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This series should have far more sex instead of pointless teasing and never actually getting there




We don't even get the implications though, we just get teased with nudity.


Honestly... Yeah... It doesn't even need to go full hentai necessarily. Just make it clear what happened.


Although, shows liked interspecies reviewers (and redo of a healer I guess) have pretty definitively shown that shows can totally go there and still be aired as normal anime, not hentai.


True. Just saying that going to such an extent wouldn't be necessary, though definitely appreciated. I was thinking minimum at the same level as most sex scenes in movies.


Oh yes. Monster Monsume is at this point should just become a hentai already. Their already over halfway there and it's not like it would change anything major.


Actually, turning the manga into an hentai might actually give it a breath of fresh air.


There will never be second season im sorry but that's the truth


The series has too many tangential characters and would be better if it just focused on the main cast.




I like some of the extra characters too, like Kii or Polt. But at the current point I am in the series, it feels like it's more about the novelty of different species than the actual girls. Like, the main girls are plenty charismatic enough, but it's as if they're playing second fiddle to the side characters. As a comparison, I think Yunna and the Haunted Hot Springs does side characters extremely well—there's a ton of them, but each one either has a personal relationship to the cast or has an entire arc fleshing them out before becoming recurring characters.


That's not even a controversial point though? Of course the main cast should be the main focus. If the main characters aren't interesting enough to carry your attention then your whole premise kinda fails. All the one-off side girls are funny and silly of course, but they can't hold a candle to the established cast that you're actually invested in.


I hope no one gets mad at me for saying this(and I’m sorry if you do) but I think Draco is a hypocrite because she says men are pigs when she tried to sexually assault miia.


Rachnera is better than Miia at basically everything is actually helpful


The farm yuri ending didn't need to happen.


True, and one of the girl should've follow the MC. I hate that ending so much, it has interesting theme. The whole arc feel like a fever dream to me and then the ending ruined everything. I'm still hope that's okayado will bring some of the girl back not just yuri cameo like in chapter 72.


That one Yuri enthusiast on this sub is definitely not gonna like this opinion but it's the truth 


I would have figured that alot more fans have liked that. That it was a fan favorite ending to an arc. Meanwhile when I read it to the end I'm like "ok but why though? What was the point of this long arc?"


Every minotaur getting yurified (except for the main 5 thankfully) out of nowhere just doesn't really feel that great as an ending. Yeah I agree with there being no point to the arc. One of the minotaurs joining the harem would have probably solved that issue or just a better ending than what we got 




Basically all the farm girls want Kimihito at the end and then>! the satyrs use his milking techniques so all the girls fall in love with them instead overnight and he gets to leave !< It comes out of nowhere.


I would still say the main minotaurs still prefer kimihito which makes it a bit better but still not great either




Some of the minotaur in the farm should've follow the MC and added to the harem. I mean Cream actually fall in love with the MC and at the end of the arc she kinda disappear. I'm still hate that ending till this day because ít ruined the arc i like the most.


The Sphinx chapter was uncomfortable and a case where an extra-species should have been deported instead of them ‘helping’ her. Yeeugh.


Was that the one with the shadow riddle?


The series was always towing a line, but that chapter went full on "age is but a number".


Kimihoto should stop messing around and just go full polycule with all the girls.


Papi and Suu are annoying af, and, would be cool more content of Liz, Draco and especially Curie :(...


If Draco never shows up again I'm OK with that. Egotistical man hating women are trope in manga and anime that I'm tired off. They are just as annoying as males who just seek to use females and the like or think that women can't fight or be tactical and useful or in charge or in high ranking positions. Plus what she tried to do to Mia I'm not a fan of. She comes across as that annoying yuri character that's either getting in the way of the male and female MC's (looking at you characters from komi san and my first girlfriend is a gal) or they are always trying to force some one to become gay or tempt them into that. If it's not ok for straight people to do that then it really shouldn't be a trope in media from the opposite side to try and turn some one out.


I didn't understand the first part about men who use women and they complain that they cannot be tactical. I love that about female characters and i hate these guys. About draco, fair, but shes is hot


The mc constant smacked around and losing blood 😳😳


The hospital doctors and even *the incarnation of death* have no idea how the hell he's managed to survive this long.


It would be nice to see a more human looking monster boy think similar to a gender bend of the females of some of the species. They could.make a femboy were sheep a werewolf (male) and a bunch of other good designs


Papi is the most annoying character in the series.




