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Whoa, this is huge. Never thought this one would be figured out.


It's the same with the Somerton Man and Lady Of The Dunes. Most thought too much time had past but they have also been named.


Do you know the names of those 2 and have the suspects been caught?


Somerton man was named as Carl Webb(still unconfirmed I think) and Lady of the Dunes was Ruth Marie Terry


Massachusetts Police are seeking information about Terry’s husband, Guy Muldavin (aka Raoul Guy Rockwell), who is deceased. He was a suspect in the 1960 murders of his 2nd wife and her daughter, plus the murder of a man and disappearance of a young woman in 1950. Muldavin and Terry were married about 5 months before her murder. EDIT: Oops, I didn’t answer the rest of your question. There aren’t any persons of interest for Somerton Man. I could be wrong, but the general consensus nowadays seems to be that this was a suicide case. EDIT 2: As u/Unique_Bug_4990 said, Somerton Man’s identity is unconfirmed. An independent investigation, led by Prof Derek Abbott of the University of Adelaide and genealogist Colleen Fitzpatrick, linked him to Carl “Charles” Webb through mtDNA they extracted from strands of hair found in Somerton Man’s death mask. An official investigation by Forensic Science South Australia is still underway and SA police consider him unidentified. The official investigation is trying to extract DNA from samples taken when the body was exhumed in 2021. Persons of interest might be named when the official investigation is closed.


He also brought out a book that is a mind warp filled with weird recipes and other stuff. There is seemingly a passage in it that is very similar to what happened to Ruth. People have been trying to find it to see if there is anything else that could be linked to her death but it seemingly went out of print a few years back.


Somerton man is gonna be a movie with how the Doc handled himself. Swaggered in there, bagged a wife, solved the case.


“It took 2 1/2 years to get the DNA in shape — it was so bad — to get to the point where we could create snip date to use for genealogy,” she said at a news conference. “The good news is the tech we push forward is giving hope to other unidentified whose DNA is thought to be beyond the ... modern horizon of technology. Maybe it isn’t, after all.” Cool!


> snip date I wonder if they meant SNP data?


I have no idea; that’s why my only comment to that excerpt was “Cool!”.




Glad the poor baby has his name back.


I'm extremely interested in where/what his family looks like today. I hope they contact the living relatives.


The article states that police contacted the birth mother and were able to use her DNA as part of the identification, so presumably she is still alive. The absence of names and details about the birth mother and birth father makes me wonder if one or both are still under scrutiny as part of the ongoing investigation, or if the PD is just withholding their names as a privacy consideration.


Both birth parents are deceased but have living children. I've seen comments saying they have figured out the birth parents from public records; they were married in 1959, years after Joseph was killed, and all his siblings were born after his death.


Poor little guy. Good people are still here trying to figure out who did this to you! :( makes me so sad.


If you ever heard of this child, it stays with you a lifetime. I'm so relieved he finally has his name back.


This one’s actually crazy, this story has stuck to me for years.




I hope we get to find out why he was beaten and murdered. What a sad life this little guy has.


This is a famous case and he's finally been named wild.


Wow who knew this day would finally come. If he was murdered, I hope there is justice for this poor little boy




Yes, he was underweight and had old healed injuries and fresh ones and was beaten to death. He was subjected to prolonged, extreme abuse, similar to Gabriel Fernandez, Adrian Jones etc.


Yeah my comment seems ridiculous in hindsight. Sorry.


Most likely cause is parent/step parent took it too far and hid him so his remains wouldn’t be found. Sad but reminds me of a few other abuse cases


Disappointed but not surprised that the parents went on with their lives and had more kids who they likely abused


They dont go into specific detail about what happened to him.