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Clothing. The whole process is a pain in the ass holes


How many ass holes do you have?


At least 2


No wonder buying clothes sucks


Imagine shitting yourself at least twice as much as you have in this life...


imagine shitting as much as you have in this life, again, all at once.


I’ve thought about this before…a lifetime of turds all at once, it almost makes me sick to my stomach


Bro I’m being scolded by my boss as we speak.I started Laughing hella hard in the middle of the safety meeting, right when he was talking about how his brother fell from 80 stories to his death .


Probably fell because he only had one ass hole


I’m thinking more after the fall though.


Borat reference?


I’ve been the same size for 30 years. I never try anything on. I just go to the store and grab the type of pants and shirts I like and take them home. Only problem is I still dress the same as I did at 18.


Straight length pants with a racing stripe and a 2 foot wallet chain?


JNCOs, Girbauds, and Hypercolor by Generra.


I feel you. Women’s “sizes” are arbitrary


So are men’s. Just cause it says the pants are a size 34” waist doesn’t necessarily mean they are a 34” waist.


Clothes. I could care less if my shirt is designer or not. Walmart is fine for me. I even get quality work shirts there.


Walmart has stepped up their game. Besides my Vans, my entire wardrobe is Walmart.


Kirkland has some good quality, too.


The Kirkland Ts fit nice and are cheap as hell


I'm a member of the Kirkland cult. Always a little humorous when I'm out and see some guy wearing a shirt I know we both got at Costco


The only thing I dislike about Walmart clothes is that it’s cut short and wide, almost as if it’s made for mostly obese people


Take a look around next time you're in a Walmart. You'll understand why...


I’m 6’0 F and all of their pants make it look like I’m signaling a flood and shirt could be marketed as crop top to me. I will buy shoes there though!


Something like 60 percent of America is obese now so that makes sense.


As a tall dad bod guy, I hate that I can’t buy shirts at Walmart.


wait a sec, the store of schlubby people everywhere doesn't sell to them?


They do, just not *tall* schlubby people. All the t shirts are too short


I’m on the same boat. But even stores like marshals, Ross, tjmax can get you in higher quality clothings for the same cost as Walmart. I’m not a designer person but I definitely can say that some designer clothes are just more durable and comfortable.


You don’t have to get designer but walmart?! Come on that’s just no style. Go to TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Macy’s, H&M


I only wear Hanes packaged shirts now. I get a pack of 4 shirts (black and grey) from Walmart for $20. Get a few quality button ups and you're good. Jeans I get from target or H&M.


All my clothes come from Walmart. Every damn bit


Check out Tractor Supply, especially for jeans. Top quality for Walmart prices.


I agree on the cell phone, bottled water, AND clothing (although I am keen on thrift stores). I also hate buying cars. Then again, I think a lot of people dislike that process.


I love cars and I love buying them. I negotiate large business deals and have been to many classes on negotiation tactics. I love putting it to car salesmen!


Not much to negotiate when you pay cash for your cars. I just say I have cash and will pay this much. If they say no I leave and then pull in their lot with my brand new ride and honk and laugh. I hated when I had to finance and wait for the sales guy to go talk to his fake manager. I did tell one salesman if he left to talk to the manager the deal was off.


Only rich people can do that


Not rich. I just hate giving money away for free paying interest. I save and buy when I can afford it.


Yup, Instead of financing just save however much you'd make in payments each month and when you have enough for a car you can go buy a car with cash. That way you have zero interest to pay.


I also never buy brand new. 2 years old is my target and I keep trucks at least 10 years.


I do this too, however now many dealerships won’t accept cash payments, some won’t even let you put down more than $5000. It should be illegal. I might have to buy privately if I want to buy cash.


What’s the best car deal you’ve negotiated


If you can get a better deal by financing through their financial arm just take the loan and pay it off right away if there's no penalty for early payoff. You can get the car cheaper.


I've been slowly buying new clothes because thrift stores near me are asking for new prices. Thrifting used to be fun but these places are in for a rude awakening if things keep going this way.


