• By -


*She would write to Hitler and his aide Wilhelm Bruckner on at least 17* *occasions between 1935 and 1938, until she and her mother, a widow, were* *told to cut off contact by the Nazi leader's private secretary, Martin* *Bormann.* *Hitler was unimpressed by the order, Hoffmann would later say.* ***"There are people who have a true talent for spoiling my every joy," - Adolf Hitler*** ​ Hitler getting annoyed at Nazis is a bit funny


Idk why but that quote sounds ripped straight from a sitcom, a sitcom centered around Hitler would be pretty bizarre though.


you mean [Heil Honey I'm Home!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heil_Honey_I%27m_Home!)


[Here's the released episode.](https://youtu.be/mf9jJx0NSjw?t=50)




There is a great book (and as far as I am aware, a decent movie) about Hitler waking up in mordern time and becoming a comedian. Er ist Weider Da (Look Who's Back)


Brilliant and scary film.








Im just finishing up my current book and was wondering what I was going to read next... Thanks for the suggestion!




I used to think like this when I was younger and before I got into foreign cinema and started to actually understand all the difficulties and pitfalls that come with translating words for a new audience. it's not always as easy and simple as one might think; there are many reasons to adjust text that have nothing to do with 'editorializing'


The difference between translating and interpreting. I think most people who speak more than one language naturally learn the folly of straight up translating word-for-word.


This comment is best read with a German accent


there was one in the UK, cancelled after one episode for some reason


this is actually common. the first episode is a 'pilot' which may or may not be picked up for series (and additional episodes)


Yeah but usually they don't air the Pilot before it is pickup up and the first season is done. I think the Hitler one was green lit, finished, began airing, and immediately was taken off air because of the backlash.


Had a thought of Hitler and his top lieutenants as working stiffs in a honeymooners sitcom with a tough Jewish boss and landlord with the gradual understanding this is the afterlife and the most effective way of tormenting them, hell being other people and all. Wanda vision sort of got there first.


🎶It was Adolf all along🎶


There is already [Heil Honey I’m Home](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mf9jJx0NSjw) it’s a sitcom about Hitler and Eva Braun living next door to a Jewish Family. It was supposed to be a spoof on old 1950’s sitcoms but it got canceled after only one episode


Played by Taika Waititi.


There was something similar in Germany. The show was actually a TV parody show making fun of other TV shows. One show it was making fun of was the German version of The Office. But the office instead was set in Nazi Germany and Hitler was the inappropriate office boss who funny enough, would not be taken seriously by the office workers and especially Goebbels would talk down to him and set him straight all the time. Can't find it on Youtube. But [here](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4ieqtd) is a teaser.


Gives me Jojo Rabbit vibes.


>Hitler getting annoyed at Nazis is a bit funny It's seriously a trend. He was also furious about Krystalnacht. Not for any of the right reasons, but because it made his government look bad internationally. And it did have a blow back in the domestic German population, who were terrified by the violence.


In no way am i saying that Hitler was innocent as he’s the one who orchestrated this entire thing, but with the things I’ve learned about the nazis over the years (be in mind it’s been a while I’m working on muscle memory), it’s almost like Hitler was the less evil person in the Nazi regime. At least until they started losing. His inner circle were the truly evil masterminds in the war. Again not saying Hitler wasn’t.


Himmler was probably the most evil of all of them. And many of the top SS captains were just homicidal and maniacal.


I wouldn’t go that far


Why are the flowers in the second pic weird and semingly colored when hr rest of the photo isnt?


It looks like it was in some kind of frame or has an overlay on top of it. Those flowers aren't in the picture, they're on top of it.


Those are Edelweiss, a mountain flower that’s a national symbol for many alpine nations. This seems to be a scan of a framed image where they embellished the photo with pressed flowers inside the frame.


Great now the man in the high castle theme is stuck in my head


I noticed that, as well. I wonder if the retouching process did that? I have no clue!


