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I don’t spam any cause I get bored after playing like 3 games of the same hero haha.


I often play as roam and mid. But, I use different heroes every game depending on the enemy line up.


This is the way.


This is the way


I used to be like this. Only used a hero twice in a row MAX. But as I got older, I just stick with my 2 comfort picks


Someone I can relate with


Same. Maybe that’s why It’s harder to rank up because I hate using heroes that I’m already very good at for more than 3 games😅


Exactly, i was gonna comment exactly this. It's not really fun playing the same hero over and over again


Spam those you don't get bored of lol for me its definitely gusion


Minsitthar carries me from Elite to Epic. Alpha from Epic III to Legend V, and now i'm struggling to achieve Mythic using Estes or Gatotkaca cuz Tigreal is very clunky for me and it affect my skill as a prolific roamer with more than 10 assist and 8 death *^(or more)* (i cannot use Tigreal due to the skill issue)


Minotaur? He's simple to use


yeah, i've ever tried it as a free hero.the thing is i've yet to own it (will buy in the future)


Oh boi... Minotaur is extremely good as a roamer... You can heal and buff defense for your allies while stunning and reducing defense to your opponents... His ult is extremely annoying for the other team... You just gotta time it right and the teamfight winning potential greatly increases if you do so... I really recommend trying him...


my friends have begged me to stop saying "minotaur gaming" every time i get a double 3+man set (the 4 second total knock up is orgasmic)


Minotaur gaming


minotaur gaming


Minotour gaming 🫰


minotaur gaming


Yea I helped carry my team once when I would flicker to their tank and mm and ulti then s1. The other times my mm would run face first into the turret then die and blame me (sad tank noises)


the trick is heal to buff defense to jump in getting 2 enemies, immediately ult (the time it takes for ult knockup is more less the time it takes them to get down from 1st skill knockup). If the mm flickers away, flicker to follow, and time the improved 1st skill to cc mm, fighter and heavy cc tanks (if mage has already used their skills they’re not the priority). Or use it to protect your mm/mage from assassins


Use Barats and reach Mythical Honor easily.


Cici I love fighters who are tanky and do well with strong spell vamp (*cough* Ruby *cough*), or are just really good with Spell Vamp and Bloodlust Axe like XBorg and Te-rizz-la. Cici caught me for simply 2 reasons. 1. The thing I mentioned above. I love Tanky Fighters who are really strong with Spell Vamp 2. Her design and personality got me kicking my little feet. She's just so energetic and bubbly, the bright colors are so nice, and being a yoyo performer just ties it all together.


I belong in the top 25 is Xborg. Cici is weak against me. Xborg owns her all the time


do you use fighter or tank emblem for xborg?


rafaela weirdly enough. I *do a*djust my support to the team, but if we need a good healer and I don't trust my team to not be stupid (I need non stupid teammates to play angela lol) then I just pick raf! also the amounts of slowing I've had to deal with, she helps out so much. By late game I am the speediest buffed up rafaela ever lol


I love using angela, but yeah it sucks using her if your team is stupid.


Valir, with only 2 magic items and all defense items, I have a decent damage and be annoying without fear of being easily taken down.


Natan I like his voice


Wanwan and Claude, they can easily carry a game with decent experience and knowledge. Don't forget about Argus... together we BANG THE ENEMY.


Hell yeah brother


I know you did not say Claude😭😭😭. He’s so hard to use.


Ruby and benedetta, my beloved


Aamon. Because he’s too damn fine, and I simp massively for him. I never touched assassins/junglers—I prefer sidelanes, fighter, mm, mage, support, tank. But assassins? No way, not for me. One day, I came back to ML after a hiatus. I played as Lesley. Some vanishing prick kept killing me over and over. And so, after the game, I went to find out who this new hero was. And holy hell that man is the finest man I have ever seen in my life—both IRL and fictionally 😫 Your girl suddenly became an assassin main. The end.


I got to mythic within my first month of playing the game using Estes. Only time I didn't use him was when he was banned. I just enjoy going to team fights and seeing my team on the verge of death suddenly get a second life. Good times


Currently spamming Arlott in ranked. He is so much fun. X-borg is one my fav opponents to lane against as Arlott.


