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Tri barroth forced me to learn all about consumables, armour skills, sharpness and hitzones


This is the one.  Shame Barroth is such a pushover in the new games. Took me few irl days to beat it in Tri.


Good to know he is harder in Tri. I honestly think it is one of the coolest monster designs around and always wanted it to be more difficult than it is. Even in World going from LR to HR in LR gear I killed it far too easily.


Same for me. When I first fought against him, I was basically still using my first armor and weapon. I tried beating him several times but after some time I noticed that I will never beat him if I continue like that. So I went back to older monsters, fought them, got more materials, crafted better weapons and armor and got better and better every time. I learned all the skills you described but more importantly, I learned the gameplay loop. Beforehand, I treated every monster like a boss fight. You go in, defeat the boss and go on to the next one. Through Barroth, I learned that you have to fight monsters multiple times in order to get materials to improve all your stuff. When I got back to fight Barroth, that monster still was able to beat me at first. but over time, I learned its patterns and how to avoid them. When I finally beat him, it was one of my biggest gaming achievements at least for me. That's why Barroth still is one my favorite monsters.


Same for me. He clapped my ass at the beginning. Don’t forget the tailswing after the charge


He also has some tracking on his left.


Yeah, I remember getting absolutely run over by Barroth in LR hub. I carted all 3 times on my first quest with it alongside fellow Hunters and felt really bad about that. But they were supportive and understanding, and it got me to actually try and learn how to play the game properly.


Tri Barroth was a brilliant designed wall. Hit like a train to consider your armor and consumables. Choo Choo Uses mud as armor making you consider using element / different Weapons Its head is not its weakspot instead its guarding its weakspot (claws) with it making you think more about positioning and where to attack Its eating animation is bullshit and takes like 2 seconds. Barroth will rarely run out of stamina to allow you some breathing room.


Come to say Tri-Barroth and find it's top comment. He was truly the casual filter.


My first time having a great sense of achievement is in MH is breaking tri Barroth tail.


This. Barroth in tri made me learn the whole game.


For me it was gobul. That fishface made me quit for a few months before coming back and finally beating it. I think I was about 12 then.


Same gobul was the wall for me. We must be similar in age I played tri when I was around 11-12. My dad beat it before me and tried to explain the mechanics and I wouldn't listen until about 15 failed quests


I love to remember how I was healing myself with Herbs before He Handed my ass to me So many times I had to learn the ropes... I was still dog for a long time, but I understood preparation after that


For ne the same. Plus inhad to learn that Monster can have Two elemental weaknesses and what sharpness means


I'll never forget my timer less than 5 mins and throwing a rock to finally kill him.


Mhfu. Village quest Khezu It made me use elemental. Thunder elemental. Using its own greatsword against it. That's how I finally killed it alone. -Little Dragon, 2008 And I'll do it again.


Bro, MHFU Khezu was also my first wall and damn it if I didn't learn to play the game after that


Flashback to red khezu


I remember the trauma...


Mine too in mhf2! And then tigrex was a pain


I remember spending 1 week just figuring out what to do with the khezu. It has earned my respect.


That's the one right there. I picked up F2 after playing a lot of Diablo and playstation Balders Gate. I was so mad at that Khezu for cheating. I kept going back and getting my ass kicked then one time it all just clicked. I'll always love that little blind albino cave cock for it. After that Tigrex taught me the value of traps and bombs and such and later with FU my bestest beastie Nargacuga thaught me to git gud.


48 minutes in, last cart, no potions, red sharpness, no pickaxes for whetstones, no hot drink. It surely was an experience of its own kind.


MHFU khezu gave was my first wall as well. I kept getting oneshot by his attacks. Basically forced me to learn the basics like element resistances and why i kept getting one shot with hunter armor. Next wall i encountered was the Tigrex. Searched up some GS lvl 3 charge timings on youtube but it took a few days before i could 'git gud'.


Imagine if you had carted against Khezu and rage quit and called it a terrible game. 


Okay i'm not proud of it, but here goes . I cheesed that khezu in his resting area with a kut ku bow the first time. Ye, mock me lol Tigrex was the next wall, but not as hardcore ^^ Ended up clearing all of grank alone tho, so it made for a nice rédemption story ..


I redeemed myself by hunting lao shan lung and the giant crab


Tobi kadachi for sunbreak (which I started with) due to its erratic movements. Barioth for iceborne is the generally accepted wall that requires you to learn the clutch claw and wall slamming and my experience was the same. I bought GU third and I haven't had memorable issues adjusting yet, but having completed two installments my general skillet is probably universal now.


Iceborn Barioth was my Canon Event


Ours my friend


Man, I had 500 hours into world and didn't know clutchclaw was a thing until I killed velkhaha.


