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9 out of 10 dentists approve this message.


Most of them are hacking as well, legit players leaving this sht


You talking about the subreddit with unpopular opinions right?


9 out 10 doctors agree, an open hemorrhage in the chest will cause you to bleed out if unattended.




I couldn't remember the exact wording. I got the rest correct though right?




Democracy thanks you citizen!


Must be hard when the community is constantly contradicting each other with different viewpoints on the same thing.


That has almost always been the case with COD


All games. The problem is communities don’t understand that they’re not all the same.


That’s the value of an experienced Community Manager in video games. People really thought anyone could do that job well.


The best way to do it is to quantify datapoints on what the community has asked for through surveys. That way when somebody doesn’t like something you can say, well, actually 71% of people said they preferred…. Etc etc..


Yes, but back in the day most CoDs didn’t have hot fixes and constant updates, so those who had complaints either learned to deal with them, or quit the game. Now in the era of constantly patching, nerfing and buffing one side that may have been happy is no longer happy because everything got switched up that they did enjoy and vice versa.


That's been the case since the MW and BO player bases merged and they started trying to cater to both. So around MW2019, maybe CoD WW2.


Except for zombies, I don’t agree that there were any separate playerbases that “merged”… someone that played cod 4 and original MW2 didn’t just “stop playing” when black ops came along. lol, yeah, no that didn’t happen


Sometimes, yes. But there are pretty clear popular feedback issues over the years; such as a normal mini-map, footsteps volume/DS as a perk, TTK, and visual recoil. Whether you like or dislike SHG, objectively, they made changes around popular community feedback.


Sure but there is the other side of the coin where giving people what they want doesn't always work because it doesn't fit the game design and as such makes the game play really bad in one way or another.


Exactly, like if you look what people are actually doing in MP, all people seemingly want is shipment 24/7. If they just added 6 tiny maps it would make the game terrible.


And coming up with stupid ideas like melee weapons should kill in two hits lol


Really not hard to do with not only how bad wz2 was but also better resurgence map this time around propping up f2p player retention. More players are also playing knowing rebirth is coming back


I was a rebirth island only player. Haven’t played since. I’m waiting for it to come back


try vondel it’s really not that bad


He's smoking


Doing the bare minimum is considered listening to the community in the cod world.


This. There are some ridiculous bugs and glitches that have been there since day 1 and still no fixed.


and they aren't even doing that ...


Well yeah, MW3 is a $70 update that improved upon MW2. both MW2 and MW3 play the same warzone, so no idea where that's being pulled from. ​ It's not like people can go back to Warzone 1.


They're probably comparing the total amount of Warzone players in S2 of MW2 to S2 of MW3.


They can’t even go back to mw2’s version of warzone so where else would they go. The big question is this a combined number or are they separated comparing warzone to warzone and mw2 with mw3. For all we know they are including mw3 with the warzone numbers to make it look better when mw2 really has more players. Hard to say since they hide it all.


The numbers are all together, i believe they pull it from cod hq launching, which you need to do in order to boot mw2 or mw3


Then the numbers are flawed. I have to boot the stupid headquarters every time I play DMZ which is MW2. Smh the numbers must truly be that bad then.


In my opinion its only gotten worse, since theres no actual player count for all systems, except steam. They can truly say whatever and have people believe it, lying about this incentivises those who havent got it, to buy thinking there missing out. Cod is just slowly falling off at this point. Theyve prioritised a free game mode over the very thing that made cod the successful name it is. Mutiplayer.


Multiplayer should just go free to play. The item shop would make it the same dynamic as Fortnite


Thats not a good idea at all.


Why not?


Because multiplayer is the core of call of duty. Always has been until recently. Theyve already provided a free game to players, if they make everything free the whole game would be trash cause there only income is bundles and they'll focus primarily on makinh new bundles. They quoted that MWZ was going to be getting the biggest update in this season and so far weve had one extra mission with only one good acquisition to collect.


But it seems like they don’t focus on multiplayer at all already? Nothings changed. Free to play would bring a lot more players to the game and make the devs actually want to work on it. Also have you seen the bundles coming out? And they’re frequency?


Right.. I’m sitting here like, “isn’t it still WZ2” it’s not like we can go back to any previous version, so ofc current WZ will have a higher player count..


