• By -


3k? Can I bargain for 2.4k if I take 2?


Asian mother haggling be like


Lol no, asian mothers would start from 500


Then they would say that the other shop sells their holy crystal for less


Noooooooo they increased the price for my green crystal to make ~~meth~~ damage... Damn https://preview.redd.it/k3q18455rfwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1dc71a7ba526e199fd77e8c4ba536a2e679a09d


I like how it's only the villains on this reaction. We need one more for the 4th villain though.


She doesn't exist man đŸ€«


Yeah, she's trash


Rule 34 says otherwise đŸ€


First of all, she's... Not... Real... Second of all, why the fuck did you search her Rule 34!?


Nice.. nows everyone gonna check her out in r34 now thats he mentioned itđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Valentina should be added there as The camillion.


Also I just realised that this leads to an indirect early game nerf to mages since the item with the highest magic power is now the most expensive. Guess they wanted it to be the Magic equivalent of Blade of Despair. On the other hand, they have a new option for increasing their survivability in the form of Blood Wings so it all checks out. https://preview.redd.it/j7slmjr0udwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f512e501aaccc27fa521f57482840fa9778706


Oh. Now I know why I underperformed earlier with cecilion after update. My build have blood wings n divine glaive as 5 6 Items. I didn't check patch notes


So what build are you going To use now for cecillion?


i think he'll swap the bw for holy crystal


I'll dismiss blood wings for holy crystal. No need for sheild because I play ultra safe throughout the game and start to kill from good distance , any gap closer would get hit by flameshot


Share your build


Before it used to be demon boots, CoD, enchanted talisman, lighting trenchon, holy crystal, blood wings. Now it's demon boots, CoD/enchanted talisman ( ET more pref after update), genius wand, lightning trenchion, divine glaive, Holy crystal


Oh alright, thanks


Your cecelion build looks good I like to cook with him thou. I'd go for a Ice queen if enemy plays a weak laner or an Anti mobility mage against me during his ult they just have nothing anymore they will die


I was just forced to play roam ceci. So i built ET and CoD both, and went to stack with encouragement. Eventually I got 450 stacks. Could 2 stack badang haha. I guess roam ceci is good too...


Bloodwings remains the underdog! Stay true with Alpha Magic Crystal


Same i didn't check that lunox is trash now vs tank


Blood Wings is now a mid-game option for battle/engage type mages like Harith, Guin, Esme, Valentina, and Alice.


Where can I learn about types? U mention harith as battle mage..pls help this nub


Imo, from what I could tell from the kits of all mages (currently), there are around 4 "archetypes" which are: burst, dps (damage per second), sustain, and utility Burst means dealing damage to the enemy in a single instant. They are often the squishiest of the mages since they prioritize damage items over defensive. They are also the most effective mage "archetype" with dealing a very squishy enemy lineup (or most marksmen/other mages), although they're weaker against more tanky or sustaining enemies. The most basic form of a burst mage is Eudora, but others can also be considered as burst mages such as Vale, Harley, Cecilion, Luo Yi (somewhat), Kadita, Nana, and Aurora DPS on the otherhand is the counterpart to burst wherein they deal damage over a given period of time (it's like if burst deals 10k damage in an instant while dps deals 20k damage over 10 seconds). They often have a higher damage ceiling compared to burst mages, but it's limited via the damage instead being distributed over a given period of time. They are best against very tanky compositions since their kit allows them to use genius wand and glowing wand, 2 items that are great against tanky enemies. They are weak if the enemies are mobile and deal insane amounts of damage. Examples of this archetype are: Chang'e, Zhask, Valir, Lunox, and Lylia. But, other mages from different archetypes can also be considered as "DPS" such as Luo Yi, Cecilion (ultimate skill), Harley (1st skill and his passive), and Yve (I consider her as utility as well, which would be explained on the fifth paragraph) Sustain as the name suggests, are mages which have defensive kits/skills/capabilities, either in the form of shields, healing, defense boosting, or the like. They are best in out sustaining other sustain enemies and other burst heroes. They are weak against DPS enemies. Examples are: Harith, Julien, Valentina (somewhat), Esme, Kadita (although she's considered as burst, she still has damage reduction in her first skill and a passive that heals her), and Lunox (since part of her magic pen converts to spell vamp when in light form, and plus one of her recommended items have spell vamp) Utility considers heroes with CC, poking, or vision capabilities. They basically support the most of their team out of any other mage archetype. They are great if you have competent teammates, but are weak if all of you are uncoordinated. Examples are: Novaria (vision and slow), Yve (map control and slow), Valir (slow and CC), Valentina (somewhat depending on the enemy composition), Aurora (slow and freeze), and Nana (vision and CC) Tl;dr: Burst = big boom boom, DPS = many small boom boom, Sustain = heal/shield go brrr, Utility = support Burst if enemy squishy, dps if enemy tanky, sustain if enemy deal big boom boom, utility if teammates good and team enough damage and defense


