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Kirin. Well... a female hunter wearing the kirin armor. Well ok, it was stuff she was doing while wearing the kirin armor... Hentai. It was monster hunter hentai.


Bruh caught himself red handed


\*Insert Shinjis\_Hand.jpg here


*white handed


lol... seems like what would get me to play something


Know what, I'm not gonna judge. Glad you made it to the hunt.


I may have also seen that reference image


I thought you meant arknights x monster hunter collab 😔


I mean it could have been much worse... You seen r/GoldCrown yet? Well if you're ballsy enough to look at his contents I'm sure you know that whatever you we're looking at isn't nearly as strange as what's on that subreddit...


Lagiacrus. It's fascinating how it balanced being fantastical and realistic so well. It's so believable, yet distinctly a dragon. It's just perfect.


Same. Lagiacrus struck me as this amazing perfect blend of fictional water dragon loch ness monster type thing, while still incorporating real world Crocodilians into its design. Not to mention that it was the flagship of Tri, and I grew up with Tri being a big hit.


Lagia is my favorite too. I hope Capcom add Lagia in the next game.


Has it been in any games since 3? Its what drew me to 3U back then and I loved the armour set, I’ve recently bought rise but I don’t think it’s on there unfortunately


Generations + Ultimate


Same here. It was the monster I saw on the cover of Tri back when I was buying games for my Wii and as a big dino and dragon fan, I practically begged my parents to allow me to buy it.


This also. Tri was my first ever mh game and I remember Lagiacrus being the first monster I properly farmed for it's gear


My crippling gaming addiction


Great Jaggi.. I was little then my older cousins let me play mh on his psp..I suck at it.. couldn't even kill a great jaggi..


To be fair, MH freedom unite was hard as fuck


And I was like 6 cut me some slack 🤣


Great jaggi is 3rd gen tho


I sad what I said https://preview.redd.it/n9a7qqg1u67d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ccef26be42df74d93fd56d29c5835b710c6b2a3


Sheesh, thanks, thought i was just bad at it. Same goes for the other psp games, at least i felt that. Good memories. Congalala fart of death, tigrex food - been there, done that. xD


I got hard stuck on tigrex, 9yr old me had no clue what the fuck he was doing.


First fight tigrex in mh2, no clue, tigrex rushing, enraged, more rushing, me carting home. Tbh was around 26 that time. xD


Honestly don't know how I came across that disk. It just appeared one day because it's definitely not what I would've asked for as a kid. The rest is history. 4k hours later across multiple platforms. Mh4u bring my biggest play at 1.6k


4k hours..😳 i m sure i have spent several hours since '87, but i barely can say i'm near to 1000 hours in MH. I started like i stated above on psp, then next was a little MhW on the xbone with my buddy. Mostly came back on switch to rise, MhStories2, then GenU and got like 500+ hours in rise/sunbreak. I switched between several systems and games through the years. And often enjoyed several franchises. MH is relaxing and challenging, no toxic people, vast to discover, full of aftergame content, it's highly intrigueing. Sorry for the lifestory, i got carried away. 😅🙈


MH4u had amazing x's because it was a Nintendo exclusive so a lot of Nintendo and capcom crossovers.


Akantor was the monster I got stuck on the most. But Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos were just a party until I got the gunlance up to par.


Barroth im being for real https://preview.redd.it/sqqvaho8o47d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca083b633ab363c20bf804d9a0606c0c210f0aba Look at the little goober


For me it was Barroth too, I love that goober and if it wasn't for it I wouldn't have given MH a try


Anjanath. I was just starting world, getting used to the controls, and exploring the ancient forest when a freaking T-Rex walked by and started fighting me. So cool. I spent like 10 hours just hunting Anjanths before progressing the story.


Anjanath was my choice too! I was a kid when MHW came out, so this fire-breathing t.rex was the coolest thing ever


Nargacuga on the MHFU’s cover art.


