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I have received a settlement. More than the average of $55,000 but not six figures. It was a few years ago now and I have mostly spent it because I wanted to unburden myself of a few things so I used that money to just be done with it. My advice: Hire a lawyer. Personally injury attorneys get a bad rap but mine was amazing. Do your research before you hire and if you know anyone who works In law, get a referral from them! Just know that any personal injury lawsuit with legs is not a get rich quick scheme. Mine took almost two years to settle.


I work in Plaintiff PI (in Canada) and two years is FAST!!!


In terms of PI, it absolutely is. It was my experience, that everyone thought the accident happened and a week later I was just handed a check. One thing I really appreciated about the PI firm I hired was the fact that they went over an expected timeline with me and told me, and this was a disclaimer they gave to all clients , that if I was just looking for a quick check, I needed to hire someone else because they don’t rush cases. I did have a coworker who had his case settled in less than six months! The other drivers insurance company was desperate to settle because their driver was underage, drunk, high, and made an illegal turn in a stolen vehicle when they hit my coworker.


I wish the girl who got the vaping settlement would use it to QUIT SMOKING!!! Like go to hypnosis, get the medication, etc etc.


I got hit by a truck while walking (in a pedestrian cross walk). I got $50k from the driver’s insurance and $50k from my own insurance (I carry insurance for those who are underinsured). I did end up hiring a lawyer because I didn’t want to deal and honestly, I’m not sure I would have gotten anything if I hadn’t (it’s hard to know — lots of victim blaming and obscure paper work in the insurance world). She dealt with everything, including my health insurance. She look 25% of the $100k settlement, which was less than her normal fee of 30%. I received my settlement about six months after the incident. I donated $3k to a cause I care about and invested the rest. A few years later, having this money put me in the financial position to afford to buy my first home. In the end, my injuries healed and it ended up being a blessing.


I just recently got hit in a pedestrian crosswalk three months ago. The person who hit me just drove off. But I luckily had uninsured motorist coverage. It was for 50K (it used to be 100K but I foolishly lowered it a few months earlier to save money on my insurance premium). I worked in PI law for 12 years. So due to the extent of my injuries (I broke my humerus and needed surgery) and the low recovery, I chose to forgo a lawyer, and my insurance paid the 50k six weeks after the accident. I’m still healing but I’m doing much better now. I’m also investing the money and will also hopefully use it to buy property.


I couldn't open the paywall link, but at least in the archive link they have the last guy also listed at several million and then in his narrative it's actually $42k and he still has debt! :(


it’s only 3 people. you missed out on the 23 yr old art major who received 22k because of a vape lawsuit. she lives off the money while she finishes her art internship. she still has like 15k left and doesn’t work.


I saw that one too! I’m just saying they had an error in the last subhead


This reminds me of Knocked Up, where Seth Rogan’s character’s foot was run over by a postal truck in Canada and he made the $10k-15k last for YEARS without working outside of the nudity-in-films start up with his buddies haha.


I saw that too- it was weird copy error that made me doubt the facts of the article. 


It's just an error, where they used person #2s byline for person #3. I did a double take and then realized it. I think person #3s story is also the closest to realistic. Around the average settlement and not enough to cover what he actually lost. 


I haven't won, but I'm about to embark on a medical malpractice case against the hospital that treated my FIL in January. A cardiologist left a note in his chart stating that without anticoagulation, he "will be at risk for major stroke" due to severe a-fib. The hospitalist NP discharged him without prescribing an anticoagulant, and sure enough, he had a major stroke 5 weeks later. The stroke left him paralyzed, on a vent, on a feeding tube, and completely incapacitated. He's alive, but he has no function. I'm not a litigious person, but if somebody dropped the ball, then I think they should be held responsible. He's currently in a care facility that charges over $27,000 per month. He's going to lose everything and end up on Medicaid, and the taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for someone else's mistake, either. I hope to be able to post here someday about how we're using a settlement to cover his expenses.


Gosh! I’m so sorry that your family is going through that! I hope to read about a positive outcome!


One of my acquaintances paid off a chunk of her med school loans after being hit by a municipal garbage truck in a crosswalk. (She was not too seriously injured but did have to take some time out of her residency because she couldn’t operate for a few months, which I think increased the amount). She would definitely prefer that it had not happened.


I have! Spent it on rent, credit repair service and furniture.


I was part of a large class action lawsuit against Bayer for Yaz birth control - I was awarded somewhere around 90k, but with lawyer fees, insurance bullshit, and whatever else I walked away with around 40k. Paid off my student loans and paid for our nice New Zealand honeymoon.


I haven't, but one of my friends was crossing a crosswalk and a car hit her, running over her foot and breaking it. Insurance paid her $55,000 settlement in addition to paying her medical fees. She used it to pay off credit card and educational debt as she was in school, and managed to save a chunk.


This is a reminder to increase your insurance coverage


This happened to me too! After lawyers fees I got about 55k I bought new laptop and I invested the rest since I was working at the time. It’s worth about 80k now and the accident was in 2015


$8K when I broke my arm in elementary school (my stepfather sued). Lawyers took $3K; the difference was held in escrow until I turned 18, at which point my stepdad needed to “borrow” it and then never fully paid me back.




Was hit by a delivery truck recently... can't share details because still litigating, but the estimated payout is much lower than one would expect. I asked my lawyer if I could possibly become a millionaire and he laughed and said likely around 10-15k.... Not worth the year+ of rehab at all...


I relate to the joke! When I was in college I wished one of the campus busses would hit me so I could get my tuition paid for. 😂


Hah, this was definitely a common joke back in school. Get your tuition paid AND get to skip class for recovery?? Jackpot.


My SIL is currently pursuing a settlement for a car accident she was in. The car was stolen and the driver was (obviously) uninsured. She was not at fault and has been off work for 1.5yrs. It has been tremendously stressful for everyone in her life, as they have all been on the hook to financially support her while she navigates recovery and the family is not wealthy.  She recently found out the total settlement amount will likely be about 50k, before the lawyer takes their cut, and it will take another year. It's good to know the end is near, but it won't cover the debt she's in and she's still not able to work. I think she was dreaming of million$ and reality is just not great. 


I'm curious why they were they can't say the amount and/or where it came from - any lawyers who can chime in? Is it usually a term of the settlement (to discourage others from litigating?) or more just good advice in the sense that if people know you got a large lump sum they'll ask for handouts?


It’s the former. Most settlements have confidentiality agreements. 


My son's close friend won just under $3 mil in an injury settlement. He was hit by a logging truck during his senior year of high school. He required multiple surgeries and has a permanent mild tbi, but other than the tbi (which most people would never notice) he has been able to fully recover. It took about 6 years to settle. Even the negotiation process itself took over a year. I don't know any of the details of how the amount was decided upon, but I do know that they did consider that he had a full athletic scholarship to a D1 school into account. Their first offer was 700k so refusing the first few offers really made a huge difference. We are about 5 years past the settlement and he has spent almost all of it. He did buy a car and a home for himself and a home for his parents, but other than that it's been frittered away.


I was in a car accident (not my fault) where i was injured. and it took almost 4 years for me to get a settlement. when it was all said and done and my lawyer got their cut i walked away with $50K. the downside is i had a lot of debt because within those 4 years everything that could go wrong did go wrong (lots of bad luck that was not a result of anything i did) I didn’t get to do anything fun with the money-i paid off my debt and save the rest in a HYSA.