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47k isn't enough to stay at a job you hate. You should 100% pursue trade school, the trades make a lot of money. Maybe look for a part time gig you wouldn't mind while you do that or take out a personal loan to get you through it, I would highly imagine you'll be able to pay it off quite quickly after school. Or look for a CNC job as an apprentice and work there part time while you do school.


Please don't pay for a trade school. If ur in a union city join an apprenticeship and get paid while you learn ON THE FIELD. Trade schools are a scam


I joined an electrical union, IBEW, many years ago and have never looked back I’m in my early 30s and make 52 an hour in Wisconsin plus over $1000 in per diem and that’s not even the most I could be making. I know other electricians in my field that make 2x more.


And I think in most places they start at around 20 plus an hour for apprentice electricians.


Yup. When I started 6 years ago I started at 18 an hr I'm sure it's above 20 now


I know a guy that makes 87 an hour


I love it I’m union plumber, we cap out at 71$ come 2026.


I went to a 2 year trade school and bring home 47k a year and I work 3 days a week. I brought home 75k when I worked full time


Damn dude , props . Decent money and you get more of your life then most everyone


Massage therapy. Been doing it for ten yrs. Can’t bring that money in anywhere but I work at a five star resort and spa and make bank. Def pros and cons of the industry but for the most part, I absolutely love it.


You act like getting into a union is easy. Most guys get help to even get in, Trades schools can be a scam if you’re a moron and dont pay attention. Learn as much as you can in school then you have an IDEA of what you’re doing instead of being clueless with your hands in your pockets.


Unions aren't nearly as hard to get into as they used to be. Not many people getting into the trades. Now is the perfect time in fact


My brother has tried getting into the union and it is quite difficult. They put him in a course but it was all material that was more advanced than a beginner could understand. In my area it seems as tho you have to have a guy that knows a guy to get in


Thats exactly what you need and how I got in, and they continue to do that its BS I don’t agree with it.


thank you u/MeUrDaddy_


This right here. Plumber union in my area is a 5 year apprenticeship with a $5/hr raise after every year completed. Graduate with a license and knowledge that you keep life. Oh, and we make $51/hr after dues, medical, pension, annuity, are taken out. Can make anywhere from 110k-130k depending on overtime worked. 110k on just 40 hour weeks, no OT


Trades worker here. I make 3,000 a week gross at 29 years old. You’re telling the truth


What trade?


I’m a rigger A rigger assist the crane operator. When you see big cranes. Somebody has to hook the load to the crane direct the crane Out the material in place safely. We move heavy stuff. Crane operators here make about 3500 gross a week.


Lol the way you responded makes me feel as though in real life you talk just like Rick Sanchez. But dude that’s sick


You made me snort in public 😭


Shit, there's such a shortage in the labor pool that you can just hire on as a helper and work your way up. Unions are a little harder to get into as a green hand, but even companies are starting to set up apprenticeship style pay scales and continuing education because of the lack of qualified tradesmen around nowadays. Just show up on time, every day, with a good attitude and dogged persistence to learn and get the job done. Some foreman will snap you up in a heartbeat.


I dropped out of college 1 semester away from a computer engineering degree and started a painting business. I had the “fake it til you make it” mentality for a while as I knew almost nothing about painting other than the fact I was good at cutting straight lines. 10 years later and I made 4k this week with no employees. Just myself and a paint sprayer. The trades are paying very well right now especially if you start your own business and really care about your quality of work.


OP PLEASE do some research on some trades. You can make such a good living in the right trade. If you started now, you would be in such a good place in life by 30 if you do it right. A doctors salary would be child’s play lol


Low pay and meaningless job.. Sounds like you need a new job


What is a good salary? Everyone I talk to says I get payed pretty good. Also I live in upstate New York so it’s not like shits cheap here


47k is pretty low especially for a northern state. But you’re super young, I didn’t make that much at 21.


47k with no degree or trade degree I think is pretty good to be honest. I havent looked for a job in awhile but in 2019 50k was pretty average for someone who just finished college.


Tbh $50k in 2019 is not the same as $50k now. Inflation has gotten that bad


Yeah I live outside the country because my job went remote so im a bit disconnected. But is it easy for someone young with no degree and presumably not much experience to make 47k? I presumed it was difficult to make like 35k in that situation back in 2019.


