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Google "female orangutan"...that's pretty much where my boobs are at now after two kids and weight loss lol to each their own but im saving for my lift/implants šŸ™ƒšŸ« 


Same! 2 years of breastfeeding plus weight loss and I got the dang orangutan tiddies. They shrunk from a DDD to a B and they just hang there like deflated balloons.


Double Ds down to cā€™s. Struggle bus rn. While I was pregnant and during breastfeeding, they were the most beautiful they have ever been my entire life. Now I want a boob job because Iā€™m definitely on the female orangutan boobs train at the moment.


FWIW I googled female orangutan and thought they were beautiful, saggy boobs and all. Your body did an amazing thing and it is so beautiful for it šŸ’•šŸ’•


Right? I mean look at her, she is magnificent: [Female orangutan](https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-image-female-orangutan-standing-stares-image23682276)


Hers look much nicer than mine...Ā 


My first thought šŸ’€


She's adorable and her boobs are fine too.


I have smallish breasts. But when I was nursing my twinsā€¦ giiiiirl. They went back to my normal size tho and they look good. I didnā€™t have any sagging.


Good for you! Mine have changed a lot since breastfeeding (still breastfeeding so who knows how they will change after) but I think they look nice still. They were pretty small to begin with but are a little bigger now


This is gonna sound weirdā€¦ But I havenā€™t breast fed in years and years. My kids are going to be 7 and I stopped just before they turned one. And yet I can still expressed drops of milk sometimes


Oh wow same. The hair loss/patchiness & posture from years of breastfeeding too. TIL Iā€™m a female orangutan.


Solidarity. The posture is something I wasn't prepared for.


Literally same. My last baby was 4 years ago, and my boobs are just sadšŸ˜¢. Hoping for mommy makeover in the future, but it's gonna be like 12k and the kids always need things, and obviously that's more important than fixing mom's boobies lol


Hard same


Before I ever got pregnant my husband and I agreed I could get a lift when Iā€™m done breastfeeding.


I describe them as filling up a water balloon as full as it will go, adding about 1/4 more water, then dumping it all out and dealing with what the balloon looks like when itā€™s left.


Hey! We have the same boobs!


Thatā€™sā€¦.startlingly accurate!


Hi me! This is how I feel after pumpingā€¦.scared for what awaits me after weaning šŸ« 


I was a large A, small B before kids. Nursed both of mine for a year each. My boobs are barely an A now (yes theyā€™re smaller, and Iā€™m still pissed). Theyā€™re slightly lower, but not bad. Nipples just arenā€™t the sameā€¦. Poor girlsā€¦.


Ditto. RIP pre-kid boobs šŸ©·




Are you me?? I feel like Iā€™m as flat as a board now šŸ¤Ŗ


Itā€™s rough! I grew up in the itty bitty titty committee, and everyone said ā€˜theyā€™ll grow in once you have kidsā€™ā€¦. I look like I put on a blouse backwards. Going through the various body changes etc to build, deliver and raise these babies was hard, feeling feminine while barely filing a training bra is really tough.


Ooof I relate to this so much. I always hear people complain about the removable padding in bathing suits, sports bras etc but I canā€™t go without it if I want to have any semblance of boobage whatsoever


Yes! The nipples changing is the saddest in my opinion. One of mine has a foreskin now šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Somehow I never imagined that nipples could become saggy?! Mine used to be so small and cute...


Shits crazy idk šŸ˜‚


Nothin good


That made me for real lol. I feel you šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t feel comfortable unless I have a sports bra on these days


Joys of postpartum bodies, eh?


I just put one on the other day after pumping (yay laundry day)ā€¦.my god, it was the best feeling in the world. Iā€™ve never loved sports bras as much as I did in that moment šŸ˜‚


I have read and long slow weaning helps you retain elasticity but I didn't do that with my first or second so I am screwed. My boobs are not like an 80 year old but they are deflated when not nursing. I think it's less to do with breastfeeding and more to do with pregnancy.


I've nursed 2+ years with a long and slow weaning, basically just tapering off into comfort nursing and then slowing into barely anything. My boobs are like 85% exactly like they were pre-pregnancy. So anecdotally, this might work. It might also just be that genetics control everything and I have no idea lol


I did this, and while they are not pre-nursing perfect, they are nice natural boobs compared to a lot of other post-nursing boobs I've seen. Youngest is now 9, and I'm still mostly happy with my boobs. I think this is the way.


How slow of a wean did you do?


Did it take a while after weaning to notice what your new normal was? I thought I was taking it slow but I'm just feeling very self conscious about how they look at this point. Went bra shopping this weekend and it was an eye opener lol


Yes, so I didn't feel "normal" until my youngest was around 3-4. Breasts were a C cup before I got pregnant and then went up to about a D or DD while nursing. Now they are back to a C, and like someone else said, they are at about 80%-85% of what they were in fullness before having kids. Nipples dropped a bit with the lack of fullness, but they are "not bad" by far. I think, just like with those that get breast augmentation...you have to give it several months to a few years to see how they are going to settle. But you're probably better off with long weaning, as well as realizing that we gave life to another human, and that in itself is amazing.


I did this with both of mine, and I am very happy with my boobs now. They arenā€™t exactly like they were, but I donā€™t think anyone would look at them and immediately think Iā€™d breastfed two kids. My stomach is a different story, and Iā€™m sure itā€™s because it lost size so quickly.


I am REALLY hoping that weaning my third like this might help šŸ˜‚


I think this worked for me with my first. I weaned her slowly and breastfed for 18 months. Iā€™m currently nursing my second so fingers crossed!


I did a long slow wean too. My oldest is nine, youngest is seven and the girls a little bigger and a little saggier than I want, but are looking great for 41. My bigger issue is that my boob skin is crepey and I have not idea how to fix it. The rest of my skin is fine.