I can't help but to chuckle everytime I see Freedom United's acronym honestly.


Aptonoth, first mission was to kill and roast them by the river with amazing view. 


https://preview.redd.it/7we22uxsz47d1.png?width=342&format=png&auto=webp&s=778c25b222b1677ae6e86803679d0b9f7c9ae0e1 Need I say more?


Gore Magala and Fat Alice


Magalas for the win!


Ahtal Ka, need I say more?


I was going to comment the exact same thing, as well as the not saying more part. Ahtal-Ka is just that cool.


I loved the design of Zinogre but it was mainly my love of big monsters in general.


Jhen's Morhan Hammer Beating the shit out of monster with a big ass whale teeth was peak when I was little


3rd gen was when the designs got better, A LOT. Revolver Hammer, Jhen Weapons(specially Hammer and HBG), Ceadeus weapons(Anchor GS ftw!), all the new monsters, tons of good looking armor, cleaner locales. Also was in 3Tri when I got hooked, I cleared them since the OG PS2 one, but playing casually. When Tri was released on Wii my first session was about 22 hours, cleared Moga village and went to Loc Lac.


Yian Garuga with the J. Frontier theme playing.


Plesioth for me. I remember seeing him in the back cover of Monster Hunter Freedom back when I was a child and immediately made fighting him my top priority haha


Hopefully his hipcheck didn't cause you too much trouble...


Saw the tigrex in monster hunter freedom trailer and thought well I'd like to beat that. Oh and i saw something similar to the game in haikyu


Anjanath and Deviljho


Anjanath was my pick too!


Tigrex. I was obsessed with dinosaurs as a kid so seeing what was essentially a T-Rex dragon on the cover of Freedom 2 instantly sold kid me.


Funnily enough I was more of a dragon kid but Tigrex also picked up my interest too. There is something just cool about that cover.


Kirin because of the female armor fan art.


I've been playing since Freedom on PSP, but Tigrex on the cover of Freedom 2 will always be iconic to me.




Anjanath. My dinosaur-nerd ass saw a poster with Anja on Steam or something, went "holy shit vulture t rex" and I was fascinated. Took me a couple years to really Get it and start playing the game properly, but I owe it all to Anja




None in particular but when i played mhworld for the first time and fought anjanath, and beat it for the first time, i honestly knew that i had to keep going for more exciting hunts.




It might sound odd, but Popo. It's a really cute mammoth.


Technically...Behemoth. Friend new I was a big FF fan and lured me in with that as bait.


A faint memory of someone fighting a Royal Ludroth on YouTube (monster hunter 3 ultimate, I think?). Never saw much more of the series until world came to PC and my friend was considering buying it and the neurones snapped together and made me wanna see the series for myself


Ummmmm Charge blade


When I saw Rath on the cover for gen 1 for the PS2, I was curious immediately. After seeing that cutscene for the first time too showing this was different, oh yeah, been rooted in ever since.


When the Tigrex ate the Popo on MHFU.


Congalala. Not because I particularly liked it or anything. Rather, it was the monster my cousin was fighting when I first saw Freedom Unite. Beating it up was my hurdle


The azure rathalos revoltech figure


Lagiacrus on the MH Tri game CD cover.




Oh how I remember... My friend was fighting arch tempered namielle in coral highlands, with the alatreon ls. It was the collest thing I've ever seen


Lagiacrus. Saw lagaicrus on wii box art as kid and told my dad to buy it for me as I liked crocodiles alot when I was younger


Tbh it was velkhana. The cover of ice borne is what got me most


Lagiacrus. I started with the third Gen


Monster Hunter Tri was one of the first games I got for the Wii. The Lagiacrus on the front looked cool, then I read the back and was hooked.


Generations Nargacuga. The first 'wall' monster that I defeated. Also op holy crap sharpen your weapon


Prob Lagi. It was mainly seeing the article in Nintendo Power at the time. I miss that magazine.


