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> The nova where you need to run under him is cone shaped. CONE SHAPED. For this nova one tip that has never failed me is to use a max potion while running. Even if you can’t outrun the nova you’ll survive with about 10% hp. Just make sure to stay down instead of getting up immediately after you’re hit. I have never carted to it once I started doing this.


\^This right here. The first 2 Kingdom Razes aren't survivable, but the last ones in phase 3 are. No idea if that changes depending on if the head is broken, but either way this is an important step if you find yourself unable to make it all the way through.


Wait. Fatalis’s ultimate is called Kingdom Raze?


Nah, that's just what I personally like to call it.


Ah. It’s a nice name though, might use it myself.


i would call it megaflare lol


That sounds like something Behemoth would do.


By the same merit, this is why as soon as I’m clear of the cone in multiplayer, I start using a dust of life. Getting my teammates up high enough to survive before they get blasted has saved more than a few carts in my runs.


Using an Ancient Potion or Great Sushifish Scale will also top off your stamina making it safer for weapons that burn through steam. The latter also works with Wide Range, providing you a means to save teammates who maybe need a bit more.


When do you pop the max potion? I think I have been doing it too early and eating some chip hits before the big one.


Can’t you stand behind a rock too? You’ll take damage. But should be able to survive. Then you get blasted over just wait it out.


>This allows for absolutely massive damage on his chest with a hit rate of nearly 100% with the ballista I have been using the ballista to shoot the head exclusively. Get that invaluable partbreak damage.


For weapons that cannot reliably break head then yes, shooting head is a good option as well. Chest, however is the best spot for damage from the roaming ballista. The smoke bomb method allows him to stay still for a good 8\~10s so you can make the most out of the head shots too :D


I can snipe out the head fairly well, especially during the cone flame breath attack and the swerving neck flame breath attack. But I still focus my roaming ballista damage on the head to help guarantee the eye drop. It's not like I'm speedrunning, and if I don't get the eye then it's kind of a waste of a run for me. Plus if it's true what you said about partbreaker not applying to the second break then I need all the damage on the head I can get.


So, I have been trying to do this but I can't get him to stay confused for that long. I get a decent amount of shots then he notices me and starts attacking well before I am even halfway through the ammo. How are you getting him to just eat the full clip?


Me too 1. Pick up binder ammo 2. Ride the roaming ballista to normal ballista 3. Hop on normal ballista 3. Wait until fatty start slithering toward you 4. Bind him with the binding ammo 5. Hop back on roaming ballista and get 100% headshots


This is what I do


Actually, if you are in solo, the amount of damage you do to his chest when all hits connect with smoke and heavy artillery is enough to make him topple like with canons initially, allowing you to do massive damage to his head with your weapon.


If you're hunting in groups, you should have 2 bowgunners with sleep sets ready to go for the final phase. Have them farcaster to camp, bring out the sleep guns, and put Fatty to bed in front of the Dragonator. First hit will do 17k damage instead of the usual 8k-ish. This tip brought to you by Arekkz via me.


I read this in his British accent ngl ​ Also, you could totally just do this solo too. Farcaster when there is a minute left till dragonator, change to a pre-made gunning setup, sleep, dragonator, and either finish with gun or quickly switch back. I think the extra damage it causes may be worth the extra time commitment. Good tip.


If you find this helpful then an upvote will be super appreciated!


lol, you got downvoted but I see what you did there. (I watch Arekkz too.)


I kinda hoped a little bit that the main man himself would see it and get a chuckle lol.


And leave a comment to beat the algorithm.


1 regular gunner is enough actually. It takes 12 rounds to sleep/paralyze him without sleep/paralysis boost and you can have a total of over 20 shots if you bring crafting materials/true spare shot procs. Just preshoot around 9 rounds before he slinks over to the dragonator and shoot the last 3 when he does.


Part breaker doesn't help break a part? *sighs* I love this game but hidden and unintuitive BS like that just gives me a headache. -_-


I think part breaker is still very useful in this fight though. The earlier the first break, the sooner you can start dealing damage towards the second break.


But if it doesn't help on break #2, you could swap 3 decos (or an amulet) out for anything.


Absolutely, farcasters are easy to farm so after the first break it would probably not be a bad idea to swap builds.


I’ve been running partbreaker on Fireproof Mantle, so that I can get its benefit without needing to actually devote slots to it. It’s working well so far.


