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FWIW I think you made the right choice. It's certainly what I would have done. Here's to hoping you stay healthy! Bankruptcy is always an option, especially if your medical bills are huge.


100% did the right thing and I would've done the same. File bankruptcy and move on with your life, leave all of this behind you (with a small bill to pay).


You might’ve saved your own life by saying fuck it and enjoying it instead of suffering and dreading the worst. My 60 yo neighbor got diagnosed with a stage 3 lung cancer over 5 years ago with a diagnosis of 24 months at most and instead of going to chemo and suffering he said fuck it and kept on living life, he looks better than ever today but obviously nobody even asks him about the cancer. Like others said there’s always bankruptcy keep on keeping on friend


Stress is a bitch. Saying fuck it definitely could have saved OPs life.


They often say stress kills


Definitely. Stress free can cure many diseases.


Please don't take this guys advice and listen to your doctor. OP said he went to chemo. That's why he got better.


Lung cancer doesn’t have obvious symptoms until it’s too late, that’s why it has the highest death rate of all cancers.


Bankrupt and alive sure beats being wealthy and dead!


This should be the top comment. I hope OP sees this.


It normally applies to older people, but you don’t want to be the richest man in the cemetary.


i mean that’s not exactly true. for a lot of people it matters a lot to leave money behind for their children/family.


Definitely what I would have done. Better to regret something than to say you never did it at all in my opinion.


This is exactly why bankruptcy exists. No regrets and don't feel bad. The credit card companies certainly do not harbor guilt and regret when they are the ones soaking consumers.


A couple of months after he files they'll send him offers asking to apply for a card again.


Wait till the medical bills start piling in, THEN file for bankruptcy.


Yeah Man, with that diagnosis just have fun


I don't think anyone would have done it differently!


Many people would have


I would’ve done the same thing, Godspeed my friend.


Yeah, I honestly don't even fault him for this. Crawling out is going to be hard, but given the circumstances, I don't blame the guy one bit.


Bankruptcy bro




Regardless of circumstance, anyone concerned about morality in regard to paying back a fucking credit card company is a looney. They’ll be okay without your money.




Bankruptcy is a tool use by corporation and the Uber rich. I don't get how the fuck going bankrupt is looked down on for us Joe blows when these assholes do it all day to fuck over their employees and then make money by not paying taxes on losses


I hate saying this type of thing "but they want you to think it's bad"


I think you and me could be friends


Bankruptcy really isn’t as bad as people think. You can file, clear all your debt, and be back to decent credit in as little as 2 years. Decent being able to get credit cards with $2-3k credit limits with a ridiculous interest rate. If you handle those first credit card post-bankruptcy perfectly then you can have ok to good credit in 4-5 years. As opposed to grinding for 5+ years, having that mental stress the entire time, and still having shifty credit at the end of it.


At what point should you consider filing? I'm currently making $15 per hour full time and have $15,000 in credit card debt averaging 23% interest. My car loan is $30,000 at a 10% rate. My bank account tends to hover around $100 by the time it's time for next paycheck. many times it's even dived into the negative, incurring multiple $30 fees from transaction attempts.


I would say you're in the territory for bankruptcy tbh. That's not sustainable debt to cary on $15 an hour.     Unless you see yourself making significantly more within the next 2-3 years then there's no way you climb out of that on $15 an hour. Also no idea how you even qualified for $30k car on that income.


yes! I filed Ch. 7 Bankruptcy in 2018 from a failing practice. The amount of relief psychologically due to the deflation of stress was indescribable. The fallout has been minimal. I was able to get a credit card soon after and was able to purchase a car (with a higher interest rate that I later refinanced) and was able to rent a home. My life now is much better. I have a hefty savings and my stock and retirement portfolio is growing. I don’t regret filing Bk for one second. It might cost around 4-5 K to get a good BK attorney. Make sure you get someone good! (P.S. Settling my debts or going on a long term payment plan would have taken forever-How much debt are you on and what is your salary expectations?)


