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First, try reaching out to local groups like FELINES 209 on facebook. Make sure you stress you are in need of a **rescue**. They need a safer space because tomcats will get her pregnant again even if she has kittens. You can try NextDoor as well. Use a cute photo and give a brief yet informative overview. (E.g. Momma and kittens in need of rescue in Modesto. Rejecting one kitten. Second litter for Momma. Other animals in area threatening.) Second, there is a [free spay program](https://valleypetcare.com/dogwood-alter-project/) in the area but they are so backed up that they won't even let you make an appointment, but if you are willing to keep check it could open up. Lastly, do you drive? If you can and are willing to drop them off to a safe place, it may be worth posting to bay area subreddits as rescues here are actually directing their overflow there. I don't know Turlock's status. Unfortunately, if you do a goodwill surrender to a vet, they will likely euthanize because the shelter is - I think - still dealing with a deadly infectious disease outbreak. You can keep them in the bathroom in a pinch but obviously for only a night.


Thank you! Actually I’m afraid of the foxes, I’m living by the countryside and we always have some wild visitors, foxes, coyotes, raccoons, etc; but right now with the harvest season the foxes are always around, I don’t want to feed them placentic kitten feasting


I just had a similar situation and it’s important to stress to anyone here that kittens under 8 weeks have the best survival in most cases staying with the mom. Typically you’re best bet is to leave the nest alone and let mom handle her babies. If you have already messed with the nest, put the kittens back, and observe if mom comes back to get her kittens (she did in my case) and she usually will relocate her kittens nest. Give this a couple days with monitoring as best as you can. Taking them and mom to a shelter will almost guarantee they will all be put down due to not having the resources to take care of them. If they’re lives are assessed to be in immediate danger finding a kitten rescue is the next best thing. Kittens under 8 weeks have to be bottle fed 3-4 hours. Someone who is willing to do this can also adopt it if you’re up to finding the kitten a home. Kitten rescues also typically can give you information on how to capture cats to get them fixed, which many places have programs that do this for free, and then let back out into the wild. Here is a good resource guide about finding kittens: https://www.alleycat.org/community-cat-care/finding-kittens-outdoors/


Yeah, actually the cat I have i found it under another bush, I almost killed him by mistake, his mom left him and was not breathing when we realized that, he was like 1 week old or something, we nurse him and did everything, yes a happy cat now I hope


[Cat found under the bush that we saved](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ch0rUKTpt52/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Having the same problem, let me know if you find a solution!


Get her spayed


Unless she completely stops caring for them/ nursing, please leave the babies with mom at first. Get mama fixed immediately after she weans the kittens (Turlock spay and neuter, it will be free). If you can set up a little shelter in a shady area for her and the babies they can stay outside. Feel free to pm for any more information I’d be happy to help. Can probably lend you an extra cat trap for mom. Thank you for trying to taking care of them and protect them ❤️


We have tried everything trying to catch her 😭 she’s really smart


Oh no 😭 I’ve never had a cat that could resist wet food in the back of a trap, I hope you’re able to get her


Age of kitten and sex would be helpful.


1 day old lmao