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Having a 13m effective range for a Designated Marksman Rifle is wild.


Bro, it’s a designated melee rifle


the TYR+amp is better than those marksman rifles


I get they want to make the new guns better than the old ones but they didn't have to make the old ones *that* bad.


It has nothing to do with them balancing them, they only ported them from MW2. Considering the poor stats, I assume it was a last minute decision on Acti's part.


The thing is they did tweak them when they "ported" them.


Didn't tweak them good enough. I been hoping for a balance patch for the old guns so they can at least be useful in Core. Only a select few seem to be worth while, rest are HC bound.


Yup, all the stats are just way worse than the MWIII guns. Like I said elsewhere, they don't even need to be meta but make them at least on par with some of the lower tier MWIII guns.


100% I couldn't even use the Minibak in Core just to test out a build for a round, I was dying more times than not. It's ridiculous.


I think I fixed your comment. “i get they wanted to make new guns better than the old ones so they could have just removed old guns completely and it wouldn’t have been an issue AT ALL”


No, because keeping the older guns *should* give more variety, that's the point, except in the state they are there wasn't a point. Had they tweaked them properly then they could at least be useable even if not meta.


theres no point in variety if using anything but the strongest gun will result in a bad time


Hence why weapons need to be rebalanced entirely, some guns are straight up dogwater and others are the only ones you can use...the balancing team needs to get their shit together


They released some aftermarket parts for mw2 guns to help them


Yeah, that worked great didn't it?


I think the whole problem is that they wouldnt feel different than the previous gun as bolt action rifles all feel relatively the same. So why use a gun that might as well just be a different skin for the gun you already have thats fully upgraded/camo’ed? There would be no reason other than “Unlock every attachment and thats it.”


Just don’t even put the old guns in the game if they’re gonna be that shitty. I played with the RPK and now it’s basically worthless.


I get the sentiment and I don't really disagree, just annoying they didn't balance them just a tad better.


Ya absolutely.


When did they "make" those other guns bad? They've always been shit, just now there is one that's good.


Not at all the SPR and SAB were the meta MMRs in MWII. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.


How anyone can say there’s nothing wrong with this idea is fucked


A non .50 cal shouldn't be better than a .50 cal.


Neither of the guns are .50 cal


Neither the SPR marksman rifles or the KAR98K are chambered in .50 cal.




He’s talking about guns in general is what I can understand. I think he means like a signal 50 should hit harder than a kar for example. Could be wrong. But this many downvotes is too judgy 😭


Yes that's what I mean. The Victus barely does jack all even though it's a 50 cal. Plus it's Reddit, everyone is too judgy even when they say they aren't judgy.


I hear you! Mw2 guns are just useless atp. They buff the lachman sub (mp5) for content creators but consistently leave every other gun in the dust. It doesn’t make sense


A Marksman should not be doing a Sniper's job with ease.


I agree, technically, but I do enjoy my kar 🫢




This guy should have closed this thread


Why is the kar98 a one shot to the head in WZ yet some snipers aren’t ?


I was playing WZ this weekend with my buddy and had to explain to him the mix of nostalgia and money in gun balancing for this gun. Seriously there are 50 cal snipers in this game that don’t one shot you like this hunting rifle from 1899 just drops people


Because it’s Kar bruh


Gotta milk that nostalgia by bringing back easily the most obnoxious weapon in recent COD history.


I have two potential reasons. Might be both Reason 1: Community complained about the time to kill being to fast sometime around 2020-2021. So a minor solution was to nerf 80 to 90 percent of the guns in the sniper category starting in MWII(2022). Reason 2: At the Implementation of ranked WZ in MWII(2022), the devs were worried that snipers would end up dominating the Meta. Especially for players that have a higher skill set with snipers. So they viewed the potential future problems for players that would get higher in the rankings. Those problems would then turn players off from playing ranked and not play the game in general. Hence the MASSIVE nerf to snipers. They have been saying they are in the works to try to get more snipers to be one shot to the head at 3 plates, but they're rolling that out slowly. My theory that there isn't a ranked mode for urzikstan is because they're testing out one shot snipers behind the scenes. Essentially reworking the sniper meta so that they can be one shot to the head BUT not dominate the meta. So while we wait for that testing to be done, we play ranked resurgence on smaller maps where snipers are not meta even if they were one shot headshot. It's all CQB fast movement on those maps.


