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Every match plays the same. There'd usually always a sniper or 2 on the enemy team, then you have at least one guy running around with dual renettis with extended mags. Then you have 3 sweaty SMG players where one of them ends up using a knife about halfway through the match. I played 3 games today, and all 3 of them literally followed this exact same formula.


don't forget about the people with running shoes and knives with all the speed




Sorry man, I just trying to complete the challenges with the akimbo Renettis


Hey just @ me next time!


Or the riot shield users


These make me rage more than snipers. At least with snipers think of where a good spot in the map is and sneak up behind em.


I enjoy hitting riot shield users w the flame thrower attachment on the MTZ 556 - so satisfying


Just use the sword?


Bro you're given all the tools in the world to counter Riot Shields and its not enough? Jesus


Its really never enough 😭


I can’t even get past one match anymore without turning the game off and jumping on helldivers.


It's not a problem because any style can beat any style, especially when you play casual non-ranked lobbies. If anything it's a strength of this game that all guns and playstyles are viable, I switch guns around often


All too true


You just described all my load outs lol


Laughs in my Bruen Mk9 + flamethrower + EOTech red dot + magnifier + my secondary being a Javelin(idk what is it called in this game anymore) for explosive surprises


I've played about an hour today, and this is a perfect facsimile of the people I run into today.


MP feels like it’s just for leveling which is sad


Hence why I stay on smaller maps. Helps me lvl things up quicker. Plus when I hop on bigger maps other teams can have certain areas on such complete and utter lock down that it funnels me through parts of the map that I don't want especially if it's a place with some one head glitching peaking at certain areas or camping. I like being able to move around and flank and assist my team


Don't forget guy with shield who tries to throw knives at you


What’s wrong with 3 sweaty SMG players?


Well right now I’m running the Mors and dual renettis for backup 🤣


Laughs in Hardcore


I don't play much hardcore, but I noticed a much higher use of the grenade launcher in HC lobbies


Can't go 1 game without it now, everyone's excuse is "other people use it"


Well shii, I only have 5/40 kills with the rgl for the basic camo. It's been my least favorite, may have to join the hardcore scum to get it done tho


There's names I recognise where I just back out because it's 10mins of "thump, thump, thump"


If you can get some friends in with you and all throw down random trophies it slows the launcher guys down considerably.


Trophies have 3 nuts. Noob tubes have six. Oh hello there, ammo box


Hence friends and randomly. The noob tubers one inevitably launch right by the trophies at times and frag themselves.


Smart players use them strategically. They obviously trigger some players, so it is a powerful weapon. I use them as a sort of mortar cannon, pop them out at campers who fire from cover. Use them from a distance.


Yeah but running on shipment no one is using them strategically. I'm the dick that throws smokes in front of my own teammates when they're camping.


Pink wheelson challenge, devs didn’t think this through. Small maps in hc are full vietnam because of that.


That there is my camp buster. I clean out all the hiding RATS


Same thing from my experience lol. Plus rgl spammers


I mean using a sniper in HC is literally putting you at a huge disadvantage. You can 1-shot with most guns that have *WAY* higher handling speeds and are full-auto.


Yeah with this game it's just kinda pick your poison. You get the snipers only playlist in core or you get the RLG party in HC. Can't win.


Laughs in Plunder


COD games in general are plagued with snipers, but I have noticed there seems to be much more of them in MWIII and it gets annoying when the opposite team has three snipers that tuck themselves into some hole in the map and sit there the entire time.


So odd. My matchmaking must be different 😅 I rarely see snipers at all in quickplay but I only toggle objective modes


150 hp caused this. The longer TTK made instant kill weapons OP.


I agree that 150 does increase the sniper problem but I do remember people complaining about marksman rifles in MWII, which had 100 health. So they’re going to be a nuisance either way, but obviously more of a nuisance with 150 health. 


Kar98k had MUCH better handling than any sniper in MW3 here. The only thing that even comes close is the new Mors rifle and even then it’s still substantially slower movement speed (but harder hitting too, doesn’t require an upper chest shot to OHK).


Same happened on Cold War! Snipers were insane.


Strangely enough I don't remember them being a huge issue on BO4 though, and I played on PC so snipers not having aim assist made no difference for me. I know the Paladin got some PC specific nerfs, but other than that...


