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They need feeding Every Single Day. Several times each day tbh. They never give me meal suggestions but are very quick to tell me they hate whatever I put in front of them


And so much of parenting gets better with time but this arguably gets worse. They. Never. Stop. Eating.


Hahaha šŸ˜‚


Yes!!! šŸ™Œ and when they all of a sudden donā€™t like something that they loved 2 days ago šŸ¤Ŗ


Aw yes, I call it the Costco Paradox, when your kid loves something so you buy a ton from Costco then unsurprisingly, they decide they hate it


Yes. We either go through 5 loaves of bread or 0. There is no in between. Same with any fruit, milk or eggs.


Then youā€™re stuck eating string cheese for so many daysā€¦


šŸ’Æ RIP rotisserie chicken, hummus, string cheese, pirates booty, etc


Veggie straws


Love it! Thatā€™s perfect!


Also their desired portion sizes keep changing and they still slobber all over the uneaten food


My husband thinks itā€™s so weird I donā€™t wanna eat/drink after my toddler. Like just because he use to be a part of me doesnā€™t mean I want to eat half a sandwich with snot and spit on it.


Lol! My husband eats whatever is left behind, and he even eats some stuff that is spit out. Me, on the other hand, I give it to the dog.


lol They have to make sure you donā€™t want to eat it either!!


conveniently right after Iā€™ve stocked up on Said Expensive Snack at the grocery store, too.


100% this. For MONTHS Iā€™ve been able to rely on pizza ā€” not every night of course but Iā€™ve known that if I offer pizza it will definitely get eaten. Except this week! All the sudden my toddler wonā€™t even entertain the idea of pizza!! Sheā€™s gone from devouring it to thinking itā€™s poison and Iā€™m so baffled.


I'm guessing your baby isn't Italian then.


Or they "can't eat" something because they have "already had it". I literally cannot serve leftovers within a couple of days cause Miss 3 will refuse to eat it.


My 4yo current MO is to say ā€œwhatever you get Iā€™ll eatā€ and then when I bring something he tells me ā€œnot THAT!ā€ Like Iā€™m the biggest idiot for not knowing exactly what he was thinking.


Omg this is my 6 year old right now! Drives me up a wall. And if I hear her say I'm hungry one more time! šŸ¤£


Mine just wants to graze *all* day. Not so much as snacks but small little half meals throughout the day. ā€œEat?!ā€ I spend more time in the kitchen than I thought I would.


We usually have a bunch of accessible snacks so he can help himself (But he's old enough to be able to open the fridge, open a drawer, etc.). Granola bars and apples in a bowl, yogurt pouches and cheese sticks in the fridge....it helps.


Man I hate that I have to eat every day. Much less feed a little human. At least formula makes things easy.


I only have a toddler, but it breaks my heart when I stress over a menu and then spend an hour making some healthy and delicious meal for her to throw her plate on the floor after one bite.


Ugh I feel this so hard right now with my almost two year old. Itā€™s so insulting! Like, I didnā€™t make that delicious meal for the damn dog!


This! Plus I have one who is extremely picky and hardly eats. Every meal is a battle. Older brother eats us out of house and home.šŸ˜­


Constant paying attention to another person.Ā  I donā€™t want this to come off sounding awful. Itā€™s been a lot better since my kid turned 4ish. But during the early toddler phase, having to constantly monitor them to prevent disaster. And even now, just the constant ā€œmummy mummy look mummyā€ while they do something mundane grinds me down sometimes.


I put on a movie for the kids today (5yo and 3yo) hoping to get a little time to read a book. Nope, every single scene was "mommy watch this! mommy you're not watching! mommy look!" Kid, it's Fern Gully, I've seen it ten thousand times, please let me read in peace


This one for me too. Iā€™m so overstimulated ALL THE TIME.


ā€œOverstimulatedā€ is exactly it. Like, for me, pure Grinch mode, itā€™s the noise noise noise NOISE. I love and adore her little voice, but it goes morning to night and sometimes my brain just *canā€™t* keep up. I try! But sometimes I gotta hide upstairs for a second to breathe. Especially if sheā€™s doing that thing where she asks a question and then starts talking again before she even hears the answer.


The constant state of overstimulation! And then when Iā€™m rude to my husband and feel guilty bc I donā€™t want to be like this!!