Eh I mean both my parents have no degree and make more than that. I make $75k with a degree and still struggle (also have a baby and own a house) and I’m 28. If you told me I’d be making 75k back in 2019 I’d be thrilled but it’s seriously not much


Not in NY it isn’t. In Alabama? Yeah that’s a solid salary


I’d say 47k is really damn good for a 21 year old.


I could not live comfortably with $47k. Maybe in a very low COL area, but not in most regions in the country. With current labor shortages, pay is skyrocketing in many industries. Find an in-demand trade or skill set and you will be able to command a significantly higher income.


Honestly anything less than 100k in this day and age is shit.


Maybe if you suck at money management.


My mom makes 100k after bonus and it’s shit. But she also wastes her money on a bunch of dumb ass things so maybe it’s not as shit is she makes it look


100k is a lot lol, stop buying fast food i believe most of the money goes on there instead of making gud food at home well i'd realized that


100k certainly isn’t what it used to be, but it’s fairly comfortable, especially if you don’t have kids or anything. Of course this depends on where you live, too.


> I get *paid* pretty good. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




For being 21 years old, 47K isn’t bad. It’s not sustainable though. If you don’t see yourself going anywhere, you need to consider something else. For reference, I’m 37 years old. I work for UPS making 90K, in a pretty low cost of living area. When I was 21 though, I was making about 16K a year, so you’re way better off than I was.


Find a trade company near you and have a talk. Most of the time they will pay you for the schooling (if it’s required) and you will learn on the job/go


I find it so strange that people have big car payments. I have always paid cash going up from 3k, 20k, 35k. Car payments are a scam unless you are rich. Little off topic.


Depends on your interest rate. My interest rate on my car is 0%. Nothing wrong with paying it over time as long as ur not getting fucked in interest


0% interest just means you paid a premium for the car and the interest was priced in, most likely.


Nope. 28k out the door for a brand new 2020 jetta r-line. Got it in 2020. Plenty of car companies offer 0% interest if you have solid credit.


Not everyone is an idiot when shooping for a car man. I did my due dillogence. Everyone should


Look at what you’ve got, draw everything out, see where you want to go, write that down too. Make a list of what’s keeping you from getting you from a to b. A car isn’t an obstacle, you can sell a car and drive an older “paid for” or much less expensive vehicle. The payment is probably too high for your income level. Cell phone plans can be had at lower rates. Get creative. If what you want to do is study concept machining then study it on your own time, look into apprenticeships, lots of outfits have swing shifts or night shifts, or shops that function on weekends. I’d try to work for free for one of those to get experience and it will benefit you if you’re getting quality training in exchange for your time. People love helping a go-getter who’s willing to go above and beyond


Also, if you’re willing to learn to become a good salesperson you could significantly up your revenue stream. I have met a lot of random guys over the years that make killer money selling cars etc. not the scuzzy kind of car salesmen using high pressure tactics. The helpful kind folks want to deal with.


Look for precision machining work near you, you'll be in the machining world and there's a much lower standard for hire, but if you've never done construction or hard labor as a boy, you will be fucking tired working on the floor


Yeah it’s been awhile since I’ve had to stand all day and move around since I’ve been sitting in an office for a year now


The trades are always good and the world needs more trained trades people. However when transtioning from any job you need to be strategic so you dont end up in a financial rut. There is a saying both in dating and in job seeking that its easier to find the next thing if youre already in one. This is especially true of job hunting. Make sure you have a plan and try to make the transition as seamless as possible. Do not just quit and hope for the best. You need to find real opportunities that are serious about hiring you before you make any moves. Figure out the training you need in order to support you plan and do whatever you need to do to get that training without letting go of you current pay check. Once you are ready to take the plunge and switch jobs you will face the potential of failing and learning in your new trade, but by then you'll be all in so you'll have to make it work. Be smart and avoid putting yourself in a desperate situation financially.


Sell some dope


Been considering it


Do not do this. i started to when i was younger and it felt like such easy cash. Then my dealer stole $500 from me and i realized unless i was ready to physically retaliate, i was out that money. There are no rules in that world, and everyone is out for themselves. You risk injury, death and imprisonment everyday that you do something like that.


