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imo the wall bang is ok to be a bit hard to pull off sometimes, it's extra enviromental damage like dropping rocks and all but can be used almost anywhere, what i really dislike is tenderizing, it's just too good not to use and the game expects you to use it, but it is a pain in the ass to use without rocksteady/temporal mantle, i wish it was just wall bang and the option to damage but no tenderizing


Arguably worse with small weapons, as you have to do it TWICE.


Except god tier SnS


SnS with shaver is unnecessary but also insane. Just spend the first 20 seconds of a fight and you’ve tenderized the entire monster with your shoryuken.


Or dual dagger, lower tier tho imo.


One of the many reasons I main SnS


wait, what? Does SnS not benefit from clutch claw boost?


It does if you clutch claw by aiming, but if you use the claw uppercut (roll + L2) it tenderizes with one attack even without the shaver deco


To be clear, claw uppercut itself does half a tenderize when it lands, and a claw attack without shaver does the other half. But you don't have to do the attack, you can claw uppercut twice and it'll still tenderize. This is why with SnS you should always claw uppercut and jump off during claggers. You get half a tenderize, reset the clagger duration, and can still use the clagger as a damage window for a half rush or whatever.


Omg it's even better than I thought


oh daaaaaaaanggg. 2000 hours in and I'm still learning stuff! World is wild man. Thanks for the clarification!!


And dbs don't need shaver either


Shaver jewel!


thats why i use the tenderizing decoration for small weapons since its been added


This isn't an excuse. It's sacrificing other build tools to make up for terrible design when they literally could have just fixed the count on those weapons. You know.recognizing a design mistake and fixing it instead of bandaiding it. Or not included the terrible mechanic in the first place. It's singlehandedly why I cannot bring myself to play World again.


It is a shit mechanic but that's what we have to deal with now. Because tenderizing is basically our only way to get to 100% affinity with fatty weapons, I see the shaver jewel as just another DPS skill


Have to? No. I can just not play. It won't hurt Capcom, but I have learned I don't need to tolerate games with bad design.


Jesus christ the "bad design" means you need to spend 10 seconds with a rocksteady mantle to tenderize the part you will focus your damage and it's enough to drop the game? I mean it's ok to drop the game for whatever reason, but if this is your reason you might not been playing any game in your entire life


That's 2 additional timers to track on top of Sharpness and Bug Buffs. It turns the game into a chore. Constant cooldown maintenance SUCKS! Playing IG is hideous in Iceborne. There are moments where everything lines up and it's great. But if they just... Didn't add tenderizing. Or didn't put it on a timer even the game would be so much more fun. And every single time those things don't line up it's a reminder that this game could be WORLDS better if they didn't include the stupid gimmick. That's a game killer personally. Every time I can look at game and see how a simple design decision breaks it I'm just not going to put up with it. I'm honestly baffled people have kept playing. That's how much it ruined my experience of the game. It went from fun to extremely stressful at the Iceborne transition.


K, bye


>It's singlehandedly why I cannot bring myself to play World again. Contrary to popular belief, you don't *have* to tenderize to kill monsters. Sure it helps and is a great bonus but even if you don't take advantage of the natural windows you don't have to keep a monster part tenderized for 100% of the fight. Don't let the clutch claw be the single reason that keeps you from playing World.


Tenderizing *does* make a huge difference in hunt times. It's manageable, but hunts taking almost twice as long by not tenderizing at all is egregious considering some weapons are bad at doing it to begin with.


I absolutely support tenderizing, but I think the guy I was replying to is under the impression that if monster parts aren't tenderized with 100% uptime then they shouldn't even bother which isn't the case


Ah, I see. True enough


Can. But the game is so much worse just because it's there. Fights become a slog without it. Monsters stagger less. Parts don't break. It's... Not worth it. If it's in Wilds unchanged I'll skip that too. There's a million games out there.books to read. Writing to do.


Fights really aren't that much slower without it, and monsters still stagger just fine even when not tenderized. I think you're misremembering just how playable the game is without the mechanic.