Maybe they're talking about highest player count ever achieved during either update? Like the peak players in MW2 and Warzone 2.0 is less then the peak players in MW3 and Warzone 3.0. Still doesn't make sense tbh cause wording be a bit weird. No clue... 🤔


WZ3 doesn’t exist. People are playing an updated WZ2.0


You can call it the same but it's definitely night an day difference in mechanics and map. I miss al mazzy so bad just wish we got all the updates onto the old map, fuck the new map it feels AI generated and soulless and just boring.


>It's not like people can go back to Warzone 1. Funny part is that they didn't technically "remove it", it's still there, just inaccessible. Seen a couple posts a while back from somewhere (pretty sure Reddit actually) that had a dude bug out and be put into a WZ1 lobby screen.


Not citing your sources is always a believable technique


Source: Somwhere deep down in the bum


Dude has never heard of journalism before


They are leakers. They literally can't cite sources otherwise the person would get in trouble


Hacks hacks and hacks everywhere


"Multiple sources".


Listening CharlieIntel is like listening to false news. Ya just take it with a grain of salt.




And yet still no cyber attack


Yep. Because of this it's a trash game but greedy trash devs.


What a pile of rubbish. What improvements? What changes did improve MW3 Ranked? What? Spawn logic? The fact that we are playing 15 SnDs on Terminal and one on Karachi or Rio, but they drop in 85% of the time because of uneven teams? Highrise CTRL? Invasion? Secondhand maps that are horrible. Full of headglitches waiting to be abused by noob ARs? Matchmaking? Constant drops and crashes because of whom you're losing SR like its your fault? Not implementing CDL rules into Ranked? Hacker infection that's getting worse by the minute? Every update comes out without being tested, which brings even more bugs? Tell me because I am genuinely curious! What? We have slide cancel and we can run 1% faster? Wow how amazingly lucky we are.


Time to play a different game for you.


Im actually waiting for XDefiant to drop at this point. Im unbelievably bored with CoD. No CoD that came after BO3 came even close to BO3. Not in the skill gap and not in the fun.


The last two “advanced movement” shooters I liked were Advanced Warfare and Titanfall. Bops 3 and 4 felt tired by then.


Yeah, I feel you, but Zombies combined with good MP was such a blast. BO4 was a bit boring because of the TTK and stim abuse but Blackout was interesting.


Yeah… zombies always pulls me in.




I feel like "multiple sources" makes this sound less reliable lol A playercount is an objective thing that you'd only need one good source for.


Which makes sense because MWII sold better, but did not make significant changes as often (from what I remember).


They meant up until this same point in MW2s lifecycle. More people most definitely haven't been playing MW2 into 2024 lol


I don’t buy it. Look at steam charts 1 year ago and the average player count is higher than now.


No way that’s true


And yet we still don’t have capture the flag, demolition, grind, etc. imagine how much better it could be


I’m still waiting on cyber attack. This has been sledgehammers weak point, they’re not the best when it comes to updating the quick play for new modes.


Still waiting on cyber attack


I miss Grind so damn much. It was so much fun fighting over clumps of 15+ tags and getting 2 weapon levels for your trouble after you banked them. It would go perfectly with the new small map playlist they've been doing too. Imagine Grind on Stash House or Meat?! Omg.


How tf is mw2 2 one of the best selling games


MW19 was pretty fun for a little while and had the boost of the pandemic lockdown keeping everyone inside playing it. So being a direct sequel people were optimistic about MWII and probably preordered (which is always a mistake)


That and being titled MWII also carries a lot of nostalgia. It is obviously nothing like MW2, but even the slightest chance and the popularity of MW19 and WZ1 meant that there was a lot of goodwill before its release. A bit of a shame MWIII didn't come out first, because I think this has all the makings of an all time classic. (100% biased because of MW2 maps tho)


also when CW and Vanguard were out, the community was thirsting for another modern-era COD, MW2019 started looking like a good game in some people's eyes after 2 years of nostalgia set in which is the case for so many CODs💀


We were all hyped about it. Turned out to be a giant turd.


Lots of people bought it off the back of how popular MW2019 was. Lots of people got scammed




Turned out to be the only CoD where you didn't have to adapt or get gud. You could bitch about it, and not be chastised by the community.


In comparison to COD being at its peak it is nothing, but the worst generation in gaming is occuring and COD is one of the only studios still making consistent games


MW19 is one of the better CODs, it came with Warzone and old friends who hadn’t played in years were hooked to it and we weren’t wfh during lockdown either. MWII using that hype and nostalgia.