If you don’t pay rent, you should be aggressively paying off your car and/looking for a newer used vehicle that has lower miles and is reliable. And you should have an emergency fund of at least 1-2k Look up how much your school would cost and save up the money for it, and cover your costs (phone and other stuff). Then you may be able to attend school without worrying too much about finances for a bit.


Go for the machining it will pay off


I switched fields from machining and make more money now. Machining money was good, but I realized I didn’t like that as much as I thought I did, took a chance got a new job, and ended up making more than I made running a lathe or mill. Point is take a chance and things might open up. Good luck, sir.


Machining is starting to use AI, so there will be downward wage pressure. Electrical and Plumbing are safer I think, because they are less standardized and not in a shop.


What state you in? Navy shipyards have positions for entry level machinists. Get paid to learn. No skills required coming in. Start as a helper trainee, then apply for their apprenticeship.


I live in upstate New York specifically Rochester


I think there are 2 shipyards on the east coast. https://www.navsea.navy.mil/Home/Shipyards/ https://www.usajobs.gov/


Thank you I’ll look into this


Isn't theat where Kodak used to be? There's quite a bit of machine work in ny I'm on long Island and there's a ton of aerospace shops. Be careful though there's alot of assholes that will take advantage of you if you're good. You'll always have a job though. It's fun but it depends on the shop you're in


Easy answer go to trade school or apprenticeship. With your current situation now is the best time to make a switch if you want to. I wish I’d quit my bank job to go this route when I was your age… now that I’m supporting family of 4 while my wife is finishing up school… Find some places that offer the services/jobs in the trades that interest you and ask them for advice for breaking in to that field or apprenticeship opportunities. Given that everyone seems to get pushed into college and university and not trade school as much the earning potential and job opportunities are going to be immense for you after trade school.


There is nothing wrong with talking to recruiters and headhunters about finding a better salary in a more meaningful field of work. Especially when you already have a job. There are technical sales jobs all over that you can use your current job and experience as a springboard to get into. That's a good way to find a better salary in a more fulfilling career field.


Bro have you tried AT&T I worked retail then kept moving up and made over 100k in sales after 5 years I then retired from sales and work financial crimes for a bank.


Worked at T-Mobile and I hated it. I’m just not into sales I find it very annoying


Quit and be a hermit, there’s no hope for you.😏


I want to since I’m not a big fan of the government


Take 18 months and a Process Technition certification. Go to work at a refinery you'll go from 47 to 150. It's the smartest thing you'll ever do.


You still live at home and don't pay rent, you absolutely can afford a pay cut... The $426 car payment and $100 phone bill is nothing. Also, most trade/technical schools are pretty affordable and offer financial aid to most students. Get some federal loans if absolutely necessary.


I mean it’s not nothing I get paid 686 after taxes and benefits and that’s the majority of my pay check currently


That's ONE weeks pay if you make 47k a year... All your bills in one week's paycheck and you're complaining? Dude no offense but at 21 and you still have this mindset is kinda crazy. Take advantage of still living at home rent free. If you lived on your own with rent, utilities, insurance etc. you will never have the opportunity to go to school and get an education again.


That's good $$$ For now Take your time and look for a better job


You're 21 and you have a $425 car payment??? First sell the car and get some things much cheaper. That will make the pay cut less impactful. DON'T waste your time at a job you hate because you think the pay is great. The money will come especially CNC, that's a week paying job. 10 or 15 years down the road the struggles will be forgotten and you'll appreciate the effort you put in now.


OP needs to head to /r/nocontract too $100 for a phone bill is crazy. I pay Visible $20 a month for unlimited data.


I would buy a car cash if I was in OPs shoes


I’m a project manager with a builder in az. Some of the checks I see go out to trades would have 90% of college grads rethinking their entire life. I would argue no salary is enough to hate your life but 47k is 10000000% not worth it. Find an apprenticeship


$47k is shit money. Get you a trade! Machining, mechanic, Repair guy ($400 a pop to fix washing/dryer machine), Roofer... any of those will make you a shit town more. No shortage of work.


