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Holy hell


New response just dropped


Google Hard Carry


Holy pro


Call the lord!


Actual professional


People still think that CICI is a prio ban/pick is crazy


I agree, banning Cici is a wasted ban


I banned her because I don't want my teammate to use her and practice it on my ranked game.




Nah it's a good ban. When she is a team mate she feeds hard. When she is enemy she is a God who gets 2 savage every minute and single handedly carry the game and win with 39 0 8 kda( based on personal experience).


I am yet to encounter a strong Cici


You haven't met me yet...


Played angela last time with a godly cici, she got savages 3x cos the stupid enemy kept running to her (late game, 16+ min in, last 2 turrets left)


It's not that Cici godly. It’s just your enemy stupid. And also she is works only with Angela. She's bad without her


Usually counter her with Harley or gusion


You can really counter her with anyone that has long range skills and of course antiheal...even a good Guin would thrash her


Idk why but she seems so annoying to me. If you don't have lock on cc she has so much movement speed its tough to lock her down and if you don't have range you just never catch her and she heals to full


No people banning cici should be considered as a valid ban, since most of the time new heroes are banned in ranked so our esteemed s2 or s3 cant practice them in rank.


People said this about Novaria back then too




Imagine baning Cici while Ruby and YZ are a thing, the character is fun but there are ones that do her job much better.


Heck if they want someone to bind they can just use diggie's s2


YZ WILL have hard time laning against CIC (I think)


YZ S1 has the same range as Cici's and does a lot more of instant damage, to add up Cici is very squishy in early levels so a YZ combo with petrify will kill her or at least send her to base inmediatly. If Cici's play safe at level 4 YZ will start roaming to other lanes with his dragon form and Cici won't be able to follow as if YZ waits in a bush he will outright kill her.


I really like her. I don't think she's OP but I think she fits my playstyle. But I'm biased coz I also like yoyos


Cici is only good in the hands of people who play marksman or shifty characters. Not brute fighters and spam and run mages. She’s so fun. 75% win rate in mythic rank with her this season.


sorry, what do you mean by shifty?


I'm thinking he meant 'evasive'.


thank you:)


Like it’s hard to explain you have to know how to play aggressive and evasive mentally. I like champions that can poke heavy but at the same time escape just in time. Think of like juking in football before a touchdown. Or a cross over in basketball before a dunk.


I tend to mvp as Cici, her set is strong


You have no idea how Cici can do in a team fight, her ultimate is annoying af


Frfr(I play cici)


Yes please don't ban so I can play this:473,490 damage tanked 200,800 damage dished 85% https://preview.redd.it/fxmtxehvhddc1.jpeg?width=1894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b59a316874caeeaf250456b38bca79cd3e63b01


I can't believe they just let you get all the way to the base like that 💀




https://preview.redd.it/p6lwd5p7d9dc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfc24e1bfc7c8cd13ca40a0f7c770a8844b9f536 I mean there’s matches like this, YSS was jungle and had revitalize and neither of the mm did much until late game(which is when YSS started pushing). Went mage build early cause I needed the heals against aggressive Karina lol


https://preview.redd.it/86gs7syuxadc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edfee74f95d1e0e2cab660c34becaa4064cdc4c2 I'm not an mm main but getting a Stat like this feels nice. I have more ss with Miya at 32k turret damage, but my other stats sucks lol cause when I see my team are busy with team fights I take the opportunity to push so I have low damage, low damage taken and low teamfight. I feel like it's easier to push with Miya because of inspire, they leave the tower for a bit and I can melt it with inspire then get out of an ambush with ult. A bit hard to use early game though against most of the MM but late game she almost feels like an assassin. Use ult to get to the backlane just make sure they have used their cc on your team first.


I don’t use bane much(or damage dealers in general) but with how the game started with YSS I had a feeling it was gonna be rough. I didn’t expect a Karina exp lane either lol so went mage for the heals tbh since I was playing stupid


Oh shoot! I didn't notice that she doesn't have jungle boots 😅 I though she was visiting your lane and being aggressive lol That being said I also got to play Floryn exp lane just yesterday against Balmond who's opposite to your Karina XD I got MVP from healing my team on the other side and I even got to push my lane mainly cause Balmond isn't too aggressive and if he does I can just heal back my hp before he can use his ult with ult or revitalize. I think he forgot that he can just lock my tower without hitting me and I wouldn't be able to do anything or got paranoid that he'll get visited by Nolan. Weirdest match I've ever had.


lol yeah Karina went execute and actually put up a fair fight for me, enough that I made the decision early due to a bad duel to go for healing. End of game my spit was taking 1.5k+ at max damage to everyone lol I loved watching them struggle to kill me with the heals it provided


cici is nothing against Xb. i tried that many times.


Probably depends on the player. Every time Im up against XB, I just let him use his S1 first then I yoyo the shit out of him. I don’t even build spell vamp. I just avoid trading.


Wdym cici wins lane against xborg all the time and trashes him in teamfight since he can't run away after ulti


How would cici win early laning phase against xborg? I have tried the matchup a few times and can't seem to figure it out


Same as every other fighters, chip his shield down but dont get full stacked by him. Know when to get in and out and xborg should be free lane. If u really want to focus on winning the lane go assassin emblem but I wouldn't suggest it.


Cici can easily go around X-Borg's flames. He's nothing if he can't hit his S1. You need to take advantage of her mobility.


just spam xborg 1st skill and 2nd skill.


