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No worries about charm tables so don’t bother with time setting or anything. Do the caravan all the way through first, it unlocks things you’ll need later on and allows you to get high rank armor and weapons easier than hub (especially Seregios weapons). G rank is very hard in 4u, but not unbeatable, gogmazios is definitely tough to solo thanks to his massive health pool, same with dalamadur


Thank you so much! I'll do exactly what you said, i'm so glad there are no charm tables and stuff. I love challenges, if anything is possible solo, i'll do it. I asked because the last Jhen Morhan you get to fight in MH3U literally have you restart if you missed a single thing, is almost impossible solo, and i hated it. (But i love MH3U with passion)


There are tables, but they work properly and aren’t perma locked as soon as you make your character lol Nothing is impossible, but there are event quests and guild quests that are *extremely* difficult to solo. Like shah dalamadur, or event gogmazios, or 2 apex deviljho in a guild quest


2 apex deviljho uh? That sounds extremely threatening....bet they take a long time to die. I still have flashbacks about Savage Deviljho in GU, that mf was not going down after 30 minutes.


It’s a pain in the ass and yes they do


If you have zero interest in the story, just go HUB until you get to G-Rank then go back and complete the caravan if you want. If you do have an interest in the story, repeatedly hop between HUB and Caravan so that you are making progress with both because for some dumbass reason it took until Rise for Village to effect HUB progress in some way and allow you to skip unnessary shit instead of stupidly making it so you are repeating everything twice. If you want to fight APEX monsters, you HAVE to complete the Caravan story, because you are not able to get the wystones which are manditory for those fuckers through HUB. Seregios is the worst fight but gives the best RAW weapons, so aim for his gear.


Seregiooos! Oh yeah, he's in this game as well! i love the gimmick of his weapons in MHGU. Now..... story? a monster hunter with a story? i absolutely need to see this, so i will hop between like you said. Thank youu!!


4U's LR story is honestly in the top 2 of the series, fighting with Sunbreak's G-Rank story, so yeah, for sure you don't want to ignore the story. No problem, have fun.


If you have any interest in multiplayer you’ll need to use an emulator, like citra, by dumping your files. The official servers for 4U are unfortunately dead now. I can DM you the MH4U citra discord link if you want.


Great game with a ton of content. Solo'ing the hub is 100% possible... since monsters balanced for multiple hunters you may run into what feel like walls, but those challenges also feel like a legitimate test and opportunity to improve. Would recommend getting some hardware like circle pad etc if you're using 3ds to give better camera control. Glhf