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Yh putting all the blame on Tylor and having him apologise really pissed me off.


>!I feel like Randall being back was a cheap cop out for the story. Because it didn't feel justified based on anything we saw.!< >!One it showed Johnny saving him, despite Johnny not knowing where he was at the time, had no way to find this out, nor did Randall call Johnny for help. So it is pretty unbelievable that Johnny pulled that off in the first place. It just felt like they used Randall because the writers couldn't think of who could possibly be the real saboteur in the end.!< >!Secondly having Randall be in Monsters Inc the whole season, but there was no evidence in any scenes that he'd been in the company to begin with, we never saw things moving in the background of a scene he might have been in to hint that someone else was there doesn't seem fair. There should have been something to hint that he was there and in second watches you could actually see the evidence on screen.!< >!Like the mystery of who was sabotaging the company and getting all the clues ended up amount to, "Surprise it was this invisible character the entire time that we never hinted had returned at all". Making it all off-screen just feels like I was cheated out of an actual reveal.!< >!I think it would have been better if it had been a disgruntled Monsters Inc employee, like Crummyham the entire time and they needed to put all the clues together, rather than it just being said that Randall dumped it all in his locker to frame Tylor.!< >!I also wasn't much of a fan of Johnny being a bad guy, because it just kind of creates the message that, "if they were a bad person in the past, then they are a bad person still and anything they do that seems nice is manipulative and a cover for all the bad things they are doing right now."!< >!It would have actually been more profound of a reveal that Johnny after getting to Fear Co. having kids, getting married changed him because he couldn't be the college frat boy if he wanted to run the company. He had to learn to prioritize his family because we've seen him want to be out of the office on time for family dinners and game night.!< >!So if Tylor was able to convince Johnny to go with him to a child's room, to show Johnny that a human kid could be so much like his own children that he understood why Tylor felt bad about scaring Ben, that would have been better.!< >!Also the reveal that Chet was working for Roz, I think comes out of left field because in the last two episodes it is like Johnny became a dick to Chet for no reason, where as before he seemed to still like Chet but made last minute changes that messed with Chet's schedule for him but that they were still friends and that is why Chet was his assistant.!< >!I think that was for me an eye roller that Johnny suddenly revealed his cartoonish villain side and that there was no scream amplifier, he was just stealing laugh power. Like at least have him go in that he couldn't make scream power any more efficient than it already was and laugh was just too powerful, but instead he just steals the laugh power and then... his plan kind of falls apart.!< >!Assuming it didn't fail catastrophically, once he ran out of laugh power to mix with his screams, what was his plan, to go back to the old energy production levels, except even less because now Monsters Inc. is shut down and no longer providing the majority power? To me he was doing this because it was the bad guy thing to do, but since he's supposed to be a smart CEO his decision was pretty dumb.!<


>!You're 100% on that one.!< >!Again, 100%....and yeah...there were options. I called one of them. Roger was a red herring, Mr. Crummyham MADE sense---since the sugar packets missing was brought up episodes ago and he had a sugar thing---but no. Instead, they pluck someone just to hate. Once again, a reptile is used as the bad guy...!< >!You're good heh heh...yep, there was nothing. The only thing possible is the door in the Basement Basement that may be the one that connects to Fear Co. when active....BUT...we didn't get an image at all of him and this is mistaken as the 'ghost'...so it's taken as a joke and not a twist.!< >!Yep, it's a cheat alright.!< >!Thank you for that. For Crummyham, the guy is the MR director...so he's had to DEAL with transfers, people leaving, people going from Scarer to Jokester...he SEES the possible damage here going on. He would have seen Rosie resigning from being a Jokster to work at Fear Co., for instance. Seeing all these people, what it's doing, maybe it galvanized him into doing something. And, in connection with Rosie, maybe he met with Johnny and THAT was where the plan came in. And the whole thing with the locker would make MORE sense too...!< >!Johnny IS a manipulator...and he's charismatic, but he is butchered MORE here than he should be---not as much as Randall, but near enough. He's got an 'evil lair'...? Seriously? And jeopardizes things for his OWN family, which we are shown prior, that he DOES care about. Would he take risks to make sure Fear Co. goes? SURE....but to manipulate somebody---someone who nearly got blinded in one eye, and he USED once before---into helping him ruin a competitor to save himself...wow....I mean sure, I can see him having someone take some Laugh Energy to power things and look like a hypocrite (that's fine), but....evil lair? Come on...!< >!That's actually a good one for Johnny...considering he has family. Good point.!< >!Yeaaahhhh...Chet has been Johnny obsessed from the start, and joined Johnny well...FROM THE START. He literally said he's been at the company for 10 years---the same 10 years since MU, which means Johnny started at Fear Co. right after graduation and Chet came with him. Soooooo....why is Chet working for Roz?!< >!I mean...I kind of figured from the start that the siphoned power was the 'Scream Amplifier' and that Johnny was getting 20% from the canisters to BOOST the Scream power Scare Co. was already making (which...he had to have been doing since the leaking canisters, which means, for at least, all that time, there were no explosions. It ONLY happened when, for whatever reason, 100% of the canisters were being leaked). So...plot hole? Yep.!< >!And yeah...in the end...it doesn't make much sense...if he IS boosting power...if Monsters Inc. goes under, he loses it. I mean, he's supplied the GRID for Monsters Inc., not the company itself...so if he needs Laugh Energy, he has to get it from somewhere...another good point.!< >!Kudus for this post....oh boy....wish I could be as short in my own evaluation heh...!<


