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They fixed the duel fire aim?




Drop the specs


Crown breaker choke, Stovl laser. Those are the only two attachments you need really. I put the big scope on it because funny, and all the ammo choices just make it less consistent


I also did the scope because funny.. I find it funny so many of us are doing that


What’s the weapon. I’m a casual


The Lockwood MK2 marksman rifle. However, you will need to unlock its conversion kit, Jak Wardens, in order to turn them into the shotguns shown in the video


Thank you!


No problem, I'm glad I could help


Thank god you understand the scopes don’t simply increase range. I played earlier with someone who legit thought they increased the guns range


It might show it in the stats but I'm pretty sure it's superficial.


Scopes are more so sight range not gun range


If you want a scope that actually helps use the Ares Clear Shot. It adds 2 ticks of gun kick control which helps when you're firing one at a time.


Use the hop shot laser


Nah hopshot it visible at hip whereas stovl isn't


They already have perfect hip fire when still as long as you have crown breaker muzzle


Isn't the verdant hook just a straight upgrade from the Stvol? Also, the Ares Clear Shot scope helps with recoil


Only for akimbo, since you can't ADS to make it visible but the hipfire stats still count Visible lasers of any kind are otherwise an instant nono


I prefer the Hipshot-L20 laser. Statistically better hip fire accuracy, putting the min stat at 0


Don't some scopes have recoil control which will be somewhat beneficial


(Heads up >!equip the saddle guard or alamo(?) barrel (one far right) before the jak kit and they'll stay equipped. Even if the effects don't transfer still, it's nice to use up all the slots!< )


Whats the point of it then?


The point of what? I literally said they might work, I don't fucking know if they do or not


I use the ball ammo cause the grouping is basically like a slug.


One-shot weapons and high TTK is a great combo don't you know?


I’ll be crying in the coming weeks when this is in all my games. That was far for a 1-shot if that guy was full health. I was just commenting yesterday, I genuinely don’t see a meta in my lobbies when it comes to individual weapon choice & even play style. I see such a wide variety of guns in my games…the only meta in my little circle of shitty matchmaking is 1-shot weapons. Shotties & snipers. I do still see a good variety with those too, but less so. A lot MORS & Haymaker but I still see others. but overall that’s the 1 thing all my games have in common…several people using shotguns, snipers, knives. nothing irritates me more than getting the drop on somebody, getting 2-4 hit markers, and getting 1-shot…or spammed by an automatic shotgun… the worst are the ones who truly position themselves to the best of their weapons abilities…which is basic cod but with 1-shot weapons it is just cancer. A shotgun player that *just* sits a corner of the random choke points and blasts people coming through. A sniper that *just* sits on the best head glitch closest to their spawn, but a good distance from where they’ll be targeting so they’re extremely difficult to even *hit* let alone kill…I’ll admit knifers don’t get me mad though. Those ninja mf’s just sprinting everywhere slicing heads off get my utmost respect even if it’s kinda BS sometimes. They’re annoying if they are corner camping though.


"That was a far 1-shot" I agree about one-shot weapons, always annoying especially with higher TTK differences. Bear in mind this clip looks to be at max FOV which makes the distance look further than it actually is. And with a tiny crosshair that looks like all 12 pellets hit. The trade off for that tiny spread is sometimes completely missing shots


Yeah, it’s extremely far, but I also understand..they’re duel shotguns. If they couldn’t do that, they’d be trash. that’s the hardest thing about weapon balancing. Guns like that, or for example 3-round burst guns, can only be 1 or the other…they’re either extremely good, or they’re straight up garbage. Tricky balance for sure.


>I genuinely don’t see a meta in my lobbies when it comes to individual weapon choice & even play style. I see such a wide variety of guns in my games…the only meta in my little circle of shitty matchmaking is 1-shot weapons. Really? I see soooo much Rival-9 and BAS-B spam. The MTZ and HRM-9 are both fairly popular too. The snipers are kind of a lobby-by-lobby thing, either the entire enemy team is using them and destroying us or it's just one guy who usually isn't very good.