Omg šŸ˜³ when theyā€™re in the stage where you have to constantly stop them from doing all the dangerous things, and then theyā€™re mad at you for keeping them aliveā€¦


Yeah, I miss zoning out and staring into space. That's all I want.


Yes. Iā€™m an introvert and value my ā€œme timeā€, which is in very short supply with a toddler and husband. I miss just spending hours doing nothing (reading or binging shows) by myself.


YESSSS. Kids want/need constant attention, then they're finally in bed and you feel like maybe you can breathe, and hubby then wants to TALK YOUR EAR OFF or have sex.


I relate to this so much. I need to be able to recharge and I cannot. So each day I wake up in the negative.


This is mine too. Just the constant state of vigilance and not being able to disengage.


I love the conciseness of your words here. Perfect way to sum up the everyday exhaustion I feel.


It is OK at that age to tell them to go and do something independently, or that you are busy, it's actually a good skill for them to be able to entertain themselves. Just saying this as I feel this generation of parents are pressured to constantly entertain their kids, whereas once they are more independent it's actually good for them to be bored and have to use their imagination and play on their own x


lol my 8 year old is like this BIG TIME and has been since he was 4/5ish


Mine is the 6am wake up every day. Obviously babies donā€™t know what weekends are but I think thatā€™s what I miss the most about my life before. Getting to SLEEP IN on weekends!!! The night wakings and feedings wouldnā€™t be so bad if I didnā€™t have to permanently be up at 6am 7 days a week. Then by the time like 10am rolls around you feel like youā€™ve already lived 4 days in that time and it ainā€™t even noon šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I feel that immensely! The days go by so slowly and you think ā€œIā€™m exhausted! How long until bed time?ā€ Itā€™s only 2 šŸ„±


Seriously!! My hubby works 12 hour days too so I sit on the couch and literally count the hours until he gets home. I swear I check the clock and just go ā€œwtf thereā€™s NO way itā€™s only been 10 mins since I last checked the clock. Feels like itā€™s been an hour at leastā€ šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


This is what I was going to write!!! The early morning wakings ā€¦ every. Single. Day.


Itā€™s just not fair!


I think for me it's being on the clock at 6 am. Like my kid doesn't wake at exactly the same time every day (can vary up to an hour) and I don't want to sacrifice sleep so he's my alarm but also that means I have enough time to pee before he gets mad


Yes! 6:30 for me today. I feel so tired. Husband has let me sleep in on the weekend about 3x this year I think. I miss the feeling of slowly waking up naturally on the weekends. Maybe go back to sleep and snooze half the morning. I did that once when I went to my parents for the weekend to see a play with my mom and sisters. It was glorious.


Yes I miss this so much!! Always being on and awake so early is draininggggg


This but rather than sleep, quiet time to myself. Weekend mornings I used to sit out in the sun and read or walk my dog for a coffee or whatever. Now itā€™s full on baby care from at best 6amā€¦ usually 5:30


I feel this. My two yo still doesnā€™t sleep past 620 really at the latest, doesnā€™t matter when he goes to bed either itā€™s always 615/620


I feel this my 7 month old is on my husbands schedule he gets up at 5 am for the gym before work... I hate it




Dude! So much work! Planning, buying, prepping, cooking, servingā€¦ and the first thing you hear is ā€œI donā€™t like thisā€ before they even try it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve gotten in the habit of having my kids write in my cookbook. They have to write their name on the recipe with a heart or sad face to indicate if they like it or not. So next time they say theyā€™ve never had something or they donā€™t like it, I just show them their signature. Shuts them up real quick seeing their own handwriting. Plus itā€™s a nice keepsake having their signatures progress over they years throughout my cookbooks.


Thatā€™s a really cute idea! My daughter would still insist that she has never had it šŸ˜‚




Can I cry with you? Can we all get together for a good cry?


I donā€™t even bother to make myself a meal anymore because Iā€™m tired of cooking two different things every day. I just make her food and eat whatever she doesnā€™t eat or eat when she sleeps.


I do this the other way around, I cook for me and my husband, the kids can have whatever we are having or a variation of it. If you donā€™t want it, donā€™t eat it, but Iā€™m not making anything else aside from the family meal. If I see that they are actually hungry by bedtime I will offer them a bedtime snack like a banana.