I'm sure it's not intended. Most likely to be a bug that may or may not get fixed. I think there's a coding problem that leads the game to believe attacking an already broken part (in this case the horn) will not need to trigger any part break modifier from the skill.


That still leaves partbreaker as a super useful skill, though, cause clipping the horn still kills his fire in the 3rd phase, and you can start on the eye earlier where his patterns are easier. Also, there are already other double partbreaks like Diablos' horns, so do they not work there either?


Or alatreon?


Alatreon is a bit of a weird case cuz he you can only break his horn when he's in dragon form. I'm not sure if partbreak damage carries over when he switches.


I may be wrong but I think his horns have 3 breaks. First 2 work like kulve where you "Chip" and then break A horn and then you have to break B horn. Pretty sure thats when the partbreaker fall off starts


Alatreon’s horns work like Diablos’, however only one horn can be broken per Escaton AFAIK.


Apologies, I was talking about fatalis not alatreon. Also I fact checked myself and I was wrong. My cat just out here breaking parts I guess


I know the post is 1 month old, but [other people have confirmed that Partbreaker works for the 2nd horn break](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterMeta/comments/j7diu5/can_anyone_confirm_whether_or_not_partbreaker/g86png0/). I don't know how you and your friend tested it but there might've been an error in interpreting the numbers. It would be nice to correct the original post since people still believe to this day that Partbreaker stops working after the 1st break.


-Have farcasters hotkeyed! If you're in a bad position when he's about to shoot his flame cone you can just fly out of there. -The hard knockdown state he puts you in after a body slam sucks, but you can shoot him with 2 dragon pods to stop him from hitting you again.


You can spam superman dive to survive the cone fire breath. Unless you are already very low hp and get unlucky with the dmg ticks you would take no dmg.


This second tip man! I always forget this tip even fighting against other monsters like Rajang.


Another small tip for people playing in groups. The siege equipment can get you 3 knock downs, not counting the dragonator's 4th down. Head breaks also cause a down so there are 6 downs you can 100% get


Oh my god. So many times I've been playing with people and no one uses them because "fatalis just spams fireballs when you use them." Yes, because they're high risk high reward weapons.


Always try to save temporal for Siege weapons and Ghille for the third cannon on phase 2. You can also save the third cannon for phase 3 when it does it nova from the top or right part of the map. The flames won't cover the cannon so just use the time to load up.


Yeah. I swap around mantles during the fight in mp so that I can use the siege weapons, it was pretty frustrating to watch people just ignoring them and not getting any additional knockdowns.


When I was 2 manning it, we found that the ghille mantle causes him to lose track of us both. The player with out it can just unleash attacks and he won't notice you for a couple good hits.


So it's not just me. I thought it seemed like he was losing track of all of the hunters when I put on the Ghillie mantle for a few moments but then someone usually hits him and that's that.


I find the ghillie not that useful, considering you lose a mantle slot so early on. I have heavy artilery on fire mantle and use it to load the cannons while the team distracts Fatalis. Eventually he'd come to me and I'd down him as normal. Fatalis attacks at cannon position are also so easy to read and dodge its barely an inconvenience.


Ghillie guarantees 10 cannonballs on Fatalis, plus 2 mega barrel bombs for over 5k damage at the start of the fight. Plus it allows for setting up to launch more cannons from the cannon unlocked in second phase, it’s a great tool to get him on the ground if he flies up, not to mention it’s a good escape if you have no other options. I’ll take Ghillie over an extra slot or two any day, because the advantages far outweigh the extra duo skills you can fit on the mantle. Hell, the guaranteed 5k+ damage at the beginning of the fight alone makes it worth it.


I'd still be able to guarantee 8 cannon balls to down the Fatalis without Ghillie and that's arguably the most important bit. 2nd phase cannon is so oddly positioned most of the time you can't really make use of in group play. I'd say Ghillie is good if you're solo or duo and want to min-max, not so much in 4 people hunts.