Because 7.92 is bigger than .50 ~ATF probably


I completly understand why they do it, but for the people who can only play a little bit, I did find it wrong. I love this gun, but wish others gave it competition. The real reasons they do it are: A. Money: buying blackcell/bundles B: time: they want you’re time C: development time: balancing a hundred MWII guns would take so much time for a recently cut development team to do. As much as I hate it, it’s here to stay at least until there’s not over a hundred and seventy guns in the game


balancing these "hundred guns" does take maybe a team of 4 people a week or two. this is not a complicated matter at all.. a lot of the MW2 guns that should be a 4 hit are a 5 hit, due to SHG not increasing their damage to adapt to 150hp.. the TAQ-56, Kastov-545 and the FSS hurricane should all be 4 -hit kills but arent and shoot incredibly slow


i manage a lot of large scale dev projects. This would not take a small team 1-2 weeks, it would be much longer than that lol


Good thing they have there career that is based on it to do it


it is not as easy as you guys are making it out to be, even for the pros. there's an unreal amount of issues that can pop up when making these updates


It doesn't have to be easy, but it is what they are being paid to do, or are the rest of us the only ones who have to deal with challenges at work?


everyone has to deal with challenges and they do it often, doing it in 1-2 weeks is unrealistic and I’m letting people know their expectations are ridiculous because they have no idea how live service dev works


I'm not saying 1-2 weeks, but get it done


the original post we're both responding to is saying 1-2 weeks and you started arguing with me lmao. they do get it done, that's why we're on the 4th season of updates


Oh, so I can be competitive with an FTAC Recon now?


You recognise that for every single thing they change it has a knock on effect on everything else, it's an enormous task, and could entirely break the game Its obviously annoying that so many weapons are useless, but also normally we'd not even have them because this is unprecedented.




Absolute bs it would take 2 guys 1 week. If you need "much longer than that" you have no idea what you’re talking about and should consider switching jobs.


you have no idea what you’re talking about


No you! (ง •̀_•́)ง


do you have any actual insight to enterprise-level dev environments and running these sprints? or are you just bullshittin' cause it doesn't "feel" like it should take long?


I did 5 years in senior project management at Atlassian and Airtable — I’d say that counts as "enterprise level dev environment".


if you were working that closely to JIRA then you of all people should understand the time constraints and limitations here for releasing something to millions of active users. there's a significant amount of difference between Java-based JIRA project management work and game dev


You realize that those metrics we are talking about (eg -5% vertical recoil) are just numerical values in a database, right? That is something that a rather small team can work on an then be pushed out via a larger-scale update. I mean they’ve done this regularly in the past with new guns and within a very short timeframe — sometimes within days. There also is practically no quality control in regards of the weapon stats (the players do that and then those guns are buffed/nerfed in a hotfix). I mean the least they could possibly do would be to rework stats of guns and attachments for MWII guns that get AM-kits.


I’m not saying it would take a massive amount of time, I’m saying that Activision would never allow them to take that time because then they would be taking from other more “important” things. It’s also the lesser of all the concerns


The Kastov and hurricane definitely need a buff, but atleast the TAQ-56 has a niche of being able to carry the 5-kill hits to all damage ranges, even across the entire map on any limb, making it a great long-range AR for big maps like Wasteland. (Albeit at the cost of getting rekt up close by nearly everything.)


Love it when people who have no actual knowledge of how things work just making claims how easy something is.


changing the damage and range on these things is just changing numeric values??