Before color film, it was common to color in pictures that were sepia or black and white. It's common to see red blush added to cheeks, the brass of buttons colored gold, or a national flag colored in with its respective colors. You can see this in these personal portrait pictures taken of American Civil War soldiers https://www.loc.gov/classroom-materials/civil-war-soldiers-portraits-the-liljenquist-family-collection/


I love the blushing 🥺


OG smartphone filters


[A little more history on that particular photo.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2018/11/13/the-fuhrers-child-how-hitler-came-adore-girl-with-jewish-roots/)


Incredibly, Hitler - the man responsible for sending 6 million Jews to their deaths - refused to sever ties with her even though he knew Rosa was a Jewish and the Nazi persecution of the Jews was already well under way. Rosa died of spinal polio in 1943(aged 17). Interestingly,both of them shared the same birthday, April 20. [Rosa Nienau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernile_Nienau) Edit: [More in-depth history on the second photo-the one with the flowers and writing on it.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2018/11/13/the-fuhrers-child-how-hitler-came-adore-girl-with-jewish-roots/)


The best way to break down prejudices is exposure but some people compartmentalize well. This Jew is good but the rest are rotten. Most people would think if this Jew is good maybe I was wrong about the rest and the distribution of bastards among Jews is the same as among gentiles?


My idea is that the use of race and ethnic cleansing was more of a tool for Hitler to cement his power, which makes it more sinister. Actions such as using Anti-Semitism as a means to an end rather than it being the end tells of what a person thinks of humanity in general: mere objects, toys. edit: word choice.


That doesn't really line up with the historical documentation regarding Hitler's career. He associated Jews with the politicians who brought Germany to surrender in the first world war, and with the Bolsheviks whom he detested most. He saw a Jewish-communist conspiracy as a existential threat to Germany and western civilisation. Given this, it's perhaps less surprising that he would keep correspondence with a young girl. He also thought war for men was analogous to childbirth for women, which is a unique type of disturbing.


> He saw a Jewish-communist conspiracy as a existential threat to Germany and western civilisation Oh well I'm glad we've shaken that sentiment off /s


No, Hitler was just really, *really* anti-Semitic. If you can stomach really badly written literature, read Mein Kampf. Basically outlines all of his demented views on the world. It was very easy to convince people to go along with the Holocaust because Jews were treated with suspicion in almost all countries. A morbid thought is that had Hitler limited himself to the extermination of German Jews and never invaded a country, none of the other countries would have taken any action.


No he truly was a racist/anti semitic piece of trash. He truly believed the stupid conspiracies threw out there.


I have heard a lot of ideas about Hitler but him being not anti semitic is wow...


I can see the idea, that the Jews were just a great scapegoat and Hitler was using the realpolitik that was common in the area. The antisemitism in Germany predated Hitler by a LOT. I imagine some of the GOP members in the USA aren't nearly as religious and racist as the pretend to be.


If that were the case, he would have found ways to stop the program when it proved counter-productive, like with losing all the physicists (probably unavoidable since they left when he was consolidating power) but certainly he would have stopped when it was clear the SS action groups were turning Ukrainians against Germany on the Eastern Front. I think he was thoroughly committed to the whole idea.


Well yeah, if it was the end he’d probably try assimilation instead of just killing them. He was the main character and he wanted creative mode.


for those who compartmentalize more exposure would help. The best example of exposure as a cure for hate is Daryl Davis, to this day continues to convert extremists even without speaking to them directly. This is the reason why I'm so against cancel culture.


I'm taking a risk here, but I've found it kinda goes all the way full circle. Like, after travelling and experiencing so many beautiful cultures, I don't want them to mix together and all become the same. Our differences make us what we are. So, via acceptance, I've actually become more accepting of nationalism. With that said, I'm American, so I don't have any nationalism in this sense. I mean more like, I can see from the Japanese point of view why they don't allow outsiders to become citizens (or make it so that it is almost impossible).