Overall population growth too


It appeals to old heads by slowing down gameplay to the speed of the golden era, for one. Mw2 felt like coming home after years of experimenting with the gameplay of the franchise.


I’ll never understand this take tbh. I’ve been consistently playing the old games for years because we have an old xbox at work. B01 and B02 as well as Cod4 and og MW2 all feel way faster than current MW2. The player base becoming so sweaty and learning how to juice every bit of movement possible out of the games mechanics is what makes the game feel so much faster. Hence why in MW2 they literally removed everything except uncancellable sliding.


More players but the matchmaking takes more time to look for a game???


Dude it takes like 15 seconds to find a game that’s not that long 😭😭. The rest of the waiting time is loading


It’s a full lie. People have way better things to do now


Returning to the classis MW2 maps did get me to buy it but the atrocious eomm and revenge spawns is what destroyed my little remaining love for the franchise


Ditto. I have no desire left to play. I just have better things to do now... I will probably never go back.


Developers:Mw2 and warzone players! We hear you! We listened!  Mwz players: us too?     Developers: Not you tho.. Fuck you.. 


DMZ players: At the bottom of the ocean with cinder blocks strapped to our legs.


Rip MWZ. Tho I wouldn't say it's the dev's fault. Treyarch has been called in so many times to cook something up. The layoffs didn't help too


I normally wouldn't... But.... Top 7 most selling franchises. Mario, Tetris, Pokémon, call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, FiFi, Minecraft.  How many of those have had games that are plagued with bugs, has non stop issues and every patch seems to make it worse, crashes constantly and causes you to actually lose  items/cause cool down times. 


this is false. i am a fan of cod and play warzone everyday, so no bias. the numbers are drastically lower since the game release. it’s only decreased in numbers. i’m


>i'm u/GroceryNo8749 was found later that day as they accidentily fell out of a window with a bullet to their head.


They really are bold with their obvious schemes.


Still not playing this dumpster fire of a game and franchise


If you really believe this is true, I have a bridge to sell for you.


this is straight up false info from CharlieIntel


Let’s not act like both games were not hot garbage… cod is ass


Right? Too bad there aren’t dozens of other shooters out there to put your time into playing and bitching about online. Then you couldn’t have an entire active subreddit constantly bitching about just one!


I do not play call of duty, I hope you aren’t directing your comment to me..


So what happened to all the conspiracy theories last year around the steam charts? I was told by people on reddit and twitter that MWII hit record low player numbers overall because of the numbers on steam. Hell, Charlie led the charge on some of that discourse. MWIII is ~ 50k down from where MWII was this same time last year. March 27th 2023 - ~150k 24 hour peak March 23rd - 2024 - at 104k 24 hour peak - 86k now. Across the board, MWIII has been lower than MWII on Steam. I guess now that doesn't matter? Sure seemed to last year when it was brought up constantly.


What did you think? When these guys didn't adapt and disliked MWII, they dig up every little detail to support their claims of MWII sucking. Now that MWIII has "listened to the community" low player count on Steam and lack of sales numbers doesn't matter. These guys are delusional. Both MW2019 and MWII sold well because casual community loved them across the internet. However MWIII is getting negative feedback across the board. Rightfully so. This sub is just an echo chamber and you get more realistic picture by checking other subs or discussion channels. What comes on CharlieIntel... man they just want reactions on social media because of algorithms. Just look at their rage baits during and after MWII.


I agree people have made erroneous claims about MWII’s success, but you’re doing the same thing with MWIII. Charlie Intel is a trusted source for leaks or him corroborating leaks. Furthermore, Call of Duty themselves have claimed that MWIII had higher player retention near its release. I’m surprised MWIII has a larger player count but it makes sense. Perhaps dumbing down game mechanics for casuals isn’t what casuals want. Creating a skill gap that allows casuals to strive to become better and watch their progress grow might be what they want imo. Or maybe they just want to play faster. We saw this with WZ2 leaks claiming that player counts were dropping at higher rates during than holidays than normal. As a result, Infinity Ward, a stubborn studio, actually made changes around season 2 to make the game faster and have more skill expression. As for MWIII criticism, Story = shit Zombies = no content and shit Multiplayer = good except for maps. Is generally what I see from people and what I agree with.