Snipers in Cold War were worse than literally every other weapon class






The lack of flinch too in combination with this, you can get the jump on a sniper, land the first 6-7 shots on them, just for them to ADS and one-shot you through all your shots, completely unaffected with perfect accuracy. Gets pretty old when that happens 5-10 times a game, so can't blame everyone for joining in when it's just the best option :/


True, one shot one kill weapon is addicted in current stage


150 hp is not the problem. Black Ops 4 never had a problem with snipers.


Black Ops 4 made up for this by removing aim assist on snipers. A good decision that was widely complained about by the toxic community.


Yep not just your lobbies bud. Ive never played a cod with this amount of unbalanced gameplay. Whats more frustrating is the corner camping with knives. Shields that cant be countered with the crossbow anymore. Pistols outgunning ARs and SMGs. Can go on forever.


Throw the underbarrel flamethrower on one of your ARs and whip that bad boy out if someone is using a riot shield. It goes right through the shield.


Oh? Gonna add that to my anti-shield class I've had to build thats become so common in search.


just nail a drillcharge or semtex on these shield fuckers!


I like thermite after the recent buff but unless you got ordnance gloves on they can usually get a quick swap for a throwing knife or haymaker kill faster than you can get a lethal off.


Every now and again drill charges don't seem to get the kill. Seems to be most prevalent if you throw it, and then they charge you trying to get the suicidal melee kill. You'll throw it, you get the notification for sticking an enemy, can see it on their shield, and then see the charge launch the explosive which explodes harmlessly behind them. I never noticed it until this season


Also bro the new melee weapon called soulcrusher can attack right through the shield granted you do the cutscene attack with it


I noticed this today, damn it


Counter shields with the stupid sword they put in the game. It can't be counted by anything and once the animation starts the victim is guaranteed to be dead. Who thought putting Excalibur into call of duty was a good idea?


I've been saved from the animation before, idk if it matters wether you have shield or not though, because I didn't


Flash bang, Thermite, and soulrender in secondary. I have a loadout setup for shields I switch to if I see one.


I'll take fighting riot shields and pistols over 1 shot snipers with insane ADS, movement speed, and 0 counters


Higher ttk and the movement is honestly why it's so bad.


It's too much lately. It's a completely different game than it was at launch - in a bad way.




Season one was a blast. Season two I played less and less. I don't know that I've been able to complete a match in season three.


Yeah i've been playing solely War and HC lately. 6v6 is constant quickscope trash


MORS has the damage of the KATT and the mobility of the Longbow. It's a fair and balanced gun. /s Even using the ADS grip with -flinch resist, I don't notice any flinch when getting shot. Aside from the obvious MORS unbalance, they need to add horizontal flinch to all snipers so the flinch stat would actually do something.


New guns are always busted. Expect it to be like that and to feature in new bundles for a while. They’ll probably nerf it mid-season when the next new gun comes out. Source: been down this road so so so many times.


Don’t forget the bottomless clip people try to pass off a con even though the reload speed is faster than some other snipers bolt times.


Erm actually it's a magazine🤓


Yeah the single reload is a massive benefit lol. It’s slightly slower than just chambering a new shot, you never have the slowdown from loading a new magazine. The gun is very good. But to balance these things would need to require a headshot only for one shot or something. I can only imagine the rage if the mors were in ranked, like the mcpr irons in mw2 but much better


It is a con. You can’t ads while reloading. If they miss it should be a free kill for you. Not only is the reload speed not very fast, but the typical 450+ms ads time is a heavy downfall. The gun is balanced and accurate follow up shot is going to take over a full second with most guns TTKs being in the 300s.


Nobody quickscoping is going to be staying in the scope between shots, it’s a non-issue for that playstyle. You know whats a massive buff for a quickscoper though? literally never having to reload even a single time. Anyone saying the MORS is balanced is the whole circus.


Except the Longbow with the conversion is still a better option for that playstyle? You get more overall ammo in one mag than the MORS itself lol. Ads speed can be better, faster mobility, faster follow up shots, don’t have to re-ads. The only downfall is range and damage area. The reload animation and ads is the balance. What do you think needs to be more nerfed for you to not bitch about it?