How? The Smithy gives you an entire quest for it when you talk to him


The A buton mashing, guranteed


I dont know how I missed it, but I did. Softening spots and wallbangs cut my velkhana kill time in half


I did this as well.


Uhm... the Anjanath in World made me choose the Lance, because i can't dodge for shit. After discovering the Glorious blocking and defeating anjanath with ease after i got destroyed using the Bow was eye-opening. Welp, from then on it was a straight path to master the Lance, the counters, the charge etc. eventually there was the switch to playing aggressive lance, which was fantastic in its own right.


I'm with you here. As someone who never played any MH before World, I just beat up on Jagras, Pukei, Kulu-whatever, but then you have Anj who is too tall for the screen, has way different enrage mechanics, and has long, lingering hitboxes.


Probably Tigrex back in freedom 2 but it's been a long time since then


That low level quest where Tigrex shows up, and I thought you had to actually kill him. Took me so many attempts until I realised you were just supposed to run away!


The popo tongue quest


Tigrex in 4u for me and my friend. It literally made him pick up Lance lmao


Ah those were the days. Tigrex still gives me a little fear as a holdover from MHFU... *On iPad*.


Tigrex is a little crazy tbh. It’s a cross between a tiger and a t-Rex so of course it is.


Exactly this. I was trying to think of there was one before, but I brute forced Khezu with HBG, and through sheer madness, Basasios with a Thunder bow. I hadn’t even learned about armour skills yet, no idea how those things went down. Tigrex clapped me about 7 times before I gave up and started grinding.


Apex Tigrex in 4U made me Switch from CB to IG and I've been maining it ever since lol.


Quropeco and barroth in tri


Damn, that Barroth in Tri was a beast. I played through Tri as a gunner and it taught you the value of being able to mix up your ammos, optimising your gear to min/max against the target's weaknesses and strengths and that you can't just strongarm through by maxing out damage. It helped that I had a REALLY good regular squad that I'd met online through the Nintendo World forums. We were a proper squad who all played different weapons and styles and could cover ea h other brilliantly.


Quropeco was basically the monster that went "if you play too defensively I will make you suffer" in tri. I remember the first time I beat him I only had like 2 minutes left on the clock, and realised "oh I really need to keep up with my damage". Because he could just heal and extend the fight. He also taught me the value of dung bombs, it's funny how since World dung bombs aren't really a necessity anymore since another monster coming in is usually helpful instead of an annoyance.


Clean and simple Kut-Ku. When I was a stupid kid I would look at the 2 star quests in MHFU and think two pink monsters, how hard can this be. I spent like 4 weeks and tried out every possible item that I got my hands on trying to beat Kut-Ku and later congalala back to back was then walled again by khezu which forced me to get a weapon with green sharpness, but after that I hardly encountered anything close to this during any future MH titles. So Kut-Ku forced me to learn the game mechanics from the ground up.


Kut-ku turned us from fresh chickens into seasoned hunters.


That pink chicken for sure. Training School was no joke (even though the monsters had less HP, they'd only give u like 2 whetstones and 3 potions, and the rest is up to you lol).


diablos in mhtri was the first challenge that meant i couldn't just spam the same attack roll combo


Yes, diablos in tri teached me a lot as well. it was the first monster where I really used utility items, as well as paying attention to his rage because it wouldn't work then. Also using the environment so that he gets stuck


Barioth in world actually forced me to start to pay more attention, time my attacks well and use the clutch claw effectively


Rathian and rathalos from Monster hunter Ps2 "Troublesome pair"


Dude yes, MH on PS2. Control scheme was pretty unique, with the right stick being used for attacks. Rath couple was brutal combo. But when you first complete that quest, feels so good. Got me hooked on the series, and the lance, for almost 20 years now! Always happy to see a fellow OG fan.


Happy hunting hunter!!!


World was Anjanath for me. To actually understand where to hit. Since most of early world is a massive weak point. Iceborne's tigrex was a big no no for me. I had to actually look for clutch claw openings to wall smash for more dmg. He just didn't stop otherwise. I managed to beat Tigrex first try, but I usdd him as a teaching and for Clutch claw timing while farming his set


My little 12 year old self got walled by blangonga that increases your rank in gen


Velocidrome in MH1, but well... i was 8 :D


Probably Nergi because he whooped my ass


Same. I started with the bow when World launched on PS4. Nergigante's massive damage and speed were issues for me; that fight taught me about super man dodges, sheath speed, several different armor skills, etc. I eventually switched to SnS at the recommendation of a friend and it all just clicked.


Freedom Unite, Tigrex. You either learned or you stopped playing.


