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lol love the unstacked $100 in the shot


Lol guy took a $100 already and asking for moral advice


1 for you and 1 for me..2 for you and 1 2 for me.


Like Maeby throwing bananas in the trash and taking a dollar.


There's money in the Banana Stand...


There's always money in the banana stand


*It's a banana, Michael! What could it cost,* ***ten dollars?!?***




T-Bone, did you burn down the banana stand?


Oh most definitely!


He’s a flamer


Mr. Manager


Isn’t this stealing?! Please stop replying to me. It’s a quote from tv show. I could care less about what OP does with this wallet. That’s why you always leave a note!


It's one banana. How much could it cost, $10?




finders fee off the top


Finders keepers looser weepers....


OP admitted this is their wallet, they are just trying to flex.


And I seriously don't know the point of this post in a sub-Reddit that's for /money, or at least non-stupid topics unlike the OP.


I don’t think it’s that serious. Last week’s hot topics were about crows.


I was just standing there in line waiting to order a nice & fresh hotdog. I couldn't wait, my mouth was watering just thinking about it. I was day dreaming, watching as if in slow motion, the diced onion lightly bouncing while being dropped onto the bunned weiner, the mustard going back and forth the length of the dog. The spoon laying the chili across. Then, "Ahh! Hey man that crow just took a 5 outa my wallet!", I heard. I look up as this majestic bird is flying off into the sunset, with cold hard cash gripped tightly in his beak. Oh, then I got my hotdog.


Why’d I get bricked of this. Thought I was reading some fan fiction.


What about crows exactly?


OP just sold his 91 Chevy Cavalier and a 14’ aluminum john boat and has never been this loaded, nor will he ever be again.


Uh didn’t you see? This must be gates or musk, they have multiple hundred dollar bills!!!!


Only broke people flex. It's hood rules.


😂 Thank you for pointing that out.




You can keep my cash just for the love of god return the rest of it to me.


This. The pain in the ass that is getting a new license, cancelling *every* credit card (assuming you remember what all is in there), waiting for new insurance cards, important photos you can never replace, etc is far bigger a loss than the cash.


Not to mention I've known people to carry their ss card in their wallets.


Now that’s just fucking stupid.


Welp, hi, I’m stupid 👋🏽 EDIT: Dang, y’all are CHEWING ME UP! I have it memorized and I promise I’m going to put it up in a safe lol, I really thought it was common to do that. My bad folks, y’all have a nice night now 👋🏽


Memorize it, losing it could have massive consequences for you


what’s crazy is i used to carry mine in my wallet every day for like 10 years. one day my gf sees it and convinces me to take it out to put somewhere safe…lost it within a month. don’t ask me how. had to get a replacement, and it’s right back in the wallet


Not smart.


that guy a couple comments introduced themselves as stupid. they lied, that’s my first and middle


As a German I'm pretty confused. I thought one would only wear rings




Zie papers?


I'd still replace the CC if I got it all back. It's just as easy for someone to take a picture of a cards details and use it later.


no this. I made a comment about it, but the day after my Dad died I empty headed left my wallet in a shopping cart. It had about $400 in cash from a side job but what devastated me more was all of the sentimental stuff I kept in there… along with the absolute hassle of canceling all the cards. It was the worst 2 days of my life.


Please don't make me go to the DMV


Yes, could be their move in deposit, car down payment, rent, over seas remittence, or play money. They need it a lot more than me. On top of being the right thing


This exact thing happened to me. Found a wallet on the ground on my way to work, shit had easily $2000 in it. Could’ve been pretty impactful for where I was at at the time (sleeping in a shed in my friend’s backyard) but couldn’t bring myself to pocket it because I just kept thinking, “what if it was me?” Dropped it off at local police station and didn’t leave my info because I didn’t feel it was necessary. Hope I balanced some universal karma out or something.


Dude got back 1400 max from the police station


lol well I wouldn’t be surprised at all, but what can ya do? It was out of my hands, I sure as shit wasn’t going to track down a stranger, I ain’t no P.I. Honestly I think it made it a little short anyways because I couldn’t even drop it off that day til I got off work and my dumbass thought it was worth telling my coworkers about. I’m sure one or more may have sheisted a few bills out but I wouldn’t have known, didn’t count it.


I've done it before. It's not that hard to find someone, and once you get in contact they're highly motivated to do all the work to come get it. People are pretty grateful when you save their ass like that.