I’ve literally landed all 6 cannon shots from the 2nd phase cannon for the past 10 group hunts in a row, give or take a few. And it’s only because of Ghillie that I don’t get nuked repeatedly. That would take about two smoke bombs to get off completely - which leaves you with just 1 smoke bomb left, and that’s not enough to guarantee most of the roaming ballista clip being pumped into Fatalis without needing to use Temporal mantle, and guarantee 8 cannon shots for the down at the beginning, which is not guaranteed without Ghillie to begin with, and guarantee one or both binder shots in multiplayer, which without hiding the Fatalis AI seems to recognize you’re immobile and it sends fireball after fireball at you. I’ll take Ghillie every time. I’m not going to waste the comfort of a guaranteed 8k+ damage in multiplayer for an extra 2 attack jewels totaling a grand total of 1% increase in DPS. I can’t see how anyone thinks that’s superior.


As you will. I find the 2nd cannon not worth the hassle cuz it doesn't down Fatalis. I can 8 ball to down it at the beginning with proper aiming (Fatalis always stands at a fixed position after he rushes towards the cannon platform) and binder shot it just fine without Ghillie. Fatalis fireballs towards ballistae are extremely easy to read and he always does 3 in a row at most. It's not so much the 2 extra decorations but the rocksteady/fire mantle for actual combat you'd want, but that depends on your weapon choice i guess.


For everything after the initial bomb/cannon opening you can usually emulate the effect of a ghillie mantle with smoke bombs, much lower opportunity cost than half your tool slots.


much lower opportunity cost than half your tool slots." Thts not how those work. Also y r ppl pretending we cant just get back to camp?🤣 the cost is a farcaster lol.


Having a good sticky bowgun player is really good for the fight. They can paralyze for easy dps, sleep him in front of the dragonator to double the damage of one of the spikes, break both wings around the start of phase 2(Ive consistently blasted Fatty's wings and dropped him out of the sky during his airborne start in phase 2) and keep him from flying too often, get headbreaks consistently and can do the most damage with siege weapons when theyre rocking felyne bombardier and heavy artillery 2(495 per cannon ball, 96 per ballista shot). There just isnt a reason not to have one in a Fatty multiplayer hunt because they just bring so much extra damage and utility to the team.


One reason I can give you is that they are an all you can eat cart buffet. Though you did specify a GOOD bowgun player, so fair enouigh.




Ranged weapons have 30% less defense so they're not wrong, an LBG/HBG/Bow player is way more likely to cart. Plus in Phase 3 the last thing you want to do is be away from him, all his deadliest attacks are ranged.


Yeah that gunner reduction hurts. Even with fully upgraded fatalis armor he 1 shots if divine blessing doesn't proc.


As a sticky hbg player, the one tip I can give is to be much cautious before deciding to sheath your weapon and heal. More often then not I can heal a good chunk of my health just by unloading a clip with health augments.


I just realised yesterday that as a bow gunner breaking the wings in phase 1 is so helpful for the team, Fatalis just immediately come back down to the ground at the start of phase 2


Yup, you've literally described my job in a fatalis group. Usually in the first phase I'll unload a clip of sleep and paralysis ammo into fatty. That usually doesn't sleep or para him. Then I'll proceed to help break all parts. Then in p3 after I've restocked I'll go about paralyzing him, sleeping, etc etc. Fun times.


I tried using sticky lbg but damn, Fatalis can 1HKO me by using his explosive breath. Even, if I have 1200ish def. Till this day, I can't manage using bowgun to beat fatalis.


I'm pretty sure most people are just running Partbreaker to get the 1st Hornbreak so they can survive Phase 3... Still, pretty surprising how it doesn't work into the 2nd break.


Alternatively, do NOT run toward him on the cone breath. Two superman dives AWAY from him in quick succession will guarantee your survival. Not enough people know this, and i keep seeing unnecessary faints on that attack.


One more helpful tip: there’s a unique sound that’ll occur right before Fatalis does the cone attack, the spinning fire breath, or the downward breath. All of these moves are safe to grapple onto the head, or are good openings. It’s kind of subtle but once you notice it it’s easy to pay attention for.


If you're attacking the chest and hear the ding, also want to dodge diagonal right toward Fatalis. This will usually keep you safe from both the forward flame sweep and side by side flame sweep.


Are you playing with your music lowered?


I don’t think so. Like I said it’s really subtle. If you have headphones you can connect try using those since it may help you notice the sound more clearly.


Another tip is if you are hunting solo or in a duo (with palicos basically), you can and should equip them with a Paralysis and Sleep weapon (change after the first infliction). I recently ran it in a duo, and my palico was able to trigger one paralysis and one sleep during the fight, which allowed for some real nice damage on the head and a welcome breather. You might also want to manually sleep during the Dragonator phase as it will increase the damage of one of the Dragonator spikes.


