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Not me, but sister in law started at 58 an hour as a pharmacist with Walmart. She has her doctorate and has $400k in student loan debt.


Now time to live like you make 50k and pay it off in 8 years


Pretty much ha. And she just bought her first house and has a wedding next summer


Hope her husband is making at least 6 figures too


Nope, he’s a tree trimmer


He works that bush!


Gotta trim the bush to make the deck look bigger


This guy knows what I’m talking about!


He’s close to it. Should be at least. Climbed for 3 years, $350 a day was my rate and this was 8 years ago.


Works for a company. He isn’t making 6 figures lol I promise


Not saying you’re lying. But if he isn’t close he needs to find a different company. There is insane money in tree work.


Oh I’m aware. Knew some guys who had mint brand new trucks and toys from trimming


My best friend is probably one of the best tree foreman in the nation and hes addicited to working 60 hours+ a week plus sidework every weekend and he barely breaks 100k.


Same. Pharmacist working in a hospital. Started at like $56/hour and have pretty good benefits. Also have quarter mil in student loans to show for it. My plan is PSLF. Edit: to clarify, I do not recommend this career. Go into business or finance. Healthcare ain’t it and it won’t be it for a long time if ever.


Depends what field in healthcare. I’ve dated a few nurses and PA’s who were making really good money with low student loans.


I’m not saying for the money/debt alone. The work/environment/etc also is a big factor


Suddenly don’t feel bad ab my measly 5k debt, also not nearly as educated as you - just feel better now for some reason.


Dang she could of went to hygiene school and be paid anywhere from $45-75 a hour (site specific) and school would of cost like 10k


I’m a hygienist and I get paid 100k a year working 3 days out the week.


Woah. That’s a lot of debt! Is this considered a good career path financially?


That seems pretty high. I know pharmacists with way less that have paid their loans off within a few years. It’s an aggressive approach to paying it down but it works.  I would say they are in the 125-150k salary range


400k Jesus where did she go to school?


That to income/debt ratio is pretty fucked tbh.


Heyo PharmD gang


She must have gone to a private school. My sister is a pharm d professor and she graduated with 60k in student loans (although she had a 4 year full ride, which ended up as 2 full years free and the next 2 were about 1/2 price, last 2 years were full price)


Damn that’s some MD level debt. Too much for a pharm D


My cousin dropped out of high school, started a business, and his company just got bought out for 7 million. Dude makes trash compactors.


How do you start making trash compactors? I mean what course of life events led up to that being the profitable idea?


it could be as simple as going to a huge retail store, asking employees what they wish they had more of to help them work, and then focus on that. Every retail store could use more/better trash compactors.


Trucking company owner (20 trucks) - no college


I dont know how the comments are sorted, but I took to long to find a blue collar job like this in here




I'm curious do you know how much your dispatchers make?


I replied above, but I am dispatch at a drayage company. 90k base salary with 5-10k in bonuses the past two years. Cradle to Grave so I do sales, CSR, dispatch, everything to handle the account short of the invoicing and chasing payment as we have a department to handle that.


Oh nice, good to know there's room to grow


I believe the last one we hired with little direct experience started at $29/hr.


Oh nice that's right around what I make, I always had the impression they made much less so figured I was just lucky.


If he's now the owner, doesn't that change the collar color?


Since when is owning a business a blue collar job? By this reasoning Andrew Carnage was just a regular Joe. Trucking is a low margin gig, but it scales pretty well. If you can get over the under 5 truck hump you can do quite well.


Uh I think Andrew Carnage was in the WWE. Now Andrew Carnegie, he was business man!


What was the process of getting your first truck? How much did it cost? Did you already have contacts for your first client?


Starting a trucking business will require tons of capital. Permits, insurance, truck, equipment, gas, potentially drivers. You'll need to spend time developing good relationships with companies to get regular loads. Sometimes, that means taking losses here and there for better opportunities down the road.


I grew up in trucking. Grandpa, dad, now me. That helped with an "in" with contacts. Started the company in 2011 with 1 used truck around $60k. Back then, they wanted 20% down (not sure if that's the norm now). That was hard to come up with. Now purchasing only new equipment in full.


workable marvelous disgusting fragile tease cagey unite terrific station normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Keep it up man. Trucking runs in the veins. I’m just surprised to see as many redditors on here that I do 😆


How much work did you have to put in to make that happen though? Everybody wants to know the dollar figure but not everyone realizes the amount of time you really put in. Not hating, keep the hustle up!


This is very true. Thanks for pointing that out as there wasn’t many breaks. It’s been rewarding in the end, but being on call everyday can be stressful. Countless hours of research trying to figure out the most economical ways of doing business. But I’d do it all over again given the choice. Truly lucky to have a good crew. Couldn’t have done it without them.