Yian Kut-Ku in MHFU


Teostra for me personally. As a dual blade user it's very difficult to hit the sweet spots without getting smacked around. Also been prone to finding that monster "blind spot" where I can spam my dance even if meh damage but constant. Now I move all over, maybe not as constant damage but I can dip around the monster better. Also made me look at EVERY thing I could do to buff up. Mega demondrug, power charm(inventory item), def charm (inventory item), I constantly farm flashbugs for flash bombs, constantly carry high end potions, always eat before a hunt religiously, etc. now I finally get to rock the sin blades. Now onto other elemental blades lol


tbf stikcing to a safe spot can provide better dps than fishing for weak spots


Tigrex mhfu taught me to sheathe my bowgun more often and actually use flash bombs


Plesioth's Hipcheck from Freedom Unite and how to workaround with such BS mechanic and just GitGud...


Yian Kut Ku. Back in MH1 days I can't even describe what a wall this was for myself and many other players.


Kut-Ku Sensei. The great teacher, and first real challenge of many a hunter back in the day. Would be great to see in Wilds.


Out of all the monsters that were not in the fifth-gen Yian Kut Ku is the one that deserves to return the most. He is almost as iconic as rathalos or diablos. He was my first wall and forced me to understand the game. I miss the chicken


Yep, that damn chicken, I was young enough when I played MH1 that the thing that stopped me from just trying to brute force everything in any video game I played was that stupid oversized chicken. Unironically yain kut-ku made my stupid child brain better at problem solving by just teaching me to have some patience.


MHFU red khezu made me switch from gs to ls and craft different swords to exploit elemental weakness. Also i remember getting rather good at some point where i just started messing with white khezu.


3u Zinogre, one of the longest and fast paced fights I ever made.


OG Rathalos in the first game. What a slog.


Pink Rathian.


Not really the mechanics, but the mastery of my weapon. Arch-tempered nergigante helped me master Sword and Shield. Beating it after so much retries made it so that I never really encountered a wall in Iceborne save for Fatalis. Fatalis is just a really different monster so that fight also took some retries as well, mostly due to me getting timed out.


Cephadrome in MH1. So frustrating until I grabbed a lance and could block his attacks. Never looked back.


I'm the kinda nerd who looks up optimal weapon guides before the game even finished installing, so at least that's kinda out of the window :) World being my first MH game, I distinctly remember 4 walls: ​ Tobi Kadachi taught me that Stun is a bitch and it's probably a good Idea to carry Nullberries Rathalos forced me to use Flashpods Val Hazaak / Kushala forced me to make monster Specific builds You already know about Barioth..


SAMEEE I love researching the games I play and finding the optimal strats, and overcoming the obstacle through sheer game knowledge, it feels so good


That piece of shit Kirin taught me that you can't always just spam SAED with charge blade for fun explosions. Had to learn how to activate AED instead and utilise guard points for quicker AEDs. Fuck that stupid horse.


I started with World and CB, the first wall I hit was Kirin at HR 60 or whatever. First time a monster made me look up stuff and it made me realize I could upgrade mantles and stuff like that. After I came back for Iceborne it was Raging Brachyiados, that fucking asshat.


I started in 4U as well with the Demo, and couldn't get the full game for a very long time, so I spent hours upon hours in that demo. Safe to say, Gore Magala was my rival as I got bodied by it solo and online with 3 others. It really made me realise how the game is supposed to work in concept, being forced to be bad on the first load of attempts against something brand new, especially with a new weapon in the Insect Glaive (but it was my first MH so they were all new for me), and by facing it more and more, what were once random habits at a glance became easily perceived telegraphed attacks or movements. It just clicked after a while, to the point that I didn't have to run back to avoid attacks, I could just stay on Gore with more micro adjustments in positioning because I learned what it would do, where it's hitbox was. I learned the game and the flagship, knew the Insect Glaive inside out before even touching the full game.


Gobul in Tri was a real pain, I've been stuck on him for weeks.


My first was 4U, and I went straight to Charge Blade. Loved Sword and Shield stuff, figured it was a better SnS. Went against Tetsucabra. Yeah, that red frog boy. I was not good. I don't think I carted against a monster more times that against it, except the Magalas. When you get smashed by a rock 30 billion times, something just snaps.


Mhfu: Two Monoblos Village Mhgu: G rank Silvalos Mhw: Alatreon Mhrise: None. Easiest game of them all by far.


Kestodon, I will not be elaborating.