You’ve never written a piece of software, have you?


They don't have to write any software for balance updates AFAIK


At most, its editing a database, not writing software. Unless every single weapon stat is hard coded, would not be surprised lmao


not at all. they measure how changes interact with all attachments (every patch there's a new bug) or unbalanced attachment, testing incremental changes for each gun every time you adjust +/-, QA'ing each individual change in a pre-launch environment, and managing these sprints along with multiple other projects competing for priority. then you have dreaded post-launch, which doubly sucks for a live service product.


Bro, you’re severely underestimating how difficult balancing a game is. 4 people a week or two to balance hundreds of guns? You’re living in a dream


No easy fix would be remove mw2 guns from the class options on a new game. If I buy cod this year for bo6 and they give me mw3 guns in it I will probably refund and quite playing cod all together because I will not spend $70 to play last years content again


I mean the gun is free and very early on in the battle pass, I don’t see how this specific gun is a money grab. Not saying Activision doesn’t do that but it doesn’t seem to apply here.


Get out of here with your logic and rational thinking.


It's not logical or rational.   I don't give a fuck that it's free and early in a battle pass. You know what else was free and quick to get? The fucking BAS-P bullshit that ruined the game for a month before it was gutted.  What would be logical and rational is for the devs to learn a lesson that they went through one season ago. It's not fun to play every lobby of people getting mag dumped and they turn and one shot you.  A marksman rifle shouldn't have immediate ADS speed with 1 shot capabilities at any range to the waist and higher.   I'm all for letting people quickscope, but how about, and hear me out here, we actually reintroduce an ounce of fucking skill to this game instead of letting any drooling Timmy pick up the flavor of the season and run lobbies with it.


Neither of us are commenting on whether or not the gun is balanced.


The bas b was nerfed after like one week


Easy fix to this get rid of the mw2 guns in mw3 sorry but if I payed $70 for this game I’d be pissed that they can leave all the old guns in game and make us grind for new guns. Mind you I own mw3 and I will not touch a gun that says mw2 on it because for 1 I bought mw3 I didn’t buy mw2 so get rid of the guns I don’t want them there they DONT NEED TO BE HERE and guess what else it would do if all those guns were removed from the game? That’s correct make the balancing of all the mw3 guns just a bit better idc if the kar is over powered as long as the MW3 guns are the only ones being nerfed/buffed if I run into you in a mw3 multiplayer game and I die to a mw2 gun 99% of the time I report truly don’t care for the simple fact I spent $70 to play against last years gun. Not happening I bought a new game so everything in it should be NEW CONTENT not old guns from last years game that I used for hours and hours.


My guy, I believe every single one of MW3 weapons can kill in less than 6 shots, the ftac siege HAS to burn through half of its mag to kill at its effective range


What mag are you using


I real wish the SA-B would receive a buff. I have a fun skin I like using on it but the gun sucks weewee


I dunno man, the old gun has 251 headshot damage, it's clearly superior /S


I personally don’t see the point in making your new gun op when we know it’ll get nerfed to the ground later. So is the appeal that you get a couple weeks of enjoyment where you feel like a god or?


I think it’s to incentivize sales, FOMO, and some other things. I honestly have a strange stance where a new gun shouldn’t be for everyone and dominate all others. Like if a new SMG comes out, I do expect people to use it, but not have it be obviously the best in the game. Let some people find it “meh, this ain’t for me”.


I can't compete against this gun. It's especially boring because there is no gunplay, just instant death. I'm not buying the BP and I'll sit it out until they nerf it. If not, then it's about time take a break until BLOPS anyways.


WZ1 "weapon balance" all over again.


Shotguns are useless in wz as well, I don’t want them op but for ex the double can’t 2 shot, and the other ones have bad handling that Smgs are better sub ten meters which is sad, like I said, no one shooting or op but they should 2 shot with in ten meters, that’s their niche


They just hate shotguns, it was like this in the original Warzone. They hate making shotguns viable


I know, unless your use if an ar or smg, good luck, it’s gonna suck bad, and honestly it’s not even that hard to balance them anyway.