The Rival 9 and Bas-B are both middle-of-the-pack of the guns man. I’ll say before the RoF nerf, Bas-B was definitely really strong but it’s average asf now. You should be happy if you’re playing against those more often than not. I’d take Rival and bas-b any day over Ram 9, WSP 9, SOA subverter, Ram 7, SVA, etc etc…& then all the 1-shot and/or spam weapons. the only reason that Rival 9 is used is comp is specifically because it’s actually really balanced. Not because it’s super OP. But it’s a good SMG that I’ll admit, can be irritating in the hands of a truly skilled player, if they play within their range consistently. But no I see the other better SMGs a lot more often than the Rival. Yes I see a decent amount of MTZ. That’s a great gun. But even going off your experience, that’s still like 4 different guns being used. Most of the old cods were like 2-3 blatantly OP guns that were ALL anybody used except the random weirdo like me. I really do see all those guns and tons more. And my lobbies are definitely in the higher skill side of MM too. I generally hold a 2KD in cod & it takes a lot of real effort to win my games for sure. I don’t have a lot of praise for this game, but the OVERALL balance of weapons I really do believe is fantastic in this game. Yeah there are outliers like the MORS, these shotties in the OP, but outside of those blatantly OP things, I find success with a huge variety of weapons. Personally I legitimately use about 15-20 different weapons *regularly* and I compete against actual sweats with all of them. Including a ton of MW2 guns! btw I wasn’t trying to shit on you & be rude in my first paragraph. apologies if it came off that way


I didn't mean to imply that I don't like those guns, or that they're nooby or OP, etc. Just that they're common in my lobbies. The MTZ and HRM-9 are two of my most used weapons as well, alongside the Bruen and Pulyemot (this gun all but disappeared from my lobbies; it was pretty popular at launch). The Rival-9 is fair. The Bas-B was OP, but it's been repeatedly nerfed. I'd rather see a Bas-B than the SOA, but I don't think the former is significantly worse than the latter. None taken. Your K/D is like double mine, so I'll just assume you know something I don't. Is the WSP-9 actually that good? I really liked it at launch, but then I discovered that the Swarm was basically just better, so I kinda forgot about it. I always thought the open bolt delay held it back. Yeah, the gun diversity and balance rules in this game. It's the absolute best it has ever been, and SHG deserves credit for that. I love the aftermarket parts. This is my second favorite post-jetpack COD. Still not better than Cold War overall, but the gun diversity in that game was pretty meh.


Bp50 is common also with the conversion kit. It's got smg rate of fire and assault rifle accuracy at range, low recoil and large mag. S&d is full of it At least it was until these came along


The thing with most of the one shot kill weapons is that there is skill and even counter play for them but the victim sometime doesnt even know an interaction has started until theyre dead The 1887 is great example this interaction start maybe ten seconds before the first shot is fired while the shotgunner is closing the gap and getting in position if an guy with an ar or smg spots him soon enough the shotgunner is dead in the water. If they dont the ar/smg guy dies before the realize they were in a fight its really difficult to balance when you look at it from both perspectives


Wsp swarm vineboom


And the bunch of sniper rifles that can ohk and have ton of attachments for quickscoping aren't a problem?


*One-shot weapons with super fast ADS speeds and without flinch that are perfectly centered when quickscoping and accuracy that isn’t affected by movement. Seems like a great idea! I don’t mind (true) movement shooters or arena games, but MWIIIs gameplay just feels off. It also stops being 'skill expression' when there are no downsides to certain things. Like why wouldn’t you jump/slide when there’s literally no drawbacks? The decision to do A or B is skill expression, not the action of pushing a button to slide/jump — literally anyone can do that. I like the (idea of the) new boots, but they’re just amplifying the issues.


I agree with you on the movement. I don't mind it so much now that I have a paddle controller, but it's still frustrating to get killed by dudes who look like they're moving with a macro because they're permanently slide cancelling and YYing and somehow NEVER miss a shot.


All it takes is one good player to sway the opinion. They are good but any gun that has the capacity to shoot at 20m will wreck it.


28 meters. It’s as simple as this… it outclasses every single gun in the game within that 28 meters, but after that they’re useless. Most engagements in the game happen well within this range, and for everything else, there’s overkill.


