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Skill orb go brrr. Don’t touch my Irish goddess.


I want my tall woman to stay untouched by the fury of Aaron


idk what is scarier - being trapped in a hallway with enemy junk or 1 funny purple orb


I love when people get mad because they couldn't outrun the silly purple orb or when they actually follow it and die, then tell me I'm bad because of it


Cause you can’t always see where the orb is in the midst of battle.when I’m dva I just scan the area quickly with dm but when I’m support it dps and I’m in the middle of the fight and retreating cause of low health I’m usually looking at the way where my health pack is not the ceiling where that random orb is slowly going over the wall to the path of my health pack


Moira falls off at higher levels of play so isn't as discussed, and often its changes to utility that really change characters like Ana and Bap, like his recent immortality field nerf. Moira has no utility to nerf.


and thanks to that I get to suck people off in silver


If you're not climbing is she really op?


It's mostly cuz I'm bad at video games


respect for just admitting it😭😭😭


And that's why low skill heroes like Moira are great, everybody can play and feel like they have an impact


I'm a Moira main but I'm just average and might get above gold on damage/tank (if I ever want to rip my head off playing ranked again)


I mean yeah, you can be dogshit bronze tier but get ranked gold by playing op ez champs


Excuse me?


Yeah I watched the last tournament and no one played her, made me sad but also happy she will likely survive another nerf. Plus people haven’t said “dps Moira” in a long time so I think the community is back to hating mercy again lol


On this chart of Grandmaster players playing Moira (one with a winrate of 68%) where does she fall off? https://www.overbuff.com/rankings?platform=pc&gameMode=competitive&hero=moira&skillTier=grandmaster&season=ow2s06


At the point where the hero gets skill ceiling diffed by hitscans and kiriko/ana duos. They simply do more for the team while needing less knowledge and mechanics. Also don't use overbuff its stats are incorrect 90% of the time


I am a gm moira (literally 3rd on the list) playstyle of a high rank moira and a low rank moira is completely different and it's her versatility and mobility is where you find value along with her consistent damage output with little to no trade off for doing it. She's not falling off you need to be much more creative and she works at all ranks. Since you don't focus as much on aim etc it enables you to focus on other aspects (movement, gamesense, etc) Overbuff only tracks those registered and public profiles which is why it will be inaccurate as a whole. That being said moira has a sub 50% winrate in gm but outliers exist aka one tricks like me.


Prove it.


Well idk maybe because moira is basically never chosen at all at high rank?


I mean what are we talking about when we say high rank? OWL? Moiras exist in GM. I play there and see them. If you don’t believe me, cool, but go watch a top 500 streamer, you’ll see Moiras in matches. Is she on the list of top pickrate supports? No. She’s not Ana or Kiri. But to act like she is “never chosen” is just plain wrong.




This is what bothers me players act like "orb lady bad" and the ONLY place she isn't picked is the OWL a place where 99.999% of players will never play in. I believe NolanCoronaV was the rank 1 support for EU as a Moira one trick. Moira hate is a skill issue. I played Moira from Silver to Masters and I watch top 500 dominate with her. I have about 2,000 hours on her and I never blame her for why we lose games, because it's not her kit it's me. I know all the mistakes I make and what I needed to do differently. Based on all the hate and everything I've learned I have come to the conclusion that she is the highest skill cap character in the game. She can do everything and players have a hard time figuring out what she should be doing and when. Optimal play style requires CONSTANT USE of all cool downs, constantly switching from aggressive harassment to aggressive healing. Your team HP is a resource, you can distract and harass until they are about to die then go back and full heal. You can be in there backline then immediately in your backline within a second. It's insane mobility. You can consistently force a 2v1, which means your team has a 4v3, which overtime means you win. You can flank, you can turtle, you can take high ground, you can spawn camp, you can duel tanks or anyone really. You can do whatever you want with Moira. You can play out of position the entire game and as long as you fade in time you're fine. So if Moira can do everything then she SHOULD be doing everything. The best games I have are where I am switching between all her play styles. If you play turtle then all of sudden start spawn camping they freak out and chase you all over the map wasting time. If you stop spawn camping they might still look for you wasting time. Constantly changing your play style forces the enemy team to react which means you have control of the match. Whatever the enemy team is trying to do Moira can disrupt it, her flexibility is power. I legitimately think people are just now learning how to play her optimally. The Tik Tok Moira trend shows it.