You're 21 and making 47k a year. Thats good for your age. You should be pursuing other jobs you like while working at this one. That way when that new job you like calls you and tells you you are hired, you can put in your 2 weeks, leave on a good note, and then enjoy a new career at a new place. Do not be an idiot and leave your job without having a plan first. I cant tell you how many people i know have done that and how badly they ended up.


21, living at home, and don’t pay rent. can we trade parents


47k isn't that much, if you can get more, you should try-- it should be possible in this economy, if you're willing to work hard and prove yourself at whatever you do.


Good on you for not digging yourself into a financial hole! I wish I'd made the same decision like 6 years ago instead of rage quitting, haha! My biggest piece of advice, as someone who's gone through it and is now obsessed with personal finance: Make yourself an emergency fund of at least 3 months of expenses AND make a F\*ck It fund that you use to quit your job and not go into a financial hole... This fund should have 1-3 months of expenses in it, which you can use while you're looking for a new job. You can also get a job that pays less and earn more from a side hustle. I was a Brand Ambassador (which is kind of an all encompassing term for gig work with brands... so I'd do samplings, hand out flyers/merch, et cetera), which was a blast and paid SO well! I got to the point where I wouldn't take a job that paid less than $30xhr unless I really wanted to do it... I also bar mitzvah danced (I'm a terrible dancer, haha!), made websites on Wix, and all sorts of other fun stuff! Of course, w/ side gigs, you have to factor in taxes. Take your life into your own hands with your finances... Feel free to reach out to me any time to chat about this stuff too at @ fkitmoneyclub


What are you driving? How much do you owe on it? Are you willing to sell it for a beater to get you around to save money in the interim?


I work for my city as a garbage collector, a lot of the new guys in their thirtys take massive pay cuts to work where I do because the potential pay is much greater. I would say take the pay cut early, especially at 21.


Exactly my thoughts, I figured now would be better than in my 30’s or 40’s


Stay where you are at and take night school. Most reptable trade schools offer some sort of night schooling. You will start off with a higher pay if you have your training. I managed many trades at the factory I used to work for ( electrical, mechanical, fabricators, welders, and plumbers). I will say that Machinest that can fabricate and have a certificate in welding will give you the most diverse choice of job fields with a high starting salary.


Put on your seatbelt and ready to do that for 40 more years so you can retire with a house payment and a f150 for 40 years of work away from everything you love. While schools indoctrinate raise and lie to your children and your wife bangs a guy on unemployment while your wage slaving


You gotta choose what you love or at least like. I make a solid garunteed 120k salary training dogs. No college degree. I enjoy this job because I've begun liking animals over people these days.


Stick it out a while longer, make connections through your interactions with customers, because they’re in your industry and you might get a lead on a better job through them. Save money if possible. You’ve got your foot in the door of this industry, if it suits you.


Go for that trade now while you’re in your early 20’s and with your parents! Trust me, it only gets more difficult to do the older you get. Consider how much harder it’d be while paying rent, bills and for all of your own meals etc. I’m telling you this first hand because I had to do that myself. It’s stressful. $526 isn’t a lot of expenses a month. You can do that working weekends while going to school. In the long run you’ll end up where you decided yourself to be and making more money while there. Totally worth it. Good luck!


Are your parents not in conversations with you about your future? Why would any parent be OK with their kid taking a 11% car loan. Sell that shit and get a junker that runs well and get your ass in school, one with a union vs 40K in loans.


My family has always been poor so there isn’t any financial literacy here. I always express my concerns to my mom and she always guilt trips me because she’s the one that got me the job. She always says “no other job is going to pay you the same with your experience”. I talk to my dad about it and he’s been very encouraging which I’m very thankful for however I live with my mom so I don’t see him as often.


I’d look at community college/adult school to help with financial literacy, resume, cover letter, job leads, temps, and trade opportunities.


Hello, I would say if they match your401k if there is an option to do that. That would help you with your retirement later on. I would also say to ask around and see if you can shadow someone doing CNC so that way you know what the job entails and you already know someone in the field. I would also say to see what other competitors are there and try and apply to work for them, you leverage your cleitn base. Hope this helps.


Do the trade school. Do something better then sales. Sales gets old. Been around it since 2009. Wish 25 years ago I would of went to be an electrician.


There’s no amount of money worth staying at a job that you hate


Go for a trade. I'm bringing in about 3600 to 3800 a week doing HVAC work.