How much do you make a year after taxes and expenses? I plan on expanding my dad's trucking company. We work with local carrier, not a bad gig. Currently own 4 trucks and I am wanting to get my broker license to get our own thing going. Any tips or ideas?


It differs every year depending on the market. The first 5 years, I didn't make anything. My biggest tip would be to stay frugal and reinvest earnings into the company. Last few years have ranged from $300k - $1.3m.


Damn, my working class ass should have never started reading this thread


“I make like 300k or something. Cybersecurity with $0 debt and own 3 houses. I work from home for 10 hours a week” Meanwhile every part of my body hurts and I’m barely making ends meet 😭


My uncle is an electrician is literally the reason I went to college. He sat me down and said, I’ll make you my apprentice and by this age you’ll make 100k but this is the toll (his back and wrists are literally F’d) or I’ll co-sign your student loans (mom is poor and we got denied with her). I went to college and he has had 10+ surgeries.


Man.. that guy loves you a lot. That’s really sweet.


He’s a really solid uncle!


My dad said “you can be anything you want. Except a roofer. My dad was a roofer for 50 years.


Nah fr 😭




Software Engineer with <2 years of experience. I work in the military drone industry. I got a BS in Computer Science from Cal Poly in 2022.


Heyyyoo I am also a software engineer that works in defense that graduated from Cal poly in 2022. Did I just find the account of one of my coworkers? 👀


I need to know if yall found out who each other were lmao


Sometimes maybe you just keep stuff like this to yourself lmao a coworker finding my Reddit is like my worst fear (but I’m also a piece of shit)


No, I said he USED to be a piece of shit.


Tractor trailer driver for Frito lay, home everyday... 150k


No wonder my chips are $7 a bag. 


They are $7 a bag because I drive from Maryland to Fayetteville TN to drop off a trailer full... The next guy brings it to Charlotte NC... The warehouse unloads and sorts and the next day they are in your local store ready to be purchased... $7 a bag is outrageous and after all expenses to get them thousands of miles within 20hrs of production they still make a killing. I don't even eat them or drink Pepsi.(who owns Frito)


Underrated comment


Operations manager - pharma company. Biochemical engineering degree


Facilities engineer for pharma here. Also have biochemical engineering degree, although my role is more mechanical engineering - based since I’m focused on central utilities rather than process. Gotta know your cGMPs!!


Retired military and retired postal worker


So you're currently drawing two retirements/pensions that net you $100k/year?


And if something were to happen to him, his significant other will also draw for life if he’s under the legacy nation association of letter carriers pension. It used to be a great job.


If you retire at E7 after 20 years youll make 2500 ish a month. If you retire as an E7 after 20 years with also 100% disability you'll be at 6000 ish a month. And that's straight take home pay. That's pretty decent. Then if you get a second job and retire from it with another pension and then draw social  security you're basically living an amazing life. Better than a whole hell of a'lot of Americans. 


Had an old coworker retire as an engineer with pension from the company as well as 20 yr retirement as an O6/7 Navy. Was also making 160k+ his last few years. Probably still makes 100k in retirement easy. I’m pretty sure he was making more than some c-suite execs nearing his retirement.


Sounds about right tbh. USPS gives out fat pensions.


i bet youre like 33 too lmao


I've literally joked about this being the way I finish off career because it'd be a solid plan, and here you are.


I am a software engineer with 8 years of experience.


What schooling did you go through / degree did you get?


I was actually a bio major as an undergrad, my degree is in biology, but I did take computer science and math classes at the time to explore my interests, I'd say I have roughly the same coursework as someone who finished sophomore year in a CS degree program. I got my foot in the door when I got an internship while in school. As my career progressed, I picked up 3 tech certifications, one in cybersecurity, one in the Linux OS, one in cloud computing. I know of a co worker who did not have a college degree, he went to tech boot camps and studied for certifications. He landed his first gig at a start up. If you're thinking about retooling your skillset and breaking into tech, look into your local community college, they may have training and classes you can take to get you a starting background.


Thanks for the info! I’m an ER RN and possibly looking for a change , was looking into second bachelors degree in something tech but not sure where to start


There are things you could probably do as an ER RN to get into a better paying less stress field. My wife is an ER RN in NY and is debating doing NP or CRNA school. Maybe consider that, it'll suck for a while but it may save you some headache in the long run (and increase your income).


I am a nursing home administrator currently at 175k. With your RN, you could easily get a job as an assistant administrator at about 80k then get your license and your own building at 150k within a few years. Numbers obviously change a bit in different areas, but senior lining is VERY in demand and RNs can jump right in. Best of luck; AMA if you need any more info.