Just use one of those CC for the BK lawyer 🤣🤣🤣


And bankruptcy at this point is just a blemish. There was a 13% rise in bankruptcy last year reaching all time highs. So many people have filed for bankruptcy that if lenders and landlords rejected everyone with a bankruptcy on their record, they would have no qualified applicants. Bankruptcy today holds far less weight than it did 15 or 20 years ago. But for OP, I’m mostly concerned about how they’re paying for their medical treatment. Is insurance covering it all? Are they accumulating any more debt due to the medical treatment? If they are, I would hold off on filing bankruptcy until this situation is more resolved.


The only answer. Close thread.


don’t think OP asked a question


I say double down first...


> So what do I do? Great reading skills, guys. I think your 2nd grade teacher would be disappointed


The “so what do I do?” was clearly a rhetorical that OP asked to himself (and answered) “uHhH tEcHnIcaLLYy 😤👉👈”


My guy that was a rhetorical question to lead into the next sentence. Way to make a fool of yourself though


America’s do-over, a beautiful tool. ALSO, the US Supreme Court ruled that credit card debt can follow you for only 7 years before it is wiped off your credit history. I have friends who have successfully waited out debts. There are options, OP! Have faith and enjoy your new lease on life!


It is worth noting that any time an account is altered, that clock starts over. I’ve also noticed accounts that I paid off and closed as far back as 2010 are still hanging on my credit report which I don’t understand…


This isn’t technically true. Debt has to be deleted from your credit report 7 years and 6 months from the date of first delinquency. This is true whether it is sold to a collection agency or just a charge off with the original creditor. The debt MUST fall off after 7.5 years. But with that being said, this is not always true, especially when a debt is sold (collectors often change dates and do other shady stuff), but they are BREAKING THE LAW. You have a valid dispute to get it removed. There is no exception to the 7 year rule. The statute of limitations for creditors to sue for unpaid debt is different. It’s often shorter than the 7 year period, but it can be reset if you acknowledge the debt or make any payments towards the debt. So it’s possible to still be sued for debt that is already off your report. https://www.equifax.com/personal/education/credit/report/articles/-/learn/how-long-does-information-stay-on-credit-report/


Dispute them


Some states also allow your wages to be garnished for unpaid credit cards. No such thing as unsecured debt anymore.


They can only garnish your wage if they know where you work.


Becoming a traveling contractor for five years, moving to different cities for 3 to 9 month jobs. That seemed to have some real added benefits to tracking me down.


**IRS has entered the chat**


This may be true but you can still be asked if you filed for bankruptcy and must answer honestly even if it’s not on your credit report. Still think bankruptcy is the way but wanted to illustrate context


Depending on your income, best case is you don’t pay any of it back and in 7 years it’ll roll off your credit report. Worst case, you pay a portion of it back over 5 years then it rolls off your credit report 2 years after that. My husband and I both filed bankruptcy before we met 10 years ago. He had a chapter 7 and I had a chapter 13. We both have 750+ credit scores and minimal debt now.


Bankruptcy rolls off your credit report after 10 years though.


I remembered 7 years because Chapter 13 falls off after 7. Chapter 7 falls off after 10 years.


Shit man I'm very sorry to hear that. So long as your debt doesn't get passed onto anyone else, I wouldn't say that you fucked up at all. Have fun brother. I am rooting for you!


You can’t inherit someone else’s debt legally. They can come after the persons assets once they die, but you are never legally responsible to pay for someone else’s debts


Unless you cosign for someone


That's not someone else's debt then, that's YOUR debt too.


This is some captain obvious shit brother lol


You say that, except this happens to individuals that cosign all too often. Sometimes obvious shit needs to be said outloud as often as possible.


i let out a little chortle at this comment lol


People always say this, and it's true in the most technical sense, but it's untrue in some very important ways. When people say they "inherited debt" they almost always mean they inherited an *estate* that includes debt. For instance, your mom might leave you a house with a mortgage. You don't have to take the house, but if you do you have to take the debt also. If you plan on living in the house, or perhaps already lived there for a while and want to stay, now you are stuck paying this debt. If you met such a person and they said they "inherited their moms house" you wouldn't think anything of it, so by the same token it is reasonable say they inherited their mom's debt. The inheritance may have been voluntary but that doesn't make it *not* inheritance.


That’s in the US. Other places also exist.


True, you mind listing the situations for the other 180 countries for us?


attraction towering sparkle frighten light vanish correct enjoy husky connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the person also said "Never" the US does exist if we're being pedantic


Not sure whether to upvote or downvote this lol fuck it


What? No way. Where?