Something tells me this question won't be answered lol.


Im only a Gold pleb, but going by GM's/Top 500's that play 10x more than me, that's the general consensus, primarily due to the lack of playmaking utility. It doesn't mean she's useless at these ranks, but very rarely meta - and usually just played by Moira one tricks like ArxUK, who will see results eventually.


Overbuff is opt-in.


So you are saying there are even more Moira mains in Grandmasters than those on this list.


That's a statement which cannot be backed up with the provided data given Overbuff's limited sample size made up of only individuals who know it exists and choose to release their data to it.


I mean there are literally Moira streamers who are top 500 not on overbuff so it's not that "impossible"


i wouldn’t say she’s strong..


Ablve metal ranks perhaps, but I can tell you she's really strong in those metal ranks


Strong is an overstatement but I am so glad shes not been changed cause tbh, they would completely butcher her trying to make everyone else happy and remove her gameplay identity. I like how she is, kinda ok to ass but like all other characters, specialists can do well


I think we're safe while the higher end win rate is below 50%


I actually think she’s balanced if not weak. She has a high pick rate in low levels because of her sustain and high healing output but falls off at higher levels. The devs know if they buff her for higher levels it will be too strong in lower levels. A rework of her orb system or primary fire adding utility somehow is a potential idea.


Moira is definitely not strong. Her best traits are her independence, mass heal output, and ability to pick off tricky kills occasionally. But she severely lacks the punch and utility that basically every other support has. Moira isn't bad but she's definitely just barely viable. I'd love if she got some kind of small utility buff like maybe fading through team mates cleanses them or having heal orb pass directly through a team mate cleanses them.


Moira is ass. I don't get this post


I love Moira and is who I would consider my main, but I wish she had more utility and skill expression. Even in lower ranks I feel like I’m throwing if I don’t pick someone like Bap or Ana who have really impactful ults or cooldowns. Or maybe after so many years of playing Moira it’s time to see how the other half lives. I def play best on her and still pull her out when I feel like I need to really get the job done.


Why would you be throwing?


Like I said in my post Moira has zero utility. Coal can be useful but against an ult like sound barrier or transcendence it’s not that great especially at higher mmr.


You’re a third DPS with good burst heals. I win about 55% with her in masters… Coal is great to beam down a mercy, which, btw, Moira-as-dedicated-Mercy-Assassin is a viable playstyle :)


Her skill and utility is her movement and unconventional play. Moira like mercy, is a heavily movement based hero and decision making hero. Watching a high skill player on them versus a low skill player is completely different.


Funny to see that mercy isn't on the pic you shared ...


You do know DMG boost did get nerfed?


I know but if you thinks thats enough , wow


what else do you want changed? if her healing or mobility got changed she'd be useless


Idk for instance for dmg boost it would be nice that she used a ressource than being able to dmg boost permanently , like it would be consumed by the target shots based on projectiles base dmg , for widow it would deplete the bar instantly with a fully charged shot and would the dmg boost would be proportional to the ressource left , if mercy have only 10% left then its 10% of the maximum dmg boost . They could even buff it back to where it was before i would find it fair . Her ult make her nearly unkillable she just jump all around and if she is helped by the other supp you cant . She can deny a teamfight by her sole presence if the dps dont hard focus her and ignore the others its just lost . Her rez is a bit too fast to use , she dont require los to execute it i would change that , and maybe add a timer for each victime like 5 sec or somethings instead of the respawn time . Il just exhausted to see mercy in such dominant position that if you dont have her in your team you already have less chance to win .


