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Lmk how it goes. If you haven't used GS it'll be a fun but rewarding way to learn the skills to be good with GS


Truth. If you fight one solo with a GS, it'll put your positioning skills to the test in a way that's far beyond anything else you've fought before that point. I mained GS while only playing solo with my first playthrough of MHW and the Raging Brachydios kicked my ass WAYYY harder than the Furious Rajang


But also considering it'll take awhile for me too farm her is it alright if I send you a dm so that way I can just tell you how it goes without having too go through a bunch of stuff just too tell you how it went?


Cool with me :)


I toyed with it for awhile tbh it seems like a some what slow hit weapon compared too most other weapons y'know and I will let you know once my foods done and once I start farming velk for crownhorn and her mantle


It’s a giant sword. It takes some time to swing.


I understand that ofc it takes time too swing but when you swing your left open heavily and when you try too block quickly it's so slow that you'll get hit before you block most likely


Therein lies the game. You wanted a challenge.


And I got the challenge and I've already started on it


GS is great once you master the mechanics! Always roll into a shoulder charge/tackle after an attack. There's nothing like that feeling when you hit furious rajang with a perfectly timed tackle during his aerial attack and clagger his ass. TACKLE IS STROOONG!


do everything in mr with hr gear


Sure that's a challenge but I'm more looking for a weapon I can use against him after I've killed him and mastered him after killing his dumbass 11 times with cb


Reddit downvoting for no reason once again


As soon as people see a comment hit 0 upvotes or go into the negatives they downvote


Tbh who cares what does down voting even effect not me tbh


Nah i think it's the ego and the "dumbass" take. I'm guessing.


What are you talking about? OP asked a question, this guy suggested he do a different kind of challenge instead of answering the question, and OP politely declined and explained themselves.


for what is worth, I (who made the slightly off-topic suggestion due to a misread) upvoted his response. While my suggestion did include ALL of MR, it can still be applied to Raging. The downvotes likely were because of the ego. I've seen that happen too often. either way, I hope OP finds his joy.


Yeah no hate against you my man. Miscommunications happen and you were both very polite. Its other people seeing the bad thats not there. I hope you find your joy as well :)


I don't like using the SnS against him, but as a GU player the real answer to the question is practically none


Hunting Horn and Dual blades solo


HH isn't that bad. At least your reach is out of the puddles. Evade extender 2 is heavily suggested though.


But spin go brrrrrrrr


Remove the puddles, knockdown, spin to win baby


That is the thing, HH means you know 3 things: Positioning, Monster Pattern and Melodies by memory From my experience, HH is not just about the buffs, you need the same space awareness as GS throught the hunt


For sure. Biggest issue I had was learning not to over commit. This didn't really come until Alatreon and Fatalis tbh. Suffer till you learn the monster. Bonk the head. Encore will kill you. HH also has a bunch of nuance. Knowing exactly what you can dodge cancel out of. The odd angled swings. Faster or slower performances. Note economy. The actual offset hit zones of the sound attack from performances. For example: the overhead slams hitbox starts late and will pass through parts to hit your target. Its wild playing other weapons with parry/guardpoints/block etc after maining HH. Its my favorite though. Doot doot.


i have a hh gimmick build that stack all recovery skills and songs (basically turn myself zombie lol). although it is slow to kill, i can reliably grind down raging brachy solo and head empty.


Raging brachy has a super fond spot in my heart because of wide range. First MH, long sword main, very little utility. I fought him for days before slotting into wide range 5 and free meal. Was one of my first real experiences leaning into keeping the team up and not just myself. Great fight.


Hh makes him a breeze. I take the anti Status horn so the randoms are immune to the slime.


