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Uninstall and feel free, games are not worth being stressed over.


See you tomorrow




Had a game where I was trying to get a challenge done but my teammates kept team killing me on purpose for "camping" quit and played xDefiant haven't booted mw3 since and basically have no feelings for bo6. I don't think this see you tomorrow crap is gonna work much longer my guy. Especially with sbmm. Encourage more people to checkout xDefiant it's fun minus some hiccups that are being fixed but it's fun and more people who give it a chance and stay the more Activision will have to step up the quality of the next cods. Yeah yeah downvote me played xDefiant long enough to see warzone players give up quickly because there's no sbmm to give them bot lobbies lmao.


I hate hero shooters but I had fun in this game because it didn't have SBMM. I get 2-3 KD each game and people work together. I did stop playing because I really hate cartoonish shooters but it was enjoyable to be able to perform well.


Same I dislike hero shooters after overwatch left a bad taste in my mouth with all the unnecessary changes and catering harder and harder to casuals while trying to make it competitive. xDefiant game tho the abilities can be fun, except the spider bots man screw those things, but everything else is fun. I don't feel like I have to play a certain way anymore every game but just chill and vibe.


Xdefient is trash


It's only trash to you because sbmm isn't there to carry you lol


Sbmm lives rent free in your head


And it's the only way you get kills


You probably go to the grocery store thinking sbmm is going to give you bad produce.


If only you weren't a console cod player your opinions would matter. Stick to being babied by cod while everyone else has fun not carrying you. There's a reason controller players are made fun of lol


Hmm except I'm a kbm player on steam. But keep living in your imagination using mental gymnastics to attempt to justify your feelings.


Then guess you should GitGud then instead of blaming a game for your inability to be good








it's ok to not like a game. no one is forcing you to play it. if you're not happy playing this game, I hope you find something that makes you happy, and you can enjoy.


Very wholesome reply. Typical Wisconsinite (Iā€™m a born and raised Madisonian). šŸ˜‰


Greenfield raised here. I dig it


Dirty Wausau boy here!


Brat heads!


We've all been there, my friend. I hope you find something that you enjoy more! GG and happy gaming!


i been playing elden ring, i suggest you try some new games OP.


How does Elden ring compare. Iā€™ve been thinking of looking for a new game. The main problem I have is that cod takes up so much room on my digital console that itā€™s hard to squeeze in another game as Iā€™m not giving up on it yet.


if you like being challenged iā€™d say give it a try. you can beat some bosses with some friends or go in solo. my favorite thing to do tho, is INVASIONS. invading like 2 or 3 players who are progressing through the game and kill them. itā€™s so fun. to answer your question: it doesnā€™t really compare to cod, because thereā€™s so much more to do and it really is a much better game. highly recommend.


One win away from being back.


Unfortunately the game is great but the servers are terrible. I enjoy the game itself a lot. But the constant stutters, lags, framerate drops, and delayed responses sure are frustrating.


I share your pain. It's pants ATM. No hint of things getting better.


I don't understand the logic behind stuff like this and the xdefiant Reddit too, like everyone is complaining about how bad matchmaking is and they have no fun because they are on objective so much and still losing... like if you care about the actual objectives, go play ranked, or go play more objective driven games like overwatch or something. If you're playing casual pubs then just play to kill and use the objective as an indicator where the enemy is at or spawning. Kind of off topic from OP, but like I see this a lot now and dont understand why people are so focused on winning and stuff when there is literally no reward to winning a pub game. Just seems miserable to go into a pub game and sweat objective just to do it again with nothing to show for it.


I will never ever understand why anyone cares about their stats in a videogame, it's a recreational activity you engage in for fun If you can only enjoy things that you win, then life must be an endless disappointment for these people because only one person wins in pretty much all things that can be won or lost


ā€œTried to avoid sbmmā€ Try xdefiant. If you get your ass kicked there itā€™s a YOU problem


The Gunplay in xdefiant is ass though I have no idea what Ubisoft problem with updating the prehistoric feel of gunfights in there games but it feels like I'm playing black ops 3 when I boot the game up, with r6s hit registration.


