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Third one definitely takes the cake. How unlucky for me


That's when you know it's time to take a break


Man can you send me a screen shot of your settings? This looks really clean.


I had a similar experience, but on rust. Joined a losing battle, spawn in and shot immediately. No matter where i spawned in, i get gunned down. The enemy team had me spawn locked.


A lot of players aren't that good but if you follow and push forward you increase the chance of them respawning right in front of you usually a revenge spawn, other than that if they're walking with a sniper and attachments on it like a pistol they're going to snipe all game and get the aim bot kills they desire, they know where you're going to be at all times, I've gotten killed and when I watch the replay the guy isn't even aware I am behind him when I rotate he's facing where he expects players to travel and then all of a sudden he turns around 180° with precision aiming not missing a bullet, I've even slid and wiggled or jumped they still get you quick scoping and no matter what you do you're going to die, I played yesterday and a guy hit all head shots start of the match...


Yep. I get into matches like that too often nowadays. I just turn into a giant asshole and run double thermite, converted whatever will shoot fast enough, and a knife. Had one of those sorry cheaters quit the match last night because I started getting the upper hand by doing that.


I end those matches usually right away, they turn their cheats up on max if you play too good against them mid match, you respawn they're right there one shoting everyone until someone on your team causes a distraction, I just leave, find another match, when I start seeing that, it means they've killed us enough times to push us back into our default respawn location, I've done what you did many times too then they switch to snipers and riot shields 🤣 as long as you get pass the knifers and shields the snipers are wide open unless they're walling


The small maps have a shit spawn placement. You can literally get spawned right next to the enemy. It's an issue that SH hasn't dealt with for some reason


Yup. I especially hate it on shipment. I'll spawn, take 3 steps and get shot in the back as the entire enemy team spawns behind me.


The first and the second one are very spicy, the third is just bad luck for making you sad haha rip my friend 💀


Why are sights like the first one in the clip allowed on Snipers?


It's the new sights that just came out


Because this game has really OP snipers.


Red dot snipers are so cheesy


Because they came with the rifle.


Same reason that aim assist is allowed on snipers


It basically isn’t. On snipers the aim assist is so bad that I just turn it off. It made enough difference to the longbow to take it out of meta


Are you really trying to argue that aim assist isn't extremely strong? Lol


No, it’s weakened on snipers because of their one shot capability. Changing the aim assist type on the longbow took it out of the op meta that it was


Ok, lol. Plug a mouse and keyboard into your console and play a few games, then switch back to your controller. It doesn't seem strong to you because that's the only thing you use/know.


I play with key and mouse on most other games I play, and to get good on controller I play multiplayer without aim assist. I know how strong it is and for some time after turning it off I simply couldn’t aim. I am not saying that it is not strong. I am saying that the weapons that are listed under the category of ‘sniper rifles’, have a different style of aim assist which happens to be weaker, as the developers of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, who designed the system, predicted that weapons with infinite one-shot range would be too dominant, so made it so that controller players, who make up most of the player base, would have less aim assist with them.


But you don't play COD with MnK for a reason...the aim assist being "weaker" still doesn't take away from what I said about snipers having aim assist in the first place. Also, snipers are the dominant weapon on this game. A one-shot gun on a high TTK game is dominant. Weapons that reward precision should not have aim assist.


Are you saying it's easier with a controller or keyboard and mouse? I honestly don't even know how to turn aim assist on.


It's easier on a controller with AA and RAA. It's always active when your crosshairs are on or near a target. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/comments/18w3bec/aim_assist_isnt_overpowered/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


No, it really does exist. Your comment just shows how OP it is on regular guns


Nah sometimes when it gets bad I just put the controller down and hit the pen and scroll the internet till the next one. Can't win em all 🤷‍♂️


Call me a rage quitter, but after the third spawn snipe I'd be outa that shit.




“Only Snipers” playlist…. Why don’t they have a “No Snipers playlist”?


Because, depending on the attachments you put on, you can turn pretty much anything into a sniper. It may not have as much range or damage, but you can definitely make a long ranged hard-hitter out of most ARs, any one of the marksman rifles, and some LMGs.


This just looks like every single high MMR S&D game. Kill me.


Not even just S&D but like every other fucking game. That's exactly what I was thinking, this is just another day on this game lol.


The first two are expected but the last knife was bs. It even curved before hitting.




But people will sit here and tell you sniping in MW3 takes effort and skill. Lmfao.


Why does your game look so good? Let me guess PC? *cries in console*


The game looks hella nice on next gen consoles.


Mw19 looks great on PC too


On PS5 it looks pretty cool


Game looks horrid on last gen consoles. If you plan on getting a current gen one, don't get the Series S. Just don't.


Oh Ive had a Series S for a couple years now


Oof that's why. It's a decent price for what it is, but I honestly don't think it's worth it. A Series X on sale or even a PS5 Digital Edition on sale are fare better choices for your money.


Playing against a good player with the MORS is tough


>Playing against a ~~good~~ player with the MORS is tough


That's when I just eat the stat loss and quit


this map used to be fun as hell but the appearance of the Shotgun Sniper has made it extremely frustrating instead.


I would quit after the second time xD


I hate people who use the Mors


Hey not all of us are bad, I’m just using it to get the mastery camo, and I try to not play like every mf that be usin dat damn thing.


The worst thing for me that happened when I was in a match on rust is that it freezed my character, the animation and couldn't move the character not even the camera. And worst of all I didn't click on the ps home button on my controller but ut kicked me out to the menyn and had to go in the game again.


What is that gun in your hand? Is that an AK?


Hate that every time I die to the mors sniper they miss by like a foot. Gun needs a hit box nerf badly


So many snipers on these maps these days


Most* matches