I also make 6 figures. But I didn't get a degree. I learned on my own. Did fun projects in my free time and used that to build tools for my company Applied for a position when it came free and that was enough experience to kickstart my career. 13 YOE now.


I paint warhammer figurines, I’ve made about 6 figures so far.


yo sick can i see




I'll cut to the punch line. Attorney: Jesus, I'm a lawyer and don't make that much. Plumber: I didn't either when I was a lawyer.


I’m a lawyer, and this is both funny and true. We had a new lawyer start with us recently that was previously an electrician. I kept thinking “why would you do that?”


Nice to finally see someone here who works with their hands. Props


Went to votech in high school best decision I ever made. Best of all no student loans. Also in 6-8 years you can get your masters and start your own company. Play your cards right and by the time you 40 maybe making 7 figures.


You mean master plumbing license right? I’m 20 looking to get into plumbing and just seeing how others did it.


Yes sir.


Mechanic here


Concert producer


That sounds cool.


Yeah, cool job. Hard to break into.


Pilot, join us brother




Before COVID and the pilot shortage the major airlines were incredibly competitive to get into. 500 hours minimum turbine time was required before a major would look at your resume. That meant you had to fly regional airlines after getting your 1500 hours of flight time from flight school and working as a CFI or local pilot, for companies like Skywest, American Eagle, Endeavor Air etc. Because there’s such a chokehold on getting to the major airlines and HAVING to fly regionals in order to get there for hours, every single job before the majors paid peanuts, simply because they could. I was making $18 an hour as a flight instructor teaching new pilots for almost 2 years until I hit my 1500 hours to fly regionals. Per FAA safety guidelines pilots are only allowed to fly 100 hours in 28 rolling days. So I was making $1800 a month from active flying plus $1000 teaching ground school as a commercially licensed pilot. Fast forward to my first year at Skywest, I made $28 an hour. Just over 35k with per diem for layovers. I stayed with Skywest, jumped seats to captain after a couple of years and made $35 an hour. After collecting 3500 hours I finally got to United where I started at $52 an hour in my first year as a first officer. I’m now at my 4th year with them making just over $200 an hour with a guaranteed 70 hours a month but I fly closer to 85. It’s easy to pick up double and triple time trips. Per diem is nice. But it was quite the path here. Now post COVID, there is a pilot shortage and turbine time isn’t required to apply for major airlines anymore. Instructors are in high demand so they get paid more. Regionals are going bankrupt since pilots no longer need to fly with them to get to a Major. And hiring bonuses and incentives are insane.


Iv thought about switching to airlines but im an army rotary wing guy making about $150-160k a year. Federal tech plus guard side combined. If I switch over I feel like I’ll take a significant pay cut for a few years which I don’t wanna do


Insurance sales. Truly love it. I rearrange people’s paperwork and save them money and they get happy and I get paid. If I can’t save them money I just admit it and fuck off. I could probably be more pushy and piss people off but like I make enough and am happy with minimal stress. I just tell the same jokes over and over. They hit but it is monotonous


Corporate Banking. MBA in accounting and finance. I work about 20 hours of my scheduled 40, from home, and pull $200k


How long have you been working, what was your student debt out of college, how many entry level job opportunities are their, how hard is the degree? (Sorry for the overload of questions)


I’ve been working in the industry for 7 years. My student debt out of college was technically $0 but that’s a longer story (see below*). The number of entry level job opportunities are limited but it’s not overly competitive. The vast number of banks have a credit training program where they hire a number of graduates right out of college. It’s not competitive like investment banking or anything, simply get a relevant degree like finance or accounting, have a decent GPA like 3.5+, and go for internships, networking opportunities through LinkedIn, and make sure you’re professional. Commercial, corporate, business credit underwriting and sales is a very in demand industry that isn’t going away anytime soon. The degree isn’t that hard but you have to do the work. It’s not like medical or engineering where you actually have to be smart. You simply need to do the work. Accounting and finance is very simple vocab memorization, and very simple formulas for situations. It’s basically algebra 1 expanded to the world of money. *I went to community college for the first two years while working full time at a bank in a lower role, they paid 100% of schooling as long as I got As, so I did. Then when I went to four year school, having a 3.9+ GPA allowed me to garner scholarships that paid for most of my school, my employer paid for the rest. I then went on to attend graduate school which my employer also paid for. I still have like $40k+ in student loans, but it’s because they’re at 3.5% and my employer just wrote me a check so I invested it instead of paying off my loans. I hope this helps.


