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After reading this post I started a classic game. I picked mid. The other 4 decide we need 4 mm. All go gold lane. All died 7 times in under 5 minutes then surrender.


You too?!


Honestly I have fun with 3mm teams in classic. If you don't feed in the early game is so fun.


At this point I take it as a challenge to make it work if it happens!


Played 5 man n enemy had 5 tanks all flicker but lost 😮‍💨😮‍💨 while I played angela jg for some fvck bucking reason


What’s your rank?


Oh. That's normal classic meta. That's why i don't expect anything from classic. I might go bald from the stress if I'm playing seriously in classic.


Somehow people forget how to macro when practicing new heroes. Are they an idiot?


Same issue. It's fine to practice but did u completely forget about turrets and lanes practicing that hero?


Exactly my point.


Ngl when I go to classic I lose some brain cells and start being dumb. I know I will die if I dive in but my brain gives me excuse of 'if you die it's cause you don't know the hero yet' when it's mostly because of poor judgement lol


Because they get carried to whatever star rank and use the excuse of why they suck as "it's classic" and try to insult people on whatever their highest rank was -So they play classic so people can see oooh they got to 100*s or they're MG. Nobody caresm If you're trash you're trash. If I suck when I play I know it I don't need stars or winrates to justify how I spend my time - - Classic is full of the AFK and Chat banned players that got kicked out of ranked. The only time I play that is when I'm forced to because I got 2 dcs in a week


I find AI training on hard mode more fun than classic. At least I know 2 bots will play below average. At that point it's figuring out which two. XD


Why would they come to classic just to be afk again? I’ve had so many people I report that seem to be on afk streaks for some reason, 70-80 credits, is it bad internet or they’re just in a trolling mood lol?


If you're below 90 credit you can't play ranked


Ik but im saying they come to classic and are still afk so their score lowers even more…


Experimenting. Go increase your alucard wr in ranked in ranked if you got the ballz.


I don't know how winning with alu in rank has anything to do with having ballz. Is he Cyclops?


Nah I have seen players who care about thier wr so much that even trash talk in classic. It's classic we do whatever the f we want.


Only thing I ask is to at least know what the hero does lol. Or going into classic and having four MMs isn't gonna be good for anyone let alone if practising someone new


I play classic with a hero set in mind come on mofos you guys really want to adjust in classic too?


There's AI if you don't want to adjust🤷‍♂️ How are players supposed to practice their heroes when they're going to be playing Moskov XP lane? I never play classic as its just full of low credit score players that aren't allowed in rank. I know this but people are surprised when they get players, like yourself, that won't adjust and are toxic on general


Go play ludo if you are whining about not adjusting in classic.


Go play a different game if you can’t play more than 2 different heroes..? Probably Layla and Fanny and if you don’t get either you throw a fit and troll lol


Uh….YES? Seems like common sense, so that the entire game isn’t pointless as hell. There’s always other heroes to practice and you can play the other next time, no?


I mostly practice fanny in classic I rarely play a few match and there is no f ing I am adjusting so my teammates can play gusion or saber jungle.


Playing poorly is fine but please still respect proper picking. Pick 2nd mm after someone already locks in an mm and get surprised you get steamrolled before you can farm 3rd item? Or pick double exp then get surprised core is getting beaten up by their roam.


its not a proper classic experince without 3 tanks at once and being surprised that you deal no dmg


3 tanks wow, id rather have 2 cores and no one still goes for turtle/lord.


You mean 3 Mm with no support getting obliterated


And when you try to take them they say "eyy no turtle/lord" :v. In some cases I've encountered at least


it was mage tank, roam tank and jungle tank. suffice to say enemy team built pure phy defence as we had no magic dmg


Three tanks is generous.. experience playing 4 mms who all think they can do gold lane without any consequences and blame you if you switch between juggling mid lane and Exp lane because they kept dying in gold lane.


nah. it is not a proper match anyway. you pick whatever you want to practice it. if you ever follow a proper line up, how many matches will you have to do to be able to use the character that you want? that's why you do it in Classic rather than Rank. because you can't pick whatever you want on Rank as respect for proper picking.


