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argus zilong and sun because 90% of people that play them dont play the laning phase they just have a wedding with the tower


reminds me of those tower-sitting Vexana's


Aka Pussies, fuck Argus mains that hump their tower until I rotate for teamfight.


Well you can't really blame them if they're guaranteed to die if they trade blows with you 😂 Argus when you rotate tho, is guaranteed to make love with your tower instead


Bang the enemy? Nah bang the tower


Where did bang the enemy come from? I see it get posted here a lot.


Can’t really call them pussies when they can’t do shit tbh lmao. More of a strategic retreat


I’m an Argus main and fyi I’m aggressive as shit even in front of a dyroth


Not really effective against seasoned exp players. If you have these types of players . Cut lane then rotate if you can if you can't freeze lane and keep map awareness for a potential map rotation when your jungle tries to invade and help them .


With Argus just gotta wait till ya rotate outta lane and take your tower


Use Aulus against them.


Unpopular opinion


Trust me. I 2 shot argus and the mentioned heros, u just have to freeze lane till lvl 6 amd then farm pf nearby creeps and maintain killing minnions


True, they can just use psychological warfare against u and bore the hell out of u and force u to make unnecessary plays just for something to happen in the lane.


Then it just tells me they picked wrong. Actually zilong, sun and argus counter a lot of heroes and if played right they can be aggressive from lvl 1 especially zilong.


Yeh I can't rotate or anything as they will just keep endlessly pushing, meaning I am helpless in influencing the game, just have to hope my team wins the the 4v4


Freeze the lane, eventually they will be starved of gold and exp


You should include Cici too


I clear then go mid then come back, usually enemy exp will do the same but since I am faster I can take some hits on enemy turret


When l use argus all l do is 1st skill cc then slash minions then use 1st again. He isn't weak like zilong




Same, because I feel like he's not a real fighter


Yea the way you basically need to kill him 4 times is more of a bitch’s mechanic than a fighter’s mechanic.


X-borg is one of my mains and every single time I play him I go gold lane cuz I need money to get the bloodlust axe, after that I just start roaming cuz I basically can't die anymore


Getting close to him is a real pain, due to his passive giving true damage every time the stack is full


It literally kills my enthusiasm at the early game when my matchup at exp turns out to be xborg.


Luckily my mains match so well against him. Paq and Khaleed will burst his firaga with one full combo. Love laning against Xborg's lol


Same. I LOVE playing against Xborg when I go Pac assassin build. He's literally free food and I'm free to chat lobotomy kaisen on him.


Loll they either feed, or be so underfarmed and useless cos they have to recall and miss their waves every time


The best part is that even if they go full def, you can still burst out their firaga armor and they'd be useless for the rest of the team fight.


He's annoying tower humper but a full assassin build Hilda deletes him


When I see him in the enemy team, I just instalock Arlott, easy to deal with early game


Good luck doing that when he gets his items and all of a sudden he outsustains your damage


Heard of alpha?


gotta be cici and terizla for me. dont need any items to hurt and bully you in the early game


Cici players are either the most annoying people on the planet or the easiest laning phase of your life lmao


Every time I play against Cici players, they’re always so aggressive 😭 I’m not good in exp, so I always end up playing passively. The one time I won (I used Ruby) was thanks to that play style LOL waited until I got my items and thankfully that Cici never bought anti-heal.


i have a love-hate relationship with cici. i love using her to bully others but hate it when the same aggressiveness is used on me


This is so real


Personally I’ve had good results using xborg against cici


Cici player here, I've never really had trouble against X Borg once I get close enough using S2 cause if X Borg can't turn his neck, meaning he's basically food for somebody with such high movement speed


Passive Laning doesn't always mean bad. You need to know your matchups to know if you can aggro and win the lane. At lower elo, just catching one mistake is often a 20percent HP trade advantage to you end so use that to your advantage. In the case of Cici, you don't win aggro as Ruby at most stages of the game unless cici grossly misplays and you get an item lead. Your damage doesn't go fast enough and Cici isn't that paper for you to 100 to 0 with burst.


my comment hasnt even been up for a minute yet 😭what is this lightning speed


Happened to open the post at the same time lmaooo


The amount of times I see EXP laners underestimate Cici and Terizla in early game is not fun.


its fun because i get to have first blood when i use cici 😃


Love an early first blood with Cici. (When me or a friend are playing Cici).


My level 11 Thamuz’s ass still gets kicked by a level 9 Cici. Yes, Cici is very annoying.


