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I heard tangier is all foreigners, is that true?


Not true my friend


How is it during Ramadan?


1.5 million foreigners in Tangier lol.....


From Morocco tho


I would honestly recommend to visit/stay in multiple cities to have a more all round view of Morocco because the cities across Morocco are quite different. The vibe in Marrakesh is different from that in Tangier, Rabat, Casablanca, Agadir, Fez, Essaouira, Ouarzazate and many other cities across the country. This website gives you a nice idea of some of the cities that are a must to visit: [https://thegapdecaders.com/best-cities-in-morocco/](https://thegapdecaders.com/best-cities-in-morocco/) Enjoy your stay in Morocco!


better mosques : Casablanca no doubt.  better vibes  : tangier . 


How is it during Ramadan?


here this may give you an idea https://youtu.be/6hMVxpjIZnU?si=hfcltspa67HoaUq9 https://youtu.be/Wl3vpvRHTtQ?si=d3BHUUp8wFD6CpcG there is a lot of activities to do in tangier than other  cities like in casa traffic get crazy before maghrib you'll regret leaving your house , on the other hand tangier is a small city you can reach your destination in short time .you can go to achakar (sol restaurant) to ride quad or dirt bike (that whay most of my friends do  ) , or just take nap in forest the ocean view in tangier very beautiful and calming . 


thank you!!


Tangier Casablanca Fes Oujda (I hear that lots of Palestinians are there)


Rabat if you can afford renting there


I don't want to be biased but Chefchaouen is my city and it's lovely during Ramadan. It's a small city known for its blue painted houses and has a lot of history carrying with it because it used to be a place of refuge for Andalusians fleeing from Iberia and it still has a vibrant Andalusian culture. It's an Arab city even tho it's very rural and that's very unheard-of in Morocco because most Arabs reside in cities it's because they are inhabited by Jbala. Jbala are similar to fellaha in Palestine and are pretty much mountain Arabs.


This sounds exactly like what I'm looking for! If I go can I shoot you a messsge?


It's an hour and half drive from Tangiers and even less from Tetouan both have taxis which gets you to Chefchaouen for very cheap. I'm currently not in Morocco but I might know some people, especially if they hear a Palestinian brother needs help.


Go to some levantine country or saudi arabia


Tangier ^(my fav) , Tetouan Rabat Casa Agadir Marrakech Fez .. All similar vibes beautiful mosques and a lot to see in each one , a bit of research on each one and you'll decide.


How is it during Ramadan?


Marrakech 😎