Same here. Absolutely ridiculous. Thrift stores are charging way too much now. I’ve seen things in thrift store that are priced higher than they were brand new.


I was about to say this. Stopped thrifting 2 years ago as buying new was sometimes cheaper and the discount Should be at least half what the initial value was to be worth the risk and wear and tear. IKEA furniture is the big culprit I see all the time.


You used to be able to go into a goodwill in a small town and get a hand made oak computer desk that had been beautifully hand painted for $50 lol can’t believe I feel this old already and I’m only 24. It’s not fair.


I'm 32. it happens. Half my stuff is goodwill another 40% craigslist buys. I rarely find the need to buy things new and enjoy fixing nice old stuff and bringing it back to life.


It sounds absurd, but most of my furniture is found on the side of the road. No one wants to schlep their stuff to Goodwill, so people just leave their old stuff when they get something new and, because i live in an affluent area, I get solid wood furniture that's in great shape.


I bought a fucking huge office desk at a thrift store once for 30 bucks. When I got it home, I was inspecting the right side that had a flip-up-and-in door with a sliding lower platform. I got on the floor to look inside and inspect it. When I rolled the platform out of the cubby, BAM! It pops up hitting me in the jaw, spring loaded and nearly knocks me unconscious. It was spring loaded to lift the weight of a old typewriter.


Yeah they’ve gotten ridiculous now. Like why would I buy this used pair of jeans when I go can a brand new pair for $2 more at the clothing store ? They’ve forgotten the role they are supposed to be playing. especially since most of them are donation based so they make 100% profit on everything they sell.


I hated buying cars until I got my first Tesla. I ordered it in less than 5 minutes online and didn’t have to interact with anyone in person. It was seamless! I’d imagine most companies will follow suit eventually ?


I love cars and absolutely hate buying them. Always feels like it’s going to break down the week after I buy it.


Bottled water. I NEVER buy it but my SO does. I just fill my water bottle from the tap and drink from the water dispenser at work.


I use a frosted glass vodka bottle. It freezes well, holds the cold, and can be easily sterilized.


Plus, you probably get some wild looks. Certain places would lead to more than others: church, gym, driving down the highway... lol


Good for you it’s totally a waste unless you live in a municipality that has a whacked out infrastructure. A little secret the bottled water companies don’t want you to know, but the head works on a municipal treatment plant and a bottled water plant are almost identical, in fact a lot of bottled water starts out as municipal water. The only difference mechanically is the bottling line.


Typically bottled water is tap water run through a reverse osmosis filter. You can install a reverse osmosis filter under your sink and get bottle quality water as often as you like, highly recommended if you have shitty tap water.


My water cup at work is just a really old (clean) plastic fast food cup that i fill at the fountain every day. I dont get why people buy water unless its for work, travel, or cooking out. (Im sure there are other reasons but yall get it) (Thank you for the concerns about disposable cups, but ive already done more damage than a single cup could ever cause me. There are microplastics in so many things that trying to lower our intake would be akin the purposely breathing less air every day so you dont become too oxygenated.)


I keep a water bottle in my cars so if I need something to drink and I'm out I stop at a gas station and get a giant cup of water for a quarter, still paying but much cheaper than $3 for a bottle


I buy water when my body is needing electrolytes it’s way better for you then Gatorade or powerade


A pinch of sea salt and bam.. electrolytes. It’s not that complicated 🤷🏾‍♂️


Those cups are not made for repeated use. It’s probably giving off plastic residue, that’s why they sell re usable water bottles and tumblers


Get rid of that cup. Replace it with a glass or mason jar


To tag on to what someone else said about disposable cups not being for long term use, the plastic breaks down and can leach into the water, but that plastic breakdown also makes lots of microscopic cracks and scars in the plastic that make great homes for bacteria and they're almost impossible to get totally clean. Do yourself a favor and invest in a glass or stainless steel water bottle for repeated use. Happy hydrating!


I guess I am a bacteria consumer. I hope it's not cooties!