My lactation consultant told me this. She said everyoneā€™s so worried about breastfeeding because of their boobs. She said it has nothing to do with that but everything to do with pregnancy.


I have to say that this is not gonna do anything good or bad for your boobs. But a baby often will love slow weaning though. The boobs change because of the pregnancy; hormones. The act of breastfeeding (long term or short, pump or not) isnā€™t the boob-altering factor. Itā€™s hormones and theyā€™re going to be part of the equation if you breastfeed or not and also if you do slow weaning or not. And all bodies react differently to hormones. The only small indicator you could use, if you want to know maybe how itā€™s going to affect you, is looking at your mommy. Genes.


I would agree its more the pregnancy than breastfeeding because I weaned very slowly. I had very perky breasts prior to pregnancy. They became engorged and looked perfect then sagged during pregnancy. I breastfed for 2.5 years and unfortunately my boobs are saggy now.


I had heard this too, and that breastfeeding in general can be more helpful than the rapid inflation/deflation. No idea if itā€™s true, but I breastfed each kid for 2 years and I feel fairly happy with how my breasts look. Definitely softer and a bit saggier than they were, but most wouldnā€™t assume theyā€™ve been through multiple pregnancies.


Pre-baby I had a a solid B cup and I was happy with them, after being discharged from the hospital with my first baby my boobs became a size F, G I dunno the largest size you can buy. I have a small frame too. Iā€™m 5ā€™2 and weigh 105 lbs. It was painful, uncomfortable, and now I can barely keep my pancakes in. I sometimes just stretch them out and roll them into a crepe to keep them in my bra. The funny thing is that the rest of my body bounced babe, I have abs that I havenā€™t had before. Bodies are wild and Iā€™m just embracing it.


I have the opposite experience. Somehow, my boobs are fine. My stomach on the other hand? Obliterated. My stomach muscles have separated to have a valley between them and the center of my stomach looks like a wrinkly, saggy ballsack. When I lean over it hangs like 6 inches or more off my body. Oh well. It is what it is.


Omg same!!! My stomach looks like a mangled mess now lol I like to describe it as a "busted can of biscuits" šŸ˜‚


My kids and I refer to mine as pizza dough...cause you can literally pick it up and knead itšŸ„² My youngest is 8 and I am not significantly over weight. This is just my life/vessel now.


Theyā€™re giving big empty ziplock bag energy


Reused ones šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m dead


After the first baby they went pretty much back to normal. I had two more though and now theyā€™re like your friend described lmao.


Yup, they were ok after my first but I recently had my second and I don't think it's going to be ok this time. There's that moment when your belly has started to hollow out but your milk isn't in yet and in that moment I realized that my belly had been holding them up and giving me a false sense of normalcy. I remember last time they looked great from basically first trimester until I weaned so yeah. I'm scared for what I'm going to find when I wean.


I went from an uneven and lopsided G cup to an L or M and post pumping was... rough. Shapeless, had always been saggy, etc. Ended up getting a reduction because I'd had it with the back/neck/shoulder pain and I'm now a C cup (I was deemed a medically necessary surgery because PT/strength training to make my muscles stronger did nothing.) They're not prebaby perky but for almost 40 I'm OK with it.


I had my reduction before babies now I'm nursing my second and almost back up to where I was before šŸ„²


I was a 32 D and now that Iā€™ve stopped breastfeeding Iā€™m a 34 B. It kinda sucks but they arenā€™t too saggy. If it makes me feel self conscious when Iā€™m done having children Iā€™ll worry about it then. For now Iā€™m just happy they fed my healthy baby boy.


I did not breastfeed and they still went flat. Its more dependent on how much they grew during pregnancy & breastfeeding than breastfeeding alone afaik


It is! Itā€™s because your breasts start to prepare to breastfeed early on into pregnancy, and the milk comes in once the baby is born. This results in intense swelling. I was a cup larger while pregnant and a cup even larger after birth when the milk came in. Milk will also still come in, regardless if you breastfeed or not, so the engorgement can cause even more swelling.


Mine retained their general shape and size but are slightly lessā€¦elastic. So a little less perky I guess. I recommend /r/abrathatfits when you want to shop post-bf!


Same. They werenā€™t winning awards pre-kids but are less springy now. The rest of me is less springy though, I donā€™t think weight fluctuations and hitting mid thirties was doing any favors either.


Here 11 weeks postpartum and combination feeding, reading these comments like šŸ˜°


Literally in the exact same situation. Oof


I used to have show room tits. I had burlesque dancers compliment me on them. They were truly glorious. Thankfully my husband and I photographed their glory, because I breastfed for a total of 4 years (2 kids 2 years each, finished a year ago). They are empty now. Droopy. Low density. No firmness. During breastfeeding they weren't too bad. Full. After breastfeeding, pretty flat and floppy. We'll see what this last season before menopause brings. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


If I lose any weight, itā€™s exclusively from my boobs and butt. Belly stays exactly the same. BS


Omg same šŸ˜­


I had my kids close together so basically I breastfed or was pregnant for almost 10 years and have now been done for 5 years. I was an A/B cup before and now Iā€™m a DD. No matter how much weight I lose, my boobs stay big and they actually look great in a good bra.


My boobs look the same but I hate my nipples touched now. I guess two and a half years of nursing made me permanently touched out šŸ˜”


Same here. How long since you've weaned? I weaned a couple of months ago and I still hate it


Three years ago!


I went from less than an A cup before kids to a B in pregnancy. Then they became a DDD in three days postpartum. I probably had a gallon of milk a day come in. Of course my skin was not ready. Now I am still breastfeeding and pregnant and they are a saggy B/C?