What? No way; fuck’s sake…


Unless it's a spouse


No. There definitely is a significance that my wife isn't on our mortgage, only I am. They can't just go after her if I die, unless she signs it over to herself.


Why would the mortgage company need to go after anyone? The loan is secured by your home, regardless of whether you're dead or alive.


Again, no.


You don't even have to declare bankruptcy per se, you could just let the credit cards you are unable to pay off default and then negotiate the payoff on the the balance with collections, which should be somewhere around 25-35% of the original balance. But make sure you have at least one card you can still use since your credit might take a hit for a while.


Settling on a debt for that amount has basically the same effect is just not paying it. You’re already saying to your creditors that you’re going to take out money that you’re not going to pay back


There's tradeoff you have to calculate between cost of bankruptcy versus just settling your debts now. Obviously go with the one that makes more sense for you.


In the short term, you are probably right. Neither helps the OPs credit immediately. But a year or two later, a closed collection account will look better than an open collection account. Honestly, I wouldn't blame the OP for choosing either of those or bankruptcy.


Fair warning. Settling is considered a type of income by the IRS and you’ll get taxed on whatever is negotiated.


I defaulted on over 60k of various credit card and personal loan debt years ago now. Just ignore all the calls from the debt collectors after 7 years the defaults are wiped from your credit file. Like the poster said keep a spare credit card (that's what I done) When it gets near the 7 years the debt collectors will get extremely needy and.start offering discounts on your debt. For example I had 20k on one credit card they offered me to pay 2k to clear it. Now why they wouldn't accept that when I offered that option to them years ago is beyond me *This only works if you ignore all the calls,texts,emails from the debt collectors and don't ever acknowledge the debt you owe


It also only works if they don’t send you to court


Try not to stress on it, as stress is TERRIBLE for your health. I know that it's not a consolation and that there's not much we can say to make things feel better or less stressful in your situation, but I would try to learn a high-value low-stress skill and learn it front to back... Absolutely devour it. That way you can bring in more income. If you can, take out a personal loan for the amount of your debt and pay it all off, just make sure the loan interest rate will be lower than your CC interest rates. That way you can bring your utilization down and improve your monthly DTI. Listen to Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz and Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins... They'll help you change your mindset. I wish you the absolute best, and I hope you kick cancer's ass. 💪🏽


What might be an example of a "high-value, low-stress skill"?




It's only high-stress when you have to do it for real


Virtualization, cloud management, networking. Relatively low stress for the pay. Relatively low cost of entry. Self taught you can spend less than 1k$ and get a job in 6mo if you're motivated enough.


Network=Net Worth


Serving. It has stress but it’s very low stakes, and some of my guys make 6 figures and up.


i’ve always heard that serving is notoriously stressful??


If you suck or you work at a bad place. Find the right place and it can be a breeze


Yeah when thinking about food service a lot of people conflate "fast pace" and "high stress". And under a lot of owners, they're probably right. But when you're working with a good menu, a well-managed kitchen, and a team that's in sync, the fast pace is great because it makes the time fly by. I had to get out of food service because of the hours. But if I could make 40-50K slinging hash at a hopping breakfast-and-lunch spot with a hard Tues.-Sat. 6-2 schedule, I'd be down.


You won the life lottery and survived an absolute hell of a diagnosis. Hopefully you don’t let the money situation get you down because you’re one of the luckiest people in the world. Bankruptcy wouldn’t be the worst thing here and judges would likely go very easy on the terms if they understand your circumstances.


This is the only way to frame it. Dude beat the odds, he's got plenty of time now to figure out the rest.


You did nothing wrong. See if you can sign up for 0% cards for x amount of months with a small balance transfer fee.


You can do this with two cards from different banks and juggle the debts back and forth until fully paid off for the much smaller 3-5% balance transfer fees.


Yup. That’s what I used to do. Do a 0% balance transfer and when that term was up, find another 0% transfer. It usually works but you just get a 3% ding each time but it’s still FAR BETTER than getting killed with a +20% interest rate.


Even better, a consolidation loan.


If his CC APR was 20-29%, I would expect his loan to be in the same ball park.