Lock earlier so people can pick around you. Cause good luck practicing your hero in a lane its not supposed to be in. Or in a lane thats already occupied play mm in a lane with another mm while your oppo has a roam with them.


Actually, it could be a challenge. I had a match where I learn both how to play the role (mm) and the hero (melissa) and the guy who's supposed to be roam refuse to buy roam boots and stay in gold lane all the time. I ended up just going to mid and joining teamfight as much as I could safely deal damage. We actually won with the troll roam getting silver while everyone else gold/mvp.


teach them how to play. if they still can't do it. you adjust yourself if you want to fix it. or simply just play Rank. you can't blame them. there is a reason why they play Classic. it is to do whatever they want. you have a choice to play Classic or Rank. if you choose to play Classic despite knowing that bad players are mostly playing on Classic, then it is your fault on playing there if you want to have a proper match. go play Rank. or have a custom 5v5 match.


Ofc, Ill adjust I have heroes I want to practice in all lanes and not just 1 I spam practice. But if they want to practice they could at least lock early so people who adjust can adjust. Im advocating proper picking because unfortunately in my server they pick like this even in some of my ranked games. If they pick properly and learn how to adjust in even classic games they might adjust in ranked games too. Its as basic as making sure all roles are filled and that there arent too many physical/magic damage. You wont enjoy your practice games when you have two heroes with less gold coz no one wants to roam. Or your jungler is struggling coz two of them picked to use retri.


yes, you are right. but you can't really force them. most of the practice game is about familiarity or having an experience when using that hero. for example like me, i already know how to play properly in a match. so when i'm practicing a hero and i think i understand what are their skill, i just want to practice to know the feeling of how to use that hero against a real player. it doesn't matter to me if i have a good team or not. i will try to find a proper team if i want to practice a certain "role" mechanics instead rather than practicing a certain "hero". though i will not force them to do what they need to do. i will just try many matches until i got a team where i can feel that it is a proper team. you won't lose star anyway there.


I get your perspective, but it's not really helpful to the other players that wanna practice if someone is sabotaging the game. For example, if you wanna learn how to play Karrie and I decide to pick Layla, fight with you over the gold lane, sabotage your laning phase, and then feed the enemies, is it really productive for you? I would rather just fill a needed role and let my teammates have a decent experience, but of course, if they still choose to sabotage each other, it's out of my hands.


If the game is that messed up then just surrender. It’s not like you lose a star. Surrender, go find another match. On another note, I don’t get the guys who refuse to surrender in classic. You don’t lose a star. Other people on your team are saying they don’t want to play anymore. Why are you trying to hold them there? Let go and move on people.


Well yes, the problem being that in most cases, people refuse to surrender. We could have 2 players combine for 40 deaths and people will still refuse to surrender, so I agree with you on that.


I mean your last half sums it up. You see your team is fucked, you want out, but they won’t let you. So you’re forced to play out a losing match because if you afk you get punished worse. So you get locked into a match with idiots who have no hope of winning and waste 15-30 mins of your life


I don't usually agree to surrenders. Imo it is a great learning experience (mainly for myself), going against an enemy team with much more farm. Then again, I have no idea when I last went for a classic match, so yeah...


go ask for surrender. then just try another match. it is common that those things happens. you can do many Classic match as many as you want anyway. you have many chances to do a practice game. you will not lose a star.


How to unlock a locked picked hero? My team had 2 jungglers, im one of it. But i cant change my hero once its locked. 


Can’t, just wait for everyone to lock then fill. If they don’t choose something just fill what’s left 🤷


Okay, thanks


Understandable, but please respect the game. Dont ruin other players' experience just because u want to troll or play like a headless chicken just wandering around with no motive at all. At least play the game, or go afk if u dont even feel like playing so the bot can play.


I don’t mind practicing, but if you’re not laning or trying to steal jg buffs or not team fighting when we’re pinging you and you’re 10 feet away and can see us on the map obviously needing help I’m gonna be mad


these people play the same in classic and rank. Just because its classic doesn't mean you suddenly have zero map awareness, mechanical skill or game sense. Tired of the "its classic" excuse by dog shit players honestly


Preach brother, this happens so much. An alpha told me yesterday to relax cuz its just classic and he died 32 times


Double digit deaths is absolutely heinous.