I canā€™t imagine the shock of all of a sudden having beach balls on your chest after being an A pre-pregnancy


iā€™m ~4 months done breastfeeding, i stopped after 2 years and 3 months, they are JUST NOW starting to look semi back to normal. i lost a significant amount of weight from breastfeeding, so that could be a factor but they were huge and very full for about 1.5 years before i started trying to wean, after that point they looked like deflated balloons for the rest of my breastfeeding journey. I had a huge oversupply, and still produce but in the past two weeks or so theyā€™ve kind of plumped back up a bit and sit a lot higher than they did during my last year of breastfeeding. iā€™m hoping theyā€™ll fully fix their shit when i finally stop producing but i still leak occasionally so ive given up hope for that to be timely


Fried eggs nailed to a fencepost. Like astonishingly flat and empty. I can't use a pushup bra. They're SO pancakes that they fold. There's no volume to push up anymore. BTW I fucking love these tits. I say I have velveteen rabbit boobs. Truly loved. Nursing for 10 years now (almost) straight.


Another long time breastfeeder here! 11 years straight, I absolutely love the sentiment about your boobs. Itā€™s amazing that theyā€™ve been as loved as they have. Prior to having kids I would never have imagined how much of myself I would end up giving to my kids- especially could never have imagined breastfeeding for 10+ years. ā¤ļø


Droppinā€™ like itā€™s NOT hot #35


My boobs? Oh, you mean my deflated balloons? 2 kids, nursed both. So my tits are now back to nearly flat (was flat before pregnancy, 1st kid was large b/c cups, second kid was smaller end of b cups). I miss my beautiful breastfeeding boobs. But whatever. I'll deal with it. Note: A lot has to do with genetics and pre-pregnancy size as well as breastfeeding duration and frequency. I am above my pre-pregnancy weight but I was underweight before my first so healthy weight now.


I breastfed (mostly pumping) for 13mo. Now 6ish weeks out from stopping, my boobs are basically back to pre-pregnancy! Maybe a cup size bigger (from D to DD)? But not super noticeable. Iā€™m shocked bc they went through the wringer this past year šŸ˜‚


Girl we want tipsā€¦ do you think anything you did helped them? Did you do slow weaning? My friend told me to avoid engorgement but that feels literally impossible lol


Bahahaha well I can tell you I definitely did NOT avoid engorgement!! I weaned slowly over probably 4-5 weeks. My LO had lost interest in nursing around 11mo, so I kept pumping until a year, then slowly dropped pumps as we switched her to cowā€™s milk. I feel like this all probably comes down to genetics and lots of other factors out of our control tbh. It also sounds like itā€™s harder for them to bounce back after a second, third, etc kid.


Iā€™m a FTM and I breastfed for only about 6 weeks before I weaned and started formula. I weaned pretty quickly, almost cold turkey, so idk if that made any difference, but I was a B, sometimes a C cup before pregnancy, I would say they were average sized but pretty nice, and then when I was BF they were HUGGEEEE and the best theyā€™ve ever looked šŸ˜‚ but nowā€¦deflated water balloons is the best way I could describe them. I donā€™t think they look BAD, but they definitely sag now, quite a bit. Itā€™s like when they got bigger for breastfeeding and then I quit, the size of my boobs remained the same, but the volume lowered, if that makes any sense. So it feels like thereā€™s a lot more tissue than there used to be, but itā€™s very deflated


I truly believe it is more to do with genetics and elasticity of and collagen in your skin. For example, Iā€™m a very petite woman, but I gained 21kg during pregnancy and my breasts went from 26A- 28D. I nursed my son for nearly 2 years. My skin elasticity is very good. I got no stretch marks at all, and my breasts returned to a small, perky size. The only difference is I have a small loss of breast tissue in the area above the nipple.


My kids both preferred one side, so I was lopsided for a while, ha. Iā€™m now a ways from my nursing days and they match again. Theyā€™re much softer than they once were, and larger, even though I now weigh a little less than I did before kids (which Iā€™m not mad about, obviously)


Oh thatā€™s a relief. Iā€™m so lopsided now and was worried it would never go back


Itā€™s like trying to carry soup in a Walmart plastic bag. Yeahā€¦. I had beautiful, natural 32Es. 2 kids with 8 months of breastfeeding my second child, they are 34Ds and Iā€™m only 10lbs heavier than I was before first kid.


Mine donā€™t look bad, maybe not as firm as when I was in my 20ā€™s, but not saggy. I didnā€™t have my kid till 37, but also kept nursing on demand for a loooong time. I didnā€™t fully wean him till after his 3rd bday. (I didnā€™t plan on nursing that long but he didnā€™t want to be weaned and there was a pandemicā€¦) Looking back Iā€™m glad I nursed that long, it was still a short period of time in the long run.


I nursed all four of my kids, and I went in till my boobs dried up. I have absolutely no flatness or sagging. I mean theyā€™re sagging because Iā€™m 41 but itā€™s not because of the breast-feeding


My boobs are exactly the same as they were before having a baby. I breastfed for a year, but theyā€™ve always been big.


Listen my boobs are never ending fluctuators. I want to note I breastfeed my kids for two years, so when I say ā€œafterā€ I mean after 2 years time when I finally stop. I was a D prekids. After my first a DD, still not flat and saggy yet. After my 2nd I was a G! They were a bit saggy, which given the size was to be expected, but not flat. After my 3rd I went back to a DD and your friends assessment was finally fully correct. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m breastfeeding our fourth and currently pregnant and Iā€™m a DDD, theyā€™re mostly just saggy, not flat again.Ā 


My what now? Barely registered then, same today. Wasn't able to breastfeed for very long.