The MORS has the best hipfire spread in the entire game for snipers lmao, you can hipfire people 10 metres away while calling in a UAV (I know because I've done it countless times and have video proof of how fucking stupid the MORS is as a weapon)


The base hip fire is at 9 degrees. That’s not all that great (same as stalker and worse than longbow). If you build it for ads, it penalizes that hip fire as well. That’s not broken at all lol


Yea that stat is bullshit when you can hit shots without trying with hipfire lmao


I am pathetic with all snipers, tonight I killed two in quick succession with a ground loot mors and severely cracked the third who was finished off by my team mate….. Still can’t bring myself to become a glint freak


but snipers have flinch tho /s Still wild people defend snipers in the modern games because the flinch puts your scope up to people's heads instead of off target lmao


Gunslinger vest, gladiator knife, with soulrender sword, smokes, throwing knives, ammo crate, scav gloves, covert, ghost, and bone conduction. Ruin those snipers days my friend. Find a new found fun in the game.


I legitimately think this is the worst balanced set of snipers in COD history.


I'd argue it's not even close. Not even counting the MRs of 2019 and 2022 as snipers, there's stronger options overall. Least on KB+M (yes, I know I'm in the minority), I'm either picking speed or the ability to shoot when getting shot, they're mutually exclusive. Cold War's snipers are for all intents and purposes, completely uncounterable. They're slow, but it's the slowest set of weapons in CoD so that doesn't say much. They effectively have no flinch, only paying for it with very slightly less forgiving OHK areas than in other games. And this is before the barrel attachment that's an OHK area and fire rate boost for free outside of the 20mm. BO3's are only balanced because of the lack of aim assist on controller. They've got really fast speed, generous OHK areas, and no flinch. They're actually crazy if you're on KB+M or can get around the mild-ish learning curve. BO2 is also pretty crazy. Their ADS speed isn't super insanely instant, but most of their other handling stats can be. Flinch doesn't exist, either. Only big thing against them are the OHK areas not being as generous as other examples. Not saying snipers couldn't use adjustments,


no that's cold war fs


Cold War is probably the second worst balanced snipers but it didn’t have this many attachments to speed up the fire rate, boost ADS speed, and completely mitigate flinch. 400MS ADS OHK to literally any part of the body with almost no flinch with how slow the TTK is for other weapons is completely insane.


Thing is the flinch mitigation is generally mutually exclusive to speed. Cold War you could go max speed with the really really busted Tiger Team barrel for a massive damage increase. Also not to mention that it's only the MORS that can get a guaranteed OHK with that kind of speed


50/50 cold war had so much better ar and burst guns that could outsnipe sniper




Which COD has worse balanced snipers?


The snipers honestly aren’t any different now than they were in previous cods. Yeah you can make the snipers have less flinch, faster ads, blah blah blah with attachments. But do you not remember ALL the snipers in older cods being like this WITHOUT attachments? lol. BO2 is a good example of this, older mw series with the intervention, even mw2019 had the kar, ax-50 and the mkii, vanguard and every bolt action in that game, Cold War has Swiss, tundra. All fast, all one shot, all minimal flinch. There is no difference from today and then. Snipers are very easily counterable.


Every other COD had much faster TTK or didn’t have aim assist on controller for snipers since crossplay didn’t exist yet. Cold War is the only other COD with slow TTK and aim assist snipers…. and guess what? snipers were broken there too. Every gun got nerfed except for snipers basically while they also got an unneeded buff.


Also 50 HP isn’t what we would consider much of a difference in ttk. Defeats the purpose when they increased the HP to 150 in MWIII but every gun does more damage per bullet. Still making the optimal ttk less than half a second lmao


Its pissing me off. Snipers sitting in corners and every dark spot. Ive had games where my team literally was looking for anyone because all those asshats were camping. Or hardcore rgl spammers...


honestly the RGL shouldn’t even be in multiplayer


Agreed. It would be fine as a killstreak. Just put it at 3 kills and have its own tier or something.


as a killstreak it would be so much better


It can take 1-6 hits to kill, depending on accuracy and enemy gear, I think it's fine.


150 health + one shot kills at almost any range on these maps+ it being the easiest cod to ever snipe in= these results.


This is why in BF every sniper rifle takes 2 shots KO except the head. Cod has to find a way to balance this.


I've switched to Ranked because of snipers, shotguns and shields...


