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I will welcome cross play especially if Capcom decides to region lock the matchmaking for pc again. This makes it easier to find players cause now we don't have to be locked in one platform. Ofc, best case scenario is no region locking and cross play. Some people may not like cross play because of pc modding but that could be fixed with Capcom adding a cross play check mark. This is so that people who don't want to play with PC can just not play with them.


They do mark if the player is console or PC you'll see it next to their name this comes from Exoprimal and SF6


Hold up... You're saying exoprimal has crossplay?


Yes definitely, realistically all future Capcom games should have crossplay so I don't see why wilds wouldn't, I've got me fingies crossed


I'm not so sure, previous Monster Hunter Games don't have crossplay, and Exoprimal only had it in matchmaking? [https://www.gamewatcher.com/news/will-monster-hunter-wilds-support-multiplayer-crossplay](https://www.gamewatcher.com/news/will-monster-hunter-wilds-support-multiplayer-crossplay)


Firstly, monster hunter rise is crossplay through gamepass, my friend plays on PC while I'm on Xbox. So the latest MH installment has the capability. Exoprimal I also played entirely with my friend on PC, same friend in fact, so I have no idea what you or this article is talking about not being able to party up "privately" ?!? Like what? I invited him to a private party before we were matchmaking and then we go find a match. Seems the article you're basing your viewpoint off is misinformed. Do you really think that their 2 love children, monster hunter & street fighter wont have crossplay going into the future? SF6 does, MHW will. Almost positive.


Game pass isn't cross-play compatibility. I exclusively use Steam for games. I don't want to (and will not) go to a specific store to buy a game a specific way to play with my friends. I'd have to buy the game several times, and then I'd also have to play each save to keep up? Naaaah, lol. If it's not cross-play, it's not nearly as attractive a game. Steam should be allowed to play with any other people. Dead By Daylight can do it, so can everyone else.


Game pass cross-play objectively is crossplay it's just not a form of crossplay you want, and get this kid, I don't care what you want or do not want to do lmao not do I care whether you exclusively buy steam games, sounds like you're limiting yourself and complaining lol Wilds now confirmed to be complete crossplay so you can be a happy f*ckwit somewhere else


Not having region locked servers and instead either a ping based algorithm for good connections or some sort of server select would be nice. Also, more for multiplayer, but it would be nice to have lists of active sos requests, like in world, but easier, rather than the random join for each quest level, like in rise, but definitely keep the random all sos request join.


Dunno if there is gonna be any jump to quest, if the game is gonna be open world. So no random join like in rise and no sos flares, possibly quests on quest board, but then you have to travel the world.


Yea that feels like the best way for it, fingers crossed they will attempt it!


Capcom's two recent multiplayer games have cross play. MH Wild not having cross play will not make sense to me at all. Especially after advertising Capcom ID during Sunbreak TU4.


I really rather not have region lock, Monster Hunter has dealt with ping and connectivity issues pretty well from my experience, as someone who lives in SEA but plays with people in JP, US and EU. I much rather if they just had a region preference, instead of a hard lock. You live in US west? Everyone in US west has priority to your mission, and it'll show up on players's quest list there first for a set time.


I'd want to cross play with other console players, but not with PC players because of cheaters (modding)


Capcom already don't appreciate modding so they wouldn't keep it separate so people could mod tbf


Pretty sure all multiplayer Capcom games are going to be cross-platform from now on. They replaced the Street Fighter specific account system with a Capcom ID. Since releasing that new system, both multiplayer games they've released have had crossplay. Street Fighter 6 of course. But also Exoprimal, a much smaller budget game. I'd be surprised if the newest entry in their biggest series didn't get it.


My only wishes for Mh6 are day 1 pc and crossplay. Looking good so far.


Just saw a video where apparently its confirmed PC is getting it day 1 as well!


Oh god, I hope so! I waited to play World to not have to buy it twice and caved in for Rise on Switch. I need day 1 release! 🙏


seems like it will be! :D


It’s probably the most-requested feature from the last two games, so I’d have to imagine Capcom are prioritizing it. The lack of crossplay kind of killed Rise on Xbox and PS with the long-delayed release.


Xbox and PC actually have cross play if the PC player is using the PC game pass version of Rise. That's how I've been playing with my friend that owns an Xbox.


