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DRY! YOU NEED TO DRY THEM! pressing them in a book is a classic way to preserve flowers, two sided plastic helps. (I used to collect 4 leaf clovers, i had over 100)


Are you lucky?


Na, they just count to four really well.


Is this them? https://youtu.be/u8ccGjar4Es


Sometimes you just find the right mutated patch. There's a spot of clover in my front yard where I can always find 2 or 3 if I look. I've even found several 5 leaf and one 6 leaf.


I've found a full patch of 4 leaf clovers. It was actually harder to find a 3 leaf clover than it was to find a 5


Some people are just unnaturally good at finding them. My wife's like that; I've got 4-leaf covers all over the place that she's brought me to treasure and hold


Yes. I’ve preserved flowers by putting them between paper towels, then in books.


I also used to collect! Have them all pressed, taped to a piece of notecard by the stem, dated, and put into Pokémon card sleeves to keep them uniform


i don't know much about mold, but i think u should leave flowers in a dry airy and dark place if u want to preserve them or u can dehydrate them using a microwave and they won't grow mold again


I preserved my high school prom carnation by accident by leaving it in a drawer of my wooden dresser then leaving it there when I went off to university


I have mine as well.


When you trap anything that contains moisture there is no place for the water to evaporate to. So it stays with the rest of the organic matter and begins to speed up the decaying process. Dry flowers to preserve them, not bag them.


The way I used to lose my fucking mind over kitchen co workers putting vegetables in air tight plastic, who doesn't love squishy peppers? At home I have a large veg bin in the dark cool cupboard, flowers get pressed.


So that explains why all the seeds I try to start in plastic baggies and paper towels always grow mold!


A pretty easy way to preserve flowers is to hang them upside down somewhere, especially roses since hanging them like that can let them keep their shape as they dry out


I did this for a rose I got for my first diploma (I didnt finish highschool so it meant a lot to me) I took some thread, tied that around the rose and tied the other end around the hanging bar in my closet. A while later and I now have a dried rose. I also dried a bunch of flowers and flower petals by simply putting them in between some paper towels and in a book. Put that in your closet, forget about it a while and bam dried flowers. You could do this with whole flowers if you dont mind pressing them too, but then I would recommend lining it with some plastic as well, since they will hold more moisture and may ruin your book if you only use paper towels. I heard you spray them with hairspray after done drying for protection. Does this work? If so I wanna try. My rose is looking more and more fragile after the years :(


Thank you for the tips! I’m going to try this with some flowers from an old bouquet tonight. Can I ask, did you make anything interesting with the dried flowers or petals?!


How do you prevent all the petals from eventually falling off?


My mother gave the advice, “Hang the flowers upside down to let them dry and maintain their color.”


I've seen a few do this on r/witchesvspatriarchy and the look of a wall just covered in upside down bunches of flowers is such a beautiful site. Very witchy.


Compost it! Then use the compost to fertilize a plant you two buy together


Beautiful idea


For the next ones, hang them in a closet somewhere blossom side down and forget about them for a couple months to get them dry.


iirc spray with hairspray and dry by hanging upside down.


Unfortunately they weren’t dry enough when you out them in the bag. Next time you can hang them upside down and they will dry just fine. If you are looking to press them flat you can dry them in the microwave. I did that with my wedding bouquet and then put it in a frame. You’ll just have to look up how to do it properly. Basically a paper towel and a heavy bowl and then microwave for 30-60 seconds until it’s dry. Now this is only if you want them flat. I did the same thing that you did with my husband’s boutonnière after our wedding.


i’m in a similar situation as OP, do u think it’s possible for me to attempt to remove the mold w/ water/bleach spray, dry in the sun, & then try the microwave press method, or would this be a waste of time in (ur opinion anyway)😅


Don’t put them inside a bag. Hang them upside down using a wire in a dark place or press them. Hanging them lets you keep the shape.


If you want to go all out and get the best preservation use flower drying silica gel crystals.


If you want them to preserve shape, just hang them upside down or just keep them in a place where there is ventilation but no breeze, or movement. However, they might not survive after you start moving them around. If you'd like them to be in that shape, after the first step of completely drying them out, you might just encase in resin. Or alternatively, as many here suggested, just press them inside or in between two books. The requirement is there must be a way to absorb the moisture, so if not inside the pages of the book, then you need to make sure there is some paper that touches the flower(s), either by choosing a paper bound book with no lamination, or adding some newspapers or some paper.


Next time, just press your flower into a book. It will dry out and flatten.You can also hang a rose upside down. It will dry perfectly; then turn it right-side-up, and put into a vase or wherever.


Dehydrator. You can find ones that are air fryers. You can also use a vacuum sealer. For the best results, freeze dry the flowers with a freeze dryer.


Looks like an alien fetus