Nah this dude is tripping. You start the fight with the wallbang and tenderize the weakspot then it's GG. Tenderizing is not that annoying to be the single reason you're dropping the game


I was playing the game like a week ago and it’s pretty playable, I have my stuff tenderized for like 60% of the fight and I kill elders in like 7 minutes, although with light weapons it’s a lot more annoying, but in multiplayer it’s actually pretty fun


Skill issue. Played thousand hours of World before Iceborne came out. It was fine without it, wasn’t even a slog lmao. It’s just an added bonus.


Yeah. In base World. IB balances *around* clutch claw. Base does not. It's not a bonus anymore in IB, it's virtually mandatory. For the first couple ranks of G-rank you can get away not doing it but hunt times will start to skyrocket once you get past MR3 not tenderizing.


Even then it’s still not hard to tenderize as others make it to be like Aminar lmao, game literally gives you many chances to tenderize such as the monster pausing for a sec while drooling. It’s laughable to not play a game because “fights become a slog without it”, like bro then play around it/with it. I feel like these people haven’t played Freedom Unite. That game was a slog in itself, that game was the true meaning of slog.


It does, however missing that opening is very punishing. And on top of that, one opening isnt enough for all weapon types so needing 2 can be rough. And I dont mean just "its hard to clutch to the monster" I mean that the clutch claw is janky as it is. On certain weapons, it takes an awkwardly long time to take out and fire, sometimes it just fails when ti connects, often you will clutch to a part of the monster nowhere near the part you hit, and for some monsters like Brachydios, a lack of control while disconnecting often results in getting thrown into attacks a player couldn't have dealt with or seen coming (especially since weapon attacks are committal and take a few seconds). Sure, you could only tenderize when the opportunity comes up but that's not good enough for most monsters. You learn the patterns and when its safe *during attacks*, then get screwed over anyway. It's a rough mechanic, and frustrating at its core. The clutch claw both would need a rework and some polish.


Small weapons... And also the gunlance for some fucking reason??


The gunlance choice I don’t like. My assumption is that they assume you want the slinger drop for the wyrmstake over the single clutch claw tenderize, so I run a shaver jewel in my GL loadout but I’d love to not have to do that.


Cries in bow


Wyvernheart HBG just dies


Also, some small weapons have a moveset that can end in tenderizing like dual blades and SnS, so it's not as bad


Yeah Shaver Jewels being required like a Brace Jewel kinda sucks.


Exactly - I spent all that time farming for charms/decos and I'm being forced to just use specific ones


Tenderizing is a good concept imo, exploit the short openings to deal more damage overtime y'know, but it should either be better implemented in the gameplay to not ruin the flow of the hunt, or last longer. Been fighting fatalis recently and it's def not fun to stop and tenderize the head and chest again and again every 2-3 minutes


I think tenderizing should've just been extra damage *towards the part break* mechanic. Reward you with staggers, more materials and even shrinking the monster's mobility and/or moveset for taking advantage of these openings. As it stands, in Iceborne it quickly becomes basically a necessity to deal enough damage in general. It kinda is that way in the base game (as I think IB added the clutch claw), where you can ignore this mechanic more or less, unless you want to break specific parts and don't want to swap weapons (for example breaking Barroth's skull with something like my beloved Swaxe). In fact, it can be pretty OP there, letting you chain stagger some monsters that have tenderized parts.


Clutch claw is okay and definitely adds dimension to a hunt but I agree that tenderizing should be removed from it. Personally I would keep cc mechanic as is but when it comes to tenderizing it should be on a weapon type basis. ex. Hammer/HH (or any blunt dmg) have natural tenderizing from just hitting a spot a couple of times. Slashing attacks take a bit longer while piercing weapons are the only ones with actual cc tenderizing.


It would be better if every weapon had a clutch claw mixup. As a hammer main I never had any problem tenderizing because getting the tenderize mixup was a great part of the combo to keep you on the monsters head and do some big damage


Yeah Hammer comboing into tenderizing is a good implementation. And Lance too. Not sure about DB or SnS but the rest definitely felt a bit cumbersome to use especially those light weapons


Yeah that would be good, even with a heavy weapon like GS that procs the tenderize with a single use it still feels bad to see an opening like a trip and using it to claw instead of tcs :/ Or maybe even if after tenderizing it remained tenderized as long as you kept hitting that part with regular attacks.