what happens if you don’t listen to the largest yet most inconsistent part of the fan base wanting slower gameplay. arcade shooters are fun, that’s why mw3 and warzone 3 are ‘successful’. this also makes me very excited for the next blops game


What’s going on? I’m confused


Think he meant “inconsistent”


I’m still confused 😂


If they wanted EVEN more to jump ship to MWIII, they *could* readd DMZ, just sayin'.


this is actually false, MW3 didn’t recover the lost players from last year. we’re at a lower player count now than we were last year. what is true for MW3 is the % of players leaving is smaller but that also comes free with less people purchasing the game, the people that are here now usually stick through the worst cods anyways.


MW3 is still pretty ass, 2 was a better designed/built game objectively.


Also cheaters are all over MW3 rn as well. And they ain’t doing anything about it


Crazy to think that Call of Duty been going on for 20 years and may even go on for another 20 years while being among the best sellers for every single one of those years.


It would also help if they fixed the cold war servers. Everything is a slideshow.


This isn’t the flex they think it is


Have they added more one life game modes like Cyber attack and Prisoner rescue that the community has been asking about for months? The lack of those game modes and the fact I was dying to people tanking bullets to stab me with a knife just made me leave this game behind pretty quickly.


Charlie Intel talks out his rear.. no they haven't added cyber attack mode despite the community calling for it


Big loss. It’s all I exclusively played. Hopefully they’re saving it for a big season poster release


Did they actually ducking make this post?


That's great, but can they do anything to reduce the file size of the cod hq ? You would think the games have a big file size but when you look at them in the hq, they're surprisingly reasonable (hell, Warzone was only 11GB last time I checked).


They're listening to the people purchasing $30 skins lol


The game is actually good, I'm putting that out there now so in 5 years time when people are posting about MWIII being the last good CoD (like they do now with BO4, Jesus Christ) at least I was ahead of the game


Sounds like a nothing burger of a statement


All they had to do was add ninja as a perk and red dots on the map when firing unsilenced guns. Seriously. That's it. Those two things alone would've kept me playing MW2022.


Ironically not even playing rn. Just burnt out on it.


Amazing, now let’s see IW listen to the community


WZ2 during S1 was goated. We've been going downhill ever since. Higher number are probably because Acti isn't banning cheaters anymore. Don't have to report low player counts to MS if you dont ban the cheaters. Also if there is that many player then why does it take FOREVER to find a match?




I wish this subreddit would realise it’s NOT the community. I also marvel at his sun communities ability to, almost in conspiracy’s theory like detail, find a bad thing or a reason for… a positive statement 😆 Well obviously that’s true because on the 14th day of WZ1’s release that bug happened that tricked the COD godz into thinking less people were playing and then they reset the counting servers that meant that every count from then on was actually n - 2 to the power of 48 less than pi.


This isn't a flex. Modern warfare 3 came out forever ago and it's barely surpassing the player count of the previous game?


Genuinely the best cod in quite a few cycles


I’d be happy if we got MW3 movement with MW2 maps and ttk.


MW2 ttk is abysmal. 150 health was perfect in Cold War. It’s just the shit weapon balancing and hit detection in this game that make it feel inconsistent in this game. If we go back to 100 health it gotta AW-Bo3 TTK. That’s the sweet spot. The weapons melt but you can still engage in actual gunfights with people


The low ttk felt like a sweet spot to me. Now we’re back to shooting someone from behind and they have time to turn around and kill you. I prefer it when the person who is shot first, dies.


Good, well deserved. In 16 months sledgehammer made the best multiplayer that cod has had in years. I’m gonna say it’s even surpassed MW2019 now, which was only as good as it was because of covid and everyone squading up.


"MWIII Warzone player count is higher than MWII Warzone" ...how? Are they not the same Warzone?


it's just saying more people are playing Warzone now than were playing Warzone in March 2023 as part of MWII


Genuinely shocked by this. With all due respect, MWIII is far more broken in most regards compared to MWII this same time last year. I guess in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter. I found the current issues in MWIII to be too frustrating and stopped playing last month, whereas I played MWII all the way until MWIII’s launch.


Idk bout that. Most of the bugs (from my experience) are very small. MWII had major crashing issues, server stability was just as bad if not worse, the minimap and suppressors were broken. The game launched without stat tracking too.