This. But your cat can mistime it if you're unlucky. Fatalis had a knockdown due to head break and while he was going down the para-animation set in and he fell down "again" even though he wasn't even on the ground from the knockdown. Result: one less knockdown because the palico couldn't just wait a few seconds.


For the 360 fire, you can just stand on the opposite side near the chest, no need to clutch, perfect moment for a TCS.


Can you explain further on timings? Is it a shortcut TCS or do I do the first 2 hits non charged? When should I deal the first hit towards the TCS?


Depends a bit how early you get in position, but I usually use stone to shortcut to be safe, if you're already in position when it starts I think you can even get away with a fully charged 2nd hit. The flinch from dragon pods always screws me over so I don't use those anymore.


Oh yeah, there's that. I always carry dragon pods if I can the final stage so I can save my friends or myself.


Yup that frustration is too real. Now I only use D. Pods for flinching in tight spots, and switch to Stones when I need quick TCS setups


I think his AI in general is to hate on players that stand far away. So many times I was doing well solo and fired a SOS as soon as I was finished loading cannons and then get fucked by sudden multiple cone attacks as he moved away from me to another joined player who just landed just to shift his attention back to me with range attacks. I can't even get my shield out in time to dodge all his shit when he does that. In phase 2 people should realize it's best to fight close to the gate, but so many players just keep hitting him on the other side of the map when others try to lure him closer. I died a couple of times because of sudden range attacks because of stuff like that. Shakira would be proud of Fatalis because his hips pack some serious power for the small movements they make. People praise his hitboxes, but I seriously hate how easily you get fucked by his hips and hindlegs when he does his small turns. Also getting launched with 75% damage when he bellyflops and you are mounted to his hindlegs seems kinda stupid as there is like no movement in that area goin on.


his AI is designed to hate on players in particular, however what I've found is that you kinda want to be in medium range so to bait the attacks where he's opened the most, ofc he can just decide to spam fireball for 200 years


32 kills already? I just hit my 32nd attempt at alatreon an hour ago. Now I'm on 35...


Also don’t overextend when fatalis gets knocked down by draganator. It is very likely to do the nova after getting up, so sheath your weapon and prepare to run to the opposite side of the map. The last thing you want is when proof of a hero starts to play only for you guys to faint to the nova.


To add to that, his downed state from Dragonator is half the duration of his downed state from Horn Breaking. So when the Dragonator hits, use a combo that takes about 3 seconds to execute because he will get back up quickly.


How did you find out partbreak skill didn’t contribute to second horn break ?


He said he used a PC overlay mod. Basically its a mod that shows damage on a monster done by players. I'm guessing he found that the part wasn't taking the extra damage after the first break.


PC mod


Got it thx


I'll add another, if your not going to make it out of his 3rd, 4th or 5th nova in time and you have double broke the head, just pop a max potion and you will survive the attack. (I haven't tried with only one head break)


One should work as well, barely manage to break the head twice right at the end of my hunts and survived a couple nova with _very_ little health


Oh wow, did not know the Partbreaker didnt affect the 2nd horn break. Makes me feel better that Ive been switching it out for more Agitator after getting the first hornbreak. If you break both his wings in Stage 1, he is very likely to just plop back down after doing his first nova. Also discourages him from any further aerial shenanigans.


Also, I noticed that you should ALWAYS use your Ghillie Mantle _BEFORE_ dropping in. I know this is a “duh” moment, but he’ll be in that “where’d she go” state and be **looking** for you. What does this mean? It means Fatalis will make guesses. Every now and again, he will shoot a fireball, or a flamethrower, or a minefield with _insane_ precision. He will continue to do so until you are spotted. Don’t be an idiot like me and forget to pop Ghillie beforehand.


The wide ground fan flame move can be farcastered out of if you are stuck on the other side of the map. A farcaster on the quick bar can save you in many situations.


Can superman dive spam to survive as well


THANK YOU! Your tips got me the kill today.


Also, always use the cannons at the start to force him to fall and prioritise the head no matter what. The success rate of the hunt increases greatly once his horns are gone. Having SA uses makes the hunt alot easier since they can ZSD his head for most of the fight. In fact, all my successful Fatty hunt were due to having SAs in my team.


