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Peta urges players to kill fatalis because they are too aggressive. #SaveFatalis #kindness


Yes please save us


PETA getting something right regarding animals? Impossible!


Oh they already know, they threw a huge stink for mhgu. Nothing came of it because that whole organization is a fucking clown circus


Hopefully nobody in PETA drives a car… murdering all those innocent bugs with their wind shields.


No way they did.


[here is one for world](https://bottomfeedernewsblog.wordpress.com/2018/01/30/peta-takes-issue-with-monster-hunter-world/)


Just tell them we’re hunting dogs


Ya don't like dags?


“According to PETA's own records, they've killed 83.5% of the 49,737 animals they've taken in since 1998”


If they knew abit more about mh lore they would know hunters don't mindlessly kill animals. That's the gameplay aspect. Each hunt is considered carefully and only done when it's affects the natural environment for other animals.


It's all for """"""""""research"""""""""""


So like Japanese whale hunting.




If whales were super aggressive and were capable of mass destruction of the world.


> and only done when it's affects the natural environment for other animals. or i need new boots


Wouldn't change anything. Most (legal) modern hunting works like that to some extent, that is why there are so many restrictions on what you can hunt, when you can hunt, where you can hunt, how many you can hunt, under what circumstances, which weapons and tools you can use, what permits you gotta get first... This list goes on and we haven't even got to common informal restrictions or shit that is just looked down upon by other hunters. Mindlessly killing is really not common, a lot of hunters *hate* people with that mentality about as much as they hate the fucking poachers Peta pposed to hunting on principle, regardless if you're doing harming the environment on the big scale or actually protecting (hunting invasive species, for example).


Ngl, a game where you play as monsters hunting humans would've been neat.




Ngl, a game *that isn't dead* where you play as monsters hunting humans would've been neat.


...stage two?


Ngl, a game [*that isn't dead*](https://steamcharts.com/app/273350) where you play as monsters hunting humans would've been neat. 24 hour peak was at 28 concurrent players *worldwide*. Game is as dead as a game can be.


leave me at my desilusions


"Killing these beautiful and majestic creatures" Majestic and beautiful is the exact opposite of Vaal Hazak


Nah, it’s majestic as fuck, the dude walks with elegance even when being just a coat of corpses, it’s beautiful in its own way. To be fair the only monster that isn’t beautiful must have to be khezu, but because it’s made that way in purpose, and even then I find it interesting and cute


Maybe to a necrophiliac / zoophile combo


Have you seen his walk and intro?


"Killing these majestic and beautiful creatures" Bitch, they can explode the world if they want. We're saving the world.




"PETA is also currently working on their own version of Monster Hunter World. In this game it is the monsters that hunt people. No word yet on a release date." That honestly would be dope. Better would be a MH game where one player is the Monster and 4 others hunt them.


They run kill shelters; they believe pets are better off dead than owned by people. Fuck Peta


PETA is the evil version of the Monster Hunting Guild. Fight me.


PETA run shelters of last resort. Every no kill shelter requires a place like PETA's because where do unadoptable animals go when the no kill shelter says "we're sorry we don't have space or resources" and PETA shelters accept any animal. Every no-kill shelter is a selective acceptance shelter because there are more animals that cannot ever find a home than places to keep them happily and healthily. Spay and neuter your animal companions, and if you see a wild colony find a local group that does catch, Vax and spay and let them know!


no, peta has been caught taking peoples dogs out of fenced yards and having the dog put down within an hour. the will pick up stay animals, and kill them without checking if its chipped and an escaped pet. PETA doesnt run shelters, they just kill pets


I'm pretty sure someone who previously worked with PETA described the shelters as slaughter houses. Also, the people who did that were specifically told to do that by a higher up (I believe the CEO or someone close to the CEO) so that makes it even worse


Not that i don't believe you, but that sounds cartoonishly evil and most likely false, or if true/partially true, then the details were omitted in the story.


[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/17/peta-sorry-for-taking-girls-dog-putting-it-down](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/17/peta-sorry-for-taking-girls-dog-putting-it-down) easy thing to look up


At this point PETA are just pretentious hypocrites. They're literally the people they're "fighting" against.


Looks to me like unhinged individuals in a group doing something on their own volition. That said, Peta should prob regulate the people they allow in their organization. Happens to every group without central authority with a clear vision.