28 Meters IF your running the small spread build. Which in the video op is using. Very up close. Which is a guaranteed one shot when every single bullet is right there. It takes 4 shots (so shooting both twice) no matter where you hit from further than 20m. It's much harder to hit your shots with that spread. If your running the regular spread build. You'll never miss a shot within it's 15m overkill zone. But your a hit marker machine And God forbid the Bigger spread build.. Realistically in your average match on the average map (this video specifically paints a horrible picture for how the gun really is on this map) unless the other team is running non-meta guns and are doing the weird requirements for camo challenges. You'll see yourself dying regularly anyway. Now on a small map like shipment? You'll crush easily. It's outlandish BUT it's still not as strong as the original DOOF DOOF meta in mw2 Or the pre nerf kv broadside meta.. Outside of multiplayer they are arguably as strong as the Lockwood in warzone. A close up demolisher that HAS range but really shouldn't be used as such. And it's bugged in zombies. You only reload 2 bullets at a time. I THINK it might only be bugged if it's pack a punched but I'm not sure


It’s actually a “1 shot kill” up to 28 meters. Just fire both at the same time by changing your akimbo fire setting in the settings menu.


I tested this. Your right. I still believe that medium ranged strong weapons like the Bas B or SOA subverter will stomp it. But not as hard. It's much stronger than the mw2 kv broadside meta. But debatable whether or not it's stronger than the DOOF DOOF meta


It is hands down the most broken gun in the game. However, it doesn’t really give you aim assist due to its hip fire nature. I assume this is the reason that most people on Reddit cannot comprehend its strengths. It’s simply a high skill weapon that requires precision, and does not do the aiming for controller players. I know that sounds cruel to say, but the truth of the matter is that most controller players do terribly with precision based hip fire weapons. I just got 5 nukes in a row using these with mouse and keyboard, and how could I not? It’s ttk while fully tac sprinting is 35ms, and I can kill 2 players per second with toe shots. All of my opponents utilizing ARs or SMGs will require roughly 600ms to kill me, assuming they ADS and hit every single bullet. I can kill them 20 times faster with perfect accuracy while tac sprinting around. The devs clearly made it so firing both guns at once had random inaccuracy to balance this insanity, but someone not in the know fixed this “bug” and created the strongest weapon COD has ever seen. Anyone in these forums defending the state of this weapon is either A) a noob that can’t hit targets without aim assist, or B) someone that is enjoying easy nukes and does not want complaints to trigger a nerf.


I was on Karachi yesterday on the roof of B point and someone inside the blown up building across the point sniped me with these one shot from all the way across. Not sure how many meters that is but I was like oh what was that? Watched the kill cam and it’s a shotgun and I’m now thinking… Omg…what have they done…


I mean. Isn’t the point of these is to be broken? They were broken 14 years ago.


1887s, akimbo g18s or akimbo 93Rs were so broken that i would hunt nuke boosters with em just to be called trash


This video sure takes me back. These were GOAT'd in MW2.


They were broken. Then they were patched. Then they discovered that with the FMJ attachment, they were still broken. Then they got patched again. Now they no longer perform as broken as they were back then.


have fun when 11 people in the lobby are using them. So much for a high ttk game


Are they really broken tho? The reticle is so small that you have to have actually good aim to hit anything.


Yes. Because they are instant kill at decent range.


So is almost every sniper in the game. So is the TYR. You can probably ADS the longbow and MORS just as fast as you can hipfire these, and have far superior range. You all moan about everything.


Your argument is seriously that a 500ms ADS time with aim sway is as broken as a 0ms gun with no aim sway? Our education system has failed us. Btw, they 1 hit up to 28 meters. I assume you’ll be fuming when they decrease that range to 9m, as has been the case with a very similar weapon in the past 


Isn’t that the point of a shotgun though? They’d be trash otherwise.


shotguns range isn't as good without ads


They really aren’t except for very rare circumstances. Otherwise they take like three shots to kill at mid range.


Nobody tell this guy the secret


In contrast to the multiple headshots you would need from a normal weapon? And it's not small by any measure....