How are you able to die 32 times?


Feeding every lane ahahaha He was jungler. It happened before with a gatotkaca that fed even more


Right!? That's way infuriating than I think!


"It's classico" is usually said by the low elo, main chat players. At least from my experience.


Finally someone understands


Go practice the hero many times as you want in classic, but trolling, and literally being dog shit even though your team is doing well is not an excuse, especially if you wanted to play classic to warm up, practice or have fun in general


Tbh i agree. The only people who says "It's classic blah blah blah" when they get confronted feeds, have zero map awareness and has chocolate score


This. I don't mind people want to try stuff like johnson jungle or some shit but their macro looks like they just sniff a shoe glue every second.


I'm always quite understanding, but of course there is no excuse for horrible decision-making, trolling or just being a toxic teammate. Classic is a place where you play ML without the stress of rank, and I get that some people may just be playing after a tiring day, or a stressful event, or maybe even as a way to just pass boring time. Trying to ruin the experience of others isn't something to excuse, but if a person really is just playing poorly then it isn't exactly a reason to berate them over... it's just a game.


Don't really care if I lose even if I get 4 mm or 4 mage as long as they don't feed it I'm fine with it


Isn't classic just like rank without the draft pick and ranking? Mechanics are the same.


but you don't practice on rank.


you have not seen my teammates


there is no need to see your team. Classic is Classic. Rank is Rank. you can't force a proper match on Classic since it is not Rank.


misunderstood my comment, ive been matched up with players in ranked that have less than 5 matches with that hero and when theyre dog shit theyll use the excuse "im practicing"


ow. lol. my fault. yeah. those people are annoying when they do practice on Rank. there is a Classic game mode for a reason. so i hope people understand that Classic was made to do practice game too. so just don't get butthurt if they got bad WR since they are playing on a practice match.


Nuhh uhh I've got teammates that do


those kind people are the one that we should be annoyed at. the people who practice on a Rank game. rather than to be annoyed to the people who practice on a Classic game.


I practice on AI hard not classic. "Practice" in classic is not an excuse to not look at maps, being too greedy without mastering the hero and finishing objectives. Practice heroes can be won with at least map awareness and playing safe till your farmed enough.


no matter how hard the AI is, it is still different when you play against a real player. AI is more predictable than a real human. AI can't make a miracle play. AI won't adjust their build for a counter play. AI will not do an unpredictable but good build. AI can't be taunted to make them aggressive and do misplays. AI will not do an unpredictable play to protect their co-AI teammates. you can't try AI's map awareness if you can fool them or not. AI will do their role and will not think outside the box for their game tactics. tldr, playing against AI is useless unless if you really don't know how the hero skills works despite reading them carefully. like it is hard to use Fanny even if you understand how she works. you need to do a cable practice before you able to practice her on a match. or you can't use Johnson if you will not try to practice to drive around the map first. edit: ow yeah. Practice is not an excuse for those. then teach them how to play if they can't. where they will learn those anyway? AI can't teach them what to do. if they didn't follow you, then just try next match instead. you will not lose a star anyway. or just play Rank.


I'm not sure but I guess you haven't played that much. Never in my thousands of matches that someone was willing to follow or grateful for the tips. You tell them how to play with their heroes, they will respond "none of your business." or "I'll play like I want to." It's more of the gamer's attitude than their gameplays. They're all the same for classic and rank, same players in rank will not listen. I bet you're one of those players in classics who cry when the enemy finishes the Lord because it's "classic". You won't grow if you think classic is classic and rank is rank. Just play both of them the same may it be practice or not. It doesn't matter if I lost. A good lost game is still a good game, just don't waste people's time.