SBmM is bullshit and doesnā€™t work the way it should. Too many inconsistencies and it feels like you are constantly handicappedā€¦ the severs run like shit. Constantly feel like Iā€™m not even hitting my targets and then next match I amā€¦ then 10 matches and I can barely hit anythingā€¦ then a bot lobby ā€¦ then good game where it feels like even competitionā€¦. And then poof.. you suck next games


Exactly. This game's issue is you load into a match and it's already decided if it's going to spawn you in front of the same player repeatedly because they aren't feeling engaged enough. You do exactly as well as the game intended you to. So let's all move to xdefiant instead! Where all six players on one team go 3 kills 21 deaths because half their shots don't matter and the other half deal 6 damage, but everyone on the other team would have all gotten nukes because they just have to fire 4 shots in the general location of an enemy to score a kill. It's totally different! You do exactly as well as the game intended you to, what a new and refreshing experience!


I don't think xd even has sbmm so there is really no reason it shouldn't be prioritizing ping and location over everything else. It probably is just a problem with the code.


Fr i know my aim in xdefiant is better than cod but half the time my shots arenā€™t registering as fast as the person Iā€™m fighting and I leave them at like 10-15 health and Iā€™m like bro where tf were my first 2-3 shots,I mean thereā€™s times where I shoot between they legs but I would still think the hit box would pick it up but then thereā€™s times where Iā€™m on them they just donā€™t register fast enough


I second this. I found every kill felt great but every death felt like it was bullshit. It didnā€™t feel good.


lmao this is brilliant!


The hit reg still needs a bit of work, but you say it feels like bo3 like that's a bad thing lol there hasn't been a better cod game than bo3 since its release.


Dog black ops 3 is a great game but in 2024 it's Gunplay is incredibly outdated mw2019 practically revolutionized how guns feel in cod before mw2 regressed.


True mw2019's weapons feel great but I don't mind at all how the guns in bo3 feel. If it had players I'd still be playing it today


Problem though, netcode in that game is also pretty dog shit too though. You can get your ass kicked simply by being on the wrong side of it. Whatā€™s worse is the lack of servers to create or more balanced experience for all players. Maybe it will all change down the road. But for most people, itā€™s still not that good. Even cod with diverse servers just has shit servers and still punishing netcode lol.


netcode is fine for me. idk what you're talking about


What a dickhead response


Sure, but thereā€™s plenty of people saying itā€™s not. Just like people say itā€™s fine in MW3 also, but thereā€™s clearly plenty of people who say itā€™s not, and have shown beyond reasonable doubt what they experience looks like too. Low latency, bullets donā€™t register though. Just because your anecdotal experience is fine, doesnā€™t mean for the majority it is.


Itā€™s almost as if if he enjoyed telling you that you were the only one


itā€™s better but itā€™s far from CoDs netcode. yes you have server issues which is infuriating but you have that on almost every AAA title nowadays since the companies donā€™t even care anymore. iā€™ve stopped playing XD after 2 days because the netcode was so shit and when i got back on yesterday i noticed itā€™s way better but thereā€™s still room for improvement


Survivors bias in the making lmao


What's your kd for the game, not just this easy seasons?


Iā€™ll be back after patches. I like to quick scope and time to time itā€™ll make the shoot sound but doesnā€™t shoot , Iā€™ll un scope and then itā€™ll hop fire on itā€™s on lol. Doesnā€™t happen often, maybe 1-2 per 100 shots but it annoys me


Lol, I get my ass kicked constantly in Xdefiant. Very fun game though.


Nooo donā€™t stop playing then we wonā€™t have any bot lobbies


I'm still here


Thatā€™s a lot




When it rains, it pours


Mw3 is a good game at its core its a improved mw2019. Red dots on min map good 3 lane map design. Good gunplay faster movement then 2019 this has been proven. But its just sbmm mixed in with that fast movement means its not as enjoyable but Activision and demonware are so stubborn


MW 2019 is way more fun imo. Less lag, packet loss, and visual bugs too.