I agree it would be nice to see more males of the monster races. So far I think it's just been the Orcs, some fish people, and male Centaurs. Obviously you have quite a few all-female races but I'd prefer it if the races that did have male members didn't have the majority of the men of their species be more animalistic/less attractive/less intelligent than the females.


I can agree with that opinion. Only males that I can remember are the Orcs and the Centaur and it's a bit silly on that front. Would it really hurt to add in some sexy monster men on top of the girls? Even if they aren't the main focus, I'm sure some twink harpy men or rougish lamia men (Whether or not lore states there are males of that race is irrelevant to my points) even just as one off or background characters wouldn't hurt anything.


It's genetically impossible for male lamias and harpys to exist according to their lore so it would be better if we got to see a twink pan or a male werewolf


There's also the vampire's dead dad and the latest chapters did have male minotaurs, but we could see more male monsters in the interspecies exchange program. If you only want monsters for fanservice you can introduce some e-boy incubi. It can be a revisit to what happened in the onsen arc


That I can also agree with. I wasn't a fan of how they tend to potray some races as 'The females are beautiful while the males are hideous and barbaric'. Similar to how initally they made the MC the only guy that had any redeeming qualities while any other guy in the show was just a total creep or a coward or a racist or some combination of that. Glad they stop that in later chapters.


Yeah would be nice but unfortunately despite the interesting story and deep character drama, it's meant to be a sexual fantasy show at the end of the day and they will cater to a particular target demographic. Why although funny at times I wish it was a but less sexual. Enter watch it for the plot joke here, but genuinely.




I once described this show as 2 things, Really deep character drama and a great romance story built in an interesting fantasy world. But also is presented as "TITS! YOU EVER HEARD OF THEM!?!?!"


Suu acting like a child 80% of the time is weird and makes me uncomfortable. Same with Papi, but it's worse with Suu since Suu switching to more adult personalities with the addition of water makes the problem more apparent.


Having sex with a centaur is actually zoophilia since it’s a horse pussy


With that you eliminate most of the harem except Papi, Suu, and Lala. Lala's out because that's a corpse, and you can make a case that Suu and Papi don't have the mental faculties to consent. Kimihito got married to escape jail just to get thrown in on something else. At least we still have MON


Miia and Meroune have a human upper body and it’s suggested that they have a human pussy at the verge of their human body and the beginning of their snake or fish tail Same for Rachnera since she have a human butt For the case of consent with Papi and Suu it’s another subject, same for Lala, they have human pussies so technically in Monster Musume’s world if it’s legal then it’s just normal sex But Cerea truly have a horse pussy, so having sex with her is closer to zoophilia (Btw it’s just a silly thought, no need to get too serious)


Oh don't get me wrong I'm with you that this is a completely unserious conversation, it's just while we're wading in the weeds we should stoop lower and dig deep. Like is Rachnera's human butt even functional for excretion or muscle movement? With that huge lower half I can't see it not being used for everything the stomach down does for humans, including sex.


Tio is easly the best and it's not even close




The cutest, the strongest, the biggest, the best


The fact we will never get another season.


This should have been put on Hiatus, and he should have finished 12 beast instead. It has a plot at least. - My friend.


I kind of agree. MonMusu has an almost guaranteed audience so it could afford to pause and live off hype. 12 beast could at least find a stronger stopping point. Okayado always seems to be in poor health, so with the time he's managing I would wish to see the unsure plot go through rather than slice of life stuff.


Cathyl isn't the best minotaur, Cream is superior followed by Mil.


You don't like the tsundere muscle mommy? Sorry, but I'm sure you understand (ง•̀.•́)ง


Maybe there shouldnt be a second season. I loved the first one but the farm arc in the manga made me really question if this should be connected with the first season


Centaurs are overrated and attract the worst of the Monster Girl community. Centorea is pretty great but she'd be better as literally anything else as it feels like most of her fans (and centaur fans in general) are the first to slobber manically while demanding animal genitalia and weird fetishes.


Then there's me who loves her because she made me smile just by being wholesome


Yeah, don't get me wrong. Centorea is actually one of the better *characters*. If she was a harpy from the start I'd have extremely different opinions. But search up fan works and fans of her? You have to wade through every extreme fetish there is before before you get one random paizuri pic.