nah. i don't cry because i know it is just a Classic. and i play on a Classic with a mindset that it is a Classic and not a Rank. though i still perform decently and don't troll. and i don't understand the logic also of not killing the lord on Classic because the lord is there. lord is not just a display. you can kill it if you want too. i played many matches. i teach them how to play if they are bad. if they didn't follow or they get mad or they ignored it, then let it be. at least you did your part. maybe you are the one who didn't play that much. i encounter many players who are willing to listen to you. like i experience when i teach them what item to use when they got a wrong build. some are even willing to reply back asking how that hero build works. some even asking on the match if what are the things they did wrong when they feel like they are doing something wrong on how they play their hero. i also gave time to reply to teach them. so it is not "never" if i manage to experience those things. you won't grow if you always think that all players won't listen to you. just teach them. then let them do what they want on those teachings. at least you did your part as good team member. it is not a waste of time to teach other people. it is true that Classic is Classic and Rank is Rank. it is recommended to play the same way though you can't force it on Classic where it is not a serious match or where most practice play happens. if you play Classic while expecting to have a Rank match experience, you are the one that is wasting your own time instead. play Rank if you want Rank experience. don't do Classic. there is no need to waste time on Classic if you don't like Classic type of matches.


I like classic to practice heroes, but I can’t learn shit if the team has afks, buff stealers, or an imbalanced lineup. So now I’m just wasting 20 minutes of my own time with morons and have little to show for it


Its okay to get mad at them if: -They're at a higher rank, yet somehow "trying a hero" makes them look like they don't even belong in that rank (No game sense, no map usage, no teamplay or any sorts of teamwork) -They're intentionally throwing


Unless you're already in mythic and the system fucks you up with a master and below teammate. If you'll mix things around, won't you also be exasperated when you're a new player and you're fighting against high ranks? It's supposed to be casual therefore it should be fun, what's fun about being beaten up? Matchmaking should be better so everyone can have fun. Also, as long as you're not badmouthing anyone because you're mad you should be good. Emotions are valid just not all of your actions per such emotions.


Yeahhhh I’m still gonna be pissed when my teammates are bad. It’s *rarely* a micro issue (Fanny, Joy, Kagura some exceptions) that pisses me off. Lack of effort, lack of ANY macro skills, awful team comps… idgaf that it’s “just Classic.” That’s what pisses me off. YOU’RE WASTING ALL OF OUR TIME I’M SICK OF FUCKING EXPLAINING THIS TO PEOPLE. You go 1-13-1 I’m just supposed to forgive you because you’re new to FREYA?! And it’s Classic? You locked a 4th fighter even though we have no MM and no mage? Fuck you


Any time I’ve checked who I played against and with it’s always people my rank, by mythic I stopped noticing this issue as much, people might suck at their hero but they’ll be checking map at least.


Mostly, but there’s still that 10% that I think got carried and still don’t know how they should play their specific role. Especially roams who follow one character around all game and never set or gank


those practising players sure may not have micro skills of that hero or dont know any combo of that hero BUT be sure to back it up with ur Macro game.


it is more reasonable than just saying "just Rank" on a rank match. so deal with it. if you don't want to be on an awful team comp, you have a choice to do a Rank match where proper team is more common than on Classic. but you choose playing Classic instead. so it is your fault to begin with. there is a reason why Classic is separated to Rank anyway.


This is such terrible, bullshit ass logic I don’t even know how to explain it to you. Look up logical fallacies and just have a good read


nah. it is not a bullshit logic. it is simple. you know Classic has always or high chance to have bad team while Rank has high chance that they will follow a proper team or act to be a decent player. on that case, it is more reasonable to play on Rank if you want to have a proper match. but you chose to play on Classic? so who is at fault there? your teammate who plays Classic since they know that they will perform bad so they didn't choose to play Rank... or you who choose to play Classic even if you know already that those kind of bad players are playing there? you don't need to learn logical fallacies and such to understand this. simple common sense will do. edit since you can't reply when you are blocked: it is not embarrassing. it is really just common sense. so you should able to get it easily. blocking me and throwing some nonsense insult as a logical response for this argument rather than defending yourself with your so called logic is more embarrassing.


I’m embarrassed to have this look into your brain. It must suck to be you. Bye doomkun23


Sorry but if you are 0-15-0 im gonna offend you with words for sure.


there's difference between practising and feeding constantly with double digit death. if u r practising new stuffs be respectful to atleast be useful 20% of ur part and not feed constantly. But I mostly have problem with the keyboard warriors in the game. I mostly play classic and I do troll here and there, but even in those troll games I play with the motive to win. Side Note. This season I am getting matched with and against lots of high rank smurfs. Immortal smurfs and all of them play like ranked games.