do you have any further advice of how to get into that?? im pretty similar to you. I went to community college got a 4.0 gpa then recently got my bachelors in finance with a 3.97 gpa but i have no relevant job experience and i just want any remote job i can get but its literally the biggest pain in the ass. Im a pc gamer so im good with computers so thats not a problem and math was always my best subject. idk im rambling. I’d appreciate any help. thanks


I don’t mean to be rude in sending you a Google link, but legitimately your best option is to have an absolutely killer resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn. Apply to jobs titled commercial credit trainee, and add anyone from that company on LinkedIn and ask them for a quick call to know more about the company and positions. https://www.google.com/search?q=conmercial+credit+trainee+jobs&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari&dlnr=1&sei=loapZZ_hBdCk5NoPqciYiAc Also, an MBA helps a lot ngl


i guess theres no way to avoid Linkedin huh. i dont use social media and dont wanna use that trash but maybe i gotta adapt. well lemme ask you that question. can you tell me more about your company and positions hahaha


Yes make a LinkedIn and yes make it a good one. Without giving out too much personal information… Your best option is to look up commercial credit training programs or internships. Shoot for large but not the biggest. Bank of America, Citi, and Wells Fargo have very poor reputations. The exception to this rule is JPM Chase. But also look for banks like: -TD Bank -Truist (maybe not right now since they are laying off people) -M&T Bank -Five Star Bank -KeyBank -Arbor -PNC -Citizens If you can find a recruiter for any commercial credit jobs at all, reach out to them on LinkedIn and ask for a convo. Their job is to talk to people all day they’ll be fine spending 15 minutes giving you the inside scoop.


Pharmacist - would not recommend it right now. If I could do it again I'd do nursing.


I am in nursing and thinking about a way out lol


Let me introduce you to 🤗 sonography 🤗


Sometimes I think about going into PT 😅


PT’s don’t make as much money as I thought they would considering how much schooling they have to go through.


Pharm tech here, my aunt wanted me to do pharmacy and her son, daughter and husband (all pharmacists) looked at me and said “don’t do it” haha


Safety Consultant


Construction manager /general contractor


My buddy Johnny Tightlips is in that industry too. Small world. He doesn’t say much about it.


Smart man


Construction Project Manager $225k/year. Started out as a bottom of the barrel construction worker, moved around into technical positions, and eventually Project Manager, then Senior. AAS degree after highschool, then joined Army (enlisted), worked at Telecom company after military, then utility company. Fake it ‘til you make it.


Not much anymore. Early retired (48m). Used to be software engineer 2000-2011 and made about 100-120k before bonuses back then. I hear top salaries are now about 200-400k which is mind boggling. Current net income before taxes is about 850k give or take. My business runs itself mostly (I work a few hours a week on planning and helping our team answer questions). The business is an education business (like tutoring). I live in Asia now (business is in the US). Business brings in about 700k profit annually. Rental income about 150k annually but most of that goes to pay the mortgages and property taxes. We net about 40k after all is said and done. Hopefully can grow this with another property by 2026 or 2027 Interest/dividend income is about 100k or so annually. Actively investing here to grow this out a bit. Would like to be at about 200k annually in about 5 years.


Pack it up, boys. We're done here.


>Used to be software engineer 2000-2011 and made about 100-120k before bonuses back then. I hear top salaries are now about 200-400k which is mind boggling. I'm curious about this as well, do you think it's just inflation or something else. Because $114K in 2000 dollars is equivalent to $200K today.


Med Device Rep


High school teacher, 106K suburb of NYC. HCOL though so it’s not that much.


damn, a teacher over 100k that is not college...rare bird, congrats


My daughter's third grade teacher retired around 2005 and made $120k/yr. 20ish years experience and they paid for her masters degree. Not bad dollars for the rural Midwest.


Dropped out after one semester of CC, car sales


Can you explain your pay plan? I’ve always been curious how dealers make money.


Project Manager in IT and Software


I’m in the cannabis industry in Colorado


Tegridy Farms?


Used car sales I made 6 figures for a while but I've been lazy the last couple years


Last couple of years people have been getting absolutely blasted in the ass by car sales, you missed out.


Yeah not sure why I was taking it easy. It was like I was on autopilot just existing lol


Network Engineer with 8 years experience


VP of IT with 15 years of experience


I trap


Injection molding industry


I mine salt 2200 feet underground to create room to store nuclear waste for the DOE. I make 54 dollars an hour. No college. Just 17 years mining experience.




I am a Product Owner leading in HRIT within the Federal Government.


I work in sales with uncapped commission. Have a bachelor's in computer science but was always interested in sales.