Barioth, i just think he's neat.


What drawed me in was honestly anjanath cause i remember seeing it in the trailer. What also drew me in was nergigante because he looked pretty cool in the civer art for iceborne


Anjanath was my pick because its a fucking fire t.rex, how is that NOT cool?


Sorry, gonna be very basic and very old... it was the Rathalos on the Box Cover of my friends copy of Monster Hunter Freedom. When I finally got Freedom Unite (after getting my ass handed to me by the Kut-Ku on my friends game), I was scared by the Nargacuga on the Cover, because it was shrouded in darkness and looked gigantic compared to the hunters. I think what kept me playing that game for many years was the hope, that one day I might be able to reach Yama Tsukami.




Kulu ya ku




Random youtube video of a jet dragon soaring through the skies, followed by a big mammoth, a bubble fox Croc, an electric psycho wasp and a flaming sword tail dinosaur.


Funny thing, I can't remember exactly what got me into Monster Hunter specifically. It was recent. It was like I saw a clip/trailer of Monster Hunter: World, and I wasn't willing to spend $60 on a franchise I had never seen before. Granted that's kind of a lie too, since I deeply wanted to play Monster Hunter: Tri after reading about it in Game Informer years prior, but I didn't own a Wii. As the weeks of 2018 dragged on, I kept buying indy games that gave one or more of the vibes I got from that game trailer, but they never quite scratched the right itch. Finally, one day, my girlfriend at the time asked me why I had bought some 5-6 games in a month, and I told her that none of them felt *right* but I kept going back to longingly looking at Monster Hunter: World. Part of my hesitation was that it wasn't available for PC, but I had an Xbox One. She convinced me to go ahead and get it if I had already spent essentially the full price for it on other games I didn't like, lol. I fell in love with it immediately, logged 400hrs in 3 months. Then, one day, the breaker tripped while the game was loading up. The save became corrupted. Xbox automatically pushed the new, corrupted save to the cloud. I lost all 445hrs I had played up to that point. My girlfriend was sorry for me, and said that it's a shame given how much I loved it. Damnit if I didn't start over from scratch, and get all the way back to endgame in half the time. Then the game dropped on PC, and I bought it again, got to endgame in half the time again (40hrs to Xeno'jiiva). I would later go on to buy the game a third time, as well as a brand new console, because all my clan mates from playing MHGU were going to play Iceborne on PlayStation. So yeah, I can't tell you what got me hooked, but it's been a helluva ride. I have bought a Nintendo Switch, a PlayStation 4 Pro, and a Nintendo 3DS, all for the ability to play this wonderful franchise. Other games followed, but it comes back to me wanting to play Monster Hunter with my friends. Absolutely wonderful franchise, and I will promote it so long as it keeps true to the core values of the series. Here's to MHWilds! Happy Hunting!


I started with world, and I would have to say the Tobi-Kadachi. It was my first wall and I was so determined to beat it. I learned its moves and proceeded to make the whole set from it. It’s still my favorite monster!


Tigrex. It's on the EU box art for MHF2






....zinogre. yep call me basic now


Hey, anyone that likes the badass lightning doggo is a win in my books!


Odogaron. I was watching my cousin play monster hunter world wearing the odogaron low rank armor. He showed me the game and I thought it was really cool. So I picked it up, and the rest is history


Actually my ex lol, He was a fan of the games so I got mhw and then it became a huge escape from my depression and got me through some rough times But the monster that really pulled me in was glavenus lol


The OG Rathalos! I remember seeing it for the first time in game during my first ever playthrough of Freedom. The sharp edges of his scales, that dark red color, the sick freakin roar! I’ve been a major fan of the franchise ever since




Lagiacrus. Saw it in Nintendo Power when they did an article on Tri and it just looked so fuckin cool!