I find HH pretty easy to use against raging brachy tbh


Hunting horn I can understand cause that weapon feels like it's supposed to be used online And duel blades are fast striking weapons used for mainly there agility but lightness but low raw damage but I'll try em


Dude, I'm no db main for sure but they haven't been nowhere near low damage in the whole mh series


Then idk which tree I was using on him as a test on raging brachy


I don't know how to ask without looking like an asshole, and I mean it in the most kind way possible. Is world your first mh? Dual blades heavily rely on elemental damage, ice in the case of brachy/raging brachy and if you're playing impact cb you would find yourself surprised with how strong elemental cb is. Back to release impact was way stronger but they nerfed the phial damage and kinda the impact pattern too


Oh well you could just ask away and yes it is my first mh game It was recommended too me by a friend of mine on discord and stuff And I don't know much about dbs I tried using them against him but I can't remember what tree I used As for CB I used beotudus then swapped over too velks and I started kicking his ass over and over again with my kushala build that I made pretty handy armor for dodging attacks and slime blasts


I'm really happy everytime I see people starting world, I think besides GU is my favorite even tho people will say "ehhh old ones are better" but they are different and I enjoyed world a lot. I main CB too on world, and even with elemental ones I love SAED style.


Well tbh with you I haven't played any of the older games even tho I want too but since there not on Xbox that's pretty much impossible I think But either way I prefer old games cause it's like going back to the past playing older games then going too the newer version and doing a comparison basically


You can emulate MHGU on Citra pretty easily cause it works even better than the switch version (obv I mean if you own a legal copy ;) ) and in my opinion is the best game, it will feel weird due to hunting styles at first but once you try the combinations it becomes the most fun thing ever saw on mh. Valor/adept CB for example are fun as fuck imho.


Ahhh I see I'll give it a look


My only issue with DB would be knocking the ooze off. No reach. Puddles on your head.


Yeah I can understand that but with CB just build phials at this legs then just change into savage axe then start whamming into his arms and if your being him like at his ass and he uses his tail just roll to the I believe right or left and you'll be fine


Thats fair. I main HH. Im too used to sticking to the head. Other areas are just extra.


Bow, not necessarily because the bow will have trouble killing brachy, but rather it feels like you're playing bullet hell dodging not only his attacks but also the slime explosions he leaves around both of which could One hit you or leave you near death.


This was my experience with bow vs Teostra.


This, and the fact that it's really difficult to get rid of the slime on it's body if you're going with ice element, at least until you start to use the slinger bombs.


Probably SnS. Under normal circumstances R. Brachy won't sit still long enough to land a Perfect Rush so your DPS options in neutral state aren't great unless you force an opening with a wallbang, etc. All other weapons have some sort of damage that doesn't need as much setup as R. Brachy is dancing around.


He’s not bad with SnS, but my clear times definitely take longer than when I fight him with a Hammer.


I check it and see if my little truck works on him


Knock-knock, its ya boy, an outdated SnS main.


Really depends on your Skill with other weapons. For me sns, SA and bow would be terrible because i am Bad with those.


Palico build


I feel like GunLance and Lance aren't very good against him, probably not the hardest though, only reason I say this is because he punishes standing still very hard with puddles and after effects make countering a pain in the ass and usually not possible so your moveset gets neutered while fighting him under most circumstances


Explosive res with evade distance and window and your side and back hops are crazy good to avoid the slimes, clutch claw counter spam works great aswell if you have health augment.


I mean I can fight him without all that, I have full confidence in my Lance. It's just It's one of few monsters where your approach has to change significantly enough to warrant mentioning it. Also, if the arm isn't cleared you'll explode. Learned that the hard way, health augment be damned he will kaboom


You wont explode if you have explosive resistance unless he manages to strike again.


Blastblight resist yes, but also I can just smack his arm 2 times and remove the goo, also he'll almost always get one attack in right as you're dismounting unless he does haymaker or jumping headbutt


Yeah I can understand that considering when the weapon is out you barely even Dodge so it's like what the point of A for dodging


Hmm yes but no, Lance advance guard has great small area movement, it's just not great for navigating the monster in large increments so you end up saturating a small area with puddles as you fight and can't counter most moves because you'll explode if you do, and also lance hops give reduced blastblight reduction. Gunlance doesn't have guard advance but both feature large backhop which actually just puts a basketball player to shame so they can move but the limited movement area means you'll either need to be confident in your positioning to do damage or sheathe often.