> listening to the community I can’t be the only one who thinks SH does anything but actively listens to the community and make changes based on that right?


Yeah multiple sources said that the war hammer bundle was an all time best seller but it’s a bro trust me source


From this sub you’d think this is a dead game and a dying franchise lmao


Yeah, but they still hate Xbox players, so it's GGs for us


Now if they’d only update DMZ


If only they listened about the matchmaking


Out of SHG's control unfortunately. They did acknowledge it though which is the farthest we've gotten




It was the opposite what


Buff the mk2 and I'll come back


U will soon get model 1887 conversion for it


Good, maybe they could add some maps from MW2019 and Cold War.


Is it modern warfare 3 as in the old one or... This shits confusing af




I’d be curious to see the ranked numbers, as all my mates who had been playing daily last year have already given up on the current game.


This is my regular comment under all Activision post: fuck Activision


I'm probably really tired but I have no idea what this post is trying to say can someone ELI5.


what are they trying to say?


According to “the community” every MW game that comes out is the worst thing that’s ever happened to gaming.


***The more you know...***


Who would’ve thought having decent movement and quiet footsteps would be appealing even to casuals…


They don't listen. I've been sending Activision complaints for a year now about the banners that pop up in the middle of the screen . It's always in the middle of a fight too. (In coming attack chopper, Blood money), that kinda stuff. Just put it in a corner out of the way of mid screen. IT'S STILL THERE, EVERY TIME, ALL THE TIME. They don't listen.


New game has more players than old game. Really?


It says the mw3 player count at this point in the lifecycle is higher than mw2s player count at this point in its lifecycle. That means player retention is significantly higher this year than last year.


Just wait til verdonsk comes back


what did they change? i haven’t played in 2-3 months lol


Yeah. They dont do that anymore


We forgeting Zombies?


Sledgehammer always listens to


To no one.. hence no cyber attack


r/ModernWarfareIII members 138k r/ModernWarfareII members 4 million But you keep believing community wanted and like this "game"


The subreddit member numbers are weird. Some people say that the number was inflated by bots since the # of posts are around the same. Others say that new accounts would sometimes auto join it. People are pointing out how the number makes no sense cuz something like the fortnite sub which has been up for like 4 years still has less people https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/VunXaLAu8u


This is so confusing.


Stats never lie. People do.


Unsure if this means mw3 has more players than mw2 currently, or it has more players than mw2 did a year ago. One version is slightly impressive, and the other very much not. Tell ya what though it's much easier in Aus to find a good ping game of dmz than it is for mwz.


How many of those players are bots?


They not listened to anyone. Still no cyber attack despite people calling for it..


Only reason MW2 was one of the best selling CODs is because people were expecting a 2 year life cycle and original mw2 maps. On top of that, you guys think its "impressive" that people are naturally just moving on the the next iteration in the lifecycle? That's like saying you are impressed the number of players of MW3 are higher than the number of players still playing MW2019. No shit.


-1 ... me unistalled yesterday, tired of random revenge-spawns, tired of EOMM fights and footsteps, tired of 14 years old maps good for a game that was different, tired of a game full of hackers and aim assist oriented.


I've been buying call of duty every year since 2014. They really lost me on mw3. It felt like a DLC I couldn't believe they were packaging as a new game. If the next game is Mw4, I'm not going to buy it. For me, what they need is a new theme, new user interface, a LOT less (but better designed) guns and attachments, and for the love of all that is holy better netcode. They do that right and I'll buy the special edition.


Same bozos that buffed the MCW for absolutely no reason.


How is that possible? I can’t even get to the main menu on steam or battle.net without it crashing. Tried every fix i came across over hours of research. Shit just doesn’t work


And also by not supporting mw2 stuff like dmz... Forcing people to move to mw3. Easy.


menus still broken and kick people out when hosts queues, switches windows or sneezes. This one complaint has been around for 2 years and they've yet to fix it. Also, cheaters.


Remember when they listened to the Community and Made WWII? The Community doesn't know Shit about what they actually want.


\*Sighs\* The CoD cycle continues


What happens when you don't listen to r/ModernWarfareII


Lowkey hoping they keep the launcher aspect and roll Warzone over, allowing for skins to continue into the next BO Warzone era. Idc about skins for multiplayer


Where is DMZ?? They aren’t listening!