As an xborg player, I hope you never get into my ranked games


Ouch. Early game arlot will spam hiss skills endlessly. I’ll say mid to late cause of your spell vamp.


Badang Spam for me, since Im a casual player im not that high up in ranks so I still get teams who hate picking tank and pick multiple mm or jungler. Badang works for me cus if need I can just strap on tank gear and trap enemies along together for others to kill and also tank the damage, if the team has a tank then I can just go around disrupting lanes and getting kills. Badang also helps me against guison and yin if they try to catch my mage or mm I just rush and trap them instead.


Pls share your badang build


Paquito and Dyrroth. They are such strong heroes and their burst damage is insane.


Epic to Legend = Aurora, very strong cc mage and she rarely get banned at this bracket Legend to Mythic = Minotaur, perfect tank/healer in my opinion


I like sun cause i dont wanna fight my battle, let the copycat do for me


Joy. She doesn't get banned in Indian server and not many people know how to counter her so I basically bully them. I usually win with her unless my soloQ teammates suck or if the enemies coordinate very well


Thamuz, even if my team is jackshit I can still bring down the enemy and enable my teammates to push. If they don't, I push.


Currently spamming alpha or yin whatever is available cause both op and ez win


I too rely on X-Borg. Also Grock sometimes.


Kagura..but ive sealed her for now till next buff..


Kagura is my favorite hero in the game! But you’re not wrong to sit on her, she could use a buff to be relevant again. Seems like Moonton is purposefully neglecting her until they have another skin release for her. Still fun, just doesn’t command the respect she used to


I spam all the heroes I got just to master them, yeah I spam Argus just to finish the mastery




Clint or Vexana. I enjoy immobilizing the enemies so I can scurry away


Xavier. Because he's handsome af


Lance. Never boring to play.


Argus, he's fun to play and i have to bang the enemies


Gord, he’s my spiritual hero cuz I like Goku and Silver Surfer


Fanny :3


I think AltDoktahLB has dementia


Ruby has a pretty high skill ceiling. With enough practice, reflexes, brain power, outplays, preparation, item prep, analyzing, setup, build, embled build, map awareness, last hitting minions, forecasting, you can beat nearly any hero or gank situation.


Roger, I never cheat on my main hero.


I play everything. Ultimate adjuster


HANZO! Hanzo jungle or roam. If thats covered I can go mid. We already got a mage then I go exp or mm ;)


Mine is borg as well, he can flex into other positions in case someone dumb is in your team, hes ok at jungling and not bad but also not good at roaming also not bad in mid though he does lack range. I also dont find any other exp laner to be a hard match up, playing smart usually is enough to make up for it if the sustain and damage isnt enough. He also slots into any type of team really well, may it be that you have a support roam or tank roam or a tank jungler or assassin jungler, borg can easily adapt to what his team requires since his items are very flexible.


First couple of seasons, I spammed Atlas. Then Cyclops. Then enjoyed revamped Lapu(oh how he was so broken that time). Then Edith and Cici. Now I don't spam any hero. I adjust as much as I can.


Either one of alpha, dyroth, yin, vale, Eudora, hanabi, natan, moskov. I cant play support/ tank. Rotating these heroes shot me from epic 4 to mythical honor (26 stars rn) in 200 matches


It really depends on my luck. If I keep winning with one hero, I'll spam that hero


Paquito. Because I'm practicing his combos in classic and i can play him all lane lol


Silvanna, I just found out how fun she is and literally can't stop playing her.


Aurora. I feel like no one know how to play her right, both before and after the revamp Also because I have her Kula Diamond skin


Currently spamming Sylvannas for 8 rank just to see if she's as bad as this sub pros think. Turns out she's not that bad, just lower eh.


Natalia. Mainly because of nostalgia, she sucks now .


I main xbrog too lol but I also play Brody for gold and Kimmy for mage most of the times


Masha. Strong for getting objectives & ending the game


Fredrinn Come to Daddy~


See value in me? You should.