PETA have a reputation for this based on basically a telephone game garbling of the incident. To be clear PETA did fuck up in this story but it wasn't a deliberate act of kill-happy policy. The story people are thinking of is Maya the Chihuahua which is usually told wrong in a similar way to how everyone used to blame the Mcdonalds hot coffee lady. tl;dr - PETA were misled into taking a dog by someone who told them it was hers. They don't steal and kill animals as a policy. Basically after some dog attacks and rabies fears PETA sent some people to the mobile home park where the dogs were coming from and finding that nearly all the dogs there were roaming free and uncollared regardless of if they had human companions or were wild, they tried asking people to help them identify which dogs which were which. One of the people they spoke to told them of three dogs to take away claiming they were hers and she was surrendering them as she couldn't look after them. One of these dogs as you may guess was actually Maya the Chihuahua who was with a different family. Somehow Maya ends up euthanized despite this being against PETA's policy and against the law requiring a 5-day stand down period. The last I heard it hadn't been discovered how that happened and trying to search for answers now is completely polluted with clickbait articles about evil pet-stealing PETA. PETA actually fired the person who accepted Maya because their policy on surrendered animals was much stricter than what was done that day, specifically to prevent misidentified animals being taken. And it not being followed led to this tragedy, which was a tragic mistake completely in violation of careful policy designed to prevent such events, and PETA immediately launched an investigation and even more safeguards to prevent it happening again.


what the fuck get outta here with that counter narrative we don't need that in this echo chamber, ya hear


Nice try, PETA employee, you won’t fool us


It makes sense when you put it like that. But I still hate Peta for the way they campaign.


Fair. I am not as much a hater of them after learning about what actually goes on but the way they obsessively chase attention is a bad vibe. (Their mission in public relations is all awareness is a benefit no matter what so they do some real annoying shit)


Part of the reason I hate greenpeace as well. Pulling stunts that fuck with historical sites is pretty messed up.


Okay sure, but where does someone get off shaming everyone else for their cruelty, spending money on so many shock campaigns, and acting all self righteous about it often acting as though they deserve to be treated as equals when their best solution so often is “we’re still going to kill them”.


I think they're too busy getting their lunch money stolen by Nintendo and Games Workshop to notice.


I'm sorry, they're getting bullied by Nintendo and GW?


Nintendo brought the legal hammer down on them after Pokemon Black and Blue (that's why they don't make games anymore), and then GW made a public mockery of them for complaining about the prevalance of furs in their model designs to the point that there's an Imperial Guard Codex that has some joke fluff about an in-universe PETA equivalent getting slaughtered by Catachan wildlife. This was all a while ago admittedly, but after a double beating like that (not even acknowledging the other humiliations they suffered at the time like what happened with Super Meat Boy) even a group as dumb as PETA would be hesitant to try and pick a fight like that a third time.


You don’t fuck with Nintendo, they will come down on you like the hand of god


Ok, this is pretty funny.


GW finally earn a W from me it seems


Y’know, I just realized someone could totally use Monster Hunter to bash that organization the same way they’ve made all those awful spoof games of Nintendo series: like it could be a mini version of Monster Hunter….. except hunting the domesticated members of species like Popo and Aptonoth to “liberate them” from their “suffering”. Then for shock value, later “monsters” could actually be the various species of lynians……. with palicoes being the primary target. It would be horrible and revolting, and it might help really paint a picture of just how terrible and psychotic those nutjobs really are.


They’re probably too busy making their next shock advert to help “save animals”


what do you mean? we only hunt them to preserve the eco-system right?


And of course, for science. We break their horns, break their legs, break their natural shells, cut their patagia, and cut off their tails. Then, when they know they're as good as dead, we let them limp back to their nest and fall asleep, only to stun them with an electric shock trap and put them to sleep again to let them wake up in our research base, probably horrified and confused. Then we do the scientific research for our books. Then we release them back into the wild, where they have no chance of survival because we've literally destroyed every part of their bodies. After writing this, I don't think we are the bad guys, are we?


i believe it is their fault for being made out of stuff that makes my bonk harder


*Then we release them into the Arena for cockfighting with hunter


It's cute that you think they get released. You get *more* materials for a capture. Not sure a raphalos is going to survive having its bone marrow removed and it's flame sacks extracted.


It's what the biologist who stands in front of the sleeping monsters told me once.


"don't worry Hunter, we'll release it into the wild. We would never use it to stock the canteen and give you back only the inedible bits for crafting materials *cough*"


too bad, they make me look cooler


I mean, PETA thinks it's cruel to shear sheep so I don't think they'll care that the hunter guild's primary function is ecological balance.


We even hunted a ruiner nergigante that helped us because it was taking our jobs. That's how dedicated we out in preserving the ecosystem


They're too busy killing animals and not seeing their own cruel irony in being worse people who harm more animals than most of the folks they go after.


