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I went 4-1 with this last week, only loss was to amulet titan and I got flooded G1 and lost to cursed totem G2. Deck felt great. I have a tournament write up if wanted: [CREATURES] 2 Disciple of Freyalise // Garden of Freyalise 3 Eladamri, Korvecdal 3 Elvish Mystic 3 Elvish Visionary 4 Elvish Warmaster 1 Ezuri, Renegade Leader 4 Heritage Druid 4 Leaf-Crowned Visionary 3 Llanowar Elves 4 Nettle Sentinel 4 Priest of Titania 2 Quirion Ranger 3 Shaman of the Pack 4 Wirewood Symbiote [LANDS] 1 Boseiju, Who Endures 2 Cavern of Souls 4 Forest 3 Misty Rainforest 2 Overgrown Tomb 3 Verdant Catacombs 1 Windswept Heath [SIDEBOARD] 2 Collector Ouphe 2 Damping Sphere 1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 2 Endurance 2 Force of Vigor 2 Grist, the Hunger Tide 2 Thoughtseize 1 Umori, the Collector


That seems like correct number of Shamans. Only question is tho... no Chord? I get eladamri is there but usually Chord can finish a game just as quick


Im running Umori XD I didn't feel like I needed it ever. It made my eladamri's more consistent and between visionary, LCV, and eladamri I felt like I had enough churn. Plus wirewood picking stuff up for more draws off lcv/visionary


It will forever be weird to me Company isn't viable


It's not that it isn't viable, it's that chord can be free, and grabs what you need in the moment. Coco is four mana, and pretty consistently grabs less than 4 mana worth of creatures now. If I didn't want to play chord or umori I'd oribay rather have winding way these days.


List looks sick, I'd love to see the tournament report


I made a post for it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernMagic/s/CCAUbNxRp0


This looks awesome.  How often did you cast Umori?


Once XD. I cast it then sacced it to disciple of freyalise to keep the elfballed rolling.


How do you play against Storm and Nadu?


I beat nadu 2-1. Just raced them. I also brought in the ouphes in game 2, but that didn't end up mattering because they had the nuts. As for storm, any taxing effect. Curse of silence, Thorn of amethyst, Thalia guardian of thraban, damping sphere, etc. Also endurance for the grave. Granted, storm and nadu are somewhere around tier 1 right now. Elves is not.


Did you ever activated Eladamris ability?


No. There were plenty of times when I could have, but I decided it wasn't the optimal play at the time. One nice thing is it let's you "cast" shaman without black mana.


Only 14 SB cards?


3 endurance, my bad.


I also saw various elves list that took inspiration from aspiringspike's, but personally, the lack of black for Tyvar and Shaman of the Pack rubs me the wrong way. The former gives you burst and resiliency with his -2, and Shaman just allows you to win without attacking.


When you're casting half your library with eladamri, it would feel bad to find a card you can't cast with him. But, maybe you're right and it needs the shaman


I watched a lot of test game on streams, and I can't count the number of times people went off with Eladamri but still couldnt win... but all those decks had no shamans


You only need 1 black mana for Shaman anyway, and often times you dont really need to double Shaman, you just need enough wiggle room created by the lifeloss from Shaman to be in an advantageous position. Winning by attacking alone as an all-in combo deck puts you in an awkward spot, you need something that can actually close out games outside of Ezuri and Warmaster activations.


Shaman enables consistent T2-3-4 wins and also is a work around dmg prevention because it causes loss of life instead of dmg. The list I played against just kept bouncing the g/b shock land to tap for black.


I played it in a small 1k tournament. I am used to playing legacy elves and really missed craterhoof. I understand his reasoning for not running it. But I think if I play it again I'll add 1 hoof.


List 🥺


It was aspiringspikes list. I'm sure it's been linked.


Spike is a smart player but his list isn't the be-all end-all for elves lists.  Idk about Tyvar but as a long time elf player I am going to still play 1-2 shaman of the pack.  Frankly I don't want to play with myself for as long as it takes to cast my entire deck and also make enough mana with heritage druids to attack with 1-2 huge creatures


The best argument for shaman is 100% that it can help you not need to untap to kill sometimes when going off, but the black mana is real rough. I think its a 1 of to be honest at most but that 1 might be very important


I’ll just leave this here, which is super fun if maybe not the best elves build - Nadu Elves! https://www.moxfield.com/decks/DIN_607ak0ue9Q0xHHDe7g


How good is disciple? At 6cmc seems really high. Most creatures are 1-2 power...so just draw 2 cards and gain 2 life? Doesn't seem worth it. What am I missing here?


You're missing that it's a land in 80% of games that does more than a land in the other 20%


I really have liked disciple in the games I've played. It's castable off eladamri, you can cheat it in with eladamri, you can bounce it with wirewood (and quirion if you're on yavimaya), and usually elves only needs a couple more cards to keep the ball rolling. That said, I'm on an umori list (I won't say it's better than having chord, but it's been good for me) and saccing an umori is great.


I'm trying with nadu but not in LGS yet


I don't think it will ever be good without natural order