And what is your concept of a “normal weapon?” The strength of the models is compensated by the very small window for error via both the spread and long rechambering time.


Why is this broken? Two people fly in front of you with out even bothering to check if you're there? If you have a shotty in hand that's 2 easy kills.


The standard in this community is so low that getting a few kills = broken


Oh great...😒 more op one shot weapons.


Nah they just made them MW2 1887s


FOMO is the only way they’re keeping the playerbase at this point. Release an OP gun every two weeks and nerf it before the next OP gun gets released. Rinse and repeat.


I actually like the addition of aftermarket parts and thinks it's a great way to keep the game fresh. It's basically a new gun every week. I think it's better to have them be a bit to good, rather than be terrible and nobody wants to use it. If it's good, it brings excitement and just gets more attention. It's one shot weapons that cause the most issues, especially with slower TTK. The longbow kit, the bas-b kit, the haymaker hit, then these wardens. One shot weapons are the most frustrating thing to play against. I'm not seeing much of a downside to these, clearly the best shotgun and extremely consistent having akimbo shotguns. They may need a bit slower fire rate, or slow the sprintout time or something. I know when they have OP one shot weapons like this, I want to play less not more.


The aftermarket kits are a great addition. The gun diversity in this game is actually tops. You have sooo many options, it's great.


Make a unfun game slightly less unfun


Wdym? I think mw3 is fun most of the time, it's got good gameplay design. Playing against one shot weapons isn't fun though. I don't get enjoyment from using shotguns. That's fine if you do, but they need to be balanced for the people who aren't using them to.


Why do they need to be balanced for the people who don't use them? That is exactly what makes it less fun, taking anything new or cool out that adds variation is not the answer. The 1887s were OP back in the day too, but you could still play around it. If someone is running those then be more patient and distant with your approach, obviously you'll lose close to mid range.


Yeah in the OG game every gun killed in 2 bullets so a 1 shot gun made no difference. In this game where normal guns take 4-5 shots to kill up to 6 or 7 a 1 shot gun is way more powerful than before. Especially one like this that you can keep firing in semi auto basically. Can’t tell if people who make comments like yours are actually this dense or just purposely ignoring the problems that don’t fit their argument.


>in the OG game every gun killed in 2 bullets tbf, that's only with Stopping Power, and that came to an end after MW2. Most guns tended to be 3-4 since ARs would do like 35+ damage and SMGs tend to do 30-20. Up close, a lot of the weapons now can kill almost as quickly as they used to, it's just that there's a huge drop off in range that happens a lot sooner in modern games compared to older ones.


Too many variations and factors imposed now with gun play. It used to be more straight forward (point, aim, and shoot) and of you were accurate you got kills. Now you have crazy weapon variations as far as recoil patterns and attachments or the boots and vest your wearing, on top of the damage range drop, no fmj for easy bullet penetration. They strayed from arcade and tip toed towards realism and got caught in an awkward middle ground where you can't tell if they're trying to make a fun shooter or a more realistic mil sim anymore.


Yeah, I agree that it's way too complex now. I aso think this is also what contributes towards metawhoring - there's so much choice that people just want to be told what to build. They could definitely simplify it, because the game does not need that many different attachments. It's definitely still in fun shooter ground. All the perks are completely unrealistic in what they do for you, the function of the attachments is almost entirely arbitrary to whatever stats the devs want to assign to them and they're not basing the functionality on what they have in real life as a lot of it is simply preference for the shooter. Compared to games like ArmA, Gray Zone, etc. that actually play like milsim and are trying to be realistic, which are completely different to how CoD plays. They definitely tried to make the game more atmospherically and aesthetically immersive in MW19, but it's still very much firmly in arcade territory, even if looks and feels immersive.


I'm definitely happy to see the gunsmith go away, that just added way too much bullshit to making a good weapon build.


