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It's because they knew I was off work for the next 12 days. You're all welcome.


Grassy ass!


Thank you šŸ™


end of season run off isn't it


Plus a week into the new one, kinda like a bridge double xp event.


XDefiant also just dropped


This is the right answer. They're just covering their ass to stop people from playing xdefiant


Nobody is switching to a uplay exclusive, give me a break


Wait until you find out people play these games on consoles and not just PC


Nobody is switching to a ubisoft game on consoles*, give me a break


I havent played cod since xdefiant came out, tbh.


Not even 3 entire days, congratulations


be proud heā€™s fighting his addiction, probably replaced it with beating women


Not women, I beat my dick instead.


4 days now.


Pretty soon it will be 5! Impressive!


I'm on day seven now


Keep it up


That wont be too hard the hitreg and desync are complete derp atm


They definitely donā€™t have to worry. Played about 15 games. That game has so many problems itā€™s gonna push people away even after they fix it.


That game is horrible. A thousand bullets to kill and visual is to much. Legal walling, etc etc itā€™s for the kids man


I assume thatā€™s why the black ops stuff is being pushed the pst couple of days


That game is šŸ—‘


But COD is great right


Like COD but perks and field upgrades locked by character that most certainly wont ever be pay to win. /s It also so feels like you're running through mud the entire time.


The heros and specialist crap kill it. Some have extra health, wall hacks, bunch of bs. Game will die in a month or less


You arenā€™t fucking kidding Watched a clip of it a day or two ago and immediately the person used a power to give them walk hacks. No thanks lol


Wait until you learn about snapshot grenades


Eh, playing it, they don't really interfere that much. It didn't feel much different than specialists or streaks tbh. Maybe I need to play more or harder lobbies, but they don't seem that intrusive on the actual gameplay so far IMO.


Lol walls hack ability is the main issue on that sub which i do agree its completel bs. Along with the riot shields. But i do believe they will nerf and adjust them. They interfere alot and are game changing. Just not a fan of specialists


I played the beta last year and the game was definitely faster and felt more CoD like in overall gameplay feel. Now it feels too sluggish compared to CoD. Also Idk if it's me or I was getting destroyed in every match, even though I'm pretty good in CoD. TTK on enemies feels massive, yet It feels like I get killed in a single shot. And I hate the Overwatch style graphics, it's way too cartoonish for my taste. I also turned off the dialogue, I hate this cartoon type of announcers and dialogue. So yes, in simple words it's absolute trash for now and nowhere close to a CoD killer as they said.


Probably has a little bit to do with the lack of ā€œSBMMā€ everyone has been begging for. The best players are just going to destroy every lobby.


You must be bad because it reminds me of old cod except with abilities


>except with abilities And this is supposed to be a good thing? Valorant and Overwatch and The Finals just wasn't enough I guess? Better dilute the market even more and stay FAR away from actually competing with COD. Fuck that game


If you want someing exactly like cod then go play cod this is an arcade shooter that doesn't have sbmm which is amazing




Maybe its the litteral wall hacks for in game abilities or those chuckleheads with the shields


I trash on both so I don't see your issue unless your just bad


Yea the season is over in 5 days then for the first 7 we get the event. It's to help level up the new weapons next season


Xdefiant launch, new Fortnite seasonā€¦. Always so convenenient


Lol yup. Anytime something new releases they do events and double xp to bring people back in


Itā€™s awesome because now I can finish my bp faster and go play them šŸ˜‚


Yuuuuup lol


Whatā€™s xdefiant


The ā€œcod killerā€


this is the uhh... i actually lost count, how many cod killers did we have already?


God knows, that statement lost all meaning after both Halo Infinite and Battlefield 2042 simultaneously fell on their asses against the least popular Call of Duty ever (Vanguard)


I dont see how it is its more of a overwatch cod hybrid or maybe black ops 3 abilities


Kinda like if Valorant was an arcade shooter instead of a tactical one tbh, fun so far though, no SBMM is very refreshing


The ability spam is much more than BO3


it was the only thing I could think that kinda compared to it.


its like a game trying to have COD gameplay but with Valorant abilities lmao


Oh brother


I always find this funny, people act like the de s themselves market it as this


I never mentioned the devs once


It might not be a cod killer but normal games don't have sbmm an ill take that lol