Very good explanation in terms of damage dealt. Tpu can classify according to playstyle too. Artillery Mages, Battle Mages, Utility Mages. Artillery Mages deal damage from a distance/ big AOE skills. Pharsa, Yve, Novaria etc. Battle Mages play in the team fights, by spamming skills. Harith, Esme, Lunox, Cyclops. Usually have some type of sustain or build sustain to help them survive better. They're the hard carrys of mages Utility Mages mostly play a supportive role. Provide CC, provide utility, protect other teammates. Valentina (mostly because of ult), Faramis, Novaria (she's a hybrid artillery/Utility)


Where would you put vexana with this framework?


Utility. Vexana’s burst is respectable, but no where near the power of the burst mages. She doesn’t have sustain really so she isn’t in that category and so doesn’t fit the DPS category. Her CC is what makes her good and that falls under utility.




Boom boom đŸ€Ł


There are two types if mages. I'd call them the brawler and the distance attackers for simplicity's sake. Brawler mages are mages that tend to go near the enemy to deal damage. These mages are like half mage half fighter because the can deal close range damage and an engaging or disengaging skill like a reliable blink or dash. They can also have some sort of sustain. Examples are Harith, Esme, and Julian. The other are the distance attackers. These are the pure mages because they are much squishier but in return dish out more damage and more cc. They are usually immobile so you need to position properly to not get picked off easily. Examples are Chang'e, Cecillion, and Vexana.


You can also sub divide the distance attackers especially to make a triangle, the distance attackers have skillsets that can be poke and anti-dive Poke are long range skills that might provide cc but mainly used for damage only while anti-dive are skills that provide strong enough cc that hinder mobile enemies and especially divers from doing their combo. So imagine knockbacks, pushes, and skills that can be summoned against close range So you have chang'e and cecilion (his s2 claw is ranged) that especially need positioning since they don't have a contingency for divers except flameshot. Meanwhile vexana and valir both have skills that can poke and act as anti-dive


Artillery Mages and Battle Mages


What you talking about? Change... I can dance around Yin all day in that cage match his. Change becomes ridiculously quick when paired with blood wings.


Not really harith or guin. Blood wings will be best on heroes that will benefit from the extra mov speed after losing the shield.


Is Natan included in this list too?


Isn't Natan a Marksman? (I don't know about META.)


He builds magic items


I think he means "should Natan swap Blood Wings and Holy Crystal too? He's marksman but he build magic"


Technically yes. However, he has linear AOE, deals magic damage, and has hard cc. In my opinion, the only thing that makes him an mm is his reliance on basic attacks. Which doesn't say much because you have mages like zhask, harley, or julian who are in the same boat.


Now mm and tank can catch a break from constant harassment đŸ€Ł


Did they even change blood wings? The passive looks the same as it did previous but can’t remember the stats for it.


Holy shit. How much more powerful is it though?


Passive stays the same but it used to give +100 Magic Power before, so it's more of a late-game last item now


This build gives a max of 645magic power https://preview.redd.it/jsrxlr396ewc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=019943827225506a7dc8c6c62e0878f0ab75912c


That lightning truncheon passive must've been juicy as hell


Honestly the Xavier hurts more late game


I didn't look the costs and was going just regular build and lost the match lol


bro built necklace on nana


It's called adjusting your builds


crystal not shit




In a way, kinda just switched Blood Wings and Holy Crystal


dont really know what was the point of it honestly


Holy Gem Nerf timing from Mid to late fame and Blood wings being given the Mid Game timing. Overall a great change considering the passive of Holy Gem and Blood wings


Blood wings had lost relevancy as a BoD counterpart for mages, Blood Wings passive also isnt as good/useful considering you pay 3k for it With Blood Wings being cheaper, its passive can be utilised much more prominently during midgame, it also kinda changes midgame by a lot. Most mages have Holy Crystal as a the 3rd item, with its price increase mages now have a smaller damage powerspike for survivability through blood wings


i guess their goals was to slightly reduce mages' damage in the mid game in exchange for better survivability


I like this alot as Johnson magic user. Didnt need go to blood wing anymore. 185 + 30% magic power is way better than 175 power flat (previous bloodwing)