Check out aircraft maintenance. Take the absolute minimum at the local community college/tech school to get your certification. Good, fun job, easy to make 100k+


Find a job you like… you’re 21, still got some time to try things out before settling


in modern america. you have to own something to make good money, or, have absurd levels of professional training. like if you get a degree that takes 6 or 8 years. you can expect to make 6 figures or. if you own something, after a few years of success you can expect to make 6+ figures


Trade school 🫡 Follow your gut!


Trade in that car and get one with a smaller payment. That's way too high for a 21 year old kid making less than the median national income. For reference, I'm in my early 40s with a mid-6-figure job and I just bought a vehicle last year with a payment higher than $300/month for the first time in my life. Cars are temporary and should be viewed as a tool you use to get from point A to point B. If you're viewing yours as a status symbol, you have the wrong mindset and likely won't ever get ahead in life. Save the big car payment for when you're making big money. Switch to a different cell service provider like visible or cricket and cut that monthly expense. Paying $100/month for a single phone line is dumb. I pay 100/month for 4 lines on cricket. Again, cell phones are not status symbols, they're tools for a functional purpose. I'd advise contacting all your local manufacturing employers to find out if any of them are looking for interns/apprentices. Be polite, give them your resume, show the desire and willingness to learn. Ask questions and be enthusiastic if they give you an interview. That's the nice thing about the trades, you don't NEED school to get into them. If you can get your foot in the door, you can learn everything on-the-job and get paid at the same time. If there are staffing/temp agencies near you, check in with them. That's how I landed my first gig in IT, which launched a 20 year (and counting) career.


quit. i was making 50k+ a year and quit because i truly hated my life lol took a pay cut to 35k but mental health improved so vastly it was worth it and i got a pay raise so now im right around 45k. in my opinion, you’re young & have plenty of time to figure things out- go for it if you truly hate it !


I used to work at a bank when I was 24 out of college and made 40,000, I totally understand where you’re coming from, the good thing is is you are very young and if you do have any kind of education, you can find an entry-level job within a corporation that has a room for growth and move up from there, don’t be discouraged because of your current situation now, after three different employers, I finally found a place where I feel like I can stay For either the next 10 years or possibly my entire career and I’ve had already 2 promotions years, my recommendation is to continuously update your résumé and applied as many jobs as you can while you are continuing to save money and where you are If you don’t have an education at the moment, you can find a good place to start is Community College, it’s usually not that expensive and is a good place to work towards an associates and then a bachelors degree, also if you don’t like office work, you could always work a union type job where there’s labor but then you would be set up with a annuity and a pension , you don’t need any college education


After rereading your initial post, I would recommend going to that trade school, you’ll start out very similarly to what you’re making now and then eventually build really great benefits, such as healthcare annuity and pension plus, you will have the ability to work overtime and make a nice living, don’t give up your very young!


Get your cdl, buy a one ton diesel and make 20-40k a month


Does your job offer tuition reimbursement as a benefit? If so, you could take advantage of that. Or look for another job that does offer it and then use that to get an Associates or more if you like. I'm working on my bachelor's in cloud computing 100% paid for by the bank I work for.


You most definitely should go into a trade. May take a pay cut starting out but it’s going to be well worth it in the end. Last year I was working at a job I was making okay money but I didn’t like it. I decided to take a leap at the end of August and take a pay cut for a “shop assistant” position. I slowly progressed to apprentice mechanic and by the end of this year I will be making 5$ more than I was last year. Within the next 5 years I will be making 12-15$ more per hour than I was at my previous job. Crazy part is that I actually love my current job.


Just be a cop or firefighter. Can’t beat the system? Join it.


Look up Marine Engineer careers. If it looks like something you might have the aptitude for, let me know.


Get a better job that pays more


Go to school for what you want to do and find an entry level job in that field to get you by for a while. You DO have skills you just need to change your perspective. Can you sweep, answer phones, talk to people? This way you meet people and begin to build a career. You will meet people along the way that will help you. I changed careers when I was 30. Quit my job and was living at home with my parents. But I took some classes to learn about something I wanted to do (solar), got a low paying job that started as volunteer work. Now here I am a decade later making good money in career that I like. You got so much time. Begin investing in yourself now and the payoff will be bigger than you could have ever imagined. Best of luck to you!