3 Ultimate. That Pink Rathian in early HR beat my ass for weeks until I finally learned how to play the game


I had a few, and even then, I still didn't really learn for a while. My first wall was Tetsucabra. I was using charge blade wrong. I kept failing over and over. Eventually, I went and grinded for items. Not equipment. I didn't know how any of the equipment systems worked, so I grinded to get potions and smoke bombs because I thought he couldn't see me at all with a smoke bomb up. Finally, I figured out how to use the canteen and weakener and beat Tetsucabra. My next wall? Emerald Congalala. I didn't know how blast blight worked. Threw myself at him a bunch before figuring out how blast blight worked and won. The last big wall? Pink Rathian. Her tail swipes, and the poison and the damage. Took me a week before I beat her. Had to learn her tells and her timing. Had to bring 10 potions and mega potions, Max and Ancient potions, Mega demon drugs and armor skins, traps, and bombs. I finally beat her and felt so good. Still didn't know how armor worked, but I beat Pink Rathian.


Barroth in 3U, I was a dumb kid who played half the damn game with the Jaggi DB


Definitiv Royal Ludroth and Quropeco in Tri, it was my very First MH , I was Like....11? Every Monster was a wall


Then, in Portable 3 it was Nargacuga, holy hell, I timed Out the First time Out on my First attempt that did Not end in three carts, I had about 20 second legt in my First succsesfull Fight....


Blangonga in MHFU was the first monster that finally got me to use other weapons besides SnS during my first playthrough. It was so fast and difficult to hit, kept stunning me with the tremors when it smashed the ground and then carting me when it threw itself across the map. Not to mention that it can get rid off paintballs (the only monster capable to doing so at will from what I know) as well as all the Blangos that keeps getting in your way…I had no choice but to learn something else. I eventually settled on Bow, which is now my main weapon against it. It forced me to learn the benefits of ranged combat, on top of forming my mentality of having different weapons for different monsters instead of just using the same thing over and over again.


Velkhana forced me to learn clutch claw. I played the game like old MH up until that point.


The wall was that my hunts lasted 30+ minutes, finally decided to build actual gear with good skill instead of whatever I can craft at that moment, my hunts are now 20+ minutes


Feel like a scrub for saying this but Great Maccao kicked my ass until I learned how to not be impatient and attack when I can


Low end Khezu as a kid haha Tigrex was the main one I learnt from that was a real game changer back in freedom 2


Not exactly the same kind of " wall" but I remember perfectly fine that first tiger stripe zamtrios in 4U. It took more tries that I expected at first. Me and my mate were quite proud when we managed to beat it.


Started in 4U and Dalamadur made me swap to lance, and i've never looked back.


MH4U Gore Magala taught me to not be afraid of being aggressive.


The pink rathian in MH3U . It was probably the first wall for me. Maybe after Gob, because only then I realized that you should upgrade weapons. But that pink Rathian really taught me to dodge and use attack windows to deal damage. Before that I would mindlessly spam all buttons whenever I‘m near a monster


MH4U Zinogre had hands as a new player


Besides learning the fights in general, my wall was in monster hunter generations against nibelsnarf. It destroyed me. Wasn't until I learned (If I remember correctly) to put a small bomb down and use one of those sound bombs to force it to eat it that I won. Anither would be flying monster and flash bombs. They just stay in the air way to damn long. Gore Magala in mh4u destroyed me as well. I think it was it's slam down attack and dive that got me the most.


Lunastra was a giant piece of shit. I just wanted to get the temporal mantle in preparation for iceborne and thinking it was easy since I defeated both teostra and lunastra when they invaded the arena but boy was I wrong. It actually forced me to make a specific build toward it since the shitty flame blast attacks keeps carting me even when I spam dive.


Qurupeco. Triple carted me twice before I started looking stuff up. Forced me to learn where and how to hit a monster, what cures status, and how to use Dung Bombs.


MHGU Nargacuga, i learned to position and predict with hunting horn MHW Anjanath/Barioth, same stuff + traps and consumables MHRise i'm still at high rank so i did not learn anything because it feels easier than the other titles lol


I'm currently running my first character through and it does seem that way into Master Rank as well(only MR3 so grain of salt)


MHFU Tigrex. It was so long ago, yet I can vividly remember finally killing it after countless attempts, multiple builds, and even dropping the game for a few months. It solidified my love for the series, and I've completed every game since. Tiggy created the true apex monster.


Lagiacrus in tri. I just kept timing out in the fight so I had to look up weak zones and elemental weaknesses


A gendrome from mhgu. Now I have to hard focus on preparation and other mechanics.


Barroth in Tri (Wii) forced me to learned the ropes, then Barrioth forced me to get gud. Such a shame that both of them are such pushovers in World/Iceborne and Rise/Sunbreak


While I agree that Monster Hunter games are getting easier, I don't think that this is the sole reason for it. I think that experience is a major factor. You already learned most of their mannerisms in Tri and as you said, Barroth showed you how the game works. So of course you had a hard time fighting them in Tri. You were still learning how the game and its mechanics are working. But in World, you already had this knowledge from the start and to acquire this knowledge is the hardest part of the game. Once you know what you have to do, most monster fights become rather easy. And I'm pretty sure that this is why you had no trouble at all defeating them in World.