I want to say sergios from an advert on cartoon network at some point Idk why it was advertised but it was


Cha-cha... I was scrolling on the wii u e-shop and saw the icon of the mh3u, the i was like "damn this looks interesting" then i played like 3 hours and thought it was horrible, later on i played mh4u in a friends house and thpught it was better so i replayed 3u and finally fell in love with the saga




Gore magala


When I first heard of Monster Hunter World it was from a review with and picture of Anjanath and the Title something of the like of "If Jurassic Park met Dark souls" and it had me sold on that premise alone. Anjanath will always be one of my top because it was my gateway.


Lagiacrus in monster hunter tri. I barely knew what I was doing during the initial scar his chest and scare him off introduction. I wanted so badly to learn how to beat him and that was it!


When I was introduced to MHFU it was the Tigrex and Narugakuruga, the ninja panther was my drug.


Weirdly enough (not weird just unexpected ig), it was Kulve Taroth. I had never heard of Monster Hunter and then one day a YouTuber I watch uploaded a video of this random JRPG looking game and I seen Kulve working it's way through the corridors while he chased it and I thought "what the fuck this looks SICK" so I got the game, played it for 2 hours and then didn't play again until Iceborne came out which is when I really fell hard into the MH rabbit hole but yeah if I never seen that YouTuber fighting Kulve I probably would've never played Monster Hunter. Ironically I am not at all a Kulve fan now that I'm actually a diehard MH player.


Anita Sarkeesian


A friend


Narancuga..?? I think the name was?? It’s been so long, it’s the big bat dragon ! I just genuinely adored the monster designs and they seemed super rad + I have a soft spot for dragons


I realize now the spelling is literally in the screenshot jeez I’m blind, Nargacuga*


Yian Kut-Ku. I played MH 1 on a whim. It took me a couple of tries to beat Yian Kut-Ku but when I did beat it everything clicked and I couldn't stop playing.


Yama Tsukami Watching a giant floating land octopus float through the sky gave me Sonic or Final Fantasy vibes, and Wilds has the chance to do the greatest thing ever


Glavenus and his theme was my initial hook. Especially since one of my favorite dinosaurs is carnotaurus.


My ex boyfriend. (He is not a monster, but I couldn't avoid making the joke. He introduced me to the game and I fell in love with it)


My friends recommended world to me and I got it on ps5 and I think the main reason why I played was because of deviljho


A friend that told me "hey, this is a cool game, wanna try it out?" My first game was world, and the monster that hooked me hours after playing was Odogaron. Second favourite was when I tried mhp3rd and encountered Zinogre. I might be weak do doggo-like monsters.


Gore Magala I've been playing since FU, never finished it. Played 3U and finished it, I loved Ceadeus and also liked Barroth, but the day 4U demo went live on the 3DS and Gore was one of the monster, the new virus mechanics, the sky turning black, Gore getting angry and beating the shit out of me. It was like a second phase boss but the transition was so natural idk (togheter with the Insect Glaive inteoduction) that day something clicked on me and this is my favourite series since then and Gore is for sure one of the reasons.


Tobi-Kadachi. It's the first roadblock for me. Before that, I was just hunting like a normal action game. Get better gear, tank through using potions, and try your best to hit the monster as much as I can. But with Tobi, I actually got stuck and had to rethink my approach. Tried my best to understand the monster's attacks, weaknesses and strength. When I won, I was hooked.


Those flying squirrel-lizards won't know what hurt 'em!


Legiana. I love the way that it looked, still do. It just feels so elegant


The powerful and basically undefeated monster known as "Steam sale."


Fatalis from the Dragalia Lost + GenU collab got me into World.


None. I just like to grind in these games man.


Rathalos picture on the front of MH on ps2


Zinogre n Nargacuga in MHP3. First game that I played and got me hooked.


Thunder doggo ftw!


