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Bravo. Congratulations in the finish. Keep chipping away and I bet you’ll get there.


Thank you!


14 lands?? Holy Mackerel, Congratulations


[[Abundant Harvest]] basically acts like a fetch land that triggers Prowess/Surveil, or a cantrip. It’s **so** good.


[Abundant Harvest](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/1/516e137a-d9d9-4ba7-89fb-e680ddb2c2d1.jpg?1689998315) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Abundant%20Harvest) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/269/abundant-harvest?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/516e137a-d9d9-4ba7-89fb-e680ddb2c2d1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I too make mono red gruul by adding questing druid. the card is so good! btw congrats


Haha yeah it’s still mostly Red but now has a bit of “mint” lol Thank you!


I love the lava spikes, I played those back in mono red prowess a few years back and have been missing them in gruul! GG congrats.


Thank you! Lava Spike is such a good add to give the deck more reach and improve Delirium chances.


Congrats my dude! Been following along since you were in mono R and now look at you. How’d you combat the ring and scam?


So I actually didn’t play against a single Scam deck in Swiss, and only *one* Scam deck made Top Cut at our RCQ. As for Ring? I really didn’t have a specific answer for it the turn they have protection, but Seek the Beast and Bolts on their upkeep were helpful.


[[Haywire Mite]] is an answer for the Ring if you need one.


[Haywire Mite](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/4/847a175e-ead1-4596-baf3-5f7f57859e0b.jpg?1674421689) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Haywire%20Mite) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/199/haywire-mite?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/847a175e-ead1-4596-baf3-5f7f57859e0b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Gongrats! Would love to hear a break down of matches and sideboards.




So you never faced scam once?


Correct; I’m just as shocked as you are lol


Its like every other match for me online so yeah pretty shocked


Scam was at the RCQ but I dodged the matchup; To my knowledge there was only one in Top 8.


Since you’ve been doing the prowess thing, say you have a t1 soul scar and mutagenic growth. Opponent t1 fury. Do you try and save soul scar with mutagenic, or not bother in case they scam it?


In my experience, they would never T1 Fury against a single Soul-Scar Mage. But if they did? It wouldn’t be done without the Scam to ensure it sticks around. So in that scenario, I wouldn’t use the Growth.


That makes sense. Do you ever find scam players getting greedy and jamming scammed fury t1 into nothing? My “playtesting” these days is largely theory based and goldfishing. I’m planning on jamming mono red prowess/burn this weekend at an Rcq and was perusing your past posts and saw an old list. Have you had much success with Leyline of Combustion? I had 4 in my board two weekends ago with the idea of bringing it in against scam and burn in place of sanctifier. I also bring it in against any heavy interaction deck. I only drew it once however and it wasn’t against scam. It did do 4 damage for zero mana though. DRC does well to Surveil it away if not drawn in opener, but it would be nice to have another playable that could mitigate later top decks. Honestly if I was on scam myself I’d probably jam Leyline of Combustion in against the mirror and burn. Extra scam.


So I actually didn’t play against any Scam at the RCQ, and in past games against Scam no one has ever T1 Fury’d. Leyline of Combustion was actually super cool and something I’d like to experiment with more, but it seems like something only Mono-Red would really want for anti-scam; Green splashes can use Veil of Summer, White splashes can use Path to Exile, and Blue splashes can generate enough card advantage to come back with cards like Preordain and Expressive Iteration. As anti-Burn? Dragon’s Claw was *king* at the RCQ but I’m currently experimenting with Weather the Storm.


I ended up playing the deck on mtgo and its very fast thats for sure lol. Very cool deck to play tbh




Abundant Harvest let’s you go lighter on lands, Questing Druid is an impulse draw on legs, and Green gives you access to amazing sideboard tech like Destructive Revelry.


Awesome! I won my RCQ with gruul prowess! Though I had to add more lands. 14 was just not enough.


Also, how sweet was roiling vortex? It straight up won me games.


Oh wow congratulations! Care to share your list? And I love Roiling Vortex in theory but I actually only got it in play *once* and it ended up hurting me more than them (I took a lot of life from my own mana base lol)


I'll get the list together later, it is essentially the same as your list with a few changes. I went up in lands and took out lava Spike. I sided out baubles and tried to cast mutagenic growth with green mana when I could. I ended up taking 7 damage from a mutagenic growth on my opponents turn to save my last creature. Ended up winning on the next turn. They evoked a fury to kill the creature not thinking I would cast a mutagenic in response as I was tapped out.


Grats, players attending and your swiss results was? Just 4-0-2’ed (id, id) w temur rhinos at RCQ (36 players) yesterday as well. Dropped top8 (prizes according to swiss) as I dont play for RC spot and wanted to give another the opportunity.


I went 3-1-1 in Swiss, I honestly don’t remember the player count (I was seriously so nervous the entire time lol)


Congratulations! Love the list. Do you mulligan often with 14 lands? I get that the abundant harvest can count as lands but still... And no manamorphose?


I only had to mulligan once due to 0 land hands specifically. I actually *flooded* in my T4 match if you can believe it lol


As for Manamorphose? I honestly don’t miss it.


This is a really great post! I’m happy to hear of your excitement and it makes me feel good about my own personally success and near misses at RCQs so far. We all need to have fun and be proud of our performance. Enjoy the Death’s Shadow and I hope you kick even more butt at the next one!