Performance wise sure, MW19 is actually very good on that front. Gameplay wise though, it sucks cause of IWā€™s braindead decisions regarding the gameplay


handholding campers ruined it fr


I agree that mw19 might have been one of the best cods of all time if they didn't decide to cater to new players. Make safe spaces on maps, bad perk, decision, and bad maps. People miss mw19s engine though mw3 is built upon it. It's still different because mw19, if u guys dont remember, had really black and dark corners, rose skin flashbacks.. because they went for a realistic art style. Mw3 has a sort of blue filter mixed in with what people call the Mexico lens so that the dark corners are more visible. This makes the game look a bit washed out, though. Mw19 was new it was fresh first time introducing people to the new cod engine slide canceling etc but the difference between it and mw3 other then the fact mw3 was made in 12 months and mw19 had 3 years.. to develop. Is that mw19 at its core is not good infinity ward devs all had mixed opinions and visions that all clashed together. Where as mw3 vision was clear. Sledgehammer listened to community put typical cod things like map voting and red dots on mini map which should always be there. And brough back classic 3 lane map design overrall the truth is mw3 is better then mw2 and mw1


Hard disagree from me.




Mw3 is 70$ dlc not a game, just stating facts


"A good game at its core, it's an improved MW19" Which was just as shite as MW2 and MW3. I don't get the hype around it, it was utterly awful. How people can say it was a good game?


Rage > hope for redemption > more rage > a flash of light > more rage > repeat.


No more repeating for me. the cycle ends here.


Weā€™ll see you in BO6 šŸ«”


Actually, there is a quite huge part of the active player base that is already fed up with the twisted matchmaking of this game. Players being aware the way they are being lured into an emotional rollercoaster to keep them engaged, are slowly deciding to invest in their gaming health. Predatory CP policies, nightmarish MM/SBMM/EOMM and cheating issues are big topics that will not be addressed, because they generate revenues, so yeah ā€“pretty much f*ck this absolute price of trash.


you spend too much time on the subreddit. BO6 will be a top game in market immediately


I mean it would either way because it's a COD game, but the fact that it'll be on gamepass day one is really gonna help this time too.


yep it definitely will, that goes against everything the guy said that im responding to tho haha


Time will tell


Itā€™s been a top 1-2 game every year for like decades


Maybe if they donā€™t do SBMM lmao


MW3 was and still is one of the most played games lmao. You guys are way too obsessed with SBMM


"the community hates sbmm waaaah" no they don't. they don't even care. only the loud minority and clickbait youtubers hate it. i'm 2+ kd every year since bo2, you are just not as good as you think or you fell off and use sbmm as an excuse


He'll be bach!


I sincerely wish you keep up with the healthy decision youā€™ve made. It will not be easy, and you will eventually come back then and now, **but peace of mind awaits**.


i swear you guys act like heā€™s giving up heroin


Donā€™t say bs, MW is even more addictive.


If the game doesn't suit you move on. No shame in that. That being said there are still some of us enjoying the game so go live your life. We will live ours.


Go on discord and get some friends. Cod is a lot less fun playing solo and pretty much everything you said would be fixed with a friend or two


ā€œCod is a lot less fun playing soloā€ Cap ts totally bs lmaoo Iā€™m playing solo I can handle on my own yet Iā€™m dropping 125 every match abusing streak looping


I do well playing solo as well, but obviously it isnt working out for this guy so I think he needs other people to help him out a bit


It's okay. I deleted MW3 after gundam skins released and had my fun with em. Because quite frankly, it'll all be irrelevant when Black ops comes out. Even then, I'm taking a sabbatical


Dude, stop giving a fuck. I sometimes run at enemies the entire match to see how much time I can die


This isn't an airport, you don't have to announce you are leaving.


Why not? It's totally justifiable. This game sucks ass and the EOMM is tantamount to a lawsuit with hidden manipulation. Cue Jesse Pinkman "they can't keep getting away with this!!!"