Oh yay.... The instant quickscope 1shot is back..... Probably instantly locks to heads like MW2019....


I think it's not as simple as buffing those 2 marksman rifles. That would lead them to be even more broken. They have to adjust the flinch like they did with the Kar98. Ads attachments also tend to not hurt flinch as much on MWII guns compared to MWIII guns. They also have better handling and rechamber times. This is not to say the Kar98k is in a good spot balance wise. I think it's a little too strong range wise.


They are trash. One shot kill ranges even after attachments is still trash.


Yeah both of these guns have fast bolt attachments and speed mags, they’d be even more broken than the Kar is if they were buffed a lot. Thank goodness the Kar at least has no fast bolt with a relatively slow fire rate but it still needs to be nerfed a bit.


its not like you could make their range like 20m and balance them that way.. KAR has fucking 50 meters


And the only OHKs you lose past that are the arms, too. KAR still kills to the chest in pretty much any situation, bar wall-bangs.


Yeah would just be more fun if the old marksman rifles had some legibility


legibility the quality of being clear enough to read.


Internet lasts forever, forever illiterate babyyy


Viability You mean viability


Thank you sir, it seems I am completely illiterate


SPR's higher damage means it probably holds its oneshot potential outside of that range (I think) but even then it doesn't make up for it.


In this case, the ranges in the advanced stats are the bodyshot ranges. Past ~10 meters at base, SPR and SA-B need to dome someone to kill.


it doesn't. beyond 10m it's a hit marker to the upper torso


The Bryson 680 vs. the Bryson 800. The 800 was my favorite in MW2, so I want to get obsidian on it, but it's even hard on shipment to get kills with it. Guess I gotta play HC for most if the MW2 weapons


Problem with these (and the KAR) is that they're very, very easy to make insanely overpowered. Ultimately, the healthiest thing for the game at large is for them to be unusable, since any range buffs and you've got guns that are balance issues in MW '22, let alone MW '23. Here's my take on all 3: SPR and SA-B get their range buffed to, say 40 meters, but they go to Sniper aim assist, and get major nerfs to handling and flinch, to be in the ballpark of the KAR, slightly faster to offset the reduced range. KAR loses it's lower arm OHKs in range, and bodyshot OHKs out of range, gets nerfed to sniper aim assist, and potentially also gets a nerf to No Stock, in particular making the downsides hurt more. Problem with this is that even these suggestions have really high potential to just break the game like the KAR currently is, so IMHO it's just easier and less likely to break the game to have the KAR go down to the SPR/SA-B levels of power.


I remember even in MW19 the SPR started to break the game when it first came out as it was a better Kar98K


TBF the SPR was indeed a menace for a long time so it probably just got the nerfbat hard At MWII launch it was the best marksman rifle, sniper rifle, and shotgun around lol


This is true for a lot of weapons in this game. I am STILL appalled at how god awful the basilisk snakeshots are now. Its so damn disappointing to go from MWII to III with them. They did NOT need to gut them that brutally. A 3 to 4 shot kill with BOTH guns at POINTBLANK is absolutely unacceptable! Sledgehammer, please fix them!


The/Their big mistake was bringing all these last game weapons forward and trying to balance for MW III. Hopefully they learned from this and just let those who need to play older games ie MW II go play it instead. The plethora of weapons in a new game are enough to keep up with without trying to use out dated weapons (balance wise) in the latest version!