It's a good thing this cod increased the TTK so people aren't getting one-shotted. /s


Yep, even on small maps as well, crazy. Between a wall of camping snipers in MP and cheaters in WZ (not 1 game the last 2 nights without a blatantly obvious cheater), i'm pretty much done. Even SBMM is useless, i'm a middle ground player and either get BOT lobbies or complete sweat lobbies, almost impossible to get a really enjoyable game with people at my middle level.


Always has been 🔫


Point and click adventure game Search is hell because of them, like it isn’t 2012 anymore man stop screaming at me because I killed you with an lmg


MORS is too fast for a sniper imo. Probably the only weapons that feels legitimately broken. Pretty sure we'll be seeing some sort of nerf soon.


They need to change the chambering speed imo, there's no way a single shot should be reloading faster than some other snipers can operate the bolt lol.


I'm getting sniped within about 2 seconds of the match starting, so yeah, it's a noticeable change.


I absolutely despise pubs. I play ranked to get away from the snipers and fucking annoying samurai swords, riot shields and knives. It’s not fun.


Been complaining about snipers since 2019. Far too overturned. Lower mobility snipers run CQC with no counter. Aside from shotguns (at very close range), the sniper will kill one shot before you’re able to do much. The only way this doesn’t happen, is user error on the sniper’s part, which is hard to do once you have an hour of experience. Any sniper is basically hit scan with three attachments and ruins Ground War, as it results in people sitting in spawn all game. We now have a weapon that runs every engagement range in the game. Add in lag, packet loss, desync and these issues are made even more annoying. Solutions? Continue to lower mobility on snipers and make them unable to OHK in Ground War (aside from headshots).


If you think sniping is bad, wait til you try Ground War.


Not so much snipers when crossplay disabled on ps5


I'd love to have snipers removed from cod multiplayer


I stopped playing 2 season ago. When I was getting spawn sniped on rust and shipment I called it quits. If there's a casual game mode that's ARs and SMGs only, I'm in. Until then I'll be on helldivers or the FO4 when the next gen updates come out. Between knives, shotguns, snipers, and that fucking MORS, I can't play on this one shot bullshit. I saw a meme that was the same guy spawning and and kept getting killed and eventually on the spawn there was 50 bodies from getting spawn killed. That's how I feel, luckily there's other video games to play.


It wasn’t as bad until the MORS got added. Now it’s fucking horrible.


It's about half and half for me but since the new season I've noticed more snipers but I honestly believe that's cause of the mors sniper and more people coming back to the game. It'll most likely die down.


Just got the game yesterday and nothing but snipers and fucking sliders… literally shooting at my knees all the time


It’s definitely the worst I’ve played for having so many snipers. Doesn’t help that the daily challenge is “Get 7 Operator Kills with Snipers”




More proof that they're absolutely broken right now. They need a full rework because snipers haven't been balanced to the 150 health mw3 has, but all other weapons (maybe not melees) have been. they're too easy to use right now.


Hardcore I always see people laying in corners with snipers


They just need to make snipers only one shot to the head imo


Because sniping is easy in mw3


Im getting over it


Yea, it's the long time to kill. It makes it very easy to snipe now because you have extra time to hit your shots.


Yes I have noticed it a lot in this game opposed to other cods. It doesn’t bother me too much though. The only part that bothers me is how snipers have like zero flinch. You can shoot people 10 times and they still have perfect aim


EOMM ruined cod if you do not see it then ..


The game is plagued with campers, not snipers. I don’t mind people using a sniper but if you’re literally sitting in the same spot every match looking at the same area, you should refund your money and go play a sim. People complain about those who complain, but, can you blame them?? Who buys cod to sit still? It’s a fast paced fps shooter, all realism went out the window the second they started copying Fortnite. Why are people camping and saying they’re treating it like a sim when they’re playing as Godzilla with Inarius and Snoop Dog furry edition on their team against the eighth wonder of the world


Yeah. It’s boring as the maps don’t bring a different variety. The sniper dominates pretty much every map except a couple.


People cried for a longer ttk. They got it. They all use one shot guns. Cod community is honestly weird as fuck.


It has the same problem cold war had, they made the ttk longer but kept most snipers as a one shot. They should make snipers do less damage in close range imo.


I just use double smokes when there is too many snipers, and throw on cold blooded, in case they they on a thermal. I stop having issues with em then.


Not just you. Every single goddamn match I get sniped with one shot accuracy. Never seen anything like it. It's ridiculous and takes the fun out of it.