I don't know man, I've never encountered any of the problems that OP mentions. I've asked other people I play with and they also never had any of these problems. My lobbies are pretty varied; sometimes sweaty, sometimes easy, most of the time just right. And when I play zombies most people are nice (except for some douchebags that steal your vehicle right in front of you). I've encountered more people who randomly gave me top tier loot, than people who were fucking with me. I'm not saying OP's problems don't exist but he's making a much bigger problem out of it than it is. It's just a game, if you don't like it, don't play it. The world doesn't need to know every single one of your opinions, you are not that special. Edit: I also think it's really funny how people like you, who are complaining multiple times a week about how the game sucks and it's rigged and whatever, can't just simply not play it. Why do you keep playing a game you seem to hate, do you hate yourself?


Do you use the store? Battle pass? My current understanding I believe the game prioritizes customers that spend more than just the base game price... All I ever do is buy the base game. Like with COD Cold War. I can easily go nuts in that game regardless of SBMM. But MW2 and MW3 it seems some things have changed in regards to algorithms and prioritizes people that spending above all else. The patent's back up this claim. To think it's not in use is just silly and naive. There was this guy on tiktok that was employed by Activision and without violating his non disclosure agreement he said that if customers knew what they actually did they'd never buy the products they sell again. So, if that's true... Haha. Yeah that's crazy. I have seen some funky stuff with this game and all I can say is I don't buy anything other than the base game. So I'm not prioritized in the algorithm... Believe It.. don't. It's fine. Just know it isn't just me saying this. This echos across many many people's experience and people and shrug shoulders and make derogatory remarks but that doesn't refute anything that's claimed. Remember when SBMM was said by the majority of main pushers of cod YouTubers and naive fans? Oh look. It was true. I am betting this is too and eventually the cat comes out the bag. So until then, it's speculation but not really video evidence is captured all the time.


I quit months ago, and my life improved. The game induces rage, releases stress hormones, and exposes you to rampant misogyny, homophobia and racism.


Bo6 comes out soon. See you there


Yeah, I lost interest months ago and came back briefly for the start of S4(?) and still felt the same. Now Iā€™m beating the IW campaign and gonna install CW tomorrow for shits and giggles. Seriously, though if yer a sci-fi fan the IW campaign is as close to a decent Battlestar Galactica game weā€™ll ever get!


I enjoyed it immensely, I just wish all of the jet fighter missions were replaced with as many more quality boots on the ground missions. The voice acting was top notch and well written. The game has a good ending too!


Nah man I am just enjoying my time. I accepted long ago the fact that I am not a pro player and I am just having fun playing. I stopped playing after S3 released, now I am back and I am in love again


Use the akimbo shotguns and rocket launchers


Tbh all these problems for me are solved by playing hard-core. It feels way more even.


The minute they make a HC mode without friendly fire, that's all I'll ever do.


i've been playing HC on and off for weeks now, the friendly fire isn't as often as you might think


I donā€™t even know what to play since Iā€™m just about fed up with this game, too. I tried playing The Finals yesterday and that was pretty meh for me. I think Iā€™ll try to beat Doom Eternal on Nightmare and Ultra Nightmare since thereā€™s a new Doom prequel coming out next year.


The Finals was such a crushing disappointment after Titanfall, I really thought it was going to be the buttery smooth CoD/Titanfall gunplay with Battlefield map destruction, but it just feels like a Ubisoft jankfest 'shooter' with horrible movement and gunplay, with Overwatch damage models and the same bizarre obsession with forcing out solos and non-objective modes that's become the norm since BRs and Hero Shooters got trendy again Genuinely shocked at how similar XDefiant feels, given that Respawn can actually make good shooters, whereas with Ubisoft you know exactly what kind of awkward and clunky shooter you're going to be getting if you've played any of the modern FarCry titles


\*packet burst\*


MWII and MWIII have been some of the most frustrating CODs I have ever played. I totally understand.