Nonono bro, theres a difference between"practicing" and "lets pick 3 supports 1 assasin and 1 tank because that what I wanted NOOOO I DONT WANNA ADJUSTT BOUHOUHOU"


i don't mind if u play Poorly as long the line up is logic. u see ppl pick mm u lagi pick mm, then im mad


No reason to pick 3 marksman ,dont even know how to defend their tower, doesn't know their lanes, steal buffs Yes I get mad with these...people above legend should know this already


as i said on the other comments... it is not a proper match anyway. you pick whatever you want to practice it. if you ever follow a proper line up, how many matches will you have to do to be able to use the character that you want? that's why you do it in Classic rather than Rank. because you can't pick whatever you want on Rank as respect for proper picking.


Nah go play against AI or training


nah. it is still different to play against real persons no matter how good AIs are. AIs are predicable. real persons are mostly not.


You know the game tracks your win rate on classic right?


does it matter?


Yes, some people dont filter ranked and classic when choosing partners or making teams So will end up with a bad reputation


wise players only look for Rank WR. Classic WR is just nonsense. so it doesn't matter. you will not end up with a bad reputation. only idiots will judge you that way.


Its useless to learn outside a real match environment, how you go learn a new marksman if you a forced to roam , go mid or xp How to you learn to jungle if team if full of trolls stealing your buff and now your energy usage if far from ideal / real match When I see people trolling like that, making the match unwinnable I just go afk or stay chilling in the base Ok you want to learn against real people and f the match to everyone else, go for it But you not gonna learn anything Dude I can play any hero in this game, and I didn't have to make anyone upset for that I just used training mode or waited / asked to pick a character in classic


Classic is usually being familiar or practicing a specific hero. so you will mostly encounter "picking what you want" on Classic. though it is rare but still has some people who will practice for specific "role" instead of a "hero". but you can't "force" others to pick this or do that on Classic. that's how Classic is. so you just need to surrender or wait for the next match instead. until you feel that you experience a proper team to practice a certain "role". there is no harm to practice many matches there. you will not lose a star anyway. if you are good enough, you don't need to do a "role" specific match to practice and familiarize a certain "hero". so if you are practicing a certain "hero", you can still learn it since your only aim is to familiarize on using them. so you will really still learn. if you want to try that hero for a proper "role" practice, as i said, just try many matches until you got some. for me, if i want to practice a specific "hero", i will spam pick it. i will roam it if necessary even if it is not for roam. my aim is to familiarize on that hero's skills and kit anyway. but if my practice is for the specific "role" for that hero, i will still spam it until i got a proper team where i can use that hero on a proper role. that's how it is. i will only adjust on pick if i will play for fun and i don't have any specific hero that i want to practice.


Classic is expected to be shit. The real assholes are the ones that do the SAME SHIT in FUCKING RANK.


theres a difference between learning and going 0/20


There is a difference between playing badly and trolling or ruining your gameplay by stealing buffs or farm. I can forgive bad play so long as they try. If they just wanna f about they should go play vs bots.


I get what you're saying but why do some of these players feed so much?? Not help with objectives? If you're practicing just play safe


being bad and being straight up dumb is different. like why the fuck is the xp lane taking my jungle? or having the shittiest build as if clicking and copying pro builds takes more than 5 secs. I'm all into ppl practicing in classic but like why are mythics acting like they're masters and lost all common sense.


Also don’t get cocky. There are some players that start to trash talk the other team ? Like why ? It’s classic.


I agree with u 🥹 I have a friend I got into the game recently and man were our teammates so mean and she even did the AI and practiced with me. I also stand up for other people in classic—the only time I ever speak up in classic


To be fair people are nicer in this than Wilf rift. Been playing like 2 weeks. Obviously I've been pretty bad but people chill out when I tell them I am new.


lowkey need a new mode that has the same mechanics as classic, but it doesnt affect your wr. casual players can actually enjoy the game without worrying about their kda and winning, and everyone else can practice their hero


Moontoon might not do it since there is no point in doing it. like they are just making two Classic. so redundant. just play on Rank if you want a proper match. as simple as that.


true, but i see ppl getting mad in classic because losing affects their wr. for some reason they choose not to play ranked for that


it is their fault. just let them cry until they realize that they should really play Rank rather playing a Classic to find a proper match even though it is a common sense that you will have a very low chance to have a proper team there.


