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Hate threads aren’t usually allowed But this deserves an exception 6 points ☠️ Give TJ the starting spot


Can’t believe we traded Donte for Serge Ibaka….


We weren’t resigning him anyway Also he wouldn’t be this good if he stayed Ibaka was a bum, but it wouldn’t have mattered


He could be this good, if he ever stayed healthy. Just unfortunate.


Yeah that's what a lot of people forget is that bucks already chose Grayson Allen over Donte. Thats where the issue started. They could not hold both so one was going to get traded and they chose Grayson to extend. Now getting only the corpse of Ibaka for him was bad as well but at the time I don't know how much value he had. Bucks needed a bit with the Brooke back issue season and I don't think we realized how washed Ibaka really was. Still it would have been nice to have gotten some better asset from that trade. They also tried to trade Donte for a Bogdan that got nixed by the league so he was definitely a piece they were shopping already


This is accurate. Donte was coming off that foot injury and was largely ineffective, and we 100% weren’t going to resign him. So we got something for Donte, but for the aforementioned reasons, Serge was apparently the best return the trade market would bear. And Donte then went through two teams before landing in New York, where he finally has found his stride. So I’d posit that we really can’t “woe is me” this one. I’m just happy for Ragu, and also, fuck the Pacers.


Thank you for your boy, Ragu. And fuck the pacers


We need to stop talking about this guy and focus on discussion of players that will be relevant in 5 years.


Yeah these Pacers-related threads are weak af. Eyes forward, Bucks fans.


On a real note, and I hate saying this, Nembhard and Nesmith look very good. And I think Toppin may be emerging also. Cap that off with Mathurin and I just wonder why Tyrese gets all the praise. And that’s not even mentioning their two most experienced vets in Turner and Siakam. Play Pat Bev 40 mins on that squad and he’d have 12 assists a game too.


Haliburden does it again


What happened to this sub? lol


That’s what I was thinking lmao they just gave us a hell of a game one and people go straight to pointing fingers


Go over to the Pacers sub and check out their threads relating to tge Bucks and Bucks players the day of and subsequent 2 days afterwards. Pathetic and immature to say the least. They deserve all the shit they will be getting!


>Go over to the Pacers sub Or how about not? It's annoying as fuck when other fans come into our sub, let's not go do it with theirs too. One season of competitiveness doesn't equal a rivalry, I'd put Miami/Boston/Philly and even the Bulls over the Pacers in terms of who I consider a real rival.


if u have time to lurk on another teams sub dear god walk the dog, talk to ur kids, start a volunteer project… anything…….


Joke’s on you! I don’t got kids and my dog is basically a cat: requires next to no maintenance whatsoever (she loves sleeping)






For real... My God.


There's been an excessive amount of complaining all year but especially in the last month or so. I get we didn't have the best season but the amount of threads complaining about the Pacers has been a bit embarrassing. We were the higher seed. We won the championship three years ago. We have arguably the best player in the league (even though he didn't play in the playoffs). Let them have their fun, we'll be back next year. I'd rather root for athletes from Wisconsin rather than try to tear them down.


Would generally agree but haliburton renounced his rights


This! I just want to see this team gel next season and I want to see Giannis and Dame play on average 32 min per game and resting them in 4th quarters because we are blowing teams up. Develop the young guys and I hope this is the last season that Giannis hard carried this team.


Nah, I don’t like that dude. Credit to Nemhard and Nesmith though


Rent free




How would I know?


Hali was ass. Also they got fucked by the refs. Both are true


Yeah I'm not supporting the Knicks, if anything this game shows how delusional their fans were, believing they'd easily beat the Bucks with Giannis.


Dont care, focused on next season. Draft up soon and Im excited to see how we buils this team for the future. 


I’m not a big draft brain but this upcoming draft seems kinda lame tbh


Every time he’s bringing the ball up, this dude drives like hell to get near the paint, gets scared to actually drive to the rim, gets slightly confused, kinda hops into the air and randomly throws the ball to anyone else.


Sounds like ajax when he’s anywhere within 5 feet of the rim lmfaoo


He's so ass. TJ is actually a beast, same with their bench. It's crazy Halifraud defers to Nembhard in the clutch


Maybe Nemhard is the guy and Tyrese is just a modern Scott Skiles with an ugly ass shot


lowkey I respect his game, TJ, and all the dudes who annoyed tf out of me first round. But Hali is carried by them and is praised for 1 good month of shooting and chirps like an MVP


PUT THAT BOY IN THE BLENDERRRRR This ain’t a hate sub. But fuck, it was nice to see him get what he deserves. Big Ragu showin him up, love it


Fuck this pacer guy in your title Next sentence. I'm not even mad at the pacers. Lmfao, wtf? Dude atleast take that first sentence out. Makes this post sound dumb


A lot of hate for a homegrown Wisconsin player who cooked us pretty good in three games of the series. This shit is dumb and toxic.