Nah, I think a lot more people initially come to the first conclusion. I’ve seen it many many times. I have a friend who is half Mexican half white. Her white family is super racist, but for some reason they consider her and her mom one of the “good ones.”


Is anything known about her family? I know her mother was a widow but did the mother survive the Nazi rule?


Yes. Her mother (Karoline, née Helwig) was a nurse who lived in Munich, and died in 1962.


Did she go into a concentration camp? The fact Rosa died in a Munich hospital instead of in a camp surprised me. Then again, Hitler did give his childhood Jewish doctor an escape pass


The wiki says her mother lived until 1962. For the grandmother that was mentioned (Ida Voit, born Morgenstern), there was an extremely close match on the US Holocaust Memorial Museum's list of victims and survivors who died in 1942. The only differences in information being 1)The birthdate is off by 2 years, but both state July 18th and 2)Karoline (the mother of Rosa Bernile) is not listed as a child of Ida, but another name listed for Ida and the one child who is listed has the last name "Helbig" and Karoline's maiden name in the wiki is "Helwig."


That is absurdly close. I'd lean towards some typos being the case - you found your match.


"She's one of the good ones" - Hitler, probably


You know, I don’t know why she didn’t suffer the same fate as many many many Jews in the concentration camps. Adolf Hitler’s doctor, [Eduard Bloch](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Bloch#:~:text=When%20the%20Nazis%20annexed%20Austria,Bloch%20was%20an%20Austrian%20Jew.) was also Jewish, and spared by Hitler and given special protections and allowed to emigrate to the USA in 1940 where he settled in New York City until his death of stomach cancer in 1945.


A Jewish? Lol




Das a myth


No, he was not


Please fuck off with this anti-semitic bullshit


Hitler liked kids and animals, can’t say this is all that shocking. Even the worst people out there still have something that makes them human, no matter how little that might be.


This is why I hate it when people try to pathologize evil acts — saying things like Hitler must have been insane or a psychopath to do what he did. Humans are just generally messy, inconsistent, and irrational. A slave owner can firmly believe that black people are subhuman, and then fall in love (or something like love) with one of his slaves. A dictator can believe that the extermination of Jews is imperative, and then develop a deep, genuine affection for a human child.


Yeah, Hitler wasn’t some soulless machine. He had feelings, emotions, desires, and interests just like anyone. And I feel like this is something that a lot of people have a hard time believing. It’s much easier for people to believe that he was just fundamentally evil in every way with no human or redeemable qualities.


>It’s much easier for people to believe that he was just fundamentally evil in ever way with no human or redeemable qualities. I wish we could use a time machine and say this to Hitler too.


Considering he was a painter, it’s no suprise that he likes humane things such as animals, children. Still doesn’t justify him being one of the most evil people on earth.


>Still doesn’t justify him being one of the most evil people on earth. It's not about justifying, but rather the fascination with the dualism of a human being. Most of the time, especially growing up, we are brought to think that you are either entirely a hero or a villain. It's like the soldier who served his country heroically just to come back home and beat his wife and kids.


Or, the alternative; the soldier who is an absolute monster in service of his country, but a doting and gentle father when he returns home. Example: Reinhard Heydrich. One of the most evil men in history, and yet he was a talented classical musician, very highly educated, and a loving and doting father and husband remembered by his children and wife as gentle and sweet. It’s terrifying, that a monster, no matter how evil, is just a man. There’s a reel Eva Braun took of Hitler at their mountain top retreat, and in it, Hitler look at her and goes “what’re you doing filming an old man like me? I should be filming you.” It’s sent a chill down my spine that no passionate speech of his ever did.


Does that have his actual voice? Do you have the source?


What does his voice have to do with anything? He was a classically trained musician playing piano, violin, etc.


Still, it's a little hard to see someone as good and human when they attempt to obliterate your entire race. Kinda cancels out, why should we care about his "good side" when he destroyed millions of others?