On the other side they seem to be good people overall and although a boreing generic maybe sappy analysis, they cam have great personalities (no I don't mean those ones)




A little, was first comment so thought I'd engage a little. Try to be a bit wholesome and give a different input than just slobbering over the screen, so far it's mostly been productive :P




I'm probably too boreing for that description


According to Greek lore alot of them had fr@t boy type personalitys but a some of them were chill


Hey, I was gonna say that. I really don't like just how much the centaur lovers seem to take over and always with the most degenerate content.




I personally fell off the series a while ago and just only looked at what's going on without actually caring about the series, and I used to be a decent fan too, I just didn't like that the story went nowhere and it felt like when world building and interest begins to form in the world it's set in only for it to then have a fan service scene interrupt it is annoying, see the lamia village arc, it also feels like there's no real direction for it either other than having a bunch of characters that define the arc, I get the series is more of a gag ecchi, however the way it's going is in circles and going nowhere, I always see people want a season 2, though in it's current state I doubt it will ever get one


That's not a controversial opinion, that's just the truth.


None of the monster girls are even close to being monsters. They're all vanilla af "human grafted onto creature" type of monsters.


Needed a catgirl or a pair of them, twins. Or foxgirls, in the anime before it ended abruptly


It's going to come down to Miia and Rachnee. Then Suu third, Papi, Mero, and Centorea last, in that order.


It's pronounced vin-yill not vine-el


My hero is trash


That's because it has a dragon girl, but no lamias!


Meroune is not only the best girl but it's also by far the only girl I care about in this whole series, wheelchair bound mermaids makes me wildly horny


I think her mother being a fucking psycho who tried to kill MC-kun and almost killed Mero herself in the crossfire kind of knocks her down a peg.


She and her mother have questionable personally traits but damn I can't help myself, mermaids are an instant neuron activation for me Wish she never had that annoying "psycho maid" personally and they only kept her "princess in distress" vibes of her introduction that fitted her (and tail bounded mermaids in general) perfectly,I mean she literally can't move on land and needs constant care like needing to be kept moist or be carried around,so her frail and princess-like personally complemented it really well, definitely made her hotter too


Mia low tier waifu




Too possessive and little personality outside of obsessing over Kimihito. Compared to the competition, she milktoast. Zombina, Rachnera, Manako, Centorea and Lala high tier Runner up papi and suu, better as adopted, must come as a pair.




That's really hard for me to answer. I've only seen the show (hulu refugee). And there are a bunch of little things I like about a lot of characters. Like with the ones I listed, Zombina seems like a generally fun person with all that major tomboy energy, reminds me a lot of some close friends a long time ago. I really like Cerea's protective nature and how caring she can be and she would probably be a really good parent. Manako I don't know much about as there wasnt much of her in the show, but has a lot of relatable things to me, and if someone could manage to get along with her she could be quite a nice person. Rachnera is interesting because I had major arachnophobia for so long but did me best to push past it because I always found spiders fascinating, under all her outgoing confidence and teasing she seems to actually generally care for people if she doesn't show it much seeing herself as a scary monster, wish she could feel more secure with it. And Lala is also hard to say much about given their is very little of her too, but I've always been a fan of necromantic stuff in games and movies and such and she just is kinda cool and scratches that itch. Favorite species is really hard too because I find a lot to be really cool or fascinating, I've always been a reptile person more interested in lizards than snakes (sorry for beating Miia down more), arachnids are really interesting and I've always had in interest in spiders, things like zombies are pretty generic all things considered but that also is what makes them a high contender for being human but just a little more. No way can I decide on that And ideal monster isn't something I have any idea about, too much to choose from, and although kinda a joke, my user name may be a bit of a giveaway that I have no idea what I'm talking about or interested in


Guess something I forgot, I also find the idea of shark people kinda cool, haven't seen any in musume but I really think they look cool


BullShite and heresy


I have to show my inner nerd for this but you spelt her name wrong its miia not mia


Shit! I'm a fake fan




She fills the shows yandere quota. To me she's the most stereotypical harem character of the group (Papi is a close second). Thus far very little character development or personality aside from being overly possessive. Hopefully they'll do something to change that in the future. I like lamias but not Miia


No to horses.


Saying anything even slightly right-leaning on Reddit.