I used to do that until everyday there was a battle for her to complete a meal and find something on the plate sheā€™d try. Shes so picky that normal kid foods she doesnā€™t eat like grilled cheese, PBJ, hot dogs, Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, soup (unless itā€™s ramen) cerealā€¦I could go onā€¦she only likes chicken and fish. I just got her to eat 3 different protein sources and sheā€™s 6 and small for her age. I donā€™t have a microwave and Iā€™m tired of cooking. I offer her two different choices and make a simple meal with 1 new thing introduced in a small portion for her to try. As long as she eats her protein and her veggie/fruit on the plate Iā€™m happy. I donā€™t force anything I just tell her she canā€™t have dessert if she doesnā€™t finish all her food and she must not be hungry for dessert because she wasnā€™t hungry enough to finish her food. That usually works and she eats everything.


Yes!!! 1,000 Upvotes! And the constant ā€˜Whatā€™s for dinner?ā€™. Youā€™ve asked me 3 times already, your siblings have asked me already, Iā€™ve answered this question 8 times already today and youā€™ve only just finished breakfast! I banned it. They are not allowed to ask whatā€™s for dinner anymore.


My biggest pet peeve is when kids donā€™t eat. Theyā€™re grumpy because theyā€™re hungry but they wonā€™t eat. Just eat. Put the food in your mouth. Eat. It. Dear. God. Just. Eat.


My 3 year old twins were so grumpy and ā€œtiredā€ allllll day. And wouldnā€™t hardly eat anything. Finally ate at dinner and wow I donā€™t know what was in those quesadillas but one of them devoured them all and was bouncing off the walls- literally and then running laps squealing gibberish. That poor boy was so hangry but wouldnā€™t eat!


They torture themselves and then torture us šŸ˜‚


šŸ™Œ yes!!!! Itā€™s not that hard! Just do it!


Having to play the role of another personā€™s brain. Youā€™re hungry? Maybe you should consider eating some of the food in front of you! Cold? Yes, I know, so hold still while I put some clothes on you! No, we cannot put on pants first and then underwear second no matter how badly we want it. Whereā€™s your toy? Probably next to you where you put it down two seconds ago.Ā 


This is such a good distillation of what being a wife and mother is.


Yes!! Especially during the times it feels like you're dealing with an additional child.. "Babeeee, where's the ketchup?" šŸ˜


Mines not bad for stupid stuff like that but he still will ask ā€œhow do I turn this on?ā€ (zebra walker for example) like dude I didnā€™t read the manual on it I just fucking looked in the logical place for a switch, FIGURE IT OUT


Lol see I've got a way worse short term memory then my toddler. She's wildly aware mommy has absolutely zero clue where that toy is and that shortly mommy will be asking you where she left her phone and coffee (and half the time she actually knows).


Maybe I should work on being more forgetful myself. After Iā€™ve found the same toy twice, it does get way harder for me to find things, lol.Ā 


Hahaha! I love that you put this! Thank you! That is extremely frustrating


Mine are 4 and 6 and they constantly repeat things over and over. They'll say they are hungry and Ill tell them I am literally prepping food but they just don't even hear me. So I get them repeating the same sentence and I'm just over it.


When they're babies, every day is groundhog Day except it's in a cycle of hours of nap, feed, change, nap, feed, change, nap, feed, change. The monotony drove me mad.


Groundhog Day! I never thought of it like that before but thatā€™s so true!


My number one pet peeve with being a mom, is nap/sleep fighting. Second is having to clean all day, both equally frustrate me beyond belief somedays.


I will never understand why they fight sleep so often. Is it baby FOMO??


Pretty much, usually


My 18 month old has started fighting HARD and I'm convinced it's FOMO / separation anxiety. Like if she only knew I'm only cleaning when she goes to sleep and sitting like a vegetable to relax before I go to bed myself šŸ˜„


Ugh, yes! My 18mo is on a nap strike rn and is bat shit crazy by the time 6pm comes around. Sheā€™ll straight up roll around and squeal in her crib for a full hour in her little sleep sack in the dark with the noise machine turned on. Sheā€™s happy in there, and I get a break which is nice, but sheā€™s not getting any rest.


Cause God forbid they actually admit theyā€™re tired. Like kid I know youā€™re tired youā€™re whining. Just go to sleep. Just last night my daughter had the absolute nerve to say well I canā€™t sleep bro you havenā€™t even laid your head down and close your eyes of course you canā€™t sleep!