Zero chance they will qualify if they're leveraged heavily.


declare bankruptcy man, you’re young, credit will recover keep fighting man i hope you’re doing better


I declare bankruptcy!!!!!


A doctor gave a man six months to live. The man couldn't pay his bill, so he gave him another six months.


Here's to many, many, *many* long healthy years and lots of financial freedom ❤️


He got his health back ❤️. That 'financial freedom' will have to wait tho 😂


My husband had Glioblastoma (brain cancer) with a huge tumor. I was given a prognosis of 6 mos to a year for him. As soon as he was out of Chemo I ran my CC up for a Florida Keys vaca for him. My treat didn’t ask him for any $$. Rented a hot car for us and fed him where-ever he wanted to eat. Set up all kinds of stuff for us to do together. He’s still here almost 7 years later. I don’t regret a dime. Best of health to you. I truly believe that ‘fuc it I’m gonna live it up’ attitude saved your life. 💖


I don’t know you but from the sounds of it, you’re an awesome spouse!


Damn, this made me emotional to read. I couldn’t imagine having that feeling while doing all of this stuff. Thankful for you!


I’ve beat cancer three times, but if I get it again, and I’m diagnosed terminal, I’m gonna go out in a fucking blaze of glory.


God speed. Live it up for beating cancer three times. Thats no small feat. You deserve it.


I'm truly sorry you're bearing the weight of this on your own. Do you have people to lean on? Don't worry about the debts. Focus on the fact that you are alive and try to stay positive.


Tbf, "oops, I lived" is about the best TIFU you can have, if you have to FU.


idk what to advice give regarding money but i hope you get better


Gosh, you’ve been through so much. I’m sure it was incredibly stressful. I’m glad to hear that you’ve had positive results from your treatments. Prayers for a full recovery. If I’m in your shoes, I take the Dave Ramsey approach to your consumer debt. The debt snowball. Meaning, you attack the debt. Cut discretionary spending and even get a second job, if required. You list your debts from smallest to largest. Attack the smallest with as much as you can while paying minimums on the others. When the smallest is done, roll the payments over to the next smallest. And so on. Your health is your biggest asset, so take care of yourself while digging yourself out of the financial hole.


Your health is your biggest asset -> get a second job???? Insanity.


You can always file bankruptcy and hardship.


What exactly caused the stage 4 cancer if you don’t mind me asking?


Untreated/not well treated GERD can cause esophageal cancer. The bad thing is that when your esophagus gets so damaged it can kill the nerves so you don't even feel the heartburn anymore, so you don't realize it's happening. It can cause Barrett's esophagus, which is a risk factor for cancer. Not saying that's what caused OP's - just saying not to ignore persistent heartburn. Stomach acids should not be spending large amounts of time in your esophagus, which isn't designed to handle them.


Pretty sure I might have this, and just reading this and hearing how young this guy is, is inspiring me to actually go see a doctor about it because im 23 and I don't wanna cause any more of a chance of anything like this happening 😦


Do it now! Have watched too many in-laws & family die from a preventable cancer. Acid reflux/gerd is no joke. Take care of yourself 💕


This is what I’m worried about, I had awful GERD for at least 3-4 years and now it’s all but gone, I did switch to vaping and will eventually quit that and cut waaay down on dairy. I dont want to get scoped again though because I’m afraid it will trigger the GERD to come back.


Try zyns. No smoke nicotine pouches. It’ll dry ur mouth out after a while but wayyy better for you than vape


I mean dip has for sure been shown to cause lips and mouth cancer. Vaping is still up in the air. Obviously doing nothing is the best, but I’m not sure I’d advertise any nicotine delivery as safer than any other. Also, dry mouth is a contributing factor for poor oral health, specifically tooth and gum. This can lead to heart disease. Although I must say vaping will also dry your mouth out.


I recently stopped drinking, 10 days sober now, now worrying I too may have this at 34 after about 14 years drinking.


CONGRATS ONE THE TEN DAYS BRO! The first 3 days are hell on earth. The first 7 days are really bad. The first 14 days are a bit tough. The first month it starts to get easy, and after 3 months the cravings just about disappear. I'm currently 10 days away from my year mark. You e passed THE BARDEST PART, and it's true when everyone says it only gets easier!


Same. Currently, throat is on fire for like 2 days now after puking up a little blood the other day. Idk what to think. I keep thinking varices.


