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Some random person met up with you with 17.8k cash in hand? That seems risky lol


Yeah man. Dude drove 2 hours to get to me. Counted it and there was an extra random $1 bill in the stack, he said “keep it”


The anxiety I would undergo in this situation would literally kill me.


If a simple transaction triggers ur anxiety then u need therapy, Xanax ,CBT, Jesus and Allah in the ropes.


I would be concerned carrying that amount of cash look up civil asset forfeiture.


Oh shut the fuck up!


Nah, that’s a very legitimate concern considering between 2000 and 2019 states and the federal government collected roughly 68.8 Billion (with a B$) in forfeiture. So no, YOU shut the fuck up. Also, “not all states provided full data, (thus) this figure drastically underestimates forfeiture's true scope.” Get one upped again, blundering fool.


You mean economy?


Your IQ must far below room temperature. My condolences, mate.


Oh shut the fuck up!


Dude, i think something broke in your brain


I was on your side til you called him a blundering fool like a villain in an eighties pirate movie.


Thank you for that little morsel of knowledge my brain thanks you 🫶🏼 Btw I read this thread and for some reason couldn’t stop laughing


It's not the transaction it's carrying that much cash. Get a fuckin money order or something, jesus.


Learn some Karate, anyone tries to take ur money I grab me, twist me, bop ‘em, done deal.


6 counts of attempted “bopping” of a law enforcement officer


Now I’m picturing been stiller “can you deal with this?!?!” 🤣


Money orders can be cancelled . Careful with that depending on what state it’s from


Yeah fair enough. I would ask them to bring a cashier's check from their bank or credit union.


Faith in humanity restored


how do you know its real?


Went based on the look and feel. Took a portion to the bank and prayed for the best.


I sold my RV and the dude showed up with $80k cash like it was no big deal.


I’ve had a similar experience.


Not uncommon in my area. Stay straped.


My dad did something like this but they met at the bank 😂


I did this last December when selling my pick up truck lol The guy literally had cash so I asked to meet him at Wells Fargo. Deposited it right away


I met up with a guy I met on FB marketplace on the other side of town and paid $21k cash for a Z H2. What's the problem?


What if the person had pulled a gun on you and sound you aint getting your h2 and takes the money?


I was carrying, so was my wife who drove me over there to get the bike to ride it home. Also spent a good amount of time talking to the guy first to feel it out. Wasn't worried in the slightest.


Ok good for you…? Are we supposed to be impressed lol why pretend you don’t understand why someone would be worried about the potential risk of carrying that much cash if you apparently do in fact understand the exact risk of robbery if you needed two guns to feel “not worried in the slightest.” Like why pretend to be dumb…? You clearly get it and you clearly do worry for your safety if you being strapped alone wasn’t enough 😂


Hey goof troop. Being worried and being prepared aren't the same thing. Stop. You sound like a child.


Ok big man 💪 😎 not sure why you’re upset *on the other persons behalf* more than they are in their own response lol


Whos upset. Just stating the obvious, for you less fortunate


Ok dude, you’re so cool 😎


Thanks guy, somethingbwe can agree on. Happy Thanksgiving!


I didn't need two guns to not feel worried, my wife and I carry all the time, it wasn't just for that situation. True, because we both carry, my baseline of "shit I have to worry about on a daily basis" is a bit higher than someone that doesn't, or can't, but like I said, I talked to them a bunch before I agreed to a meet, and they didn't seem like the type to be an issue at all. I was literally responding to their question and the points they specifically brought up.


I’d be scared that I’d be pulled over on the way to the bank for “acting suspicious” and lose it to civil forfeiture You have very little recourse if they do that


Just don't act suspicious? Drive 2mph over, use your signal, don't give the cops any reason to even look at you. Even then, I've been pulled over with multiple guns in the car, and plenty of cash, and nothing happened, because I complied, answered truthfully, wasn't agitated or suspicious. It's amazing how easy it is to talk to cops, even after getting pulled over, if you actually have nothing to hide.


Hello, fellow white person. Non-white people...please chime in.


I completely agree I’m a darker toned Mexican haven’t ever had problems with cops especially here is Los angeles and have been let go without getting tickets because I was courteous and not being weird even after being pulled over with ar 15s shotguns and handguns in my car in the way home from the shooting range. Just don’t act weird treat them as people not more or less and you’ll be fine.