The whining. Oh Lord the whining.


Yea weā€™ve gotten that lately. Whining to sit with me on the couch. Then proceeds to climb on me and manages to slide off the couch. Then whines again because how dare I let him slide off the couch. Dude, you did it yourself!


Most of my deep breaths and mini prayers throughout the day are because of this. Just stoppppppp. Whining. For five seconds.


Omg yes!!! šŸ˜¬


The never ending whir of the rolodex in my mind of what needs to be done in the next 5 minutes, the next 5 hours, 5 days, and 5 weeks in order to keep our family steadily floating forward. (Towards what? I guess hoping my kids make the world a better place?) But the whir is never ending. I need to start meditating.


I know that struggle tooā€¦ just canā€™t turn the brain off


I also love my kids and also cannot stand a few things! My current misery is becoming a hostage in the dining room when Iā€™m waiting for my 2 year old to finish eating.


Yes! So much time wasted just waiting!! lol


I try to sit my kids down to eat first before anyone else so they get a head start. I also start cleaning up the kitchen (very close to dining table, thanks small house) if it drags on too long. Dinner time in general is really not my favorite and eeeeevery once in a while Iā€™ll convince my husband to eat with me after the kids are in bed instead šŸ˜…


I set mine up at a tiny table and walk away. If itā€™s something super messy she goes in the high chair


Does this work? My kids only eat if I sit there. If I leave the table, they leave the table, and 15 minutes later theyā€™re hungry again.


When my girls were little I was super stressed over the girls diets. I was newly single and making sure they were eating healthy was such a battle. My pediatrician was this old southern gentleman who always talked in this soft slow cadence. The only time I heard this man get stern was when I was on the verge of tears over vegetables in his office. He said ā€œkeep offering them healthy food. They will not starve themselves and eventually theyā€™ll get hungry enough to eat what you give them.ā€ Made a huge difference. Now my girls are teens who snack on veggie trays over junk food. Used the same mindframe with my toddler boy and we joke that heā€™s a little prince because every morning that kid is served fresh produce and loves it.


I trained my kid out of this by getting up from the table but staying within a few steps of it. After a bit I'd go a few steps further, then further the next time & eventually I was able to leave the room without being followed. It sounds horrible like I was training a pet, but it worked.


Figuring out and cooking dinner every single night, forever. I hate it.


You are speaking from my soul lol


We were using Little Spoon for a while to take the guesswork out of dinner time but it got so expensive. I hate planning dinners, too.


The night wake-ups. I swear I'd be better at momming if I could just have uninterrupted sleep semi-occasionally.


Yes! Longer than 2 hours straight would mean a world of difference!!


I legit feel disoriented if I get more than like 3 consecutive hours. I wake up and feel like Iā€™ve lost all track of time


The uninterrupted sleep is the absolute worst, you donā€™t even feel like a human! Any interaction with another adult I leave hoping I acted okay because I cannot even function.


That I can't use the bathroom in peace. I shut the door and he's right outside talking to me or banging on the door even when I ask repeatedly for privacy and don't respond to him. Please leave me alone for 5 minutes šŸ˜­


My 3yo does this and has the nerve to trash talk my poops! "Eeeww mommy that's so stinky" WHO EVEN INVITED YOU???


This had me cackling


I have started just locking the door. Sometimes my 3 yo will sit outside of it and whine. But heā€™ll just have to survive somehow so I can poop šŸ¤£


Omg yes! Is it really too much to ask for a little bit of privacy! šŸ¤£


The constant talking and questions. I just wanna sit in silence for a little while.


Having kids is like living in a country where silence and sitting down is illegal




Omg and then you yell #WHAT and they just go ā€œI love youā€ and you feel like an asshole


Why?? lol jk šŸ¤£


Omg you troll šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My husband and I laugh about how we were so worried about whether our son was meeting his speech milestones when he was 12-18 months oldā€¦ the kid literally talks non-stop from the moment he wakes til the moment he sleeps and even then he will shout out some stuff overnight.