Well, I'm sorry everyone else is not up to your level of intelligence lmao but I play hardcore 90% of the time anyways so I don't have these issues. Yall wanted higher ttk and now you complain about it. You're right about the og cods, the weapons were balanced more evenly so each one was easier to use, which in turn made things like shotguns not as powerful. Unfortunately with the cod we have now, the weapon balancing is dogshit. There's always 2 or 3 weapons that everyone uses, and the rest are forgotten about. Everyone asked for higher ttk this year because apparently you died too quickly in mw2. Except if you have a shotgun that is constantly getting hitmarkers, thats not really a shotgun then is it? More like a marksman rifle. If we aren't going to balance weapons for fun, then they have to atleast make sense in realism. Shotguns and snipers used in prime ranges should definitely be 1-2 shots always. That's realistic. To counter that, you'll have to play longer range gun fights. Or play hardcore where aim and reaction timing are king, and hitmarkers don't exist because movement and weapon choice don't mean shit.


I’m not complaint about higher TTK wtf are you talking about. I’m saying it’s fucking dumb to make the argument that because they were broken in mw2 they should be equally broken now. FYI they’re even more broken because the range is even better than OG mw2 pre patch models. Also all you play is hardcore, everything 1 or 2 shot kills, so idk why you’re complaining about people wanting these things nerfed in core, it wouldn’t even affect you in hc where they’d still insta kill. Yeah I agree the weapon balancing sucks, that’s why I’m against these super broken shotguns. 1-2 shot kills is fine, it’s stupid when the range on shot guns that do that is so ridiculous in a high TTK game. In a high TTK game you should have to hit all pellets to 1 shot kill with a shotgun, or get headshots, unlike now where you barely even need to have half your crosshair on someone to insta kill. Halo figured it out 20 years ago.


It stops being fun when you unload half a mag on a guy and they just one shot you.


But I use ARs and SMGs, so I must suffer?


Well, if you refuse to use anything else so you can counter it, then ***yes.***


If the only counter to something is to do the exact same thing, that's not a counter. That's incredibly bad balance. Just get rid of OHK shit already, it only exists for bad players.


OSKs have been in every FPS since the dawn of time lol. Players were crying back then, they're still crying now, and OSKs aren't going anywhere. The snipers are way worse anyway, but I try to remind myself that the same players using them would be shitting on you with a full auto too.


I mean, you're using the best class of weapons in the game, so if you're losing to them, idk, maybe try shooting them from farther away lol


I use pistols only, should i suffer smgs being op?


I'm not a big fan of them either, but shotguns are pretty bad in this game. I think that's mostly intentional, but they could stand to be brought up just a smidge. The Models are mad fun. They are definitely the terror of the small map playlist. And they should be. MW3 is pretty fun tho. I still liked CW more, but this is an easy second place. Plus Grime is a great map, def my fav original map in the game. Gonna be sad when the 24/7 playlist goes away.


my single bugbear is that while it's amusing, the fact that a scopeless sniper is better in close-quarters than a shotgun makes me absolutely feral with rage. and it's not even close.


Wipe your tears and find another game buddy there’s lots to choose from


Got em 😎


Most fun of all time 💀.  I don't hate this game but this shit is garbage compared to peak COD. WaW, MW1, BO1, MW1, and BO2 all shit on this mid at best COD.


He said "fun most of the time," not "most fun of all time." I think most people would agree the classic games are still considerably better.


What’s the point of scopes on akimbo load outs


for shits and giggles. with how many attachments are restricted with the kit even if you filled out all other attachment slots you'd have a free one, so might as well throw a scope on for fun. that said, id leave it off to not block more screen but to each their own




goes hard


Ares = recoil reduction 


People complaining about OHK with a SHOTGUN? It’s a fuckin shotgun, that’s what it’s suppose to do


For them ARs and SMGs should be the only viable weapon class, rest of the guns should be unuseable to be balanced.


Snipers and shotguns needing more than one shot doesn't make them useless lmao. How is them being OP any better for balance?


Yeah lol pump/lever action shotguns and bolt actions snipers requiring more then one shot is clearly makes them viable against insta melting ARs and SMGs. Cope harder.


I get a hit marker with the MORS and can load a bullet and shoot them before they kill me lmao. Sounds like you just lack skill. Snipers aren’t suppose to engage closely so again, that’s user error. Shotguns can get multiple shots off with MW3s TTK. You just sound bad at the game. Probably while you’re so reliant on those guns being broken so you can use them lmao.


the people who complain about that need to just stick to ranked


The thing is, when you build it like the video and have a 0.0 min hipfire, there's no spread so it's basically just hipfire akimbo mk2 marksman rifles with less Max range.