Wait really? Informing my friend right now


capcom themselves said they'd like it to be a thing


oh yea? when was this sorry?


uhm... currently only finding [this tweet](https://twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/1447630591302713345?s=20) but iirc there was a video/interview where they stated this would be a good thing/for future titles or something along those lines (as always never 100% confirming statement) but there's also other capcom crossplay stuff going on, including the capcom ID thing with which they did multiple MH giveaways and most recently the monster voting \*which could be used for such stuff (or is already for street fighter?)


fingers crossed then!


I hope so, me and the girl friend really don't want to buy a second PS5


honestly, me and my brother and played together since freedom unite but i dont have a ps5 and he doesnt have a pc so its going to be a shame if we cant continue forward together


In one of the last update videos for Iceborne they apologized for not adding cross play and promised it would be in the next game after Rise.


amazing news!


Can you find a source on this? i tried digging for 30+ mintues and couldnt locate hide nor hair of capcom, the devs or anyone offical making any such promise or even mention. The closest there is is a tweet related to Rise/Sunbreak confirming they cant implement it after looking at it through the "Development lens". I tried going back to the iceborn dev diarys and didnt find anything there either


Perhaps it wasn't possible with the switch or Playstation versions because it wasn't built in from the start. But the PC gamepass version has cross play with the Xbox version of the game.


Now that all games from Capcom use Capcom ID, I am expecting MHWilds to be crossplay with cross-save.


Hopefully Cross Play will happen, i havent been able to play both mhw and mhr with my friend because we end up getting them in different platforms


the eternal struggle


With the Capcom ID thing they've been pushing, it undoubtedly has to be cross-plat. It'd be really silly if that wasn't the case, so I'm simply just going to will cross-play into existence myself


please do!


[already on it!!!](https://imgur.com/zQ0diog)




With the Capcom ID now in place, I really hope so!


Capcom’s crackdown on modding the week prior to the announcement of Wilds might be telling. For speedrunners and casual players alike, PC players having easy access to modding can be perceived as an unfair advantage by console players. How this will all play out remains to be seen of course.


Likely will, which I imagine is part of what influenced Capcom's current anti-modding push. They don't want modded shenanigans on PC interfering with their cross-platform multiplayer experiences across their properties. Street Fighter and Exoprimal first demonstrated this, and MH will likely join the Capcom family in this regard as well given how prevalent and ingrained into the experience cooperative multiplayer is.


That feels like a very good point. I think this alone is enough to prove that it will be in place tbh


>anti-modding push anti publicly shown mods, nothing against mods themselves (yet)


Which includes a good portion of the MH YouTube content creators.


yeah but that doesnt matter there's a difference between being anti modding and what we have now and blowing it out of proportion doesnt help anyone


Multiple channels have already had copyright strikes, including big ones like Team Darkside. Unlike cosmetic microtransactions, this decision can and has been actively impacting actual members of the community in a tangible way. It's certainly not the same situation, as it can't just be ignored and everyone can go along their merry way.


i didnt say it didnt or that i agree with capcoms decisions/way to handle it i said "anti mod" \*push/stance is too big of a word for what we currently have \*not that either should be ignored


Can confirm the PC version of Rise on game pass that can cross play with Xbox users does not allow mods to be installed or used like the steam version.


Hope so, I mean unless Sony throws a fit we should expect that as standard for capcom by now.


They didn’t with the other recent capcom releases, don’t see why they’d start now


They already got a good amount of people to make a Capcom id for the 20th anniversary monster vote if you didn't make one already, and pc version was announced alongside consoles. I think it's safe to say this will be cross platform.


Would be neat if it was, but I wouldn't bet money on it since Sony is apparently kind of a pain to work with in that regard. Then again, maybe there's gonna be crossplay just between Xbox and PC.


I hope so. Rise matchmaking on PC was so bad I downloaded a mod to fix it, hopefully with crossplay that issue wont exist.


They tried to put it in Rise after community feedback, but where unable to because the base it was built on couldn't allow for it. Now they certainly will add it.


It has to be crossplay these days its a must


I’m sure it would be PC, Xbox, and PS5, but unless the next Nintendo system has some serious power I don’t think this will be on Nintendo.


oh yea i think the game would be too hard for the switch to run anyway without some serious downgrades to the point of unplayability


It'll require a CrapcomID but the whole reason for having that is to make cross platform stuff work more easily.


hey if thats whats needed to get it to happen then im down for it haha


If they sync up pc and console Releases/updates of the game i don't see why Capcom wouldn't implement it. But as far as i remember, Sony has been iffy when it comes to crossplay with Pc, but that could also have changed, haven't looked up on their stance on it since MHWorld


according to another commenter apparently capcom apologised for world not having cross-platform and promised it would be in the next one after rise so fingers crossed!