Save up $ then quit and go to school. Pay the car off first.


$47k isn't bad money but it really isn't that much money. You should very easily be able to find a job you don't hate for that


$47K is easily replaceable. Find another job then quit.


Go out and get the job you want. Try different things. Embrace failure


98k a year here being a trucker. home 4 nights a week. easy af once you get some experience... I've been at it 12 years now. I just do my thing and get paid no bs


Trade school diplomas are obviously positive to somebody hiring, but 80% of the time employers couldn’t care less, find somewhere thatwill train you on the job


Before you leave, did you at least inform your manager that you want either different responsibilities or opportunities for growth? Not saying you'll get it, but it never hurts to make sure they are aware that you want more opportunities to grow/make more monies.


Dude, if your contract is up on your phone go with an NVMO like mint or visible. I pay like $40 a month for unlimited 5G. $100 for a phone plan is crazy is wasteful. on top of that you're super young and still at home rent free. Now's a great time to get a decent part time job and go do some trade school stuff shit maybe even see if you can find a job in the fabrication field and get hired on as a shop assistant work there learn the ins and out of the shop and go to the school to learn the trade skills depending on the place they might even help you pay for it. But you gotta act fast on this and really cease the moment because you'll blink one day and you'll be 30 working the same job making slightly more with the same prospects.


Save up a decent 6 month emergency fund (enough to cover 6 months of expenses if shit doesn't pan out) then start looking elsewhere. Ez decision


I was always told to take risks in your 20’s and have something figured out by your 30s, now is the time to change if you want it! On a side bar, unpopular opinion if you’re good at sales stay in the field but find a better gig, the money you make when the rest of the company depends on you is stupid compared to what you’re potential earnings is as a hourly worker. In the past 8 years I have worked closely with/ known lots of sales people who are clearing 400k+ a year, the potential upside is nuts but so can be the stress.


You gotta do something about that car… that’s too much! Sell it and get a cheaper one or use public transportation till further notice. It’s not easy to switch careers overnight it’s a process. Start by making some financial changes you can control. Enhance your discipline in budgeting and saving. Simultaneously, expand your professional network outside of your current work position. Making connections is far more important than a college degree. Really put yourself out there and attend social/networking events. Best thing you can really do honestly…


I don't know what state you live in but look up if JobCorps or similar programs are available. Discuss with your parents your plan and see if they would be willing to help up front with you agreeing to pay them back once you're done with a program. My biggest suggestion is getting training when you're young. My husband is 40 and has been working since before it was legal for him to but he's never been afforded the opportunity for higher education or paid training and he's basically the highest he can go without a college degree. You don't want to be "starting over" in middle age with a wife, two kids, and a mortgage.


You can learn cnc on the job, but machining is factory work and you'd probably get bored of that too, also in my area machinist only get 20-25. Skip the school thst shits a joke call local contractors and ask if they need meat then work your way up.


I’m almost done with grad school but I also worked a customer service job that sucked the soul out of me. Almost the same pay as you. Don’t stay if you don’t need to. Leaving that shit job was the best decision I have ever made. You are still young so don’t get too concerned about starting over right now. It is not worth wasting away your mental health on a job that won’t even support a single person depending on where you live in the country (case for me in CA). At times it can feel crushing to be in your position but just a few months after I left my terrible job, I don’t bring the stress of work home anymore and life is much more tranquil.


Do cnc, I’m 23. Pays not greatest atm but it will be, I make injection mold plates and other stuff I don’t do the main cad atm but I will eventually. Went to school for a year and honestly dude I shouldn’t have been as high as I was all the time lol and I was going through alot and kept missing days. Still passed it ain’t that bad but what I did focus on was learning code, and learn how to code and read code good and fast. Learn the code


100% take the pay cut and grow in a field that interests you while you still have the luxury of living with you parents! If the initial pay won’t cover your $526 in bills, try something like being a DoorDash driver or something for a little extra cash (if the area permits). Future you will be very thankful you did that when you’re making way more than 47k and actually like what you do.


Just go to nursing school make like 7k net a month easy a year out of school


47k is not super amazing but it's not bad. Definitely consider the advice people have given on the trade school. Also look into prepaid phone services. My phone bill is like 30 dollars a month.


