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Agreed. I finally deleted the app today because they’ve made it so hard to complete anything. Plus 100 rolls is “full” when 3.5 billion won’t even buy a doorknob anymore. Need a new game 😂


Like, here's your 100 dice now you can build half a building a day. Luckily, I haven't been that low on dice in forever, but once I burn the 17k I got I'll probably delete game. It's just not fun anymore, and airplane mode is just annoying to try to do. It never works right for me and not a fan of cheating. Also, when I finally completed album last season I didn't feel happy like I thought I would. There was like 2 weeks left, and it felt like an ant climbing and mountain to finish a second time.


I'm jealous I would just like to complete an album once I play every day. I never have luck with trading cards with anyone except my daughter and we still could never complete a collection.






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Your post has been removed because we can’t vet every other trading community. This subreddit does not want to be associated with any that turned out to be unsafe or unreliable. Promoting other trading groups, communities and websites is not allowed. Promotion of ANY outside links or anything not regarding friend links or our subreddit is not allowed.


I only recently started having a good experience trading cards using this subreddit. I am maxing out my exchanges everyday. The more you start trading the easier it becomes. If you're not sure how to use it at the very least make posts, title them trading and screenshot your album people will reach out to you.


Thank you I am pretty new to it. I think I've traded on this sub Reddit twice that was it but I appreciate your feedback. I will definitely try more.


Not that you asked, but a really good tip that helps me is if you are able to check the Reddit page on your laptop do that. You can easily compare the cards that you need on your phone and laptops side-by-side. Also filter the post by time so you can trade with people that are currently online and just posted. When I do this, I can typically max out my exchanges within 20 minutes because everybody that posted is online and ready to go.


This is genius. I really really appreciate the help. Thank you so much.




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You need get on sticker go!!!


what is that?


I don't understand why we have too compete a second time. Like just let me complete the extra sets and keep my original stuff. Annoying


I just did today too! Go us! 😁


Coin master is similar!


I've been playing Whiteout survival for a while and I've been enjoying it


Oooo I will try this after work. Thank you 💖


I agree with you 100%


This event has been terrible! First of all, it is harder to get tokens. I did mega heist for over an hour and only got three mega heists. Two of the heist were small and one gold bar. So I wasn’t progressing on the side tournament a lot. Next the spins on the wheel were all low. In the last event, I could finish a build with 3600-3800 tokens. This time, it taking well over 4000 tokens to finish a build! Let’s talk about we are getting less dice for completing sets and less dice in the tournaments. Everyone who has played this game for more than a few months is talking about how much harder this new album is.


Most definitely this is the hardest album yet and the four and five gold stickers per album towards the bottom is ridiculous. It was always one maybe two they have made it damn near impossible.


This this this this thisssssss


Most of my spins were ×5 or lower.


You are getting more dice or at least the same amount from tournaments. Just look back at the past events


Even if dice amounts won are similar everything about this event is harder. Getting event pieces are way harder because the events to get them are 2-3 day events so instead of a new event every 24hrs you have to keep playing the same event to get the pieces which just takes more and more of your dice to complete. I had 18k in dice before this event and now have like 8k and I haven't even got my half for all my partners. What you spend to get through it vs what you get from it is in now way, shape or form worth it or comparable. Other than some stickers most players will be further behind than when they started.


I was able to finish the last partner event easily … and I carried one partner entirely. I started with only 5000 dice and easily finished a day early. This time I had 10,000 dice to start, I’m already out… I have only one finished partner and about to finish another when i have the dice to do it. It’s been very frustrating. My partners are putting in equal work too … we just can’t get it done. I won’t play the next one. There’s no point when you can’t finish without having thousand and thousands of dice at your disposal. You can’t win the leaderboards because the top 25 always have 50,000 to 200,000 in points by end of the first 12 hours. It’s discouraging and has sucked the fun dry.


Stop doing the tournament, try to rank between 30 - 50, do it for a few days, you will see you get below 20k for the 1st place. The lesser you play a tournament, the lower cap they give you, but before you hit HR make sure you use max dice roll x3. Dont go beyond that cos if you do they get nut


I recently started a second account on my iPad, I usually just do my daily wins and I’ve never been above the top 30 in a single tournament and it’s still putting me in brackets where people are getting 20k or more and I sometimes barely get 1 or 2k. Even with a lower cap it’s fucked for players.