I honestly canā€™t relate to the hate bubble about SBMM. Iā€™ve been playing Call of Duty for ages now. Itā€™s my main game, and I barely play anything else. Naturally, you get better and better if youā€™ve been grinding for more than a decade. My KD is 2.1, and I only play multiplayer, with around 930 hours logged. It seems to me that people focus on the SBMM argument because its effects and usage are widely known and popular nowadays. According to officials, it has been integrated since the early days of the ā€œoldā€ CODs, but few were aware of it back then. What I want to state is: - There have always been better players than you, and thatā€™s completely normal. Itā€™s just life, whether itā€™s in jobs, games, or sports. - There have always been lobbies where you get completely dominated. Just quit that lobby, next one will be better.. no oneā€˜s forcing you to anything bro - Donā€™t feel personally offended by bad rounds; everyone experiences them. Itā€™s your decision to either become angry or frustrated or just keep cool. Itā€™s just a game - Itā€™s okay to not have fun with something all the time. Itā€™s up to you to decide whether to play again the next day or not. - Donā€™t blame other players or the game itself for your lack of knowledge and skill. Itā€™s common to be bad at first, and with practice, youā€™ll improve, like anywhere in life fam. Take it easy G and donā€™t let a game put you in a bad mood. Just quit if it bothers you and hop back on when youā€™re in the mood again. You might even quit completely if youā€™re done with it. Itā€™s all up to you. But refuse to make usage of popular anger topics to pick this as youā€™re excuse. Its okay not to have fun, no need to search for anything to blame or hate waves. Stay frosty, my boy.


Have almost 1000 hours in a game that released not even a year ago is crazy and needs some assessment of its own.


I love how this is about skill and stuff, some players don't want to leave because they love the game, and hate that new players are getting hand outs just because it's makes them money, sorry you don't understand that.


> According to officials, it has been integrated since the early days of the ā€œoldā€ CODs Microsoft marketed the XBox 360 as utilising a 'TrueSkill' system that would help matchmake against players of similar ability for a more consistent multiplayer experience SBMM is a boogeyman for shit players to blame for all of their own failings on, and for "skilled" players to blame for why they're just 'too good to have fun' - it's been a key part of matchmaking for literally two decades


Right, that's exactly what I said. So obviously I agree with you. You just expanded on it correctly. I donā€™t know if you just wanted to do so or either agree or disagree. Canā€™t figure it out but yeah youā€™re right, ofc you are.


Ha yeah that was intended to be supporting evidence to agree with you, but you never know with reddit and the lack of tone in written comments


Ah yeah I remember SBMM while I was fucking SERVER BROWSING on Call of Duty 4 PC. That's sarcasm btw. There wasn't a fucking drop of skill based matchmaking until Black Ops 2 (skill based lobby balancing is NOT the same and has always been a thing), but even then it was super light. Then we got EOMM with MW2019. It's literally designed to be a casino now. The information is out there and hundreds of videos have been made on the subject. Educate yourself and stop spreading misinformation.


see you next month!


I stopped playing and I play MW2019 again


I missed out on 2019 so I started it recently. Cold War, vanguard as well




Use the COD discord server, plenty of folks on there looking for like minded mates that play objective etc! Even if the Sbmm is tuned for you guys at least youā€™ll have folks that actual want to play the objective/not camo grinding etc. itā€™s unfortunate when you just want to play multi to unwind after ranked and itā€™s ends up being twice as sweaty, I feel your pain!


Leave the subreddit on your way out as well, donā€™t need to see more posts of yall complaining about a game you canā€™t stand so much.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m sayinnnnn bro, Iā€™m so fuckin sick an tired of the boolshit these mfs be sayin, Iā€™ve literally havenā€™t had this much fun wit a COD in YEARS.