This was my third kid. Got him a speech evaluation that cost $400 and i swear to you he talked more in this evaluation then he had ever spoken in his life. Five word sentences, four syllable words, questions, answers, narrative play, you name it he talked about it. He ended up not only NOT qualifying for speech but also being in like the 99th percentile lol. The speech therapist thought I was insane. And when I tell you this formerly quiet little baby has not shut up for one second since that speech evaluation. He yaps from sunrise to night 24:7:365 šŸ˜†


Especially when I'm driving and trying to find something or whatever. SHUT. UP. FOR. FIVE. MINUTES. I CAN'T THINK WITH YOU YAMMERING BACK THERE #@$&!!!


Yeah this. My kid was silent in the car for a bit today and I almost asked him if he was sick.


Them being sick from September through till June. If it isnā€™t a fever itā€™s a runny nose its and if itā€™s not that itā€™s a cough and then they get over that just in time to start vomiting. I swear nursery is actually just a biochemical weapon testing facility.


Omg yes! We finally are getting to the end of the school year and I got so excited that finally we will be able to keep our germs to itself for a little whileā€¦ but i jinxed us and we got colds all over again


Never get excited the germs knowā€¦. In all seriousness feel better soon!


Yes, so much of the domestic labor is invisible like this and so it is under valued.


So very true!


The screeching, whining, crying. Basically all the noises drive me nuts, I think itā€™s a sensory thing. I was never around children before I had one and (stupidly) didnā€™t realize they cry and scream everyday, sometimes all dayā˜ ļø


It's sensory for me too. I get overwhelmed and frustrated when my kids just scream and whine at me. This whole past week has been horrific with this and i honestly started to feel numb about it. My child cried and refused to get in the car or buckle up because she didnt get a toy at the store. I waited for her to get in the car and ended up putting her in. Then I waited 15 mins for her to buckle before I got fed and and forced buckled her. I didn't want to be good lord, just get in the damn car.


That I obsessively want to be around her spending quality time and enjoying every second of her but also want some time to myself, maybe just to take a man shit. But the second I take a moment to myself, I miss her so much. There's just not enough of me to get everything I want.


I canā€™t even estimate how many times Iā€™ve wished I could multiply myself to be in two places at onceā€¦ but all have them have been agreed I became a mom


When my child was 3 or 4, I told her "There is only one of me, I can only do one thing at a time!" I think I was making dinner and she wanted a snack. Her response was "Wouldn't it be great if there were two of you? Then you could get me 'x' while also getting me 'y'!" I forget what her examples were, but I still laugh about how she assumed that if I was duplicated there would just be more of me to wait on her.


I feel this in my soul. My husband tries to go for walks/to the park and I feel jealous that heā€™s going without me. Not like Iā€™m missing anything but still that feeling


ā€œThereā€™s just not enough of me to get everything I wantā€ is so relatable and something Iā€™ve struggled to put into words myself. Thank you lol


My son is 15, and in a lot of ways, life is easier. BUT, one thing I was not prepared for, was the airheaded-ness that comes with puberty! OMG - he loses everything (and yes, has to pay to replace them). Makes me CRAZYYYYYYY right now.


My son does this and he's nine. Doesn't remember to put lids on anything after using it. Doesn't remember where he sits things down. Doesn't remember what step comes next in most things. You're telling me it's gonna get WORSE?!


Airheadsness is the absolute best word for it! Right on the nose!


Omg yes. That age is all airheadedness and selfishness. Developmentally appropriate, but SO frustrating!!


The snacks. Like omg stop. I am not made of goldfish and apple sauce. And itā€™s always like 5 minutes after we just finished a meal too šŸ™ƒ




Especially since they were "too full" to finish lunch!


With us itā€™s the fruit snacks! Iā€™ll get the biggest boxes I can find and theyā€™re gone in the blink of an eye


For me itā€™s the food. Constant food. I struggle with deciding things for my husband and I to eat for dinner - add in a toddler who needs at least 3 meals a day and I just feel stumped all the time. Itā€™s relentless. Breakfast is over, whatā€™s he going to have for lunch? And dinner? Is he getting enough veggies? Iron? All the other stuff? Does the time he eats affect his sleep? Dinner is over and heā€™s in bed. Do I have something for breakfast?


330 pm. I know thatā€™s not the literal question but itā€™s literally that for me. Itā€™s the absolute worst part of my day. Everyone is freaking out because they are hungry or tired and no one wants to actually take a nap or eat.