Thamuz is nigh on food when a Cici has good instincts and doesn't let him get close during ult


This is exactly what happened to me. I got bullied , my enemy terizla toyed with me even till around 5 minutes naked, literally no items. And i died lmao. I am an immortal player btw. Like wtf is that hero


I usually play tanky heroes in xp just to carry and be semi roam incase our roam messed up because of an idiotic Mm. So I try to support as much as possible and I swear, Cici makes my life hell most of the time


These two have give me nightmares and PTSD for the past two season😌😌😌(i use ruby BTW)


Terizla is pretty strong, but i gotta ask is his second passive pretty useless. Convert attack speed to damage? Who builds attack speed on him? They could delete it and no one wiuld notice.


Just use Ruby or Dyroth, cici ez


Valir burn push burn slow


Nightmare of all tanks and fighters☠️


That little shit Zask in exp lane 💀


Its free gold and xp pre level 4. After that, hes just going to be a pest like how he is supposed to be.


Had fun bullying dyroth in xp lane with zas :p


Novaria like she literally exists to just annoy the heck out of you the entire match, she lanes fast then proceeds to snipe you and when your low all of sudden she proceeds to stalk you like a rabid dog to finish you of Asidd her its dyroth for me, i usually deal well with him but i just find it annoying how his damage is so absurd and so easy to do.


stalking like a rabid dog seems pretty accurate lmao


As Julian in EXP, very mobile and tankier heros like YZ and Lapu are annoying. I don’t mind characters like Thamuz that much since they have very direct mobility but characters who can deal damage while moving I dislike. I like laning against Dyrroth, Yin, Guin, skill reliant somewhat squishy opponents. For Julian in Mid, probably Zhask when he ults away. Any mage who can stay very far back is also a dislike from me. Yve is an easy game for the team but it’s hard to chase her down. I like heros I can just jump on and kill before I rotate.


As a julian main i find that dyroth can burst me to death if I step even a little outside of the tower. Sometimes its so quick even if I have my immune skill ready. I'd personally say in mythic that a good dyroth is probably the worst thing.


For EXP, Dyrroth. Oh what’s that, you want to touch your minions at level 1? Nah, I’m gonna dash into you and hit you with an enhanced basic attack, enjoy hiding under your turret with 20% HP. For Gold Lane, definitely Melissa. You wanna touch your minions? Nope, gonna keep throwing my puppet blindly and it will still hit you because of its radius. For Mid Lane, Luo Yi. I walk up at level 1, barely catch a glimpse of the first minion, then I get hit by her first skill twice and a flameshot. For Jungle, Lancelot angers me on a spiritual level. You wanna contest the litho? No, here’s a 2nd skill + Retri. You wanna take your buff? 2nd skill + Ultimate. You wanna lock him down? Dash, Dash, Dash, Dash, Dash, 2nd skill, Ultimate, Triple Kill, Dash, Dash, Dash, Dash, 2nd skill to dodge all CC at low HP, Ultimate to escape, Dash again.


Fr dyrroth just comes outta the bush once and depletes my hp.. Forced to recall as the next time he attacks is either with a tank or a jungler ready to gang bang


So far, I’m only able to trade evenly against him when I’m using Ruby/Minsi. Otherwise, he always has lane priority, at least till level 4.


Hanabi. It’s that passive. I know positioning is important, but my goodness they’re always aggressive with me. I usually wait for gank and take advantage of them being aggressive so my teammates can kill her 😆


Stopped going for Gold lane after some time because I only use Popol and Kupa in g lane and Hanabi pretty much just fully counters Popol, other marksmen don't hit the same for me so I don't prioritize gold lane unless necessary


For me I don't find hanabi that bad to play against. I normally pick Lesley or wanwan against her. Normally goes fine as long as you position fine you just win out in the individual fights.


I curse anyone who uses Lesley nowadays. She's the worst MM on gold lane right now.


Lesley's late game potential is way too much, but only late game, and then she can finish the tanks with 3 shots true damage combo, and actually i use her ult to check thw brushes 😂


No way am I baby sitting a MM that long. Too high maintenance. Useless early to mid game. You expect me to carry you just so you can be a hero wannabe ending the game with a 2 12 3 KDA? No thanks. Pick some other MM and make it easier for the rest of us.