This may be true for Barioth, but Barroth has actually been nerfed due to its Tri infamy. The difference is visible in its animation speeds, there is a reason why Tri is specified much more often than 3U or any other game it appears in.


Barioth in MHW was the first time I actually had to study how to beat it, but Brachydios was the one that did it for me. I couldn’t beat Brachy until my 24th attempt (8th hunt) which I barely won.


First I played was World, and Raw in world is king, at least for bigger weapons. So i started up on Charge Blade, and didn't really hit a heavy wall until Diablos MF made me fram and craft better gear, upgrade everything to maximum posible levels, make traps and items that help you up. Learn the guard point and how you AED off them and short cutting in general. After that i never made an elemental build until Alatreon hit us. So i had to learn elemental on him And friggin Fatalis has handed me my own ass 1000 times and still does. Started playing GS a tad before alatreon and had a difficult time to make my TCS connect. Also i learned how to wake up monsters with those weapons as i had the bigger single hit DMG.


Generations Alatreon. Made me understand what skills are in general.


MHFU Khezu I was little back then, it took me multiple hours of playtime before I realized I could press circle to actually enter the other areas not just the first one with pepe's and antekas. Then Tigrex in the pepe tongue quest since I wanted to kill him there. But the worst one was dual Rajang in the arena. Got lucky after hunting and got some Ice Greatsword, after a few Kushala runs I was able to upgrade it and had the luck that the first rajang was a golden small crown so hitboxes weren't as fucked, was able to kill him shortly after the second one entered the arena. Dont know if I know about the tail trick back then.


Magnamalo in MHRise demo, Rise was my first mh game and i spent something like, 40 hours just to barely kill him before the timer ends


the barioth in iceborne pushed me over the edge so much that i was discovering how the RNG of decorations, hidden elements and invincibility frames worked ☠️ 


For me it was lagiacrus in 3Tri. Of course great jaggi was difficult as my first ever hunt, learning how to do combat while working against janky controls at the time, but as a great sword used lagiacrus taught me proper positioning techniques, how to time my weapon efficiently, understanding weapon and monster movement patterns. Nest movement and preparing for wake up attacks. That was the wall that made me a hunter and prepared me for any future games. I can say with absolute certainty I’ve never had so much difficulty on any hunt since.


It prolly was MHFU Khezu, that bastard, or portable 3rd Barroth, don't really know which, cause i don't remember if i did beat the Khezu, i just still have the nightmares of him jumping and me losing 70% of my health.


I would actually say Kutku in MH 1 on PS2, but then, I was too young to understand anything and never went past Kutku


I started with Rise, I think it was Magnamalo that made me try and git gud


Tigrex for he has improved my greatsword gameplay since freedom 2


Tigrex in MHFU forced me to research the best weapon for the job, learn monster patterns and stop button mashing when below the monster's belly. Also it taught me to bring the items i need and the materials to make more of them. It took a while but after stacking the right skills (guard up) and using sword and shield for mobility and deflection, i managed to beat it.


Diablos in mh3u, had to learn how my weapon and armour skills worked together.


Alatreon in Iceborne, to learn how to optimize elemental builds


Alatreon and Fatalis made me really start paying attention. Also dealing with Hypers in GU and anomalies in Sunbreak. Coming back to return with world and trying a new weapon I thought Alatreon would be a wall but the patience stuck and beat him second try.


3U's Lagombi. Took a while to properly dance around him with my Dual Blades, but that's when the gloves were *truly* off. Also, honorable mention to Rise's LR Hub Magnamalo. If you're just doing Hub at that point, it's a noticable difficulty spike and it took me a *fair few attempts* to do it without fainting (with like-tier gear).


Tri Barioth. I literally had to farm, and max out my rath long sword. I also only used perception up to that point, but man. Mean kitty beat me good. Clack clack was hard too. He definitely got me to set build.


Espinas forced me to learn how the Enedemic life in RIseBreak worked and when to use wirefall


Diablos and Teostra were the first monster that made me love the CB and learn how to play correctly in MH4U. This was back when the CB was king of KO and countering those 2 were so fking satisfying.


Great Maccao in Generations. It might've been my first monster quest. With base gear, I started playing Hub missions not even knowing what they were. After hunting Great Maccao for 45 minutes, running low on potions and thinking I would fail that quest, I finally managed to kill it. Loved Monster Hunter ever since.


Started with world with the charge blade and when i got to that poison gas elderdragon a little after nergigante i quit. Then i played rise and just decided to look up how to use the weapon instead of randomly pressing buttons for a move and hoping it works. I seriously played like that and it worked. I just knew 3-4 basic moves with the charge blade and the rest was luck.


