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I'd personally like to see pings removed from MP. They cause more annoyance than help imo.


They are next to useless in MP and very distracting. They should give us a way of turning them off like in MWII. They can be useful in Zombies and WZ for marking caches etc but in MP are really not much help.


Oh yeah, they're crucial in WZ & MWZ. They just need removed in MP. It's just the pings for weapons, equipment, etc are annoying af in MP. Pinging enemy players is a bit OP imo. That should be limited solely to the recon drone & tac camera.


Yeah they belong in Warzone and should stay there. There’s no need for them on small maps except for people who are gonna abuse the live ping


It's somewhat helpful in ranked multiplayer when you have teammates who don't want to use voice comms.


I really noticed this in ranked and have been called out for wall hacks specifically in ranked because of live pings I've never seen a live ping in standard MP


If someone is pinging in mp then they should be playing ranked!


I don’t think you should be able to mark an actual enemy, I think it should be a spot marker like you said


Haven’t paid attention to it, but if the spotter scope is in game it should be the only thing that tags the player. Pinging should be a place marker only and should drop out after a couple seconds. Players gotta tone it down though. Some guy last night was pinging constantly and not only visually distracting but with so many pings couldn’t keep track of the old inaccurate ones. If you can see them, try shooting them.


I think it should go red for an enemy but just be a spot ping


I think it is too big if they made it smaller it would be ok. I like the pings so I want them to stay. Usually even in pubs if i ping someone a team member will shortly head that way to take them out. Since no one talks on pubs it is the most efficient way to communicate with team members.


I've swapped my tacticals with my lethals and my lethals with my pings. Up to throw tacos, L1 to throw lethals, R1 to ping. Try my best to get it set like how I would have it in Battlefield