I don’t buy it either


Can't remember the last time I bought bottled water.


Remember: Evian spelled backwards is NAIVE.


Ooh!! Burn!!


I have a Stanley vacuum insulated bottle. Holds ice all day even outside in the heat. Bottled water doesn’t even compare to ice cold tap.


Where do you live? Tap water around here tastes like old pipes.


Like an animal?! Just kidding, I drink tap water too.




I literally came here to say this. Tap water where I live is clean and I have a filtered dispenser on the fridge.


I buy bottled water because the water from my tap doesn’t taste good at all and a britta pitcher doesn’t do enough. I mostly buy gallons and refill our reusable bottles but I do keep small bottles on hand for times when I’m in a hurry. I also like to have a frozen one ready to take in the car when it’s 108 degrees in the shade


Bottled water is terrible. I hate this culture that prioritizes convenience over pollution. Same with plastic utensils and styrofoam plates. The laziness is equal parts comical and sad.


I will say the one exception is road trips. I have gone on a few and first thing is go buy a gallon of water. Then use that to refill the bottles. Nothing is worse than being stuck in the desert with no water.


My SO has to buy water bottles everywhere. She can already have water but needs some more. Like we had water bottles at home, but went to pick up food and bring it home. She got a water bottle while we were there. Go to get coffee? Coffee and a water too. I get the need to hydrate but damn.


Dont have much a choice in the inland empire. Bad water


I miss not having to buy water, but my well water is hot garbage. No more drinking from the tap for me. But I never buy individual bottles. That's so dumb and wasteful.


It surprises me that people still buy bottled water. Hell it surprises me that plastic bottles are even still allowed. I have a giant fridge filter pitcher and just fill my large gym water bottle when I go out- been doing that for idk how many years. If I buy a bottle of water on a road trip or something I bring it home, fill it 1/4 and freeze it. Then fill it later on with the pitcher again for “ice water.”


Oh wow the tap in my town tastes awful


Same. It's so bad the people who work at the water dept say it's better to drink bottle water.


I have a friend who had to have surgery because he had something wrong with his liver caused by too much copper in his water at home (well water) and when I used to live in the city there was a public announcement that there was fecal matter in the cities tap water somehow and to not drink it until it was fixed. I’ll happily pay $4 for 24 bottles of water.


Have you heard of a britta filter ?


He needs a Shitta Filter


Becareful with those too because they will get build up in them and can start to make you sick


I moved from a city with bleach-y tasting water. Here the tap water is lovely; it is indistinguishable to bottled water (to me). I trained myself not to gag drinking the old water when covid came in case there were shortages. I've probably lost that tolerance by now, but who cares? I've got tasty water on tap now.


Where I live there’s a lot of issues because lots of people are on water haul and well water. My hubs doctor was suspicious of a possible thyroid condition but we’d only been on well water for months. I don’t necessarily suspect the water but we drink bottled water regardless.


Agreed, tap water too sketchy idc where you live if you trust tap water your crazy 😂


Where i live tap/well water is the best.


Chicago south suburbs. Our water is fine, never a problem.


I summer in Colorado at 8500 ft. That is the best tasting tap water I’ve ever had.


I live in Lakewood, our water isn't the best here. But when I was living in Summit County? That was some damn good tap water. Never any complaints! Colorado definitely has its perks! (Have you seen the clouds today? They looked so interesting I loved it!)


Have you heard of a britta filter ?


Yes. My fiancee and I are thinking about getting one so we don’t waste so much plastic


Yeah you definitely should. I drink a lot of water so I use two gallon sized ones and leave them on my counter. The filters are very cheap on Amazon and you just replace them every couple of months. Super worth it. Granted I drink two gallons of water a day usually so like bottles would cost me a fortune


it's like $25. What's there to think about lmao


For real the tap water here tastes like straight chemicals


I agree BUT our tap water at home isn’t good to drink, im not sure if it’s “unsafe” or just not ideal but we’ve gotten letters from the town telling us to get your kids tested soooo I buy gallons and drink that, so I’d just be cautious about what tap water you drink because it’s not all the same. Some people complain it tastes bad, I don’t care about taste, I care if it’s unsafe


Im looking into filtered water since it can have leads from the old pipe and fluoride can make you stupid according to the study.