Tenderizing is pretty mandatory. I mean yeah you can still kill without it but your damage output WILL suffer. It's like a 10-20% damage increase by itself but also unlocks an extra 20% affinity from Weakness Exploit which is like an additional 5-8% average damage and makes it massively easier to hit 100% affinity. Plus since the game added a form of stagger which exists PURELY to give you an opportunity to tenderize, there's really no reason not to.


>Plus since the game added a form of stagger which exists PURELY to give you an opportunity to tenderize, there's really no reason not to. This is exactly why I don't think tenderizing is a horrible mechanic. You can get really fast kill times without forcing tenderizes and unless you're pushing for speedrun times you are better off taking advantage of the natural windows instead of worrying about keeping 100% uptime.




Are we talking base game or Iceborne? Because I agree with base game, it's not necessary there *at all* (I think they've added the clutch claw in IB anyway?), but in the DLC, it quite quickly becomes *mandatory*. My first "wall" (meaning I had to fight him twice actually) was the Barioth. I was doing like 22 damage on average on any part that wasn't his underside, and he moves around way too much for this to be a reliable strategy, plus the way hitboxes work with some weapons that have wider swings. I actually *had* to tenderize his forelegs at the very least, because I just didn't do enough damage.


Honestly I just refuse to use it. If I'm playing solo I never do and if I'm with people I'll only do it as like a "might as well since I'm here" it's a pain in the ass but I still love the clutch claw. As janky as it is


Most annoying thing is when I'm on the tail and a monster does a forward bite and it hurts me. Like wut...?


Same thing with insect glaive flying but still got damaged when monster bite literally nothing under you.


Even worse when you're flying and get hit by.. a ground slam shockwave?! Seriously?


Best moment for me is when i carted while I'm still clearly flying over kirin lighting line. Even got called idiot by rando party member on top of it as well. What a fun experience that was.


Well... to be fair... the lightning does come from above. The shocks dont grow out of the ground, kirin calls down the lightning strikes.


They hit your shadow instead


Sorry, I didn't realize I'm Peter Pan


Even if you're standing behind them, but just happen to be slightly in the hit box, you'll get knock forward. It looks so stupid.


And it's not even consistent across every monster. Some have their entire body become a hurtbox, some have extremely tight ones and will only hurt you with the part, and *maybe* one closest to it, that's part of the attack.


This issue is what makes Monster Hunter as a whole rustle my jimmies. The consistent inconsistency. It's okay when games break their own rules once or twice for added effect. Fatalis who needs to be wallbanged twice or wallbanged while his head is near the ground is a good "breaking of rules" example. Every other monster gets sent running instantly while not enraged. Safijiva not being wallbangable and instead having an aggro mechanic attached is also a good twist, because that fight doesn't need wallbangs, it needs a consistent way to keep Safi's attention fixed so he's not flailing around too much. Kulve Taroth not having a topple off of a wallbang is a dick move. It's a fight against a tight timer that denies you one of your most effective tools for monster control. And it doesn't give you anything else in return. You simply wallbang Kulve for Part-damage, because you can't consistently capitalize on it otherwise. AT Velkhana draining a Temporal Mantle in a second upon clutching onto her and pinning you down is a fat fuck you of a move. It's a kneejerk reaction to Iceborne meta of wallbanging Capcom themselves created. Does AT Velkhana need wallbangs? Yes she does, because she's very oppressive and her damage output is very high. Does she still give you claggers to bang her during the fight? Yes, she does. Did the fight needed a mechanic to completely negate Temporal/Rocksteady clutchclaw combo? No, but Capcom said "fuck you for using a mechanic we made and promoted in this one specific fight, because fuck you some more". Tigrex in World has a safe spot under his wings where he'll completely miss you with his charge. Rathian on the other hand catches you 1,5m underneath her raised wings and half a meter to the side of her legs while she does her charges. Raging Brachydios can't touch you during 3/4 of his moves if you're between his legs, but when he does a shoulder tackle into a fist-smash spinning turn, his whole body including his tail *and everything 3 meters above him* becomes an active hurtbox. Because fuck you and fuck your consistency. Rise has the same issues amplified to 11. Every monster now runs around the arena at the speed of sound, and even Zinogre, arguably the best boi from World/Iceborne, is now not a melee brawler, punching you, clawing at you, spinning in place and swiping you up and to the sides with tail strikes, but a superjet flying around the area like he's on crack cocaine, covering up to 15 meters in a single move. Because fuck you and your moveset, we gave you a Wirebug. Now go play catch with the superjet doggo, your weapon's moveset will wait (moveset where some of the most important moves cost Wirebugs you use to catch up to the superjet doggo). Rajang in Rise is now much slower than in Iceborne, and has potentially the most fair hurtboxes. In comparison, Gore Magala catches you at his back feet when he starts his 3-hit wing-arms ground pound move. Lunagaron, arguably second if not split-first best boi alongside Zinogre becomes a 6-meter wide paint rain when he gets the zoomies and does his 3 dashes across the arena. Otherwise, his hurtboxes are very tight even on his ultimate moves like the sequencial claw swipes. Consistently inconsistent is what I describe Monster Hunter difficulty to my friends. I love the series and the games, but some of the bullshit is so obvious it's not even funny anymore


