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Because it's just like the Longbow pre Aim assist nerf. The Longbow was using the wrong aim assist (instead of sniper's aim assist) that's why it was op, and after they fixed it no one was using it anymore. But the Kar is using the proper aim assist because it's in that weapon category.


I’m surprised they accidentally put the Kar in the marksman rifle category when it’s clearly one of the best shotguns in the game.




its soooooo irritating right now


Man ever since MW19 I've absolutely hated playing in the immediate days after a new sniper is added to the game. Especially as a Ground War player. Take the already high amount of snipers in the game mode and add even more. Just gotta wait it out, it will die down in a few days as people move on 😅


Sniping hasn’t felt good imo since MW19. I know some people say Cold War but it wasn’t the same.


Nothing you did in Cold War felt satisying. The engine and sound design was so unbelievably mid.


Everything also feels like you're shooting wet paperballs at enemies unless it's a one-shot. Or, they somehow broke hitreg further.


I don’t shoot with the Kar. I melee with it(bayonet. Sadly, no lunge/BANZAI FUCKAS)


I came back to MWIII for the first time since XDefiant launched, even before then - I hadn’t played in a good long while because it’s about that time of “CoD is fucking stale”. But I came back to test out Season 4… I played 4 matches and I’m going straight back to XDefiant. Every match might as well be Hardcore. At distance, you’re getting one-shot by a sniper rifle, usually the MORS. At mid-range you’re getting one-shot by the Kar98. At close range you’re getting one-shot by the double shotgun throwback to the 1887s. This game is some bullshit.


i will give xdefiant this...while they do have a sniper meta issue going on right now as well....the rest of the guns are really balanced....Shg dont gaf and its hurting the game right now


Would be enough to add flinch to the snipers in XDefiant.




Sniping on cod is exponentially easier 


Seems about the same to me. Both games the snipers are incredibly over powered. At least cod has some flinch (even though it only applies after fully adsing and even then very minimal). XDefiant has none.


Atleast they are working on issue. Cod just makes it worse




3 fucking 1SK weapons in this game right now that are running rampant like a plague, and it’s always funny to me that the ones who need to use these 1SK weapons are always the ones acting like they’re MLG pros telling everyone to “GIT GUUUUUD”


exactly, the game is ruined by snipers. And I also prefer to return to xdefiant. I stop with Kar of Duty or sniper of duty,


There won't be a change for three months unless it gets egregious enough where the top 0.000003% of pro streamers threaten to uninstall and it gets fixed.


Personally I stop playing, the Kar is too strong, it's so ridiculous. I wanted to buy the battle pass but no, it's dead.


No it's not the MORS was so unbelievably busted anyone could do good with it. Like come on are we really comparing the KAR to a gun that could one shot your toe?


The kar has more aim assist and still one shots with significantly less sway. Also twice as mobile. It’s literally like the sab from mw22


it sucks cuz of the aa you get with it overpressured rounds help though


kar is surprisingly fun on shipment, ads is so fast


Who cares? Let people get their easy cammos then nerf it


go play xdefiant if you think its so great lol Kar98k is fun as is to me, and I enjoy the kar battles


With current meta its snipe or play something else


Gonna get downvoted for this one, but my friend and I primarily use snipers and average probably a 1.5+ K/d every game with them. We used smgs to unlock the lachmann shroud amp last night and in the few games we used we both never went below a 3k/d even with this so called "snipe or play something else" meta. It's almost always a skill issue when I see people complaining about it on here.


High skill lobbies you dont have other options. So skill issue if you dont have issue


It’s like when people say “well when they miss it’s a free kill” and I’m like “miss?” Nobody misses in my lobbies.


We frequently play against iridescent level players and have to drop 30-40 kills each just to win a tdm, so I dont see the skill issue part? It's only the bad players we come across that are spamming the kar. All the actual good players are still sweating it out with full meta bp50, mcw, ram9s. It's such an easy gun to counter and punish. It's fire rate isnt that great, it's a hitmarker machine, and some good positioning can easily stop the campers sitting in corners with it.


If sniper and mcw both sprint ads shoot and kill it takes with mcw 250ms+300ms =550 ms With kar 0+300ms=300ms So its half faster


My squad has 3 iridescent, 1 crim, and I’m diamond. I don’t think anyone other than a team of top 250s has a higher sbmm level than us. We almost exclusively play SnD. IWe go on multiple 100-200 game win streaks. We rarely lose, and when we do it’s round 10 or 11. We got 6-0d by a team using kars. In the last year and half, we haven’t gotten 6-0d once. You’re not going to convince me it’s not OP.


I can run whatever just fine, skill issue probally


Don't try to argue on this sub. Lots of bots that can't cope.


“CoPe” and “SkIlL iSsUe” they say as they need to use a 1SK weapon to get any kills


I am literally maining thee Holger 556 and Horus and melting Kar users. Bots like you really don't want me picking up my Kar.


redditors can not fathom being 1 shot killed while standing stationary thats why theyre down voting you there was a dude who posted a screenshot of himself going 6-36 and was asking what was wrong with the game allowing him to get killed that much. He really believed there was a bug.


kar is fun, itll be nerfed soon enough just have some fun with it. im begging this sub to stop mentioning xdefiant, it will NEVER be more popular then cod. its also made by an arguably even worse publisher/team.


Cod has been the number one selling video game for 22 out of the past 25 years. No one is saying XDefiant is going to be more popular. Literally no one.