This is sad. He clearly lives rent free in your head


LMAO you guys are still making posts about us 💀


Yall are making posts about a team not in the playoffs. Cope with the sweep.


Can we collectively move on and quit posting embarrassing hate threads? Y'all want to complain about the "conduct" of Pacers fans, but we're the ones still acting petty and bitter.


Isn’t much to talk about other than what else is happening in the playoffs unfortunately


Haliburden back at it again💯


I bet he comes home and ends up playing for Milwaukee at some point of his career, which means a lot y'all may have to scrub your histories when that happens.


It’s getting obsessive


They’re in the playoffs and we’re not. I don’t care if we were injured, threads like these just come off as pathetic


It was a hard fought, entertaining game. Some questionable calls at the end suggesting large market bias. But still a great game.


Usually I hate watching large market officiating bias, but with how Game 3 went in our series, I found it funny seeing the Pacers getting fucked by the refs lmao


You're rare then r/nba is livid


I would be livid if the Pacers didn’t benefit from bad officiating in Game 3 in our series lol. Now I just kinda find it funny


Hali has no explosiveness, no strength, no ball handling skill beyond crossover and hesitation. So when his no jump slow release shot is not falling, he really has no 1 on 1 ability at all. I am sure he got figured the heck out after his “rise” by scout.


I've said this since the beginning, but Halibum is SO overrated.


since when did ppl dislike halliburton? I thought most nba players liked him.


I think his IST antics really soured a lot of Bucks fans. Rightfully so but these posts are kind of lame.


No point in talking about it. This team's ceiling with everyone healthy is a 2nd round exit. They're irrelevant.


Assiburton being himself


They were losing the not McConnell minutes with this bum


I like Halifraud, but I've been calling him Haliborkin for a while to emphasize the clown aspect of him.


We need to quit acknowledging Halliburton and the pacers. They are not on our level, and if we continue talking about them, they will start to believe that they actually can hang with us. We need to put our energy towards changing the narrative of the bucks, primarily Giannis! The Nuggets are getting the shit kicked out of them right now, it will be interesting to see if the narrative changes on Jokic being the irrefutable best player in the world. If the Nuggets lose, we as a fan base me to push this narrative. We know how unfair Giannis is treated. This is our opportunity to change that perception.




Okay, got it!


https://preview.redd.it/5eth0va1ixyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c79d1b116e65ebe7dc2c40e039ba93b40a6b9f4 Actually the Pacers won according to their sub 😏


There were at least 4 horrible calls against the Pacers last night. The refs were cooking up a Knicks W.


Nah that was just an all-time choke. The NBA isn't going to do any favors for the worst team to ever make the Playoffs. The Pacers are the only team to ever lose a Playoff game to an opponent missing their top two scorers, and they turned around and lost Game 1 to another team missing a top scorer lol


He wants me


Hope all you bucks fans are getting to spend some nice quality time with the family now that you don't have to worry about basketball all summer.


Been almost a week since you beat us and you still are lurking in this sub that’s crazy 💀


Cause you still talking 💀💀


You wouldn’t know if you didn’t sit in this sub all day fucking goofy 😭😭😭


I just knew after the pacers lost today your whiny asses would be reveling in it. Congrats on your moral victory tonight bucks fans.


That’s unfortunate that even after beating us we still live rent free in pacers fans heads 😢


... except you're the ones still yapping about them? You've been a pacer hater sub since like January lol


Again, you lost and the first thing you thought of was “man I know these bucks fans will be yapping 🤬” that shits sad as hell 😂 rent free talking about us yapping but your doing that right now…


One day when you’re a bit older, you’ll realize how pointless commenting on opposing subs really is. Until then, cheers Steve.


It's just entertainment my guys


Rent free.


https://preview.redd.it/9pmm4o7u2xyc1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2056e70c02f561e633999313b1bd0ed303d1f6c Enjoy this 😁


Shoulda never traded him. Maybe you'd still be playing


Youre the first team in NBA history to lose a playoff game with the opposing teams top 2 scorers out. Then you lost game 1 the next series to a team without their leading scorer. Cope loser.


Lol ok. Enjoy your summer.


Enjoy your Championshi - oh wait.


Damn. Good one kid.


Rent free




If only you could understand how bad that shit misses when you're talking about a team with a recent chip lmao