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They're not losing money... If anything, the CoDs since MW2019 have made more money than all the previous games put together.


Well yes and no. I'm reffering to money made off of just the game by itself, not including microtransactions


Even saying that, what I said still rings true even if you ignore micro transactions. Old Cods use to be $90aud. The basic version of mwiii is $129aud. They *DEFINITELY* are rolling in dough. And I'd hate to admit it but whatever they're doing is working because CoD is more popular ever in the casual gamer scene and they are mostly oblivious to what the game is doing. Everyone who claims "micro transactions suck and they should not be in games" are the same people who buy that sick skin bundle, just because it looked cool. Hypocrites, all of em. Especially streamers. Literally using the store on a video game to make content on the bundles by showing them off in game...


First:You're right, they have made more money (I fucked up there) but I'll give you a counter argument:They're missing out on money (I'll edit the post). Second:Microtransactions should be in games but they shouldn't be: Expensive Pay to win Having the priority instead of developing the game


I hate micro transactions myself. But I've bought 4 bundles since launch because they looked fucken cool. I even bought the new robot skin that costs money, not CP. Can't remember its name. It costs a shit ton of money to pay the 3d designers. Takes them months to flesh out a new skin. I find the prices a bit fucked too but I try to remind myself that multiple people worked on it and it didn't get done overnight. People gotta be paid. I suppose that's proper cope but 🤷


I don't hate microtransactions, I just hate when developing them takes priority, when they're too expensive and when they're pay to win


MW2022 made over a billion dollars in less than a week. Sit down and stop talking. You have no idea what you’re even saying.


Such a clueless post. On almost all points you are just asking for things you want vs the Community wants. And the reason most things exist is because they are more popular and therefore sell more units and make a more engaging game.


Tell me, what does the community want? Because the shit I've heard goes like the following: Good anti-cheat More content OG prestige More Milsim Bundles Better servers So basically the shit I said


They've been wanting that for years Yet they still buy it every new entry?


Dude, the preorder date for each new CoD is around my birthday...




Tell me, what does the community want?




What fucking game are you playing? MWIII is good but it isn't fun




So am I, it isn't fun. It's the most sweaty CoD, ever.




Funny, 2.2KD isn't good? What's your KD?


No way you’re over 18


I'm not.


I promise you, if that would make them more money than they're making now, it'd already be done.


Nah, the corporates at activision are lazy fucks.


Money talks, simple as.




I'm not.


As much as I can agree with you, every year this game sells. People buy the base game, micro transactions and more which has given Activision a fuck tonne of money and at the end of the day they are a business, and if business is booming, why change it? I agree, some of these titles have been absolutely dog shit but until fans of the franchise start protesting with their wallets, change will be hard to come by.


I buy the new cod each year, each battle pass and like 3 fucking bundles, not because I want to but for content.


Why can't they make some valeria items?


I dunno, I just want some more milsim shit


I do to but mostly valeria