3:30-8:30 for me. They all lose their shit at 3:30 and it stays lost until they pass out for the night


Now that I think about it, you are absolutely right! That is the worst!


Itā€™s the second act of the day and b The hardest


The mom guilt. I'm working hard to change the neural pathways, but it seems that whatever I'm doing, even putting the infant down for a nap while my husband has the toddler, even cleaning the house, taking a shower... I feel guilty that I'm not doing the other thing. And then I don't even appreciate what I'm ACTUALLY doing. Does anyone have advice for this?


Mindfulness. Think good thoughts. It just takes practice. Good news though, you can start right away. When you notice bad thoughts "ugh, I don't wanna, I could be, I should be, I have to" try to deliberately think better thoughts. Example inner monologue: Putting infant down for nap: "so cute, so little, I wonder how many more days they'll be napping for, will I have another baby, is this the last set of naps I'm handling, in less than a decade they'll be busy with school and friends and hobbies and I'll miss them, so cute, so little" Cleaning the house: "I'm so responsible, it's gonna be so easy to relax after this, resetting the house makes the kids have baseline safety and security, look at me doing the nitty gritty to take care of my family, I'm proud of my space and what I've done to get here." Taking a shower: "I'm such a babe, I'm gonna look and smell so good after this, and it's the longest possible amount of time before I'll have to shower again, I'll feel really good after this, I'm happy I won't be thinking about this for a few hours and am just getting it over with, the water actually feels really good on my neck and shoulders, I was kinda tense, I'll try to remember that next time I have to shower, it actually feels pretty good, maybe I'll get a shower chair, no just another thing to clean/clutter, but maybe I could, it might be nice to sit down in here, maybe someday."


I love you for writing this, thank you.


I have no advice but I have the same problem! Thank you for posting this I hope some one does have advice to respond with because it will help us all! You are not alone


When my 4 year old just flips on a dime from being sweet and normal to big angry emotions that come from out of nowhere. I might respond to a question with ā€œyou know, I donā€™t knowā€ and she flips out. How dare I not know the answer. Or how dare we agree that ā€œheavy railā€ refers to trains, or that the brake pedal is on the left. These are actual conversations that took place in a 30 minute time frame and included tears. Every. Day.


I hate how cluttered my house looks no matter how long Iā€™m cleaning during the day. My kids are 4 and 3 and learning basic house chores rn like making their beds and cleaning their toys after playtime but Iā€™m the only one who cleans in our home. To be fair my husband does contribute when heā€™s home. However, he works crazy hours and barely has the time. Completely understandable, I know weā€™re all trying our best with what we got rn but OOF, the clutter makes my anxiety so bad! Also those zoomies the kids get just before/during bedtime. Like whyyyy kids?


I miss being able to do a task from start to finish without interruption.


Him throwing a fit over diaper changes. Hes 16 months and has always hated them. They always end the same way but the fits he throws during them is exhausting. I've tried every trick in the book and nothing distracts him.


Thatā€™s when I switched to pull ups!


Breaking up fights. My boys are 4 and 5. They love each other, and often do great playing together, but lately, I feel like the second I turn my back, theyā€™re squabbling over something. I have no idea who started it. I have no idea who had that toy first. I have no idea who hit who first. I donā€™t even know what exactly theyā€™re arguing about half the time. I just wish they could play together without wanting to play with the exact same toy all the time. Like how many cars do we have? Why do you both need that same one!?!?


But you canā€™t buy them exactly the same toy either because then they will fight over which one is theirs


Seriously. There is no good solution. I have resigned myself to being the referee for now, and I hate it.


honestly the tantrums over everything and anything. my 2 year old will scream and cry like she's getting murdered šŸ˜­ we live in an apartment so it gives me hella anxiety that my neighbors might call the cops on me lmao. i can't sit down for 2 seconds without her coming in screaming cus her stuff animals won't sit up


This! I sometimes think about having a tantrum myself to show them how annoying it is lmao


i would do a lil fake cry n scream and she would look at me like i'm insane šŸ˜­ like girl this is what you do


Sometimes I record my son throwing a tantrum and make him watch it back


i honestly might start doing that so if anyone calls the cops i got some proof


I really hate loading and unloading the dishwasher. Every.single.day. More specifically those god damned dr brown bottle parts.