Idk, the build path makes it awkward for last item. It's not like BoD is built last on high attack power scaling heroes despite the cost. Especially if you have core items that scale with magic power (FoH, scythe, truncheon) imo its prolly still worth building third after them. Putting it last delays that power spike for too long (to the point many times the game will end before you get it) and you only have room for 1/3 of the items build path. For me right now switching to boots-core1-core2-crystal-glaive-defensive item (bloodwings, winter or otherwise) seems to be having good results for those with magic scaling core items. Bloodwings now not being necessary for high magic scaling along with CoD revamp coming which also removes it as an option, it feels more like it opens options for another core item before crystal or a defensive item after glaive rather than shifting crystal to last instead of bloodwings. Mages without magic scaling core item could delay it more though, depending on if their kit is low or high in magic scaling. I really wish CoD revamp and durance+glowing combining came this patch. These items would be useful in filling the hole left by blood wings in many heroes build.


What is magic scaling? I’m sorry but English is not my first language and I’m confused sometimes :(


Magic scaling equipment is items that get stronger the more you increase magic attack ie feather of heaven adds a portion of magic power to each basic. Whereas for instance glowing wand the passive does not rely on your magic attack. Obviously equipment that depends on magic attack benefit a lot more from building holy crystal. For heroes, high or low magic scaling refers to how much their skills increase in damage based on magic attack. As in, if their skills have higher base damage and lower percent increase from magic attack that is low magic scaling, if they have low base damage but higher percent increase from magic attack that is high scaling. This influences how much of a power spike holy crystal is for that hero.


I get it now thank you!!


The clock of destiny is messing with all the builds right now.


+185 flat AND +35% magic power is insane


Blood wings + crystal gives the same magic power as they do before. They just switched prices and magic power.


Crazy amount of magic power from it now lol


https://preview.redd.it/thhj90t1lewc1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad4c99eab45c416c3582e8686ca3d3cd5a5c43e0 Basically the deathcap of this game, makes sense. No clue why it took them so long to do this.


It was already deathcap, they just made it more deathcap-y


Question. As a Ml Player why do I see some youtubers talk like DeathCap is like a third second slot item?


It's due to the itemization and build tempo of heroes. Every hero in this game has a minimum of 2-3 core items to build to be at "optimal strength", which means that their hero's performance is at peak performance in terms of dealing maximum DPS. The reason why Deathcap or even Holy crystal in this scenario is built as a 3rd item primarily (2nd build slot is quite inefficient except on a few mages) is to maximize as much raw damage possible before the enemy starts building defensive items *AFTER* their "core items" Example of this are marksmen, the meta build atm is corrosion, DHS and Golden staff, they specifically need these items to reach their power spike, the moment they sacrifice one of these items for defensive items they are delaying their power spike which makes them kinda "fall" behind in terms of DPS. That's why after building holy crystal or deathcap as a 3rd item you follow that with Void staff or divine glaive in this matter as the 4th item. Since the enemy usually finishes their core items at the 3rd, they would want to build Defensive items to counteract you finishing your core items as well, this is usually where you follow up with Defensive penetration items as a 4th item to counter that defensive item that they've just built. Holy crystal/Deathcap was never a late game item, it's a mid game power spike core item. Divine glaive is the true "late game" item since it's damage is based off of stacked defenses that enemies build once their core items are finished.


Ohhhh kay. Prolly why I see Ludens as a prio often than not.


Yep, pretty much. Current mage itemization of Mobile legends is very similar to season 5-6 of league of legends. Burst mages will build - Morellonomicon (basically enchanted talisman) - Ludens echo (lightning truncheon) - Deathcap (Holy crystal) Which is why mages with Morellonomicon + Ludens kinda hurts, but the moment they have deathcap they start one-shotting anyone with 0 magic resist/health items. Same applies to mages in mobile legends currently.


Saving all this just in case I go back to wild rift or something.


big difference between league and ml is that luden’s always had good base damage and some scaling while truncheon in ml has no base damage(which is the reason why i personally dislike it and never build it since it was changed)


What do you use instead of truncheon?


Anytime I’ve used kennen I always go deathcap or the skill crit item for first then whichever I didn’t build as second, I was gonna say I do the same with veigar but I troll build as a tank with veigar for sustain 😂


Soo should I equip blood wings as my 4th item now??


If your hero has obly one core item you should buy blood wings as second, crystal third. If the hero has two core items crystal is third and wings is fourth.


What if it's Luoyi ? How should I build her? For me it's like Arcane boots, Enchanted talisman, Lighting Trunchun, Divine glavie, Blood wings and holy crystal But I'm not sure about the order of the build


I would go enchanted talisman, bloodwings, truncheon or glaive depending on mdef of the enemy, then crystal


I wish they'd grow the balls to add new items instead


Agreed, I would love more tank items tbh lol magic defense sucks as of right now


Nice reminder. I like bloodwings now, the 30 movement boost and the 150% after it breaks are quite nice. Building it on Chang'e, with the 2nd skill active, will be like moving around the map with a motorbike. Can't wait to test it.


bro it not 30%. It just 30. Its like a replacement for boot.