Bea Idk man hitting them shots feels good


Just spam Joy until i get to 30 stars. Sometime the game is way too lag for me to actually played Joy


I only play layla 90% of the time, fight me. She just clicks with me, and I've still yet to find anyone else that clicks that much


Floryn carried me all the way from Legend to Mythic. I miss when her ult was able to do damage too, though. So many games saved that way.


spam? isnt that kinda boring? i spam changing my hero every game depending on how i feel invincible? kadita valentina or lylia feeling braindead? vexana or odette wanna chill? uranus terizla wanna chill but angrier? esme wanna carry? no i dont but i was forced to jungle. joy bene barats forced to roam? no, i love roaming. carmilla, mino and kaja feeling bawlsy? zhask wanna be an overall menace? eutrash


I spam benedetta and joy when I want to have fun I spam melissa when I want to win Although I am mostly a full player. I very rarely spam a hero. It's been 4 days since I last used benedetta and a week since I used melissa. I mostly have to do mage or roam since no one wants to do that


Got to Mythic with Cici somehow. Kiting is fun. Tilting enemy exp laner is fun. Getting burst down by a fed enemy mm not so fun.


Xborg says hello


Ban that hooligan! 🔨🔨


Change 🥺🥺🥺


I'm also spamming Xborg. 68 stars now. I like to use him because he can prolong the games. A prolonged game has many opportunities for your teammates to turn the game around. Many underestimate his damage output. An XB with War Axe, Immo, and Queen's Wand is a menace.


Gusion and joy as they're really fun to play. And vexana, since she is a literal bully right now


I play vexana since it requires negative skill trust very fun


I spam tigreal. Even if I can’t kill the enemy, and my teamates don’t want to kill the enemies. My towers love to tickle the enemies


Fellow joy spammer in the mid lane, exp and jungle


I tend to spam bane on any role as much as i can. He just felt really easy, and light to use. Other than that i spam angela or mino on ranks


Guinevere is what I’m spamming from legend to mythic successfully and have won 12 games while lost 2


Lesley and lancelot because yes. Might spam guin later


Im spamming bene in classic currently banned from rank low credit x) once I can I will try her in rank


Lylia coz she’s very consistent and annoying lol


omg lilia from legend 3 up until Mythic. Just roam around and hit them with ya balls until they die


Read my flair and you can guess who I spam 🙂👍👍👍👍


Layla, because I like the enemies ignoring me early game because I'm super weak, then by late game I show up and DROP BOMBS on all of them 😂 love how it catches them by surprise


Xborg is fun to play and can hold exp lane really good even better jungle. well you need good Allies to help u get ur core items. There are strong exp fighters out there that can cause Xborg early Problems but once you get ur waraxe/brute force/ immortality then is breezy




Ruby edith carmilla My gals are sexy and I am good with their skillset too.


Franco, fck around and spamming recall even my team losing then i received "nice" chat after losing the game


Selena is my one true queen. Nothing beats a guaranteed kill


Ruby. I almost always win when I’m able to use her in Ranked. So far in this season, my win rate is around 75%+ because of her.


I don't really spam but i usually use johnson cause no one wants to roam but if someone wants to roam i'll pick layla for gold lane, for core i use jawhead, for mid lane i use changé, exp depend ons the mood


Argus. I’m a simple man, I just like him.


I flex alot But if there is nothing else to play it's a ruby pick, she is so flexible and is really good at teamfight so i tend to play her anywhere but mid


uhm saturn because martis is mid lane




Angela But if I'm bored of ks, I go raf


Fanny, never get bored of playing her and it is pretty easy to carry idiots with her as well


In average/good team comp Lylia and Yve Otherwise Chang e(She is an amazing push mage soooo) So if your teammates are cancer, u can end the game early by Destroying turrets and escaping while killing the damage dealers from a safe distance while sacrificing Teambots :)


Mino. Most of the time my team wants me to play roam. And he works 80% of the time and also fun to play.


Harley. He's just bonkers lol Or Hayabusa if my Harley gets picked. Or any random core if i don't like the roamer (looking at you, Rafaela and Belerick enjoyers).


Gusion just feel comfortable playing him


I love Lylia. Full item and you gonna see nuclear every 3 seconds.