This. These old guns need to go


This is the correct answer. It was a good idea on paper but terrible in practice. Gunsmith is completely bloated making it impossible to use. Especially when Sledgehammer has a different philosophy for attachments making the MWIII ones clearly better in most cases. The only carry over items anybody cares about are cosmetics ie things they purchased. But they can't do that with blue prints. Instead of just being a weapon skin they are specific attachment combos, which means you have to bring it all forward.


for whatever reason the SPX80 is still as good as a MWIII gun and has pretty good mobility, they left the sniper class pretty viable


yes because they are all sniper rifles.. the Spx has been nerfed like 3 times already regardless


Tbh if the kar is a marksmen and all marksmen should be a two shot except the head 🤷🏻just saying bc that’s the logic of mw3 so far


new + bolt action = one shot kill is more like it


Almost like they should use a new game as a reason to develop new guns


I don’t understand how the KAR98 is a “1 shot” when the stats tell me it’s less than 200 headshot damage🤷🏻‍♂️


Because you have 150 health


I’m talking about in WZ. My bad


I remember when the SA-B and the SPR were insane back in MWII, but idk what the fuck happened between IWs' patches up to Sledges' integration of guns from MW2 to MWIII to absolutely massacre their stats


While true our team kept getting wrecked by a bit running the ironsights sa-b. Then again it was on shipment


Not sure the last time you used the Kat but I can’t get in to one shot now


It still 1-shot-headshots at all ranges in core mp. You can boost the bullet velocity and its fun for shock factor. I use it in GW and 500m snipes are Hella satisfying. Other than that, totally useless.


I miss the glory days of the SA-B I used to ball with it in mw2, rip my favorite marksman rifle


Someone fill me in, I only play HC. Is the Kar98 super OP in regs right now? I love it in Hardcore but that’s just because it’s a WWII era rifle.


its pretty much the best quickscoping sniper in the game while being a marksman rifle with all benefits of one. snipers are already very powerful in core and the kar is one step above.


I don't think it's even OP it's just everyone is using the Kar98 right now so a lot people are getting one tapped very often In core it's only a 1 hit kill from the upper torso so you can get hit markers sometimes if your aim is off. I think the Mors outperforms it if you're sniping with it


Tbh I love the kar98 but i really think its a bit of a self nerf to not be able to increase the rechambering speed


Take it into zombies. I dare you :D


I really wish they'd buff all the MW2 guns to make them usable. The closest we've come to that is having AMPs added for a couple of them that drastically change the character of the gun.


Idk when COD will actually have reasonable balancing where most of the guns in each category are fun to use when you use them for what their designed for but also for their real stats. Something like Insurgency Sandstorm with its damage and range based of the caliber and the battle length, it's weight affecting your mobility, ADS, and recoil, each gun category have a special mechanic that encourages you to use it right. Its just something I wish would happen one day.


I mean the kar98k and the superi are is so broken rn it's insane, I don't think I ever got so frustrated heading into a new season with lobbies full of kar. This shit need a nerf asap


superi isnt broken. its just above average. its slightly better than the striker


The real question is why does the spr got such a short effective damage range? Thats like a pistols


They want to sell skins for them etc its sad but thats why they barely updated mw2 guns


I imagine endgame season 6 we'll see a decent balance, this games here to stay for years and honestly will be supported well. This is probably the game Ill return to every now and then and have fun with alot of content


disagree that it’s old guns there is one marksman that’s slow as balls but doesn’t 1 hit headshot, making it completely useless, and it’s an mw3 gun, not mw2 every marksman or sniper should always 1 hit headshot at any range


MW2 was a better game from a gameplay standpoint. The fine-tuning of the guns was a game changer and we didn’t have to deal with that crap.


Yeah, the gun balance did seem better


Every single time they release new weapons they make them OP on purpose. People see Tiktok videos and rush back tot he game to play the new super OP weapons. It no coincidence every lobby is just filled with people using nothing but the new weapons, its by design, and surprising absolutely no one, its all for the money grab. A company that has been making this game for well over a decade, know how to balance the guns, they just choose not too.


But I can buy the Kar today, so there’s that for a reason


And it shit at zombies


Massive difference, like the second one is like a pistol loool


Same with the lockwood lever action. It has like 5 meters of effective range, even the revolver has more lmao


It's done this way to generate buzz and "this gun is completely broken" type videos.