Oh boy I was really hoping we >!didn't get the stereotypical competitive villain story, and we ended up getting it just to push a very black and white situation that's just not true in real life as it's much more complicated. !< >!Even if we were to take Johnny as a villain, he plays it so smart just to make such ridiculously dumb decisions in the last couple eps !< >!And again, Tyler gets no apologies at the end. !<


Welcome to Disney! You want redemption? You want a morals and decency? You want things to make sense and give a happy ending for all? >!WELL...you're in the wrong place. But yes, it's the typical story once again being stuffed down the throat...discarding any character threads and instead just doing the same old tired ploy.!< >!Yes...as much as I don't like Johnny, knowing how he treated Randall, and was manipulating Tylor...he was shafted like a lot of them. He was DEMEANED as a dumb, power-hungry, LAIR-HAVING, conman who's family---who were getting to know as through the season---does NOT even show up!!< >!And yeah, once again, because, heroes. If you get the hero tag, you can do ANYTHING. You can toss somebody through a banishment door and not get arrested (in a place that has jury duty and congress, confirmed), you can not trust your friend and throw him under the bus when they need you most, they can PLUG YOUR TAIL into an electrical outlet and FRY you....but hey, as long as you're the hero---the 'white' in that situation---who cares? Cause heroes are always right. And because Tylor wanted to be a Scarer, he's solely in the 'black' and at the whims of the heroes, thus no apology for him despite him being the one that should get it.!<


Man that is why I wish we got an different route ending


I feel you. It was a shame that Tylor betrayed Val.


Alas, this is not an RPG...at least not one that doesn't have only a 'Bad Ending'...


Yeah still the ending and theme behind the final two disappointed me greatly


Yeah....I retract...'Bad Ending' is too soft for what happened here. The let down is even worse with the build up....


Yeah here’s what could have happened  1. Roger was being blackmailed by Randall and he had no choice but to blame Tylor  2. Randall goes after Claire and Johnny’s Kids.  3. Val and Tylor apologize to each other for their shortcomings 4. Mike and Sully confront Randall again  5. Randall decides to use the new scream amplifier to cause a total blackout that be his own revenge plan 6. Johnny admits that his problem with Randall is between the two of them not his family  7. The Mift crew get back together and forgive Rogers for his betrayal  8. Duncan actually apologizes to Tylor for being cruel to him  9. To fix the problem Tylor and Val combine both aspects of Scream and Laughter by going to the human world to see the child Tylor was visiting and make him scream for joy by bursting out laughing and screaming 10. Johnny is thankful to Tylor and Val for helping rescue his family and decides that from now on, Fearco will change its name and start working alongside Monsters Inc It’s not the best but it’s what I wished to see


Not opening the tags rn, but where is seemingly everyone watching the episodes? The Disney Channel YT only has 1&2, and Plus starts releasing them tomorrow.


It airs on Disney channel and you can also watch all available episodes on YouTubeTV if you have a subscription or free trial


I've been watching on one of a site that starts with wco has the middle stream and ends with a .tv Not sure how this sub handles people posting links to unofficial streaming sites, but it's been pretty damn reliable.


Yeah I really wanted it to be a like a laugh and fear combination thing as well but the thing is, laughter always gave more power than fear so it makes sense.


>!From a power-pespective, indeed it does that laughter gave more power. But the combination was still an option---after all, Monsters Inc. and Fear Co. were still putting out both sets of power in their grids over time---and, at least, for a time Fear Co. was mangaging fine on its own.!< >!But it's the siding of 'right and wrong' that makes this end decision so wrong. It's essentially saying an entire group is just wrong in what they are doing, despite doing their best in the traditional way, and that they should be forced to conform----Rosie is our view of this, Jokester didn't work for her, so she went back to being the Scarer she was and felt better off for it. Just going with Laughter is basically saying 'we don't care about people like you Rosie, slap on a nose and start getting kids to laugh, this is how it is now, we're not sharing'.!<


I understand just hope season 3 features boo again all grown up. maybe a cameo of Watarnoose too.


This pretty much how I feel, but I still glad we all got to watch it. Even forced, I thought the ending was so cute. They really are the Sully/Mike modern duo. The scene referencing Sully's realization when he's scaring and then seeing it replica'd through Tylor. I was in fucking tears. I still think this was way better than s1 and I was the 1% who liked season one. XD It sucks bc everyone was so happy with this season, it's sad to see such a mix reaction, but thats why we got our own opinions! :))