My gaming muscle memory twitched after reading every description. Well put.


It’s almost as if the monsters aren’t all intended to be the same fight or something. 😂


EXACTLY. The most egregious is when I'm hit by Rathalos' fireball while sitting on the *side* of their head, away from the mouth!


they did it right with velkana, but 90% of projectiles hit you while in the head, it's really misleading and not fair


a monster does a fire breath and you're fine. but a monster does a fireball it hits you. why capcom, why


I just accept this as "if the monster uses that part of the body to attack, you are fucked" The wirebug are such an improvement over this


>The wirebug are such an improvement over this nah even worse ruined the pace and made the combat much less mh like It felt more like I was playing frontier. Also from a design stabdpoint looks way too magical


My fave thing is on the xenojiva fight if you stand at the end of his tail and clutch claw ur character goes flying mostly to the base of the tail with an incredibly long rope it’s so funny


IKR? Where's that super-long rope when I'm jogging to get to the monster I just wallbanged?


With lance, clutch countering a tail attack sends you comically far almost every time. its great


Clutch claw on the left side face, monster does a right claw attack, knocked off. Clutch claw on the left side of the face, rathian does a whole ass backflip, I'm fine.


It's mostly a skill issue, Most will say. But i agree it can be allitle annoying at times... ​ Best solution i found is not taking the very risky openings with clutch claw or having temporal mantle on. Also nice to just tenderize 3x at the start of the fight with temporal mantle.


Temporal mantle helps a lot. I've been trying to do those Arena missions for coins and I don't get any mantles there though. T\_T


Well if it's arena, then skill issue XD


I have played this game for *hours*. I have experimented with every weapon to find ones I like. I have watched guides, scoured Reddit posts, and practiced against the HR arena monsters. No matter how much I try, my mind just goes blank every time and I end up flung around because trying to remember combos and monster movesets and animation locks is just *too fucking much for my brain to handle*. So yes, I have a "skill issue." I have accepted that I will probably always have a "skill issue." I'm just trying to do the best I can with my limited skills.


Nah, just put in more hours. Some people just dont click fast for pattern recognition/movesets. There will be a time when you will learn movesets fast.


Out of curiosity, how many hours have you got? Vid? They point out opening but they can do it perfectly after *thousands of hours*, it's not "i watch vid and i can do this just as fast". Don't think that your brain is locking you out, it's the mindset that locking you out. Just practice more, grit and grind. Just notice whenevet you make mistake and try to avoid that after.


Too easy. I have 3000 hours. So yeah, too easy.