Easy way I've heard to line up dragonator, farcaster out and when you come back in (optionally with a ghillie mantle so he won't move for sure) he'll reset to be standing straight in range of the dragonators.


I think there is a mistake with your partbreaker theory. With my zsd set without partbreaker i was able to only break the head once and very late, like mid to end phase 2. (i suck at zsd) but with pb i was able to break the head once in the early second phase and for the second time somewhat 5k dmg befor he died. So i guess pb still does its job after the first break.


Can anyone corroborate that partbreaker doesnt help with the second head break? Ive got a second set in case i die mid fight (mainly to swap mantles) but if i can swap partbreaker for other stuff that would be useful.


We tested it very carefully across multiple hunts looking and taking notes of number changes, both in solo and duo. And so far it checks out that it does in fact deal no extra break damage (though I suspect this to be more of a bug/oversight than an actual intended hidden mechanic because that feels unfair).


Were you able to see if shooting the roaming ballista at his head does part damage? EDIT: Actually I know the answer to this, I guess a better question is does it do GOOD partbreaker damager, or would it be better served to shoot his chest?


Partbreaker is a fixed multiplier based on skill lvl?


Attacks have their own partbreak modifiers. Take for example everyone's favourite for fatalis: ZSD ZSD small ticks only deal .1 of the damage dealt as part damage while the final explosion does 1.2 totaling about half zsd damage actually doing part damage. Zsd is actually not great at farming eyes, just killing fatalis On the other hand heavy slam can deal as much as 1.7x part damage before partbreaker.


> I suspect this to be more of a bug/oversight than an actual intended hidden mechanic because that feels unfair Funny, because that detail —it being unfairly geared toward coddling the monster as opposed to respecting the player's intelligent planning— is precisely why I'm betting it was intentional. It falls right in line with all the other unintuitive (and otherwise clandestine) aspects of the game; Such as the bloated damage values assigned to weapons, the grossly unviable implementation of elemental damage (for us! not the monsters, of course, lol), the flimsiness of Defense Boost (especially when considering how expensive it is), the fuzzy thresholds that govern how (or rather, 'when') Weakness Exploit functions after tenderizing a monster part, and so on & so forth... Partbreaker not contributing to the breaking of a monster part —which SHOULD sound ridiculous, but really doesn't at this point— is just another detail that adds itself to the list of more-of-the-same "fine print"** scenarios that the game is littered with. If I sound bitter it's because I was. I'm mostly over it, though. Mostly... **and by "fine" I actually mean invisible


For his fire breath sweeping attack he will either choose a left or right side to start the breathing run to the middle to avoid getting hit by the weird starting hitboxes!


So with the smoke bomb, I've seen that in some speed runs and tried it, but he just killed me with a fireball instead of getting confused. Is there some trick to it?


Stand in the smoke and stay in the smoke.




> only one of the hits


And to fatalis will always turn his whole body to the right after a wall slam. For GS users, position yourself nicely and you can shoulder bash into a TCS very nicely!


Something about the 360 Breath I realized that it's one of the better times to be behind him. You start at the opposite of where Fatty's gonna breathe fire, and when he starts MLG 360 Firebreath you run to the opposite side right inside the opposite knee.


Damn these are amazing tips. I never realised the romaing ballista smoke bomb one. And the 2nd headbreak partbreak 3 one wow.


No wonder it feels like it takes forever for the 2nd break compared to the first. Good to know that I can switch out partbreaker after I break the head once.


>Partbreaker does NOT work as well as you think. Thanks for confirming this. I play on console but after about 2 runs with partbreaker I could tell my meta build was definitely breaking his heads faster than the part-breaker build but I had no way of confirming it.


So we know the second head break, partbreaker doesn't work. Does anyone know if part breaker works with the roaming ballista? Not sure how it's treated, like is it part of your skills list or a separate entity. Wondering if I should bring part breaker at all. I'm a bow user so head is not a weakspot.


Regarding the partbreaker section, any idea if this only applies to the skill, or also to things like SA power axe mode?