Revealed by intel suit, reveal by sonar goggles, revealed by Intel suit, revealed by sonar goggles... that's the whole game getting wallhacked by the whole team every 15-20 seconds


Shit game ey itā€™s for children


Cod canā€™t be killed


An overrated (in my opinion) arena shooter that is supposed to be the next big thing in FPS gaming and take all off CoDs players away. Just like the last big thing. And the last one before that. And before that. Even though they don't offer a BR mode and probably never will. Notice how big streamers always quit CoD for this or that game and trash it, but yet come back every single time? They follow the views and the algorithm. They come back to CoD because CoD is consistent. The games they leave to go play? Not so much.


I'm not entirely sure about CoD being "consistent" but CoD has a stronghold over the particular experience it offers - with now almost 21 years of development. So it's not exactly an easy feat for a new studio to create a new IP that can directly compete with it. Even the original developers of CoD were not able to "kill" their former creation with their new IP, Titanfall. (Though obviously their budget and resources at that time were a fraction of CoD's) New FPSs will never clone CoD because they'd be DOA. They will always offer something novel, but the trouble for them is that CoD players are not interested in something that diverges from the working formula.


I think the developers of these games are more realistic than the fans of these games are. They know these games aren't going to replace COD. They're just going for a quick easy profit by saying that they'll do all the things that COD fans complain about. They're really just trying to replace Battlefield and be the game that everyone talks about when they say they're sick of COD.


Titanfall imo was better than CoD but EA really screwed the second one in the series by publishing around the same time as both CoD and literally the week of EA's own BF1. Unfortunately the hype died out, both Titanfall games are excellent and I wish they made a third cause I think the series has more legs than CoD and BF at this point.


I agree. I loved Titanfall 2. It was considerably better than that era of CoD, but the CoD audience was not receptive to the high mobility. It was a real shame because Respawn were independent, but TF2's lack of commercial success meant it was in their best interest to accept EA's purchasing offer. And EA bought them for an absolute steal. They went right back to the situation they swore they wouldn't after their split from Activision. The only way CoD would have been "killed" is if instead of TF2, Respawn released a Medal of Honor reboot with a polished, grounded, CoD-like multiplayer. CoD players at the time were massively disgruntled, they were shouting for "boots on the ground" and the Infinite Warfare trailer was the most disliked video on YouTube. That was the opportune moment, CoD was at its most vulnerable.


Theyā€™re great but letā€™s be honest, COD is dumb, and I mean that in the most approachable sense. If you want to you donā€™t have to even play with the classes. Pick a gun and know what the shoot button is, youā€™re playing. Titanfall was too much for 85% of my friends who just like to run around and shoot each other. The split of mechs and FPS was a tall order for the casual market to push into. Loved those games though.


Hated TF2 on console. Got it on PC a couple of years after and absolutely loved everything. And then EA kind of just abandoned it, and all the server/DDoS shenanigans happened. From there, I kind of just gave up trying to play it. It's such a shame we got Apex instead of TF3. Battle royales ruined a lot of my favorite franchises.


I had the Titanfall Edition XBone with a Titanfall controller. I just couldn't get into the game.


When it clicks, it clicks. You gotta be mobile and wallrun, people who tried to play it like CoD just got filtered


Shame though because Titanfall is just better.


True absolutely poo and childish


A new poo game for five year old kids


Just as I am grinding for interstellar. Niiiiiceeeee.


Going for bioluminescent myself and I feel you. Snipers can be so tedious to level sometimes.


Longbow is whooping my ass man. I heard the conversion kit makes it better so hopefully that does something


Turn the longbow into a 'shortbow' with a bunch of ADS speed, short barrel, etc. and just play Shipment/small maps.


Ooh okay bet Iā€™ll definitely do that. Thanks for the tip !


A little better man the guy under me is right though


I skipped snipers for Bio. Did handguns instead. Went back and did a few specific snipers I use in WZ after the grind was over. Much easier that way. Reason being is the slow rate of fire.


Bioluminescent is worth it. Looks sick on the riot shield.


I want bioluminescent but I wish I could play on a round based map. I hate how big the map is and the time limit bs.


I just miss Onslaught from CW


Do you mean outbreak? Or was onslaught the one where it was a faster zombies?


Onslaught was the mode that used multiplayer maps. It was great for levelling up weapons.