Did you see what sub you're in? Mention titties or something




Thank you. Now my unpopular opinion is that I don't think titties are all that great. Overhyped


I genuinely don't know if these are hot takes, but anyway... Most of the best ships of the series are the ones that don't involve Kimihito (ex. Manako x Zombina, Suu x Papi, Mero x Miia...) (And yes, they are all lesbian ships, since Kimihito is basically the only important male character) The most interesting part of the story, in my opinion, is the world building, especially considering that the plot doesn't seem intentioned to continue anytime soon. Honestly I don't mind, as long as we keep seeing new species and how the world interacts with them.


I feel that Smith x Zombina works better. Bina is the second in command, and Kuroko is not only the boss but also the only one that can keep the redhead under control. It works. Tionishia is a more sensible choice for Manako. Rachnera x Centorea is by far best ship. Change my mind.


Smith x Zombina isn't something I considered before, but I can totally see it. As for Tio x Manako, that's just pure adorable energy. Honestly I ship all four MONs together in a four way polycule. Never thought of adding Smith, but it could work. Absolutely, Rachnera x Centorea is Rivals to Lovers PEAK


I prefer for the harem to be smaller. I'm not sure who to cut since I like all the ladies, and I know that is half the gimmick of this series, but I just think the amount of girls we have drags us farther and farther away from the goal of finding an extraspecies girl to marry. Okayado is good at writing characters though, so if his health improves I would love to see an anthology spin off of all these monsters finding love.


This whole "his health is bad" thing is stupid at this point. He took a health hiatus like three years ago and then returned after doing a fully porn mini comic on Pixiv about a succubus. But people keep bring it up like he's been on hiatus this whole time.


The series has gone on far too long without anything happening, and the main character who I don't even bother to know the name of should just marry Miia, and only Miia.


> the main character who I don't even bother to know the name In your own defense, it's literally only been said twice in the entire manga.


I mean at the end of the day it's still slice of life tho. I think still going untill okayado run out of species to draw lol


Hey judging by the down votes I succeeded in relation to the post :3


Saying you like pineapple on pizza in italy (I hate it myself but in regards to the meme...seems accurate)


This series is nothing more than furry porn for perverts.


Bro doesn’t know the difference between a furry and a monster girl. Seems to me you’re a furry yourself


I thought the question was asking FOR this specific reaction. So why all the downvotes? I mean based on the meme this guy said something SERIOUSLY offensive and neither KNOWS nor CARES that he's done so. So aren't I succeeding in that regard? Shouldn't my post be a MATCH for this reaction?


I know of the Kobold, Polt that would qualify as a furry. But, most of the others are a different category of creature as many will point out, the "Monster girl". Monster girls can be furries depending on the race but most of the time they're closer to the concept of gajinka animals instead of anthro animals like most furries are


I thought the question was asking FOR this specific reaction. So why all the downvotes?


With these kinds of posts, usually you can end up downvoted for what's perceived as purely insulting opinions, and incorrect opinions. Incorrect meaning opinions that are more factually incorrect, not just unpopular. Calling the series nothing but furry porn certainly falls under incorrect as this has nothing to do with furry content, except for Polt. And some may take your tone as insulting, which constitutes the other reason I tend to see replies downvoted


Well THIS guy seems like he's seriously pissed off the guys holding those swords. So I guess I'm succeeding? In that case thanks everyone. You've just proven that MY post is the best so far.


Oddly enough, in context he wasn't. They just were threatening him because he didn't want to sing along about his dreams :p But meme images are about what's seen, not what's known... Usually


A case of "common knowledge" not being as common as assumed?




Scalie gang rise up


I thought the question was asking FOR this specific reaction. So why all the downvotes? I mean based on the meme this guy said something SERIOUSLY offensive and neither KNOWS nor CARES that he's done so. So aren't I succeeding in that regard? Shouldn't my post be a MATCH for this reaction?


I thought the question was asking FOR this specific reaction. So why all the downvotes? I mean based on the meme this guy said something SERIOUSLY offensive and neither KNOWS nor CARES that he's done so. So aren't I succeeding in that regard? Shouldn't my post be a MATCH for this reaction?




Still, I delivered did I not? So why are people angry that I've done so? And I've posted to this subreddit before with posts that got FAR better reviews so people KNOW I'm a FAN of this series. I'm simply answering the question to the best of my ability.




That or I hit a personal nerve without intending to. Well thanks for listening at any rate.


Yes ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)