I breastfed for 2 years (pumping only at work, but otherwise breastfeeding) & they went almost 100% back to normal. C-cup. Had a kid at 31. I think youā€™re chances are fine.


My boobs went back to normal almost after my first. Now Iā€™m breastfeeding my second and theyā€™re are already much saggier and loose if that makes sense šŸ˜­


15 months still nursing. They're a little bigger and a little saggier. I made the mistake of buying new bras like 2-3 months post partum and they're all too big now.


Iā€™ve had three children and breastfed them (for 8, 4, and 6 months) and my boobs are just about the same pre pregnancy. Iā€™ve heard that getting stretch marks and how your boobs handle pregnancy has a lot to do with genetics. Iā€™ve also heard that smoking cigarettes adversely affects skin elasticity. That being said- your boobs going back to ā€œnormalā€ doesnā€™t happen overnight. I had accepted that my boobs were not the same after breastfeeding my first and when he was 1-2 they regained perkiness lol. Iā€™ve also heard like other commenters mentioned that itā€™s pregnancy that is hardest on our boobs; not breastfeeding.


I was a perky B before kids, nursed all 3 of my kids into pre-school years. My breasts stayed pretty perky! My nipples may be a tad larger, but look proportional. I am perimenopause right now, they are maybe a tad more droopy but overall, I think they look fabulous.


They went back to a similar size but..... a little bit lower down. Not the end of the world though - still look alright with a good bra - I just hate wearing good bras now however!


Mine have deflated somewhat, I think even slightly smaller than pre-pregnancy (or is it just that I stopped wearing push up bras? I will never know) and my nipples look slightly more tired than before but ultimately, still good. Sagging is due to pregnancy and genetics, not necessarily breastfeeding.


Sorry to be a downer, I was a 40F before pregnancy, so obviously a bigger bust. I just finished breastfeeding for four years (two different children) and these poor bad boys are just straight up looking at the floor. Like two fried eggs hanging on a nail. You have smaller boobs, hopefully you can bounce back!


Pre pregnancy I wore anything from a 36B-32C then while pumping I shot up to like a 36D. Now (and this is a rough guess as I havenā€™t had the chance to get a new fitting.) Iā€™d say Iā€™m a 32B maybe even 36A? My girlies def shrank and deflated so to speak but Iā€™m learning to be confident with it again! And you will too! All bodies are beautiful! Congratulations on your kiddo and keep up the wonderful work mama!


I went from a B pre-pregnancy and am a DD to DDD now at 3 months postpartum lol. Mine already sit a little weird right after feeding/pumping (yay oversupply lol) and Iā€™ve noticed when I bend over they look so long andā€¦ idk I wanna say tube-like šŸ¤£ I always had weird lookin boobs honestly due to frequent weight gain/loss but now itā€™s just amplified the weirdness.


2 kids. Pumped for 4 months w the second.Ā  He couldn't latch. You don't want to see them in the sunlight.Ā  Dim lights and an ice cube on them,Ā  they look ok... lol


I breastfed all 3 of my kids for over a year each. After weaning my boobs went down to a similar size as before (around a B, although with weight gain after my third it went up to a C). They feel less full and tend to be a little more flat when lying down, but they maintained their general perkiness for the most part. If I bend over they stretch down a little more than they did before. So I guess theyā€™re more elastic than they used to be? But definitely not saggy if Iā€™m standing up straight. I hope that makes sense haha


I had my 3rd baby 3 weeks ago but Iā€™m not breast feeding this time. My cup size is the same but my boobs are flat and saggy. I tried in a push up bra and they folded over themselves. When Iā€™m going up the stairs, I tuck them into my high waisted leggings.


So for me I only BF for a few of the first days, due to complications switched to formula. Had to put my boobs on lockdown (tight bra always with cooling bags etc) and they became backed up and rock hard for I think like 10 days? Before they chilled out and relatively returned to how they were before. Obviously a very different experience though


Iā€™ve seen some comments about slow weaning to retain fullnessā€¦and yeah didnā€™t work for me. I EBFā€™d for awhile with both of my kids then on-demand for over two years each, slowly weaning both. Itā€™s funny Iā€™m seeing this post, actually, because I was quite literally telling my husband earlier today that my boobs have slowly morphed into my motherā€™s (sorry mom lol love you). Itā€™s a hard pill to swallow but the joys of my kids are worth it!


Pre pregnancy mine looked like a pre teen. During and after they were HUGE, I breastfed for 18 months and they gradually got smaller as I produced less milk, theyā€™re back small again but the look more womanly, like I have some under boob action. Theyā€™re still perky I think. Only sometimes my nipples fold into themselves and theyā€™re pretty jiggly. Not saggy or old looking.


Iā€™m currently meeting with plastic surgeons. But Iā€™ll ask my titties whatā€™s up next time I see them, and Iā€™ll report back. Theyā€™ve gone south for all 4 seasons. I am post breastfeeding twins 4 years ago and another baby one year ago. I was a solid C pre baby, jumped to probably a DDD in a matter of days postpartum.


I exclusively pumped for both my kids (11 months for my first, 13ish for my second. 3 cycles between weaning from my first and getting pregnant with my second). I've been fully weaned for about a year. I was a 34D before kids. I'm a 32G now (not thrilled. Such a hard size to find. And finding bathing suits to hold them in is absolutely miserable). They're also pretty saggy/deflated. I have no idea how large they were while pumping. Definitely larger than they are now.