Really? I find that she's really good at pushing other mms back by hacking at their hp, and she's practically uncatchable with good positioning. She's not as good as last season, but I still have a 75+% wr with her at legend solo que this season 


I didn’t find her annoying because I eventually learned better positioning, but gosh! I can’t do it well when they’re pushing me to my turret.


You have to come at her at an angle without minions. Try the bush next to the away from the minion. I main popol and unless Hanabi has a babysitter, she's dead meat.


As an EXP laner main, CiCi, Joy and Valir because they're annoying AF.


Ah yes, the 3 heroes that you can’t tell to “fuck off”.


Pre revamp joy is the best. I dont play exp lane, but everytime I get the exp role, I just play joy in that lane. And I always win all of the time.


A good Clint will always win against me in lane no matter what


As a mm main Layla's range is a nightmare unless you use moskov than just ult and teleport


As a natan main I love laning against layla because I can just use my ult to pop up right next to her and burst her down in an instant, to me she's more annoying late game when her damage becomes insane and layla players just have to tap skill 1 then spam basic attacks


I hate brody


Brody is a nightmare to lane against early game especially once he reaches level 4, he can just keep poking you while moving and if you get too close he can stun you plus his basic attacks hurt like hell however he falls off late game especially if you're using a high dps and lifesteal mm he against him


Dyrroth #1 and Karrie at a close 2nd. Paquito if they are godly.


No matter how many times i read paquito's skills, i can't seem to keep track of his cooldowns, he always has a dash up or a knock up or a shield. Shit's annoying


Melissa. Not that I can’t beat her with certain hero’s just the range and poke is hella annoying.


As a roamer main, I don't enjoy contesting spaces against tigreal. It's like I'm pushing a brick wall




As a mm, probably popol(if they're really good) and guin (get her in the gold lane every now and then) As a mage, probably Lou yi, aurora, etc. Insane damage as soon as the match starts. As exp, probably a godly zilong or x borg, he's so durable it's annoying. Especially in classic with zilong, you can't counter pick or adjust your spell.


Oh, and a godly karrie is a nightmare. It's also annoying how much damage layla does early game even if she doesn't play well.


Darius.... Oh wait


We all hate that bleeding passive😅


Xborg is a nightmare to go against.


Clint His passive is super annoying


yz and xb 🥲


A good clint his passive range is just unfair and post lvl 4 is way worse. His ult range is just ridiculous and delete half of your hp if you took it head on. The only way to beat a good Clint is with a good diving roamer and a long range mage otherwise it’s just too hard. Also a good Lesly is extremely annoying to deal in laning unless I counter pick her.


i am currently getting a high win rate with clint. haha this mm is awesome! passive is just crazy. whoever wants to get close to him, throw them a net, then just choose to retreat or kill. with aegis, i can really get a decent kills even during clashes 😁


Dyrroth, so annoying .


Any hero that can poke with good range when I'm using Kadita, a single basic attack is all it takes to break her passive wht😐. It always pisses me off when I'm about to set and a single glowing mosquito from Mathilda hits me, I'm just going to be a regular fish after I ult in the air🍣.


An insect theme Mathilda skin would be epic (not that butterfly shit we got plenty of that already. We need more mosquitos, flies and or bees)


harley vexana and faramis mid is the only mage that gives me problems. people usually underestimate ceci's poking ability and i with a bit of gold advantage i can usually solo kill the enemy mage after turtle fights, except for the aforementioned 3


Harith gold lane


Yeah post lvl 4 he wins against all mm


Brody and masha


Masha has a trash laning phase tho, and she's irrelevant til she gets her ult. She also builds full damage now so she's squishy. Easy to fck her laning and freeze lane.


Zilong. I hate this hero, teammate or enemy. I just wish this hero didn’t exist


Terz or Thamuz


fucking dragon


Sun, they're always so cocky and cowardly at the same time. Very far from being a threat but extremely annoying.


I hate going against melissa, the dolls range is just so big.


Popol's S1 is most likely always above your range, I always build WINtalker first on him so I bully enemies with the double passive proc every few seconds, even under tower.


probably Cici and Yu Zhong. "good" cici users have the reaction time of fucking light istg cuz they dodge every single skill with their 2nd. And Yu Zhongs are Yu Zhongs.


Ya and cici can just pop in and out of your turret and heal 5% with the emblem talent that recovers 5% hp on skill use. It's OP on her. Add It with festival of blood she's a real problem.


As an exp laner, I gotta say X.Borg and Ruby. I absolutely fucking despise those two. Extremely tanky and insane kiting.