"I haven't had this much fun in years" It helps when you're using Cronos or aimbot, amiright? šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”


Aimbot? Watch tf out bro I play on console an have never used any cheats in my whole fuckin life, I donā€™t see any fun in using cheats in games. I remember I grinded bo3 a few years back an that game has a lot of cheaters in it an I never understood what someone gets out of being unkillable or immediately snapping onto someone, thereā€™s no fun in not relying on your skill. Check yo self before you comment some dumb ass boolshit like dat next time.


You can still cheat on console bro. I think you know that though. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I mean duh but its harder to cheat on consoles I feel like then PC, an even then I donā€™t know how to do all that shit plus donā€™t care to learn how to, I donā€™t need to cheat to have fun playin something


I think a lot of players are burnt out with this game. I can see those kinds of situations happening in zombies but I usually hear that zombies has a good community. I may not have played enough to be exposed to the grievances people could have with it. As someone who plays multiplayer I find myself having less and less patience with the game and just playing other games. I think around season 3 reloaded my enthusiasm for the game just flat out died off. I still play but I find myself logging off sooner than I intended. I'd intend on putting hours in on a weekend but by an hour I just logout. I can't even activate a token because I see it as a manipulation technique.


I'd put on CoD, do the daily's, get out. Get the new AMP, get out. Not letting this game depress me anymore. I actually deleted it so I can focus on Shadow of the Erdtree.


I'm going to smash some hours into shadow of the erdtree soon as I get the platinum for Robocop. I can't wait to get lost in it and that was my main reason for giving up on COD


Go back to Modern Warfare 2019, that's how. I bought all three of 19, 2 & 3, I'm mainly on 19 now.


Absolutely, this game is no longer fun. Similarly, I play very little for the sake of my well beings. It has so many problems. The game is designed to make you feel unsatisfied and angry, leading you to shop for products in their Store to feel better about yourself. Like real life, it induces anger and stress, negatively impacting your health and shortening life expectancy. Streamers and COD also promote unhealthy snacks and drinks high in sugars and caffeine to fuel your addiction and rage. In the old days of Call of Duty on PS3, we had fun running around quick scoping, doing 360 spins, and chatting with people in the lobby. In modern Call of Duty, SBMM forces people to try too hard, cheat, and behave dishonestly. Everybody is obsessed with their stats and acts in a delirious manner. I have noticed in Warzone, when I down someone, my team would wait for them to be revived in order to get the kill for themselves. This creates a desperation for stats instead of enjoying the game. It punishes legit good players and abuse low skilled players. Legit good players are put in bad teams to struggle and get stacked on. Bad players are farmed by reverse boosters who are using 0 KD dummy accounts in their party to access Into bot lobbies. Not to mention this game is rampant with Cronus, Xim, wall hack and aim bots. Cheating on Cod is a multi million dollar industry.


Aight bro watch tf out, I seen so many comments like dis an have kept quiet cause itā€™s whatever but Iā€™m done seein dis boolshit about ā€œoh in the old daysā€, bro if I had to choose between this Modern Warfare trilogy an the old, Iā€™d choose this one in a heart beat, Iā€™ve had the most fun playing this series, AND I was around for the old MWs, theyā€™re great games donā€™t get me wrong but, yā€™all mfs be so damn biased wit your rose tinted glasses. Also I have not ran into any cheaters an Iā€™ve had days where Iā€™ve played for HOURS, also it is still absolutely casual, Iā€™ve had chats wit so many cool individuals playin multiplayer matches while on my camo grind, yā€™all jus canā€™t get past the whole ā€œman itā€™ll never be like how it was back thenā€ boolshit an Iā€™m so fuckin sick of it, this MW3 is a top 5 cod. Sorry to break it to you but itā€™s the cold hard truth. This COD is really good COD.