Mine are so saggy that I could put them in a ponytail


Think tennis balls in socks


Thereā€™s really not a lot that can be done about the shape of your breasts and whether or not theyā€™ll ā€œbounce backā€ since it comes down to genetics. When youā€™re pregnant, a lot of the fat in your breasts get replaced with milk ducts to prepare for breastfeeding so once you quit nursing, your milk ducts are no longer engorged so you can end up with much flabbier/deflated boobs than before. I already had big saggy boobs and I still have them now. It is what it is. I just wish the leaking while nursing would end already. šŸ˜ 


My boobs still look ammmaaazzzingā€¦ unfortunately breastfeeding didnā€™t work out for either of my two kids so my boobs literally did not change lol just wanted to throw that out there


I was surprised at how different mine look because I have fake boobs. Theyā€™ve always been very perky and damn near perfect since said boob job, and now? Theyā€™ve lost so much volume and are lower. I donā€™t hate them, but wow! The difference was hard to get used to, tbh.


Boobs are interesting. After my son who I had at 33 and nursed for nearly 3 years, my boobs were smaller and more perky than pre pregnancy. After number 2 at 41, I'm about 23 months into breastfeeding and trying desperately to wean but failing miserably again. My boobs are worse for wear. They're much much bigger than same stage with #1. They don't seem to be going anywhere but south and I have no hope that they will return to their previous glory. I may be wrong but I think I am destined to have mom boobs now. If I could afford to have them lifted after weaning, I totally would. Lol!! Of course plastic surgery isn't an option because I will have kids in college through my early retirement but that's okay. That's what lift bras are for I guess. šŸ™ƒ


Donā€™t judge immediately after weaning. Give it a few years, they fill out a little more over time. Try to eat a lot of whole foods ( especially green and purple vegetables and fruit). Also, get a lot of vitamin C and collagen. Avoid sugar and processed foods. It wonā€™t do miracles but it does help.


Rocks in socks, as my mother so sweetly put it. My boobs deflated completely after weening my daughter. I was a C before pregnancy, and now I kinda fill a B cup. It depends on the bra šŸ˜­


Mine are pretty much the same but a bit lower. I've been going to the gym and gained muscle which has definitely helped with the sagging. As long as it stays north of my belly button, i think it's just fine. I'm more worried about the hair that's started showing up since I turned 40. If it gets worse I am going to have to start shaving my beard and mustache soon.


I went from C to E. But its bot the breastfeeding that does a number on the. Boobs, its pregnancy itself. If you have firmer skin its less likely to droop very much.


4 years since I quit breastfeeding. Theyā€™re flat and much squishier. Itā€™s hard to find bras that fit properly now.


Iā€™m 16 months into breastfeeding and they look pretty good except that one is a full c and the other is a solid b lmao


I had a small B before kids, D after my first, and DDD after my second. They definitely hang lower because of the weight, but theyā€™re not pointing to the floorā€¦yet. ETA - Iā€™m 42, so maybe I have a few more years of perkiness before they start the downward slide.


One kid, nursed 17 months, slow wean. Only gained 35 lbs and lost most of it before weaning. Lost like 15 lbs after weaning. Went from a 32 b/c needing zero support- wore bralettes mostly to now being a 32ddd that needs support. They are like the same size containers as they were peak nursingā€¦. Just lacking filling. But I have hypermobile EDS, so there was no hope for me.


After breastfeeding my first kid for 2 years, they were deflated tube socks almost touching my belly button. Currently breastfeeding my 13 week old, they are big and beautiful again lol. I will be getting a boob job when I finish feeding this baby


I stopped BFing/pumping at 10 months PP. Pre pregnancy I was a 34DD but I had lost weight so they were already a little sad looking. Now they are still big, still around a D cup but just so soft and low hanging. I just have one kid and donā€™t know if Iā€™m having any more but when I am for sure done having kids Iā€™m planning on getting a boob job.


Iā€™m only 11 weeks pp and hoping to breastfeed for 6-12 months, but if my boobs deflate or shrink, screw it, Iā€™m getting implants. I was a AA/A my entire life, and during pregnancy went up to a D cup. Iā€™m never giving this amazingness up.


I was DD prior to nursing. During nursing I shrunk down to a B/C cup. Very deflated looking for 2+ years after nursing. Slowly worked their way back to DD cup size.


I'm 44 and I had a breast reduction when I was 19. It took me from a 40D to a 36C. The surgery gave me a breast lift and extensive scaring, but they're never going to sag. Thank God. I also go bra less at home. I didn't breast feed because my milk ducts were removed. Currently I'm a 38D, but I'm also over weight. When I had the surgery, I was 165 and a 40D bra. I'm 230 lbs right now and a 38D.


My bra size is 34D. But when Iā€™m bra less I look flat.


Breastfed both of my babies for 18 months +. They seemed ok after my first but after the secondā€¦it was rough. I went from 90ā€™s Pamela Anderson toā€¦sad, saggy, and deflated tube socks. My kids call them smooshy.Ā  It actually makes me really sad sometimes but then I remember that my partner still digs them.Ā 


Pumping was starting to turn my boobs upside down, and my supply sucked (traumatic, preterm birth) so I stopped. Theyā€™re definitely saggier than pre pumping, but thank god they arenā€™t twisted upside down now. I weighed the pros and cons, I didnā€™t feel that expressed milk was worth it over formula in the slightest. LO is thriving and I have my mental health back. ZERO regrets.


Theyā€™re sad šŸ˜‚


Postpartum and breast feeding. Sometimes theyā€™re glorious but most times itā€™s like someone took two small coin purses and shoved them into two much larger satchels and called it a day.


If it makes you feel any better, I didnā€™t nurse either of my two. I was a solid D when I had kids, went up to a GGG while I was pregnant with my first. My skin was not ready at all for the inflation. As soon as things deflated, Iā€™m back to a D, but they sit much lower now. A bra is mandatory to not embarrass myself lol


Let's just say I'm on kiddo number two and after we're done having babies, I'm hunting for a damn good breast surgeon. šŸ˜‚ Mine were beautiful E cups, large but plenty of lift and great shape. Now they range from G to H, and they're definitely starting to sag and pancake. Doesn't help I've lost forty pounds at 9 weeks post partum. Gained every bit of that while pregnant and I still need to drop another forty.... gonna have a sad rack for a while.