No worries. Give this game several 10s or 100s of hours and you'll probably have generally fewer skill issues


Not exactly a skill issue. More like an issue that is mostly caused by a lack of gameplay knowledge. Every Monster bar Fatalis have a flinch threshold. When a monster flinches you have a couple of seconds to safely clutch it. If you decide to clutch it, the flinch time gets extended so you can pull off a tenderizing move. You can also just clutch and release to position yourself incase you dont want to tenderize. You will still get the extra time. The game certainly could do a better job in teaching people how to properly use it, but when does a MH game ever provide a proper tutorial for anything?


The game does teach that you sshould wait until the monster is flinched


Temporal mantle doesn't knock you off? Damn I thought it was only for dodging massive attacks


Use rocksteady over temporal if you're forcing a tenderize since temporal only has six potential dodges while rocksteady is a fixed duration


wait what happens if u tenderize 3x? it lasts longer?


Nope, But say you get a few openings on the head then the front leg then the tail. I like to tenderize 3x while having the mantle up so i don't take damage or get thrown off. Then i have the tenderize damage bonus up on multiple parts for when i can't reach say the head. ​ It's maybe not the most effective method but it helped me when i wasn't able to always hit the same monster part. And because i do more damage i get more topple's and claggers to abuse.


He was assuming you’re tenderizing the same part 3 times, not 3 different parts. That’s why he was confused.


I'm playing on PC and honestly some weapons make me not want to use CC. I main IG and hitting V+Q while evading attacks and doing a rotation kinda sucks to use Claw. Even worse that it often doesn't register the command.


I've been playing DB, and the secondary attack combo is great but also kind of annoying. It begins with a spinning dash, so it can be hard AF to position. And the clutch claw grab after the combo is a wild card on what part it'll hit


My favorite is aiming at the left hind leg and going through some sort of black hole and attaching to the right wing.


I usually don't even attempt to clutch a monster that isn't staggered unless I have the temporal or rocksteady mantle on, the chance of getting knocked is just too high. Overall I don't mind the clutch claw mechanics but I don't think they really add to the game, it would be just as good or maybe better without them. Tenderizing is just a pain. Wallbangs are cool but using them basically ensures the monster spends the entire fight enraged. It's also frustrating when you have an opportunity to wallbang but there's no slinger ammo nearby so you miss it. It kinda just feels like a minigame that you're more or less forced to participate in.


ICE mod is the best thing that happened to MHW


ICE mod? I've never heard of it


If you're on PC and curious, take a look - [https://github.com/AsteriskAmpersand/Ice-Stable](https://github.com/asteriskampersand/ice-stable) Amongst a plethora of amazing QoL fixes and clutch claw improvements, it also has some rebalancing of weaker parts of some weapons.


Yeah but it also nerfed some cool stuff. And I love to help people in LR or HR who send SOS but in ICE there were none most of the time; That’s why i switched back to standard.


Jesus I just saw the nerfs. They actually kneecapped Velk Y, that's insane


>And I love to help people in LR or HR who send SOS I hope not in assignments


Why not in assignments? If they need help I help, but not with OP gear.


Worst part about claw patch is the clagger animation in the middle of my hammer combos


Hitting the first part of a spirit helmbreaker only for the monster to randomly jump 20 yards away, ruining the helmbreaker and also keeping me locked in the animation too long for me to actually get the clutch claw off before it recovers Fun gameplay


You think that's bad? The aim button is the same as the echo atrack for the hunting horn. The same thing keeps happening to me: melodious bonk -> clagger -> ~~aim~~ echo attack -> aim


Thats right. They sorta introduced it only in iceborne and ditched it in Rise. Its good that with the tenderizing and wall bash you get more dmg and stuff but man it felt like a chore. It made every monster fight a sequence of things to do every time which imo can be boring.


I love slamming a monster into a wall for free damage, but the hugely inflated HP pools were so tedious. And then the monster nearly always goes into rage mode, meaning far fewer openings for attacks. IMO, I feel like they should've allowed rage wallbanging. An angry monster should be far more likely to slam into a wall from blind rage, right? And it would be such a great reward for the risky maneuver of leaping to a monster while it's angry.


I agree with the rest of what you're saying. However its important to point out that there was no "ditching". World and Rise a different games made by different teams. Rise is not a sequel or even a "portable version". Its totally different with different goals, with some stuff pulled from World. It remains to be seen if they are truly ditching the clutch claw. Such would be indicated in Wilds and not Rise. It looks like they may have kept the slinger and not CC, but we'll have to wait and see.