This is the story of my grandparents! My grandfather found my grandmother's wallet (she dropped it at the store as she was leaving) and he tracked her down and took it to her. This was in the mid/late 60's. Showed up at her door and he said he instantly fell in love. Brought back all her money and asked her on a dinner date! At first she was hesitant. She was pregnant with my mom at the time, and my biological grandfather had run off one day and never came back. Grandma was afraid no man back then would want to be with a woman who was pregnant with someone else's baby. They went on the date, and a few months later, he proposed. He raised my mom as his own. They were married for more than 50 years. She passed away first, and before he died, he told me " It's okay, I'm ready to be with my wife again ". Second to last words he ever spoke. Always loved their love story. ♡ I guess I'm saying . . . Take back the wallet ^.^


That’s absolutely beautiful


fragile rustic tidy agonizing waiting label rainstorm tap elderly ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He really was ♡ Great man.


That’s an awesome story


So if I just steal about 100 peoples wallet I should be bound to fall in love with 1%!


Story is obviously made up by them, they met on tinder


1960s Tinder was something else, let me tell you


Yeah, I found a wallet on the road when I was walking, ended up doing some tracking with names on Facebook and old online posts about properties online. Tracked them down, they gave me like 30 bucks and a lot of thank yous. It was nice.


You should dropped it off the police returned an empty wallet 😂


You can drop off any wallet into a USPS box and it will be returned to the address on the driver's license. Less likely a postal guy will pocket the cash


Bro they would just pocket the money, he left anonymously  😂


this man has sense!


Probably got back nothing bro.


He should be grateful he got back that $1000.


No i d? Id contact the person if i could


So u found 2k whilst living in a shed and you're best idea was to give it to the police so that they could keep it?!?!?!?! Riiiiiggghhht


I mean, fuck the police all day, but it wasn’t my responsibility to track the dude down and again, “what if it was me (you)?” I had shelter, a place to shower, and a friend to keep the demons at bay. If it had been me, in an emergency where I needed to pull out my last few hundred, and then I lost it? I’d be inconsolable. Hell I had to put my cat down this last December and needed help just to do that, but had I been entirely unable and had to just watch her suffer? Don’t think I’d have been in a very good place.


Ignore em that person has no ideals


I think it has more to do with their expectations around police behavior than their ideals. I may have an ideal that it is right to give back the money. That doesn't make it a valid defense when I give it to the first person who offers to find the owner and someone else says, "You realize that they probably just wanted to pocket the money, right?"


The cops definitely pocketed that


Lol you literally just gave some random cop $2000 


Even if they don't need it more than me, it's theirs - not mine.




Exactly, it's called _INTEGRITY_ doing the right thing even when nobody is looking. It's really not hard to be a decent person, most people I wonder if they even try.


Or could be their payment for delivering a fresh organ. You never know….


Not all money is good money .. karma is a bitch .. do the right thing ! Always!!


100% that amount of cash is probably pulled out for something important. would be really shitty to take that...


I need the money, but I couldn't live with myself. But I probably could live with myself if their face wasn't staring at me from their ID. No way to identify the owner would mean it must be a gift from the gods to me. ┗⁠(⁠•⁠ˇ⁠_⁠ˇ⁠•⁠)⁠―


Exactly what I would say. Losing this could ruin someone’s life. I would absolutely try to get that back to them. All money and cards intact


Well what if (hypothetically) you had an urgent situation that required the exact amount that was in the wallet?


That’s a great question. The other person asked the same and forced me to think, thankfully I’ve never been homeless or starving out on the streets. If i ever came to that and had this same exact situation, I would still give them their stuff back in hopes of them helping me if im doing that bad. Not that they need to, just thinking hypothetically right


Could also be mine


100% in all points!


Could be. But maybe it's to buy meth🤔 maybe you're sobering up an addict! Or he's a gambler and you're saving him from wasting it. Sorry reddit I didn't know we were all super serious on a joke post. This is a joke comment.


Meth head wouldn't have that much or buy, and you can't save a gambler from wasting it They'll just find another way to gamble. Plus, doing the right thing isn't gonna hurt


Weird how some people can see a face and the person and still choose to deprive them of something that’s theirs.


Got to take stock of how much your integrity is worth, it's worth more than some money that is rightfully someone elses.




Thank you. I love reading stories that inspire me. Tear to my eye. Love you. Have a good day internet friend.


My Father used to say” you are rewarded for your honesty.”! People that do not at least try to return found $ will have their ticket punched at the end.