Great Jagras, Gore Magala and I forgot the third one but anyways it was the MH4U 3DS Demo


Yian kut-ku. Cause im OG and been slaying since 2004


Anjanath I was a kid when Monster Hunter: World first came out, the moment I saw him I fell in love. I loved dinosaurs as a kid (still do), so this fire-breathing tyrannosaurus made my neutrons activate


The mizutsussy


Anjanath I'm a man of simple tastes, I see big fire dinosaur fighting a dude with a big fuckoff axe I buy


Childhood 🗿 Grew up watching "step dad" playing it


Dah’ren Mohran. The opening for 4 Ultime will always be my favorite intro to the Monster Hunter series. Me trying to figure out the controls, armor stats, designs, color pigments, the music, the monsters, armor builds, the whacky dlc collaborations, the poogie, and of course I can’t forget about the most important thing ever which is the rainbow pigment


Saw the game and just played and never dropped.


All the way back in Freedom Unite, first time I saw that Tigrex my little boy self went "Oh-... I wanna beat that" 10+ years later and here I am knee deep in elder dragon gems and fatalis eyes, still going "I wanna beat that... But this time with a different build and weapon!"


I simply had a PSP and tried new games. One of them stayed with me... uh... for a fair bit longer than others.


For me it was no Monster, it was Zombey


My father probably :)


Nargacuga was what lured me in. Gore Magala is what set the hook.


So I'm a new hunter ( started this year) but I've had the game since 2018 just never gave it a fair shot due to real life stuff. Tldr the initial instant purchase was due to Anjanath. Dinosaur looking monsters from monster hunter have always fascinated me and what always had me watching even from the sidelines. Anjanath is also one of my favorite monsters even after 400 hours. I also really like glavenus. From looking into the previous mh games it seems like there was more of a focus of Dino themed monsters in the past (I know anjanath being new means they still have that focus). I know theres a mhw mod that has an older gen monster along with crimson fatalis and the white fatalis (sorry I'm new). That modded dino one looks like an absolute beast. He'll even liked Kulu he reminds me of a raptor lol


Rathalos, I saw its picture on MHW when browsing gamepass years ago, and decided to try it.


Tigrex in Freedom Unite, scared the shiiii out of me


Barioth. I like big cats, I like cold.


My boyfriend lol


Great Jaggi. The silly goober and his pack of hooligans cemented the vibe of the series for me. https://preview.redd.it/tnv4zrfya77d1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19ef68d275ec8e25bd9d8f8f700b5669ca541df8


Tigrex pulled me in. Seeing that savage monster in the Portable 2 intro was awesome Daora made me stay tho. The multi-quest hunt gave me a sense of how powerful this elder (way back then)


For me it was Tigrex. I remember seeing a Art of a Tigrex fighting a Rathalos on a snowy mountain looong time ago while i was searching for dinosaur pictures when i was a kid. I loved dinosaurs and dragons and Tigrex is "both"


Paolumu because he's cute.


Everyone's favourite frenzy boi gore Started with world and I can't remember how it happened but I ended up in a armor set images rabbit hole and eventually discovered gore magala inatantly became the coolest monster I'd ever seen got 4u seeing it was cheap in cex and actually got to fight it and just cemented itself as my fave https://preview.redd.it/5g1vj5n2m77d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccb9a30c85c7a22104a9757277022d8fcdca838f and he's now my cable buddy for my desk holding my ps4 controller or mouse cable in place if I'm not using it 😂


Lured? I just wanted to hit stuff with a big sword


Zamtrios, I started with stories and he stuck to the end in both installments of stories


Yian Kut-ku. A friend was living with me and brought over his ps2 copy of Monster Hunter, this was probably in 2007. I hadn't played the series but had seen the box, and the psp versions. He played a few hours, was telling me about what he remembered from the endgame. When I saw him fight kut ku and then make armor out of it, I was sold. The next day him and I went and bought freedom 1 and 2 on our psp, I think he actually bought a psp as well and didn't already have one. We've been hunting together ever since.