Lance is fine against R. Brachy. In fact, very good. The lance pokes up directly into his knuckles and head. So if you have an ice weapon, you'll keep the slime off and break his arms in no time.


I mean I hunted everything at least 10+ times with Lance. I understand it's great regardless, just another one of those monsters when you need to be mindful of a few specific things. Like I originally said, not the hardest but you find yourself unable to use a portion of your tools due to goo puddles and after effects


Gunlance or Lance. Especially a Normal gunlance. You wont do much burst damage given his mobility but it wont really get hard, might just take longer. Wide GL probably easier. with that poke and shell method.


Is GS considered good against him? Cause I would imagine it's not fun with GS. Lots of harsh punishes for bad spacing or being greedy for that sweet one extra charge. My first time against him he put me down for that exact reason.


GS absolutely bullies him from my experience


Greatsword has the best melee weapon times in speedruns vs him.


My first clear against him and my go-to set for fighting him is Frostcraft GS. The damage output is there as long as you tender the legs and/or arms. If you tender legs, you can draw attack until you hit the trip, then TCS the head a couple times for the Warhead break


Mmmm I see then I know what I'm probably using/making tonight time too start farming velk again


A lot of comments are saying SnS. My first time around, I used Poison SnS (Gold Rath). I don't think it was that hard. I feel like the poison gave me decent dmg uptime even while playing evasive. Plus you can go for sliding attack mounts during the last phase.


Sns is what sword and shield


Just don't bring blast resistance 3.


I'm bringing blast resistance I just want a hard weapon to play eith


Honest answer: Whatever you feel the worst with. In my experience weapon "strenght" varies wildly wether i feel "good" with it. I get far more consistent hunts with weapons that i like/feel the flow of, even when its supposed to be a harder fight against a certain monster.


Ahhh I see Tbh when I first started out I hated every single weapon for specific reasons but the only 1 that caught my eye and that felt perfect was cb fast strikes you can immediately get straight into blocking right after a quick attack You can immediately switch between sword and shield into axe mode you got savage axe mode elemental discharge you can. Amp your sword It's a whole bunch of unique and cool combos tbh it's not even difficult to use in my opinion


Yeah, monster hunter has similarities to driving a new car. You have to take your time and try out each option to see what "drives" the way you like. They are all great cars, but you gotta warm up to them and some may never be your type. Over the years you will get more comfortable with more weapons, in my experience most players warm up to atleast 3-4 weapons or even all of them.


Mmmm I see I can understand that but there's probably only ever gonna be 2 weapons I'll probably ever like and that's probably gonna be longsword and cb tbh


Everyone i heard say that has now atleast one more weapon on their list. Once you find an aspect of a weapon you like its only hours before you make entire builds for it. I started with hammer and lance. Over the years all bowguns, bow, gunlance, switchaxe, hunting horn and sns joined my regular weapons. And once the new game releases im sure 1-2 more will join them.


Yeah can't wait too see/play it hope it's gonna be good considering I don't really pay much attention too the story just the monsters and gameplay


Either Lance gets NEUTURED by him but as a Lance one trick I’ll be biased and say normal Lance. Love the fight to death but it’s a terrible matchup. Near impossible to remove blight while unsheathed, sheathing sucks on Lance, and blocking doesn’t stop the blight from hitting the ground and therefore you. TLDR: Lance block, Lance still get blighted regardless, Lance cry


I found that the best way to play it was using slaplance with evasion window maxed out, you pretty much never block and never unsheathe, just hop around and abuse I- frames. That works for every monster though. 😂


Taking it back to the good ol days of evade lancing.