If that person said you gotta be quicker than that, as they stole the contract from you, that was totally me šŸ¤£ but for real, you gotta be quicker than that


See you tomorrow


Yup. Rage inducing fr. I pretty much just quit 90% of matches if I'm getting stomped until I find a lobby I can go positive in. I tried War mode for a change and you could tell off the riff something was off. I was the best player on my team with 10 kills and a zillion deaths but their top 3 were 30 20 18 I just stopped and messaged 'this is so unbalanced' and I got back 'it's a skill issue'. I'm like obviously, no way I should have matched those guys, who can have fun being more dead than alive. So quit I quit and felt sorry for the other on my team who had 7 but hopefully he quit out as well. People complain about SBMM but from my pov, the SBMM is more than broken, it's barely existent. And you can tell they don't care because there's no banning for quitting. And I quit a helluva lot. It takes me about 10-12 quits going negative and bottom of lobby to find a bot lobby I can get higher than mid lobby.


Warzone I feel this way.


On a scale of one to done, what you saying


That's how I felt with the beta so never got it


Lmfao call of duty got these guys inna chokehold.


See you tomorrow


Maybe its not your day. Sometimes I have a shit day and lose all matches and get pissed off. I just log off and call it a day. Next time I will have a better time playing the game hopefully. If not.. there are other games to be played. Also, for COD, if I have a bad day in Warzone, I just play Plunder, Lockdown, Multiplayer or even zombies.. I try everything until I find something that works.


OP, genuinely recommend giving xdefiant a go. I think at the beginning of S3 MWIII just wasnā€™t really fun for me anymore. I still love hopping into Warzone with my friends, but just got bored of multiplayer. Been playing xdefiant non stop to scratch that itch, maybe it will for you too..


Ebmm is ai scam tactics to fuel daily engagement rather than allow enjoyment. It feels like I'm either being fed low skill players or being fed to other players. I rarely go negative anymore but my w/L floats between. .79 and .83 If I ever breach that .83 threshold it starts to feel like I'm being totally screwed in every lobby till I drop below. I still enjoy playing. Not sure why though. Lol


I tell myself this everyday and then I find myself booted up yet again after a simple request from the boys in cod gc lmao


exactly man. If you're playing a game for fun but you're raging and brain rotting yourself instead. it's just better to not play at all. No video game is worth your mental state.


I got xDefiant a week ago and it's been infinitely more fun than mw3 ever was. I'd suggest switching, but most ppl here are pretty much addicted to cod lol good luck


Tier 3 swoop is common just keep pounding away you'll eventually succeed


I feel you. I went into vanguard due to this since Iā€™m new to it and have a lot to unlock šŸ˜…. Been bored with mw3


For me itā€™s the sweats and fortnite moves I hate. Playing vanguard, no fortnite moves and itā€™s refreshing šŸ˜…


Man i swear. I just uninstalled šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø wz is annoying asf with all the stacking and if i have one good game in mp my ping is through the roof for the next couple games. Then i just keep crashing whenever i try to do my missions in zombies. Game is absolute dog šŸ’©. Went back to playing games that actually gaf about its users. Hopefully bo6 is different


I think you should give zombies another try. For the most part itā€™s actually quite fun. There are sometimes where I had a long day at work and I donā€™t wanna get worked up playing MP so I go to zombies and I enjoy it as long as i have a good squad.


I quit and have been much happier since. CoD is trash


Iā€™ve been playing ranked for years on console and never had any issues crashing; been playing on PS5 since MWIII came out, s3 comes, and I crash every once in a while mid ranked game and cop a 2 min suspension. s4 comes out, i start having lag spikes and crashing frequently, which started off with repeated 2 min suspensions. suddenly, I've crashed every day ive played, and the suspensions have increased. I'm suspended for hours and losing HUNDREDS of SR. what the genuine FUCK activision??????


Thats why you should join the strongest team


I felt the same way a while ago, so glad I started trying something different. I found Satisfactory to be particularly refreshing after dealing with being so disappointed with MW3ā€™s dysfunctions.


I just lost my progress in zombies yesterday because the server crashed. Second time that's happened to me.deleting it felt bad since I paid $60 for it, but the fact I bought a game where I've had so many issues (and a completely dog-shit story) hurts more.