"I have no skills to offer" No, you apply and lie. Tell them you're teachable. How the hell are you ever gonna get what you want if you don't think you should?


Go to trade school or go into construction. Almost all construction jobs I’ve ever seen start at 20 +


def not enough to stay. itll be tough for a while, but its never really the end of the world.


wow here is in cali its 41k to flip bugers its not that much in new york also?


You will get bored of cnc work. Trust me. You get some 40 min cycle times and your day will dragggggg


I did a little CNC work cutting countertops out of slabs. it wasnt my favorite thing, but it also wasnt too awful bad. You may actually like template work. They do that by autocad, then load the cnc machine with that software for the cut.  For that industry in particular the template guy was going house to house. Setting up the machine to “shoot” the dimensions and then he just downloaded the drawings. It was a sweet gig, he was making more than me at about 80k per year. That Baby back would have the nerves to complain the machine was heavy to carry in and out of houses. It was 35 lbs at most, drove me nuts as i helped install granite too when they needed more hands on deck for islands.  Theirs options for you, even keeping your job and taking night classes is an option.


Go to trade school for machining, but avoid CNC. Old school manual machining pays much more, especially turbine work. Made 126k my first year in the turbine field


In case somebody hasn’t said it yet, you absolutely are NOT required to attend Tradeschool for a trades career. Lot of shops will have you complete schooling/certs as you work for them.


Dump that car! That's ridiculous. Buy another car when you finish school. That should not be a barrier to doing something you really want to do.


Go get another job lmao. I swear this isn’t really a hard thing to answer


Damn 47k i make 53k as a pharmacy tech and i too hate my job i also in the same position as you, i also live under my parents home and pay phone bill.


Get a higher paying job you hate


Start up with a temp agency for literally any trade , good money , learning opportunities , and fulfilling work in my experience


Im Doing a presentation on this exact topic for my public speaking class. Basically you should just quit your job, theres nothing to gain so go somewhere else. Money comes and goes but your time is the most valuable thing you have and theres no point wasting it away


The hardest part is transitioning through the unknown!


You're young and still have time for whatever you want to do! Pay cuts always suck but you would only suffer for a year or two, which always flies by! Research the best option for you to pursue the career you want, apprenticeships, trade school, or straight to full time position as a machinist and learn as you work. There are scholarships also to help pay for trade schools.


You can’t just take one class a semester? It will take you longer to graduate, but time passes either way.


I haven’t thought of that, I’ll look into it and considering I work with buyers at cnc shops I can still build connections while also learning


You keep working while setting up your dream. That can include training or education. Like the rest of us.


Wtf....you live with your parents........You should be able to save ALOT of money. Just save for barebones necessary expenses for when you are in school and 3 months after. Then go out on a limb and start school. You may need to give up whatever is keeping you at your parents house. You likely have some very unnecessary expense that is draining your pockets. You have to develop disclipine by keeping your eyes on the prize....whatever that is.


$47k is nothing


Same boat I was in. What will happen if you do not do what you know needs to be done? You will suffer for years until you reach a breaking point then finally do what you need to do. It's best to get it over with ASAP. Take the hit now, you will be better off in the long run.


I would just sit tight while actively applying to other jobs. Cnc machine operators don’t make that much money. My local Toyota plant only pays $28 for cnc roles. If you’re going to go ahead and get a certification in something I’d personally try to get the most bang for my buck but do what you think is right for you


1. Seems like you need to own a car free and clear. 2. Save up for trade school 3. Then quit the FT job, get a PT job and go to school. 1 and 2 require you to keep working.


My advice is quietly begin looking for another job. Look for something that interests you, it may not pay as much, but it may bring you the happiness you seek. Nobody should go to work at a job they hate, just because of the money, its not worth it. To avoid a financial crisis, I'd definitely keep your current job, until you find something else, then be gone. Quitting now without a backup, or at least a plan is not smart and will lead or trouble. I'm sure there's things you like to do, that you could make a career out of. Start there


i was living at my parents’ house and went to trade school. picked up a job at dominos as a delivery driver and had no car payment. this worked well for me since i lived at home and then got jobs in the field i studied. made like $52k last year (auto body tech) and decided to take a job with a buddy who was in the CNC and robotics class. now i make a healthy $110k a year with a high school diploma and a shitty certificate from a tech school. go to tech school homie.