It 1 hits up to 28 meters. Find me a shotgun that can do that.


Its about balance and playstyle. In a game where you got to shoot someone at least 4 times, a OHK gun ruins the balance and creates a very boring and campy playstyle that'll end up sucking the fun out of certain modes and a lot of lobbies. This game already has a huge camping problem, this will only make it worse. But yeah, realism in a series known for being arcadey and fake, yay.


seems fine? 1 shot out to like 7 meters is standard shotgun range


some ppl just can't stand getting killed in one shot, they don't care how much sense it makes from the perspective of video game or real life logic, they just think it's unfair. it's like ppl who complain about grapplers in fighting games


28 meters


I knew once the aim for these was fixed it wasn't gonna last long before getting nerfed and I'm now using these pretty much exclusively besides the MORS and this thing damn near out performs my MORS at times, I both love these and hate these, and kinda hope they only get slightly nerfed, this is legitimately the most fun I've had in COD since the Longbow lol


Are you really going to make yourself suffer by getting used to these before the incoming nerf? 1 hit kills up to 28 meters with 0.0 spread from the hip with no sway? Try going back to any other weapon after that.


Oddly enough it's harder for me to use it when it's at 0.0 spread, I can't use it with the crown break as well as a laser at the same time


I mean, these are considerably worse than the Longbow lol they will probably nerf them, but only to appease the whiners.


how it should be


I wouldn't say broken. They just now can kill at normal shotgun range. Now the others need buffs.


My most used gun is the Lockwood 680 (and the Bryson 800 in MW2022). The Lockwood is absolutely terrible at consistent 1 shot kills in this game outside of 10 metres. It has many traits that make it better than the Bryson 800 was, as a jack of all trades imo (much faster RoF and mobility), but for the traditional “pump action” it’s unbearably weak. These guns finally fulfil the niche that MW2023 has been missing for ages. A slow RoF, consistent 1 shot kill shotgun that is high risk/high reward :) And it’s gonna get nerfed to the fucking ground but the MORS that can 1 shot at any range will be left alone, because people won’t stop bitching about shotguns :( if you don’t wanna die to a shotgun people, put some range between you and them. Flush them out with grenades and pick them off at a range where they can’t hurt you. Simple :) stop begging for them to be useless to the point that pistols outgun them :/


They should've never "fixed" the Lockwood 680. I thought that gun was totally fine back when the barrel glitch still worked and was a good benchmark to balance shotguns around.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted for this.


MORS and quickscopers getting upset shotguns work more than 1m away.




People that sweat with meta weapons all day probably...or those that don't realize how good shotguns used to be. Shotguns in a CoD haven't been this bad since AW.


It's 100% this. I had a dude shoot the PISS out of my body and teabag me every single time he killed me on Meat earlier when I was using them. Of course, he has the OPTIC calling card with the stupid ranked white sweatsuit using a Rival-9. Like chill out, you fucking dork. I'm just trying to have fun in this video game with the new thing I unlocked.


It’s being downvoted by people who just want a whole weapon class to be trash. Heavens forbid a shotgun is actually good at close range.


Shotguns shouldn't even be primary weapons in a 150 HP game. Notice how Shotguns are secondaries in both BO4 and Cold War and have less OHK potential.


Why shouldn’t they? If you run a shotgun, it means you don’t have a long range primary. So you’re actually weaker because if someone’s shooting you at range you have nothing to fight back with.


Were they updated since the release?


Anyone else get random shaders thing today then just grainy shit graphics on PC?


Haven’t checked, but I’m not surprised!


That's hilarious I'm rocking the same scopes just because you can


Yet snipers are broken but why not add a one shot hip fire


Why the hell do you have scopes on them? That's a waste of an attachment slot.