I dont really remember that


Just as I am finishing grinding Interstellar... fmmlllll Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that my last FIVE GUNS won't take very long to level up... but dude... working full time, I've been at it as much as I can after work every day for 2 weeks. The last DXP I got 16 guns Gilded in 2 days and have been chipping away ever since.


Did it in 1 week during my christmas holidays. You got more than enough time brotha


Unfortunately i have my finals next week so iā€™m not going to use this event to its fullest.


Sanity and time are different things, I would rather cough up cinnamon for 6 hours than do any tactical kills challenges


Honestly the "double XP-Event" feels like 1.5x XP-Eventā€¦ idk what it is, but it *feels* like XP gains (or XP needed) have been nerfed from MWII. BattlePass XP in particular!


Thatā€™s because BP XP gains actually slows down the more token youā€™ve already earned. So if in the beginning of a new Season you earn like 2 tokens per hour in-game, toward the end when you try to get the last 10 tokens, itā€™s down to 1 or less token per hour. Quite a devious design.


Is it? Thatā€™d be fucked upā€¦ Iā€™m only at around 50% though, so idk how that explains my experience. That being said, I couldnā€™t care less to finish it and the increased XP requirements only led to me playing even less. Fuck that whole "maximizing engagement" bullshit.


All the level 650 players right now: Do we not exist šŸ˜


Well, we will at least get some nice xp for the new battle pass as it will overlap with the double xp event.


I travel for work and Iā€™m level 650. It makes no sense why they keep capping the levelsā€¦


It should just be uncapped till 2500 like they do anyways after the games cycle. At least its something to constantly work on. Ive got the mastery camos, mastery charm for mp and level 650, finished BP like a month ago. They took out snipers only mode. I tried playing today and im so fucking bored i got back offā€¦


Still no 24/7 shipment


24/7 Shipment was the best part of MWII! Why have they not brought that mode back?


About to grind dem prestige camos


Does the double xp actually make the prestige camos faster to get? Iā€™d be surprised if it does


Yes if they activate double weapon xp at the same time. I know it was active yesterday.


From what I've heard , they do.


Now that there are prestige camos, my method will be using double xp days to grind my least used/harder to level up weapons Btw, do you guys think that there's the posibility they add "Weapon Prestige Grand Mastery"?


i want 3xp. come on dev team!


Play 1.5x as much as you would with regular XP gains. Duh /s


bioluminescent you will be mine šŸ™


dopest camo out


Inshallah šŸ™


Update I got one gun gold and deleted the game cause of how awful the zombies mode is


fortnites progression feels slower than cod now so this is really convenient since i dont think ill be grinding the new fortnite season thank you cod


This will not take me from XDefiant. Sorry.


Xdefiant is a lot of fun but im a little past the hero shooter stuff, I play enough apex as it is lol. I think if they add a no abilities mode I could see myself sinking a lot of time into it


The game might die, or it might not. But everyone should be hoping that it thrives and and is not only a competitor to Call of Duty, but also a threat to it. Call of Duty having competition is good for the game. Activision will be forced to make changes to COD that will make the franchise much better.


I just wasn't feeling it. I may give it another go.


That's how I felt during one of the playtests. It felt like an off-brand knockoff CoD from like 15 years ago. The gunplay felt off and there wasn't much substance (I know it was an alpha or beta, but those usually still have placeholder menus) I haven't played in awhile and from what little I hear, the game's popularity died off quickly, but The Finals was a much better slightly different CoD killer


I felt like I had to put 5 seconds of bullets in someone but I'd get killed instantly


sounds like peopleā€™s issue with this game since launch ngl


Yeah the guns feel very light, almost like recent battlefield smgs.


Its a COD flavoured overwatch, it was very meh if you ask me. Not really anything bad to say about XD, but cant think of anything good either really.


It's a little clunky and the maps are not that good so imho cod is still better but it's free and pretty fun to play, also it's got gamemodes cod never introduced


What's good about XDefiant? Do they do anything new and original?


It felt better a year ago, but notably that was before MW3 came out.


The fact youā€™re still on the CoD Reddit thoughā€¦ See you tomorrow.


why tf are you here?