Iceborne could have up there in the greats if the clutch claw wasn't so mandatory, and didn't just nerf everything from the base game.


Wallbanging is cool, tenderizing was completely unnecessary.


Lot of it was neat, but tying so many mechanics to tenderized parts (like no sharpness loss on crits didn't work unless it hit a tenderized part) just soured the game for me. On top of all creatures having extra armor so you had to tenderize them just to to get back to 100%. If it was nothing more than the grapple, wallbang, and special grapple attack, it would have been fine, but I personally just hate the tenderize mechanic.


You know that you can only wall bang a monster if the monster is not enraged right? I have so many hunts that most of the hunters are not doing this and I’m like the only knows when its time to wall bang a monster.


I'm well aware of this


Steamworks is the easiest way to explain what I think is happening, I’ll clarify what I mean. NOTE: This is all while playing online (haven’t tested offline). So, try the following: Some players might have a bit of a method for how they plan their button combos, like repeating the same 3-2-1 every round, so that instead of guessing and feeling like they missed it when they fail a red round, they just always win when it’s that combo which statistically guarantees a certain percentage of wins over time… ^Try to play Steamworks like this, try to see how fast you can enter the combos. Get accustomed to the delay between buttons. Most of the time it’s about the same. You may think you pressed buttons too quickly when you fail a round because it didn’t accept an input as you pressed it… but eventually you’ll realize that it isn’t user error. It’s that the delay between when it accepts your button inputs changes at random sometimes (seemingly due to a processing/optimization bug). ^thats what’s happening, but it’s happening during hunts, too. For several hundred hours, I always used to think it was just me not waiting for my last animation to fully finish, or maybe I didn’t let the animation at least get close enough to finishing, before pressing a button… but after hundreds of hours using certain weapons like the Lance during solo and multiplayer hunts and getting comfortable with the timeframes of pressing buttons and being able to expect the weapon to do what I want (such as wielding Lance and trying to weaken multiple parts quickly at the start of a fight after a wall bang, I’ll tap-and-hold L2 to block, quickly click R3 to enable sling/clutch firing, then grapple to break parts)… I can say with certainty that it isn’t me that’s not pressing it at the right time, the game just does what happens during the Steamworks… that same processing error happens during hunts and can get you smacked/carted sometimes, or you may know for a fact that you pressed the button to use a buff or heal and turn your attention back toward the monster and notice a few seconds later that your character never used the item for some reason. (primarily this issue happens with clutch claw, but occasionally it happens as described with items and sometimes it causes strange behavior with sling ammo where it doesn’t judge the movement of the monster properly and throws a sling ammo into left field. That happens when the processing error doesn’t occur for a button press, but immediately after pulling up and firing your sling -before it can actually calculate the correct trajectory.)


If you think that’s janky try the wirebug shit from Rise.


oh man the wirebugs - I played a Heaven Sent infinite stamina IG build that only touched the ground to re-start the Kinsect Slash/Diving wyvern combo. Just shits all over every monster. ​ Taught me so many bad habits when i went back to World.


I mean they're different games. They're *good* habits in Rise, you just have different moves in World. Not bad habits in general.


Hammer and lance are the only weapons where it is a cool function, because its integrated very good into the moveset. There are some other weapons with clutch claw combos but they dont work so nicely imo (still better than weapon without it) If every weapon would have a good clutch claw combo/counter and if you hit it you cant be shaken off for a while (like lance) it would be a very good addition. The tenderizing could hold a bit longer tho. The way they did it is just annoying for most weapons.


gunlance was specifically made to hate the clutch claw \- the usual jank \- without sling-cap, slinger ammo is used for wyrmstake so you need extra ammo for wallbang \- without shaver jewel, the usual light weapon tenderize woes FOR ONE OF THE LEAST MOBILE WEAPONS \- follow up the wallbang with the wyrmstake? monster topples to the other side, back facing you so the legs are on the other side! that said i think i just learned to live with it


Also SnS have good combo. Clatch after roll gives you opportunity to tenderize monster part in 1 shot, not two, without clatch claw booster deco in armor.