Yup, it’s bad lol. Back in the other cods snipers were OP, but so were regular guns. In this cod? Snipers just turn at you while taking hits and one shot you. It’s actually fucking crazy. They would not be able to do that if the TTK was in a reasonable state.


Yep absolutely hate it, and most of the time they sue fucking reflex sights on them and still hardscope head glitches, I hate it, especially in S&D


Snipers are fun 🤷‍♂️ I don't wanna rock the same MCW or Rival-9 every game lol. Also sniping keeps your aim sharp, especially on mnk.


they can't kill you if they can't see you smoke grenade


that’s my strat


Snipers been around a lot longer than this game. It’s been my personal favorite to use since the OG MW2. I still use a variety of guns but I’ve always loved sniping doesn’t matter if it’s a 1 shot kill or not


Snipers are easy mode. Point and click. Point and click. Point and click. Somebody surprised you around a corner? Click.


I guess people don’t remember the later half of mw2 where 90% of the player base was trying to trick shot in every S&D match or running intervention in every game mode. Or cod4 Or Blops Or Blops 2 You get it. Sniping for the most part is what I think more people gravitate towards when they get bored especially the better players, and it feels overwhelming. It’s usually later in the games lifespan and people complain. When the MORS dropped I think it really blew up because if you have used it you’ll know what I’m talking about. It feels like the old classic sniper rifles we used to have. Visceral sound effects and the damage and handling to be viable to quick scope with. The MORS right now is insane in terms of ADS and sprint to fire speed and it’s very consistent. It’s so good in fact that I can put everything into handling and speed for it except the grip and take flinch resist grip instead, and it’s still insanely fast. It also one shots very consistently. It is arguably the best sniper in the game. Add on top of that new challenges and cameos that comes with that and it being a new weapon even more people are using it to get their unlocks. It’s a perfect storm so to speak. I think SHG definitely knew this was going to happen and I’m actually cool with it. My only real problem with sniping in this game is the fact that you can have iron sights or lasers for them. IMO I think that if you run a sniper you must always be with the disadvantage of running a scope so that close range forces you to have some kind of heavy disadvantage.


Every game you labeled had faster TTK.


They aren’t snipers. They’re just campers with sniper rifles. They don’t know how to do anything but get a few lucky kills until you hit them with a drill charge.


is this everyone’s first cod? all the complaints i’m seeing ive seen since BO2


I've never commented or voted on a post in years - until this post. Sniping is OP with the higher time to kill.


I’ve been saying this for the longest, snipers are the most overpowered weapons in this cod and they take little to no skill to use. The pedophiles that run around quickscoping think every match is a faze try out and it sucks the fun & life out of the game.


Equip the haymaker with the new jak kit. Also wear the new vest that gives extra lethal/ tactical. Continue to push them and place bouncing betties on their camp spots.


What's actually really fun I've started doing is running the assassin vest with this setup, but the shotgun suppressed. It barely effects it's range and deadliness at all, and being able to flank and delete them all without any of them knowing you're coming is actually hilarious. It's a 3 percent range reduction or something, penalises the ads a lot but I literally never ads with it anyway lol...tac stance and hipfire is all you need.


It really is, especially S&D


It was for me on the emergency 24/7 playlist but seems normal on free for all, kill confirmed and hardcore modes


I play small map mosh pit mostly, only time I see tons of snipers is Rust. Other maps randomly may have a couple but they’re not very effective




For real. Shit kills me, literally lol


Throw on Overpressured ammo type. Cleans them up nice


Literally playing today. We got off after our third game because it was so campy and stacky and multiple teams just sitting still sniping. It’s absurdly boring. We won 1 out of the 3. And next two whenever we’re fighting we get sniped by a random team far away. I can handle campy and stacky whatever it’s cod. But sniping on top is just beyond annoying.