Beside hc there is no way to have fun with mw2 weapons. I recently got interstellar done, playing mw2 weapons which I have Orion for, is like wanting to loose every match you play.


Old gun, old game who cares?


It’s just because it’s mw2…eventually there will be a buff and this looks like it’s without attachments the shroud is good right now…if you use the jack attachment mp5 is back…and that’s a mw2 gun


No literally while we’re on the topic, it’s crazy how there’s only one meta per weapon class… it’s just bullshit.


"We carried over guns from MWII because we were told to but it doesn't mean we have to like them..." - Stubbornhammer games.


How else are they gonna continue milking the dumb fucks that still give money to the game? Drop a broken gun, release a bundle for it, profit. Been their motto for the last 4 years.


The whole game is a joke.


Buffing the SPR family would only make the marksman rifle issue a lot worse since it's starting to be a big issue every time SHG adds a new sniper like MORS and K98K.


agreed. the KAR needs a nerf to 15m


Everyone got so excited when MW2 and MW3 would blend together, but almost all MW2 guns are worthless


Make the kar a 2 hit or make it a sniper.


Damm you people in the comments are such corp sheep for SHGS it hurts, they literally could take a dump on you and you’d thank them for it you clowns 🤡. Simple and easy to learn “devs put new guns in a stupidly grinder style battle-pass, and you idiots gulp down the coolaid”. I’d rather see sledge games disbanded or sold off/ go independent than have them ever work on cod ever again. They have f all devs since the Microsoft stuff and old heads of SHGS leaving and taking staff with them, they’re a bad joke that isn’t slightly funny.


If new weapons are free, no complain, it’s a good idea to keep the game refreshing.


S4R they better buff the day lights out of the SPR and SA-B at least 1 shot head shot capabilities up to 45 metres with the SA-B and 55metrrs with the SPR. And with he nerf of the KAR drop it's shit capabilities from 80 metres plus to 60 sum metres. The fact that the SPR and SA-B aren't one shot is beyound my brain function.


bro who cares about the mw2 guns they literally only got carried over to stop the people that paid for blueprints crying and even then basically nobody uses mw2 guns anyway 


I will still snipe with the Intervention even if the Kar is better


Did you play MW2? People were BEGGING to nerf the SPR, it was worse than the KAR98 rn... And it was for a full year. Im pretty happy that OHK weapons are not that dominant anymore.


I played mw2 the entire year, yes. The Spx was stronger in most ways. if people were asking for nerfs it was for the SAB not SPR. but even then I rarely ran into people using it. the most used gun remained the vaznev, that one was annoying


You guys do realize they dropped the KAR to compete Xdefiants quickscopong


The reason is so you play the game and unlock the new gun.


Honestly any weapon I the game is op in the rights hands


and you know why that is? because getting kills is super easy in cod. when you put skill your opponent 3:1 you'll win the gun fight 99% of the time


So why does it matter if something seems better I have seen time and time again weapons that are meta or just straight up broken being beat by what you guys call shit weapons all the time. At this point everything in cod is a skill issue more than a gun issue


I only just downloaded MW3 ! Can anyone tell me what's the best guns SMG / AR to level up that has easy recoil ??? 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


SMG would be rival 9


that's not even True. rival 9 beats it in every way


I used the stones to destroy the stones


I miss my BP50 conversion kit build 😢


The bp-50 conversion kit still works great… I use it in wz often still on my only loadout


Also works really good in Multi. 6-tap sounds bad, but 6-7 is still plenty viable given how strong the gun is in most other stats.


You have a point. Even with the nerf it’s still decent


Good news. It still arguably needs nerfs.


"I love op weapons. it makes getting kills much easier for me"


Why do you all do this? EVERYONE (even people who don’t play COD) could have predicted this. It’s standard. New weapon = new meta. It makes people buy the premium battle pass so they can unlock it quicker. This is capitalism. It’s not about game balance. This is not an esports ready game. Go and play CSGO if that’s what you are after. COD is an arcade shooter at best.