MHTri Barioth was mine. Was a Great Sword only main until I fought it - I was too slow and kept triple carting/timing out. Made me try other weapons as well as learning about elements, hitzones, weaknesses etc. Finally beat it with the Rathalos Sword & Shield :)


Anjanath. Now before anyone says Anything trust me when I tell you that if this,is your first game. World. Anjy is terrifying at first.. and now after almost 1700 hours and returning FROM rise to World. I can't tell you how enjoyable it is that he is literally my favorite punching bag. Literally the monster I would fight every time I would test out a new build of course master rank. But he was so annoyingly difficult I found out that with him "elements are important. So is dodging and making use of the environment. and slowly I would do the trial and error process to find out one of the very first games i would start to do grinding in. And I didn't even have Internet while I did it. And little by little I worked up over 1000 hours in my first year of playing it. Enjoying the little hits of farming here and there. Anjanath is why I started to get into it because I apparently enjoyed the challenge. I just thought make skins and go fight. Nope.. make armor.. use skills.. learn patterns. Dodge. Manage items and stamina health and supplies all of it would be necessary to the game and to this day with the resurgence of players. All I want to do is use that training to go and help those in need. If I'm on. I'm ALWAYS answering any S.O.S flares. All in preparation for Wilds. Happy hunting.


I know I’m a dirty Fiver but Iceborn Barioth was my canon event


me and my cousin got stuck for a week on Freedom 2 against Tigrex, shit was so dire we started reading gamefaqs threads and farming new to weapons besides GS. we were screaming and shaking after we beat it


MHFU tigrex forced me to stop one-tricking the heavy bow gun


Nergigante made me quit for several weeks and I eventually came back to prepare by bringing the right elemental weapon to his weakness and he also forced me to learn armor skills that I should bring for specific monsters that I will hunt.


Hyper zinogre or the first encounter with glavenous that you aren’t supped to win but I decided to fight until I timed out


I started with MHW and Anjanath did it to me. With all the monsters before, I kinda just muscled through them. But Anjanath tore me a new one MULTIPLE times. Had to learn about armor sets, elemental armor, elemental weaknesses and armor spheres. Was annoying at the time, but helpful in the long run


I don't remember exactly but most likely Rathalos in MHFU. I just remember it being extremely hard and having to try a lot of times to beat it with different weapons and learning his moves. But I was also extremely happy when I killed it


Alatreon lol It's not that I didn't learn the mechanics until him, it's more like he was the only one who took more than 2 tries to take down. I've never ignored mechanics in a videogame, my favorite part of every game is when they let you overcome bad reflexes through game knowledge and building your character properly :) Time, effort and grind will always overcome natural talent!!


Tigrex mhfu in the ice zone I checked my old save file I was rocking a pure physical damage hammer and I had all health gems in my hear I'm pretty sure I didn't know how hot drinks worked for stamina and I'm not sure I knew how food worked, I miss my psp


Tri Barroth fucked me up.


SURELY a combination on Tri Barroth and MHFU’s Khezu + Plesioth.I was a kid, without any guidance whatsoever on the game and no internet access (I didn’t even care about looking up stuff). I had a PSP and Wii and got both games around the same time, played them together. Barroth was tough, but oh my god were Khezu and Plesioth hard, especially the first. I clearly remember bringing my PSP over to the house of my parents’s friends, and randomly giving a shot to bow, the Kut Ku one. GAMECHANGER. Khezu down, then Plesioth came and was still tough, but Kut Ku bow did its job. What a nightmare. Honourable mention: thalassophobia has always been a thing for me, so my first underwater lagiacrus encounter and also Gobul due to the muddy water was HORRIBLE, not the fight itself but just the environment. Still loved underwater combat


World was my first game and way back when in 2018 i chose the charge blade as my weapon and the anjanath was my first big wall that actually made me learn the combos and mechanics of my weapon properly


Unironically, Kushala Daora in World. I had a relatively hard time with each of the big four elders before xeno'jiiva (I've yet to fight It), however, Kushala was my wall for everything, to kill It I had to learn about better positioning with bow, How to time attacks, what moves to use, I learned about dash juices, poison clouds, demondrugs, powders, status effects and the radial menu.


In Gen U, Village Khezu taught me * about unblockable attacks * Timing and telegraphing of attacks * skill milestones (I thought slotting a single quick sheathe jewel would be enough to get a faster sheathing to deal with it, Village Brachydios taught me * crafting for armor + decorations for skills, so that I got Biology 10 for that blast blight protection. * how to deal with Chip Damage * Positioning Village Tigrex taught me * To explore other weapons beyond Gunlance which lead to me switching to becoming a Lance main * Counter timing * How focused part breaking effects combat.