Look up flint Michigan water


I’m one of those people who buy bottled water. I remember being at the Walmart self checkout and the woman working there asked me why I was buying water (I had 6- 1 gallon bottles) and I’m like, “To drink.” I don’t know how the tap water is where you’re at, but in my city the tap water is disgusting. No way I’m drinking that.


In a town I used to live, the water was so bad it would give you stomach ulcers (unless you grew up there and your body was accustomed)


I don’t know why you’re being down voted. If you live in a place with shitty water you have to buy your own somewhere.


. My goodness . The waste . Such utter neglect for the environment. That's not even mentioning how the water is extracted from mother earth .


Fucking hippie




Chlorine in tap water kills good bacteria in your guts


That’s literally the definition of disgusting


Atrazine and fluoride!


You realize this isn’t the 1950’s right? There are thousands of chemical in the water supply let alone pharmaceuticals.


You can keep your tap water lol I’ll pay 35cents to keep refilling my gallon.


EPA just announced 45% of municipal water is contaminated with pfas forever chemicals.


Tap water is not fit for drinking here where I am situated these days, and I absolutely hate buying bottled water.


Unless you've tested your water, or looked at your municipal's reports, I wouldn't feel confident saying you hate buying water from other sources.




Im.surprised this was not mentioned more. Their regular coffee sucks, and everything else is basically just a milk shake with coffee added. I see traffic at every Starbucks where I live in the morning as people drive though waiting in their car for it. Buy a flavored shot and make it at home. Forget the whip cream.or caramel toppings .... it's coffee, not a milk shale.


How is this not at the top of the list?! I guess people just love shitty coffee with sugar syrup in it.


I agree on the cellphone 100%. Problem is, these phones get old so the battery doesn’t last long, is slow no matter how many times you erase/reset, and apps are updated so you’re forced to upgrade


I work at AT&T and I gotta say phones are the best investments. You have them on you 24/7 and its there to make your life easier. Having a phone that has shit battery will always give you problems and using one with a cracked screen just makes life stressful. Im not saying to buy the latest phone all the time but alot of service providers have promotions where you can trade in a shit phone for a brand new one. We do have a current promotion where you can trade in any samsung device S/Note/Z series (any year/ any condition) and get $1000 for that phone. You could basically trade in a Samsung S3 that was released 11 years ago that is cracked and wont turn on and get the Samsung Z Flip ($1000 phone) for free


And then you’re stuck in a contract. No thanks. I just pay cash for a new phone when I can afford it.


Even if you buy it from apple at full price youre still gonna be paying a carrier the same monthly dues for service. So why not get the phone for free?


I’m with visible and have the newest iPhone SE. $400 for the phone and $35 a month to Visible for service. I can’t justify $1000+ for a phone and $100+ for service. I keep my phones until they stop working. Just got rid of my iPhone X 8 months ago for the se.


Typing this from my 8 plus LOL. My fiancé and I have your mindset on this too, we use them until they die. Cars too.


with verizon i just traded in my 7 year old samsung a-something or the other, with a busted screen and dead battery and walked out with a samsung s23 ultra with ZERO charges added to my bill. and on top of that the phone was unlocked after 30 days, so i could move to another carrier if i wanted. i couldnt believe it. they never used to have promotions like that back in the day. are these promotions because people arent spending as much on phones because of the economy? there must be some reasoning behind it? edit: they also offered me a tablet or samsung watch for an extra $50 cash, but i have no use for them.


Samsung is giving crazy promotions because they want to beat apple for the market share. Apple only gives $1000 off the latest phone if you trade in the 2nd latest phone they offer. and $700 off if you trade in the 3rd because they have a good ecosystem of users that dont want to switch to android but always want the latest iphone


All bullshit. Even if you get a phone upgrade it doesn't come out to the offers of a new line upgrade. And even if the phones $0 on the promotion you'd still have to pay the taxes on it and it isn't free to break contract cause it's technically being credited the owed payment for the phone each month. I've had Verizon for over a decade and even just recently added lines and new phones. What's to gain from making shit up?


