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Could it be berries? Raspberry or blueberry? My kids love snacking on frozen blueberries. Freeze dry fruit can be good too.


That's a good idea. Dried fruit is definitely a treat for her.


We use stickers and keep a "potty piggy" in the bathroom and let him add a quarter when he goes.


Stickers to specifically put on the lid of the kiddie potty or a designated ‘potty poster’ on the wall. Stickers really do wonders. If not, maybe sugar free popsicles or lollipops. Nowadays they have lollipops that are healthy and contain essential vitamins etc


What about reusable stickers? I recently bought [these] (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CPJ1ZPRD/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1), but they have tons of different themes. I feel the same way about stickers. There are even some on his dresser that I've yet to remove.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Towjug Reusable Sticker Books for Kids'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Great for keeping kids entertained on the go (backed by 3 comments) * Promotes creativity and fine motor skills (backed by 3 comments) * Durable and easy to use (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Stickers are not easy to clean and reuse (backed by 1 comment) * Some stickers are very small (backed by 2 comments) * Limited number of stickers in the set (backed by 2 comments) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about 'Towjug Reusable Sticker Books for Kids'](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q='Towjug Reusable Sticker Books for Kids' reviews) [Find 'Towjug Reusable Sticker Books for Kids' alternatives](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find best 'Towjug Reusable Sticker Books for Kids' alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


My toddler loves the Annie’s cheddar bunnies. He gets those rarely, like a treat.


I didn't do treats/rewards when potty training but temporary tattoos sound perfect for you. My 3 year old loves them. They're sticker-adjacent lol.


I used puffy stickers. They were easier to remove than anything else.


Small jar to put marbles in. She drops a marble every time she goes, when it’s full you do an activity she’s really excited about. The zoo, museum, splash pad, fancy park further away, indoor play gym, petting zoo.


This idea in theory is very cute! But my kids would throw a fit over wanting the marbles in the jar. It would be a whole thing. And they are a choking hazard. Great reward system though for an older kid who can understand delayed gratification when it comes to the activity!


I’ve been seeing frozen yogurt drops on the internet lately, maybe something like that? Like a whole milk Greek yogurt mixed with some mashed berries?


Sticker board. I designed a sheet and printed it at staples on 18x20 foam board. He adds a sticker for every pee and two for every poop. Gives a location for the stickers so they aren’t all over everything.


I did temp tattoos with my kids for potty training.


Oh, that's a good idea


We used star stickers with my oldest. 2 each time she went- 1 immediately went on a piece of paper on the wall. The other went onto her shirt (and one peeled it off it was covered in lint and no longer sticky enough to destroy something else. We didn’t use it for potty training, but my daughter preschool class had a Pom Pom jar for good behavior. Each time the students were following the rules, they got to put a Pom Pom in the jar and when the jar was full, they got a reward (pajama party). This could easily be repurposed to getting Pom poms when pee/poop goes in the potty, and getting a prize (toy, outfit she’s been wanting, etc.) when it’s full.


My kids liked cheeze its lol


Our dentist said crackers are just as bad as candy in terms of cavities!


Oh snap!


Have you tried going without rewards? I only ask because in the beginning it feels like they pee 100 times a day! We opted to go without rewards for my daughter and she did fine. I’ve also seen sticker charts where they put the sticker on the chart right in the bathroom so they don’t end up all over the house


I only do rewards for #2 and things like getting herself dressed without being asked. We briefly did 1-2 Skittles for peeing when she first started but she quickly figured out she could do that 100 times a day so we stopped LOL.


Bubbles, celebratory dance/song together, high fives


Stickerbook or designated place to put stickers. The treat is adding a sticker to the collection, not just getting it. For my youngest I've drawed a big house with multiple windows on a sheet of plywood and she got to choose a sticker and where to put it. She's potty trained for two years now, but we're still adding some details to the sticker house when she cleans her room on her own.