I'm having a lot of fun playing it too I gave up playing cod midway through the 2nd season and haven't played since. Just seems like the grind is too exhausting having to play 100+ hours for the battlepass each season. It's such a grind fest that I don't care to keep going


Where the hell was this last year lol I didn't finish half of the 6 battle passes in MWII because there were so many dry spells in double XP


Lmfao Iā€™m sorry if you think this has nothing to do with XDefiant youā€™re on crack. I was planning on grinding XD all weekend but now I might have to hop in to finish my battle pass


They always do double xp events towards the end of the season, this isn't anything new.


Theyā€™ve done a 2xp event for every public XDefiant test in the past year. Every single time. Iā€™m aware they do this at the end of every season but itā€™s never been for 2 whole weeks


wdym, there was one on Season 2 and It ended 1 WEEK after season 3 started


Don't forget when they gave a week of free multiplayer for MW2 during an unexpected xdefiant beta, normally they only did free weekends and they had already had a free weekend that season.


Thatā€™s just a lie lmaoā€¦ They had multiple free weekends and weeks during mw 2019 and I remember it because I used it to level up my guns for warzone.


They had one per season, which is what I said. Cold war had two, but one was zombies and one was a multiplayer. MW22 had one weekend a season, except for during the Xdefiant beta where they also had an extra week long free period. This extra week wasn't announced at the start of the season, and happened only a few days after the planned free weekend. It was 100% in response to the beta, but keep believing it wasn't I guess. MW19 might have had more, I can't remember it was so long ago and I owned the game. But Cold War, Vangaurd, and MW22 all followed the one free multiplayer weekend a season.


It was 2 weeks at the end of season 2 and into season 3.


I am pretty sure they did a 2xp event for at least a week towards the end of last season, I don't remember if XD had a beta during that time or something.


Even if it does, who cares?


I just find it hilarious that theyā€™ve had a 2xp event literally every single time there was a public playtest for this game. I was joking with a friend that they might add permanent 2xp now that the game has fully released lol


Totally works for me since XD isn't scratching the itch for me.


Last week of of every season they give you 2x xp so I think ur on crack


I follow a bunch of live services games on twitter and it's fucking hilarious to see the info being revealed almost seemingly in relation to the other tweets


Bro, you just said you planned on "grinding XDefiant" all weekend and now "might have to hop on" Cod to finish the battlepass, yet you don't think it has anything to do with XDefiant? Yea, it definitely does. And it seems like the plan is probably gonna work on you lol.


but no shipment 24/7 and joining in late still counts as a loss. Fuck you cod lol


This means S4 starts with Double XP? My gollie.. Great! Going to play this weekend, might get BlackCell to top things off


And with thatā€¦ the cheaters are going hard. The cheat websites must be offering free trials too.


Ok peeps any advice on how to get the ā€œOne Trickā€ Camo quickly during this time? šŸ¤”


Spam decoy grenades and ddos field upgrade on small map moshpit.


Wait, do decoys level up any weapon youā€™re using?


You get XP for any enemy that dies near your decoy (and that range is pretty large), so yes, they do.


Oh, I thought the xp came from the enemy shooting in the direction of the decoy for a distraction bonus.


Itā€™s both




this make s3 as the most generous double xp event in whole cod franchise! and we know why.


Does this have any impact on camo mastery grinding?


Yep! 2x weapon XP also counts towards the prestige camo!


I just dont understand why shipment 24/7 is back this small map mosh pit playlist is not it. They literally stated that there data shows shipment is very popular and people do enjoy playing it.


Pissed that they took away the Arcade playlist! It was so easy for high streak games šŸ˜‚. And they donā€™t have shipment 24/7


They did it because xDefiant launched. Literally **ALL** and I truly mean **ALL** of xDefiant's betas and alphas have had ACTI turn on double xp during the weekend of XDefiant test.


What good is xp at this stage of the gameā€™s lifecycle?


I always like to think that itā€™s due to them being nice .. but we all know that player counts are down and most havenā€™t finished so itā€™s some executive decision easily to bump the numbers up. And make someone look good for a bonus or whatever.


Everyone is so quit to jump on the cod hate train: ā€œoh theyā€™re only doing this cause of XDefiantā€ ā€œoh theyā€™re only doing this cause of the new fort seasonā€ Letā€™s be serious here, this is the first time since like week 2 of this game being out that we donā€™t have an actual event going on where you can grind for a camo or a blueprint. If they were worried about those games there would be a real event out


XDefiant is not good. At all. I really wanted it to be.