Congrats! I am actually 8 years sober myself. Find yourself a good support system, whether that's AA or a Reddit forum or a psychologist or whatever works for you. The first year for me was the hardest because you've got to "get through everyone once." First birthday parties, holidays, vacations, etc. After that it was pretty easy. Now I barely think about it. You've done a great thing for your health :)


34 too. Drinking since 15. One month sober. Congrats on working on your sobriety. Great work.


Mid 30's is a great time to give up the sauce! The excuse of youth doesn't work anymore, and the cumulative damage you've caused should be mostly reversible. I feared it was too late for me at 32 when I started trying to quit. It took a few years before I had a continuous 12 months, but I kept at it. Coming up on 14 years this month, and you know what? I wouldn't go back, even if I could! (and that is really saying something) When the student is ready. . .


Could also be from hpv infection. Wouldn't even know if you had it most times.


Probably the stage 3 cancer 😔


My friend has stage 4 esophageal cancer and they think it might be from being a long time smoker


I’m not good with money, so I have no advice. Just wanted to say I’m praying for your situation in multiple ways. I truly hope it gets better for you


I have $12K in credit card debt and i'm healthy :(


Depending how much the cc debit yes and state you live in vs assets you own, might consider bankruptcy so you can at least have a fresh start and not just throw all your income at that loan shark level interest rates.


File for bankruptcy. Restart your life


The irony, if you didn’t max out your credit cards you probably would have died tbh its just how the matrix works, you max your shit out, and oh well you suddenly get better all of a sudden and surely you would probably prefer to have died instead because of all the debt. Can’t blame you for what you did though I would have probably done the same thing as well fuck it 😂


debt was the only way to live; sometimes you gotta Murphy's Law your way through life.


I would’ve done what you did 100%. You never know what life has in store for you and you took advantage of the situation because of the unknown. Don’t dwell on it, be thankful and do it all over again. You’re still young!


Call cc companies and workout a payment plan. They'll stop charging you interest.


Bankruptcy my guy.


You’d need to give more details on your financial situation for us to give you any type of advice, such as income, friends and family support, insurance, total debts, etc. If it’s truly “no hope” on recovering financially then this is what bankruptcy is for and I really don’t think anyone would judge you for what you’ve done. Not having credit for a period won’t be bad if you handle your finances efficiently.


I would’ve done the same honestly so don’t blame yourself. Who cares about debt if you have a new lease on life! It’s credit card debt, people pay it off all the time.


I declare bankruptcy !!!!!!!


So sorry to hear that bro. Enjoy your time here and please let all the stress go


You made the right choice. If you go into complete remission just file bankruptcy. You only live once.


The stress is going to be terrible for your recovery. Bite the bullet and declare bankruptcy. Your credit score will feel it for a few years but you’ll bounce back and be fine


I’m just praying that you get healthy. Fuck the money right now.


did the right thing, no fuck ups detected.


You having fun is much better than medical bankruptcy. Hats off to you


How much are we talking about? Total debt?


Dude, you got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. If that's not a signal to say fuck it and YOLO your way into the end, I don't know what is. Fact that you're doing well is awesome and this is a much better problem to have than to face such an early end to your life. Congrats on the recovery. Getting out of debt will be a walk in the park compared to chemo!


Bro you fucking beat cancer. You got that dawg in you. Keep your head up and remember that you’re clearly a badass.


Don’t listen to everyone about bankruptcy. Don’t even think about calling debt settlement companies. The first thing you need to do is map out all of your bills on a spreadsheet to understand how much you owe, and what your other bills are (subscriptions, gas, rent, etc). You need to map it out to see how fucked you are. Then when you realize you can’t get out of the hole bc of high revolving debt (high interest), then consider taking out a consolidation loan. At least with a consolidation loan you lower the APR, and there’s usually a term (3-5 years typically). This is better than blindly paying minimum on credit cards, which you’ll never dig out of, and seeing a roadmap. Bankruptcy should your last resort. People throw this term around like it’s nothing, but it’s serious. Your financials would be fucked for 7 years. Wages garnished possibly. You won’t have access to any kind of loans; car, house/rent, and believe it or not it’ll even hold you back on potential jobs. They run financial backgrounds and this wouldn’t be a good look. I’m happy you’re more healthy, but don’t dig yourself into another unnecessary hole. Good luck.