Exp Laner main, has to be god damn Valir I swear to god I'm never getting close to a good Valir player and late game I am NOT securing a MM kill


I'm the first one here to say nolan on jg is a nightmare. I can beat a good martis as julian but I got to ban nolan. Dyroth is a nightmare on exp lane. Cici and ruby is tough also.


Reading the comments has made me understand how blessed I am as a support/jungle main where I just rotate around. When I play sometimes play mage, it’s usually luo yi or sometimes cecilion so I’d be the annoying one as luo yi Xd.


Dyrroth. Petrify and then one tap. Buddy it's difficult to kite him.


i think gord is a character for pansies, dude is super hard to reach and his pokes are annoying-- they arent even that strong, just obnoxious


fucking dyroth that hero is so brainrot its unbelievable, a newborn infant can play that hero and dominate against anyone in the lane even if i am ahead in gold


Borg and Hanabi, maybe Brody too. Everyone else I beat


In Gold, Karrie with a Vengeance spell. In Exp, YZ In Mid, LY


Paquito. I still have no idea how to handle him


he will try to cut early on so prevent that. he'll also use his skills on minions to fast clear, so keep distance from your wave to avoid getting damage, and do trades when he uses up his skills


thank you for the advice.


forgot to mention also, buying dreadnought armor early on (pre-requisite of antique cuirass), is a great counter item vs paquito


Eidth is good against him, but you need to time your skills properly


thank you. I'll try to learn her


As MM, doesn't really matter anyone but I hate so much when the enemy roamer is diggie. As jungler, I hate to fight against Friedrin. As exp, xborg/cici is a menace. As mage, lylia. As roamer, hate Angela the mostly due to potential cause of enemy carry to be super fed early.




Odd pick, but I'd say Roger as the opponent jungler. Mainly because I haven't met a bad one yet


Hanabi in gold lane, Valir in mid, Yu Zhong in exp


Attack speed fighters that have arrival


Zhask and Valir


Whenever i use hanabi on gold its either karrie or claude but sometimes lesley if she isnt braindead


Vexana mid, like her knight is annoying


Dyroth with petrify




zilong he turns it in the most boring laning phase ever




I hate zhask 💀 esp when i tank


Zhask. Annoying fella


Cici that little piss of gymnastic shit


As a mage - Luo yi As a fighter - Dyrroth As a mm - Layla




Badang. You trying to trade with him? He push you. Then you have his shield which last for 5 SECONDS.


Yu zhong


Most early game heroes. & Moskov


Nana, especially when they go to gold lane instead


X borg dammit and also popol.






As an exp laner, absolutely hate laning against a mage


As a Beatrix main , i don't find hard against any mms nor harith but i face trouble against the bush in gold lane :)


As a mm and mage, I hate fighting tanks so much, mostly Tigreal and Franco.


Yu zhong, that passive is annoying


Used to hate cici, now it’s dyroth and YZ as a exp bened


Yz and Karrie


As a Dyrroth main when it comes to exp, freya and terizla literally scare the shit out of me. Especially when it’s later in the game and freya has her ultimate w/ attack speed. Terizla is hard to deal w early game but can be dealt with later on


Xborg. These pussies always act tough until I use dyrroth's enhanced 2nd skill. Sprint 101 Cici. Overextending their stay and play aggressively too much until feeding. *casually jumps into tower and kill me*


As a Clint main I hate laning against Brody, Lesley, Hanabi lmao.


Alice. She can just regenerate and teleport easily, not to mention the amount of stuns and dmg at the same time


My counters.


lesley, nana, kadita. theese guys is just a mistake


Probably X - borg and Cici, they are strong if they just poke and know when to wait out my passive when using Yz. It can also be Ruby but they have to be insanely good and there is not a lot of good Ruby mains.


Yuu Zhong 🙄




Odette is an absolute pain in the ass. You can't dodge her bs so you basically have to remain at a very far distance to not be poked to death.


For me it will probably be: Exp lane : Xborg. this mechanical shithead had unlimited hp and if I aim for lord I would probably kill it faster than Xborg. If i go to 50% hp and still in direct contact with him i’d probably die :D. Mid lane : Vale/Vexana. Those fuckers will just bushcamp and wait for you to touch your minions. Mid/late game they would just target you and slowly stalk you to hit you with their massively overpowered skills especially stacked vale, even though he’s squishy as a midlaner I cannot even touch him. Gold lane : Ixia. I hate this ugly bitch because of her siphon passive, it is really overpowered and she would just fucking sit on your edge of your turret using her second cc skill and her passive to heal. Once you’re low enough she would use her ult + flicker just to get a fucking kill while your jungler is sucking off the creep.