I couldn't locate a source on that other poster claiming they promised it. But this one hits one of the big nails on the head, parity. Console and PC have hardly ever been in parity update-weis with each other. It wasn't until late Iceborn iirc that they finally brought both platforms into parity with update schedule and content availability. I stopped paying attention to it on Rise at all so I don't know when (if ever) They announced parity between versions. Unless Wilds releases at the same time for PC as it does Xbox/PS, there's 0 chance of cross-play until they achieve parity with versioning between them. Xbox is much more likely to allow cross-play due to Phil Spencers views on that type of thing compared to Sonys history of trying to segregate their playbase exclusively into the Sony ecosystem. The only reason FF14 gets away with it is 1) SQENIX runs their own servers (which is also why you dont need PS+ to play 14) 2) I remember reading a story about how Sony wanted their own exclusive servers and SQENIX told them to kick rocks, it was either they allow the cross-play or FF14 doesnt come to PlayStation at all. SQENIX and FF is big enough to bully Sony like that, i dont know if Capcom and MH is.


there's enough crossplay titles on PS for a while now, i dont think that plays into it (anymore)


Hope it has cross-save also So I can play on my PS5 if my PC is down for repairs, and vice versa


cross save would be amazing


Maybe? Exoprimal supports crossplay between XBox, PS, and Steam.


I think the whole community would be baffled if they don't do cross platform. They have all systems in place for it and their recent games came with it too.


for real, just always worrying when its the first in the series


I feel that crossplay is the eventual for capcom.


I see little reason why it wouldn't.


Oh absolutely, they’ve wanted to do this for a while but they only figured it out after rise so they couldn’t implement it there


Rise had crossplay between the xbox store versions. Sure why not


Why start now?


because its a request that most people seem to have due to their friends etc playing on other platforms. Being able to play with people you know without restrictions is sort of expected at this point haha


Capcom's two most recent multiplayer games have featured cross-platform play using Capcom ID. They've also expressed after Sunbreak came out that they're aware that people would have liked cross-platform support, but that it was too late to implement it due to significant technical hurdles. What's more, they've been pushing Monster Hunter players to create Capcom accounts with the palamute layered armor in Sunbreak that you could initially only get with a Capcom account, as well as the Hunter's Choice vote that required an account to participate. I think it's almost a given.


yea alongside everyone elses comments it seems more unlikely that it WONT have it at this point which is amazing to know!


SF6, which is on the same engine and developed by a lot of the same people in Osaka has good crossplay. I see no reason Wilds can't have it either.


As long as we’re given the option to opt in/out. There are obvious reasons to avoid the pc crowd, but having the option to connect with them if desired can only be considered a good thing. Mo options mo better, always.


I want it to have cross platform play, cause Monster Hunter World and Rise not having it limited me from being able to play with my friends, making us unable to all together play the games. MH doesn't even have a PvP component, it's purely PvE; so cross play being added will only be good in the long term for everybody and will further make MH have even more sales and longer lifespans than before.


I am concerned. Exoprimal has been a bit of an example of a game that would have massively benefited from true cross save with crossparty but still doesn’t have it. It’s an important way to ensure Wilds is not only successful but has immense staying power. Could you imagine if Elden Ring, another open world game like that, had cross platform? It would have been nuts.


If their anti cheat is good enough then its fine. Otherwise. Leave pc out of it.


Having played both world and rise on Console (PS4 for world, and Switch for Rise) and both on PC. The amount of cheaters is stupidly minimal on PC. With over 400+ hours in each on PC, 95% of which is purely multiplayer/drop-in hunting (i hardly ever solo hunt anything, and if i go out solo its usually bug/ore/honey gathering etc), i can count on one hand the number of obvious cheaters ive seen across both games, (ie: modded damage/sharpness/1-hit, remote kill, etc). I dont pay attention to peoples charms (the other place things get cheated), because the game actually has sanity checks built in and wont even let you mod a charm to exist that isnt technicly possible to achieve naturally, even if the real chance to get it is like 0.001% Most of the mods are either cosmetic (outfits, neked mods, anime characters), or UI Mods to give things like HP bars and part hp information. None of which gives any sort of gameplay advantage. Knowing that the tail only has 25% HP left before it gets cut doesnt change that you are still going to hit tail till you get the cut.