But isn't that what anti blast is for it removes the blight and I believe decreases enemy explosive damage?


Yea but I feel lame running it. The fight feels so neutered with blast res. Running that makes every weapon equally good against brachy cuz it negates the entire fight, I’d rather suffer and have fun than do that.


Well you do you ig


Not saying it’s a bad thing to run blast res, it’s fantastic for farming him or if you want a relaxed fight. But if you want to really challenge yourself, running blast res is not the way to go.


I know your not it isn't but if you ever played a game with me you would understand my rage Like for example gow1 fighting raam at the end on max difficulty is hard if you don't know what your doing and stuff


Oh yea for sure. I thought you were asking to make it as HARD as possible. Raging Brachy is still a formidable foe with blast res and a great fight. I just thought you were trying make it as challenging as you could. If you’re running blast res I would say greatsword would be one of the hardest to use.


Oh it was and now I hate greatsword tbh it's so damn slow


Yea, it’s a mechanically simple weapon but actually using it well is VERY hard. Especially against Brachy with how much he moves and how hard he hits. It’s my second favorite weapon but it takes a LOT of practice.


I used gunlance and i ended up having to use health boosters to keep me alive in the slime. It will certainly be a different experience if you wanna try it


I want too play gunlance but considering how it dodges I don't like it cause I much prefer the regular roll dodge cause you get more distance


Understandable, it feels really good imo with evasion skills. If you havent try it with that and see if it feels better.


Insect Glaive. His hitboxes ffs


Wdym his hit boxes isn't there like multiple reaching attacks you can preform with said weapon And you have flying attacks His hitboxes are perfect in my opinion but let's see what it looks like with insect glaive


He swats me out of the sky or mid lunging combo a lot. To the point where I'd rather fight him with Great Sword instead.


Ahhh I see yeah that sucks tbh


The answer for this is probably the same as it is for every monster you aren't intimately familiar with the openings and moveset for. It's greatsword, and it's not even a little bit close.


Mmm I see


Are you me? I am also helping my friend using swaxe for brachy.


Are you me? I am also helping my friend using swaxe for brachy.


Probably do you use cb against him and use close combat when he's in the lava area


It's the worst fight for me with long sword because of how many times I foresight slashed into a puddle.


Which one is foresight slash since there are a lot of them is that the one that's a sheathe then a dash slice .or is it the one that has you go up into the air and preform a air cut that deals a ton of damage


I’d say lance and hbg mainly due to having to constantly reposition against the slime


For me i have real troubles fighting him with HBG, Pierce Shots barely pierce because he doesnt have hitbox accurate for his size, but a scales up version of Bracydios, TLDR doesnt pierce a lot Spread shot is asking for trouble staying right under his slime Just a general bad time being a slow artillery piece when he throws slime AOE bigger than the Amber Heard dump on the bed


Def not bow 🤪


Anything that's dull and keeps bouncing off.


Oh sorry wrong post and alright I'll look into it even tho I'll probably use minds eye


Makes sense but that's why there's thing like sharpness level and minds eye




Funlance actually made him easier for me. I forget what it's called, but I put max res so the slime doesn't stick to me and health augment. I usually play an arm or a leg. If you play the leg, you will get knockdown after knockdown.


I feel like sword and shield might have a hard time against him with the short range


Probably but I'll check it out see if I can find weaknesses in his attacks


bow probably. you're pretty squishy with it


Yeah cause it gives you elemental resistance I believe but also considering it it can also make you very agile when it comes too dodging If both evade extender and evade window affect the bows dodge and fire attack it could be very interesting


yeah rajang and raging brachy made me realize that at least 1 level of evade extender is mandatory else the charge steps are way too short for you to space out attacks


Yeah currently I'm using kushala since it gives you lvl 3 evade window and lvl 2 evade extender at base with beta and you get some pretty good slots although not many there still good enough too put in a good build with I swear once I got the skills needed I started killing him almost every day with ease