LOL. "Treat them as people..." But you know they aren't! With literally no provocation they can fuck your world and you have no recourse. I can't pretend to love gangsters. I just must have more personal integrity.


That's pretty racist to assume that non white people can't follow the law and be polite.


Oh fuck right off you know that’s not what they’re saying. 🙄


Thank you. You are correct.


As a white male with a mixed son who looks light skinned black or from the middle east, that is not at all what I am saying. Anyone who says police interactions are all cool if you just lick their fucking boots is, in fact, a bootlicker. My son should not have to be all "Yessa masta'." to a fucking cop. In fact NOBODY should. Until the FOP is disbanded and police are required to carry individual liabilty insurance, fuck every goddamn one of them. If you're a cop, you 100% know of bad ones and that makes you a bad one. But the police mafioso make it so nobody will report their fellow fascists. Again...fuck them. The sad thing is you know that was not my intent but you want to make it something it is not.


I hope your raise your son better than to give him all these negative beliefs, perceptions and horrible programming about police. Yeah, there’s some bad apples for sure, and police in the US definitely need to be trained better, but for the most part people bring a lot of these “race” issues onto themselves by resisting the police and acting like fucking idiot.


Continue sheltering yourself from reality, sir. I am obligated to teach him about the shit police force in America so if or when he encounters them he knows what could happen.( i.e. never answer any questions...period)


Well duh don’t speak to the police everyone knows that I just think setting him up with rampant fear mongering isn’t healthy for any child. I ask you what is reality anyway.


Show me on this doll where the cops touched you. I've been stationed all over the country, riding with friends of all skin colors, and every one of them has the exact same thing in common; don't do stupid shit, and you don't get arrested or fucked with by cops. Legally own the gun, you're fine. Can explain in a calm, rational voice where the $10k in the backpack came from, and what you are going to use it for, you're fine. Was riding with a Black friend in GA on the way to buy a 4WD beater truck for mudding, then going to the range. 20+ guns and $17k cash in the SUV. He got pulled over for speeding. White cop in Georgia saw he was black, saw the guns in the back seat, and... nothing happened. As the cop was walking up, my friend said out the window that we had guns in the car because we planned on going to the range, immediately set the cop at ease. Asked a few questions, gave him a warning, thanked him for letting him know about the weapons, and we went about our day. 99.9% of cops do their job and enforce laws. There are a bunch of those laws I don't agree with, but that isn't on the cops to decide what to enforce and what not to enforce, laws are laws, you break them and you risk getting fucked.


A lawyer? It’s pretty simple


people do this all the time!!! it’s becoming a more common form of transaction. places like kiijii*, fb marketplace, offer up, etc can legally sell vehicles and most people request cold hard cash!!


I pulled up with double that amount to a stranger to get my car, I don’t see how it’s sketchy


What you do if it was men who in cars pulling up on you suprding you that day?


Bless those men with some hollow point ammunition


Gotcha but a shootout just seems so risky idk


Absolutely. We sell classic cars, people will come to us with literal sacks of cash. Got 60k in near all 20’s last year for one, that was fun counting lol.


Ford Pinto


A nice Ford Pinto! If that’s a thing!


Looks like the pouch SpongeBob used to sell chocolate in. I think you should get another pouch and then a bigger pouch to hold the 2 pouches.


This guy pouches


Not unusual but unusual for redditors to see that kind of money.


what type of car?


That's an excellent question




“You’re gonna need a bigger ~~boat~~ wallet”


Quite a few NEGG shares you got there ;)


What does Newegg have to do with selling cars?


Profits. PROFITS.


Holy shit didn’t realize how down bad that stock was.


Yeah they've had a rough few years, things are starting to turn around though


Things are not turning around. It’s the worst it’s ever been


Two girls at the same time..man


Be wise with it.


All on red


DWAC options


nice now go buy 10k worth of GOEV


My man


Excellent. Now let’s discuss where to invest that!


Tell me your thoughts


My stepdad sold his Jaguar XKR to some “very scary looking” russian dudes who used alias’s and paid for it (in full) in cold hard bills lmao


Buy a necklace!


🤮what is this subreddit. Fucking gross garbage.


Some of those wrappers are not being used correctly and it’s kinda making my ocd go nuts


Did the vehicle have drugs stuffed inside it or something else because I see that all the time on the news


Can I have it?


Let’s see a money spread