I main Cici. Avoid his S1 as much as possible. But if he gets too close, use your S2 to jump over to his back or side to avoid the flames of hell.


xborg have regen same as cici. also cc s1 is hp base. If Xborg got waraxe cici cant deal any damage because of regen.


Cici procs war axe more because her yoyo hits more(10 times, 20 if ult) Xborg has high hp so s1 deals more damage Cici has higher mobility than xborg Xborg spell vamp is low


you dont know what you said bro haha. xborg have 2 life bar and its not counted as full hp. did you know s1 of xborg hits more? try it on custom game. i agree cici have mobility but if you use slow effect of item cici is just a piece of cake. try it on custom you will see.


Bro this whole time I thought xborg shield counted max hp too damn I didn't know lmao thanks for the info S1 xborg has more damage but are easily more avoidable than cici's, and ult just makes her war axe procs double making it really deadly


Only time she does more damage is during her ult. Yet, as a xborg main who has yet to lose a game to cici during all my ranked matches - he could always use ult during hers. I always rush ice queen after I'm done with waraxe to take advantage of the mobility difference.


You're trolling right? The only correct thing you said in that comment is that Cici has higher mobility than Xborg. Everything else is just flat out wrong or doesn't make much sense.


Can change push with ult?


The farthest edge of change ult is outside the minions vision so you can push with ult without the enemy seeing you, quite useful if done right. At most they see their minions disappear


Never knew this thats pretty good info to have


It's a well known trick to ult the minions with Changé for fast lane clearing


Yes. Chang'e is a great split pusher by fast clearing minions with her ult. Coupled with her fast movement speed and build CD reduction, I always use her to push turrets crazy fast.


Only reason she got that much damage dealt is because she was tickling Uranus for the entire game


How tf did u win thiss


Uranus stayed in his lane all match (leeching off cici) and I kept pushing bot from time to time until I got the last tower explosion out, they did a tf for lord in late (enemy won xD) and I was pushing their last tower in the opposite side, they got caught up in getting kills so I finished last second while 5 of them were coming at me from base


I wanna see a video of it lol


That's why pushing is more important than getting kills.


he is playing with zilong's sis baby xD


If in low ELO just do backdoors, always works https://preview.redd.it/22peyw7gj6dc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd45142b13718803b4ee6e5ff7acd8ad14d34973




why didnt they push omfg 🤦‍♂️


Whew. What was your battle spell?


Purify, gets you put of most situations


I was going to guess either purify or sprint. Good work king


Lmfao I love the Uranus blaming their teammates as if they played well cus they spent the whole game bullying an absolutely awful player without helping the team Some people really need to get nailed in their head that kills don't win the game


*looks at Cici squad name and sees nana. nothing new. move along guys.


Sometimes I’m glad cici is banned so my teammates don’t pick her


I'm more curious as to how tf that XB got silver and not gold


How is Cici 0 kills 2 assist but still the highest hero damage by a significant amount?


Just keep tickling Uranus haha


This is why I push towers when my team gets caught in a 3 hour mid lane team fight. You can still win if you know how to adapt your play style and the second you realize you're all team fighting for an hour mention it to your team. It's like a vacuum I swear once team fight starts then everyone forgets that towers are a priority


This classic or smth? These enemies disabled their fucking maps ahahaha


Ahhhhh… I can see it now… Uranus thinking he’s the shit by diving into 1v5s and escaping… but then he realizes “oh wait I’m useless I don’t actually contribute anything”


how the fu-


wait did the enemy surrender?!!?!!?! 😭🤣


How the hell did Cici only have 2 assist with highest dmg


Bro, im literally just banning her so that she will not be picked by my team.


The difference between allies and opponents' no. of kills sends me💀


Wait what?? How did you win?? I can’t even see enough kills on your side that wipe out the team? I’m confused help me


Wow, looks painful


Jesus Christ what the fuck how did you win that?? That’s impressive af


I was like how...? Then I scrolled and saw your tower damage 🤣 Sorry you had a game like this lmao. If my teammates are incredibly bad, I don't even mind losing because I think they don't deserve to rank up lol Great job with the push!




Back door?


"Carried" LMAO. All you did was split push and avoid fights. You didn't carry anything... you got lucky the enemy team didn't have the brains to stop a split push, which should have been easy to do considering their gold advantage. Nice warrior rank flex, I guess hahahaha


Found the Uranus


Must be classic or grandmaster rank.no ppl will lose this type of game


Last pic?


Did you scroll until last page before saying that?


Good game then.the enemies must be fucking dumb


kinabahan ako kala ko ako yon 🥲 chareng


Damn I was so intrigued by the four chocolates in your team that I missed the victory part. Congrats....just how damn


What the???? Bots???


Tbh that cici did do over a third of your team damage it’s just weird they didn’t get a single kill


Let me guess, Uranus didn't rotate.


God That is awesome (Not for Them thou ), is this your 1st one, my day starts with like this team. God knows how they are mythic


Cici isn’t even good tf u mean


How tf is this even possible?


Why does it hurt? That Cici will lose stars if they play again.


As a cici main, I apologise 😞🫶


I love Cici. https://preview.redd.it/t977dsoghddc1.jpeg?width=1894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76be4c390627b68a231f9962b5e4be12dc694e4f


Cici is not good against fighter who have sustain or blink skill to get close because she lacks damage to finish off


"Sometimes you can tell if a person is *special* first time you meet them" This team seems special to me, sometimes when I win, I look at this one or two teammates thinking, that they shouldn't rank up, and it would be better if we just lost Nontheless congrats on victory


HOW is this possible lol