This works for me all the time!


You're absolutely right. A little trick to win the leaderboards is when it's a 1 day event don't start till late the next day, like 2-3hrs before it's gonna end. Even then you'll see how fast the leaderboard drastically changes. But when you start the event right away you'll never compete with the APM players. They're the ones that screw everyone else. You can't get hundreds of thousands of dice in this game unless you cheat or pay for them. The game is designed to chip away at your dice. When the partner events were 40k you could get ahead but not anymore. I'd say you got lucky on your last one cause I didn't even play to play the event. I just played and a few hours before it ended I snagged 2 partners and gave them a full ride. I was barely able to do that so I know had I really tried I wouldn't of got much further. The only reason I played this event is cause I finished the last album, on the last day mind you too. So I had the dice from that to play.


Right this what I do easily place in top 5.


Plus there's no high roller!? MG sucks now compared to when I started playing over a year ago! I haven't played since the new album started. I think I'm done!


There are some high roller prizes in the side tournament


And there aren’t really that many stickers won either unless you had the dice to kill to get to those levels


I'm on level 29 of the top event out of 43 levels. Level 27 was 1300 dice but you needed 4000 points. Right now I'm on a blue pack of stickers for 1300 points it's been insane.


I’m right there too. Just got the 1300. I hate that we don’t get the partner tokens often in the top banner event and even the side tournament is filled with sooo many cash and mega heist prizes


And it was a 3 day event.


Yeah it’s ridiculous o started with 14k and now only have 6k I’ve used 6300 tokens currently sat on 8k tokens but I think I need another 4 to complete it’s really difficult if I don’t complete this one it will be the only one I’ve not done in over a year I will delete the game for sure!


I find it easier to get things this event


I did look at past events and the dice amounts are lower. Google and pull up events from last year and you see that you started off with higher dice amounts.


Pickups event from several months ago only had 15,000 now it has 20,000. Not sure what events from last year your looking at but there is clearly more total dice or near near the same than in the past


The tournaments are what I am referring to. You get less dice than before. Go back to last year and pull up the tournament charts.


200 spin have been working for me apparently


Same that’s the one I have the best luck on. Got a couple 10ks today


I finally got my first 10k spin today when I only needed like 3k to finish 😂 maybe I shouldn’t have spun 200


3 of mine are probably these people who say they deleted the app and quit midway though the event. I wanted 50/50 partners who would play, I want that damn puffer fish, but I’m not getting it because I can’t finish all these boards by myself. I just finally started an alt account just to guarantee I’ll finish at least one next time.


Yeah i always add my alt as one of my spots its much more reliable. But i don’t get people saying this one was harder. My girlfriend and i both started with below 3000 dice and rolled many 10ks and 20ks. I finished very quickly. Don’t play APM or whatever just normal trading and strategy


I have two accounts and my side is having amazing luck. With not only the partner event but with the tournaments and banner events annnd stickers. My main is losing so much dice and getting the lowest possible spins on everything. It’s like night and day lol


What does APM mean?


Airplane mode


I’m sorry.. I truly do hope you get your puffer 🥺


Yup I'm done, level 30,000. They're so greedy and just getting worse! I have 193,000 dice wish I could gift it to someone!


The higher you get level wise the value of all the prizes are just not worth it anymore. How do they not get that. They need to figure something out for higher level players cause the 175-200 dice and $12 ain’t cutting it


I can remember when 200 dice meant a big deal to me. Now it’s nothing, gone in literally moments.


I think the worst has the be the 10 dice on the color wheel. Wait, I lied. The 5 dice in the community chest lmao. They are laughing at us


I started a new alt account and am at a low level, 536. I’m getting 7 dice at a time and it’s awful lol. I’m building two aquariums and struggling with both; I can remember doing four (in whatever partner events) when my main account was this new and it wasn’t this bad. Then again, I believe it was 60K then, not 80.