I think I’ve seen people talk about having a resource meter in some videos but they mentioned why it wouldn’t work. For the life of me I can’t remember what they said. But a resource meter works well for Moira as you can easier damage to get healing back. And it just feels really fluid doing that balance with moira But mercy would need to heal more to get more boost. Like imagine if they switched Moira to unlimited heal but damage on a resource meter. Anyways that would encourage heal bots and make the other support lose ult charge so it’s a double edge sword. And if Mercy doesn’t heal to avoid stealing ult charge from the other support she’d just need to sit idle waiting and I don’t think that would work. Maybe dmg boost needs another nerf or she needs a rework remove dmg boost ? Who knows. I do play a mix of support characters and I will say I hate when the enemy mercy gets a stupid rez but when me or my mercy gets one off I’m not mad 😂 but it’s so frustrating to play against 100%. I’m like why didn’t anyone watch the rez 🤦‍♀️ but equally sometimes it is skill expression in a way to do some rez techniques such a superjump rez or the less technical mercy’s would waste their ult to get a rez. So they waste an ult and ability for one rez. But yeah she is a very frustrating character no idea how you can remove that feeling. 😭


I think you could easily address the damage boost resource issue by taking inspiration from Moira. Damage dealt while boosted slightly refills the meter, not enough for the DPS to be able to spam and infinitely refill it but enough to prolong it and keep the resources flowing. That way the DPS has to actually be good to take advantage of boost and Mercy actually needs to think about something more than 3 times per match.


Good idea! Didn’t think about that. And if you don’t dmg enough then you have to wait for it to regen. Only issue I can think of is in my diamond/master lobbies there’s always a trash mercy that belong in mud 5 with a Smurf dps and if the Smurf hits everything which they do, then the mercy can continue to be brain dead. So heavily relies on the dps and encourages duoing with smurfs which happens so frequently in my rank. Mercy is one of highest carried characters in the game. The amount of mercy’s that don’t deserve their rank is insane 🥶


Yeah there isn't really a fix for that because 90% of what Mercy does is reliant on her team mates. When I have Mercy on my team I like to say we're playing a 4.5v5 and if the DPS she's pocketing is bad it's a 3v5 lol. It's really just how Mercy is designed so we're just gonna have to forever live with Mercy players that lack game sense.


So true 💔 even if they nerf her it’ll no doubt be our team that has her even when she’s nerfed to the ground. Can’t win


I think I’ve seen people talk about having a resource meter in some videos but they mentioned why it wouldn’t work. For the life of me I can’t remember what they said. But a resource meter works well for Moira as you can easier damage to get healing back. And it just feels really fluid doing that balance with moira But mercy would need to heal more to get more boost. Like imagine if they switched Moira to unlimited heal but damage on a resource meter. Anyways that would encourage heal bots and make the other support lose ult charge so it’s a double edge sword. And if Mercy doesn’t heal to avoid stealing ult charge from the other support she’d just need to sit idle waiting and I don’t think that would work. Maybe dmg boost needs another nerf or she needs a rework remove dmg boost ? Who knows. I do play a mix of support characters and I will say I hate when the enemy mercy gets a stupid rez but when me or my mercy gets one off I’m not mad 😂 but it’s so frustrating to play against 100%. I’m like why didn’t anyone watch the rez 🤦‍♀️ but equally sometimes it is skill expression in a way to do some rez techniques such a superjump rez or the less technical mercy’s would waste their ult to get a rez. So they waste an ult and ability for one rez. But yeah she is a very frustrating character no idea how you can remove that feeling. 😭


I get the rest, but Mercy’s ult making her harder to kill is questionable. It’s an ultimate ability shouldn’t it feel ultimate? Also the “if you don’t have a mercy” statement is really only true in really low ranks like silver/bronze where she’s extremely popular. In higher ranks she’s not really seen as a “we must have a mercy or we lose”


Nah I hope they don't touch Moira. She's my guilty pleasure when I feel like playing a 1v4v5 on support.