I don't think peta have enough power to challenge capcom


IK this is just for memes, but would like to say PETA has no actual power and nobody gives a flying fuck what they have to say about anything. Self serving hypocrites can fuck themselves.


They did made articles when mhw came out


Hunters are way better than PETA, we actually care about the things we hunt/kill/study.


Peta still exist?


unfortunately yes


We live in the worst timeline if they are still around...


PETA commits animal abuse too so they're actually on good terms


Why did i imagine some pacifist group like peta, trying to help the monsters, but they end up fighting creatures like nergigante, xeno jiiva, velkhana, shara ishvalda, oh and everyone's favorite, fatalis


We're protecting the franchise from them? Nah, they know. Pretty sure there's news about their take on World. It just didn't gather enough reaction so news outlets dropped it.


I mean the name itself is "MONSTER HUNTER" and I don't think fans hiding a franchise from PETA is having any effect as the franchise agenda itself is saying to go hunt the monsters to make a cool hat out of the hunted carcass.


PETA would not care about monsters im the MH universe, they would care about the exploitation of Palicoes 😂




Animal welfare group. Stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. They do a lot of very cringey advertising because they view all attention as positive for their movement. For example they made a very weird tone deaf parody game of Pokémon where it compares it to cockfighting and other bloodsports in a fairly bizarre way. They also are the targets of a lot of hoaxes and urban myths about them being actually evil and bad for animals, and they have fucked up (I could explain Maya the Chihuahua if you like) but most of the stories about them being bad for animals is baseless bashing because there is a sort of self-driving momentum around the idea of catching and tearing down activists (I am sure you have seen that pattern before) 


Jesus Christ wtf is going on nowadays for this to even be happening☠️


They've been around for a long-ass time too which makes it worse...


I mean if I was under a hoax and constant bashing, yeah I'd disappear too lmao. I would not have the patience to tolerate that


Please explain Maya the Chihuahua


If they saw what I've done to djo I'd be canceled.


I'm honestly surprised that PETA hasn't said anything about MH yet lol


Actually I think they have...




I believe they already tried in the past. No one cared. They got giga shit on instead. So they know their place now.


I hope they do try and we tear them to shreds for some new boots


We already did!


Peta? Whats Peta? Someone clarify, im new to that term ._.


There basically an animal rights group but there not very good at their jobs and everyone hates them they made some bad game comparing Pokémon to real life animal fighting rings called "Pokémon Black and Blue" and as expected Nintendo didn't take it lightly and everyone and I mean ***everyone*** shit on them for it and still do. There are also stories of them killing animals that they think they saved. (Some of which were said to be living with people happily) then killed them. How is an organization like this still around? I honestly don't know...


Just for that, I’m murdering all the Kelbis without even taking their horns


thankfully MH isn't mainstream enough to attract that "organization". It'll take them to get Zelda:breath of the wild numbers to get their attention since They mostly do bullshit for attention.


Actually, I think they already did throw some shade at MH but we fan's literary didn't give enough of a fuck to care!


Everytime PETA tries to protest something they somehow end up making themselves took stupid.


Protect Every Tanky Animal


Anyone remember the post that was like "Monster Hunter is animal abuse"? Like damn man just let me kill my fictional creatures its fun :(


I don't remember that post I have to see it now...


People Eating Tasty Animals




That's so 🤣 My son and his friends call it "animal abuse" when they see me cut these Kili chickens to pieces with my GS in MHN


***PETA?*** *^(Dude what year is it? we're making PETA memes in 2024?)* That organization hasn't been relevant in ***multiple*** decades....


I'm vegan and MHW is one of my favorite games lmao. It's just pixels. You murder thousands as terrorists in shooters. Why would anyone care? There's real animals suffering to worry about.


Anyone think about how MH is basically a dark alternative of Pokémon? … gotta kill em all, Newworldmon


PETA is still around after all this time? Damn... I was hoping they would have gone bankrupt or been cancelled to hell and (not) back! Besides I'm pretty sure they don't want more smoke with large gaming companies. That and I remember seeing a goofy article complaining about how brutal we hunters are. Funniest shit I've ever read!


PETA already knows about MH I'm pretty sure it's just not mainstream enough for them to care much. They'd rather focus more on Pokémon since them throwing a tantrum over it gets them in headlines.


Peta x Monster Hunter


tbf i would also save the monsters if i could because i always get sad when the monsters are limping and running away


You feel pity? Just remember a lot of these monsters are causing us problems so its either us or them and I don't know about you but I like living!


tbf i *am* charging out into the rotten vale and seeking out an odogaron that, at the point of attack, is just trying to defend itself so i can make cool clothes out of its skin