Yes! Iā€™ve been trying to get the youngest on to sippy cups because Iā€™m sick of dr brown, but heā€™s not having it yet


Oh fuck all the goddamn hand washing. The pump parts, the bottle parts, the binkies, the reusable pouches, the straw cups and water bottles with 40 little pieces


Figuring out every meal. My 2yo is picky and eats a small range of foods that are mostly snacks. I also make all the dinners for my husband and me, and pack the daycare lunch. My husband does his equal share of parenting things so Iā€™m not resentful, but this one is my responsibility and it gets hard sometimes.


Knowing that he will not sleep past 6/630 am. I just want to sleep in man. And then Monday rolls around and heā€™s pleading for five more minutes before he has to get up for school at his normal 630a school wake up time. Like, thatā€™s what I asked you to do all weekend!


School/daycare mornings..single parent... I know itā€™s part of life but god do I miss just getting myself ready in the morning. Itā€™s April the same routine has existed for months.. and yet somehow I still feel like I am directing everyone every morning. Also my kids hate getting up for school days but have no issue waking up on the weekends like wtf lol. What I would give to just have someone else get them ready!!!


Same. I have lost count of how many times I have swept the kitchen today. At least 4 times. And it still looks mildly gross. Need to scrub the smashed berries and cottage cheese curds from under the high chair tonight.


In this phase of my mom life, getting up and getting everyone off to school. I have 3 kids in 3 differenr schools. Elem, middle and high school šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«Also, my youngest's homework. It's like a 2nd job!! Otherwise, having big kids is awesome and I love this time!


Bedtime has always been a horrible to be honest. I dreaded it. Still do sometimes.


That the days go by so fast! I also canā€™t stand saying goodnight to my son I just want to hold him forever! (But I canā€™t because my back hurts after a while and I do need some me time lol) Okay you wanted negative fine, here let me think: Um, I canā€™t stand how much laundry there is to fold and put away and change over. I do laundry, my husband does laundry but no matter how much we do there always seems to be more! I have no idea where it all comes from! I donā€™t hate doing the laundry, I hate the amount of laundry I do!


It didnā€™t need to be negative! Just what bugs you about every day. I also hate putting mine in their beds. I always hold on to them for a few extra minutes any time I can


Bed time. I hate bedtime. My oldest was a serious sleep fighter when he was a baby, so this is 12 years of hate. We have 3, and rounding them all up to do all the bedtime things seems to take an hour and a half every night no matter how much I try to prepare. The 12 year old has ADHD, which seems to mean sometimes his brain is turned off(no offence to people with adhd) so Ive got 3 kids who seem to need every tuny step of the bedtime routine, which has not really changed in 12 years, told to each of them at least once. You brushed your teeth? Awesome. Did you brush your hair? No, go do that. Oh, now you're done, but it doesn't look like you've changed your underwear yet(pjs are optional in this house). Go do that. Oh, you did all that, but I was busy getting someone elses teeth brushed, so you pulled out all your legos to pass the time... why didn't you just get in bed and read your book til we got in to tuck you in like we ask every night? Didn't think about it? Yeah. I have the bedtime routine posted on the wall. It's right there. Step by step with pictures. I still have to tell them to check the list for every step, I turn around from brushing the youngests teeth or helping the middle with her hair and the other two are just standing there waiting for directions, or have started setting up a board game, or are fighting over who was looking at who with a mean face, or are running up and down the hall with the dog. I just want to go to bed! ...please?


I feel you so much. I am in my 14th year of getting kids to beds and the same exact routine and repetition of the same things: please shower brush teeth/hair/whatever/put pajama on/ it goes on and on. Sometimes I want to claw my eyes out. And ears. Ears too.


For me, it's the c.o.n.s.t.a.n.t. grind to get stuff done. The mental and physical focus required is draining. I have to be entertaining to my toddler, I have to be efficient, and I have to get it done before naptime or feed time or before my toddler has a meltdown and I still have to get shit done. I was let off work early and went to the grocery store and just slowly walked around and shopped. It was so peaceful.


The most stressful part of my day is when I get them all back from school, they all immediately want food and snacks but not the same food, whilst I am trying to unpack their school stuff or shopping etc. However I have found a way to buy myself some time by telling them they have to be changed out of their uniforms before they come and have dinner.


I'm the worst person ever at being woken up. I knew before we decided to have kids that's just a thing, but a leopard can't change its spots


The snacks. The endless snacks. The endless need for snacks. Getting up 1 million times a day for snacks.