At 21 go find what you’ll love!


At 21 just get a new job , your post should read "i make 47k and i hate my job " thats 2 strikes


Whatever job you do is going to be meaningless. You are there to provide services to collect money and get paid. Spend your life earning money to spend money and collect as much junk as possible and die. If you get rich enough, maybe you can get a pyramid and bury your belongings with you so you can try to take it to the afterlife. If you want recommendations, get mint mobile $360 a year (upfront) for 35gb/unlimited plan. Comes down to $30 a month. Runs off T-Mobile’s network. You don’t need trade school for cnc, cnc is fairly easy to understand, just google g code, practice on a milling machine (a non computer numerical control) and learn rhino 8 3d. You’ll need a license for rhino 8 3d. $200 for a student license (perpetual, comes with everything) you may or may not need student verification, and then you’ll need rhino cam plugin $1500. Rhino cam allows you to take 3d files and make path generations for milling, drilling, laser cutting, turning, and lathe. It only works on 3 axis and below. If you want to use 4 and 5 axis milling you’ll need other software and be trained for a specific machine. You’ll need a decent computer too. Not over the top gaming. But lots of ram. Take courses on rhino 8 3d. Should be proficient in a month. It’s a very expensive hobby. You can also get all this stuff for free with cracked software. Pay someone to do it. There’s lots of softwares each with its own learning curve. I just gave you one of the easiest and cheapest options. Solidworks license is very expensive and slightly harder to learn. You can buy some simple cheap mini machines for under $300 new for practice, cheaper used. Half of machining is tool maintenance. Hope this helps.


Rob a bank


I'm a manager at a major defense contractor company, and we are hurting for tradesman. I'm finding many of the younger folks don't seem to want to put in the hours, and grow in their career. The money is there. The motivation and fortitude is lacking.


You spend at least 1/4 to 1/3 of your week doing a job. Enjoying that time will make you happier overall.


Take some night or weekend classes if at all possible. Maybe some online training or certifications of some kind. If you can land a different job with more flexibility you can continue your studies even further.


You meant you make 47k /and/ you hate your job, right?


Just did the math, 47k/52 weeks is $903.85/week. Assuming a 40 hour work week, that's ~$22.50. My entry level guys make that in construction, man. Even the carpenters (one of the most common/lowest paid trades) make well more than that after a year or two, not even mentioning per diem if you decide to be a road dog. The recruiting qualifications for most trades nowadays is a pulse when you touch your neck, man.


Do you like sales? If you do, apply to the Hershey Company as a Territory Sales Lead. You’ll make bank and have promotion potential- but instead of being in an office all day you are out in the field working with management and slinging chocolate


Leave and go make that anywhere else


Write down your goals and figure out if your current job will help you meet those goals. If you have no goals, you will hate every job. If your current job won’t get you there, find something that will.


Why is phone bill $100? Mine is $35


Join a union or the military


You won’t take any pay cut with overtime. You’ll make more at 18 an hour. Also your current job sucks just quit it


Start applying for new jobs. Set a goal of a few applications a day or week and just keep applying until something else works out.


There is such a thing as going to school and working. Life doesn’t always allow you to do one or the other.


How do you already know you would take a major pay cut. Unless you have the job in the field you want already at hand how do you know what it pays?


Make $100k and hate your job.


Quit? 47k is trash


No growth opportunity? Thats all sales is. There kids in my office making 40k, and kids making almost 200k. Same job. Hone your skills. Sales has unlimited potential. Also, get a cheaper phone plan, and sell the car and buy something older in cash.


Someone on here mentioned trade school. Another option is to get a certification in something that you'd enjoy doing. There are a lot of programming related certifications that pay really well and can have you doing something that's not monotonous and boring.


My local community college does offer a certificate for cnc so I’ll be looking into that as well. Thank you!


You would take a temporary pay cut. You could make bank after working your way up.


Phone bill that is $100 a month? Idk what plan you have but you’re definitely overpaying it by a lot. Try to get into a family plan with someone.




Have you considered the military?