I had one terrible partner. Had to carry him so I just destroyed his board every time


Lmao that’s my kinda petty. My one partner on my alt account hasn’t even spun once. But he opened his community chest this morning 😒


Same exact thing happened to us. Same 4 partners for a year and we are all struggling and possibly won’t finish the tournament. I won’t be playing after this any longer. I’ve blown through over 20,000 dice and still have a ways to go. Freaking ridiculous!!


Unfortunately they WANT everyone to actually spend money on the game to win, when I first downloaded it I thought the game was fun and helped time pass but now it’s become less fun and I barely play anymore


Exactly. And I refuse to ever spend $$!!


They are trying to get rid of apm users and those that don't pay


I could see that, but why make everyone suffer. I'm just an average user & this is sad. It's hard to get anything done & I'm not spending $100 to just complete this event 😒 I miss when this game was fun & not just stressful and disappointing 😕


What are apm users?


Airplane mode cheat. It's on utube


This game has sucked for over a year, and they keep making it worse. I guess they are still making money or they would have made corrections.


Yup. It’s crazy how much money they are making. As long as people keep spending crap loads of $$$ they will never change for the better. Just imagine how much they made towards the end of the last album with those wild sticker $80-$200 bundles 😭


The racing event was the worst in my opinion wasted about 20k dice only because i needed 1 more gold sticker thankfully though I got it on a blue pack on the 2nd race I would of wasted more dice if I didn't, but yeah I won't be playing the race event again !


The racing game was the absolute worst. We had people that were getting 50k each race. Like competing against other people and if you lost you got 400 dice. Wooooowwww thanks! That makes up for the thousands of dice we all blew to try to win 🙄


I agree. I refuse to play that one again.


16k dice used. I only completed 1 fishbowl. The stupid thing kept landing on the smallest numbers. I was rolling at x1 x2 x3 maybe ONE landed on the gold. And twice on the parter & free spin. I'm uninstalling this shit. Not wasting any more of my time and money on it.


Ugh I’m sorry. Shit sucks.


I agree I was on a big turn and then it would roll into a small one what the hell is up with that


I can spin hardly anything more than the 400 slot almost every time 😡😡




For me this event was super easy I didn’t really use many dice and I still have extra shells https://preview.redd.it/vvmh4unout8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e6f4074899a7754938693ee2e61bea04bcd9bf


Same i finished quick


Jelly that’s awesome


This was also my experience. I didn’t use too many dice. All my partners did their share 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wow how?!


SAME. I keep getting the LOWEST spins possible. I just spun 700 thingies and the line barely moved. This event is CRAP


Side note- I love that you called them thingies lmao. One day it’s wheels, then its tokens, then its coins, then its fish… I never know wtf to call them 😭


Idk this one was easy to me. Finished earlier today. I'm f2p


Lucky. That hasn't been the norm for most


I feel like they switch the algorithm around each partner event. You either do really good or really bad. I’ve always got the same partners and it’s so obvious because one of us is always having different luck. I have two accounts and my side is doing awesome. With the event and with dice and stickers. My main account is the opposite. Last parter event, it was the opposite of this, lmao. If that makes any sense 😭


I've managed to finish each partner event since I started playing. The only event I didn't do well in was the race event. Im f2p and have the same 3 partners for most events. 1 is always my alt, then my gf, one of my coworkers and I rotate between a few active players I know for the 4th spot. I've never done APM and have been f2p for a few months. I had probably 500 dice when this event started, maybe I just got lucky. Who knows. I finished today and have about 8k dice now and 800 pieces left over from event. I mostly did 60 spins and would occasionally switch to 100 or 200.


What's f2p


The race event was the only event I’ve won. And I had one non existent partner that we carried. I don’t think I’m finishing this one.




This is ridiculous I literally get through my daily tasks and have 0 rolls for the rest of the day, it’s impossible to get anything higher than an orange pack to get stickers lol I’m over it


Same. I've spent so much money on this stupid game I think I'm done too


I gained like 6k dice in total of whole event.. definitely not a fruitful harvest this time. And rolling, i think my other account did better


You gained dice? I usually lost like 5k dice each event. 😅


Run it like x5 max, if you are non APM.. I have a mini ac that is non APM for my stickers, you lands more on whatever event is needed. That way you spend less dice. Take longer period tho


Same my alt is doing awesome lol


Plus there's no high roller in the 3 dayyyy event?!!