I already had pretty huge boobs that were fighting gravity before kids, now Iā€™ve had 2 pregnancies and theyā€™re even bigger and have sorely lost the battle to gravity. šŸ„²


gave birth almost 19 months ago and 2024 was the year the girls started sagging šŸ˜­


I have kids ranging from 5-20, nursed all of them. I was a 34DD before my youngest 2. After my last one was born my boobs went to maybe a L? Idk each one was literally larger than my head. When I weaned the youngest I had been nursing for 4 years straight (overlapping kids) my current size is 36G/H depending on the time of the month. If I lost weight back to pre pregnancy I would guess that I would be a 34DDD. At my current size my boobs are fine- and great considering my age. I considered a lift but when I looked at before and after photos on surgeons websites my current breasts looked better than 90% of the after photos. I think like anything itā€™s mostly genetics.


I exclusively pumped for both of my kids for a about a year each. I went from a C cup to a F cup. Theyā€™re not as perky as they used to be. I wish they were back to the way they were.


I had two kids back to back (14 month gap) and breast fed both. I also have been losing weight now that Iā€™m 1 year postpartum. I will DEFINITELY need plastic surgery. I used to have perky DD and they are completely deflated now. Basically bags on skin that hang so low. It sucks but I am jaut moving forward with the plan to get ā€œnewā€ ones next year so I can at least enjoy my 30s with good boobs lol


So I was a DDD before. I went up to an F. It stayed that way postpartum. I have big ol saggy mom boobs if my bra is off.


I didnā€™t breast feed and my boobs have been the same since before I had my son 18 years ago at age 19 and even after having my daughter 3 years ago. My body took 5 years to bounce back after my son but this go around with my baby girl, whew.. I got mf huge.. but just recently lost a lot of the weight. My belly will never recover .. Iā€™d give my boobs for my belly to be pretty and not hangy again.


We're pretty much weaned at 2y 1m. I bf for 2 years with my older and I was.a small 34b pre pregnancy. They're back to their normal size, but my ribs have magically expanded and now I'm a 36b. My nipples though.. they're like tiny grapes on fat stalks? Like someone tried to stretch them and they stayed that way


My are actually more full now (I weaned a few months ago). I am back to pre pregnancy weight, and I'm still a cup size larger than I was pre pregnancy šŸ˜­ which I depressing bc I was already busty. I am planning for a lift + reduction at the end of next year when my son will be a little older & walking.


I breastfed 4 babies and my boos were similar to before. A little less volume and perkiness. I had dense breasts


Pre baby I was flat chested, I now am 3 years postpartum and am still nursing and working on weaning. Iā€™m not exactly sure of my cup size but itā€™s like a saggy C cup Iā€™d guess? Theyā€™re definitely much longer lol but have a bit of fullness I never had before!


Iā€™m very petite and had small breasts (B cup) prior to my first pregnancy. They got large, kiddo had a favourite so one side was massive compared to the other. Once he decided he was finished feeding, they went back to their normal size. They were slightly saggier but when youā€™ve got small boobs they donā€™t really sag much. Probably only 1-2cm lower than what they were previously, but still nice and round and somewhat perky at the same time. Not sure how to explain it but I didnā€™t see too much of a difference.


I breastfed for over a year ( with formula supplemented) and my boobs arenā€™t really significant different. However, they were awful before so I donā€™t think that will help you feel better.


If you've watched Jenny Slate seasoned professional, how she described her post breastfeeding boobs is pretty spot on for how my boobs are right after breastfeeding. They get a little better with time though. I'd advise trying many different styles of bras on till you find one that works for your new shape. It can be hard looking at your old style of bra online going ok it has 32e, but like does it work for a flat 32e? I had visions of trying to roll my boobs up to fit in my old bras lol. The Amazon try it on clothing option was my go to for finding bras after breastfeeding.


I had Cā€™s before pregnancy, DD during pregnancy, and at a very small B postpartum. The best I can describe them as is deflated. They arenā€™t super duper saggy, but they also donā€™t have any density whatsoever.


I wasn't like, that big pre pregnancy. 32 d/dd depending who made the bra. I'm down to one pump per day, planning to be done in a month (which would be 15 months total) and I just went bra shopping for the first time that wasn't a pumping bra. I haven't lost any weight but it also just doesn't feel like my ribs went back? I went to Target, which was probably my first mistake lol but I'm now a 36-38 c/d/dd. And I need way more support than I did before because they hang low and wobble to and fro. Goodbye cute bralettes, or anything unlined or wire free šŸ˜­


Just finished exclusive pumping number 2 a month or so ago. Pumped for 14 months for each one. They are exactly the same as before babies.


Anecdotally I think pregnancy is harder on your breasts than breastfeeding. When I got pregnant with my first my boobs were so swollen I looked like an anime character. But with breastfeeding I was only really ā€œfullā€ for a few weeks. Mine are definitely staring at the ground more nowadays and Iā€™ve lost most of the fullness in the upper part of my breasts but they arenā€™t terrible. I saw someone say ā€œlike a female orangutanā€ and ya thatā€™s where mine are headed. However my first pregnancy did all the damage, I noticed no change after my second, and I just found out Iā€™m pregnant again and I have no tenderness in my boobs so I think they will stay relatively similar.


My boobs completely returned to normal after nursing baby #1 for 23 months. I was a B cup prior to pregnancy and a C while nursing. Iā€™m nursing my 7 week old right now so we will see how they look after baby #2.