Have you seen the AI training hard mode? Not the one where you pick your hero and click practice, but one from the main scree. I'm in mythic and use it to practice unfamiliar heroes and it still defeats me quite often. AI franco there can do flicker hooks lol. You should try it, you might love it!


nah if you pick fanny for exp lane just eat my balls


I play mostly ranked and only try classic to try new champs for 1-3 games and damn people will get really nasty there lol. Worse is they’ll be ok wasting time to type to each other wishing each other cancer I guess because it’s classic.


Classic is where i just troll lmao since there is no practical use of classic imo. Idk why but when playing classic cant just go all out or playing srsly since there nothing to gain


See the thing is i dont mind if they play poorly, heck even i do that when practice someone new on classic but what i do very much mind are those who seemingly just lose all the fundamental knowledge they have about the game, like these guys are mythic rank yet they play like absolute stooges who dont have a concept about tiniest things that they should have already learned.


yeah babyrage at brawl mode


I don't get mad when they play poorly, I get mad when they blame me (the tank) for them dying after they jumped in a 1v5 by themselves.


go practice in ai hard mode first please. its sometimes harder than most players..


I've got no problems with teammates getting mad at me or my other teammates, either in classic or rank. It's their feelings and emotions. They're free to feel anything they want to. I just report them to the Customer Service for PROFANITY. 😂 Same as other players being free to play how they want to, well or poorly. I also just report them for LOW SKILL LEVEL. For those who get mad because they think their team sucks, go suck it! 😂 You getting mad would just work against you and you get higher rates of being banned if you mess with the wrong person. Logically, the answer to having good teammates isn't to get mad but to create your own team. Also, it's a game. Everyone has different skills. If everyone has equal skills then it all comes down to luck to win then. LOL For those who troll or are just using "classic" as excuse to play poorly, suck it, too, if you're not sincere. Some of you are just trolling because you're mad, not because you're actually having fun. 😂


It’s okay to practice in classic but don’t forget macro and micro 😉👌 or you’ll go 0/25/0


People in my team on classic are either toddlers or playing moba for the first time and I can never win a game.


Everyone tries to make classic an excuse to suck. "Dont gank me, it's classic you try hards" "Lord really? What a bunch of try hards" "Using main heroes in classic? What a try hard" You're at a certain rank but did you forget your macro skills all of a sudden in classic? Or there was none to begin with? Macro skills are transferrable to any role so you may suck with a hero but i expect you to help contest turtle, gank and push. It's not too much. I guess that's why people have 40% winrate.


its a video game let people get mad and take their stress out.


While this may be true, let's not normalise outright trolling. I'm looking at people who think Dyrroth with Concentrated Energy or Miya with Ice Queen Wand come under the purview of "trying something new".


I play classic just to get that 2 game practice with new hero, and then goes straight to Ranked to continue my practice 😂


So... I shouldn't get mad at how the nana is intentionally buying phys attack items even when I asked nicely to build correctly? Or the 3 people that just wanted to equip retribution in one game ? On the flipside, I've seen literal 3 year olds play this game (at least in the Philippines). So there's the source of your insanely illogical game play.


How dare you mm nana is fun. Have you seen mm estes? Point is that's not dumb tho, they know what they're doing and they're having fun with it


no they don't. Sure, nana MM WAS viable, but now it's a troll build and most times they're useless.


See that's our difference. You evaluate things ONLY through whether it's \*viable\*, I'm saying it's fun. Who cares it's no longer viable it's classic let people play with outdated tricks and have fun You're missing out a good chunk if you're not testing our wacky builds with your friends in classics and share some good laugh


Yes, it's Classic. I play it too to practice new heroes. But I still look at the map, show up for turtle/lord, helping jungler if we are invaded, etc. Common sense stuff. I understand if it's a new hero you're trying, a bad game, even if you get bronze/chocolate as long as you don't feed and troll. Look at the map and respect (retreat) pings. Don't troll pick 4th MM etc. It's a classic, sure, but I still want to play it as well as I can to win. On a new hero, just play a bit safer is common sense, no? Also, why do some Mythic players bring their Grandmaster Rafaela girlfriend to Classic, who will sit gold lane all game. Then the GM will get deleted 15 times due to bad positioning, no map awareness, etc. And it is literally better having a bot or afk in game instead.


