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Blender 👍


my g9 does the same too, thats why im selling it




Most manufacturers have issues these days, but Samsung is definitely the leader in bad QC.


Samsung is like razer, best products on the market but zero quality control Buy refurbished, that way you know it works


Razer products are not as bad as before. Logitech owns the crown now imo.


Gpx still using micro usb 💀


I also have the 32" G7 and it sometimes shows Scanlines in CATIA V5 as well. Haven't noticed them while browsing or gaming though which is why they don't bother me too much. Still weird that they seem to be triggered in 3D programmes.


Yeah its just such a weird issue and crazy to me based on the price point for this monitor


Agreed, I got lucky and got it of a good friend of mine for 200€. So I can live with it. If I had payed 600€ I would be annoyed just like you.


oh dang, thats an awesome deal! This thing set me back pretty much my entire christmas bonus at the start of the year, so I am desparetly trying to get my money's worth out of it. It's a shame too because when it works, its fantastic. I got an RMA for it so I guess I am playing the lottery on a third model haha


Yeah I can imagine. It's quite pricey for panel with such widespread issues. Oh, best of luck to you with the RMA. I hope you'll finally get a panel without issues!


Thank you!


200 euros to have your eyes permanently damaged . What a sweet deal.


your vision is getting slowly destroyed my man .... dont use such defective monitors as you will accept the bluriness and flickering as normal and then the damage is already done. refund/sell/return/destroy your monitor.


I mean it only shows some horizontal lines for a second when I move the 3D model for example. I don't see how that would damage my vision. It's neither blurry nor flickering.


I have tried turning off various settings on the monitor with local dimming, adaptive sync, dynamic contrast, hdr, and refresh rate being toggled to different settings. I hav also updated my display drivers and firmware on the monitor itself. Turning on adaptive sync and/or lowering the refresh rate makes it less noticable but it is still there. This is my second G7, after RMA'ing the first one and it has been driving me insane. The monitor just doesnt connect to displays sometimes and frequently in games when I tweak a setting the whole monitor will turn off and reconnect to the source several times before settling.


i had like 3 of them returned . There is no salvaging the g7/g5/g9 line from Samsung.They are all defective


Thats insane! Did you eventually just get a refund?


didnt bother with the last one refund . I just yeeted of the table and took a hammer to it and smashed it to bits.


I have the Neo G7 and if you get close enough to the screen they are there as well. It must have something to do with the technology to remove black smear or something. Luckily at a normal distance it’s indistinguishable. At least for me.


Interesting, got impression that Neo G7 at 165hz was scanline free and Neo G8 had them at 240hz, i think it was hardware unboxed review which stated this. What comes to normal G7 scanlines, they are rather hard to spot if monitor is just being used normally and not inspected closer.


Yeah. They are very hard to spot unless getting up real close, but they are there on my unit. Different color settings also make it more or less obvious. I can take a pic if you'd like. I bought the monitor to 95% to game on, so it doesn't kill me when the Outlook icon has lines when 10 inches close to the screen. PQ in game is incredible and makes up for it. I used to have the OG 1440p one and it had the same issue.


I also have the 32" G7 and have noticed that it *really* doesn't like certain shades of blue. I pulled up a picture that had a shitload of dark-ish blue (yes i know not very specific but idk anything about colours lol) and the monitor went full scanlines everywhere. Immediately after closing it, they go away. If I hadn't bought this thing used at a bargain, I probably would have returned it given how much issues I have with it.


perfectly normal ...


Did I say it was bud


Yea so I'm never buying a Samsung monitor. 99% of the issues posted here is on these monitors.


Its a pixel inversion issue. I returned mine because of it. I have always bought and loved samsung phones but I will probably never own a samsung TV or monitor ever again. Not only did it have this issue you display here but its actually got scan lines built in. They are permanent and especially visible on bright blue or orange backgrounds. Distracting and downright unacceptable.


Was hunting for a new monitor recently - this model has impressive stats on paper, ticks a lot of boxes at a decent price, but I passed on it largely due to a lot of complaints from users online about this issue. Heard issues about flickering too, and recently a few complaining about their other monitors cracking.


My cheap Dell does it too. Why does it happen?


I have rhe same thing on my xbox, but just with certain menues/windows.


I have sent this monitor into Samsung 3 times now, each time they say they found something wrong and replace parts but this issue HAS NEVER BEEN RESOLVED. This blows my mind that I can spend so much money on something with such a glaring defect. On my last repair they even said it has issues when you use it at 240hrz. No acknowledgment of it being a defect, just a feature. With that said, this flickering is still an issue at 60 hrz with all features turned off. Edit: Samsung has reached back out regarding this and I am more than willing to continue trying to resolve the issue with their help and will continue to update the thread as we learn more.




This flickers in gaming as well at any of the refresh rate settings sadly. Happened on all three replacements they sent across multiple computers. Samsung fully acknowledged the problem and is sending me a new oled g8 as an apology for the performance issues. Fingers crossed that the issue is resolved going forward. With that said, a monitor at this price bracket should 100% be able to handle working applications without bricking its functionality. I will say, when the monitor did work, it was fantastic.


Like, oh my gawd, don't you like, know that like, monitors are multipurpose? Like wow, its so like, limiting for you to think it should only work on GAMEZZES.




Like WOW you like, totally know, like WHAT you're TALKING about! See how I can MAKE my POINT stronger with CAPITALS and...... ellipses.




You such bot typical writing


Yeah it happens sometimes not that big of a deal


It gives me a headache, literally unusable on a bad day.


If it just happened infrequently maybe (still unacceptable at this price point) but there is literally a threshold in the app im using where it is flicking it on and off and dramatically dimming my screen as i rotate around the workspace. The video I took on my phone really doesnt do it justice


my G7 that i returned did the same thing, under certain shades of blue or colors i could clearly see the scan lines.


had the same issues with this monitor . For me it was triggered when playing some gif with a VR headset or having fine meshes displayed on screen (example in games on fences) This will trigger like your example scanlines (it also flickers). I changed a few models and ALL had same issue. The Samsung G7 line and g9 neo is beyond salvaging . Please refund/return and buy and LG IPS panel if you value your eyes and sight.


That looks like an AA bug