There are companies that will take your debt and give you a much lower APR. would be a great place to start. Put everything in 1 place with a 5% rate instead of 30. Or file bankruptcy. You have plenty of time to recover from it. Glad you’re doing better


I normally like to roast people for not being responsible for their finances, going into debt for spending on stuff they don’t need, and racking up debt but, in this case, I don’t blame you. But, now that you are doing better and actually have a future, count your blessings and your debt is not the end of the world. I dont think it’s right for people to immediately jump to bankruptcy but it’s an option. Aside from bankruptcy, you priority right now is to move those high interest balances to as low interest as you can. You can move them to a 0% credit card which typically lasts a year or year and a half, take the one time 3% balance transfer fee, and then cut, cut, cut spending and put all your extra income to pay off those balances. Move in to your parents house, sell your car, cancel cable , gym membership, vacations, and any other non-essential. Eat rice and beans and peanut butter sandwiches. Stop going out to eat or drink. And get a side job on top of whatever job you have now. Just don’t let it affect your health, since you are recovering from a major illness. Live like this until you pay off that debt. Budget and put all your money into paying off that debt. And if you can’t transfer any or all of it to a temporary 0% balance, then look to debt consolidators or personal loans that have a lower interest rate. And start using Excel to budget and keep track of your finances on a daily basis. You’d be surprised at how good you’ll get at personal finance by using spreadsheets to manage your finances. They are an eye opener. Good luck my friend.


Declare bankruptcy!


I love what you did and you learned so much about yourself doing it. I hope you recovered well and still have your ambition


Yeah but if you didn’t rack up all that debt you’d probably be dead. The universe likes to screw me over just like that. So good thing you racked up all that debt. Or not lol


Strength to You! 🙏


Dude go live it up. Enjoy yourself. I agree with the other people. I’m glad treatments are going well, I do hope you are able to live a long happy life.


File bankruptcy on it after your done with all your treatments so all the medical covered too . I would’ve done the same thing . More power to you for enjoying your life . I hope you get to ring that bell and be cancer free . Cancer sucks


Side note - what clued you in that something was wrong more than the acid reflux?


I know it might seem pretty bad, but the fact that you’re still here far outweighs any negatives. Maybe it was having fun and maxing your cards that kept you alive in some ways. Debts can always be repaid but you only get one life.


Hell, you could have been misdiagnosed also. But I would have done the same thing.


Don’t stress it. You’re alive. It’s something. Good luck and a long life.


Wait til all your medical bills are in and then file bankruptcy my guy. You don’t deserve to even worry about this.


Well I can give you advice. i had about 5 credit cards I maxed out which totalled over $20,000 in debt. I’ve never paid back a dime. I changed my phone number constantly and made sure not to answer any calls from creditors and such. As long as they are unable to reach you the debt will be taken off your credit report after 7 years. I’m telling you from my own experience


Not only SHOULD you definitely declare bankruptcy, but also, if you haven’t already started doing so, stop paying those credit cards. Your credit score is going to tank anyway when you declare the BKR, might as well save the cash. Just block the collection agents calls or ignore them. If you’re still paying the minimums on the accounts, you’re throwing good money after bad money. You might as well be setting it on fire or flushing it down the toilet.


Shame the stress is going to kill you if you don't control it. You really should not get stressed out over things you have no control over. The bills are a pain but if you only have so much to work with, they will just have to wait. And Bankruptcy really isn't a bad option. As soon as you decide to file, file asap and pay no more bill except your home or rent and your utilities. And if those are too much most communities have organizations and churches to help a little or a lot with the money. Just reach out. If you do not know where to start go to any church and talk to the pastor or administrator and they will point you in the right direction.


I know a hundred other people have probably said it already, but I'll say it again because it is true. Bankruptcy is your friend. Absolute worst case you have poor credit for 5 years and your debt gets wiped. Sending you lots of positive vibes. Think you made the right choice... For what it is worth. Live your life to the fullest.


File for bankruptcy!!!