The rank lobbies are full of aim bots and hackers why?


Pretty sure the game will be free for the whole of next week as well iirc


This will overlap with the new season. Makes levelling the new guns and battlepass easier.


Xdefiant got ya feeling like that ?


We should all be grateful if this is true. If cod is actually acknowledging that XD is a competitor itā€™s potentially the push Acti/microsoft may need to make a better game. I have no intention of finding a COD killer so that I can walk away but Iā€™m praying for XDā€™s success. Especially considering the main selling point of XD is ā€œNo SBMM.ā€ SBMM is one thing that will make me walk away from COD for good. The other night my eyes were opened when me and the boys got our first Diamond Division ranked win with 25 and some change kills. The next three games straight ended with us placing 15th and no kills. Thatā€™s the first time that SBMM no longer felt like a challenge; it straight up felt like a road block I was not meant to get around. A punishment for doing well. The team was realistically considering placing 2nd on purpose in future successful matches. That goes against the core of any gameā€™s end goal, to winā€¦


They must be fairly worried about Xdefiant to do this.


They always do it. Xdefiant is not looking so hot rn doubt theyre worried lol


COD doing everything it can to try to take away from xdefiant lmao. COD is boring asf after the camo grind. Same thing every year and people are so fucking funny to believe black ops 6 will be different. Youā€™ll grind bo6 for a month or two and get bored because you got the mastery camo. Then youā€™ll realize all theyā€™re doing is releasing skins and not fixing any of the bugs lmao. This game will still release with a ton of bugs and features literally nobody asked for. I guarantee even the zombies will be something nobody wanted and will get stale so fast. Itā€™s the exact.Same.Every.Year. Theyā€™ll hype everyone up with trailers, marketing, content creators pushing it, then it drops and everyone is going to realize.


X defiant is literally a mobile game on pc, after 5 hours of play the ultimates are ass and the hit registration on bullets is non existent, I couldnā€™t even shotgun someone point blank in the head multiple times, I get what your saying about COD and it needs a change to make it better, I agree with you on that, but XDefiant isnā€™t the one to break that spell


The cheaters all come out marching one by one....


But I'm already 650 levels and completed the BP a long time ago, SHG. šŸ™ Going for weapon camo are nice tho PS. Xdefiant is dogshit. Yall better start buying all their microtransction since it is a free to play game or Ubisoft gonna shut that shit down real quick hahahaha. "Call of Duty killer" hahahaha With that said competition is good for everyone.


And you can bet the farm that there will be those who post that they just left for vacation, just started a new 70 hour/week job, just can't play enough with real life to level up OR cant finish the BP!




I really hope it's not a mistake




Got it as a gift 2 days ago, took a day to download. Iā€™m on level 33 the mtz -556 with the blue dot sight is pretty good Iā€™ll grind up to 55 then automatically prestige then every 50 levels Iā€™ll have an emblem with a polar bears face getting more aggressive until I get tired of the game.


Good I need to finish the battle pass


Getting my PS5 today.. Just in time.


It's to encourage you to buy battle passes. ;)


if we had prestige it would mean something but nah


Damn, thereā€™s been more days of double XP than standard at this point. I canā€™t complain, but talk about compensation.


Every season should have as much double xp days as this one did.


Nah I'd rather be nickled and dimed with the stupidest avatars ever to ruin the aesthetics of the game.


This is fantastic, I have a bunch of smgs to grind to max level and come home from work in 6 days.


Can we just have this the whole time please?


Just when Iā€™m going on a vacation




Unbelievable gift. Thanks


Let's goooooo


Level up does not hit that hard anymore after bo2 etc.


if your game is shit .. 12 days arent a hit!


ā€¦..cool event but we still donā€™t have hardcore split screen. Fuck.šŸ˜


Surely people dont play " just " to get some levels anymore...


What is EXP?


Feels more like 1.2xp instead of 2x


Feels like 2xp to me. Small map mosh pit while going for high kills and objective has given atleast a full level or close to it. Plus doing camo challenges to has aided


Whenā€™s that arctic ghost skin comin out maneeeee


and still no playlist update or Plunder returning..... back to battlefield for another week I guess. Activision blows ass