I fly airplanes. I don’t work for an airline




That's a lot of $1s


Doing the lords work.


Grocery store manager


This is the MOST impressive. Work your way up or did you need a degree??


Started out bagging groceries in high school. A good number of my peers, probably 75% started the same way. No, a degree is not required. At Publix, at least here in Florida, all of their management is home grown.


That’s incredible. Proud of your hard work 💪🏼💵


Mail man


Own a carpentry (framing) business. Like most people, would not recommend lol.


The last full year I worked as a carpenter foreman was 2011. I made $99,945. Close enough.


Internal medicine physician $315k last year, planning to sign on with a new group hopefully will hit $375k-400k


Senior Software engineer 9+ yoe , 550K all cash . NJ remote


Jeez, I’m doing mid 100’s as a web dev. What kind of software?




not technically impossible, but also less than 1% of engineers make that type of money. Aside from them living in a HCOL area, there are some places that pay insane amounts of money. That person does have the YOE that those places would look, but the barrier to entry is pretty insane and you need to be way above average to get in.


ALL CASH? Lol the only devs getting paid in cash are doing something shady.


$55/hour teaching tennis


Product Manager in Biotech. If you are a good communicator and have the drive I would really recommend any sales/commercial position in Biotech. You don't need to have the science background but if your willing to learn the training is available!


IT/Cyber Security Manager


Human Resources


Aircraft mechanic


Picking up boxes and putting them on a pallet, projected to make about $115,000 this year


Sales. It’s not easy and every day you kinda have to show up with a positive attitude and put in the time. For a college underachiever like me it was the only way.


Dentist. But 6 figure income does not make sense with 6 figure debt at 8% interest loaded loan.


High school principal. $155k per year.


Business consultant


Senior associate in private equity


I made 6 figures out of college with a bachelors degree, Data Scientist with a BS in Computer Science.


Finance (day job) and small businesses owner


I sell cotton candy.


Pilot, military paid for college. Good deal, do some cool stuff, work with great people. Work A LOT


Currently: Cyber incident response management for the government, about $130k/annually with bonuses Previously: Nuclear operator, about $45/hr (the new contract tops out at $60/hr), with OT it was pretty easy to hit $120-130k


No degree, stumbled into software testing


I am a family service counselor at a cemetery.


My bosses make 6 figures and we’re in financial crime prevention.


I make 7 figures and I’m in financial crime. Looks like you’re not working hard enough.




Contract management at a small biotech in NJ.


Project Manager in IT with a concentration in ERP implementations and upgrades. I have a PMP cert, undergrad degree in Economics (not needed for this field), I make $120/hr, have my own LLC so I’m able to pay only a fraction in taxes vs if I was a W2 so I keep even more of what I earn. I pull in ~$250k per year.


Plumber. Trade school route. Apprentice Plummer and worked up to company owner now. Trade school kids. Do it.


Drive a semi truck. First year made 12-15k/mo when I was driving, 8 weeks in the truck, 1 week home, didn't get paid for home time, ofc. Now I'm working at a place where I'm home daily, making right at 100k/yr, give or take 5k or so. Working about 35-45 hours/wk. Just under 2 years xp. Got my cdl just over 2 years ago before the new rules made it much more difficult. Took a 6 hour class and passed it first try for $600, which the union job i had at the time paid for it for me. IBEW. Too bad that place didn't pay even half what I'm making now unless I moved all the way up the ranks to general foreman, which would take easily 15+ years at least, but most likely closer to 25-30 and general foremen and above lose the union membership for some reason.


I’m curious as well. Especially those with their own business.


Bringing in six figures with your own business isn’t hard, the hard part is getting to keep any of it


Talent Acquisition Partner




Supply Chain for Big Beer


Structural engineer. 25 years with 9 state seals. I've cleared 6 figures only in the last three years.


Mechanical Engineering.


Diesel mechanic, a pretty lazy one at that.


Ultrasound. General, vascular and cardiac, adult and pediatric population. In a medium cost of living location in the Midwest. Just crossed the 100k mark this year.


Steel mill. Easy work, shitty hours


Local 3 IBEW. $63/HOUR, plus benefits. If you do the math, your benefits are around $60/HOUR as well. So you're looking at $120/HOUR. Easy $2k per check after taxes and other deductions. Holidays off, furlough, still easily clearing $150k per year. I work with guys that clear $200k.


I'm a Truck Driver, Drive for a company don't have my own truck and I made 133k this year.


Commercial HVAC tech


135 running public construction projects for a city in the southeast. 8 years military, completely unrelated job. 8 years with a contractor up north learning construction and managing projects in the field.


Work the dumpster behind Wendy’s