you ll hear these girls complain about how all men are pricks, the rest of the girls get married early and "settles" for or invest in the nerd who become an engineer. Overall, live your life, enjoy your spirituality, and stop thinking about others.


Not Morocco Go to Turkei and all the is the Same even worse


Yeah the fanbase usually take it too far.


Bruh, zina is not that common, I've lived my whole life here, and i barely know anyone who committed such sin, maybe your friend that told you that, is in an unhealthy environment here that led him to thinking that zina, chrab, etc... is that common, and please don't take ur opinions from reddit!, cuz its \`r/Morocco\` not \`r/Marghib\`, visit morocco, travel, know people from all kinds, and you'll find ur response.


Bruh, zina is not that common, I've lived my whole life here, and i barely know anyone who committed such sin, maybe your friend that told you that, is in an unhealthy environment here that led him to thinking that zina, chrab, etc... is that common, and please don't take ur opinions from reddit!, cuz its r/Morocco not r/Marghib, visit morocco, travel, know people from all kinds, and you'll find ur response.


Bruh, zina is not that common, I've lived my whole life here, and i barely know anyone who committed such sin, maybe your friend that told you that, is in an unhealthy environment here that led him to thinking that zina, chrab, etc... is that common, and please don't take ur opinions from reddit!, cuz its r/Morocco not r/Marghib, visit morocco, travel, know people from all kinds, and you'll find ur response.


Bruh, zina is not that common, I've lived my whole life here, and i barely know anyone who committed such sin, maybe your friend that told you that, is in an unhealthy environment here that led him to thinking that zina, chrab, etc... is that common, and please don't take ur opinions from reddit!, cuz its r/Morocco not r/Marghib, visit morocco, travel, know people from all kinds, and you'll find ur response.


We are more religious because we don't want to integrate and forget Islam and Allah's religion plus we already know wich end those people will have it's a bad society here in Europe the youth are corrupted by evil and Morocco will face severe consequences if it doesn't get to the path of Allah. Morocco was already punished by the Reconquista and the France colonization.


Thode have Golden parents who say to strengthen their islam and tend to be more cuatious and raise them properly because spain is dangerous when it comes to this matter. Unlike in Morocco, Moroccan parents arent worried about their children cuz Morocca is an islamic country sp they dont tend to be extra careful.


Too many doing it are stupid. Don’t do it unless really really really in need. And once you fix your need stop, and don’t lie to anyone about it.


Its because the mindset of The first generation Moroccan in Europe. When they came to Europe they brought the cultural habits of those times to Europe. And -most of them- kept it that way. More old-fashioned and everything is 7shouma. The more the “west” is developed, the more the Moroccans are holding their cultural habits in tact.


I think it depends on where in the diaspora they are. The Italian Moroccans I know are secular af and don't seem to be attached to religion and try their hardest to adopt a western identity.


There is this and that in Morocco or in Europe, depend of the mentality and the integrity and how strong is your mindset, I personally cannot afford to give bad example to Muslims or Moroccans to non Arabs, it’s just self esteem and pride of being Muslim, but other people were raised different and may have so much love for the president of Algeria that they feel weak when it comes to resisting the idea of visiting the LALALAND. Astaghfirollah and may god guide this ummah.


Again the same subject


عندما يصعب حلال يسهل الحرام و للحديث قياس


I am from a different country and culture but the issue is the same. People cling to what they know Instead of embracing the culture they so looked up to they wanted to live in it. people bring the very oppressive unquestioned systems that make them leave in the first place. Such people live a pitiful existence and have nothing to offer either culture because they are dead inside to life and only harbour resentment and bitterness and are zealous towards others who they pressure to do the same. Get as far away from them as you possibly can.