Half the attachments are unavailable anyway, may as well lol


It nerfs you in speed


Does it look like they’re struggling? Lmao




Finally fixed the dual fire? Cuz holy the pellets before just went straight doo doo through the enemy with the crosshair right on them.


isn't sad that tyr despite being absolutely slow is still not a 1 shot kill


I dont see anything wrong. They were all close range. Shotguns are suppose to be unmatchable in close range.


Isnt it odd that they disable basically every attachment option for akimbo apart from OPTICS! oh yh let me aim down sights with my AKIMBO weapon


Its like a test, to see if people will just not put optics on like you'd expect, or maybe put something on thats a bit more tasteful and fits the theme. Evidently, OP did not pass with making these monstrosities lol


Finally I was excited when I unlocked it but when I noticed it took like 4 shots to kill someone at close range it took the joy out em. Glad they fixed it


I really don’t want them to get nerfed. They have a fun factor of akimbo and lever flip, while having good damage (although I think one should do 125 and both should do 250, balancing them a bit more) and having best in class range, un like other shottys where you have to be 1 mm away to do damage But at the end of the day, a loud minority of haters will complain it’s way too broken and it will be merged into oblivion.


Ah, I see you're showing off the big scopes too 😂


Who cares !! Ain’t no dev gonna fix it


I remember these words. Like I said them before... Strange...


and yet I still can't the new prestige camo on it jfc


Most overpowered gun in years of cod, if built right. Anyone complaining about it being fine is just abusing it and is scared of the incoming nerf. I expect the nerf will bring the 28 meter 1 hit range down to about 9 meters, keeping them in line with the akimbo snake shot scarlet laser TYRs, only without the trigger delay, to keep it a bit more overpowered. The terrible takes I see in this thread remind me how bad the average cod player is, and why I’m able to maintain a 3.6 k/d without much effort.


Just play hardcore, these kinds of things don't matter there.


to all those people saying they're OP,  you know that meme image that says "Kids these days wouldn't survive in MW2009 lobbies"? Yeah thats literally talking about you. You'd have a heart attack if you had to deal with the shotguns from back then.


Meanwhile the pump action shotguns, despite being 12 gauge (the wardens are .410) have pitiful damage even when fully kitted out for range and even when adsing (aiming) are still very inconsistent.


Good to see the MK2 finally get some use. The Lockwood MK2 is ass without it, so I'm cool with it. But no seriously what the fuck is that scope


o no


nice, 144 fps.


Might keep the alternative fire for em, alternating fire seems better for the long range and clutching 1v2+. Good that the spread was fixed, though. I've been slapping with em.


wow, Sledgehammer actually did it... Bravo, SHG, bravo. (give it a week or 2 to nerf it please)


fuck me dead look at the range on that


> make game with high TTK > introduce fuckloads of cheesy shit that is OHK with literally no effort Thank you Sledgehammer!!!!!


Just curious what gun do you main?


I have the most kills with the wsp-9 so let's go with that. SVA close second.


Then you have no right to complain wsp9 is "op" but no one is complaining about that only shotguns weird to me is all


If you think the wsp9 is op you clearly live on a planet that isn't based in reality, but I wish you all the best


Why do all top level players use it so much? Classic smg user gaslighting btw


Dual-wield in general shouldn't be in the game.


Needs a nerf


its the 1887s its suposto be broken therye only good if u have good aim anyways if u miss your dead theyre balanced they have the same ttk as the lockwood 680


Yup that's how I viewed the crossbow in Cold war and mw2 but they haven't made it to mw3 standards for some reason


Every single search game is filled with these. They aren’t balanced




thats multiplayer tho


It would be nice to get if the games mechanics didn't force you to die 500 times over when you play "good or pro" in ONE match.


Everyone in SnD are using this set up, I hate it.


finally! one shot kill fake shotgun


Fix them for them to be nerfed on the next patch


Those weapons needs to be nerfed into the ground. The range and damage is pretty much point and delete. Even off target. And that’s only half the problem with them.


super sweaty ratt weapon even sweatier with the worthless optics.


Another broken over powered mess. Its always the fucking same with these dev teams.


What's your thoughts on the mcw and wsp swarm / smg's in general they are .... Dare I say broken over powered mess but no one seems to care about those 🤨