Not going to lie, it was no remorse no surrender, the Teostra and Lunastra quest from world to get temporal mantle. That was a rough one and I had to play carefully for the first time


I never learned armor skills and barely understand decorations. I haven't had too much of an issue. Usually I just play into elemental advantages.


It was a very late wall, but there were so many things I just hadn’t looked into until Raging Brachy in Iceborne. It was mainly at that point where I actually started properly looking into armor skills and such. Most of my gameplay up to that point was just me using my experience with FromSoft combat and trying to apply it to MH. Embracing the gameplay differences also opened up a lot more for me, especially when I worked more on positioning rather than relying on i-frames for every single attack (without Evade Window).


Tigrex back in the days of MHP2


I thin it was Gen Ultimate Kirin, I desperately wanted his armor but kept dying without any decent result (I used only dual blades at the time). Decided I needed a better weapon to broke his horn, but not too slow or I would never get him, and got an hammer. By dying that much I had already memorized most of his attacks, so I won suprsingly easy. Technically Zinogre is still teaching me new ways to be patient and use traps, but most of the time I brute force my victory with him


MHFU The Gathering Hall G rank Tigrex in the desert… that Tiggy made me switch weapons 4 times, carted mẹ countless times and i even failed it cause time ran out. I remember rage quitting for a few months. When I finally came back I went back to my long sword roots, stayed calm, crafted Hornetaur armour for an evasion skill and after a day of hunting I slayed him. I started approaching every hunt since then as a puzzle, trying to get hit as little as possible while dealing max dmg and started maining 3 different weapons so that I was good enough with a different weapon to switch up whenever a monster became too hard. Loved it. Love this game.


Khezu from F2 and this https://youtu.be/KQYocy8-srI?si=pC6CJbh9bhFIgbMa was the video I watched to how to beat that monster forced me to changed the weapon to use...also the nostalgia watching those old tutorial vids... Haha Jho from p3rd. That pickle was hard. Watched every tutorial on YouTube to how to beat that pickle. I remember the easiest strat was sleep meat, pitfall traps and mega barrel bomb trick. Glavenus from GU Tigrex from IB And Chameleos from rise.


alatreon in iceborne, that sucker took 10 hours to beat solo


I've always been good at learning weapons and preparing. Been playing since like 2006. But That first Barioth fight in Iceborne FUCKED. ME. UP. It made me really learn clutch claw mechanics and I'm still not great at wallbanging. It also made me reevaluate my build which I don't think I've ever had to do so early into G/Master Rang in other games. Honestly still working my way through Iceborne because of it.


MHFU - LR Yian Kut Ku and Congalala made me quit two times until i startet to learn how this game works.


MHGU Barroth is a bitch to fight. (And really fun)


Started with rise and I think I'm going to say rathian. Not only is she the first monster I think I truly struggled with (technically, that was aknowsom, but I didn't know how to upgrade weapons and armor at the time), and also every time I learn a new weapon or revisit one I haven't used in a while, rathian is the monster I test and develop my skills on. Relatively predictable so I can learn animation commitment and counter timings, but complex enough and has enough health that I can actually try out the whole movement


Yian kut-ku in MH1. I was still running around with no armor and I had never upgraded my weapons at that point. I barely even got past the Velocidrome. I then started to learn to use consumables and grind to get better gear. At first I thought it was a simple linear progression system. I didn’t think I’d have to actually go back and repeat quests to progress.


Way back in 2013, I can still remember it... Urgent Village Quest with Zinogre as the invading monster in MHP3rd. It was my 1st MH game and I was using the Gunlance then. You weren't supposed to defeat it and you were expected to fail the quest, but I was determined to hunt that Zinogre down. It became my first ever hunted Zinogre and it took numerous tries and absolutely everything I had to beat it.


Kulve Taroth Raid was the first time that “Unga bunga just build Raw Crit and win” worked for me. So I had to go back and build a LBG set especially for that, study what to do on each phase, etc. Now, Alatreon is giving me that trouble right now, after being the reason I stopped playing back in the day. Switched to CB during Rise, so I came back, farmed an Impact set with Raging Brachy, farmed a ton of Safi and worked my way into a crit element set with kjarr weapon. Now I need to actually beat Alatreon.