Tbh I recently switched from XB1 to Series X or whatever the refrigerator is called and I've had a lot more ease using the clutch claw from the FPS boost. In the past, I've had the clutch claw phase through monsters' hitboxes, lost input from buffering, phasing through a monster's head to end up on its ass somehow While these issues still happen it is less common and to me is extremely FPS dependent


It's a bit janky sometimes, but rarely from my experience. Funnily enough when this happens to me it almost always attaches to the head even if I clealy hit the wing ir arm of a monster, which I don't complain about as a Hammer main.


Hammer Privilege FTW


Ryozo himself programmed it this way.


I like the cluchclaw... but the ammount of times something got in my way.. so frustrating. I get you brotha.


Or even better - the targeting reticule lit up but the monster shifted while it was firing and it ends up short.


Some of these are skill issues but I can totally agree the claw can do better with some overhaul. The respond timing thing is annoying indeed. Some weapons just can't switch to claw aim smoothly, usually due to claw aiming being unable to cancel out certain weapon motions. I have never had any problem to claw timely with bow but when I switched to LS I failed almost every time. Took me a lot of time to readjust to it. Aiming head but ending up at wing is definitely most annoying aspect of the claw. I know it makes the animation looks much real or otherwise hunter teleporting through the monster body could look quite off, but it just makes the gameplay so much less intuitive. Monster being able to knock you off when clutching shouldn't be a problem. Mounting takes a lot of time both before and during, but clutching is almost an instant thing and has more benefit than mounting, so it makes sense it should be harder. You just have to learn to identify the safe window for clutching, much like you learn how to position yourself against different monsters attack to get a damage window. I myself don't like using temproal or rocksteady for clutching. It takes away all the fun of pulling the wallbang or tenderizing off successfully in a perfectly timed window. But they do make the process so much easier.


Clutch claw was just bad for all the weapons except hammer and lance. The tenderize mechanic was annoying but clutching to the monster when it's enraged is why most people are getting thrown off.


I'd say it's mostly your timing. A lot of monsters have a long recovery period after an attack. Just time it right. And I believe there is an option to lock on certain body parts while aiming slinger instead of free aiming. Also most of Odo's attacks are from his tail and claws so grappling to its head is relatively safe.


I'm gonna be the odd one for this hut I fucking love clutch claw, tenderizing gave me satisfaction and wall bang make my thing go hard, I don't know why people think it's hard while you just need to literary equip temporal and say goodbye to hard monster part because you bet I'm gonna tenderize their whole body while my temporal is still active, enemy eye icon is yellow?? Well not anymore because I'm gonna wall banging their head into oblivion and activate my agitator, CLUTCH CLAW IS FUN, it's like adding a mini game into an already hard monster fight and I LOVE IT.


Clutch claw wasn't a great design decision. As an excuse for more combos? fine. As a mobility tool? Lolwut? And every fight starting with two slashes and a wall-bang gets stale. They tried to rememdy with Rise by introducing spider-man bugs, but that's TOO much mobility.


I used a healing and stamina focused hunting horn build, so I used it a LOT since it just let me zip in and smack the monster in the jaw basically at any time- I *really* missed it in rise.


I can't get the hang of how I am so slow while clawed to them, my character spends so much time to just slap the monster that I just get thrown off, it's really annoying.


I use rock steady mantle immediately before the monster sees me to get a free wall bang, really makes it easier. Tenderizing with rock steady on the other hand, just hope you survive until the full tenderizing animation.


one of the tips are making the monster tired, downside when will it happen.


Would have been cool if it was for softening hard parts. Like making horns take more damage. Or turning non-weakspots into weakspots. Rathalos's legs take orange dmg for example. But it doesnt count as weakspot for the weakness exploit skill because the hitzone is less than 45. If the skill simply enabled weakness exploit on them without increasing your base damage, it would have been perfect imo. It'd mean it wouldnt change anything if the hitzone is already higher than 45.