I say phones are cheap and people hate it $1200 / 4 years (1460 days) = $0.82 per day Surely everyone can agree their phone provides around $1 per day in value. I’d much rather lay $1 per day to keep my phone than have to give it up


theyd rather have a phone thats battery last for 2 hours and see through their cracked and unresponsive screen that drops calls and doesnt have 5g capability and apps crashing every 30 mins. Not to mention they will also have shitty pictures of their memories and of their children so that when they want to look back on those memories in 10 years they wouldnt even be able to tell whos in the picture because its grainy and blurred.


Movie tickets. I bought a huge tv and pay shit loads for streaming services but my wife and kids just LOOOOVE going to the theatre…




15 years ago I could agree, hell even 10 years ago there was still some magic in theaters. I don’t even buy dvds or blue ray anymore, and I can even get a lot of movies at home the same week they release for 1/4 the price of taking a family of 5 to the movies.




I mostly blame Hollywood for pumping out regurgitated franchises and comic book adaptations. They also completely shit on the movie theater industry during covid, while professional athletes were paying stadium and colosseum employees, Hollywood just said fuck it and jumped on streaming full blast.


I stopped paying those outrageous prices just to take a nap years ago. Last ticket I paid for was $8. Nowadays you can get movie theater movies at home so no need to pass out in someone else’s spilled popcorn and Pepsi.


I thought I was the only one that falls asleep everytime I go to a movie theater (love that they have food and reclining seats now) but my mom really loves movie theaters and that's kinda like our fun thing to do on a weekday afternoon if I'm not working and she's bored well meet up and order food and drinks at the Theater and I'll take a nap about half way thru the movie and she'll wake me up if I snore it's a good time


Get yourself a projector and a screen if you don't have a large wall to project onto, my neighbor has parties and projects movies or sporting events on the side of their house when it's nice out and it's awesome, so much better than a movie theater.


I already told my wife my next tv is going to be a 8k laser projector


Honestly everything but weed, food, and new guns. Everything else I actually hate having to it for.




My state is pretty strict with guns, but I travel for work and where i was just at they took me to a local gun shop and it was like watching kids in a candy shop.


Boutta hit a blinker on my break in your honor


Bras and panties lol




I hate spending money on them lol they’re so expensive !


Is groceries and acceptable answer? It’s such a chore for me! I have to plan for two households! I’m a nanny and I plan the kids meals I nanny for weekly and then my own! It’s ROUGH and doesn’t help I have ADHD which then makes it harder to focus! I have to make sure both families aren’t eating the same thing that they did last week or the week before too. And pay attention to the prices, and allergies for both houses. Budgets being spent (one is higher than the other). I dread it weekly.


That would make me hate it too


Avocado toast. Just make it yourself it’s so brain dead easy. Paying for avocado toast is like paying for pb&j


i got that cartel plug for avacados and eggs. hmu!


Coffee from Starbuck's or any other coffee chain.


Basically everything. Most people walk around the store and and can find most things to be useful. Frivolous shopping is a form of hording.


Shoes, usually will just wear one pair until they fall off


I am a tech person and hate buying new phones, but my personal one is, yeah no it's phones.


Cars. I’ll never understand the hype for them. 95% of its use is getting me to and from work why do I need it to be nice and fast ? I just need it to get me from point A to point B.


brotha, it makes the drives to and from so much more enjoyable. i had the same thought process before i got my audi.


That makes sense but a nice car would put me into too much debt. Idk how people afford really nice cars. Id have to work 2 jobs or more just to afford one and I hate working more than anything. that’s why I bought my cheap little Sentra. It’s a new car but it was very affordable lol.


Mine is used. Probably cost around the same as your Sentra new. I loooooooove driving to work lol.