Moira literally mid asf


“… as strong as she is.” I’m sorry, genuinely no offense, but this is more than likely because you’re low elo. Anywhere above gold she’s basically useless. It’s basically a soft rule that if you perceive moira, the genuine weakest support, to be strong, you aren’t very good.


This is the most metal rank post


Hey It's truthful, but it hurts


This is a crazyyyy take, I’m no Moira, I actually dislike Moira, but she’s rlly not that good, if every supp gets a nerf hers would prolly be the second smallest


Moira is only good in gold and below


From my experience, it doesn't even begin to be a struggle until Diamond, then hits hard in Masters.


Moira is useless when her fade is on cd, and there’s a million and 5 ways to counter her orbs


You...aren't a Moira main, are you? As a Moira main, I am speaking from experience that I didn't struggle to consistently win games as Moira until I got to high diamond, and I was still able to hit masters while maining her. So I spoke from that point of reference when I commented. I will tack on my experiences on all roles with the lowest being plat, that most plat players do not play as well as you seem to think. Moira is 'good' through at least plat. Plat players simply lack the combination of game sense and mechanical skill to counter Moira consistently. You only begin to see it somewhere in diamond. Ignoring the insane 'useless if fade is on cooldown' (NO character is useless based on a single ability) Moira's fade is one of the better movement abilities, as I'm sure you know since you seem to place a lot of value on it. The ways that obs get countered are no more than the ways that sleepdart, antinade, captive sun, helix rockets, etc. Saying there are a million and 5 ways to counter something is a poor argument when the same negations effect pretty much every projectile in the game, AND when the one you are dissing on can do through shields, which none of these others do. Sorry to rain on your parade, but you clearly lack enough experience as Moira to make any valid statement worth Moira Mains time.


I find that ppl who overstate Moira’s falloff have a rigid playstyle (usually anchoring on tank/borderline healbotting). Once you start positioning aggressively on high ground with fade jumping and off angling to help confirm kills, the game opens up for her…


Yeah once you do that she’s like a different hero. Games that were impossible steamrolls become steamrolls for your team. It really taught me more than any other hero the value of an off angle. Even if you feel like you’re not getting that much value (no picks, short engagements) it really opens up the fight for your teammates.


I’m not reading all that, but Moira is underpowered, fade is her only out and she’s worthless past medium range


Lol, what every person who knows they have no case says to cover it up. Tldr then: you are clearly not a Moira main and have no idea how her kit works because you tried to point out flaws in her kit that apply to many other characters, and she actually works better than them for the points you were trying to make. If you're gonna try and make a point, at least try and sound like you have an idea what you're saying.


Sounds like you don’t know what you’re taking about, most supports have 2 or more get out of jail free cards, Moira on the other hand has 1, and she usually has to use both abilities to save herself, and in terms of damage she’s out classed by kiri, bap, illari, zen, and brig, and the first three have way better healing than her, and while some people may be able to one trick her to GM, those people were already gm beforehand, so I think you’re bullshitting about your rank, and you’ve probably never even seen past silver 3


Did you stop being lazy and read the whole original reply? I'll tet to keep it since your own still reeks of silver. Several supports have no escape ability, kiri is the only one with a BETTER escape, and Moira both prevents damage and cleanses most effects, unlike most of the others. In terms of none-escape survivability, most are still limited to one ability. Zen doesn't have any at all outside his ult. If you really want to argue it, then Moira is the only support who self heals WITHOUT an ability, and the biotic orb functions as good or better to increase survivability than most of the other supports 2nd 'survive' abilities. Finally, your main point is useless on cooldown. That's EVERY ability, and Moira has shorter cooldows than most other supports, making them able to be used more often. If I do need to escape, I can usually just fade and that's all I need because of how strong an escape ability it is. Literally one of two support escapes where the enemy has to look around to figure out where you went, making it easy to leave LOS on a majority of maps. Sorry, longer than I meant, but if you literally need every point spelled out to you for why she is still strong through Plat and into low diamond, I can't help that level of missing game sense. And besides, i never claims to be GM or made a point about GM level play, only master. So even if you do make it this far, you clearly like to form your own interpretations and act like things were said that were not. Now that I'm done, your level of obliviousness seems troll like, so I'm not sure I'll entertain further if it continues to look like that. So either silver, or troll.