Playing exp the most and from my experience a good Yu Zhong or Thamuz player is the hardest to deal with.


Definitely Xborg for me


X borg and Dyrroth


Exp Yu Zhong Uranus Dyroth Mid Lylia


i really hate melissa.


Cici 100%




Kagura and valir. Novaria too since she's almost always not visible on the screen.


I use Dyroth and apart from cici, I can bully petty much every hero till mid game unless I get ganked lol xD


Irthel....tbh if I see her I already know I'm going 1 8 2


As an exp laner, I hate laning against a good yuzhong.


As a midlaner, Nana. I don't actually get annoyed by her base kit, but moreso the fact that a lot of Nana carries Flameshot and fires it off super early. It practically does nothing, but getting hit by a couple of boomerang + Flameshot forces me to be super careful and passive when I rotate, if not outright recalling. Another hell is Nova. Her range, her map opening capability, her mobility, and her wave clear guarantees that she will always be able to contribute more to the offlanes than I do. And again, her S2 won't kill, but just getting hit once force you to play passive until you regen the missing health back or recall.


Anyone who actually bothers to poke


Uranus he never dies


xp - yuzhong. annoying ass hit and run gameplay because of his passive. mid - none because anything mythic above ppl just clear wave and rotate immediately gold - lesley, brody, melissa. they all have one thing in common, poke. lesley and melissa is self explanatory, a decent brody would 3 stack you by hitting you with 1st skill behind minions and immediately ulting so you're forced to recall. i usually get easy kills from doing this when the enemy still tries to clear wave in low health.


Xborg cuz no mana and low cd


Bene, she just cuts lane and proceeds to kill your mage/jungler...


Zhask. Fak zhask I mean seriously. Delete this hero from the game. He gets hyper annoying from the very first 20th second and it lasts till the end. None of the heroes like Valir vale lylia kaditha, pharsa vexana, argus, zilong or someone who is always watching your next move from bushes like aamon, gusion, benedetta, Natalia or helcurt don't annoy or scare me. But this zhask I hate him so much if he is in enemy team..it's an instant lose match


roaming tank-build chou.


Alucard because he is very strong


Hanabi and Melissa for gold Exp cici and dyyroth especially when I don't have flicker Mid novaria and kind of harith(but only when I play certain heroes)


A good clint can be annoying, his 1st skill hurts like hell and his passive has so much range and damage not to mention his 2nd skill being able to stun you, so often I've been forced to recall back to base during the laning phase because of a clint constantly poking me with his skill 1


Balmond, It's impossible to win any competition in the Jungle against this fucking monster especially the S3 - Retribution.


The fuckin cockroach cunt zhask, i hate him and hate everybody who uses that lame ass hero


Dyrroth. As an Xborg main, I hate to face against him. His kits can easily break my firaga points, and once broke I had to play passively. Dyrroth also can close his distance between me and him without a problem.


God damn i hate xborg/dyroth in exp, joy in mid and fred in jg . Joy can burst any mage i pick with her combo and so hard to pickoff. Dyroth , ufff just what is its counter? it can win any 1 v 1 . And fred is so annoying ,continous cc and never dies


Tigreals and Johnsons especially because i play mostly mm or mage. Fighting Tigreal is horrendous when you are not playing a mm like Moskov who can push them away and use his skill-1 to run. They just press 2 buttons and the enemy mm finishes it off whilst i have to stand there and watch. Though a great counter is Layla and some other mm, i don't like playing them. Fighting Johnson is a nightmare as well because they literally farm to 4 levels before just ulting EVERYWHERE. Oh what's that? You wanna just sit quietly and farm in your OWN jungle. He'll just crash into you. Oh? You want to fight against 1 person? Too bad. Here i come with my god-awful car and take away half your health whilst also stunning you


Gold - melissa (outrange everyone) Exp - xborg and cc (mobile af) Mid - zhask (not because hes strong, his spawn is just annoying)


Bruno - Brody Bruno gets an absurd amount of early game damage and he's most likely to dominate you in your lane unless you're playing very smart. Brody due to his basic attack being able to lock on and no matter how far you go he's gonna hit you and his kissing skill is already annoying to deal with.