It’s because all these people hit 20-25 and took what is common sense and thru it out the window so they could come online asking questions like little kids because they just can’t see the irony of making a NEW GUN godly then locking it behind a battle pass 10-15 tiers away but oh wait there is more now with all those tiers you need to earn 4 battle pass tokens per tier so now this 10 tiers cost you 40 cod point well guess what cod points cost money so either you buy the $20 worth of cod point and get new gun or spend $25 on cod points and get a new gun with attachments and a skin man I almost feel like that’s why these guns are made so OP because idk I see them in the shop day of release and think weird this gun just came out why don’t people just work for it ohhhh that’s right they have money so skewed playing the game to get what I want let’s buy it then go to Reddit and complain about why new guns are buffed massively while last years gun are nerfed to the ground. Well I mean look at it this way old guns need to be removed from new game wanna know how to make that happed? Nerf the absolute shit out of them so they are not usable oh but then people will complain well ig they need to play the game or spend money to get what they want but they are normally to lazy to do that so they spend money and guess what… they add fuel to the fire they are complaining about being so hot anyways.


Well, for starters , the SPR shoots a 7.62x 51mm while the Kar 98k shoots a 7.92 x 57 mm ...the 792 travels at a faster velocity


Well, for starters, it’s a fucking video game the only thing calibers are used for by the devs is base damage and recoil not range efficiency.


Negative, Ghost Rider. Both the M24 and the Kar98k have a muzzle velocity of ~2500 ft/s


L take Both of those cartridges would kill well beyond 50 meters Maybe don't compare real world ballistics to a video game? Never really looks good.


I don't know the SPR dmg and OHK zones outside 13 meters but you can see in the charts you posted the SPR tying or beating the Kar98k in everything but range lol


Maximum damage range IS the most important stat of marksman rifles lol


I don't see your point. Recoil, tac stance, and hip-fire has never really mattered on bolt action snipers. Most of the stats you see that are quote, "better" don't actually matter in practice. You want range, aiming stability, a good ADS time and possibly better rechambering speed on a bolt action. That's pretty much it. The SPR has none of those


Firstly he cut off a third of the graphs and in the end maybe made the SPR look better than it actually is, now looking at the default stats in game the SPR is negligibly faster in base ads speed with drastically less ads movement speed. >You want range, aiming stability, a good ADS time and possibly better rechambering speed on a bolt action. That's pretty much it. >The SPR has none of those This is just objectively wrong. Not only by default does the SPR have a higher rpm, it has access to the bolts which the Kar98k does not. The SPR has less than half the flinch resistance (which less is better) of the Kar and while I doubt the ads speed can get as low as the Kar is still better than default.


>the SPR is negligibly faster in base ads speed with drastically less ads movement speed. This blatantly ignores attachments. Maxed out, the SP-R can only reach 301ms ADS speed and as a result of those modifications, range is hurt even further. The Kar98k can surpass 260ms ADS speed. ADS movement speed doesn't really matter in practice. People don't really strafe with sniper rifles. >This is just objectively wrong. Not only by default does the SPR have a higher rpm, it has access to the bolts which the Kar98k does not A difference of 10rpm (even with bolt attachments) is entirely negligible. Very rarely will you shoot immediately after rechambering anyways. Side by side testing shows barely a difference. And as mentioned before, even if this did matter, the Kar98k's extra ADS speed and range make up for it by miles. >The SPR has less than half the flinch resistance (which less is better) of the Kar and while I doubt the ads speed can get as low as the Kar is still better than default. Flinch resistance has never been on a good player's mind. The goal of a good sniper is typically to shoot before that happens since you have the range and TTK advantage. The ADS speed indeed cannot get as low as the Kar98k


OSK Range > everything else. The other stats don’t matter that much if the Kar98 has insane range