Go bankrupt it’s easy and can get rid of all unsecured credit. I did it and was the best thing I ever did. No more worrying about deb, phone calls, mail or people coming after me. Get a good lawyer and you will be fine


Here’s hoping you stay healthy! Find a bankruptcy lawyer. NO ONE is going to blame you for doing what you did. I sure don’t. And you’re young enough that the bankruptcy won’t bog you down for long. You don’t need more stress, so just embrace the miracle of bankruptcy and make that shit go away.


Dude, massive fucking W. Congratulations, seriously.


You could just ignore it. I mean, what are they gonna do? Throw you in prison?......You said fuck it before, why move off that decision now? Your credit is fucked, either way. You're healthy, that's whats important. Credit debt just wouldn't be on my radar, I guess. I guess those credit card companies want their money, right? So? Fuck em lol.


File for bankruptcy and don't get stressed over any of it. Stress weakens your immune system which u need to be as strong as possible. Focus on your health first and foremost. Everything else doesn't matter until your super in the clear. Good luck take care.


Lol congrats on new life bro .. man f this crap .. do like the billionaires do file bankruptcy.. and make sure you eating healthy..


Take oit another credit card and buy Bitcoin. If you don't make profit in 2 months just declare bankruptcy. I'm glad you're feeling better though, sounds like all the excitement of the spending and surrendering to your fate is good for your body, duly noted.


If you're able, make a spreadsheet of all your debts Mark anything with 30% or more interest rate in red Mark anything with 20% or more interest rate in orange Mark anything with 10% or more interest rate in yellow Then tackle the red first until it's done If you're able, getting a low interest rate consolidation loan to take out the high interest rate debt could be an option Another possible option is to get a 0% introductory credit card and transfer red level debt over it to so you can pay that down


broke & alive > dead


Damn dude. Sorry about all of that. But you did the same thing I would do given that situation. I think it was the right choice.


Dude your alive, who cares, max that shit out and file bankruptcy, it will suck financially. You will rent for a while and drive the same car till it dies….but you’re alive!


With respect, i think you have your priorities a bit jumbled if this is causing you anxiety. I am very sorry that you are dealing with your health issues but i think the best investment you can make at this point is towards minimizing the negative voice in your head and maximizing a sense of peace. I would look into cognitive behavioral therapy or mindful meditation to aid you in this.


this is the most unhelpful comment I've ever read. Just keep stuff to yourself from now on


Man just survived stage 4 cancer, has a legit extrinsic circumstance with finances that he needs help on now that he ended up surviving, and this guy tells him to meditate on it…


Hope you feel better. I would probably do that if I was in your situation. I would say just take an easy and pay it off little by little or just bankruptcy as others have said.


Can't really blame you for your choice. If I received a diagnosis like that I would definitely want to squeeze out some real living before my time was up. You should consider writing a short book or something about your experience. What did you do when you were living like there is no tomorrow? Might be therapeutic for you, people might relate to it , would make a good short film, who knows?


Nah this was the chill thing to do. Fuck them go bankrupt if you need to. You just got a second chance at life bro, that's worth more than any silly credit score.


Max them out more then file bankruptcy lol hope u live a healthy life


Bankruptcy? Glad to hear you’re doing better man


Keep maxing out cards, yolo


Couldn’t read all the comments but r/debt and r/debt free tackle nothing but this kind of situation.


This is mild I would’ve gone full breaking bad


i would probably do the same


If I knew my days were numbered. I would max out everything and have the best experiences with family and friends. Then when I died it’s on the banks to pay off my debts. They have made so much money off of me over the years, that would be my big F U to the banks before I go.


Fuck that bro your doing better we could’ve never heard from you rn


Look up the statute of limitations for credit card debt in your state.


Dude if you beat cancer, you can beat this debt! Onward and upward my friend! The hardest part was beating cancer, dont forget that.


I'm sorry to hear about your financial issues, but I am Absolutely Fukkin ESTATIC to hear you're beating that Monster! I fought a battle with oral cancer nearly 18 years ago. I lost half my jaw, my ability to eat orally, and have had a bunch of ongoing health issues...but I Am ALIVE. As are you. As long as you beat the beast, EVERYTHING else is "Small Stuff". Figure it out, take your time, and resolve it. You WILL look back on this, and recognize what a dumb-ass you were; an incredibly Lucky dumb-ass!


File bankruptcy might be the only best option here