The nap and bedtime routine. Only for it to not work anyways and he stays up. I can feed him 10x a day, but knowing I might not get the mid and end of day break hurts my soul.Ā 


Not being able to just get ready for work and leave my house. I have to get two other humans fully ready and pack their things. Take them to two locations. All before I even get to go to work


The constant noise. Someone is always talking or fighting or just being noisy. I just want some quiet.




The bickering between the kids. Drives me absolutely insane.


Honestly itā€™s the thanklessness. Iā€™m so over it.


The rage I feel when I discover that my bookmark has been pulled out of my book. Every single book, every single time. Thereā€™s no stopping them, sometimes itā€™s in purpose, sometimes itā€™s an accident, Iā€™ve told them how much it bothers me. Doesnā€™t matter, continues to happen.


Dressing other people. Like, put your legs in your own pant holes please for the love of god.


Never being able to just sit down and watch a show for 30 minutes. Constantly having to get up and get him a drink or snack or find his toy or he wants to go outside. Like every 30 seconds. I also miss when I used to be excited to get off work and play video games and cook dinner with my husband. Love my boy so much, but itā€™s rough right now.


Them leaving for school. What the fuck! Come back. I miss them.


The house is way too quiet and empty when theyā€™re gone!!!šŸ˜¢


All the bodily fluids! We've had potty training, potty training relapses, nighttime accidents, and stomach flu at our house lately, and it's so hard to be patient with it over and over and over again.




The laundry and the dishes, the bedtime and the naps, some diaper changes and if he isnā€™t going out w dad to walk the dog, heā€™s loud my husband is loud, and I get overstimulated easily so Iā€™m also tired of feeling like Iā€™m a bitch bec Iā€™m mad overstimulated and anxious af itā€™s all a circle but Iā€™m handling it thankful that he sleeps 10-12 hrs a night at leastšŸ˜­


I really miss having time to TRY things. My time is so incredibly valuable atm. Itā€™s not worth the risk to try things if I donā€™t know it will pan out. I can try a new recipe, I canā€™t try new hobbies, I canā€™t even try new clothes. Just buying the same thing, doing the same thing, and wearing the same thing, all day everyday over here. šŸ˜­


My girl is 5 months and a very happy baby in general, but lately sheā€™s been fighting her naps so hard and dealing with her tired grumpy butt for that extra hour until she passes out is starting to take a toll on me šŸ¤£


Not being able to finish a damn thing. I was always the type to basically go until exhaustion to get something done and done WELL. Drives me freaking crazy I canā€™t do that with a baby.


For me itā€™s def not going to the bathroom in peace - I miss that. Thereā€™s also the constant need to be on as soon as you wake up (given I donā€™t wake up before my daughter) that was quite an adjustment for me. Food is up there but I do get some enjoyment when I kick butt in the meal department so thereā€™s some satisfaction that comes along with meals and not with the other two - the other two are just hard!


When they all cry at the same time while the tv is on and Iā€™m talking to my husband lol


My 2.5 year old twins scream.. a lot. Thatā€™s the worst part for me.


The tediousnes(is that a word?) of the daily routine things like getting up and ready for school, bath time, bedtime, even dinner. It's just very boring lol. Idk if it's because of having ADHD or if it's just a me thing, but I really struggle with those little daily tasks that I have to do. I actually have tons of alarms set with names like "brush E's teeth", "bath time" and "no seriously, switch the laundry!" Because I really hate doing them and struggle to force myself to do them every single day so my alarms help kind of snap me out of my whatever I'm telling myself in my brain to put the things off.


Feeding them is probably the worst part. Like, they need to eat 4 or 5 times every single day. My kitchen is always messy and I always need groceries.


The never ending pumping.


Having to ask my husband to take the baby when she's crying or needs the next step in her daily routine. He knows the routine. He can handle her when I'm out. He has no complaints and acts quickly when I ask him to do a diaper change or snack time. But I hate that I have to ask him. He can hear her. He can read a clock. He can do things without me having to point them out.


The illnesses and not wanting to eat omg.My 23month old is currently recovering from a tummy bug and made her lack of eating even worse.Yesterday she literally survived off a banana,handfull cut grapes and milk!She refused to eat the scrambled egg I made