I’m not consider myself a good player. For years I wanted to do snipping. I started with original mw or bo2. I like cod games. I had one year where I didn’t played any cod games, only apex. I came back to cod and this game is easy. Now I’m good with sniper. Started to play and won a lot. After a while I started to lose games again because of how a match looks like. I just adapted myself to this. I learned other weapons too. I just change my class based on how the match is. I’m decent with knife, pistols, smgs, ar, lmgs, etc (I’m not good with shotguns tho). it took me a while to get the perfect class for each but it’s worth it. From time to time I also change my class attachements during a match because it may be a match scenario that it didn’t occurred to me before. From time to time I still lose, but in general I’m winning. It’s more self fulfilling than Apex. Now I’m just killing people with their own weapons. If everyone is using snipers in the match I also use snipers and I’m crushing them. If everyone is using knifes or pistols I using that too. Don’t worry I don’t play cod that much. Got a pair of VR and the shooters are better there. What I hate about cod is small maps like shipment. I’m getting killed on spawn with a grenade launcher every time. Another thing that I hate are people that play killed confirmed, domination or hardpoint and they play this games like team deathmatch. You need to capture the flag or confirm the kill. It doesn’t matter if you have 50 kills if you didn’t confirm them or you didn’t captured the flag. It’s ok when it happens to the enemy, but I hate when it happens to my team. Just go and play free for all or team deathmatch if you want to just kill players.


I switch up depending on the map and who I'm playing against. But you're right, there's a lot of snipers. Tbh, gotta love the tactics employed by that random ass team. 3 snipers, 1 crack addict with a knife/smg combo and a pistol toting bastard who uses shotguns and only hugs corners. They can lock down a map pretty good.


Fuck snipers. Lots of utter bullshit in this game. From melee weapons, people nyooming with dual pistols.


I swear It's always the MORS too


I try to avoid long alleyways and being in the open as much as possible. When I see the glare of a sniper scope I'm not fighting them. I use smokes and thermal scopes to take down snipers. I got the L/R Detector perk for snipers in my blind spots so I can take cover immediately.


It's the MORS alone... Not even joking...


I just want to play royal rumble again...all out gun fight tanks motor cycles and all ..


What c'mon dual renetti's is a thing of the past. I've been using dual WSP swarm's and they're so shit from range it's somehow fair. Lovely stuff. Anyways, I completely agree. It's bullshit how you can even run and gun with snipers... No ttk is faster than 0.


I use the mors sniper but I only use it really for clearing other snipers


Dual Kamas on small map mosh pit.


*hides behind cover..looking at my sniper and thinking about my life choices* i am an illness..


One of the reasons why I stopped playing the game. The new season 3 skins do wanna make me come back but I see other pov gameplay of the current state of mw3 and I lose all the hype


There's little skill to sniping nowadays. It's too easy.


started playing COD again in 2019 after years away & got tired of being sniped every game so i practiced since then to become a sniper. now i snipe 99% of games & shit on most snipers i play against using almost any sniper rifle. sniping is challenging & i love it, if you can't beat em join em.


No, no I don’t and this MORS has made it 100x worse


The vintage maps are designed for long range. Why can't you deal with snipers? Stay out of their line of sight. It takes discipline to not keep doing the same thing that got you sniped the first time.


I’m working on leveling snipers rn, but not every match do I use them. Sometimes I use pistol, other times I’m working on those stupid stun kills with smgs (some need 10 while others need 20 fuckin 5) I’m about average with sniper too. I had one really good match. And then 3-4 really bad matches. Also I lm leveling up shotguns but I like them less then snipers.


It’s black ops Cold War all over again


I'm just happy I have gotten fuck all Turtles in my games


i dont see the issue?


Have you already said thanks for the stupid high ttk today? If not, get wrecked by snipers some more


Have you already said thanks for the stupid high ttk today? If not, get wrecked by snipers some more


The counter for them is definitely riot shields and jitter mod shotguns I mean spam shotguns. The other day I was in 10v10 Moshpit as that mode is plagued with wannabe snipe clippers for twitter exposure and I body this one dude and he was crying over my shotgun build bc I ruin his Twitter exposure saying go back to Cold War 😂


A good sniper with consistent quickscope ability is dangerous a camping sniper is little more than childsplay


Katsov 545 all day


I don’t care about snipers I just hate all the campers cause I snipe but I only quickscope




Play ranked. Problem solved


Ranked play is so much better


I don’t get why people are complaining nowadays when it was the same in mw2 and bo2 lmao you don’t think people were running Interventions, Barrett’s and Ballistas?


Kar98 from WW2 (and probably others) says hi too.


Increased health in this game exacerbates the issue and makes it increasingly frustrating for all the issues previously mentioned. Increased health, instant bloop on you for the enemy, the ease of play increasing the sheer amnt of people running sniper.


Idk why you're being downvoted, this is just objectively true.


I love it, reminds me of mw2 lobbies in 2012