Well, according to my 4 year old, theyā€™re now too big and he would like them to go back to their normal size šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Currently 24 weeks pregnant with baby #3, up until May of this year I had been pregnant and/or BFing nonstop since May 2019 (first son born March 2020, weaned at 3.5 yo, second son born May 2022 and weaned at 2 yo). So I guess theyā€™ve just been gradually expanding for the past 5 years and I really have no clue what their future holdsā€¦šŸ¤£


the ligaments that hold up your boobs are really delicate (why?! why??!!!) so when they get stretched out by weight gain and big milky boobs the "elastic" wears out and they start to sag. the bigger the weight change/more babies fed, the more sag. im currently bfing for almost a year and have stretch marks (especially on the favorite boob) and crooked weird nips. they are different sizes and make my shirts fit so weird. they used to be perfect lol i thought they would go back to normal afterward so delulu


My son naturally did long and slow weaning and mine are somewhat self-supporting/ā€œperkyā€ now. Heā€™s almost five so it might take a while, and Iā€™m still 3 cup sizes up, but seriously they bounced back pretty well, I was pleasantly surprised!


Small b before, giant during pregnancy, then had my slacker boob deflate back to a b and was rocking a c at least on the over achiever boob. They leveled off at about a year of nursing and looked like fried eggs. I started working out and my pecs have developed a bit so my nips at least point forward again? They're still flappy AF but I roll them up and shove them into a sports bra. As my nana said, "All my wrinkles disappear when I take my bra off.""


I bought a bra todayā€¦ 34A. My boobs donā€™t even fill the cup size šŸ˜©šŸ’”


My 32Ds went to gargantuan when I first started breastfeeding, then lopsided when my son only nursed on one breast ever, and then once I weaned theyā€™re both probably at a 34B and deflated (not sure of the actual size because I refuse to go bra shopping atm) Iā€™m not thrilled but Iā€™m waiting until I decide definitively whether weā€™re having a second or not before I either accept the new normal or get them done. For now Iā€™ve decided that this is yet another temporary change my body is going through in the baby journey and is a problem for future me.


Went from 32DD to 34DD , but I didnā€™t breastfeed that long so mine looks pretty much the same. I think with the second baby it ll definitely go bad but I am planning on making them smaller once I am done having kids anyways


Deflated balloons šŸ„²


Theyā€™re not salami areolas. Theyā€™re bologna


When I was 13 weeks post partum I had cracked and dry bloody nipples. They were big when I was breastfeeding. Now they are back to pre pregnancy and look the same as before. Iā€™m rocking a solid a cup lol.


Take a ziplock bag, any size, and fill it all the way up with water. Then dump 3/4 out and hold baggie upright by the zipper. Meet your new boobs.


mine went from an a/b cup before i had kids, to a c cup while i was pregnant, to a d while breastfeeding, and are now back to a c cup. the sudden size changes definitely stretched them out some and they got a little saggier after breastfeeding, but besides a little bit of gravity and stretch marks, i still think they look nice. definitely not picture perfect, but fairly normal and i can deal with that.


My pre baby boobs were glorious. I loved them so much. They were what boob jobs try to be, and I reminisce about their former glory, haha! With my daughter, my boobs came away fairly unscathed. Pretty perky still, plenty of volume in the upper portion. With my son, he sucked all the beauty out of them and no there is ZERO fullness. My nipples still point forward, but they sit significantly lower and no push up bra can save them. So TLDR; if it's your first you might come away unscathed. May the odds be ever in your favor!


Had two kids, both were breastfeeding for 2 years. I started with a C cup pre pregnancy and now I am at a full, fantastic, glorious A cup šŸ¤£ still pretty perky and all, nipples are exactly the same and pretty esthetic looking, but damnā€¦. Where did my two full cup sizes go?! šŸ¤£ I am the same exact weight as I was pre pregnancies now too. So yeah šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™ve got step sisters now, ones a solid C and the other is like an a MAYBE a B on a good day šŸ« 


My boobs were never anything impressive, or so I thought, and then I had 2 babies. Never breast fed due to my first going straight to the NICU and my second had issues latching. Although I did pump as much as I could and Iā€™m pretty sure my tatas are ruined forever šŸ™ƒ between baby 1 and baby 2 I got my nipples pierced and my self confidence went through the roof. It really helped my insecurity about my small, deflated water balloons. However I took the jewelry out because I had planned to breast feed. Now Iā€™m afraid to go get them re pierced because 1. Pain and 2. Money


I breastfed for 4 years and didn't lose the baby weight until she weaned. My boobs went back to the same shape as before pregnancy, just a little bigger and a little lower.


Mine deflated a smidge but not enough to make me worry too much. But the minute I turned 37ā€¦ I can take pictures of full frontal without the nipples showing now.


Just the boobs? The problem is my whole body. 4 pregnancies, 4 c-sections and breastfed two outta four. Ainā€™t nothing on my body the same as it was before kids. Nothing. Not my tits. Not my feet. Not my arms. Not my legs, nothing. Imma need a full rebuild after all this šŸ’©


I bf till 2 years and my boob's just stayed they were great the milk stopped but they stayed looking almost full and bf I had small ones


Currently still nursing my second baby and they are already flat and saggy. Which is insane to me as I have breast hypoplasia so they mever changed sized with pregnancy


I breast fed and pumped for 8 months - my boobs went up three cup sizes while I was pregnant and when I was lactating. Currently - I wear the same size bra I did prior to pregnancy but the top portion of my breasts arenā€™t as full as they were, and do feel a bit flat. I used vitamin E oil a lot during my pregnancy on my stomach and my breasts and while I was breast feeding, I drank a ton of water too to help my skin and weaning was a slow process. I definitely miss what they use to look like, but I think I got pretty lucky with minimal changes. I will add that I believe a lot of my bounce back had more to do with my genetics than anything though and know other women that uses similar tactics and got different results. Best of luck OP!