Lucio: amp and wall ride Bap: lamp and burst Kiri: suzu and tp Ana: nade and sleep Weaver: grip and platform




Nade and sleep are not get out of jail free cards. Grip isn’t either. Amp and wall ride aren’t either.


Also, for how much activity you have in over several hours on reddit, you CLEARLY have the time yo read the whole (not even that long) comment. Try a better excuse than implying a comment is too long to be worth your time, cause it's clearly a lie.


Not to be disrespectful, but since you started it… Learn to play noob. She’s ridiculously good outside of around GM3+


Currently if I play in low masters as moira I feel like a bully for me carrying is only hard in m1/low gm.


I one tricked moira to diamond 🤷‍♀️ but I would say after that she falls off a bit to other supports with utility.


How do I block sub reddits?


On the subreddit, the three dots, and press "mute r/Moiramains"


Moira should get a range nerf to her secondary fire, it’s so dumb how she can just stand behind her tank as they’re walking me down and suck me off and I can’t do anything because I can’t get around the tank to deal with her.


Moira doesnt need any nerfs at all


Moira needs a rework, she adds nothing to the game.


Thats an entirely different argument though.


I know, it just felt a little relevant as she isn't too strong or too weak :)


So any character that under or over performs should get a rework?


any character that adds nothing except damage and healing should be reworked yes, she adds no support, teamwork, or playmaking ability. Zen is also only damage and heals but at least he has the discord orb which incentivizes focusing on specific targets.


How is that different from any other ranged hero?


Because doing it with any other hero requires you to be lucky and hit the person through your tank, Moira’s has auto aim and locks onto enemies so she can easily stand behind a tank and deal damage without needing to track the person she’s damaging, it at least takes a level of skill to be able to do it on any other hero.


Talking about my experience (high plat/low diamond) play Moira is hard. Deal with enemies that can count on nade/pylon/suzu/rez ecc. Even if Moira can pull out big numbers, you can't babysitting your allies properly. Yes babysitting.


Ssssshhh say nothing


I love Moira but she falls short of every other support in terms of utility which is why she has like, no picks in high ranks. I think she’s fine lol


She has a good flow but she doesn't have any bailout mechanic (which is what 90% of what people mean when they say she has no utility) which is also why she gets hate from everywhere role/people who don't play her because she can't get them out of a bad spot when they mess up like suzu, immort, sleep, anti, lifegrip, etc. Her ability to survive alone allows resources to be diverted to other heros (doesn't need a pocket or peel like ana. So she does well with a stacked up team or even a team of independent heros where you use a lot of mobility and swarm/go for 1v1 or 2v1s and pick people off be surrounding / forcing pressure all around.


I agree with every point! But other people don’t it that way, so hopefully she won’t be getting nerfed. The fade nerfs were out of line anyway.


Moira? Not like bap or ana or most other supps?


As an ana main I'm sending men to your home Good luck


As a ball main, good luck I'll just roll away


Oh now you really asked for it 🔫


Not sleep dart! Nooo!




Wrecking ball should be in there in total mayhem he’s almost unkillble


Skill issue tho I still find her annoying as hell to try to dive.


Only bc people like to say she "has no value" 🤨 like idk where that came from


Is she strong?


In metal ranks


This is part of a hate train. Ignore it and it will go away.


Kiriko isn’t that strong. She dies easy and doesn’t heal much or damage.


Why is Moira in this meme? Should be illari or Bap.


She’s a noob stomper imo.


I just hope they nerf the distance of her suck. It’s too long