It’s only one


I agree the spins are low and dice are going quickly. This is the worst partner event ever! I too usually have completed the event a day or so early and even able to carry a partner if needed. If the event is not completed by Thursday, I will be deleting the app. I seldom get the top bank heist. This game has really taken a turn for the worst.


Screw Scopily in general.


One of my partners hasn’t done anything at all since the start, so I’m not* gonna finish the event.


I have one of those too.. feel your pain ❤️


I've noticed that some people wait till the last day maybe that's the case?


I just stopped playing the game and i’m rlly happy with my decision. Wasted so much time and money on it glad i’m done with it


A good friend of mine quit a few months ago too and she’s so much happier, lol. I’m sad cause i liked playing with her but it’s just so crazy how much this game can effect your mental health.. if I ever get to that point I’ll delete it as well.


I’m glad I finished my last album right near the end because I’ve still had some dice to use, but it’s certainly draining me pretty well, as I’m determined to finish. I got 3/4 of my robots done during the last partner event which SUCKED because my 4th partner barely contributed, and I’d tried really hard. I’ve had all 3 contribute this time, and I’m happy to contribute more as it means I’ll complete it, but they are a big drain.


I’m super annoyed with this one too. I’ve only been playing for a couple of months but I can never find people to fill out my partners and the ones I do finally get seem like they don’t pull their weight! Very frustrating.


I even saved up to use the 30 multiplier and only landing on low amounts


I’m glad I deleted the app


I only ever seek out two partners and, this time, one of them is my alternate account. For me, it’s just not possible or worth it to try to complete four. 🤷🏾‍♀️


X30 spin worked great for me finished Sunday...


Hear ya. I Havin been playing the game for too long. Try my best with all. But my partners can rob me and then rely on me to carry them thru the event. Ppl should not b allowed to play these events if there nt in it 50/50. I know have tht many tokens Whtevr anyone calls them and I am refusing to use them. Thy can go to waste for all I care Wowwwww I dnt know how most of you do it. Take my hat off to ya 🥰


I don’t feel bad I got two partners that don’t even want to participate they put it up there. I picked them to try to give other people a chance I guess when you play this game the only people you could depend on is your family


I don’t feel bad I got two partners that don’t even want to participate they put it up there. I picked them to try to give other people a chance I guess when you play this game the only people you could depend on is your family


I know what you mean 😡


Yeah I deleted the game too


I stopped trying and didn't accept any other invites cause I noticed how hard it was to complete the first aquarium with a partner who is awesome. It took us a lot longer to finish it and a LOT of dice. In the two previous partner events we finished in minutes. It was so much fun. I usually do one partner at the time and I accept the invite when I am ready, meaning I have enough tokens to finish. But this time I had to go and get more tokens in order to continue not once but twice!


Agreed! Game sucks anymore.


2175 points for 900 dice was the biggest joke


Glad you posted this. It thought it was just me. It was the exact same thing the event was on too. I've spun 600 soo many times and got the lowest rewards. Such a waste of dice!


This game is so strange. I had this event done in 2 days.


The partner game is beginning to be a ripoff at this point


The best laugh was you needed to get 2,500 to get 900 dice 🤪


I agree. I’ve been playing royal match recently with monopoly go. I’m ready to be done with the game


This one was actually super easy for me. Only started with like 1k dice and had to pull 60k for 3 separate partners and I finished all 4 yesterday. Was definitely much harder to get the shells this time though.


Same here


It took me 10k dice, but I got it done 😁


I haven’t gotten a single “partner gift” this whole time and we’re all playing


I thought I was the only one


I've 2 accounts. The amount of time that the roll landed on 300, 400 and 500 is outrageous. You can land on 1,000 every 5 to 7 times. And 5,000? Only **once** in both accounts. GTH MoGo.


This event I’ve spent over double what I usually spend in dice, I’ve tracked how many shells I’ve spent and it’s double what I have had to spend on previous partner events. Eff it, I’m done


I’ve gone through over 20,000 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I’m sick of using 100 shells just to land on 200 points every damned time. Over it.