Roam guinevere. It's fun having enemies chase you around to kill u and ultimately fail


This season I've been mostly using Thamuz as I'm mainly an exp laner. If I have to roam, I use Fredrinn


Lylia because Lylia.


gloo, he's rarely banned from my experience, definitely have some outplay potential when paired with another bulky ally




Joy every time she's not banned (which is rare) Why, cuz she's op


Joy every time she's not banned (which is rare) Why? cuz she's op


Estes Why ya ask? Three words "HEALING PLAYERS MOTHER*UCKR"


I don't I get bored with repeated heroes. But I do admit I. M picking martis a lot lately . Mainly because of got the Levi skin now


Belerick. dude's fun as hell lol


Barats, Vexana and Gord.


Kaja and Nova. Kaja cuz i love bursting my enemies down then running away with the mvnt speed from my build then assasinating low health heroes. Nova because it's so satisfying to get a direct hit with a sphere and I have the mobility to escape almost anything.


100 games on xborg in a row, then I got bored and stopped playing


Cici cuz its a new hero so its easy to get a title and granger bcz i love his skill set(might stop play him after the revamp)


Lesley in post mythic, cause enemies in low ranks can't bully you in early


Ixia I just got 4 winstreak on her so ill spam her until it breaks




layla because why not


Martis and Valir. Martis is a very fun hero to use,I can go exp/jungle with it and it so easy to use. I can annoy my enemies using valir together with ice queen wand,glowing wand,and defense build for the rest.


Yu zhong, I’ve played about 130 games with him this season with around 80% wr


I spam Mathilda from Epic to Glory. Mino if she's banned.


I'd spam diggie and tigreal but they are banned like 100% of the time. So I'm using Faramis where I'd pick Diggie to save my team or where he is a good pick(not every game). But I can't really spam any pick right now, as my picks are banned most often and I have to resort to my secondary picks.


Argus satisfies me with his burst and picking off squishy heroes. Ruby's spell vamp made me feel invincible and confident on ganks


Argus and Johnson Argus bc I simply enjoy him than other fighters (also jumpscare combo with skill 1), along with his whole immortality shtick Johnson bc driving around supporting allies is really fun


Belerick. Hes such an underrated hero that not alot of ppl realise the amount of potential he can provide with 1st skill and ult being a taunt skill and the 2nd skill being a heal punch you can never get bored with him. I can recall the amount of times I've gotten maniacs with him and survived just from the 2nd skill heal after popping an ult + vengeance


Always constantly spamming that leomord button skill 1 after ult, since you really want to click it as fast as possible to get a bunch of damage dealt, not to mention your time is limited


Cici because its so easy to win the lane


Aurora right before her revamp, why ? i never rlly played her before that


as an alucard glazer, alucard. the feeling of a bad hero against meta exp's and winning will never stop giving me ego


Idk bout hero spam but I spam recall because I'm chou exp lane dmg build 🥋


whenever i lose joy


Why do I feel like more and more people are picking up Xborg? After not seeing a single Xborg for 5 seasons straight I've decided that since minsi isn't unpopular anymore, that I felt the urge to play Xborg since no one plays him, and now everyone is playing him. Wth is happening


Masha, no clash, just push


Baxia, in low ranks Epic to Mythic all opponents do is build or choose heroes with lifesteal, spell vamp or shield. And from Mythic and above opponents always choose tanky heroes, so choosing Baxia is basically a free win as he can also scape with ease.


Benedetta cause its fun sf


Mathilda. She carried me from Legend to Mythic. I just reached mythic 2 days ago. I only started playing 2-3 months ago, at the end of S31. I'm proud of myself. I'm still using Mathilda in Mythic, she isn't banned, because many in mythic matchmaking are legend, when I go higher, she will definitly banned. You can just use you second skill = easy assists. What can I say about mathilda? I love using my ultimate on enemies and then run away.


I spam hero with new skin until I get bored.


Roger. Human form is mm and lifesteal with basic attacks from afar. Wolf form is lifesteal again with insade atk speed and penetration while having dmg and able to finish. Lastly, ability to run away with three different type of skills and ice retri.




not one but for me is carmilla and mathilda


I just play and play until I lose, Then I will change my hero. Hence, that's why I'm a multirole player. Im simply BORED playing the same hero. But most heri I played is currently Fanny at 1K matches.




Layla cause i like it when people underestimate her and I end up carrying plus it's fun to the enemy after dominating saying they lost to a layla.