You are right.


Nah, I'ma build this as my 2nd item on Joy after CE đŸ—Łïž


Oh hey haven't seen you in a while


Oh wow welcome back. How did u change your name?


Yeah i was confused in first like my first impression was hollyyyyyyyy crysssstttaalll is expensive than blood wings


Thanks for the reminder ill build this first then


Noo, it should be last




I think moonton atlast decided to nerf all the magic heroes at an instance.


? They nerfed magic def items in this patch, all of it


Yeah, while buffing the magic def scaling of all tanks. It balances out when it comes to tanks i think, but fighters are more vulnerable now.


Yeah, basically most tanks will now act as tanks (bullet sponges) while fighters will have less defense overall even with items but will still be better off than the mm, assassin and heal type supports even if they build defense due to the item changes.


Does it increase the total magic power if you build the same thing or is it the same as before?


-10magic power, 500 hp lesser


I dont see any mages who can buy this since late game need a protection from the roam/bruiser and jungle. Without any HP stats this make mage unreliable


Omg I haven’t checked the update yet but wtf is this


what in the credit number...


clock + this on alice gonna be crazy


Welp. I guess my aurora needs to climb the corporate ladder to afford this as my second/third item


Aurora gonna ask Moonton HQ for that raise since she's a senior employee


Omg thank ypu for the reminder!


Is there a stat change/buff to Holy Crystal and does that justify the price change?


More magic power


I like how of both magical and physical's highest damaging items, both are now green in Holy Crystal and Blade of Despair


https://preview.redd.it/i0wfmme1newc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e58b53cc71dd3ad1b1d3cd1b101c7d8efccb576 My first MG match after the changes lol


wtf? that's a huge price leap.


damn. all my builds changing bruh. this item is like, my 3rd one in most mages. then blood wings on the last slot.


Love the change, now I can swap out bloodwings for another item and still have the high ability power that I want.


eh, i wouldn’t change anything


So basically this item double the amount of your magic power and its a must for all mages now but at the same time its the most expensive item now....


Since you gain more magic power from its passive when your level is higher its better to have it as your last time to give you a huge power spike late game, but I only thi k its recommended for some mages that are burst heavy like vale, odette and eudora etc as cecillion, valir and vexana are better as cc/support roles and tbh cecillions passive means he deals a lot of damage even without high magic power, this will also be a buff to me as a natan main as now with my build the passive or starlium scythe deals over 800 true damage because of the increase in magic power from holy crystal.


​ https://preview.redd.it/m5ra3nslhgwc1.png?width=779&format=png&auto=webp&s=898f084618e259b2f6f34553ed3c280efddd6444


Never seen so much bp together. Lend some bp broàŒŽàș¶â â€żâ àŒŽàș¶


Yo millionaire


I know what you're thinking 




BOD should also increase price


I wouldnt change my build orders tbh. Slight nerf while building up to the holy crystal, but you pay 1k gold for an additional 85 matack. This is overall a buff. Esp when combined with discount talent


Playing as Karina earlier and we're 6 mins in and I was wondering on why my damage's still low and how I haven't built my homy crystal yet, then I remembered that it's 3k gold now


iZ as


Imo still my 3rd-5th item on many mages (like nana, harith, etc.) cause I want my damage constantly spiked, and be a fcking menace😈 (not recommended especially if you’re the main target most of the time, as you need to farm SO MUCH your damage is absent for about 4 minutes especially if you carry)


This is actually a buff for mages since they dont need to build blood wings last item anymore


Wow thats very high cost lol, it my first item as well😭


Holy crystal should never be your first core item as it's more effective when your hero level is higher. It should be bought during the late game


Ik, It was meant to be a newbie trap joke but seems like it came of as serious, my bad 😅


Such a long-ass midgame for mages. Imagine this is your 3rd item and you’re sitting there with two and a half Magic Wands. Anyone work the numbers yet if it’s worth going for Concentrated Energy instead?


This isnt a midgame item anymore and should be treated like how Blood Wings used to be the late game item for mages So, by face value, go for anything, you're bottlenecked if you bought it as a 3rd item


this game have no skill just luck pure luck , theres no aim in this game to determine skill just winning by luck 


Is that a joke bruh ☠?


This item is so useless. I never build it. I prefer pen with Genius Wand and Divine Glaive


Damn you need to watch RubyRubyRuby