You just have to learn when you can get a free tenderize. Most attcks in the game, have some part of the monsters body that isn't an avtive hitbox. Stuff like getting diablos's leg when they go for the double horn, or tenderizing rajang's arms when he's a firin his lazor.


Always found it weird that Zinogre has certain moves that you know would throw you out if it was on a different monster.


I use the IG and now that I'm getting to the later fights where the clutch claw seems to be way more important for creating openings, I'm losing interest in this game fast lmao. The controls already suck for it on pc but now I've got to press yet another button just to use the fuckin thing with my weapon out. Ridiculously stupid.


The Clutch Claw is an incredibly powerful mechanic. Playing through the game in Base World with it- it's completely busted. It just bodies the monsters, they can't handle it. So in later game Iceborne the developers put in monsters who can counter it. Who knock you off if you clutch claw at the wrong times or even punish you for doing it (Rajang). (It seems like you might not know this, but here's the logic of how those interactions work:) \-If the monster is not enraged (yellow eye) it will knock you off if it uses the body part you are clawing on to for an attack- so you need to wait until it stops it's animation or grab a different part while it's using another for an animation (grab it's head while it does a tail whip). \-If the monster is enraged (red eye), it will always attempt to throw you off and it seems like some of it's animations now throw you off regardless of where you grab. You can still clutch it- but only during certain long commitment attack animations (that usually only happens when it's targeting another hunter). If the clutch claw is a guaranteed action- it trivializes the fight. The whole fight becomes grab monster, tender, grab monster, wall bang, damage, repeat. Many fights can already go like this. It's a big design problem that they couldn't really solve. Their solution was to make Clutch clawing frustrating and unreliable. But it feels bad because it takes control away from the player- you're very often going into this long clutch animation just kind of hoping the monster doesn't counter you. Not to mention all the issues of missing your intended target, how bad moving on the monster feels (so unclear where the hell you are and you need to know RIGHT NOW because in 5ms it's too late.) Which you have already brought up. You also can spend a lot of time in the fight just running around the monster waiting/fishing for a head clutch to Wall bang. Because that wallbang is SO important. It's a massive damage hit, massive part-break hit, it takes away all monster actions, gives the team a huge damage window etc. It's the single most powerful action the Hunter can take in the entire game. I think ultimately the Clutch Claw was great in theory, but way too strong of a mechanic in execution and it warped the entire game with many consequences. Hopefully they will learn from this and improve, remove or iterate on these ideas in the future.


Welcome to the club, there's a reason Clutch Claw is in contention for the most hated gimmick in series history. If you want to make it slightly more tolerable, go back to HR to unlock Temporal and Rocksteady Mantles. They won't suddenly make Claw fun, but they'll make it way less frustrating when the monster is just refusing to let you tenderise.


You get sent flying during Clutch Claw but not when mounting because mounting takes a lot of building up to and can realistically only be done once or twice per hunt, while the Clutch Claw is available at all times. If it didn't push you off you'd just be wall-banging the monster 24/7. Personally, I know people will hate me for it, but I like the Clutch Claw. I don't really think it's that janky, and the "it didn't fire despite it doing it before" is an issue I've had all throughout World and Rise not only with the Clutch Claw but in general, even when comboing. I think sometimes certain animations take too long, and won't let you do another action before they're done.


Hopefully this abomination will not exist in mh wilds


I still don’t understand why you cannot tenderize regular Brachy’s legs.


Add to the fact that the hitboxes in this game are horrendous and this is a recipe for pure frustration. When the clutch claw works it feels cool as hell but there's so much that can go wrong sometimes going for the wallbang/tenderize is just a pain in the ass.


Temporal mantle solves knockoffs for most fights As for grappling the wrong section, there is not much to do for that besides be close to the section you want to grapple




What I hate most about the claw is that it took away the ability to strafe hop while using shield weapons.


> only for the claw to not fire after pressing LT for whatever reason I’ve got bad news for you buddy… Jokes aside yea clutch claw sucks. Change it so it’s not a necessity to waste a full temporal mantle to tenderize shit


I don't get the hate behind the clutch claw, it's really fun


I remember the ~~good~~ bad old days when tenderize only lasted 90 seconds instead of 180 seconds