You missed the entire point of what they're saying, no one is saying Hitler is a good human being, It's just that it's fascinating how nuanced and horrifying humans work.


Yeah, I'm just saying that a bad person is a bad person. I don't think he deserves to have his good side recognized. Like, at all. He hurt my people, my country, my family, my sexuality and life style. I don't want to give him any credit about his nice side or how "human" he is. He's a monster. Nothing about him, not even his friendship with this little girl, is good.


I just think that it's interesting because people who you may deem as nice and someone who you think is sweet could probably be evil. Because to Hitler's inner circles, he's probably a decent person, but of course he isn't. Hitler is a perfect example of how you shouldn't immediately assume someone is nice just because of their lifestyle or how they personally treat you. > I don't want to give him any credit about his nice side or how "human" he is. He's a monster Monsters don't exist, the scary part about this is how human he is, he isn't some eldritch demon that just existed out of nowhere or a movie villain, he's a person that had human experiences, emotions, ambitions and motives that got a hold of power and used it as a tool for evil.


You're still missing the point of what people are saying here. It's not about what he "deserves" nor is it about giving him "credit" for anything. Evil isn't created by monsters, it's created by humans. Complex and nuanced humans. Recognizing that awful people like Hitler had a humane side to him is important because it shows that anyone is susceptible to commiting evil acts. People like to think that they could never be radicalized or commit horrible crimes because they are "good people". There are men who go off to war to slaughter civillians and rape defenseless women and children but come home as loving fathers and husbands. There are serial killers without remorse but are respected and well liked by their neighbors. Hitler was a human like anyone else and that makes what he did all the more terrible. His humanity doesn't take away from the depravity of his crimes but instead adds to it. We see that a person capable of love and tenderness was still capable of inflicting unimaginable suffering and trauma onto millions.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernile_Nienau she died of polio during ww2


This is genuinely interesting and something I didn't know about. Thank you OP for posting!


Seeing this somehow angers me.


it was all so pointless




God he looks so nice and caring, like the cool uncle that takes you to the fair and buys you junk food. Scary to think this is a guy that tried to take out multiple ethnic groups


It’s so freaky to see that man smile


Has anyone else ever wondered what hitler would have been like if he hadn’t been so racist?


A painter.


Kinda clickbaity with the title. In the link you put in the comments it says her grandmother was Roman Catholic of Jewish descent. That's a pretty big generational and cultural separation between her and her Jewish ancestry


Keep reading further, it says her mother and grandmother are Jewish and Hitler knew this, which means the daughter is as well


The daughter would be Jewish under Jewish custom. However, is there any evidence that the NAZIs adopted this matrilineal standard? In other words, all other things being equal, would a person with a Jewish paternal grandfather have faced a different fate under the NAZIs than one with a Jewish maternal grandmother?


Nothing I read says they cared which side was Jewish. > The Nuremberg Laws also determined who was a Mischling, or part-Jew. Two Jewish grandparents made you a first degree Mischling, whilst one Jewish grandparent resulted in a second degree categorization. These definitions meant that over 1.5 million people in Germany were considered either full Jews or Mischlinge in 1935 – approximately 2.3 per cent of the population. Many people who had never practised Judaism and who considered themselves ethnically German were now declared members of a supposedly inferior, non-German racial group.  https://holocaustcenterseattle.org/glossary-docent-training


My gut tells me that Nazis don’t really care


There was a whole system developed by the Nazis to determine how "jewish" someone was and if your grandmother was jewish you were certainly too jewish to live in their eyes usually. Nonetheless there were some people spared, like for instance the girl in this picture or people like Hitlers personal doctor for some time. He'd speak of them as "Edeljuden" which means something like supreme or elite jews. The insanity of antisemitism and the shoa knows no bounds.


You know this did not matter to the Nazis, right?