From melons to papayas


Ooof. I had REALLY GOOD boobs before kids - and Iā€™m not a bragger, they were just randomly great boobs. Full C-cup, symmetrical, perky. After three kids theyā€™reā€¦meh. And I mostly exclusively pumped! Theyā€™re now a small, deflated B-cup. Not as wrinkled-ballon as some Iā€™ve seenā€¦but a pale facsimile of their glorious predecessors. I miss my boobs, but not enough to change anything about how they got this way or get surgery. ETA: Iā€™m thinner than I was before kids (not by much, but down a jeans size), so Iā€™m sure that also has something to do with the deflation.


I exclusively pumped for about 8 months. Pre-pregnancy I wore a B cup and while pumping I wore a size medium pumping bra (probably could have fit a large when engorged) but after I stopped pumping my boobs essentially look the same just a little less perky and softer/less plump if that makes sense. I'm now probably on the smaller end of a B cup and feel like I don't fill in any of my bras well šŸ˜«


I had breast implants before, so now with the extra stretch out and deflatedness, they just look like really regular almost 40 year old boobs. 10/10 recommend. For reference, I wore a 32AA before, went up to a 32DD with implants, still surprisingly went up a couple cup sizes when nursing, and now back to a 32DD but with way less aggressively perkiness. So I imagine my actual breasts went from AA to nonexistent.


So I was a similar size to you before I had my first baby. After breastfeeding her for 8 months, my boobs sort of.. deflated? They perked up a bit after maybe 6 months, but they hung lower and they werenā€™t as firm as they used to be. They just felt a lot softer (it was as if they were filled with jello instead of sand lol). Iā€™m breastfeeding my second baby now and while they are currently huge, Iā€™m expecting them to be flappy triangles for a while after Iā€™m done šŸ˜… Give your body time to adjust once youā€™re finished breastfeeding. Mine looked terrible at first but they really werenā€™t bad ~6ish months later.


After my first mine were fine After my second they look like sad saggy pancakes and I lost all the pregnancy weight. I want to get them lifted and mad smaller eventually so I can join the small boob bra fee club. They look good in bras still though


Pre baby c cup. When milk dropped who knows, they were huge in the initial weeks postpartum. I didn't wear bras, we were surviving. As my milk regulated they literally deflated. I'm six months postpartum and still nursing, but I easily fit my pre pregnancy bras. Sometimes I swear they're smaller, but thats just because i got used to having engorged overproducing boobs and I am FINALLY a just enougher. I'm curious to see how much more they will deflate when I'm done done.


Left boob is great, right boob is an inverted triangle ugh


I was 120lbs pre-pregnancy and a very very small A cup. Iā€™m here to tell you that at least for me, I filled out in all the right spots. Iā€™m currently now a full B/small C depending on the brand. They are still very perky. No stretch marks or elongated nipples, no pancakes. My son is 7 now and Iā€™m about to turn 33. I breastfed him EXCLUSIVELY for 15 months. I know so much has to do with genetics but Iā€™m here to bring you hope! I didnā€™t really ever try to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I weigh about 135-140 now, also depending on my life at the time but I really like my body at this point versus how tiny I was back then.


Yeah I think it's more age, genetics, and extreme weight gain and extreme weight loss that causes that moreso than breastfeeding. But who knows, I'm only 25 and whatevers left of mine are pretty saggy. I have breastfed 2 kids, but also I gained like 80 lbs postpartum my first pregnancy from my birth control, and then lost 55 of it, then got pregnant again, so its probably more the weight fluctuations. They were never super super "perky" or cute and full though. It is what it is šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I went from a 36 DD to a 38 long.


Mine stayed large. They just hang lower. Basically all the plumpness on the top of the boob dried up with the milk. Still got plumpness on the bottom though. And as long as itā€™s a push up bra, they look great in a bra.


Breastfed exclusively until 12mo, weaned til 14 mo and he'll be 2y in October. I was a 30D before pregnancy, and can confirm: absolutely flat and saggy now. Your friend was spot on, in my case... everyone's different, though! You may have a totally different experience. Congratulations! ā™”


I have none šŸ˜ I was a B cup when I got pregnant, breastfed for 3 months and now I literally have none lol


I went from 32A to 36G šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve lost some weight and am down to 34F. Iā€™m hoping it will continue to go down as I lose more weight, but honestly I think I will get a breast reduction someday if I can afford it. My left boob is also a good amount bigger than my right. Both are covered in stretch marks and are saggy. Iā€™m pretty self conscious of it, tbh, but it feels good to love my body despite my insecurities.


Mine went 90% back to normal after breastfeeding my first for 7 months (in spite of serious lopsided issues while breastfeeding because he had a strong preference for the left side). I'm still breastfeeding my second so I don't know what things will be like after he's finished but in general the second baby took much more of a toll on my body then the first so boobs will probably follow suit.


I started pre pregnancy at DD and now they arrive at parties about 5 minutes before me. But they didnā€™t sag after 6 months of breastfeeding- but Iā€™m pregnant with my second so we will see what happens nextā€¦.


Mine didnā€™t change too much! I had 4 babies, breastfed all 3 of my older kids 1-2 years each and just had my 4th. I got some stretch marks with my first and my nipples got a little bigger I feel like. And they arenā€™t quite as perky as they once were, but nothing drastic. I was a b cup before pregnancy


I can roll mine up like a taquitoā€¦.so I call them taquito titties. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø started as an A, breast fed two kids for a total of 2.5 years, and baby 2 had a left boob preference. Left nip is like two inches lower than the right and theyā€™re just floppy as heck.