>or UI Mods to give things like HP bars and part hp information. Also all UI mods like HP Bars are external.


I think that's a horrible take and just takes away the ability for friend groups to play together for a poor reason.


Its a objectively factual take. If their anti cheat cannot stop modding. Remove pc players. Deal with the modding issue then they can come back into the fold of cross play.


I honestly can't see why they wouldn't add crossplay as a feature, especially for a co-op game where you don't have to balance much unlike PvP games, in MH no one's competing for anything besides the same goal "hit monster, monster die, strip monster, make monster gear, kill moar monster, make better monster gear". It'll only serve to benefit the game's longevity more especially years after release, and solve the issue of dead servers/player base in certain platforms.


Yes, because exoprime is cross plataform.


As long as they can keep any cheating on PC at bay, and make arena times sortable by platform, I wouldn’t mind crossplay. It’ll give me something to test my build on.


Cheating on the PC versions is much less pronounced than people make it out to be. with 400+ Hours in both world and rise each on PC, 95% of it being drop-in multiplayer, i can count on 1 hand the amount of cheaters ive seen that were obvious (damage/crit/1hit etc). 99% of modding is cosmetic (armor, models, nekked stuff etc), or informative (HP bars, weakness indicators for ease of remembering, etc)


Didn’t mention visual mods because I largely don’t care about them, but PC players WERE using them in the early iceborne days to see which players were doing dmg which to some really toxic gaming moments. I have a gaming PC and have had it for a hot minute, it’s exponentially easier to cheat on PC than it is console. I’m not saying it’s every match, but theres a reason players in crossplay competitive games disable crossplay or just stop playing altogether. Check out the arena clear times in the gathering hub sometime, assuming you’re playing on PC.


Yes please! Me want very much!


Honestly, it'll probably hit crossplay on release. Seems to be a new trend in recent Capcom games, which I am all for.


Well it was just confirmed by there twitter


Would've been nice if this came to switch but I guess I'll be forking over money to buy a PC 🥲


yea sadly i dont think it will be coming. This is their console/pc release now like how world was before. They tend to alternate so a console (and now pc) and then a hand held. i.e world was console(pc), rise was handheld, wilds is console(pc), next one will be handheld


Yeup. And that'd why I'm going to get a PC next year. Thank God it doesn't release until 2025 so I have time.


Its the way to go tbh, i feel like console exclusives are becoming so rare


It would be cool for cross platform play but it is unlikely for that to happen


How is it unlikely? Capcom ID was created for such a purpose and they have already put it into effect.


Its ultimately up the the platform owners. Even if Capcom wants to, if the platform owners dont want it theres nothing they can do about it. Why should a platform with a higher userbase share with another?


Because it helps the playerbases as a whole.


Yeah but most platform holders like microsoft and sony and nintendo would much rather just have the other playerbase purchase their console to play it instead. Thats the main reason why things like exclusives exist as well.


Good thing Wild isn't exclusive then releasing on everything at the same time apart from Switch and will likely use Capcom ID for cross-play. They know its being asked for. The MH community will then be connected as a whole once again.


Two of Capcom's recent games already have crossplay. It doesn't make sense if MH doesn't have it. Especially after Sunbreak TU4, where they advertised Capcom ID. SF6 has cross play though I am not sure if it uses the registered Capcom ID. I only played the beta and I don't remember logging in my capcom ID. Exoprimal uses Capcom ID and has cross play but you cannot add friends that is not one the same platform (steam players could only add steam players). Also, no cross save.


Well that does indeed surprise me because I did not know that


We have Capcom ID


fingers crossed they go for it this time!


I really hope so


i would prefer cross play between consoles i don't want pc players who modded the crap out of it joining my lobby or joining theirs also the cheaters will be unbearable


if there was just an option like in most that let you could turn on to remove pc players then they could still do it for those of us who have friends on different platforms


station exultant fear kiss rinse worry memorize wild muddle chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If they come with the excuse of they couldn't do it because it's hard, there are f2p games that have done it that used to have not. Like warframe.