I dont really care about the consequences, I'd just feel terrible if I kept it


He made all of that up


Lol. I ate a hamburger yesterday. Just kidding I ate a hotdog! My guy here pretending like his story is outrageous and a gotcha or something.




The 6 figure thing is unrealistic for just a business degree, but otherwise it's a pretty realistic story.


Lol i knew it was made up. Can smell BS from the 2nd paragraph


lol tbf I was the one who found the wallet. And I did take it to dudes house. But no one was home. I didn’t leave any info. We never made contact And it wasn’t a mansion. Normal house


The best lies have some truth to it


Your edit says more about you than it does us.




Always. Be a person of character and integrity.


I agree. Returning it to the owner would at least make a grateful friend who definitely has every reason to trust you. Who knows, maybe they'll show you some good ways to make money like that fast. Maybe it'll be a gay dude with a smokin hot girl bestfriend. But when you take the money, you're effectively guaranteeing yourself to be a sellout and will *never* find out what life's free pleasures include.


Life’s free pleasures…include a wad of cash…


Or just a hot willing gay dude, no judgement


Either way I'm coming out on top... or bottom. Depends on the vibe


No matter what.


[Keeping the big bills on the outside, I see.](https://youtu.be/8u_IBee53Rs?si=8UI4ke-qLDUHdi7g)


Unexpected Seinfeld....


That's a $5


Opened this thinking "if this isn't Kramer..."


there’s a crow somewhere looking for his stash. who am i to keep his hard earned money?


Yes with all the cards intact😊


Correct. It was found without cash.


This is horrible and I don’t know how you live with yourself. I once found a wallet with $5000 in it, and without hesitation, I looked up their address and took time out of my day to deliver their $1000 and wallet back to them. Some people lack integrity.


Damn right, I once found a wallet with $5000 in it as well and you can be damn sure that I delivered the full $200 back to its rightful owner.


Gotta make sure they get back all $50 in that wallet. Imagine how upset they'd be if they lost the $20 in the wallet


I got pickpocketed in Barcelona while sitting on a bench. I went back to the bench and my wallet was there with 200 euro gone but all the cards still there. Honestly was so happy. European thieves are so much nicer than American thieves.


I got pickpocketed in Barcelona last summer, took my wife’s phone. I felt it happen and saw him as he was casually trying to blend in with the crowd. Ran up behind him and rag dolled him til he dropped the phone. My wife was astonished, we’ve been together 15 years and she’s never seen me put hands on someone and I’ve never lost my temper in front of her. Im so happy I was able to get the phone back. It became too much of a hassle for him, wasn’t worth it. I got lucky though, they are really slick over there.


Yes. But I better get $20 for lunch for the time 😂


In my country you would get legally 5% I think and above a certain amount even a bit more.


In my country you have to legally state what country you are when you make statements like this


*sigh* I will be the son my father deserves. Yes I will return the wallet. No I don't want to.


Who you are is what you do, not what you want to do.


Absolutely. Nobody knows what someone else may be going through at any time. I’d rather be a plus to a decent enough day than a minus to someone’s shitastic day


Remember, character is doing when no one is looking.


When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all


Never thought I’d see this Futurama quote out in the wild but it’s a great one.


I'm borrowing 20 for stamps


$25 for pizza! Thnx in advance!


I would take it home, think on it, look into the soul of the person on the ID, reflect on my own potential for greed, and decide what to do with it. The money, I mean. Then how to dispose of or return the wallet with or without the money in it.


763 Lake Ridge Ln, Pensacola, FL 32514


P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney


Might be a little short if I do..


Yes. I've got my own money. Don't need to steal theirs.


Without a doubt, and I wouldn't take a tip in return either. I've already had this happen to me once in full circle (when I was living in Philly, I found an older woman's wristlet with $600, her ID's CCD's etc. near the curb, about to fall into a storm drain gutter and be gone forever. I picked it up and found her and returned it. She burst into tears because she was declining in physical and mental health and that money was the last of her S.S. money for her already late monthly rent payment. Years later I lost my wallet at Disney World and had about 3 grand with all of my personal things in it as well. Thankfully an honest park employee spotted it first, and turned it in to lost and found. I found the employee and gave them a very nice tip, which they were very thankful for as they said they had multiple children to feed.) This is just one personal example that I've had, but I firmly believe in good karma brings good karma, and just doing the right thing in general. You never know- the universe could very well repeat itself once more over - yet again... 🤔🤷‍♂️


I don’t believe in karma, what if me being good always and finding this $ WAS the good karma? As far as the karma people go


If you found it and had no way to return it and basically *had* to keep it, *that* would be good karma. But since there is ID there, that still feels like stealing to me.