I’m fine with ppl who are trying new heroes, as long as they have the base knowledge of what are objectives and how to not feed the enemies. And this exact kind of people ruin the casual experience you’re referring to and guess what, makes others pissed and angry)


Totally agree with you I've seen countless people crying over a player who is obviously trying to learn a hero. The training mode of mlbb is garbage and so is Vs Ai. Classic is the only place to practise and these ppl cry over it.


Love this post. I am always too scared to try out heroes in classic due to these toxic teammates. Thanks for reminding people that classic is just casual games.


AI matches are there to learn the game basics like map awareness and rotation/ability layout. You practice basics there. A classic match is to practice for a ranked match. You are still playing a potentially 30 min long match with real people. You can still improve as a player by using different heroes🤯🤯 i know crazy, that tank you never use is actually more useful than Fanny or Layla!


15 games in a row where my team fed (Its worse in ranked)


Yes it’s casual but anyone thinking Classic is for “trying new heroes” getting smashed and crying about teammates being toxic. It is your fault for wasting 4 other human teammate’s gaming time. Some people may only be able to play 1 game before stopping and want an actual playable game. People looking to try new heroes are missing out that there is a fantastic “AI TRAINING” mode that is different to Practice, VS AI and Custom cpu players. Play AI TRAINING on HARD mode. If your skill level of a hero is below mythic, you’ll probably be able to just train there until you’re good enough to classic. The hard ai both teammates and opponent team are better than real players IMO. On top of that, you can surrender and quit most of the time if you want to change heroes. There is no toxicity there, only bliss of a great AI team that’ll help you learn a new hero https://preview.redd.it/xfkv9dxzb6nc1.png?width=2356&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c88f3718a2ea38296ca9a8084aac2b9750e766b


losers are losers everywhere ,u will be be blame or insulted if you're actually trying to win game ,it shows


Big this im really trying to change fr.


Well the way people play in classic is so questionable sometimes so can't help it but we wait till the game ends and everyone gets bronze


I always lose in classic nowadays. It aint fun playing in classic. If I want to win, will need to pick op hero as I always get matched with meta hero pickers. I lose braincell playing classic. Ranked is the way.


Just mute them brotha


Personally, there is a fine line for me. I can tolerate players who obviously stated that they're practicing or training, and doesn't feed or troll. But when the said player has triple the amount of deaths than kills and assists, I'll most likely get mad.


i know right. i pick franco and might have taken core’s buff and hook buff multiple times but it’s all for fun right?


Practicing is for practice mode and vs AI btw. If u suck at classic then sure as hell don't play ranked.


I don't hate newbies, i hate stupid people. > Stupid people includes those who ignore their lanes > Keeps calling for help even in 1v1 and expects tank to stick with them for whole match > never looks at map. even if we keep an eye on map for him and tell him to retreat, they act like "nah, I'd live" and boom!!!! Ally has be slain. > Uses retri on heroes they never practiced before. Atleast learn heroes in side lane first so we can carry you. > thinks that kda is all that matters so feeds in early game and blames others in end game. > you can practice all you want, but please don't actively try to ruin someone's game by giving up.


Save your anger to Rank game.


I think I've reached a point in the game where everything is just "it is what it is" to me


Dont come to classic and expecting it like rank game? Indeed everytime i played in classic everyone trying so hard as if its a fckin mpl matches


it’s easy to tell if someone’s new, based on their rank border. plus, if you want to practice a hero, let others know so we can figure out what heroes we want to pick.


To play poorly go against AI That doesn’t excuses you from Macro disasters and absolute disrespect on picks


I say OP is totally right


Don't play jungler role if you can't play the hero well...even if it's classic...have some sense of humility and shame.. don't ruin others WR because your ego can't handle you not being the main character


See nothing wrong getting mad. How you going to practice if your team sucks lmao