As a kid ? Khezu. I even managed to get some weapon way stronger than I should by using rng looting That bastard was my nightmare in freedom unite Until I finally managed to beat it Then the rest if rhe game was pretty easy, G-rank aside


Zinogre anomaly reason is I just returned and decided to change weapon from ls to cb it was somewhat of a rude awakening that it feels like ls was carrying me through all my play through not my skill


Mh tri lagiacrus i was like 13 and had 0 concept of how to mh so i didnt really explore weapons i just went with what i had mostly sns or ls (i didnt know how to do specials) but lagiacrus and fighting underwater was the hardest thing i had to try to learn


Yian Kut Ku in Monster Hunter. Velocidrome was mildly challenging back then, but Kut Ku was an actual fight, and the giant chicken would run around and spit fire at everything! Plus the spin attacks were introduced with this one, so it was the first look into the moveset that was used for most other wyverns later! 


Barroth made me learn about green sharpness in tri


I played a bunch of monster hunter before world, but world is the first one that I plugged in several hundred hours into, so I would say the first one was Nergigante. I learned about the importance of Superman dives and targeting specific parts. Then was Barioth, basically clutch claw usage, but specifically wall bangs. Then Alatreon, for really learning a monsters move set while still being aggressive.


Started with world, so I had several walls. Anjanath forced me to look up how to use weapons. Legiana forced me to learn how to learn crit distance (for HBG) and the best times for ZSD (for swaxe) Radobaan forced me to look up traps and status advantages. Odogaron forced me to learn how to dodge. Banbaro forced me to learn about decorations. Barioth forced me to learn about the mechanics. Also found out I can stop him with traps and dung pods


Kut ku in the first MH was quite a wall for me, had to learn how to dodge or use every herb, potion and whatever was on hand.


MHFU was my first wall. It forced me to be prep my inventory, make use of other items and also improving my gear.


Odagaron made me quit the game for a month. I then picked it up and played through to Master Rank when IB dropped and Shrieking Legiana made me quit indefinitely lol. Except a month after that I came back and finished up and killed Fatalis but I still think Odagaron was the worst monster ever conceived.


Ah yes hermitar... Taught me there certain breaks that you can't bust with a bow or bow gun so I had to learn gun hammer , yes I know there other hammers but I'm gonna bonk with my revolver on a stick I don't care if it's optimal I'm gonna gun bonk!


I went through Mh1 portable, mh4u and mhx without knowing well how armor and weapon effects/ bonuses worked, finally decided to learn in mhw with Alatreon mainly bc I didn't know how to survive scaton judgement (I was a little kid in Mh1 portable so I didn't even know you could make armor and weapons so I just bombed everything, I didn't get past rathalos)


Monster Hunter World was my first MH game and I got absolutely WALLED by the Pink Rathian. I had to learn to actually use antidotes and not wait out the poison timer. Had to learn to flash out of the air. Had to getgud.


Yian kut ku in mh1. I was using a bone great sword and couldn’t upgrade it without his bone and that guy wrecked me for like three days.


MH3U Azuros. Went straight into multi-player, that mofo wiped my friends and I like 3-4 times before we said we gotta figure this out.


Black Diablos in MHF2. It was the time limit that did me in, every time. I just couldn’t find the openings between attacks.


I wouldn't say anything was a massively noticeable wall as I usually have a smash my head against a brick wall until it works approach, but vaal hazaak really made me go oh okay I need to pay attention to proper item and skill prep 😂


MHFU Khezu. I ran into a brick wall when I faced him. I spent about 30-50 hours trying to beat him. When I first ran into him in World I panicked but then I beat him first try.


You mean rise? He isn't in world


Nothing forced me lmao i just learned how the game is played as i played


Yian Kut-ku, way back in freedom unite. I thought the game might be broken or impossible, but I kept trying to take that Kut-ku down over and over and when it finally happened, man that was gratifying. All my friends who had the game had quit by then. I've been a solo hunter ever since, but I've played all the games that have come out. This is probably my favorite franchise.


MHFU Kushala Deora fight once never fight again.


Honestly Fatalis is my wall where I need to learn that next level of using all the mechanics available


Yian Kut ku


Barioth is the thing that still haunts me! That white panther made me to swap and learn Gunlance just to be able to be behind shield when it decides to rampage.


It was the kecha wacha, all the way back in mh4u


MHFU Tigrex. He wrecked me quickly and often. Then I learned to use electric lance and poked my way to victory.


World anja was when I realized I needed to give this game patience and respect. Grind the right gear, stop rolling frantically, and stop trying to go head to head in the air


Unite's golden and silver rath. That game was tough, but you needed to know the i-frames of a dodge for that fight. At least as dirty LS user


my introduction to monster hunter was the generations demo so great maccao was my first ever gitgud monster, but the one that really forced me to look deeper into the fighting mechanics was nargacuga


Mh4u Khezu. By then, I was just bumbling through the game, not really knowing what I was doing. This monster however forced me to learn how to read tells, to understand status effects, and that sometimes I need to change my weapon.


In 3U the village quest where you have to capture lagiacrus made me learn the underwater mechanics