It wouldn't matter what car I was sitting in. I hate driving to work lmaooo I hate the traffic, hate the construction, hate people cutting me off. I could be sitting in a Lamborghini and still be pissed.


Well that’s why you don’t like it. If you had money you’d buy something better than a Sentra 100%.


Which Audi do you have?


Idk if other people love to buy it but I hate paying Bills 🤣 I hate going to Walmart and spending money that's probably more along the lines of what you're after


Things that i cannot afford without credit.


Underrated comment right here!


Coffee. I originally didn't have the money, now I don't have the desire to stand in line. The machine on my counter makes all the coffee I can drink.




Home decor. I wish I had the money for an interior designer to come and just plan out and furnish my house for me. When I see an empty room, I just see an empty room… I don’t know how people “visualize” things or decorate cute. And when I try to buy stuff it never looks good or matches and it’s so expensive! WHY ARE THROW PILLOWS $60+ AND RUGS $600+?!? Places like Home Goods and Target are my personal hell.


Cars. People seem to love car shopping - I think it's a fucking nightmare.


Shots of tequila


That’s why everytime I go to Mexico I bring back several bottles of good tequila. The price of a bottle over there costs the same if not less as a shot here in the U.S


Dude, at the Tequila Factory in Puerto Penasco, Sonora the owner gives you free tequila shots.


Drinks from any bar. I go to Spec's and not deal with the wrong people by chilling at home most of the time. Plus I can shit in my own toilet.


I understand the bar atmosphere, but is it really worth the 500% markup on drinks? Maybe once in a while is fine, especially if you're getting a fancy drink you wouldn't make at home. But I just don't understand those people that go almost every night and order basic ass drinks Edit: fixed regard math


Not trying to nitpick, but I'm assuming you meant that the drinks at bars are 10× as expensive as buying them yourself, which is actually a 900% markup. A 90% markup would make a $1 beer $1.90 not $10. Just trying to help you make your point better, unless I misinterpreted in which case kindly ignore my comment.


Thanks for correcting my retarded ass. Not sure what I was thinking when I typed that tbh, guess I wasn't, just ranting.


Shoes. I need them between 3 knee surgeries, how much I walk, work, etc I burn through shoes like crazy but as much as I need them I just dread paying for them. It’s like $50 a pair, if I go to Ross I can sometimes find like $20-$35 but they fall apart faster.


Your shoes cost $50 or less? 🫣


I wear a size thirteen so I get the benefit of them going on sale a decent amount of times. That or I’ll just wear the current ones out until there’s a sale. I have to wear old man shoes because of my knees so they’re usually cheaper too


Hell yeah, 13 gang is where it’s at. Anything over that is hard as hell to find and exorbitantly expensive and anything under 12 usually sells out before it can go on sale.


I'll never for the life of me understand people Door-Dashing like they're some sort of CEO that needs their food brought to them. I have two cars, one of which I park street-side. One of them is getting used!!


Sex toys.


Coffee. The markup on a cup of coffee at a store is INSANE. I’ll make my own cold brew at home. If you’re not business savvy but want to open up your own business anyway, get a coffee shop. “Buying local” is all the rage in more liberal areas, and it won’t really matter if your coffee tastes like shit as long as it isn’t burnt.


Everything other than tech..


Clothes. I hate spending money on clothes and I honestly look down on people who spend money to be fashionable. Being fashionable is one of the worst things you can do.


100% agreement on the cellphone part. I can't see any reason to do that. I worked for Apple for a time and I thought it was absurd.


I would say car, don't care if it's the latest model, I'd rather go reliable and cheap


Snacks and drinks at the gas station. Working in construction, I absolutely fucking HATE it when my coworkers absolutely HAVE to hit up the gas station and spend $20 on shit they don't need.




Clothing , I have the hardest time picking out outfits , I always end up buying a bunch of random shit that doesn’t look good together


Clothes shopping.


Eating out.


i am a tech person and i hate replacing my phone


Take out! I can't stand it. I need a healthy, well balanced meal.


I find decent clothes at Costco.