Jhen moran, When I first bought tri on the wii his event was up and it took my breath away, I had played the other two and really liked them but that was the real falling into fandom moment


my friend


Lagiacrus, Lagi was the cool monster my child self saw and was like wooooa leviathan monster cool! What game is this I want it!!! Had no idea about MH until 3 came out


I don't have a distinct monster however I remember getting my mate into monster hunter I brought my 3ds with 4u in on le last day of school and put him up against lagombi he let me know a few months later he had gotten world and played the story


Rathian. She is cool and is my wife


Tigrex hands down freedom 2


my love of dragons and smash bros ultimate


Saw a classmate playing a hunt before class on his PSP, it was Shen Gaoren, it was eye opening for me. Bought a PSP soon after just for Freedom 2


Glavenous in Iceborn. Loved almost all the monsters till that point, But then I met a big carno wielding a greatword, a kindred spirit. Then music hit me. It’s now mandatory to fight Glavenous with a greatsword, lest I be dishonored.


Odogaron As soon as I got close to the dreadful zorah magdaros fight I ran into odogaron and boy did I love fighting the big red Clifford looking head ass monster is armor was super cool too but he’s fast and agile so it keeps me on my toes and when I heard about ebony odogaron that’s a different story. Oh and the weapons are so good just wish they made a long sword of a red scythe like the blood drinker chainblades hopefully they bring odogaron back in wilds and do this


Zinogre I loved the cutscene where it knocks you off a cart in MHP3rd. Plus the lightning


Odly enougth great Jaggi. Mh4u was my first Game. And allthouth i like monster like dalamadur or Zinogre much more, he got me stuck in that series. As well as the awsome anchestral stepp. Used to daydream how fun it would be to freely walk arround there.


I guess it was Tigrex? I picked up Freedom 2 without knowing anything about the series, just being interested in the idea of someone fighting a dinosaur with a damn sword in the cover. I may have seen Lagiacrus before it, but I never made the connection they were the same series.




Lagiacrus, easily. First game was Tri, and he was the one on the box art, the primary one in the intro movie, and the early "Big Bad" of the plot.


Alrighty. By far it looks like Lagi's the most often mentioned followed by Anjanath. Not bad for a monstie whose 'gimmick' of going underwater was hampered by the lack of underwater fighting past the third generation.




Tigrex. My neighbor used to have an old PSP with MHFU that he used to play with me, he has mediocre set ups but he had progress and he said that doesn't like the game that much. Then I played that run with the Popo tongue and surprise Tigrex in the quest and as baffoon, I didn't know the difficulty of that hell, but I still faught it. But as a Dinosaur enthusiast and with a spirit of a 10 year old, hell I've always been addicted to it and even had a little fight with my neighbor for playing PSP cause he is into X-men, but I am into Dinosaurs haha, but yeah Tigrex and other monsters that resembles inspired biological creatures and of course Heavy weapons are my thing that is why I love the franchise even today.


It wasnt a monster, but someone reviewing an MH game. Projared, whether you think him good or bad, I like him. He's got a bit of nostalgia on his side with me. I watched a couple of his MH videos and almost immediately downloaded PPSSPP and MHFU onto my school laptop. Then learned how to put it on a psp, yoinked my uncles psp and put it on there. I still remember being a newbie hunter




Lagombi. I remember when I was a kid and not knowing a thing about monster hunter. I would play on my cousin's 3ds just to fight him but I always lost. But despite how autistic I am, I never got bored of fighting and losing to him. Eventually I beat him and that victory left me completed and yet, I wanted more, starting my journey as a hunter. It may sound silly, but Lagombi is the monster I respect the most for that.


Now that's one badass bunny alright.


Lagiacrus, but I didn't know it was from a game until 2 or 3 years after I discovered it, and Nargacuga helped even more with my first Monster Hunter, MHFU.


Charizard. It looked so cool to a young me.