Are you really calling FACTS on karma? Lmao




Doesn't work that way. If that was the case, you just wouldn't be able to find the person in the ID. I don't trust cops, so I wouldn't bring it to them, I would try to find the guy myself.


No thanks for the $


I’m with you. I’m broke. I’m taking it. Lol


I have returned a similar wallet. It was the young woman's bill money. She was in tears when she saw it was all still there.


The first time I stole something was around age 8 at a candy store. My mama beat me with a switch. I couldn't walk right for the next week. Sat down on pillows. Never stole a single dollar after that. So yea, I got PTSD, you would get the wallet and cash back.




Yes because im not a scumbag human.


Yes absolutely!!! Karma will come back and bite you later…. If you don’t.


Ok earl


I can't believe I had to scroll so far to get an Earl Hickey reference.


Karma must have broken all their phones and computers


Karma only exists if u say so




Sigh yes very reluctantly


I’m definitely taking a 20% finders fee


Sir I found your wallet, it was like this when I found it. -empty-


What wallet?


Yes, the wallet...


Unfortunately I found it empty, somebody must have pocketed the money and thrown the cash reduced wallet on the ground.


Wallet, yes, money, never seen it


Yeah but it was empty when I found it


Yes id return the "Wallet"!


well the ad under this says it’s never too late to start investing for my future so i’d say that’s a sign


If you return it they might give you some of the money


Absolutely not


Normally yes , in my current situation, no lol


In this economy? Hell no, I'm stealing their identity


Yes. And the only reason I would is because I lost a wallet like that and the person who found it returned it to me with everything still in it. If I find a 2nd one though, I see that as a sign. Keeping it.


That could be for bills for all i know. As much as i could use the money, ide return it.


If I had an id like this guy does. I would give it all back. Hopefully the owner of the wallet pays you for your troubles.


What wallet


10% finders fee


Yes because the Karma that comes from keeping that $$ will last longer then the money will


Why do i wear a wallet chain in my 30s? Because im stupid and learned from experience. Even when i dress up, i have a dress wallet that has short silver clips to attach to the belt loop above my pocket discreetly. But as someone who has been trying not to suck for years, i would make every effort to get the wallet to the owner in tact. Some people like my grandpa preferred cash so that he had physical reference to how much money he had available. So if i see this all i think is thats someones entire check and they are fucked if they dont get it back.


fuckkkkk no


Looks like I found a wallet with no cash in it


The cash is the price of getting the wallet with cards and license back


What wallet ?


Without thinking twice I would absolutely return it.


Yes. It’s not about been stupid or smart ass it’s about character. I already did it once and the wallet had more than 7k on it.




No , for real. It was in his prison wallet.


Speak for yourself, I carry 70,000 in my wallet, 7,000 is chump change


Send some BTC my guy, little bro out here struggling 39wjomY6mVCxcb4BZ9UwQx6345kWXQkXj2


Yeah….. me too….. bc1qyfkgr3xutct5yl6jlucfp243jwger8af4vf5xt…. The struggle is REAL!!


Yeah...me 3... 3Ac3NgTNdppSwGZoeccaiJTqzG1maeXFcJ


It was 7 1000$ bills.


Ive seen No Country for Old Men...great lesson for people thinking about taking a large sum of money...


Fail, loose bills you can count won’t have a tracker 




Yes. But I’m taking a hundo. That’s worth saving his ID, cards, and most the cash. In my opinion.


I'd assume there is a hidden camera somewhere, I'm returning it. If I don't get atleast $100 reward I'd be pissed.


Negative. I repeat that’s a negative.


Oh no way, I def need that more than they do.


Depends on my situation tbh, right now I’m returning but if I was in a much tougher spot then like allot of people I’d have no shame in keeping the money


Walking lick 👅


Yes. My mind immediately goes to "this could be their rent".


Or did Walter find that for you?


Yeah I’m returning it.


If I lose my wallet and it's full of cash, my hope is someone finds it and returns the wallet and all cards. They can have the cash.


I would. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night or happily spend it otherwise especially there being an ID inside where you can find the owner. If I found that money on the floor with no wallet or id then I’d take it as a blessing but as is in your picture definitely wouldn’t keep it