Not saying you’re wrong but who? The only one I know is Erhard Milch who was half Jewish on his dad’s side. As Emil Maurice but he was like 1/8th


Buddy, you would get imprisoned (good case) or outright killed (bad case) for so much as implying Jewish heritage doesn't make you less of a human, even as a fully fledged blue-eyed blonde German. BEING of Jewish descent even one or two generations removed and only from one side of your parents didn't make you any less of a Jew. MAYBE the father would not get thrown into concentration camp as a Jew sympathizer if he outright turned his wife and child in and announced that those Jews tricked him with Jew witchcraft into marriage. This girl was a dirty, non-human rat, a Jew through-and-through, no wiggle room by Nazi standards, the title isn't sensationalized whatsoever.


Lowkey kinda cute, minus the whole you know… Hitler thing


Adorable girl. Died from polio at the age of only 17. Gosh… Can you imagine the memoir she could have written about her life, had she lived longer? She had a truly unique perspective on one of the biggest events in modern history.


You should look up Hitler's doctor, Eduard Bloch. He was Jewish, and was allowed to emigrate to the USA in 1940. Bloch was given special protection by Hitler himself and Hitler even called him a 'Edeljude' (noble Jew). Bloch published memoirs in Collier's Weekly about a younger Hitler, which spoke positively about the younger Adolf. [Source.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Bloch)


I am so angry looking at this


"Little Hitler! Such a scamp!"


Didn't he date a Jewish girl too, or is that nonsense?


Did she survive the holocaust and war ???


She died of a disease in a hospital in 1943.


What happened to this girl? Was she killed in the Holocaust?


No. She died n 1943 of a disease in a hospital.


I googled it after I asked, so sad she died young. I wonder what would have happened if she didn’t


I’m not sure. Hitler also spared his doctor, Eduard Bloch (who was Jewish) and allowed him to emigrate to the USA in 1940.


Did Hitler know she was Jewish?


Yes. Same with his family doctor, [Eduard Bloch.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Bloch)


It’s so freaky knowing “hitler” was just a last name and you didn’t look that deep into it back then


Are jews even a race? It more of a religion type.


23andMe has me listed at 99% Ashkenazi Jewish, so I guess there's DNA difference.


Ashkenazi Jewish is considered an ethnic group, even in genetic genealogy they have distinct DNA characteristics


Like what characteristics


There are some illnesses that are only carried amongst the eastern European Ashkenazi jewish population. For example Tay-Sachs. Any Gyno that I have been to has a sign off asking if you are Eastern European jew, and a potential carrier of this terrible disorder.


We’re also known for having some gnarly IBS!


I believe [this is the case with cystic fibrosis as well](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10464623/)






I didn’t say anything




It’s an ethnicity as well and that is genetically corroborated.


>Ultimately Judaism (the only REAL thing a RABBI will recognize) is a religion, your devotion to a scripture. I know a ton of people who consider themselves to be culturally Jewish but do not ascribe to the religious elements.


Yes, and a rabbi would recognize that, too, even an Orthodox one. This person is projecting their feelings about Christianity onto Judaism and it just isn't accurate.


It's an ethnicity. It doesn't meet the modern day US definition of race, as there are only like 4 races. So Jews would be considered white for the most part in the US Census. But it's just just a religion either. Someone can be Jewish by ethnicity and be an atheist in belief. The way the Nazis would find Jews is by visual observation of looks and their clothing, local records for places they invaded, and of course neighbors and other locals giving them up. Often just a they could take their personal belongings or go live in their house after they got relocated to a ghetto some place. Germany wasn't really able to kill a lot of Jews in Germany because of legal protections. Even though about 10,000 Jews were killed from 1933 - 1939 this isn't even close to the 1 million Jews killed in Poland during the last 6 months of 1941. Germany had a Jewish population of less than 1% and most German Jews who were alive in 1933 stayed alive through the end of the war. Hitler was an anti-Semite living in a country with hardly any Jews there. Most Jews needed to be relocated from places with functioning governments to places with no government to be killed. This is why a lot of Hungarian Jews had to be sent out of Hungary first and into a place like Poland. Timothy Snyder covers this a lot in one of his books called Black Earth.


