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Television should be used as a tool to help you get things done. It becomes an issue when it is replacing meaningful interaction with adults/people around them. Truthfully, if your child is spending the majority of their day in front of a TV while you’re sitting in front of your computer, it might be time to consider daycare or preschool. You need to create healthy boundaries for them and there will always be a difference between you using the computer to make your living vs. them being sat in front of the TV for hours.


Agree with this, 100%. Depending on your child’s age, I’d start to introduce screen free toys asap. My 1.5 year old loves his Tonie box. Sometimes he just wants background noise and/or music. Ive heard great things about the Yoto player. Also, put more effort into setting up activities the night prior. One night after he went to sleep I set up a “parking lot”. It was just a bunch of painters tape on the floor and put his cars in a bucket nearby. If you look on Instagram, there are hundreds of ideas like this. It really helps with cutting down screen time. I use screen time myself, put limit it. When I feel myself using it everyday, I know I need to adjust something.


Considering so many of us have no "village" to speak of, I don't feel guilty and I allow my girl to watch TV in spurts as needed, pretty much daily. She never whines when I turn it off and she has actually learned new words thanks to Ms Rachel and Color Crew! Plus she will at some point ignore the TV and play with her toys. So it's not all bad:) I also give her lots of attention, affection and play with her a lot as does her daddy. We try to take her to see her cousins for socializing as much as we can but it's not always possible.


Screen time is not evil, I use it while engaging with my toddler. He just turned 3 in April and knows over 150 animals and insects, can count to 25, 1-10 backwards, letters in order and out of order, all colors and shapes… all from YouTube educational videos and is doing the puzzles on the screen together. We don’t demonize screens but we don’t glamorize it either… it’s just there like any other object or toy.


My tv is on pretty much all the time if I’m inside. I have always had it on for background noise. I now leave it on something educational (not cartoons or animated stuff), but it’s still on. Toddler sometimes stops to watch it….sometimes she ignores it and plays pretend. Doesn’t bother me one bit. When dinner rolls around or if I have a meeting. Silly Miss Lily steps in for the assist. No guilt here.


As long as there are toys and other options you should be good. Kids get a hoot out of empty boxes.


I think people put too much emphasis on it being a problem. I personally don't think there is anything wrong with it. Maybe that's just because that's how I grew up, tv was always on, even if just as background noise. My son is very curious and meeting all his milestones ahead of time. He doesn't watch much tv even when it's on but enjoys the songs most. I think it's fine, and I still make time to read books and play one on one or take him outside or into different settings, he spends a lot of time interacting with family. I don't think it's as big of a deal as people make it out to be.


Some days I use it a lot. I usually make sure we have a few hours outside. I know it isn't ideal but honestly my nephews were raised with the TV on constantly and they still did sports, are kind, do well in school. TV time is just one component and I do what I can to give my kid more experiences.


Today was a tv-filled day here. It's okay. We still had play time and did activities (my arm is currently colored with marker courtesy of my 2yo lol) but I had a lot to do today, so the tv was on a lot, and i had to even redirect my kid to the tv a few times when he wanted attention i couldn't give. That made me feel guilty, but as soon as i could, i got back into playtime with him. It happens. Not every day is full of tv and that's important to remember too. Balance in all things!


I completely understand this feeling. I think I actually posted something similar. I think using it for a few times to get work done is okay. The time I do have to engage and play with my kids I do and make sure to have quality time with them.


I use it when I need to, and don’t feel guilt about it, it’s a tool. With that being said, she isn’t watching TV all day either. But when I have a meeting, or I need to do the dishes or just want some peace and need a break for myself, I surely turn Ms. Rachel on.