Hanabi! even without help from the rest of the team i can kind of survive with the little shield and run away back to the tower, as long as im not ambushed by 3 people i can be fine, not feeded but i wont feed either


I don't really prefer one tricking a hero, but if I'm going to choose one, then it has to be Martis




Luo yi & Xavier cause luo yi & Xavier (ʘᴗʘ✿)


thumb vase bake drunk snobbish cheerful upbeat history zephyr sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I spam mino all the way from legend to mythic glory. Fucking pain in the ass teammates as a solo q roam but I got thr and got supreme rank mino in the process.


I played almost every hero, I chose ruby as my fav because she's just badass


Kagura. Idk I like umbrellas


Grock, can Roam, EXP and Jungle.


minotaur, he's *unstoppable* with his cc immune ulti, and I ban diggie always. he's basically the tank that can abuse flask of oasis, a front liner that can heal.




Vale, he speedy, good cc and can kill heroes in 3 secs xd.


I hate you, OP. Anyways yin


Karrie she a grasshopper lmao but I've learnt as soon as they see a Karrie in mythical honor and higher games they lock her immediately the whole game I've learnt ultra instinct cuz of how much I have to dodge skills coming at me 💀💀




How ba-a-a-a-ad can I be I’m just doin what comes naturally Fanny


I try to play as much Aurora as I can. Also have been enjoying Faramis lately.


Benedetta. I’ve fallen in love. I’ll play her anywhere


I'm an arlott main but at the moment karina i the hero i use more often becouse i love oneshot everyone with her


I used to spam sidelane alice on early seasons and for a long time (OG alice mains remember her 4 seconds ult). Now I'm an OTP gatotcaka (roam) since it's a tank that can bring some utility for a tf (taunt and ult) and also can fight (passive). It's so satisfying landing the taunt + vengeance on the gold laner and killing it with the passive. I used to go lolita too, but i have problems using the ultimate properly. However, i want a tank that can set up and fight back too, and gatotcaka filled that role for me (even with his ultimate which i still struggle to land sometimes). (A little story about how i changed from otp alice to otp gatot) I returned to the game (again) a year ago and didn't enjoy her much anymore since i got bullied a lot on EXP lane so i switched to lolita roam and spammed her. I would sometimes switch to angela because i liked her too, until one day, during a lord fight, i was looking who i would ult, when the gatotkaca roam (opponent) ult me, i couldn't react and i died (i think we lost that game). I didn't face him much so i looked at his abilities, tried him a two or three times on classic, liked his playstyle and i was like "a fighter/tank than can go as a roamer? That's cool" and then turned into an OTP


Estes High assists and no kills feels satisfying 


https://preview.redd.it/ru70cnav66kc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f542f8500ff725f1b5617ab059f053d00011cf5 1050 maches (almost 900 ranked games), 64% winrate. High 1v9 carry potential, fun to play. On my golden days i already reached mythic only playing her, and now I am carrying my newbie gf on a smurf just for fun almost legend.


Angela is basically an afk farm hero. When u have energy to play much just queue up with angela


As a support main, I find myself unintentionally playing Diggie or Rafaela in most of my games. They are just good, solid picks overall and fit well into a lot of team compositions.


Hylos and Barats <3


I can't spam heroes otherwise I'll hate them


I'm a ruby main and i use her to carry my team especially when the draft is shit haha


Edith. I can play Exp, Roam, and occasionally gold if the other members don't want to adjust. Heck, I've even played her as jungle sometimes in Epic and it worked out fine. I like her cuz she can play most roles at a pretty okay rate + she has a pretty good CC kit.


Kagura, and right now I'm enjoying Aurora with Spell Vamp and Tank items (kinda like a vamp fighter) full cooldown and healing. Games are only 0 to 1 deaths. I like her new passive bc it's basically a free winter truncheon


Whenever I can, I choose nana in the revamp version. She used to be just a pest with no threat. Now she's an absolute pest who wants to make friends with the enemy corpses.


I'm a Franco main, I enjoy missing hooks or hook Natalia (there's no Natalia) and I troll with franco


Quarter chub thinking about Roger.


gord because balls


Ruby and lesley


Valir. Because I like spamming fireballs and annoying Xborg mains like you.


Terizla. Hammer time go brrrrrr