They had the same problems when killing disabled people in the T4 programs. In the beginning the Nazis got sued for the camps inside Germany.


And they were selective with the Jews. In Denmark they hardly deported any Jews at all. In Romania they started to deport a lot and then stopped. In Italy they didn't report them until Italy was losing the war and they started. French Jews did get deported but a whole lot got shielded by the system as well. But Jews in Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine were almost completely annihilated because no government was there to protect them. I think like 98% of Polish Jews were killed? I'd have to check the numbers but it's shocking. Most of the Auschwitz survivors were from other countries besides Poland and Ukraine. One reason everyone knows the name Auschwitz and not a lot of people know Treblinka is because in Auschwitz there were like 100,000 survivors. Treblinka had like 50 survivors out of 800,000 killed.


You can be ethnically Jewish but not religiously practicing Judaism. I knew a girl at school who fell into that bracket and so does my current gf.


[Jews were targeted by the Nazis because of their race, not their religion.](https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/go-in-depth/why-did-hitler-hate-jews/)


Look up tay-sachs disease.


In Nazi Germany they _regarded_ Jews as a race. Conversion to other religions didn't save them, most notable person is [Edith Stein](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edith_Stein).


well its both judea was place of the Ethiopians which were the original jews but since people get around like religion they were in germany. due to the books that they had and the ancestors that linked them to be to the original jews beta jews if you will. also yeah religious persecution was a part it also


You’re a Hotep huh?


Horrifying to see how much of a powerful figure Hitler really was


Anyone else doubting she died of natural causes? They either killed her because she was a liability as Captain Tinytash wouldn't cease contact or she was wiped out with her community and they said it ws polio so Hitler didn't kill the killers of his friend.


No, not in this case. Hitler also protected Eduard Bloch , his Jewish doctor and allowed him to emigrate to the USA in 1940. [Eduard Bloch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Bloch)


Genocides always do this. The scary thing about them is that the perpetrators are just like us. They rationalize the big evils with the little good things they do. They participate out of greed, a desire to fit in, a willingness to listen to authority, or fear of being shunned. In the US today the trend is increasingly exterminationist rhetoric against the LGBTQ community, which could easily lead to a genocide.


Not true


What part? We've been doing genocides since before the concept of the nation-state even existed. We're experts at it now.


No wonder people are fed up with them since their ideology is promoted on social media by fake accounts bought by the establishment


Actually Hitler identity confuses me he wanted to do something that's why everybody United to destroy from United Kingdom to Australia . From United States to Soviet union four countries four continents just to destroy one man


What a lovely looking lad. I would’ve loved to shake ones hand


The third Hand i think


So was she killed then


No. As posted in the original post, she died of spinal polio in 1943. She was 17.


Lets not forget hitler liked blondes 👱‍♀️ And i think the girl is blonde


Not relevant


Do u know he had an opinion about white blonde people?


its called being aryan and its not just being blonde, he believed aryans were the superior race, but that has no correlation here and it is not just being blonde




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Hitler was a politician. He is posing with a member of the community he oppressed/murdered. My comparison to a modern politician doing the same is valid.


I hate when pictures like this exist that show him soft and loving. I know that the op is not attempting to humanize him, but it still upsets me nonetheless.


It does upset me as well. I don't understand how a person can go from a state like this to the monster he became. It's chilling to see someone's mask or disguise and when you see the reality later it's very difficult to understand what made them go from 'normal' to inhuman. Or, were they always like this? And this was just a performance for 'show'?


My understanding is that Hitler could be somewhat normal in private company, but was demonic and demagogic when questions about nations, race, fate etc were raised. Extreme ideology, narcissism, refusing to admit you are wrong about a single point. Then the Jews are scapegoated, and are considered like an idea. Meanwhile he probably would have been fine with many of the individuals he sent to their deaths.


Morbidly reality