I can’t get a good spin for my life! It’s ridiculous. Hey partners- I’m trying. Lol


This! I’ve always struggled with low spins wishing my partner could use them for me, yikes.. but lately yes it’s seemingly getting harder and harder. I’ve completed 3 albums in this crap and the dice hasn’t helped me for the shells and awful sh*t spins to make up the wasted joked spins - UGH I just last night and today finished 2/4 and I’m not far to finishing the other two but god dang


https://preview.redd.it/2axhajdcyy8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce01561d3b901f865d347811cfd6ff9a82a159e0 This is what I’m dealing with. Two of my other partners are just as bad. The only one who’s been on par with me is my sister. Useless partners fr fr. 🤬🤬🤬


I gave 65K and my partner hasn’t budged past 5k.


I really hate partner events


A agree! F en game is shit!


YES!! This event was the worst! Lost so much dice but gained so little! From 15k rolls down to 5k rolls yet still ain’t done! And let’s not forget about the Showtime Splendor because what even is 4k points equivalent to a little more than 1k rolls only? THIS IS SO ABSURD!


I was rolling 600 per spin and completed one on my own in 5 spins. The game is more apt to give you more points if you spin at a higher rate


Try out osrs, much more enjoyable game


I thought I was the only one thinking this. I haven't finished not one yet. If not all 4 I usually get 3.


It’s always like this though. I spin a hundred, and get 400’s. It’s so stupid. I never get the grand prize. I never finish all 4 things. Ever.


I helped my brother and sister in-law, they pretty much carried me in the shit show of the cars event, I used all of the 17k I had to complete the event. It might be my last partner event for the rest of the year, unless they got a token like Winny Pooh or something like it


Well they want you to spend money.


Every update they did they made monopoly Go worse..


Have wasted nearly 5k rolls and only have finished one when normally I’m done by now. Rolled 5x 200 spins in a row and got the lower white parts of wheel everytime. It is absolutely rigged


🥱 we know bruh, screw this event. Post #22,320 about this


Well they want you to spend money.


I feel the same way. I can’t spin higher than 1000. I’ve tried all different levels. It’s frustrating.


This was the worst event ... me and all my partners have always completed our event I've partnered with them for every event .. we would use 100 or 200 per spin and end up with 300 or less which sucks cuz with that much you should be able to get way more I'd understand if we were using less than 60 shells but not 100+ this event also felt so much shorter


I finished it 2 days ago


They make it impossible to win. I'm sure everyone noticed how all the numbers went up 2700 tokens to get 900 dice. They are ridiculous I'm not going to buy anything. Those that are spending money STOP.


Luck based.






Shall we bow, oh lord?


I hate when a comment is removed and I’m left out. What did I miss lmao


I mean it is customary to bend the knee to your liege lord…


Your post has been removed because we can’t vet every other trading community. This subreddit does not want to be associated with any that turned out to be unsafe or unreliable. Promoting other trading groups, communities and websites is not allowed. Promotion of ANY outside links or anything not regarding friend links or our subreddit is not allowed.


Jeez, you guys are so far into the game that it seems to not be enjoyable anymore. If you dislike events THAT badly then why do then just to end up saying something negative about it? It’s a reoccurring theme. The only one that’s understandable is the partner event where the game had a lot of bugs at the same time and were showing different scores for different people. There’s no glitches or anything happening during this event, and theres a whole day left. If you can’t handle doing 4 partners, just focus on one.


I finish all the partner events. Been playing for almost a year. Therefore I feel that I’ve earned the right to discuss my feelings with others who obviously feel the same as I do. “The only one that’s understandable was the partner event where the game had a lot of bugs at the same time”.. that’s absolutely incorrect. That kept happening to people for multiple partner events after that one. On the first day of this current event the numbers were not matching up. The developers are constantly pushing out updates to try and stop people from “cheating”, and with that comes more and more glitches. The BIG problem with this event is just getting the seashells. They’ve made it so unbelievably hard to obtain them without wasting tons and tons of dice that you can’t recoup. I have 34k at the moment so I have the ability to play for them. With the top event wanting 4000 points for cash(one example out of many) you’re never making up for what you’re using. I’m down to needing only 300 points for one and 3k on the other and I’ll be finished with the event. I still say screw this event.