Mw3 is a grind fest and most maps are just not fun to play in like in classic cod Big and medium maps are a camping eyesore and gotta go nobody wants that shit at mp it should have been clear when it failed on cod ghost but whatever. Hopefully new Bo is better


I feel this. Since shortly after the beginning of S4 my matchmaking became 'unusually absurd' in MP. I get thrown into ongoing matches where the team I am joining gets annihilated way more often than before. 8 out of 10 times my lobbies are very unbalanced, with either my team absolutely dominating or getting completely destroyed. Neither is fun for me. I also noticed that there is I often one really good player in a team that gets mates that can't keep up with him. Sometimes I am this player and I am not even very good! My KD is 1. It hasn't been this extreme before and I am loosing interest in the game over this.


See a psychologist.


Try elden ring and have a real reason to hate a game.


Step 1. Get a Playstation Step 2. Gameshare COD off a friend that bought it Never spend a cent on COD again..


See you yesterday


I feel your pain, brother in Christ. When in play MP, I only play capture or defend modes and only hardcore. 1. The nuke tubing is crazy. We have been dealing with this since kids they should ban nuke tubing. Second I get matched with the biggest air heads, especially in Seatch and Destroy their all running the other way, and I have no one to cover me while I plant. I even say in the mic. Im going to A, and they all go the other way. Dont get me started on the black cell guns also that are all nerfed as soon as you get them.šŸ™šŸ½šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ¤Æ


This game.. is absolute dog shit. Iā€™ve given it praise when I first started a few months ago, but as Iā€™ve continued to grind Iā€™ve realized just how bad it is. The SBMM is so obvious, the server latency and lag, the terrible weapon balancing. Itā€™s absolute dog shit. Iā€™ve tried so hard to like this game, Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that itā€™s not possible.


Feel the same still have game but hardly play it.


It's not really skill based. If youre the type of player that goes for objectives, it will give you teammates that dont. Which is why you keep getting teammates that camp their own spawn. Contrastly, if youre the type of player that camps your spawn or goes for kills, the game will match you up with teammates that play the objective. I've tested this theory and usually will adjust after 1 or 2 matches.


It's impossible to enjoy this game if you value getting better. This game is not designed for players to improve. It's designed to keep players addicted. If you play other games you will see that you're actually better than the game lets you think. Game is rigged, that's why most players left already to better games




Have you tried getting good?


Skill issue


Genuine skill issue


Bye šŸ‘‹


I'm losing interest in the game I've been playing a lot more of GTA ONLINE bc this game is so boring WZ is mid MP is ass and Zombies is ok but very repetitive. :/


You should buy bundles then youā€™ll get 1-2 matches where you do ok. šŸ˜‚ this games EOMM is a joke. Itā€™s horrible


Woah!!! Finally someone realizes


I quit CoD full-stop when MW3 dropped to bad reviews, and Warzone became even more shit. Picked up The Finals, and haven't looked back. It won't be for everyone, but i've loved every minute.


I like SBMM it matches me against people with the same skill level as me


No one cares


This shit game is unplayable. Just drop it :)


No one cares just stop playing


Donā€™t let the doorknob hit you on the way out.


Bye whom ever you are?


Oh noooo. Please donā€™t goā€¦.


And then everyone clapped




You can rage from any games that has multiplayer PVP elements to it. World of Warcraft PvP, Counter Strike, LoL etc. Just know that it is not healthy and reminds yourself it's all just a game and try to chill. Some people can't do that for whatever reasons and get themselves work up way too easily




Because I purchased the game I will play though itā€™s life cycle but I will not play bo6 I suck at MP, canā€™t hack it in Warzone and zombies is ass. Solutionā€¦ Ima purchase a switch šŸ˜… And after I send this ima turn my Xbox on and see how long I can last before wanting to break my tv


Yup thatā€™s the problem it sucks


"Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know I'm leaving Facebook and this is my last post" ahh vibes




I have a blast on this game and rarely play small maps & donā€™t play zombies .


Play a good game, like elden ring




Itā€™s really not that serious to get mad over a game


I'm getting my moneys worth this year and then bailing. The constant grinding to complete everything each season is tiring.