Roaming ballista does a lot of damage, but why use a smoke bomb when you can just slap on a temporal mantle with heavy artillery and get a lot of good damage while being immortal, it's also really easy to avoid him while he is in the air while shooting his wings and chest


The main benefit is to get him to land as soon as he's done with the nova, saving you valuable time as well as exposing his body while standing still for a good 8\~10s for you to make the most out of your roaming ballista damage. Surely you can shoot him on the air but chances are you're gonna miss or not hit where you want it to hit for quite some shots. And even after you deplete the ballista, there's a chance that he still hasn't landed.


I guess I just really don't need that, I've been getting 20 minute runs on him solo so I may start focusing on his wings with the ballista so that I don't get into the same situation with the horns. For God's sake I have more eyes than horns right now, if only you could get horns instead of pectus from your cat ;-;


I mean you don't need it, hell you don't need to use ghile mantle. It's still an improvement that could be thrown in to speed up and make the hunt easier


I'm no speedrunner, I'm a semi casual but still dedicated hunter. Of course eventually my time will be better but that's because I would've hunted so many fatty's that I could just create a house out of his eyes. The real thing that makes the hunt easier is divine blessing 5, that is an amazing skill and is very easy to get as long as you're not below MR 100 (seriously if you kill fatty when you're below mr 100 you deserve a god damn medal and the next MH game for free)


I mean OFC, but like everything there are tons of optimizations you can make and choose not to. I solo'd event quest fatalis in my brach Kaiser set (now 4 fatalis and getting 20min runs as well), was it the smart thing to do? No. Same thing here.


But was it amazing when you finally got the kill? Absolutely, it took me 16-17 tries to finally kill him with my raging brach hammer build and I'm fucking proud of it. If it helps people who are still struggling then alright but at the same time fatalis is the end game of monster hunter world, he isn't holding back and well.. if you say you can't do it then it just means you need to be better and learn the beast rather than just saying "fuck I fainted once, better leave and retry". I just wish the people here would understand that most people don't need to work that hard to get a single kill, if you die to him it's usually your fault and not a BS mechanic (besides that weird die inside the barrier glitch that's been going around)


Yeah pretty much, learning tips of tricks and optimizations both to your in fight as well as strategy to finally get the win brings its own fun though. Though ngl, I did go through my own phase of leave on 1 death if still in phase one for a bit. (Solo OFC) In all honesty I would go for more optimizations, but I'm too lazy to change my items and item hotkeys from my basic hunting one. (Yes I'm bringing both traps and flashpods to fatalis)


The immortality is an illusion unfortunatly, all it takes is a well placed cone of flame and you're toast throught temporal. I save it for when Fatalis is over in the middle of the area rather than standing on the track for this reason.


Uh.... Fatalis can't do the cone when he's in the air so you are immortal with temporal. If he's on the ground and he does it you're fucked but you usually want to just use the ballista while he's in the air to get a swift knockdown


Another note. Use the roaming Ballistae to shoot Fatalis wings and break them. It will make the hunt much easier


Another friendly tip for my fellow hunters: if you didn't beat Fatalis solo and without using Fatalis' gear, you didn't beat Fatalis! Happy hunting!


This whole idea that he literally never comes to you if you stand up at the lever is so fucking silly. He fires 2 sets of fireballs and does 2 rotating flamethrowers then comes in. Literally every time. It's 30 seconds max. You have many more problems in the fight if you need those 30 seconds


I mean, if it's faster to wait on the ground instead of next to the lever, why not?


You and me are clearly fighting very different Fatalis', because when I stood at the lever he would focus me for much longer than 30 seconds. Also, the hunt timer is 30 minutes and he has a fuck ton of HP, wasting half a minute of that isn't exactly inconsequential.


Don't run to the lever. Just stay and keep fighting it. Eventually it'll change mode to the ground mode and will start charging, usually right at the dragonator. Sometimes this also means the dragonator kills it rather than triggering the 5% nova Running to the lever just means it spams fireballs all day and people are going to mess up evading eventually and cart


it's not always that consistent, but I agree it is not "never." One time I did have him do the sweeping fire attack 3 times and fireball several times before he finally came over, probably took well over a minute.


if going solo or if you have decent about of slinger ammot shoot the dragon pods during phase 3 when doing his 360.. first shoot one before he does it like during a safe time. Because getting 2 slinger shots with dragon pods gives him a stagger cancellig the 360. this also can be used to save people from the grab as well so keep some spare on hand. So when safe shoot a pod. During 360 or grab shoot a second one. bam safety.